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Uncle Christophers

Volume 5 Issue 2: February 2014

Financial Times
Just a f ri endl y
reminder that free
online subscriptions
to the Financial
Times are available
to members of the
Harvard community, including
HLS. Access includes unlimited articles, the LEX column,
mobile/tablet access as well as
video analysis, special reports
and a business and fnancial
lexicon that bests Wikipedia! For
more details and the sign up link,
Got opinions?
Of course you do! And if
you have opinions about
websites, we really want to
hear them! Email research@ to let
us know youre willing to
participate in a focus group,
and well send you more info.
National Parks Nearby!
Did you know there are 10
National Park sites within 15
miles of HLS? The closest,
Longfellow House on Brattle
Street, was Washingtons HQ
during the Siege of Boston
and later home to the poet.
In addition to regular tours,
Longfellow House will
celebrate Presidents Day
with an evening tour on
February 19. Visit http:// for details.
Bathroom Reader
Research Guide Spotlight:
Eastern Europe
Interested i n
the laws of the
Czech Republic,
Poland, Russia,
o r S l o v a k i a ?
We ve g ot a
br a nd ne w
research guide covering Central
and Eastern European Primary
Legal Materialsand more
jurisdictions will be added
in the future! Czech it out at
Visit the HLS Librarys complete
collection of research guides at
New Resources
We r e al ways
get t i ng new
r e s o u r c e s !
Better know
the differences
between an ice
cream bean and
a yam bean with
Legumes of the World Online
or unleash your inner geogra-
phy nerd with Simply Maps.
You can also explore Foreign
Offce Files for China, Global
Market Navigator, or Unity
in Diversity, Mysticism,
Me s s i a ni s m a nd t he
Construction of Religious
Authority in Islam. For links
to these sources and more, visit
Happy New Year!
Celebrate the
lunar new year
bel at edl y wi t h
t h e Ha r v a r d
Square Business
As s o c i a t i o n s
annual Chinese
New Year celebration on
Sunday, February 23 at
1:00pm in Winthrop Park
(in front of Grendels and
Peets). Festivities will include
a dance followed by a short
parade. Details at http://
Happy Valentines Day!
Are you a
l o v e - s i c k
lawyer (to
be)? Share
the love with
a Valentine
from the
H a r v a r d
L i b r a r y
collection! Visit http://bit.
ly/hlvd14 to send a variety
of cards, naughty and nice,
including one from HLSLs
Trial Collection.
Connect with Us:
Read the Bathroom Reader online at Send feedback and suggestions to
Image credits: Eastern Europe fag map, Wikimedia Commons; Galloping Horse Lantern by Choo Yut Shing on Flickr, CC:BY-NC-SA license;
Valentine from GU Law Weekly Facebook page.

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