Tissue Salts (Aka Cell Salts, Mineral Salts)

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Tissue Salts (AKA Mineral Salts, Cell Salts)
Schuessler homeopathic tissue salts are available in many health food stores
The body takes what it needs of these mineral salts and disposes of the rest
The Theory of Schussler's Biochemic Method
The idea upon which Biochemic Therapeutics is based is the physiological fact that both the structure
and vitality of the organs of the body are dependent upon certain necessary quantities and proper
apportionment of its organic constituents. These remain after combustion of the tissues and form the
The inorganic constituents are, in a very real sense, the material basis of the organs and tissues of the
body, and are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity. According to
Schusslers theory, any disturbance in the molecular motion of these cell salts in living tissues, caused by
a deficiency in the requisite amount, constitutes disease, which can be rectified and the requisite
equilibrium re-established by administering the same mineral salts in small quantities. This is supposed
to be brought about by virtue of the operation of chemical affinity in the domain of histology; and hence
this therapeutic procedure is styled by Schussler the Biochemic method, and stress is laid on the fact that
it is in supposed harmony with well-known facts and laws in physiological chemistry and allied sciences.
In Biochemic system as the principle is based on deficiency of the salts, we can use more than one
remedies at a time, unlike homeopathic system.
By Jacqueline Young
The biochemic system of medicine was created towards the end of the 19th century by Dr Wilhelm
Heinrich Schussler, who concluded that if the body became deficient in essential minerals, this
imbalance would cause health problems.
How to use tissue salts
Dr Schuessler identified 12 vital mineral - or tissue - salts essential for normal body function at a cellular
level. He determined that imbalance in one or more of these salts led to specific health problems and
diseases, but that balance could be restored by taking the necessary mineral element.
Tissue salts are taken in minute doses in the form of tablets, which are molded rather than compressed so
they can be dissolved under the tongue and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. They are prepared
according to the homeopathic method of trituration (repeated mixing of the mineral salt with lactose in
successive dilutions). However, biochemic remedies are distinct from homeopathic ones in that they're
homogenous (the same as) and are used to directly replace deficiencies in the cells, rather than
heterogeneous (diverse) and based on the 'law of similarity' and used to cure indirectly.
Tissue salts are generally taken in a 6x potency with a dosage of four tablets for adults and two tablets
for children taken three times a day until the condition is cured. In acute cases, the remedy can be taken
every half an hour until relief is obtained.
They may be taken individually or in combinations of usually two or three tissue salts. They can either
be taken at the same time or in rotation (one after the other at different times of the day; eg, one type at
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be taken at the same time or in rotation (one after the other at different times of the day; eg, one type at
breakfast and another at lunchtime). Alternatively, the most clearly indicated tissue salt can be taken first
and then others can be taken once the work of the first seems to be complete (that is, symptoms are
After serious or long-term illness, the body is quite often depleted in more than one tissue salt so it's not
unusual to need to take several. There's no harm in taking more than one at a time, as the body excretes
any surplus.
There are usually no side effects, but symptoms sometimes get worse for a short period as the remedies
begin to take effect. Improvement is usually noted within the first few weeks of treatment. If symptoms
persist, consult a qualified practitioner or your GP.
Calc. fluor (Elasticity Salt)
Calcium fluoride
Function: builds elastic tissues of the skin, muscles and blood vessels; is present in teeth enamel and on
the surface of bones.
Recommended for: muscle weakness, poor circulation, dental decay, poor condition of dental enamel,
cracked skin, damaged tendons, ligaments, muscles and bones, varicose veins, constipation, backache,
eczema, piles, bleeding gums and chronic sinusitis. Also helps to prevent and reduce stretchmarks.
Calc. phos (Nutrition Tonic)
Calcium phosphate
Function: assists in the formation of new blood cells and in digestion; is present in bone, teeth,
connective tissue and digestive juices.
Recommended for: indigestion, bone weakness, tooth decay, poor circulation, chilblains, numbness,
spasms, inflamed tonsils, nasal polyps, fatigue and debilitation. An excellent general tonic for
convalescents and can also be used with Ferr. phos to treat anaemia.
Calc. sulph (Blood Purifier)
Calcium sulphate
Function: blood purifier and cleanser; assists the liver in the removal of waste products.
Recommended for: skin problems, acne, abscesses, mouth ulcers, gum boils, slow-healing wounds,
frontal headaches, neuralgia and catarrh. Works well in combination with Kali. mur and Nat. sulph.
Ferr. phos (First Aid Salt)
Ferrum phosphate (iron phosphate)
Function: carries oxygen around the body and strengthens blood vessel walls.
Recommended for: respiratory problems, bleeding, anaemia, heavy menstruation, throbbing headaches,
fevers and flu, sore throats, inflammation, congestion, muscular strains and sprains, high temperature,
rapid pulse and rheumatism. Known as the 'first aid' salt, it's recommended as a supplementary salt for
all ailments and in particular for children and the elderly. A little powdered Ferr. phos applied directly to
a cut, wound or abrasion can stem bleeding.
Kali. mur (Glandular Tonic & blood Conditioner)
Kalium muriaticum (potassium chloride)
Function: blood conditioner.
Recommended for: respiratory problems including coughs, feverish colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, catarrh
and wheezing, whiteish discharges, swollen glands, rheumatism, childhood eczema and digestive
disorders. Can be alternated with Ferr. phos, especially for childhood ailments.
Kali. phos (Nerve Nutrient)
Kalium phosphate (potassium phosphate)
Function: nerve nutrient, present in brain cells and nerve tissue, antiseptic.
Recommended for: nervous system problems including nervous tension, nervous indigestion or
headaches, stress, anxiety and worry, depression, insomnia, mental and physical exhaustion, poor
memory and concentration, bad breath and shingles.
Kali. sulph (Skin Salt)
Kalium sulphate (potassium sulphate)
Kalium sulphate (potassium sulphate)
Function: oxygenates the cells and tissues of the body.
Recommended for: skin, hair, scalp and nail problems, catarrh, sticky discharges, hot flushes, chills,
wandering pain in the limbs and athlete's foot. Can be used with silica to treat brittle nails and thin hair.
Mag. phos (Nerve Relaxant)
Magnesium phosphate
Function: anti-spasmodic, ensures smooth movement of muscles.
Recommended for: cramps, spasms, relief from sharp pain, flatulence, hiccups, headaches with shooting
pain, low energy and neuralgia. For quick results, can be dissolved in hot (but not boiling) water and
Nat.mur (Water Distributor)
Natrium muriaticum (sodium chloride)
Function: water metabolism and moisturising the tissues, assisting glandular function and digestion.
Recommended for: dryness or excessive moisture in any part of the body, watery colds with runny nose
and sneezing, dry lips, itchy skin and eyes, hay fever, loss of taste or smell, headaches with constipation,
diarrhoea, thirst, a craving for salty foods, poor-quality sleep, fatigue and feelings of hopelessness. Can
be immediately applied to bites and stings.
Nat. phos (Acid Neutraliser)
Natrium phosphate (sodium phosphate)
Function: neutralises acid in the body and aids in the assimilation of fatty acids; helps to regulate
function of the liver and gall bladder.
Recommended for: acidity, stomach upset, heartburn, colic, gout, indigestion and other gastric problems,
rheumatic pain and stiffness, joint swelling, smelly feet or body odour, jaundice, nausea and cholesterol
Nat. sulph (Water Eliminator)
Natrium sulphate (sodium sulphate)
Function: eliminates excess water and helps maintain the health of the liver and gall bladder.
Recommended for: water retention, flu, liver and gall bladder problems including jaundice, hepatitis,
biliousness and digestive upset, nausea, bitter taste in mouth and rheumatism.
Silica (Toxic Eliminator)
Silicea (silicon dioxide)
Function: cleanser and detoxifier; present in blood, skin, nails, hair, bones, connective tissue and mucus
Recommended for: pimples, spots, boils, sties, abscesses and any other type of skin condition with pus
suppuration; cracked, brittle or split nails, gland disorders, involuntary twitching of eyes or face muscles,
stress; badly conditioned, dull looking hair; rheumatic pain.
Cautions: since one of its effects is to promote expulsion of foreign matter from the body, silica shouldn't
be used for long periods by those with any type of implant.
All 12-in-1 minerals are provided in a Schussler homeopathic tissue salt remedy known as "Bio-
Plasma" which is recommended in the book Tissue Salts for those unsure which remedy best fits
their symptoms. Tissue salts in homeopathic form bypass problems of digestion and absorption
which may have been the cause of the deficiency state to begin with, as well as mineral deficient
foods in the diet.--DJT
Homeopathic Tissue Salts
Biochemistry is the chemistry of living tissue. During the 19th century noted biochemists and
physiological scientists discovered the fundamental importance of specific inorganic (MINERAL)
elements to the normal life and functioning of all of the cells of the human body. Twelve inorganic
mineral elements were isolated and their respective functions researched. Dr. Schuessler named these
mineral elements were isolated and their respective functions researched. Dr. Schuessler named these
mineral elements tissue salts, in varying combinations they make up every cell in your body.
Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a Doctor of Medicine, biochemist and physicist, recognised the
significance of these research findings. He theorised that these inorganic minerals were vital for the
normal functioning and health of bodily tissues. Further, deficiencies in any of these tissue salts would
naturally lead to dysfunction and ill health. Therefore, correcting the deficiency by ingestion of the
depleted tissue salts must be a vital factor in the healing of illness in the physical body. He clinically
tested his theory on his own patients with excellent results. In the process of his clinical practice/research
he devised and refined a simple but effective method of therapy. He researched the role and function of
each tissue salt within the body.
From this he was able to define what type of physical disorder a disturbance or deficiency of each of the
tissue salts would cause. He clinically tested his theories on his own patients with excellent results.
Physical symptoms vary depending on the tissue salt lacking. Therefore tissue salts are prescribed
according to the symptoms present. Every sign of imbalance in every system of the body is taken into
account when the practitioner is devising the most appropriate treatment regime.
Tissue salts work effectively in conjunction with other forms of healing as they address the imbalance on
a cellular level. They are absolutely harmless, as they are inorganic elements which naturally occur in
the body. They cause no known side- effects. They cannot become toxic in the body due to overdose as
they merely replace what is deficient; the body expels any excess.
Tissue Salts are prescribed by a qualified therapist.
The Twelve Tissue Salts (similar to information above)
CALCIUM FLUORIDE: Elasticity Mineral The component of cells of bones, tooth enamel, skin
fibres, muscle tissue and blood vessels. Signs of deficiency include varicose veins, eczema,
piles/hemorrhoids, sluggish circulation, poor enamel of teeth, brittle nails, cracked or cut skin.
CALCIUM PHOSPHATE: Nutrition salt and Tonic Major mineral component of every structure,
tissue and fluid in the body except connective tissue. A vital component of the bodys nutrition process
from digestion, assimilation, cell growth through to energy expenditure. Deficiency signs include poor
appetite, digestion and malabsorption. Slow metabolism; slow healing during and after illness and
trauma. Slow retarded circulation i.e.. Chilblains, spasms, pains coldness and numbness of the limbs. All
bone diseases.
CALCIUM SULPHATE: Cell Healer and Blood Purifier Mineral constituent of the liver. It helps in the
removal of waste products from the blood stream and tissues of the body. Cleanses and purifies.
Deficiency signs include acne, pimples, catarrh, gumboils, in extreme pimples can progress to become
abscesses and ulcers. Frontal headaches and neuralgia.
FERRUM PHOSPHATE: First Aide Salt Constituent of haemoglobin. Vital as the carrier of oxygen to
every cell of the body. Ferr. Phos. Should always be taken as a supplementary to a more specific
treatment, no matter what the symptoms. Necessary in the treatment of all acute illness and trauma.
Indicated whenever there is inflammation i.e.. heat, redness, pain or any other signs of infection. High
temperature, fever, colds, flu, congestion. Extremely helpful as part of the treatment of anemia or blood
loss of any kind including menstruation.
KALI MURIATICUM: Blood Conditioner Major constituent of fibrin, which is in every tissue in the
body except bone. Deficiency results in thick, white, sticky secretions i.e.. Catarrh, mucous, phlegm.
Results in congestion of the body and lymphatic system, which the body has difficulty clearing.
KALI PHOSPHATE: Nerve Nutrient Constituent of nerve tissue and all body fluids. Important in
formation and maintenance of tissue. Vital action in the brain, nerves, muscles and blood cells.
Deficiency signs include feeling tired, weak, exhausted and stressed, nervous and edgy. Helpful in
insomnia, depression, anxiety, nervous headaches and dyspepsia. All illness related to the brain and
nervous system.
KALI SULPHATE: Skin Salt Has a special affinity for the cells forming the skin and mucous lining of
all bodily organs. Works with Ferr.Phos. to carry oxygen to every cell. Deficiency causes yellow coating
to tongue, yellow green discharge from any tissue or skin surface including skin scaling and crusting.
MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE: Nerve Relaxant & Anti Spasmodic A major constituent of muscles,
nerves, bone, brain, spine, sperm, teeth and blood corpuscles. It combines with albumin and water to
form a fluid that nourishes and nurtures the white nerve fibres of the nervous system. Deficiency signs
include muscle and nervous tension, sharp headaches, all types of neuralgia, blurred vision, migraine,
muscle rigidity, all types of spasming colicky pain.
NATRUM MURIATICUM: Fluid Balancer & Water distributor Also known as Sodium Chloride it is
the major constituent of every cell in the body whether liquid or solid. It maintains the bodys water
balance by controlling the movement of water in and out of the cells. Any sign of excessive dryness or
moisture in any area of the body is a sign of deficiency of Nat. Mur. For example fluid retention or
swelling in parts of the body, skin dryness, constipation, swollen, dry or cracked tongue.
NATRUM PHOSPHATE: Acid Neutraliser A constituent of blood, muscle, nerve, brain cells and the
fluid between cells. Nat. Phos. is needed in all complaints related to hyper-acidity. Also regulates bile.
Use to treat heartburn, gastric reflux or indigestion, all types of inflammation particularly relating to gout
or rheumatism, burning with diarrhea, scolding urine or stinging vaginal discharge.
NATRUM SULPHATE: Water Eliminator Eliminates excessive water from tissues, blood and other
body fluids. It also acts as a cleanser and purifier of toxins from the fluid surrounding every cell of the
body. Necessary for healthy functioning of the liver and pancreas. Indicated for all ailments of, or
affecting the liver eg. biliousness, sandy deposits in urine, brown-green coating of the tongue, bitter
taste. Particularly important in treating rheumatic complaints, gout and influenza as it eliminates the
associated toxic fluids from the system.
SILICA: Toxic Eliminator The major constituent of blood, skin, hair, nails, bones, nerve sheaths and
some tissues. Indicated whenever there is pus formation eg. abscesses, styes, boils, gumboils. Also for
cyst in any part of the body. Can dissolve scar tissue and accumulations around joints and muscles such
as rheumatism. Brittle nails and poor hair condition are also a sign of a deficiency in silica.

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