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Strengthening the Disaster Mitigation and Management System in Mongolia

Phase III

The project Strengthening the Disaster Mitigation and Management System in Mongolia has been
implemented by the national disaster management authority since 2002, and is currently in its third
phase. The overall project goal is to contribute to the sustainability of the countrys development gains
by reducing risks and vulnerabilities through enhanced government capacity, and wider partnerships
with other sectors and regions.

About the current phase of the project:

Phase III project will be implemented from 2008 to 2011 with kind financing by the Government of
Luxembourg of USD 1.3 million and by UNDP of USD 0.7 million.
The principal objective of the Phase III is to support the implementation of the long-term disaster risk
management strategy of Mongolia to minimize vulnerability, improve preparedness, enhance
institutional capacity for disaster management and emergency response, and assist in adapting to
climate change that adversely affects sustainable development of the country, especially those in the
rural environments. Within this objective, the project has the following three Outcomes:

Outcome 1: Professional capacities of the National Emergency Management Agency and branches to
respond to emergencies enhanced
Outcome 2: Increased awareness for disaster risk reduction through strengthened partnerships
Outcome 3: National capacity for climate resilience and adaptation to reduce disaster risks
Project Strategy:
The strategy to achieve the project objective has been defined as follows:
1. Build partnerships for disaster risk reduction
2. Address the distinctive hazard risks and the resulting differing needs in rural and urban
3. Build disaster risk reduction capacity in each region:
4. Support the achievement of MDGs and poverty alleviation in Mongolia
5. Facilitate gender mainstreaming in disaster risk reduction
6. Assist adaptation of vulnerable communities to climate change for their disaster resilience
7. Maintain a multi-hazard approach
8. Build the capacity of UNDP Country Office
Target area:

To achieve the project goal and objectives, Phase III will target its assistance to all branches of NEMA
in 21 aimags and 9 districts of the capital city.
The community based disaster management component of the project was successfully piloted in 8
soums of 4 aimags in the second phase of the project. In addition to these soums and building on the
previous success and experience, the third phase of the project has expanded the community based
disaster management component to include 4 new soums in 2 new aimags and 2 districts in
Ulaanbaatar. The target areas for this phase are listed below:
1. Khovd (Munkhkhairkhan, Bulgan)
2. Zavkhan (Numrug, Tsagaanchuluut)
3. Khentii (Binder, Jargaltkhaan)
4. Dundgovi (Bayanjargal, Govi-Ugtaal)
5. Bulgan (Teshig, Saikhan, Selenge)
6. Huvsgul (Erdenebulgan)
7. Ulaanbaatar (4th Khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district, 17th Khoroo of Chingeltei district)
Achievements of the previous phases:

Phases I and II of the project were completed successfully in 2002-2004, and 2005-2007. The main
achievement of the project during these phases was the establishment of a solid disaster management
system in Mongolia to approach the existing international standard Hyogo Framework for Action
2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. The following were the
main results:
1. A comprehensive legal framework for disaster management was created
2. Facilitated the creation of the National Disaster Management Agency (current National
Emergency Management Agency) in 2004 combining the Board of Civil Defense, the State
Reserve Agency, and the Fire Fighting Agency into a single civil organization
3. Continuously supported enhancement of capacity of the National Emergency Management
4. Formulated the National Framework for Action 2006-2015: Strengthening the Disaster Risk
Reduction in Mongolia
5. Herder groups were created for disaster risk reduction at local level and were supported
through small grants for community based disaster management activities
6. Disaster Risk Reduction Councils were introduced at soum and aimag levels in project target
7. Made tangible contribution to the alleviation of poverty, environmental protection, and
development of good governance

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