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Spiritual Writings

(See: and
Initially the articles located in this %oo&let were intended for
my own personal use. The %oo&let contains articles that I go
together from 'uotes I gleaned from edifying %oo&s I read.
There are also a few articles that I wrote in my own words for
the purpose of sorting out what I not only read( %ut also what I
was 'uic&ened to and what I personally e)perienced.
The main emphasis of this %oo&let is Christ in you..." The
foundation of the $hristian life is $hrist li*ing in the %elie*er.
+ $hristian is not necessarily someone who only %elie*es in the
historical e)istence of ,esus. Nor is a $hristian necessarily
someone who fills their memory with -i%le *erses and then uses
willpower and emotion to o%ey the teachings they read a%out in
the -i%le. Though all this has its place( true $hristianity is
ne*ertheless deeper than all this. $hristianity is all a%out
recei*ing a new di*ine nature( a new heart( a new mind( a new
consciousness( a new spirit within whom dwells the holy Spirit.
New wine must %e put into new %ottles. .od gi*es people a new
spirit (a new %ottle) through faith in $hrist and /e places the
holy Spirit (new wine) in their spirit to inspire( guide( instruct(
counsel and to lead them to hea*en.
When $hrist is li*ing in the %elie*er in this way they ha*e a
spiritual mind which was the same mind that was in ,esus.
They ha*e the Spirit of $hrist li*ing in them. When this is the
case not only can a $hristian recei*e truth from the written
word( %ut they can recei*e spiritual sustenance and inspiration
from within. $hrist can feed and guide them from within.
0eep in mind( howe*er( that what $hrist teaches us in spirit
will not contradict what /e teaches us in the written word.
+nd when it comes to personal day to day guidance it is a
growing process to understand what /e shows us in spirit.
+lso( %e encouraged that there are mature %elie*ers who ha*e
their spiritual senses e)ercised to discern $hrist1s *oice and
they ne*er point younger %elie*ers to themsel*es or to their
ministry %ut to the place in spirit where $hrist is found. They
help young %elie*ers to feel after /im and to listen for /is *oice
and they help them discern /is counsel until they are rooted in
/is presence and grow to hear /im clearly on their own.
-ut as a word of caution it is worth mentioning that not
e*eryone who 'uiets their mind will necessarily %e a%le to
2hear .od1s *oice.3 There is a negati*e passi*e silence that one
can enter that opens the door for recei*ing guidance from
misleading spirits. This is especially the case when someone
does not ha*e the Spirit of $hrist (or they ha*e 'uenched the
Spirit) and are full of ego( pride( greed( lust. The purer the
heart and the stronger our faith in $hrist the more li&ely will
we %e a%le to correctly interpret what /e shows us in Spirit.
-ut if we attempt to 2go within3 with self centered ulterior
moti*es( more than li&ely will we me misled %y a false spirit
(perhaps posing as a %eing of light).
+nyway( the articles included in this %oo&let are intended to
encourage people to search their heart to see whether $hrist is
li*ing in them or not. The %oo&let is for %oth %elie*ers and
4or un%elie*ers it points them to $hrist. 4or %elie*ers it is
intended to encourage them to continue to wal& in the Spirit. It
is also intended to re&indle the assurance and faith of those
who ha*e $hrist li*ing in them %ut who ha*e neglected to &eep
communication open with /im and/or who don5t li*e deep
enough. It is intended for those who may do many good wor&s
and may e)cel in gifts of the Spirit (healing( prophecy(
simplicity of life style( &now all mysteries etc.)( %ut who neglect
true spiritual li*ing which is a day %y day wal& in the Spirit.
The wor& of dar&ness is to cut that connection %elie*ers ha*e
with the spiritual mind and nature of $hrist in their spirit.
When that is the case a %elie*er %ecomes li&e a withered
%ranch. The power to o*ercome sin is no longer accessi%le to
them. -ut grace is a*aila%le when the inner lin& with the Spirit
of $hrist is &ept open and clear through daily 'uiet time and
prayer. This is what it means to a%ide in $hrist( to a%ide in the
*ine( to wal& in the Spirit. It is all a%out learning how to li*e
ones life from within ones spirit rather than li*ing life
according to the dictates of the flesh( surface mind( ego( feelings
and emotions.
If you read the *arious articles in this %oo&let in light of what is
shared in this introduction( it should all %e made clear to you
with no confusion. It is pro%a%ly %est to read through the
%oo&let a little at a time when you ha*e the desire and the time
to consider what is written. If you are in a rush or are %urned
out %y reading other things it is %est to set this aside and read it
when you ha*e the time.
What Is + $hristian6
.od1s 7o*e Towards #s
The Spirit Indwelling
4aith In $hrist
$hrist1s Sacrifice: !nce 4or +ll
+%iding In $hrist
$hrist In 8ou( The /ope !f .lory
$ommuning With .od
The Secret 9lace
+ :editation !n .od5s 9resence
9resence $onscious
What Is + $hristian6
;Some of these insights are from the writings of Isaac
There was a man of the Pharisees name! Ni"o!emus a ru#er of
the $ews: The same "ame to $esus %y ni&ht an! sai! unto him
'a%%i we (now that thou art a tea"her "ome from )o!: for no
man "an !o these mira"#es that thou !oest e*"e+t )o! %e with
him. $esus answere! an! sai! unto him ,eri#y -eri#y I say unto
thee E*"e+t a man %e %orn a&ain he "annot see the .in&!om of
)o!. Ni"o!emus saith unto him /ow "an a man %e %orn when
he is o#!0 "an he enter the se"on! time into his mother1s wom%
an! %e %orn0 $esus answere! ,eri#y -eri#y I say unto thee
E*"e+t a man %e %orn of water an! of the S+irit he "annot enter
into the .in&!om of )o!. That whi"h is %orn of the f#esh is
f#esh2 an! that whi"h is %orn of the s+irit is s+irit. 3$ohn 4:5678
To %e a $hristian is not to accept a creed or a statement of
doctrine. It is not to o%ser*e certain rites and ordinances( to
attend a $hurch or certain ser*ices and functions( or to ta&e on
a lot of =do5s= and =do not5s.= Neither is it to conform more or
less diligently to a prescri%ed manner of life. +lthough one may
do such good wor&s( they may still %e outside the true New
Testament category of =$hristian.= "9any wi## say to me in
that !ay Lor! Lor! !i! we not...%y your name !o many mi&hty
wor(s0 An! then wi## I +rofess unto them I ne-er (new you:
!e+art from me" (:atthew >:?@(?A).
That whi"h is %orn of the f#esh is f#esh. The flesh will ta&e his
tools( set a%out his wor& and seem to produce a new %irth %ut(
in truth and su%stance( it falls short of it( for it is %ut flesh.
$on*ersion %y miracles and strong arguments( is %ut a fleshly
con*ersion. +ll the ways that man can ta&e to %ring his own
heart to %elie*e( to close in with $hrist( to lo*e $hrist( can
produce %ut a fleshly faith( a fleshly lo*e. +ll the ways man can
ta&e to &ill and su%due sin in him( it is %ut a fleshly mortifying
of sin.
That whi"h is %orn of the S+irit is s+irit. That which the Spirit
%egets( which the Spirit produces is spirit. That faith( that lo*e
to .od which he %reathes into a man( that is truly spiritual. If a
man5s heart %e changed( not %y reason( not %y the power of
miracles( %ut %y him( %y his immediate power( then the change
is true and sound. +s it is the Spirit who %egets( so that which is
%egotten %y him( is a true and spiritual %irth. That is what a
$hristian is.
True ighteousness *s. Self ighteousness
ighteousness and seeming morality that arises from ones own
endea*ors to o%ey $hrist5s teachings word for word is not the
type of o%edience and righteousness that is accepta%le with
.od. This type of righteousness is contaminated with the flesh.
It is the fruit of human logic mingled with fleshly emotion (fear(
hope etc.)( will power and selfBstri*ing. The end result of this
type of self righteousness is elitism( pride( en*y( *ainglory(
haughtiness( strife( comparing( paranoia( gossip( hate(
maliciousness( anger etc.
True righteousness and morality consists of a natural inner
integrity( faith and o%edience that arises from the spiritual
%irth that is of .od5s doing. /e that is %orn of .od naturally
does /is commandments( they are not grie*ous to him. /e does
not do them Cust %ecause it sounds logical or Cust so he won5t go
to hell or %ecause he wants to go to hea*en. /e does them
without ha*ing to %e told to do them. It is the inner nature and
essence of the spiritual %irth to do .od5s will.
The $hristian life is to %e li*ed from the standpoint of this
spiritual %irth. Within the new %irth is the holy Spirit and the
power to su%due and resist the fleshly inclinations that reside in
the carnal mind. Its life is in the Spirit( and its wal&ing in the
Spirit( and its &nowledge is after the way of the Spirit( *ery far
a%o*e man5s way of concei*ing or comprehending.
In fact( only $hrist can truly satisfy .odD only $hrist can do
.od5s will and .od5s wor&. !nly $hrist can o*ercome the
spiritual forces of e*il. 8es( only $hrist can really li*e the
$hristian life. /ence( the one great inclusi*e and crowning
reality of a $hristian isBB$hrist /imself withinE "Christ in you
the ho+e of &#ory" ($olossians F:?>). /a*ing $hrist as an
inward 9resence and 9ower %y the /oly Spirit is what ma&es
someone a $hristian.
When we %ecome $hristians( we share one new life in $hrist
with all other %orn again %elie*ers( and thus we %ecome one in
$hrist with them. That is the $hurch.

.od1s 7o*e Toward #s
The purpose of this study is to help form a sound
understanding of .od1s nature and to &now what /e is really
li&e according to the Scripture. -e honest and as& yourself(
when you are thin&ing of .od( do you picture a *ery lo*ing
9erson6 If not( or if unsure( something is wrong with your
conception of /im. /is lo*e and care for us is plainly %rought
out through Scripture.
24aith wor&eth %y lo*e3 (.alatians 5:G). It can really help our
faith to &now that .od really cares a%out us.
2-elo*ed( let us lo*e one another( for lo*e is of .od( and
e*eryone that lo*eth .od is %orn of .od and &noweth .od. /e
that lo*eth not( &noweth not .odD for .od is lo*e.3 (F ,ohn A:>(
Why is lo*e the main principle in %oth the first and second
commandments6 Why is our lo*e for each other the defining
characteristic of a disciple( (,ohn F@:@AB@5)6 Why is charity or
lo*e gi*en such importance6 (F $orinthians F@: 7o*e is more
important than faith( hope( sacrifice( &nowledge( prophecy( and
tongues I without it all our efforts are in *ain.) The answer to
%oth of these is: -ecause .od is lo*e. This should %e a central
part of our understanding of .od1s nature.
This truth has %een misused and distorted %y many who use it
to e)cuse wic&edness. There are good reasons why .od1s lo*e
does not mean we can sin all we want and e*erything will %e all
right. 4or e)ample: (F) Sin marred creation %ut .od is not
going to let sin mar paradise. (?) .od is CustD therefore there
are conse'uences for our actions. 4or e)ample( if you Cump off
a threeBstory %uilding( you will %e hurt or &illed. 7i&ewise( if
you reCect .od and resist /im you will %ring negati*e
conse'uences upon yourself. (@) We ha*e a free willD we choose
where we will go. -efore Satan1s re%ellion( there was no hell.
J*erything .od made was *ery good. /ell was 2prepared for
the de*il and his angels3 (:atthew ?5:A?). -efore the re%ellion
there was no need for it.
? 9eter @:KD JLe&iel @:F>B?F I If it is .od1s will that all should
%e sa*ed (F Timothy ?:A)( %ut not all will %e sa*ed( the reason
must %e our will. .od will not force us to follow /im. /e wants
us to choose /im. ("euteronomy @M:FK( ?M)( and /e calls
e*eryone (Titus ?:FF( F?). /e stands at the door and &noc&s
(e*elation @:?M). In order to ha*e a relationship with /im( it
has to %e out of our own choosing( or else it is not a true
So this study is not saying we can sin all we want( and it will %e
!0. ather( that .od wants us to repent %ecause /e lo*es usD
that when a soul turns to /im( /e won1t cast him out (,ohn
G:@>D ? $orinthians H:F?). /e will ta&e us in and forgi*e usD free
us of sin( hatred( pride( and lustD ma&e us what we were created
for (holiness( di*ine nature I ? 9eter F:A)D /e will care for us
and gi*e us e*erything we need. /e will test us and correct us(
deal with us and let us &now /im (,eremiah @F:@A). When we
are done we will go %e with /im.
F ,ohn A:FG I 2+nd we ha*e &nown and %elie*ed the lo*e that
.od hath to usN3 .od is lo*e. 0now this( %elie*e it. .od lo*es
us. /ow do we &now it6
F ,ohn @:FG I 2/ere%y percei*e we the lo*e of .od( %ecause /e
laid down /is life for us: and we ought to lay down our li*es for
the %rethren.3 I (,ohn F5:F@ 2.reater lo*e hath no man than
this( that a man lay down his life for his friends.3 ) This is the
ultimate. "o you &now anyone who would gi*e their life to sa*e
yours6 Not on the spur of the moment %ut after careful
thought. /e must not only lo*e us( %ut lo*e us a lot.
F ,ohn A:FK I 2We lo*e /im %ecause /e first lo*ed us.3 I
(omans 5:GBH 2N-ut .od commendeth /is lo*e toward us( in
that( while we were yet sinners( $hrist died for us.3 ) I pray this
could really mean something to us. /e lo*ed us first. /e lo*ed
us when we were fighting against /im and running from /im.
($olossians F:?F).
There may %e times when the de*il %rings a soul to a place of
discouragement( and they feel a need to &now ,esus lo*es them.
/e died for us. What more can we as& for6 This is the ultimate.
Why does .od call us /is wife( (Jphesians 5:?5)6 Why does /e
call us /is children( (F ,ohn @:F)6 -ecause /e lo*es us. J*ery
righteous man lo*es his wife. J*ery righteous parent lo*es
his/her children.
.alatians ?:?MB 2I am crucified with $hrist: ne*ertheless I li*eD
yet not I( %ut $hrist li*eth in me: and the life that I now li*e in
the flesh I li*e %y the faith of the Son of .od( who lo*ed me(
and ga*e himself for me.3 I .od lo*es not Cust all of us
collecti*ely( %ut each of us indi*idually. Jach of us can say this
2If I had %een the only person who would ha*e %elie*ed and
followed ,esus( /e would ha*e died Cust for me( %ecause /e
lo*es me so much. :y life meant more to /im than /is own
life.3 !ur response to that should %e that we want to lay down
our li*es for /im( as /e did for us. 2I am crucified with
$hristN3 This is the essence of repentance: surrender all.
J*erything on the altar to go up in smo&e: (omans F?:FB 2I
%eseech you therefore( %rethren( %y the mercies of .od( that ye
present your %odies a li*ing sacrifice( holy( accepta%le unto
.od( which is your reasona%le ser*ice.3) Not Cust words. -ut
our life( our %ody( our heart and soul( our goals( our will( our
hopes( our desires offering them all up to /im( to let /im
decide what to ta&e away( what to change. Tell .od( offer it all
to /im B tell /im /e means more to you than anything else(
anything you desire. (? $orinthians 5:F5) I 2+nd that /e died
for all( that they which li*e should not henceforth li*e unto
themsel*es( %ut unto /im which died for them( and rose again.3
,ohn F?:?A(?5 I 2Oerily( *erily( I say unto you( J)cept a corn of
wheat fall into the ground and die( it a%ideth alone( %ut if it die(
it %ringeth forth much fruit. /e that lo*eth his life shall lose itD
and he that hateth his life in this world shall &eep it unto life
eternal.3 7u&e K:?@(?A I 2+nd /e said to them all( If any man
will come after :e( let him deny himself( and ta&e up his cross
daily( and follow me. 4or whosoe*er will sa*e his life shall lose
it: %ut whosoe*er will lose his life for :y sa&e( the same shall
sa*e it.3 "ie daily. 4orsa&e all e*ery day( losing your life in this
world. 7et .od %e at the steering wheel. :ay%e ,esus will gi*e
these things %ac& B may%e /e won1t. It doesn1t matter. +ll that
matters is to %e close to .od. There shouldn1t %e anything that
we1re not willing to gi*e up. Nothing is worth %eing away from
/im( e*en for a moment. So lay down your life for ,esus B tell
/im( as& /im to ta&e it( hold nothing %ac&.
.alatians ?:?M shows how $hristian life is designed to wor&: /e
lo*es us( and we enter into a relationship with /im when we
repent and totally lay down our whole life for /im. .i*e ,esus
e*erything Be*en all your time. /e wants that B ,esus wants to
spend time with you. It ma&es you want to pray doesn1t it6
I am con*inced that this is the most important message in
scripture: .od lo*es us. It is the %asis of so much: (F) Why did
.od create us6 To ha*e people with whom /e could ha*e a
relationship (,eremiah@F:@@(@A). (?) Why did .od gi*e /is life
for us6 -ecause /e lo*es us. (@) Why did /e gi*e us /is word6
To tell us a%out /is lo*e for usD to gi*e us the Truth (,ohn
F>:F>) to heal us (9salms FM>:?M)D to wash us (Jphesians
5:?5(?G)D to instruct us and correct us (? Timothy @:FG) (F ,ohn
?:5) (A) Why does .od repro*e us6 (e*elation @:FKD /e%rews
F?:GBFFD F $orinthians FF:@?D 9ro*er%s F@:?A) -ecause /e lo*es
us. (5) Why does .od want us to trust /im6 Why did /e call
us6 Why does /e deal with us6 Why does /e want to sa*e us6
-ecause /e lo*es us (,ohn FA:?). -ecause this is so important( a
maCor tactic of the de*il is to get us to not %elie*e that .od
lo*es us. ( 2$ast all your care upon /im( for /e careth for
you.3 ? 9eter 5:>)
,ohn F@:?@ B 2Now there was leaning on ,esus1 %osom one of his
disciples( whom ,esus lo*ed.3 B emem%er this is .od in the
flesh. I don1t thin& that place was reser*ed for ,ohn alone. We
can all %e close to him. (:ar& FM:FG) ("aniel K:?@)
,ohn FK:?5(?G 2Now there stood %y the cross of ,esus his
mother( and his mother1s sister( :ary the wife of $leophas( and
:ary :agdalene. When ,esus therefore saw /is mother( and
the disciple standing %y( whom he lo*ed( he saith unto /is
mother( Woman( %ehold thy sonE3 I +pparently( ,ohn was the
only apostle to follow ,esus all the way to the cross. In this
account( he didn1t say anything. What could he say6 /e
pro%a%ly Cust cried( %ewildered. /is :aster whom he lo*ed was
dying. 9ro%a%ly he didn1t &now what was going on fully. /e
didn1t ha*e full understanding of the %ig picture. 7ater( ,esus
rose from the dead( imparted the Spirit. -rothers %egan
preaching. ,ohn could say( 2,esus died for meD I saw it with my
own eyes.3 +ny dou%ts a%out .od1s lo*e for us can %e
destroyed %y imagining this e*ent B as if standing there. ,esus
went through it for you( %ecause /e lo*es you so much. This is
a proof of .od commending /is lo*e toward you. It is not Cust
doctrine. It can only %e &nown and %elie*ed %y re*elation and
Jphesians ?:@B5 I 2+mong whom also we all had our
con*ersation in times past in the lusts of our flesh( fulfilling the
desires of the flesh and of the mindD and were %y nature the
children of wrath( e*en as others. -ut .od( who is rich in
mercy( for /is great lo*e wherewith /e lo*ed us. J*en when we
were dead in sins( hath /e 'uic&ened us together with $hrist(
(%y grace ye are sa*ed 3 B .od1s 2great lo*e wherewith /e
lo*ed usN3 /e lo*ed us while we were yet enemies. /e came to
call sinners. (:atthew K:F@) J*en to the chief of sinners. (F
Timothy F:F5) .od calls: 2$ome %ac&D %e :y child I it1s all
wor&ed out.3 9aul1s life was a pattern: If you can ma&e 9aul a
$hristian( you can ma&e anyone a $hristian.
.od will not force us to lo*e /im. /e stands at the door and
&noc&s. (e*elation @:?M) 4orced or programmed lo*e doesn1t
e)ist. .od wants us to lo*e /im( as /e lo*es us( and so it was
necessary to gi*e us the a%ility to choose: free will( with
&nowledge that we can choose or reCect /im. So a human has
power to say( 2I1m going to li*e my life for me(3 thus
corrupting /is gift.
7u&e F5:FBFM (*erse FMB 27i&ewise( I say unto you( there is Coy
in the presence of the angels of .od o*er one sinner that
.od reCoices e*ery time someone comes to /im and repents.
Instead of reCecting .od( we can use our gift of free will to
choose .od: 2,esus( I lo*e youD I want to ser*e you and gi*e my
whole life to you.3
F ,ohn A:FG I 2+nd we ha*e &nown and %elie*ed the lo*e that
.od hath to us. .od is lo*eD and he that dwelleth in lo*e
dwelleth in .od( and .od in him.3 B epeating this: .od is
lo*e. /is lo*e is something you can dwell in( delight in( rest in.
We do need to get sin out of our life. -ut who is going to do
that6 Why ,esus of course. See& /im for the grace to do the
things that please /im( to %e /is delight (9ro*er%s F?:??)
(9salms @>:A).
9art Two
This understanding of .od1s lo*e and care for us can affect
e*ery maCor part of our life.
(F) !ur witness: ? $orinthians 5:?M I 2Now then we are
am%assadors for $hrist( as though .od did %eseech you %y us:
We pray you in $hrist1s stead( %e ye reconciled to .od.3 I The
terms 2%eseech3( 2we pray you3 ( shows the heart of .od
towards souls we meet( pleading through us( 2come %ac&D
please come %ac&.3 When we spea& with souls( it is to win them
%ac& to .od. Some preach $hrist out of en*y and strife.
(9hilippians F:F5). !thers out of lo*e (9hilippians F:F>). When
spea&ing to the lost our purpose is not to win arguments( %ut to
offer souls the lo*e of .od. When spea&ing to souls( %ear this in
mind: ,esus ga*e /is life for each soul. In witnessing( lift a *ery
high standard for ,esus and don1t compromise. 8ou may %e
re'uired to %e as %old as a lion( %ut always remain charita%le.
(?) !ur dealings with people: in e*eryday matters(
persecutionNomans 5:5 I 2+nd hope ma&es not ashamed
%ecause the lo*e of .od is shed a%road in our hearts %y the holy
.host which is gi*en unto us.3 7et the lo*e of ,esus flow
through you toward e*eryone else T!W+" JOJ8!NJ
J7SJ. (7et all your things %e done with charity.) It would %e a
glorious thing if e*erything we did was done with charity. We
ha*e enemies( people who want to %ring our wor& to a stop. We
must learn to deal wisely and charita%ly. We must %e as wise as
serpents %ut as harmless as do*es. We cannot call e*il good. We
cannot compromise the standard .od has gi*en us. /owe*er(
this does not mean our attitude should %e uncharita%le. There
must %e charity in words( deeds( and attitudes I we desire to
win them to ,esus. 9ray for good Cudgment. "istinguish %eing
charita%le from compromising righteousness. 7ift up a
standard from %eing of an antagonistic spirit. $harity is not
easily pro*o&ed( don1t allow self to %low up. 7o*e is as strong
as death (Song of Solomon H:G). No one can o*ercome it. It is
in*inci%le (? 9eter F:??D A:H). $hristian life is all a%out ser*ing
%y lo*e (.alatians 5:F@)( to %e &ind( honest( upright( gentle I
show the lo*e of .od. emem%er this especially in persecution(
or when dealing with really antagonistic people( not rendering
e*il for e*il (F 9eter @:K). If we are really in lo*e with .od
whate*er happens to us no longer mo*es us. (See +cts ?M:?A).
.od has called us to peace( not to %e trou%led or *e)ed. The
only case anyone should ha*e against us is that they didn1t li&e
the word I not that we were %eing mean and uncharita%le %ac&
to them. See the importance of this( it is our testimony.
The greatest weapon against the enemy is lo*e. !ur source is
.od. /e pours /is lo*e into us so it can flow out of us toward
e*eryone else. 7o*e is of .od (F ,ohn A:>). 7earn to lo*e.
+cts ?M:?A I 2-ut none of these things mo*e me( neither count I
my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with
Coy( and the ministry( which I ha*e recei*ed of the 7ord ,esus(
to testify of the gospel of the grace of .od.3 B This can really
help us to %e confident in .od. + wonderful place to %e in. 9aul
&new he was going to %e afflicted and possi%ly &illed. -ut none
of these things mo*ed him. If we are really in lo*e with .od( it
does not matter what happens to us. J*en if they &ill us I a
little pain I then we will go to %e with ,esus.
(@) !ur prayer life: 9hilippians A:G( > I 2-e careful for nothingD
%ut in e*erything %y prayer and supplication with than&sgi*ing
let your re'uests %e &nown unto .od. +nd the peace of .od(
which passeth all understanding shall &eep your hearts and
minds through $hrist ,esus.3 I This is really important. ,esus
told us: (,ohn FA:F 27et not your heart %e trou%led: ye %elie*e
in .od( %elie*e also in :e.3 ) We need to &now and %elie*e that
.od delights in us spending time with /im. + suggestion: you
can in prayer tell .od that you lo*e /im. 8ou can e*en as&
/im to cause you to lo*e /im more (and moreE) 7oo& up (if you
feel led) and tal& to /im (:ar& G:AFD ,ohn FF:AFBA?)
.od is *ery &ind. If we really understand and e)perience /is
care for us it will spontaneously pro*o&e us to pray a lot more.
.od lo*es you. Without a dou%t this is the %est news you will
e*er hear.
(A) !ur wal&: F ,ohn @:?? I 2+nd whatsoe*er we as&( we
recei*e of /im( %ecause we &eep /is commandments( and do
those things that are pleasing in /is sight.3 I This is how we
can %e each day( all day long: wanting only to please ,esus.
When .od re*eals /is lo*e to you the things of the world will
seem so %lea&( so empty. 8our lifestyle will %e molded
according to .od1s will %ecause you will %e in lo*e with /im.
(omans ?:A) 0nowing that .od really lo*es us can radically
change our whole life.
(5) #nderstanding of scripture: When we understand .od lo*es
us and cares for us *erses in the scriptures ta&e on new
meaning. +%raham was a friend of .od. "aniel was greatly
%elo*ed. (F 9eter F:HD Isaiah AF:H) It can %e this way for us too.
/e lo*es me. !ur part is to lay down our life for /im( worship
/im( praise /im( see& /im( read( pray( trust /im and on /is
part /e will ta&e care of us( meet our needs( cleanse us( chastise
us( forgi*e us( ma&e us holy( %less us( heal us( teach us etc.
Jphesians @:FK I 2+nd to &now the lo*e of $hrist( which
passeth &nowledge( that ye might %e filled with all the fullness
of .od.3 I + &ey to %eing filled with what .od has for us is %y
&nowing and e)periencing /is lo*e for us. 8ou cannot
understand it intellectually %ut you can e)perience it. What
that woman e)perienced in 7u&e >:@GB5M people ha*e %een
e)periencing for hundreds of years I o*ercome %y the
goodness( lo*e( and presence of .od. + little taste of what
hea*en is li&e P (F $orinthians ?:K( FM). It passes &nowledge
and peoples ideas a%out hea*en %ecause they ha*e not truly
e)perienced the lo*e of .od. When we do e)perience the lo*e of
.od we realiLe that worshipping( praising( and lo*ing .od is
what we were made for.
omans H:@HB@K( /e%rews F@:5 I +s we Cust continue to follow
/im( we can ha*e this confidence in any trial( any temptation(
any persecution B 2.od lo*es me and promised ne*er to lea*e
me.3 If we gi*e our life to ,esus /e will %e faithful. Trials are
good for us. So is affliction( persecution( reproof( necessity I
they %ring us closer to ,esus.
4ear of .od and lo*e of .od: a comparison Jcclesiastes F?:F@
27et us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: 4ear .od and
&eep /is commandments( for this is the whole duty of man.3 I
This is what we were made for. $ompare with (I ,ohn 5:@ 24or
this is the lo*e of .od( that we &eep /is commandments: and
/is commandments are not grie*ous.3 ) The purpose we were
created for is to lo*e .od and fear /im. The fear of .od and
the lo*e of .od help to define each other. The fear of .od is not
li&e the oppressi*e( intimidating terror of men I one little
mista&e and /e will stri&e you down. NoE The fear of .od is
clean( pure( holy( so%er I it pro*o&es us to %e so%er( to ta&e
heed to our ways( to depart from e*il. The fear of .od needs to
%e understood within the conte)t of /is lo*e. The lo*e of .od is
not a fleshly( carnal( rain%ow( freeBforBall concept. We reap
what we sow. /is lo*e is a holy( pure type of lo*e mingled with
the clean fear of .od. ighteousness and lo*e also go together.
To teach righteousness without leading one to clea*e to .od
and lo*e /im would produce a cold( hard( e*en cruel form.
/owe*er( emphasiLing lo*e without tal&ing a%out clea*ing to
.od or practicing righteousness leads to compromising(
confusion( sin.
Those who commit themsel*es to .od want to follow and ser*e
/im( e*en if they don1t &now much a%out how to do it. .od
accepts them if they ha*e a willing mind (? $orinthians H:F?).
Whate*er .od says( we want to do. If you ma&e mista&es( rise
up( pray( and try again. .i*e yourself to /im. +s& for help to
learn to hear /is *oice( and trust and o%ey /im. /e is not
loo&ing for an occasion to get us. /e lo*es us. ,esus has a claim
of lo*e for us that no other god can %e claimed to possess. 2I
will ser*e the .od who lo*es me the most.3
/istory of .od1s lo*e for us:
(F) .od creates humans to ha*e a relationship with /im. /e
gi*es them free will intending that people would choose to lo*e
/im. +long with that a%ility to choose( howe*er( comes the
potential to re%el and reCect /im. (+ngels also ha*e free will I
JLe&iel ?H:F5D Isaiah FA:F?BF5). The ad*ersary chose to re%el
and some angels followed him (e*elation F?:A( K).
(?) /umans re%elled and fell( as Satan did %efore them. Since
then Satan1s forces ha*e %een fighting against .od( and
decei*ing the whole world (e*elation F?:FM).
(@) .od has %een calling to %ring us %ac&. /e still lo*es usD /e
will recei*e us %ac&. There is a point of no return( when ,esus
&nows it is a waste of time to call someone anymore. -ut as long
as .od is dealing with you( calling you( gi*ing you con*ictions(
you can still come %ac&( and repentE
(A) ,esus (.od in the flesh) came to %ring us %ac& to /imself.
/e li*ed for us for our welfare( went through trials for us( got
hurt( hungered( thirsted( got tired( %led( /e sweat( grie*ed(
wept for us. /e then died for each of us. /e went through all of
this to come after us( calling us %ac&.
/e has committed to /is ser*ants the ministry of
reconciliation: 2,ust come %ac&D stop running( and turn
yourself in to .od.= The only accepta%le thing is to gi*e /im
There are *ery many scriptures that spea& of .od1s lo*e for us.
/e has e)pressed a lot of concern for us. We should really &now
and %elie*e the lo*e that .od has for us. We can and should use
our free will for what it was designed for: to surrender
oursel*es to .od (omans F?:F). 7ay down your life for /im as
/e did for you. (? $orinthians 5:F5). +s& .od for /is holy
Spirit. +s& /im for help to %e o%edient. 7oo& up in the s&y and
thin& a%out .od. /e is infinitely %igger than that. +s you
contemplate the maCesty of .od( the greatness of the dreadful
and glorious .od( who formed all things( powerful %eyond our
imagination( hold on to that thought and remem%er this: 2/e
lo*es me. /e died for me. I lo*e .od( tooD and /e delights in
that. /e has promised to cleanse me( to perfect and ta&e care of
me. I may suffer and go through trying situationsD %ut
whate*er I ha*e need of .od will gi*e me. /e may repro*e me(
and gi*e me the rodD %ut that is all %ecause /e lo*es me so
much. I am going to li*e my whole life for ,esus( and offer up
e*erything in my life for /imD %ecause all that matters is %eing
close to /im and sharing /is lo*e with others. +nd when I am
all done( I will get to go to hea*en. ,esus is coming %ac& for me
and when I see /im( I will gi*e /im a %ig hug. 9lease come
%ac& soon( ,esusE3
The Stages 4rom 9erdition To /ea*en In + Nutshell
(F) In a lost( ignorant( sinful state of a fallen man( .od reaches
down and deals with him( spea&ing to his heart( showing him
he needs his $reator. This happens to e*eryone. (e*elation
@:?M I 2-ehold( I stand at the door( and &noc&: if any man hear
my *oice( and open the door( I will come in to him( and will sup
with him( and he with me.3
(?) The person:
a) /ardens himself. .od may come %ac& to &noc& again( may%e
many times. /owe*er( e*entually( if the soul resists his whole
life( he will %e lost fore*er( recei*ing damnation.
%) 8ields to /is &noc& and repents. True repentance is a
complete %ro&enness( wherein the soul is willing to do anything(
go anywhere( Cust to %e with .od( and remain in /is will. The
person as&s for forgi*eness for his sins( desires to turn away
from them( and offers his life as a sacrifice to ,esus. +t this
point of true repentance( he %elongs to ,esus. The :essiah has
%ought him with /is own %lood. (omans F?:F B 2I %eseech you
therefore( %rethren( %y the mercies of .od( that ye present your
%odies a li*ing sacrifice( holy( accepta%le unto .od( which is
your reasona%le ser*ice.3 ? $orinthians H:F? I 24or if there %e
first a willing mind( it is accepted according to that a man hath(
and not according to that he hath not.3 +cts ?M:?H I 2Ta&e
heed therefore unto yoursel*es( and to all the floc&( o*er the
which the /oly .host hath made you o*erseers( to feed the
church of .od( which he hath purchased with his own %lood.3
(@) The holy Spirit %egins to cleanse him of sin in his life. .od
reaches deeper and deeper( re'uiring total renunciation of all
sin and worldliness. +s the soul continues to follow ,esus( more
and more is re'uired. The path %ecomes narrower and
narrower( and the cost of discipleship continues to clim% until
the dearest idols in his heart are re'uired. The person:
a) %egins to decide that following ,esus is too costlyD and so
therefore turns away in his heart( and %ecomes content with
some *ersion of false $hristianity( or else renounces his faith
completely. .od may come %ac&( perhaps many times( to %ring
the person %ac& to /imselfD %ut again( if the soul reCects /im
the rest of his life( he will %e lost. /e will not %e allowed into
hea*en( whether he professes to %e a %elie*er still or not. (?
Timothy A:FM I 24or "emas hath forsa&en me( ha*ing lo*ed
this present world( and is departed unto ThessalonicaD $rescens
to .alatia( Titus unto "almatia.3 7u&e H:F@ I 2They on the
roc& are they( which( when they hear( recei*e the word with
CoyD and these ha*e no root( which for a while %elie*e( and in
time of temptation fall away.3 :atthew >:?FB?@ I 2Not e*ery
one that saith unto me( 7ord( 7ord( shall enter into the
&ingdom of hea*enD %ut he that doeth the will of my 4ather
which is in hea*en. :any will say to me in that day( 7ord(
7ord( ha*e we not prophesied in thy name6 and in thy name
ha*e cast out de*ils6 and in thy name done many wonderful
wor&s6 +nd then will I profess unto them( I ne*er &new you:
depart from me( ye that wor& ini'uity.3 ? $orinthians G:F I
2We then( as wor&ers together with him( %eseech you also that
ye recei*e not the grace of .od in *ain.3 F Timothy F:FK I
2/olding faith( and a good conscienceD which some ha*ing put
away concerning faith ha*e made shipwrec&:3 F Timothy 5:F?
I 2/a*ing damnation( %ecause they ha*e cast off their first
%) 0eeps following ,esus( praying for grace to continue to yield
up his life. This process continues on as .od purges all sin out
of the souls life.
(A) .od %rings a soul to perfection( a state of %eing Cust li&e
,esus .alatians ?:?M I 2I am crucified with $hrist: ne*erthless
I li*eD yet not I( %ut $hrist li*eth in me: and the life which I
now li*e in the flesh I li*e %y the faith of the Son of .od( who
lo*ed me( and ga*e himself for me.3 Q.od1s whole wor& in
dealing with us has to do with ta&ing us out of the way
(complete surrender) and su%stituting $hrist in our place so /e
can li*e /is life in and through us without hindrance on our
part.R /ow long this will ta&e is utterly up to .odD %ut one
thing is sure: it is all /is wor&. It is what /e has promised to
accomplish( redeem us from all ini'uity. -elie*e this promise.
The goal .od has set %efore us is to %e without spot( and
%lameless (? 9eter @:FA I 2Wherefore( %elo*ed( seeing that ye
loo& for such things( %e diligent that ye may %e found of him in
peace( without spot( and %lameless.3) Without this holiness no
man will enter into hea*enD %ut since it is /is wor&( /e will not
ta&e a soul who is see&ing after /im %efore that soul is ready.
!ur part of the co*enant is to see& after /im (%y learning /is
word( praying( and learning how to wal& in the Spirit)( and
%elie*e /is promises (of forgi*eness( of /is care for us( and of
/is wor& of perfecting holiness in us). .od1s part is to do
e*erything else. (Jphesians A:F@ I 2Till we all come in the unity
of the faith( and of the &nowledge of the Son of .od( unto a
perfect man( unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of
$hrist.3 ? $orinthians >:F I 2/a*ing therefore these promises(
dearly %elo*ed( let us cleanse oursel*es from all filthiness of the
flesh and spirit( perfecting holiness in the fear of .od.3
Jphesians ?:FM I 24or we are his wor&manship( created in
$hrist ,esus unto good wor&s( which .od hath %efore ordained
that we should wal& in them.3 /e%rews G:FF( F? I 2+nd we
desire that e*ery one of you do shew the same diligence to the
full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye %e not slothful( %ut
followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the
promises3. Titus ?:FA I 2Who ga*e himself for us( that he might
redeem us from all ini'uity( and purify unto himself a peculiar
people( Lealous of good wor&s.3
(5) !n the day of Cudgment( the person will %e presented
%lameless %efore the throne. /e has finished his courseD he has
&ept the faith( all %y the grace of .od. /a*ing done well %y
.od1s help( he enters the &ingdom. (,ude ?A I 2Now unto him
that is a%le to &eep you from falling( and to present you
faultless %efore the presence of his glory with e)ceeding Coy.3 ?
Timothy A:GBH I 24or I am now ready to %e offered( and the
time of my departure is at hand. I ha*e fought a good fight( I
ha*e finished my course( I ha*e &ept the faith: /enceforth
there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness( which the
7ord( the righteous Cudge( shall gi*e me at that day: and not to
me only( %ut unto all them also that lo*e his appearing.3
:atthew ?5:?F I 2/is lord said unto him( Well done( thou good
and faithful ser*ant: thou hast %een faithful o*er a few things( I
will ma&e thee ruler o*er many things: enter thou into the Coy
of thy lord.3 e*elation FK:>BK I 27et us %e glad and reCoice(
and gi*e honour to him: for the marriage of the 7am% is come(
and his wife hath made herself ready. +nd to her was granted
that she should %e arrayed in fine linen( clean and white: for
the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. +nd he saith unto
me( Write( -lessed are they which are called unto the marriage
supper of the 7am%. +nd he saith unto me( These are the true
sayings of .od.3

The Spirit Indwelling
;The following article was copied from portions of The Normal
$hristian 7ife<
The "i*ine purpose in creation and redemption was that .od
should ha*e many children. The 7ord ,esus was the only
%egotten Son( and as the only %egotten /e had no %rothers. -ut
the 4ather sent the Son in order that the only %egotten might
also %e the first %egotten( and the %elo*ed Son ha*e many
%rethren. There you ha*e the whole story of the Incarnation
and the $rossD and there you ha*e at the last the purpose of
.od fulfilled in /is = %ringing many sons unto glory.= (See
/e%rews ?.FM).....
In respect of /is di*inity the 7ord ,esus remains uni'uely =the
only %egotten Son of .od=. 8et there is a sense in which( from
the resurrection onward through all eternity( /e is also the first
%egotten( and /is life from that time is found in many %rethren.
4or we who are %orn of the Spirit are made there%y =parta&ers
of the di*ine nature= (? 9eter F:A)...It was %y way of the
Incarnation and the $ross that the 7ord ,esus made this
!ur only hope as men is to recei*e the Son of .od( and when
we do so /is life in us will constitute us sons of .od. .od wants
sons who shall %e CointBheirs with $hrist in glory....
"o you realiLe what happened at your con*ersion6 .od came
into your heart and made it /is temple. In !ld Testament days
.od dwelt in a temple made of stoneD today /e dwells in a
temple composed of li*ing %elie*ers. When we really see that
.od has made our hearts /is dwelling place( what a deep
re*erence will come o*er our li*esE +ll lightness( all fri*olity
will end( and all selfBpleasing too( when we &now that we are
the temple of .od and that the Spirit of .od dwells within us.
/as it really come to you that where*er you go you carry with
you the /oly Spirit of .od6 8ou do not Cust carry your -i%le
with you( or e*en much good teaching a%out .od( %ut .od
+ re*elation of the indwelling Spirit was the remedy 9aul
offered the $orinthian $hristians for their unspirituality. It is
important to note that the $hristians in $orinth had %ecome
preoccupied with the *isi%le signs of the /oly Spirit5s
outpouring and were ma&ing much of Stongues5 and miracles(
while at the same time their li*es were full of contradictions
and were a reproach to the 7ord5s Name. They had 'uite
e*idently recei*ed the /oly Spirit and yet they remained
spiritually immatureD and the remedy .od offered them for
this is the remedy /e offers /is $hurch today for the same
In his letter to them 9aul wrote: =0now ye not that ye are a
temple of .od( and that the Spirit of .od dwelleth in you6= (F
$orinthians @:FG). 4or others he prayed for enlightenment of
heart( =...that ye may &now= (Jphesians F:FH). + &nowledge of
"i*ine facts was the need of the $hristians then( and it is no less
the need of $hristians today. We need the Sopening of the eyes
of our understanding5 that we may &now that .od /imself
through the /oly Spirit has ta&en up /is a%ode in our hearts....
.od has done e*erything through the suffering( death and
resurrection of ,esus. There is only one fruitful life in the
world( $hrist5s life( and %y *irtue of /is death and resurrection
that life has %een grafted into millions of other li*es. We call
this the 5new %irth5.
New %irth is the reception of a di*ine life( a di*ine nature(
which I did not possess %efore. It is not that my natural life has
%een changed at allD it is that another life( a life altogether new(
altogether "i*ine( has %ecome my life.
8et( without the re*elation of this fact( men are yet without
.od in the world( lost in their sins( though they may claim to
%elie*e in the historical facts of ,esus5 death and resurrection.
".nowin& this" says 9aul( "that our o#! man was "ru"ifie! with
him that the %o!y of sin mi&ht %e !one away that so we shou#!
no #on&er %e in %on!a&e to sin" (om. G. G). ".nowin& this":
8es( %ut do you &now it6 "Or are ye i&norant0" (om. G. @).
When once the light of .od dawns upon your heart you see
yourself in $hrist. It is not now %ecause someone has told you(
and not merely %ecause omans G says so. It is something more
e*en than that. 8ou &now it %ecause .od has re*ealed it to you
%y /is Spirit. 8ou may not feel itD you may not understand itD
%ut you &now it( for you ha*e seen it. !nce you ha*e seen
yourself in $hrist( nothing can sha&e your assurance of that
%lessed fact.
:ay the 7ord graciously open our eyesE
4aith In $hrist
Some of the thoughts in this document were ta&en from 7ife In
The Son %y o%ert Shan&.
!n .od5s part sal*ation is complete through faith in $hrist.
-ut what has %een pro*ided must %e appropriated %y a #i-in&
trust in a #i-in& Sa-ior. 4aith in ,esus is an intuiti*e recognition
of who ,esus really is( rather than a mere intellectual assent to
historical facts.
True faith sees %eyond the *ail of ,esus5 outward flesh( into /is
inner essence where /e is one with .od( united with /im in
Spirit. To recei*e this re*elation of $hrist is to see .od. ,esus
/imself said "/e that seeth me seeth the Father..." -ut not all
that saw ,esus in the flesh saw .od. They Cust saw a good man(
a prophet( performing wonderful deeds. Not all had an inward
'uic&ening and re*elation of who ,esus really was.
9eople come to faith in $hrist not %y willBpower( miracles(
emotion( reason( or logic. They ha*e as it were a seed planted in
them( %y the good Seedsman( out of which faith grows( and
from which it fetches its a%ility to act. +ll who %elie*e in $hrist
%y immediate re*elation (%y a faith that springs from the seed
planted in them %y $hrist) are renewed in spirit (%orn again(
gi*en a new spirit)( and the holy Spirit comes to li*e in their
spirit. They are sealed with /is holy Spirit (Jphesians F:F@( FA).
They ha*e a li*ing( indwelling .uide and $ounselor that will
guide them on their pilgrim way.
-lessed and manifold are /is ministries in our %ehalf. /e has
come to teach us all things (,ohn FA:?G)D to empower us in our
witness for $hrist (,ohn F5:?G( ?>( +cts F:H)D to guide us into all
truth and show us things to come and the things of $hrist (,ohn
FG:F@)D to direct us in our ser*ice (+cts F@:?)D to fulfill the
righteousness of the law in us (omans H:A)D to %ear witness to
our sonship (omans H:FG)( to help our infirmities and to ma&e
intercession for us (omans H:?G)D to re*eal to us something of
the glory of the things which .od has prepared for those who
lo*e /im (F $orinthians ?:K)D to impart /is gifts to empower us
for effecti*e ser*ice (F $orinthians F?:F)D to %ring forth in us
/is gracious fruit of $hristBli&eness (.alatians 5:??)D and
ultimately( to 'uic&en our mortal %odies at the coming of ,esus
(omans H:FF).
-ut the holy Spirit can do nothing for those who refuse /is
ministry. Therefore we are e)horted to %e filled with the Spirit
(Jphesians 5:FH)D to wal& after the Spirit rather than the flesh
(.alatians 5:FG)D to sow to the Spirit rather than to the flesh
(.alatians G:>BK)D to li*e after the Spirit rather than after the
flesh (omans H:FBF@)D and to %e led of the Spirit( that we may
%e the sons of .od (omans H:FA).
We are further warned against grie*ing the Spirit (Jphesians
A:@M)( against 'uenching the Spirit (FThessalonians 5:FK)( and
against ultimately doing despite unto the Spirit of grace
(/e%rews FM:?K). +ll these solemn e)hortations and warnings
affirm that the %elie*er has a definite personal responsi%ility
with respect to the ministry of the holy Spirit which he dare not
ignore. .od5s faithfulness cannot a*ail for unfaithful men. The
faithful ministry of the holy Spirit a*ails nothing for men who
%ecome indifferent towards /is nurture and guidance and who
despise /is reproof.
Note: It is idolatry to worship angels( masters( teachers( gurus
etc. -ut $hrist is gi*en a name a%o*e all names. It is not
idolatry to %elie*e in ,esus and to allow /im to reign in our life.
"...;hen /e %rin&eth in the first%e&otten into the wor#! /e
saith An! #et a## the an&e#s of )o! worshi+ /im." 3/e%rews.
5:78. ";herefore )o! a#so hath hi&h#y e*a#te! /im an! &i-en
/im a name whi"h is a%o-e e-ery name: That at the name of
$esus e-ery (nee shou#! %ow of thin&s in hea-en an! thin&s in
the earth an! thin&s un!er the earth2 An! that e-ery ton&ue
shou#! "onfess that $esus is Lor! to the &#ory of )o! the
Father." (See 9hillipians ?:FBFF for conte)t).
The holy Spirit is not some =higher self= or ascended master or
in*isi%le( impersonal acti*e force that we realiLe and open to
when we meditate and do yoga etc. NoE The holy Spirit is
uni'ue( pure( clean( and holy and can %e trusted and followed.
$hrist5s Sacrifice: !nceBforBall
3Perse-erin& in faith an! o%e!ien"e8
The thoughts in this article came from the %oo& 7ife In The
Son written %y o%ert Shan&. The %oo& emphasiLes the need to
perse*ere. It %rought out some important points that I thought
to share. I ta&e no credit for the insights in this article.
/e that %e#ie-eth on the Son hath e-er#astin& #ife: an! he that
%e#ie-eth not the Son sha## not see #ife2 %ut the wrath of )o!
a%i!eth on him. $ohn 4:47 $ames ,ersion 6 .$,8
In the original .ree& the first time the word =%elie*eth= is
mentioned in this *erse it is +isteuo which means to put in trust
with. The second time it is mentioned =%elie*eth not= in the
.ree& it is a+eitheo which( elsewhere in the 0,O new testament
is translated as =o%eyeth not= or as =diso%edient= (See omans
?:HD FM:?FD F 9eter ?:>( H( @:F(?M( A:F>). In light of this the *erse
can %e translated this way:
/e that %e#ie-eth on the Son hath e-er#astin& #ife: an! he that
o%eyeth not the Son sha## not see #ife2 %ut the wrath of )o!
a%i!eth on him.
The point %eing %rought out is that faith and o%edience go
together and cannot %e separated. There is a need to =continue
in the faith= lest we ma&e shipwrec& of the faith and stop
o%eying ,esus.
It is true that ,esus died onceBforBall. 4rom the outset of
con*ersion *ictory is certain in an! throu&h $esus. We
participate in the %enefit of ,esus1 onceBforBall atonement for
the sins of the world not %y *irtue of a single onceBforBall act of
faith( %ut as we continually a%i!e in /im (See ,ohn F5)( rely
upon /im( feed upon /im and wal& in the Spirit. (.alatians
5:FG( ?5) If we fail to continually a%ide in /im %y steady(
unwa*ering( confident faith( listening to /im and o%eying /im(
heeding /is chastisement and reproof when we mo*e off trac&
(see /e%rews F?:GBFF)( we fail to continue to share /is life and
*ictory. /e is the +uthor of eternal sal*ation to all who o%ey
/im (/e%rews 5:K). We are parta&ers of di*ine nature (? 9eter
F:A)to the degree that we hold fast our faith and confidence in
,esus without wa*ering. (See /e%rews @:G( A:FA( FM:?@.) ,esus is
/e to whom we hold fast (e*elation ?:F@). /e is the center to
which the eyes of %elie*ers are steadily directed in faith and
If we fail to a%ide in ,esus eternal life continues( %ut our
participation in that life ceases. We must hear( %elie*e( listen(
follow and o%ey. It is only on the %asis of a present hearing and
%elie*ing that one shares the eternal life of .od and enCoys
deli*erance from present condemnation and spiritual death. In
other words( eternal life in ,esus is our present possession only
on the condition of a present li*ing faith rather than the
irre*oca%le conse'uence of a momentary act of faith sometime
in the past.
4or e)ample:
As many as re"ei-e! /im to them &a-e /e +ower to %e"ome the
sons of )o! e-en to them that %e#ie-e on his name. $ohn 5:5<
The word =recei*ed= in this *erse implies a past initial act of
faith where our relationship with .od is first effected and we
%ecome %orn again. The word =%elie*e= in the original .ree&
in this *erse implies a progressi*e( perse*ering action of faith.
That is( we must continue in grace and eternal life and %e filled
with the Spirit. The issue of the new %irth is complete on the
part of .od %ut man must ma&e it real to himself %y
continuous e)ertion of faith (listening to ,esus and o%eying
/im). The new %irth remains conditional throughout our
earthly soCourn. We must %e accounted worthy( continue in the
faith( o*ercome (see e*elation @:A( 5D +cts FA:??( ?
Thessalonians F:A( 5( e*elation ?F:>( omans H:F?BFA( F>( ?
Timothy ?:F?.) !ur new %irth and sonship depends for its
continuance on our trust in ,esus and o%edience to /is Spirit.
$onsider this rendering of the *erse:
+s many as recei*ed /im to them ga*e /e power to %ecome the
sons of .od( e*en to them that ="ontinue> %elie*ing on his name.
,ohn F:F?
In ,ohn FM:?> B ,esus1 gi*ing of eternal life is commensurate
with our ha%itual listening and following.
,ohn A:FA( >:@> B The drin&ing of the water of life is a continual
progressi*e action rather than a momentary onceBforBall act. It
is the ha%itual communion of all who trust in ,esus and share
the eternal life of .od through li*ing faith in a li*ing Sa*ior.
$oncerning F ,ohn @:G (=...whosoe*er sinneth hath not seen
him( neither &nown him.=) the original grammar in .ree& for
this *erse implies this: =whosoe*er sins has not "ontinue! seeing
and "ontinue! &nowing ,esus.=
In other words &eep your eyes and faith on ,esus. "on5t turn
away from /im nor focus on self. Without ,esus we can do
nothing. If we don5t remain in the *ine %y faith and o%edience(
if we mo*e out of our efuge and high Tower( we fall into sin.
,esus is the *ine. Sap( life( and *ictory o*er sin flows into us as
long as we remain in ,esus %y faith( hum%ly focusing our heart
and attention on ,esus and listening to /im and following /is
#nli&e the sacrifices of the le*itical priesthood the sacrifice of
,esus can actually e)piate the sins of all people and remain
perpetually efficacious. /is sacrifice stands eternally
irre*oca%le %ut the %enefit of /is onceBforBall sacrifice is
progressi*ely imparted to people on#y as they persist in drawing
near to .od through /im.
/is sacrifice is progressi*e and wholly go*erned %y our
continuing faith and su%mission to /is reign o*er our life. That
is( a person5s faith in ,esus simply appropriates for him or
herself personally all the %enefit which ,esus secured
potentially( for all people through the offering of /imself( as
the eternal propitiation for the sins of the whole world. !ur
pri*ilege of participating in eternal life is directly dependent on
our continuing to a%ide in /im in whom that life is a*aila%le.
!nly as we continue a%iding in the 4ather and in the Son(
implicitly o%eying( may we continue to share in /is eternal life
as new creations.
If we don5t continue in the faith( and don5t continue staying
close to ,esus and trusting /im and o%eying /im( heeding the
lo*ing ministry of /is Spirit( %ut instead ma&e shipwrec& of the
faith (F Timothy F:FK)( we %ecome a castaway and a withered
The coming of the holy Spirit into our hearts at con*ersion is
no guarantee that we shall su%se'uently grie*e( 'uench( and
finally do despite /im and despise /is reproof. The holy Spirit
a*ails nothing for people who %ecome indifferent toward /is
nurture and guidance and who despise /is reproof. (Jph A:@M(
F Thessalonians 5:FK( /e%rews FM:?K)). We cannot %e =made
holy= without wor&ing with the holy Spirit. If we diso%ey( .od
will chastise us. +fflictions may come not to hinder or harden
us %ut to %ring us nearer to humility( repentance( holiness( and
,esus. If we persist in stiffnec& re%ellion and yield to sin (en*y(
strife( contention( lust( co*etousness etc.( etc.) we will not
inherit the &ingdom of hea*en. =Now the wor&s of the flesh are
manifest( which are theseD +dultery( fornication( uncleanness(
lasci*iousness( Idolatry( witchcraft( hatred( *ariance(
emulations( wrath( strife( seditions( heresies( Jn*yings(
murders( drun&enness( re*ellings( and such li&e: of the which I
tell you %efore( as I ha*e also told you in time past( that they
which do such things shall not inherit the &ingdom of .od.=
(.alatians 5:FKB?F).!ne sin encourages another and unless the
trend is chec&ed( falling away from the faith will result. It may
come impercepti%ly and we may find oursel*es Custifying our
sins( reasoning our way out of o%eying ,esus.
-ut let us continue to run the race that is set %efore us
(/e%rews F?:F)( &eeping our eyes on ,esus( %ringing forth the
fruits of the SpiritD =The fruit of the Spirit is lo*e( Coy( peace(
longsuffering( gentleness( goodness( faith( :ee&ness(
temperance: against such there is no law. +nd they that are
$hrist5s ha*e crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If
we li*e in the Spirit( let us also wal& in the Spirit. 7et us not %e
desirous of *ain glory( pro*o&ing one another( en*ying one
another.(.alatians 5:??B?G).
9lease %e encouraged not to a%andon your pilgrimage. 4inish
the race with enduring faith and patience. If we endure to the
end we will %e sa*ed (:atthew ?A:F@) and recei*e a crown of
life (e*elation ?:FM).
There is +erfe"t safety an! se"urity in the Sa-ior for the wea(est
shee+ who fo##ows the )oo! She+her! an! #istens to /is -oi"e.
The so#e +eri# is that we may fai# to #isten to /is -oi"e an! to
fo##ow /im. ;e may fai# to a%i!e in /im an! thus fai# to
"ontinue to share /is #ife an! -i"tory. ?ut if I trust $esus an!
firm#y "#ea-e to /im in the measure of o%e!ient faith /is #ife
an! ri&hteousness +asses o-er into my !eath an! sinfu#ness
renewin& me in the ima&e of /im who "reate! me.
=:y hope is %uilt on nothing less Than ,esus1 %lood and
righteousnessD I dare not trust the sweetest frame( -ut wholly
lean on ,esus1 Name. When /e shall come with trumpet sound(
!h( may I then in /im %e foundD "ressed in /is righteousness
alone( 4aultless to stand %efore the throne. !n $hrist( the solid
oc&( I standD
+ll other ground is sin&ing sand.=

+%iding In $hrist
Some of the thoughts in this document were ta&en from 7ife In
The Son %y o%ert Shan&.
!ur pri*ilege of participating in eternal life is directly
dependent on our continuing to a%ide in $hrist (a%ide in the
Oine B ,ohn F5:FBH)( otherwise we ma&e shipwrec& of the faith
and %ecome a withered %ranch. To continue in the faith means
continually drin&ing the li*ing water of /is Spirit( guidance(
and strength. We may do many things or learn many things %ut
only that which $hrist directs us to do will ha*e /is %lessing
upon it.
"on5t see& the praise of men %y doing many good wor&s. 7a%or
not to %e learned and wise in the sight of men( %ut learn to %e
yielded to the Spirit( and in your attitude of su%mission /e will
guide you and instruct you in /is truth. "oing more than /e
as&s of you or prying into su%tleties and &nowledge into which
/e does not lead will di*ert you away from the true path.
-e in the ha%it of listening for .od1s will. 7i*e in the Spirit and
act from a pure moti*e of lo*e towards /im. 4i) your eyes on
the Son of righteousness and /e will cause you to wal& in the
path of light. Stay in an attitude of prayer and faith and /e will
do all the rest.
efer e*en you smallest actions to .od and %e free from the
sla*ery of the good opinion of others. Such simplicity comes out
of a%andonment of self in full commitment to the holy Spirit
within( a dayB%yBday renewal of commitment that says: @)ui!e
me this !ay ste+ %y ste+ in a## I !o.A
"aily( hourly( minutely tal& to .od and gi*e your time and self
to /im afresh. $onsistent association with ,esus will ma&e
dramatic changes in your personality. -e li&e a childD and loo&
at your two feet and say( "Lor! wa#( these for me." Tal& to
/im as your 4riend. -e in sweet communion with /im.
$onstantly say @Come %e with me #ea! the way.A /e will come
as you want /im.
";hen the Son of man sha## "ome in his &#ory an! a## the ho#y
an&e#s with him then sha## he sit u+on the throne of his &#ory:
An! %efore him sha## %e &athere! a## nations: an! he sha##
se+arate them one from another as a she+her! !i-i!eth his shee+
from the &oats: An! he sha## set the shee+ on his ri&ht han! %ut
the &oats on the #eft. Then sha## the .in& say unto them on his
ri&ht han! Come ye %#esse! of my Father inherit the (in&!om
+re+are! for you from the foun!ation of the wor#!: For I was an
hun&re! an! ye &a-e me meat: I was thirsty an! ye &a-e me
!rin(: I was a stran&er an! ye too( me in: Na(e! an! ye "#othe!
me: I was si"( an! ye -isite! me: I was in +rison an! ye "ame
unto me. Then sha## the ri&hteous answer him sayin& Lor!
when saw we thee an hun&re! an! fe! thee0 or thirsty an! &a-e
thee !rin(0 ;hen saw we thee a stran&er an! too( thee in0 or
na(e! an! "#othe! thee0 Or when saw we thee si"( or in +rison
an! "ame unto thee0 An! the .in& sha## answer an! say unto
them ,eri#y I say unto you Inasmu"h as ye ha-e !one it unto
one of the #east of these my %rethren ye ha-e !one it unto me.
Then sha## he say a#so unto them on the #eft han! De+art from
me ye "urse! into e-er#astin& fire +re+are! for the !e-i# an! his
an&e#s: For I was an hun&re! an! ye &a-e me no meat: I was
thirsty an! ye &a-e me no !rin(: I was a stran&er an! ye too(
me not in: na(e! an! ye "#othe! me not: si"( an! in +rison an!
ye -isite! me not. Then sha## they a#so answer him sayin& Lor!
when saw we thee an hun&re! or athirst or a stran&er or na(e!
or si"( or in +rison an! !i! not minister unto thee0 Then sha##
he answer them sayin& ,eri#y I say unto you Inasmu"h as ye
!i! it not to one of the #east of these ye !i! it not to me. An! these
sha## &o away into e-er#astin& +unishment: %ut the ri&hteous into
#ife eterna#." :atthew ?5:@FBAG
!ne cannot recei*e $hrist as his personal 7ord and Sa*ior
without a sincere intention to trust and follow /im always
through all trials and tri%ulation( through all life( into eternity.
In marriage( *ows are e)changed at the altar and( if the
marriage %e true and faithful( they are continually reaffirmed
and implemented in deed and life. The commitment of oneself
to $hrist in accepting /im as Sa*ior and 7ord is the necessary
starting point. -ut the initial decision must %e reaffirmed and
implemented in the life which follows. We must continue to
choose %etween the lordship of ,esus and the dominion of sin.
$hrist cannot %e Sa*ior of men who fail to gi*e /im a true
lifelong allegiance. ";hy "a## 9e Lor! Lor! an! !o not the
thin&s I say." 3Lu(e 7:B78.
It is good to e)amine oursel*es to see whether we are really in
the faith or not. (? $orinthians @:F5). ,esus( %y /is Spirit(
comes to dwell in our heart %y faith and /e is our life. (See
Jphesians @:F>( $olossians @:A). /e that has the Son has life B
true( righteous life( freedom from the dominion of sin.
We shall remain free of sin5s dominion only as we daily
implement the deli*erance which has %een won for us %y
$hrist. We can continue to share the eternal life of .od offered
to us through ,esus only as we continue to su%mit to $hrist5s
7ife with ,esus is ne*er a static relationship. ather it is a
present mutual indwelling of the %elie*er and the Sa*ior
sharing a common life that emanates from /im who is our life.
$hrist will fulfill /is part as Oine (See ,ohn F5) as long as we
&eep in *ital union with /im. We deri*e life from /im( and
remain %egotten of .od( as /is Spirit indwells us and we daily
commune with /im. (,ohn G:5GB5H). -y doing this our new life
in $hrist is sustained. Without doing this we %ecome li&e a
withered %ranch.
We ha*e to fight in $hrist5s strength to maintain the new life
and must %e strong in the grace of .od( fighting the good fight
of faith %y mortifying the deeds of the %ody through the Spirit.
(? Timothy ?:F( F Timothy G:F?( omans H:F@) $onflict comes
when we resist our carnal inclinations in fa*or of the Spirit5s
leading. This internal conflict (9hilippians F:?>B@M) and trial of
our faith (F 9eter F:>) should ma&e us glad to %e made
parta&ers of $hrist5s sufferings (F 9eter A:F?BF@). If we suffer
(perse*ere( endure)( we shall reign with /im. -ut if we deny
/im and /is help /e will deny us (? Timothy ?:F?).
$hrist In 8ou( The /ope !f .lory
The first thing in the $hristian life is to %e sure that we actually
are a $hristian. That is( we must %e %orn again and recei*e the
indwelling of the holy Spirit. Without the Spirit of $hrist
indwelling us we are yet in dar&ness( whether we are li*ing
morally upright or not.
Now( if $hrist is in us /e cannot %e powerful in our life if our
lo*e and faith is not anchored on /im B if our inner *ision is not
single on /im. If our thoughts and affections are constantly
ri*eted on material things and inordinate emotional ties more
than on $hrist( /e cannot %e powerful in our life. It is as
though he is dormant within us.
4urthermore( if our thoughts are constantly on our seeming
good wor&s of o%edience (our own %eauty)( or on our faults or
the faults of others( again( the Spirit of $hrist cannot %e
powerful in our life. The needed faith( affection and energy is
%eing wasted( dissipated and scattered into other channels
other than directed towards Christ within.
+ll our faith and affection should %e conser*ed and gathered
into one single point (if thine eye %e sin&#e thine who#e %o!y
sha## %e fu## of #i&htC) and focused on $hrist within us B witnin
the most holy place of our innermost %eing(instead of %eing
focused without on self( faults( material things( good wor&s etc.)
Then we will hear /is *oice and /e will guide us %y /is counsel
sending out /is light and truth to lead us to /is e*erlasting
When we are "a%i!in& in the se"ret +#a"e of the 9ost /i&h" li&e
this all our effort and acti*ity %ecomes a sort of nonresistance
to the inspiration( words( power( energy( of $hrist where /is
thoughts and righteousness emanate through us without
hindrance so long as we remain hum%le( willingly consenting to
the current of /is will and power. This is what it means to li*e
%y grace. +s we a%ide willingly in $hrist in this way all our
*irtuous actions will %e spontaneous without conscious thought
or effort.
-ut /e does not force us to li*e in /is will. /e does not want us
to %e ro%ots. If we prefer to go our own way and to li*e %y our
outward senses alone( instead of li*ing according to the sense of
the Spirit( /e allows us to go our own way. It is here that that
all suffering and confusion that results from not a%iding in our
true home (in $hrist( under /is reign and rule) is our own
The Spirit first comes to con*ict of sin and to lead the soul out
of its entanglements to the &ingdom of hea*en.
-ut though we may ha*e the holy Spirit a%iding in us there
may yet %e hindrances in us that are pre*enting the smooth
flow of /is power through our li*es. .od alone can re*eal these
hindrances to us (whether it is o%*ious sin or trust in material
things( inordinate attachment to human affection( lust( anger or
su%tle sins of selfBlo*e( pride in our o%edience and a%ility to
wal& the true $hristian life( selfBconfidence( haughtiness that
comes from a spirit of competition and the pleasure of %eing
a%o*e the rest( etc.)
.od can choose to e)pose /is glory in an o*erwhelming(
un'uestiona%le( o%*ious way to whom /e will %ut the usual
way /e distri%utes /is light and grace is first as a low( wea&(
small flame that comes to gently remo*e the hindrances in
peoples hearts that they may %e prepared for a stronger
manifestation of /is Spirit and power.
.od ne*er interferes with our free will nor manipulates( nor
forces us into following and o%eying /im. Since .od ne*er
interferes with free will( some choose to follow the light %ut
others choose to resist it and fight against it (see e*elation
chapter FK and also $hapter FG wherein some still refuse to
repent e*en after the hardships and Cudgments.)
The Spirit portions out discipline and guidance according to
the need of each indi*idual for the purpose of hum%ling and
%rea&ing us. Such counsel may include: stop fre'uenting places
that cause you to stum%le( lay aside too much reading and
study and spend more time in prayer with .od( %e forgi*ing(
&ind( gentle( recei*e a%use mee&ly( ser*e others( &eep focused of
.od and guard your heart( a*oid ta&ing pride in your
o%edience( etc. etc.
These things help undo and wea&en the hindrances that
pre*ent the freeBflow of the re*i*ing current of 7ife and
spiritual power. +s the Spirit re*eals the hindrances in our li*es
/e will gi*e us the faith and a%ility to respond in o%edience to
/is personal guidance for us as we dwell in our indi*idual
%ooths (in deep prayer and stillness).
The important thing is to remain hum%le and to a*oid the
carnal Custifications of our deceitful heart. $hrist first comes to
us lowly( with nothing spectacular a%out /im( and is formed in
us gradually as we su%mit to the light that comes from /is
presence. If we loo& for some great manifestation we may miss
/im in /is hum%le appearance and resist /im and %e
unprepared for the greater manifestation of /is Spirit.
The one great hindrance that is &eeping the =man of sin= ali*e
in many souls and &eeping $hrist crucified so to spea&( is not
necessarily o%*ious gross sin and immorality %ut %ecause of our
=natural energy= and conceited pride in doing the things of
.od. 4or this reason there is a wilderness state (similar to
omans >) where .od( through the proccessings of life(
attempts to chastise and %ring us to our wits end B losing all
trust in our own strength B so we could %e in a place of childli&e
dependence on $hrist where /e could manifest /is life in and
through us.
When a person %egins to ta&e pride in their good wor&s(
o%edience( &nowledge etc.( the Spirit distri%utes correction in
whate*er form /e sees fit (such as in dreams( *isions( through
others etc.)
Now( as the Spirit e)poses the hindrances in our li*es and we
o%ey /is guidance the hindrances %egin to get wea&ened (the
heart %ecomes more recepti*e( soften( and prepared). +s the
hindrances are wea&ened and remo*ed day %y day( wherein we
follow the light a step at a time B not falling %ehind and not
going ahead into fleshly stri*ing and Leal B we are %rought to a
place of nonresistance( recepti*ity( humility( and preparation
for the purging presence of the Spirit in a higher degree.
The *eil is then rent and .od5s spiritual power and presence
mo*es into the *icinity of our now unclogged perception thus
%urning up the remains of the selfBlife and sense of
independence. It is here that the following *erse %ecomes
fulfilled "I #i-e yet not I %ut Christ #i-es in me..." It is here that
we e)perience /is e*erlasting &ingdom and go*ernment in our
own indi*idual life.
-y our death to self we %ring life and restoration to others.
$hrist 'uic&ens us to the immediate need of those to whom /e
leads us. "...Therefore !eath wor(eth in us %ut #ife in you..." (See
? $orinthians A:FFBF?). 4or those unac'uainted with /is light(
for e)ample( /e inspires us to =preach $hrist= directing souls
to $hrist whom will purify them a step at a time as /e did to
us( leading them to the &ingdom.
The first thing in the restoration of others is to point them to
the light that e)poses the sin and hindrances in them and
encouraging them to repent and %elie*e in $hrist. This is li&e
the ministry of ,ohn the -aptist in spirit whom prepared
peoples hearts to recei*e $hrist( the greater light( who came to
%aptiLe with the Spirit and with fire.
The important thing is to listen to the guidance of $hrist5s
Spirit on when to =spea& a word in due season= to con*ict(
comfort( and deli*er those to whom ,esus leads us.
.od &nows e)actly what each indi*idual needs to remo*e the
hindrances that are &eeping /is power from freely flowing
through them and from lifting them into /is eternal &ingdom.
We must %e yielded to /is will in the matter and lay down our
own desires( preferences and li*es for the sa&e of doing .od5s
will and %ringing restoration to others.
4or some souls we may %e as&ed to %e stern and %old. 4or
others we may %e as&ed to %e gentle. 4or some we may %e as&ed
to say %ut few words and to others we may %e as&ed to not say
anything at all %ut Cust pray for them. We may %e as&ed to
meet the physical needs of one person and ser*e an unthan&ful
person without complaining. 4or some .od will utiliLe
circumstances and situations so as to cause people to consider
their ways and loo& to /im for deli*erance.
There is no telling what effect our thoughts( words( and actions
will ha*e on others as we li*e in the presence of .od. !ur only
wor& is to hum%ly su%mit to .od5s will and finish the wor& we
were sent to do. If we are faithful to the end the glory of .od
will %e enhanced through our li*es and we will recei*e a crown
of life( hearing the words( ";e## !one &oo! an! faithfu# ser-ant
enter in the Doy of thy Lor!..."
"I #i-e... yet not I %ut Christ #i-es in me"
$ommuning With .od
+fter man fell and ate of the tree of the &nowledge of good and
e*il he lost his a%ility to commune with .od through the
spiritual mind (intuition) of the inner man. Instead he grew
wise and &nowledgea%le as to the natural mind (reason( logic)
of the outer man. The word of faith( in the inner man( was lost
sight of and man %ecame influenced %y feelings( emotions(
moods( and willpower.
+s the history of human&ind progressed the maCority degraded
to the le*el of %easts( li*ing %y the senses( without retaining .od
in their &nowledge. In this fallen state man possessed an a%ility
to calculate( cogniLe and reason according the input of his
senses. /e %ecame controlled %y feelings( emotions( sensual
attachments and e)ternal circumstances.
True faith( emanating from the inner man towards .od( was all
this time a*aila%le to all people( %ut few percei*ed their inner
longing for .od due to the programming of their fallen mind.
The e*erlasting .ospel or the law of the Spirit of life (including
the grace and power to spontaneously o%ey this law without the
interference of human reason( logic and willpower)( was
a*aila%le to all people %ut it was ineffecti*e to sa*e man so long
as this pearl of great price was not diligently sought and found
*ia intense prayer( repentance( faith etc.
:an lost sight of the interior law of the Spirit of life and he was
%lind to the e)ercising of his intuition due to sin and *arious
distractions and programming factors which made see&ing
.od( prayer and stillness seem *ery difficult( tedious( profitless
and ultimately %oring.
In the process of time .od condescended /is eternal law to the
le*el of mans fallen perception which could only grasp and
o%ey the law %y reason( logic( and willpower in a *ery e)ternal(
carnal way. -ut not %eing mi)ed with faith( not %eing percei*ed
in its internal spiritual essence %y the eyes of the inner man( the
law %ecame a stum%lingB%loc&.
Instead of re*i*ing and nurturing the inner man( it puffed up
the ego or outer man whom %ecame proud and %oastful of its
a%ility to %e e)ternally righteous more than others.
What .od was and is aiming at is to awa&en man( in his inner
%eing( to o%edience to the law of the Spirit of life in a
spontaneous way without reference to self doing the o%eying.
-ut in his fallen fee%le condition man has a tendency to read or
hear the letter of the law %y means of his human reason and
logic and then he proceeds to focus on self (instead of denying
and forgetting self) and musters up himself to o%ey %y inCecting
himself with carnal apprehensions of the letter (fear of hell(
hope of hea*en). +ll this is manBmade and not from the holy
The end result is that the %oaster gets on the throne(
condemning all who don5t li*e up to the law. Such a soul grows
in the direction of selfBrighteousness( pride( stu%%ornness and
+t any rate( in the process of time( the eternal $hrist
condescended to mans low estate and too& on flesh and %lood.
!nce again( howe*er( the maCority percei*ed $hrist in a *ery
human way and few saw /im %y re*elation through intuition
opened and 'uic&ened %y the holy Spirit.
To this *ery day many ha*e %een the sects and churches that
ha*e come into e)istence %y means of superficial(
intellectual/emotional type faith that comes from human reason
and logic reading the written word with the light of the natural
mind. :any ha*e only gone through an emotional form of
con*ersion and ha*e %uilt a form of a $hurch %ut ha*e ne*er
truly seen $hrist %y way of the eyes of the inner man.
The trap lies in ma&ing use of the %rain and easy to come %y
reason and logic that reads it ought to do this and ought not to
do that( and then using the human emotions and feelings (to
hear or read that the soul will suffer for diso%edience and %e
rewarded for o%edience)( to muster up the will to o%ey. +nd so
it is that man creates an idol( a form of godliness( %ut without
spirit and power.
The most Lealous in the religion of the flesh may attain to
e)treme heights of e)ternal righteousness and certain decepti*e
forms of %eha*ior %ut still %e *ery unspiritual in their essence
where they are still carnal( worldly( en*ious( uncharita%le(
%oastful( murderous( scornful( slanderous( haughty( stu%%orn(
conceited( narrowBminded( gi*en o*er to comparisons( Cealousy(
competition etc. This is the case when a soul only goes through
a form of con*ersion( a form of o%edience( a form of godliness
%ut lac&s true con*ersion and the genuine lo*e( fear( o%edience(
godliness of the holy Spirit.
True con*ersion comes %y re*elation through intuition( not %y
reason or logic or anything fallen man can come up with. J*en
in his %est state man is altogether *anity and his goodness flees
as the morning dew. +ll that is of man( e*en in his religion( his
a%ility to %elie*e and o%ey( as from himself( must decrease and
come to naught %efore he can %e in a place to %uild on the true
oc& and foundation which relates to $hrist %eing re*ealed to
the soul %y the holy Spirit.
No man can call ,esus 7ord %ut %y the holy .host. When ,esus
is re*ealed to the opened eyes and repentant( hum%le( %ro&en
heart of the inner man( faith leaps forth and o%edience and
surrender is spontaneous( %ut it all ta&es place as a gift from
the holy Spirit without the interference of mans reason( logic
and human moti*ations.
When self enters( faith is 'uenched and man is left with a dead
form of o%edience to the letter where self is conscious that it is
in*ol*ed with the doing. +nd so self compares itself with others(
%ecomes critical( scornful( feels *ery worthy( profita%le( a%o*e
and %eyond all others. Self %ecomes a preacher of the letter that
&ills and persuades others through a form of preaching %y
trying to con*ince their intellect and %y wor&ing on their
emotions so as to muster them up to o%ey. +nd so it is that self
ma&es souls twofold more the children of hell and sets souls on
the path of selfBrighteousness( haughtiness( and elitism( turning
them away from the true Shepherd towards self( the wolf in
sheep5s clothing.
!ften( human endea*or in religion( mingled with willpower and
pride in ones a%ility to do what is re'uired( interferes with the
wor& of the holy Spirit and %ecomes a serious stum%lingB%loc&
though it has a show of %eing right and e*en restrains the flesh(
to some e)tent( from falling into sensuality( o%*ious worldliness
and other o%*ious sins. The pro%lem is that self is not dead or
denied %ut puffed up and inflated. Self is the center of focus
and not $hrist.
The e*erlasting gospel is not merely a %unch of written
commands that fallen man reads a%out and is e)horted to o%ey.
Such is only a outer form of the gospel and( if o%eyed in the
strength of the flesh( a form of a $hristian will come into
e)istence %ut the soul will %e *ery %oastful of its a%ility to li*e
the $hristian life %etter than others. Those who perfectly o%ey
the form in the energy of the flesh are still diso%edient to the
essence of the gospel which is only re*ealed to the hum%le %y
the holy Spirit.
The only way to come to this inward illumination is to die to
ones own reason( logic( understanding( inordinate human
affections( feelings( emotions and sensual attachments. -e as
one dead to human life as you &now it and in the midst of this
dar&ness( emptiness( crucifi)ion and death hang on to faith and
hope in .od. +nd in all this e*en forsa&e all reference to self so
you are e*en unaware of self see&ing .od. In the midst of this
true self denial and death on the cross( in .od5s timing( one is
%orn of the Spirit.
!ne %egins to see ,esus in a way that cannot %e descri%ed or
comprehended %y reason or logic. Without e*en thin&ing of self
(or of o%edience or hea*en or hell) one %egins to feel a clean
godly fear and a stronger lo*e for .od. Without conscious
thought or effort there is a power and a%ility (grace) to do what
is pleasing in .od5s sight. !ne %ecomes su%Cect to the .ospel
and confesses $hrist and %enefits from /is atonement in such a
way that one may e*en %e ignorant of a logical understanding
of these doctrines %ut ne*ertheless e)periences the sa*ing
su%stance from which the written word came.
In fact( .od can e*en re*eal /imself to those who are not really
see&ing /im. In the world there are many who profess $hrist
and ma&e a %ig noise a%out repentance( faith( o%edience etc.
%ut such may still lac& the su%stance of these things. There are
some who are *ery religious and Lealous and diligent in reading
the Scriptures and in witnessing. They ha*e all the correct
doctrines and a clear intellectual understanding of the -i%le.
+nd yet they may %e ignorant of $hrist /imself and may e*en
hate and persecute those who &now $hrist %y inward
+nd so it is that there are hum%le nonBreligious souls who ma&e
no noise or fuss a%out religion or theology or the li&e and yet
who( in une)pected times of 'uietness( recollection( e)tremity
or earnestness created %y circumstances %eyond their control(
or %y a sudden urge placed in their heart to get away and %e
still( I say( it may une)pectedly happen that $hrist re*eals
/imself to such who sought /im not and %e found %y them who
as&ed not for /im.
/ence they are %orn of the Spirit and %egin to change at deep
le*els of their %eing and they %egin to manifest genuine fruits of
the Spirit such as mee&ness( lo*e( patience( gentleness( (they
&now not how) a%o*e and %eyond those who ma&e a %ig noise
a%out faith( wor&s( fear( o%edience( perfection etc.
+nd so it is there are some who profess $hrist and seem to o%ey
/im %ut who( in reality( re%el against /im in Spirit( while at
the same time comparing their e)ternal righteousness with
others and %ecoming haughty and lifted up. +nd there are
others who truly %elie*e in $hrist and perhaps unconsciously
o%ey /im( who are e)actly right where $hrist wants them(
though they may not %e forceful in what they %elie*e and may
esteem others %etter then themsel*es. They are su%Cect to the
law of the Spirit of life in a nonBforceful way without fleshly
haste and selfBcentered forms of righteousness. In this is true
li%erty. This is the life of grace.
:ay ,esus &eep such souls on the right path( wal&ing in the
Spirit( preser*ed from the dangers of selfBrighteousness.
When someone is %orn again and %ecomes a parta&er of di*ine
nature in their inner man they are created in righteousness and
true holiness. When a soul is new %orn in this way and recei*es
the holy Spirit( the inner man instincti*ely yields to the holy
Spirit and is dependant on $hrist li&e our natural %ody is
dependent on food and water for its health. The inner man is
li&e a %ranch that is dependent on ,esus( the Oine( for its
nurture and sustenance. .enuine fruits of righteousness and
holiness flow from the holy Spirit in our inner man only when
they eyes of our spirit are constantly turned away from self(
distractions( the lust of the eyes( the lust of the flesh( the pride
of life( etc.( and are turned towards the holy Spirit in faith(
yielding to /is inspiration( influence( guidance and counsel
without conscious thought or effort( without any sense of self in
the doing. + good tree %ring forth good fruits.
+ll this ties in with what it means to li*e %y grace( to %e
hum%le( to die to self( deny self( ta&e up the cross( guard the
heart( watch and pray( &eeping your eye single( a%iding in
$hrist( wal&ing in the Spirit( &eeping your mind stayed on the
7ord( &eeping the 7ord e*er %efore you( loo&ing to /im that
dwelleth in the hea*ens( dwelling in the secret place( retaining
.od in your &nowledge( wal&ing with .od etc.( etc. +ll this also
manifests the necessity of a strong prayer life coupled with
times of fasting( stillness( 'uietness and solitude.
+fter a soul is %orn again if he/she does not continue to watch
and pray( &eeping the 7ord e*er %efore the eyes of their spirit(
*arious sins and programming factors will resurrect and &eep
the inner man from shining through. These programming
factors include such things as sensuality( inordinate emotional
attachments( trust in riches( lust etc. -ut a more su%tle sin that
&eeps the inner man from shining through is the sin of selfB
righteousness. SelfBrighteousness is a form of idolatry and in
the long run it %reeds en*y( strife( elitism( stu%%ornness(
re%ellion( witchcraft etc.
There is a natural instinct in human nature that tries to ser*e
.od %y its own willpower and selfish moti*ation. 4or e)ample(
when someone reads that you must %e hum%le( mee&( pure(
holy( righteous etc. and then they try to %e mee&( hum%le( pure(
holy and righteous %y using their human emotions and
willpower( they are trusting in the hand of man to create
something that is only genuine and real when one rests in
$hrist in faith spontaneously yielding to the holy Spirit without
conscious thought or effort( without the interference of human
intellect( reason( logic( and willpower.
SelfBrighteousness is *ery su%tle and many ha*e unawares
fallen away from their first lo*e (fallen away from grace) into
the trap of selfBrighteousness (in %ondage to li*ing under the
law) without e*er suspecting it. When this ta&es place( instead
of wal&ing with .od deep in spirit (where /e puts /is lo*e and
fear in us) following the fresh( %u%%ling forth of /is li*ing
guidance( the soul instead turns away from .od towards self.
The soul then uses human reason and logic to follow written
laws %y inCecting manBmade fear of hell into the emotions
there%y mustering up human willpower to o%ey. This creates a
form of con*ersion( a form of godliness etc.( %ut it is only a
counterfeit imitation of a true holy life. The deception is *ery
su%tle. Satan comes transformed as a angel of light and /is
ministers as ministers of righteousness. 8ou will &now them %y
their fruit. + e*il tree cannot %ring forth good fruit.
Those who fall into this deception will actually %e an
em%odiment of the letter of the law lac&ing genuine charity. It
is true that such souls will often e)cel in e)ternal purity and
diligence( a*oiding o%*ious sins of worldliness( adultery(
fornication( murder etc.( %ut they will fall short when it comes
to inward secret sins of selfBpraise( en*y( contention(
comparing( selfBrighteousness etc. They will %e gi*en o*er to
slander( %ac&%iting( haughtiness and will refuse to %e corrected
%y any they percei*e as inferior. They will %e unfeeling( cold(
critical( and Cudgmental preachers of the letter. They will try to
reach others through their emotions %y persuading them to
o%edience through fear( peer pressure and *arious other manB
made tactics.
This lays the foundation for a life of growth in pride and selfB
righteousness wherein souls are gi*en o*er to comparing
themsel*es with others( feeling puffedBup against those who
appear to not %e a%le to &eep the law as strictly as self. Those
who li*e under the law in this way and not under grace are
always focused on self and its stri*ings in comparison with
others. They feel *ery worthy and profita%le and esteem others
as unprofita%le and worse then self.
Tuiet Time
U 8ou are as real( as sa*ed( and as *ital as your 'uiet time of
communing with .od. When we neglect .od we fall into sin.
The de*il cannot touch us if we are faithful with the 'uiet time
and if it is the greatest priority of our life. 9ray until you get
through to .od. "on1t let any people or things or distractions
or intellectual pursuits &eep you from spending time with .od.
"iscipline your whole life around your 'uiet time with .od so
that you are always thin&ing a%out .od and spending time with
/im. /a*e intense prayer with .od each day and accept what
/e has for each day. +s a result of the 'uiet time you don1t
lea*e .od %ehind %ut open the door for /im and you wal& in
*ital union and fellowship with /im throughout the day. That
is what it means to wal& with .od( nothing else. This is the
most *ital thing in life and it is the means where%y we %ecome a
fruitful %ranch. -y neglecting this it %ecomes sin and is the
cause of all other sins. It is the cause of %ac&sliding. 7et
nothing( not family( friends( Co%s( $hurch( wor& for .od( &eep
you from your 'uiet time that you may wal& with .od in *ital
reality e*eryday. "iscipline the whole of your life that this will
%e first. J*eryone will &now it( $hrist will %e manifest in you(
they will &now you wal& with .od and they will gi*e .od the
praise and glory. If we can find *ictory in this area .od will %e
glorified. 3The thou&hts in this +ara&ra+h were %orrowe! from
.eith Danie#s.8
U "aily( hourly( minutely tal& to ,esus and surrender yourself
and time to /im afresh. $onstant communion with ,esus
ma&es lasting changes in your personality. -e li&e a childD and
loo& at your two feet and say: 2,esus( please wal& these for
me.3 Tal& to /imas your 4ather. -e constantly in sweet
communion with /im. $onstantly say( 2$ome( %e with me(
please lead the way.3 /e will come as you want /im. Stay close
to /im and your heart will remain tender( lo*ing( and freely
yielded to /is holy Spirit. -y li*ing in ,esus1 presence and
tal&ing to /im and thin&ing of /im you will %e made li&e /im.
Therefore guard your thoughts and &eep your affection on
,esus while yielding to the motions of /is Spirit in confident
U See& to a%ide in ,esus1 presence( and then it is as much /is
wor& to see that you are protected from e*il and that your life
and affairs are according to /is plan for your life. 4orsa&e all
dou%t( fret and worry and maintain un'uestioning confidence
in ,esus. !nly self can cast a shadow on the way( cloud the
mind and create tur%ulence so ,esus cannot %e clearly reflected
through you. The forces of e*il surround the heart and are
&eenly alert for an unguarded spot through which an arrow
can pierce and do ha*oc. Therefore &eep out all an)iety( worry(
lust( unrest( e*il thoughts a%out others( pride( greed etc.( and
&eep calm( confident in ,esus1 presence and strength. ,ust a
moments communion with /im( under the protection of /is
%lood( all distur%ance and e*il will lea*e and you will arise with
wings as an eagle with no fear to minister in the power of the
holy Spirit. ,esus needs souls who will persistently turn self out
of them during 'uiet times of deep prayer that the holy Spirit
may fight e*il through them and %ring an end to this corrupt
The Secret 9lace
/e that !we##eth in the se"ret +#a"e of the most /i&h sha## a%i!e
un!er the sha!ow of the A#mi&hty. I wi## say of the LO'D /e is
my refu&e an! my fortress: my )o!2 in him wi## I trust. Sure#y he
sha## !e#i-er thee from the snare of the fow#er an! from the
noisome +esti#en"e. /e sha## "o-er thee with his feathers an!
un!er his win&s sha#t thou trust: his truth sha## %e thy shie#! an!
%u"(#er. Thou sha#t not %e afrai! for the terror %y ni&ht2 nor for
the arrow that f#ieth %y !ay2 Nor for the +esti#en"e that wa#(eth in
!ar(ness2 nor for the !estru"tion that wasteth at noon!ay. A
thousan! sha## fa## at thy si!e an! ten thousan! at thy ri&ht
han!2 %ut it sha## not "ome ni&h thee. On#y with thine eyes sha#t
thou %eho#! an! see the rewar! of the wi"(e!. ?e"ause thou hast
ma!e the LO'D whi"h is my refu&e e-en the most /i&h thy
ha%itation2 There sha## no e-i# %efa## thee neither sha## any
+#a&ue "ome ni&h thy !we##in&. For he sha## &i-e his an&e#s
"har&e o-er thee to (ee+ thee in a## thy ways. They sha## %ear
thee u+ in their han!s #est thou !ash thy foot a&ainst a stone.
Thou sha#t trea! u+on the #ion an! a!!er: the youn& #ion an! the
!ra&on sha#t thou tram+#e un!er feet. ?e"ause he hath set his
#o-e u+on me therefore wi## I !e#i-er him: I wi## set him on hi&h
%e"ause he hath (nown my name. /e sha## "a## u+on me an! I
wi## answer him: I wi## %e with him in trou%#e2 I wi## !e#i-er him
an! honour him. ;ith #on& #ife wi## I satisfy him an! shew him
my sa#-ation. Psa#m E5
=/e that a%ideth in :e and I in him( the same %rings forth
much fruit.=
=9ut your desire into the pure desire of %eing with $hrist( and
watch during the day the e)traordinary waste of thin&ing that
attempts to wea&en and di*ert you away from this faith.=
U The flesh is easily dismayed( elated( %ored( irritated( mo*ed
%y noises( cold( heat( stupidities( insults( a letter( the disloyalty
of a friend etc. -ut when we are in the Spirit staying close to
$hrist all these challenges can %e di*inely met. We are
defenseless only when we are spiritually asleep B not watching
and praying. eturn to your first 7o*e. /um%le yourself and
see& intimacy with $hrist with all your might. Then you will
recei*e power from on /igh to o*ercome sin and death.
U -y prayer I mean a going forth of the poor( rent( hungering
depri*ed spirit towards the 4ountain of life. 8our spirit (the
inner man) delights in the law of .od and is strengthened with
might %y /is Spirit as you hum%ly surrender to $hrist and
trust in /im with all your heart. Wa&e little children(
pertur%ed( an)ious( weary( frightened and stand released in the
stillness where $hrist dwells. If you as& for this it will come li&e
waters of life. etire inwardly and wait to feel somewhat of
U There is a constant conflict %etween your inner man and your
outer man. With the inner man you delight in the law of .od
%ut with the outer man or flesh you ser*e the law of sin and
death. -ut Cust as the %ird flies a%o*e the storm remaining safe
in the calm so li&ewise you are swept a%o*e the storms of sin
(an)iety( fear( %itterness( pride( lust( co*etousness( resentment
etc.) when you a%ide in $hrist %y faith. est serene and
confident in the Spirit whom holds you a%o*e all conflicting
emotions. 4ly o*er in a s&y free from all danger( in the shelter
of the arms of .od. "o not sit down on the ground in dismay at
temptations( %ut wal& in the Spirit and spread forth li&e the
wings of a %ird and rise high and clear of temptation in the
shining sun of faith. 4ly in surety of $hrist5s strength which
wor&s mightily in you. No longer %e dragged down into
emotional maelstrom and dar& imaginings. Stand in the light
that has %een re*ealed to you %y your communion with $hrist.
emain fore*er *igilant( fore*er holding yourself in $hrist %y
faith( letting /is Spirit ta&e possession of your life that /e may
fill you with the confidence that /e is e*er present B that /e is
actually lo*e( peace( and power. /e shall cleanse you and
prompt you to go forth forgi*ing all( &nowing that /is lo*e will
resol*e all things and ma&e your way straight. So see& and
&noc& and it will %e opened to you.
U -e aware of your tongues %etrayal( of thoughts that enfee%le
you. Sha&e off these things (murmuring( %ac&%iting(
complaining) which are appetites in strange disguises( that you
may &eep your *essel clear through which $hrist can shine. It
is difficult when the outside is hard pressed %y temptation to
&eep the inside serene( %ut it is only difficult when you thin&
you can ma&e it serene in your own strength. The serenity will
%e gi*en you Bit is the reward for those who ha*e denied
themsel*es and sought( &noc&ed and found their indwelling
U It is difficult not to %e su%Cect to the enraging fires of
personalities. It is so easy to %e put off your guard and to yield
to criticism. -ut the presence of $hrist you see& to find is only
found %y always %eing on guard B watchful B not %eing tempted
off it an instant. Wal& in confidence among the *arious
personalities and %e so thoroughly one with $hrist that they too
will %ecome purified through your prayers. Therefore %e
secretly aware and restfully industrious in &eeping your
thoughts stayed on $hrist. "on5t worry nor allow your
thoughts to swell into mountains( %ut a%ide in $hrist and let the
details of your life resol*e.
U Tuestion: /ow can we in*ite $hrist in or what can we do that
/e may manifest /imself to us6
U +nswer: =When you shall search for :e with all your heart(
you shall find :e.=
U If the desire is great enough we will find /im. It is therefore
necessary that you ma&e a time and place for see&ing and
communing with $hrist. 8our part is to %ring into capti*ity
e*ery thought to o%edience to $hrist( casting down
imaginations. -e than&ful and a*oid entertaining negati*ity. +t
first you will find dar&ness %ut perse*ere with a na&ed intent of
lo*e towards .od. 7o*e &noc&s and enters. "on5t do this Cust
once and then 'uit Cust %ecause you see no immediate results.
ather do it e*eryday( scores of times( hourly( and $hrist is
sure to manifest /imself.
U +s you hunger and thirst for the indwelling Spirit of $hrist
/e will gradually consume the old man with his deeds. -ut this
is only accomplished to the e)tent that you ha*e a desire and
need and lo*e for $hrist5s Spirit. :any pray only once and
then go their way forgetting a%out .od. Therefore %e alert(
industrious in the ha%it of %eing in /is presence B ne*er
swer*ing. 7earn( %y temptations and struggles( to &eep what /e
has gi*en you and %e strong in the holding of it. Watch e*ery
idle action( word and thought.
U The lo*e and presence of $hrist is personal and %roods o*er
you and can %e e)perienced only through the refinement that
ta&es place during the time you spend in see&ing /im wholeB
heartedly. +t first you may touch /im for only short moments B
/e passes through with flaming power and inspiration B and
then disappears again. -ut that glimpse is enough to encourage
you to forsa&e all to see& /im more. Therefore you will %e
strengthened when you 'uiet your emotions( 'uiet your
thoughts and are still( with nothing other than a na&ed intent to
see& $hrist. So close your eyes( put away all thought( e)cept
your na&ed intent to lo*e $hrist and lie deep in the silent
reaches where you will %e restored( re%orn( made new. /ere /e
U The spiritual hunger and thirst to let in the Spirit with /is
understanding and power( is a gift that will %urn away the
impurities and ma&e you free. /e will teach you to stand within
your inner man( whom dwells in $hrist( and loo& out
undismayed through your outer man. +fter more light %egins
to pour through %ecause of your faith in $hrist and your
awa&ened desire the outer man will grow thinner and thinner.
This happens inwardly and when you yield to this inner
purification you are spared much outward purging which
results when you don5t see& $hrist in prayer and don5t yield to
/is inward call and purification. Therefore &eep released from
tensions( an)iety( %itterness and strife. ela) in 'uiet and in
confidence in $hrist which is your strength.
U When a outside pro%lem of *e)ation comes( instead of letting
your outward you %ecome consumed( it is %etter to remain in
the Spirit in your inner man. -e spared much suffering %y
%urning your own dross through a%iding in $hrist. +s you are
faithful to daily pray and a%ide in $hrist you go on up with so
much less dross until you reach another plateau with a sense
that you are getting freer from delaying emotions and ha%its.
So clim% the heights( trusting in $hrist( and soon you will find
you ha*e escaped and are alone in the clear air( air that is
re*i*ifying( restoring. The yo&e is easy and the %urden is light.
There is no effort spiritually other than a na&ed intent of lo*e
towards $hrist and childli&e o%edience to /is guidance. 8ou
will find that you ha*e to do things to &eep the %ody in
U 4or life5s sa&e plunge into the immortal li*ing 9resence of
$hrist. 8ou reach this through lo*e and longing. +t first it may
seem li&e nothing is happening( %ut once passed the threshold(
your desire and prayer is answered and it is gi*en life and
reality in due course. When you reach the secret place you can
do nothing %ut worship( nothing %ut gi*e yourself and all your
desire to infinite 7o*e. -e li&e a childD loo& at your two feet and
say: =7ord( wal& these for me.= Tal& to /im as your friend
throughout the day. /e will stand %y your side when you *isit
friends and /e will hold your hand and will watch your heart
and the issues therefrom so that you can tal& in perfect safety
&nowing that your word will %e food and drin& and life to all in
your presence. /e has ne*er failed to come when called and
when wanted. +s& /im to rest in you( to heal you( and to fill
you with /is righteousness. /e will manifest( /e ne*er fails the
longing heart. So go into your immediate personal life with
your hand in /is. In deep loosened sleep /e will teach you that
the perfect di*ine sonship that you ha*e with /im can %e
&nown in all its fullness %y such a simple way as this childli&e
in*itation to /im.
U 0eep a na&ed intent towards $hrist( &eep your eye single
towards /im as you ad*ance into the seeming chaos and
dar&ness of the world B stay strong and alert in the inner
stillness where /e dwells. Steaming and straining o*er
stupidities is not worth the emotions spent on them. Sa*e your
mental energy to &eep yourself in $hrist5s presence where your
life will %e recei*ed( %alanced( restored( and fortified.
U 0eep in the presence of .od5s grace within your spirit. 4or it
will consume and %urn away all dross. :any ha*e to go
through outward suffering to %e awa&ened to their need for
.od. -ut that is the human way( not the di*ine way which is
one of illumination when we see& and as& as if it were more
important then anything in life. When grace is neglected it
grows duller and untoward circumstances( personalities(
difficulties( o%structions steal us away into forgetfulness.
Therefore %low upon your spar& of grace with an e)pectant
desire. 0eep still in multitudes( hold your mind in $hrist and
&eep it from racing and do not %eat against life with frantic
effort. 0eep cool( unruffled in perfect faith.
U Side Note: The "hief +ro%#em of enterin& Christ1s +resen"e is
&ettin& use to the newness of it sin"e you are a""ustome! to
see(in& !i-ersions throu&hout the !ay. Therefore you must
+erse-ere in +rayer an! wat"hfu#ness. Lo-e faith an! a see(in&
heart are a%so#ute#y nee!e!. ?e#ief in Christ or in !o"trine is not
enou&h to enter /is +resen"e. Fou must see( an! sear"h with a##
your heart sou# min! an! stren&th. In +erfe"t si#en"e you "an
%e one with the S+irit an! from su"h si#en"e "omes serenity
"onfi!en"e an! wis!om for &ui!in& your #ife. ?e sti## an! "wat"h
therefore for you (now not when your Lor! !oes "ome." For /e
wi## "ome at first +erha+s as !e#i"ate#y as a %reath. At first /is
+resen"e may %e so %eyon! your or!inary "om+rehension that
you may thin( that nothin& is ta(in& +#a"e as if there were no
resu#ts. "I say I #o-e )o! an! &o ea&er#y to sit in /is +resen"e
an! then nothin& ha++ens." Ne-erthe#ess the +erforman"e of the
a"t the intent towar! /im wi## %rin& what you nee!. Tire!ness
wi## %e !rawn away strain #ifte! an! thou&h you fee# as thou&h
nothin& &reat has ha++ene! it is as #itt#e as if the "a+tain of a
shi+ at sea ha! "han&e! his "ourse an! the +assen&ers ha! not
%een aware that he ha! turne! them towar! a new horiGon on the
way to safety. Perse-ere then an! !on1t &i-e u+. Ta(e the ste+s to
enter Christ1s +resen"e with a na(e! intent to worshi+ /im in /is
ho#iness an! a## wi## %e set in motion with %eauty an! or!er. That
is a## you "an !o to #et in the #i&ht. ?e sti## o+en your heart to the
Father that /e may wor( throu&h you. Jnd of side note.
U Say to yourself: I will &eep all human impulses to slander(
criticiLe( %ac&%ite( all faults within and without my personality
in the outer realm of my life. Within me is 'uietness and
assurance of immortal life. J*en now( %y $hrist5s grace( I am
%eing freed from negati*e reactions and 'ualities that would
&eep me hell%ound. ecei*e with faith and assurance your
di*ine protection. The immediate dismays and o%stacles are apt
to %lind us from realiLing our inner protection and peace in
$hrist. -ut &eep faith in the in*isi%ility( lo*e( might( and power
of the /oly Spirit whom dwells in your inner man. .o your way
&nowing. +%ide in the Word B in o%edience to /is promptings
and go your way in peace. In the true spirit of surrender( the
gi*ing up of e*erything that has %ecome a %urden( is little effort
and the reward is instant. 7et your heart rest in this healing
place where $hrist will refresh you. 8ou %ecome cleansed and
purified through this inner communion.
U In your e*eryday life you cannot hold this 'uality of spirit all
the time: you go up and down %ut each time you go higher.
/a*e no fearD step in here and put on faith and nothing
negati*e can harm you from without. 8ou can only reach .od
in this holy stillness( in calmness. Stand at your full stature.
"eny e*erything that is not of .od. :a&e manifest in your life
the inward surety and grace that is %eing %reathed into you. In
the inner atmosphere you are ali*e( deathless( at home. Start
your day here B drin& deep. J*eryone who comes to you( while
you are in this place of calm a%iding( can %e helped with the
help of $hrist. Such is your tas& B to do .od5s will on earth as it
is done in hea*en B thus manifesting /is &ingdom on earth. .o
forth li*ing in the outer world from within the di*ine sanctuary
B the most holy place where $hrist sits as /igh 9riest(
Intercessor( 0ing( ,udge( 7awgi*er( Sa*ior etc.
U + time will come when %y your *oluntary steadfast discipline(
see&ing( &noc&ing( and a%iding you will %e aware of the
in*oluntary power of grace which comes 'uietly as a
reward/gift for your intent and desire B your desire to &now
$hrist a%o*e all others. Then you will ma&e more impressions
on the hearts of others %y a single word animated %y the Spirit
of $hrist( then another %y a whole discourse which has cost him
much la%or and in which he has e)hausted all the power of his
U When you ha*e reached the dwelling place of grace
remem%er that with it comes the challenge to a%ide there and
not 'uench the Spirit. The e)perience of $hrist5s presence and
grace is apt to carry with it a profound realiLation it has %een a
gift of the Spirit( the ine*ita%le result of watchfulness( prayer(
aspiration and holy intent. 8our wor& is to guard it( li&e a
country newly won( so that it will not %e reta&en %y the enemies
within yourself. The enemies are the tendencies of the mind to
reach out for di*ersions( e)citements( indulgences( negati*e
thin&ing etc. 4ast and pray B fast and pray B I mean a state of
mind( an alertness and watchfulness wherein the mind is &ept
calm( pure( and chaste which thus allows $hrist to complete
/is wor& in you. 8ou are either in light or in dar&ness
depending upon where the thoughts and intents of your heart
are directed. If you li*e from within the secret place of the most
/igh (the dwelling place of grace) you will come to trust the
power of the Spirit against your fleeting emotions and confused
mind. 8ou will &now what it means to %ring e*ery thought
capti*e to $hrist.
U We are gi*en complete freedom when we first enter $hrist5s
presence( %ut one of the hardest things for us to learn is the
eternal *igilance that is necessary to preser*e it. The first
discipline is that we are to %ring e*ery thought into capti*ity to
o%edience to $hrist. Who does not &now the temptation of
yielding to an emotional upsurging that hardens first into a
destructi*e thought and is so swiftly followed %y the spo&en
word. !n the *ery edge of such a moment of *iolence there is
only one thing to %e doneD turn instantly a%out( run within to
your /igh Tower and gi*e that dar& cloud of %oiling emotions
to $hrist and while you wait in 'uietness you will gradually
%ecome aware of the transmutation of this human steam into
spiritual wisdom and understanding B thoughts of lo*e and
forgi*eness. This is not repression. This is release. This is
turning destructi*e power to creati*e use through the Spirit of
$hrist. This is true freedom. Therefore har%or no thought that
will %urn. That is laying down your life. 7ay down *ain
imaginings and lying *anities. 7ay down appetites of thoughts
and your %ody and stand clothed in your inner man in $hrist
released from the human turmoil and you will %e lifted up high
o*er alarms and panics. These acts of faith in $hrist will ma&e
you truly free. Trusting is part of your role regardless of outer
circumstances or feelings. 0eep in the calm of the storm center
B safe where power for *ictory is accessed. 0eep the na&ed
intent and ne*er forget your direction. 9atience is needed and
growth is in*ol*ed in all this.
U + *ery gentle( calm( unemotional selfless and patient attitude
toward your spiritual growth is essential B such as old
gardeners &now. They &now that patience( hoeing( watering
and a certain order( a 'uiet rhythm( %ring to %irth a hea*enly
%eauty. .radually as you spend time in prayer and
watchfulness( not entertaining negati*e emotions( grace will
grow and spread in you in*oluntarily as the food you eat is
ta&en care of without effort and the inner man will manifest so
gently that as you go into the world your feet will %e led to wal&
%eside the watered garden of the /oly Spirit within you. This is
the true testimony that the /oly Spirit testifies to our spirit B
that we are the sons/daughters of .od. 7et us go our way
confident( &nowing( and li*e as sons/daughters of the 0ing.
-ring into focus what $hrist has made you in your inner man.
$hrist in you is mighty. -e on guard and &eep in the in*isi%le
remem%ering that of yoursel*es you can do nothing. The Spirit
within you gi*es you power to %e true spiritual men and women
and no longer feuding( confused carnal children.
U No child grows to manhood without discipline and suffering.
No one arri*es at the holy place undisciplined and diso%edient.
Those who o%ey and cast aside their re%ellious passions are
gi*en freedom. +re you going to %e a sla*e to the outer you6
+re you going to let the sleep of forgetfulness and un%elief steal
o*er your mentality and %lunt your &een awareness.6 +re you
going to see& after props( escapes( and di*ersions where there is
no real safety or contentment6 There is no %etter reward than
that which comes from see&ing $hrist with your whole heart
and lo*ing o%edience to /is *oice. This is what %rings rest(
contentment and more lo*e. Indeed( it %elongs to a higher
perfection to follow the interior attraction of the /oly Spirit
and to %e guided %y /is direction day %y day. !%ey the
promptings that come to you when you ha*e true communion
with $hrist and you will learn your re'uirements( your
disciplines( renunciations( as well as illumination and the peace
that passes understanding. Strength to o%ey what $hrist
re'uires is gi*en at the same place where /e is heard uttering
/is *oice B in the most holy place B the dwelling place of the
/oly Spirit in the inner man.
U +s you stand in the presence of grace truth will shine in dar&
places and you will find a new faculty appear in you and you
will hear $hrist5s *oice more clearly %ecause of the refinement
of your nature through mental and physical fasting. The clear
and delicate whisperB which once heard and o%eyed B will gi*e
you the &ingdom. Through o*ercoming appetites %y applying
the interior power of the cross to your selfBlife you come to hear
/is *oice which was so often %ut faint %ecause of the
o%struction of the impulses and desires of the outer you. :any
appetites %lur the crystal clear *ision that is needful. Therefore
when you hear /is *oice o%ey /is words and &eep the outer
you from interfering. 8ou cannot ad*ance spiritually until you
act upon the wisdom and counsel gi*en you.
U +s you open to $hrist5s word and guidance your outward
man will in*ite your inward man to wal& in companionship and
will accept the discipline needful with a willing heart. The
&nowledge *ouchsafed will %e that discipline will then %e light(
soon o*er B o*er instantly when realiLed. "o not e)pect hard
discipline B rather %e the first (in the secret place) in o%edience
and you will %e spared a lifetime of discipline. When you are
o%edient you help all those that are in prison %y your freedom(
for you are free in your o%edience to the di*ine law B to .od5s
U There is a gluttony of dar& emotional reactions in thought
and tongue. Ne)t time you are tempted %y greed of the %ody or
indulgence in resentments and %itterness and fears and dou%ts(
lift your faith to $hrist( in*isi%ly clasp /is hand and you will
hear /is *oice and counsel on how to deal with the storms.
Stand in the stillness with a lifted heart. 0eep yourself in this
silence and open the door so that .od may communicate
/imself to you( unite with you and form you into /is image.
The perfection of the soul consists neither in spea&ing nor in
thin&ing of .od %ut in lo*ing /im sufficiently.
U When you are 'uiet enough and sensiti*e enough you will see
your defects. -ut don5t %e too dismayed. 4or if you will listen it
will %e told you directions on what to do for your particular
wea&ness. !%ey the promptings and healing will result and you
will %e spared much suffering. 8ou will also %e shown where to
use your giftings. True prayer is the filling of emptiness. It is an
hungering to recei*e in 'uietness what you need. 8ou teach the
outer man %y staying within. The Spirit of $hrist within your
inner man prompts the outer man not to %e angry( to forgi*e
his enemies etc. ecei*e the di*ine wisdom and let it reach out
into the world.
U When your mind is tempted from its spiritual center in $hrist
your defenses are lowered and the flesh will %ring you into
%ondage. 8our tas& is to remain unsha&en within. efrain from
emotional storms of resentment( lust( Cudging( criticism etc.
elease others and a%ide in $hrist. .od will &eep him in
perfect peace whose mind is stayed on /im (o%eying /is *oice).
In /im there is light and no dar&ness at all. -ut where
destructi*e human emotions are there is dar&ness and
confusion. -ut when you turn your face towards $hrist you
%ecome purged and re%orn. 8ou gradually %ecome aware of
the lo*e of the indwelling Spirit through whom you reach out to
your neigh%or with forgi*eness.
U The reality of your inner man is in the in*isi%le. The strength
of your inner man (within whom is $hrist) stands stronger than
the outer man in the world. Try( now( to 'uietly and gently
&eep in the in*isi%le. Watching and praying are essential. When
the outward man along with time and e*ents presses hard upon
your outer senses and mind it is time to step %ac& into the
in*isi%le. If your desire is to %e in the presence of the Spirit it
means you will deny yourself( find a 'uiet place( and see&
communion with $hrist within.
U 7earn to dwell in the in*isi%le while in the *isi%le. +s you
%ecome stronger in the Spirit and grow in grace the clearer will
the way %e made to you on how to &eep yourself out of the flesh
and in the Spirit. Well( then( do not stay %ehind with your
%eggar thoughts which tempt you and say =The tas& is too
difficult( I am this( I am that( I fell here( I fell there.= No( you
ha*e %een crucified with $hrist and /e li*es in you. "on5t idle
with the un%elie*ers( the wailers( and complainers( %ut march
into the temple and stand among the radiant company of
%elie*ers where you %elong.
U 8our whole tas& is to ta&e the steps that lead to the secret
place and when the last step is ta&en and you sit in the silence
with the Word you %ecome one with the Spirit. That is where
all things are done for you( where croo&ed places are made
strait( where doors are opened and influences pass through to
others without your &nowing it. When you do this you carry a
hidden *irtue that you cannot sense. In fact( you lose what you
ha*e when you thin& you ha*e power( you lose it when you
thin& you are a influence. 8ou must %e hum%le and renounce
all personal gratification.
U 8our sal*ation is hinged upon faith in $hrist and o%edience
to /is delicate instructions. Step %ac& into that holy place( that
'uietness and stillness. Say to yourself =I will see& first the
&ingdom= B then you can %e still and can carry a cloudless s&y
into a frantic emotional day full of upsetting e*ents through
this o%edience to the counsel you hear which comes to you in
your 'uiet time.
U There is a no mans land %etween the place of stillness and the
impinging material world. The young soul who is %eginning to
learn what it means to truly a%ide in $hrist is immediately
thrown into discouragement when the material world opposes.
-ut if you perse*ere the no mans land will narrow and you will
remain closer to the place of safety and you will %e a%le to %ring
%eams of light into the world. .o forth( therefore( &nowing you
ha*e touched the &ingdom of hea*en. The place where you now
stand you ha*e reached through listening( following an in*isi%le
longing and thirsting desire( a *ision and faith which precede
the dar&. /e that dwelleth within is the 7ight of the world and
can shine through your e*ery act if you will %ut o%ey( li*e in
/is presence and &eep illumined in /is light. Through a%iding
in /im you can %ring light into dar&ness and prophesy life into
the dead %ones.
U /old( watch each word and thought and action B fall flat on
the floor and wait for the power of the Spirit to ena%le you to
o*ercome the temptation. It is easy to see many gripped %y the
fear of falling %ut don5t get caught in this sic& feeling. "o things
to remind you to stay where you %elong B in the Spirit. Train
yourself to remem%er your $reator so you may gi*e life to the
world. !ne e*il thought is enough to sweep e*erything into
Tim%u&tu. 8our only safety is to dwell in the &ingdom( li*ing
from within out. -e there all the time. No compromise.
U The steadfast desire to &now .od and eternal life %y faithful
selfBdenial for the lo*e of $hrist is a greater offering to $hrist
than you can imagine. -y &eeping steadily ali*e in faith in that
stillness where courage also dwells( you ma&e an immeasura%le
contri%ution to othersD 'uiet( unseen( and un&nown e)cept to
$hrist. "uring our communions with $hrist we are gi*en
something strong( serene( and healing. We discipline oursel*es
so that we may recei*e and we turn to complete acceptance of
the outpouring gift of the Spirit. Then you are prompted to gi*e
that which has %een gi*en to you.
U If you could %e one hour with the Spirit B your inner man and
outward man together in the presence of .od B you would
change the mood of others( so powerful is the 7ight. Try( hold
nations or indi*iduals in the palm of your hands and allow the
Spirit to pray for them through you.
U 7et e*erything you do %e done silently toward the goal of
entering the &ingdom of .od within you. 4ast from too much
food( tal&( and thought and you will %e told what to spea&. If
you are faithful to o%ey the inner promptings you will come
into a new release of *itality( power( and happiness. When you
deny yourself %y ma&ing clear the way for the Spirit you are
gi*ing light to the world B gi*ing it when of yourself you do
nothing. What is as&ed of you is to &eep this light %urning
%rightly in 'uietness and carry your illumination with you
always. 8ou cannot understand e*ents and their causes %ut %y
&eeping your emotional centers where they %elong is your
safety and %y so doing you help profoundly in the regeneration
that will come to pass.
U $ome within and while a%iding in $hrist see and %less those
who persecute you. -y thus releasing and forgi*ing them you
help them on their way. !nly as you a%ide in the Spirit can you
ha*e the wisdom on how to deal with your neigh%or5s needs as
well as your own. Therefore gi*e freely of your spirit( intercede
for all people( %e longBsuffering and patient with the longB
suffering and patience of $hrist in you. When you are &ind
with the &indness of $hrist which flows out from your spirit
towards others( you %ecome free as well. 7o*e con'uers all
things. "ar&ness is forgotten in this stillness.
U The time has come to %rea& into light( and to &eep this light
illumined calls for selfBrestraint( sacrifice and selfBe)amination.
8our wor& is to %e strong and clean enough within through
selfBdenial to %ring to completion the wor& that has %een gi*en
to you relating to %eing a light to others. $ontrol appetites that
rise from personal desires that are an offense and unworthy of
the Spirit. -e *igilant therefore and &eep eternally alert( &eep
in the 'uiet stillness and %e always aware that you wal& with
U I charge you to release yourself from the last strain of
materialism( lust( and pride. -e forgi*ing and patient with all
persons. 0eep your faith in $hrist and your faces pointing
towards hea*enly ,erusalem. 7i*e in faith( for eternal lo*e can
%e re*ealed %y a na&ed intent and lo*ing desire.
7o*ing $hrist +nd Wal&ing -y /is Side
U To recei*e the sense of the lo*e of the Spirit( to recei*e the
di*ine wisdom and &nowledge( you must truly adhere to the
in*isi%le .od with a na&ed intent of lo*e. 8ou can lo*e yourself
out of seeming frustration %y lo*ing to %e silent B in word and
thought B. %y lo*ing to see& .od and to please /im alone. This
wor&s in precisely the same measure of lo*ing you put into it. If
you had a higher understanding of perfection and if you always
loo&ed to $hrist and found comfort in /im you might %e
admitted to union with .od which ma&es the heart so strong
that nothing can distur% it. If you open to recei*e( with perfect
faith that only goodness can come from .od( confident as a
child that you will %e gi*en what you most grie*ously need B
according to /is will B then( and then only( your cup runneth
o*er. -ut if dou%t is %etween you and faith you will not recei*e.
U Now is the time to lift yourself into the *ery current of
re*i*ifying faith. 0eep in the current of faith with lo*ing
e)pectancy. 4or%id all negati*e impatience( for in this mood is
high hope and assuring trust. This communion can only %e
reached %y the forsa&ing of the appetites B appetites of anger(
criticism( resentment( and selfBCustification. 8ou can %e led far
afield %y angry strangers and your own desire to present your
outer personality fa*ora%ly. /um%le yourself( realiLe your own
wretchedness without $hrist and throw yourself into /is arms.
If you( once e*ery hour( throw yourself %y faith %eyond all
creatures( %eyond and a%o*e all sensual perception( e*en a%o*e
discourse and reasoning( into the a%yssal mercy of .od( then
you will recei*e power from a%o*e to rule o*er death and sin.
See& the Spirit and hold yourself at the Source of life. !%ey the
word and don5t %e delayed %y negati*e thought. Jscape all
useless mental an)iety. =$hrist( here I stand( o%eying 8our
words( &nowing that in o%eying the di*ine command my
%urden will %e lifted.= When you find yourself sin&ing B cry out
to $hrist B for /e is in your heart.
U -e aware of $hrist a%out you and in e*ery acti*ity of your
daily life. It is hard with e*erything flowing against you(
snatching at you to do this or that. Ne*ertheless stretch the
fingers of your faith and touch $hrist( all through the day( and
/e will clear the mind of *ain imaginings and fear thoughts.
Stop where*er you are and touch with your faith the Spirit
within. Stand free of all things( greed5s( and appetites. 0eep
your na&ed intent and ne*er forget your direction or goal. 7i*e
in the awareness of the lo*e of $hrist for you. 0eep in the *ery
center( safe( in*isi%le( unentangled( unruffled. -y concentrated
oneBpointedness &eep in the Spirit. -e determined( with all your
trust and faith( to a%ide with $hrist in inner companionship
and protection( con*ersing with /im continually( then fear will
recede and order will come in its place. Those who win do not
de*iate. 8our energies must %e &ept undistur%ed in .od5s
power. Share your sorrows with $hrist and than& /im for /is
%enefits. When tossed with storms( repose in /im and /e will
'uic&ly calm the sea. 7ift up your heart to /im e*en at meals
and in company. The least little remem%rance of /im will %e
accepta%le to /im. The cumulati*e result of daily see&ing and
adorning /im and o%eying /is promptings results in deeper
U Where am I at this moment6 +m I in a state of forgetfulness(
of tension( in a hea*y place6 !r am I reaching upward(
purifying my whole nature through my listening spirit so that
the %urdens of o%structions will not %e in my path6 0eep gentle
within and lea*e all 'uietly to .od. 0eep your %alance %y not
plunging into thoughts of terror( of suspicion and criticism( for
the Spirit cannot wal& in the company of such thoughts. -e
encouraged %y the thought that there is an in*oluntary life
going on within you( a healing is ta&ing place( a freeing from
dar& emotions %ecause you ha*e as&ed to go the di*ine way. 7et
in the light to shine upon your an)ieties and upon each pro%lem
and %e di*inely e)pectant always. 7ay aside the remem%rance
of trou%lesome thoughts and rest with your whole %eing on the
surety of the Shepherd5s guiding handD following happily
through the *alley of shadows( follow with full trust. :a&e the
act of worship in e*ery act of your daily lifeD worship is a gi*ing
out of lo*e to the /oly Spirit and with it comes a warming sense
of companionship. 7et $hrist %anish all that distur%s( let the
%ody %e still. +nd then thin& of the Spirit as streaming(
pouring( rushing( and shining into you from all sides while you
stand 'uiet. This is worship. 9icture the Spirit within you as a
calm flame( your 'uietly holding it is what is important.
Through prayer( lo*ing( and longing you ignite and release /im
to transform you.
U 4or you ac'uire a strength which cannot fail( through the
sense of your daily companionship with /im who wal&s with
you( whose strength you use( whose power is yours for the
as&ing. Indeed( you can release the Spirit5s power within
yourself %y sometimes o*ercoming a physical desire( a mental
greed or criticism( for the lo*e of $hrist( and the result is a rush
of wisdom and peace. Therefore ma&e way for the &ingdom of
.od to pour through you %y disciplining and controlling your
emotions through faith in the power of the indwelling Spirit.
9ray( &eep your %ody a holy temple( for only then can the
flaming power pour through you. In times of an)iety and
dar&ness trust and %elie*e that $hrist within you will %e your
defense and safety. When temptation comes rest in /is power
to o*ercome %y faith. 9ut all your faith in this secretBholding
companionship and you will %e astonished. $on*erse with /im.
+s& /im simply and %ring /im into your life and you will then
not %lan& out so often. !nce there was a ancient &ing who was
gi*en a crown and great realm %ut as soon as he saw a fault in
one of the uniforms of his generals his mind was ta&en with
that and dwelled on that and he forgot that he was at that great
moment in his life( the moment passed %y him. Try not to let
these ephemeral( impinging( daily pinpric&s steal away your
immortality or peace of mind( which you can %egin to &now
now( for now is your great moment. +rise and shine for your
light has come. -y faith we endure as seeing /im who is
$oncluding Thoughts
U The reason the world is in a %ad condition is %ecause it has
not %een alert( awa&e( and *igilant in o%eying the words of
$hrist. -ut we %ecome more awa&e if we see& and find $hrist
%y faith. In 'uiet and confidence is your strength and when you
go out into life go as an am%assador of $hrist that through
your a%iding in /im you may translate /is words into daily
li*ing. Through your 'uiet communions you will %e gi*en
humility and power( for you can offer yourself a li*ing *essel
for /im to pour through /is healing wisdom. =I will come to
youN= +ccept this di*ine gift wholeBheartedly.
U What you ha*e done is to see& the &ingdom and ha*ing found
it your tas& is to hold it. Jmotions and personalities can steal
you away out among the outer rings. $ome %ac&( come %ac&
and in the holy stillness %e lifted up high a%o*e all confusion.
0eep in $hrist %y faithD here is re*ealed true wisdom and lo*e
which reaches out into a needy world.
U When the emotions race hysterically sin& down three fathoms
%elow the storm( where $hrist is. When you come to the surface
you will %ring some of this calm with you. The more you do this
the more in*oluntary it will %ecome so that your mind will
e*entually see& di*ine instead of human wisdom. Turn to the
Source of life for all needs and you will disco*er that your faith
will grow and your realiLation of $hrist in your midst will last
longer %etween your Courneys to the well of li*ing water.
U Jach withdrawal from the world of confusion to the presence
of $hrist and /is &ingdom has %een the %uilding of a structure(
a li*ing in*isi%le temple not made with hands B a %uilding
against which the gates of hell can ne*er pre*ail. +s you daily
spend time in the most holy place communing with $hrist and
o%eying /im you will grow more and more in grace and lo*e
and /is words( counsel( and might will heal and strengthen
your life and %ring you peace in the midst of war. 0eep this
contact secure in your outward li*ing B for it is the ar& of safety
and sal*ation and this is the way to &eep yoursel*es *essels for
the Spirit to pour through to those who wal& in dar&ness.
Indeed( those who are creati*e( open( released( free( growing(
and ali*e will( in times of crisis( recei*e great flashes of
inspiration which help 'uic&en others.
U 8ou ha*e at last reached the place where you sense a
sustaining lo*e( a protecting SpiritD %e more and more
confident that the wor& of the 4ather is always done within
first( and &eep your di*ine %alance so that when e*ents come to
trou%le you( you will not %e wea& and your thoughts scattered
and uncontrolled. In this holy awareness time will dissol*e(
pressure will %e lifted( dou%t released and you are free indeed.
.o with a tender step( gi*ing unto others what has %een gi*en
to you.
U Whene*er you draw near to the secret place you do not go
entirely aloneD you ta&e others with you. It is one way of ser*ing
your neigh%or. It is ne*er a selfish thing( for %y the healing and
renewing of your own spirit you send out light to others. Into
what far reaches of dar&ness in another may your light shine
without a spo&en wordE
U The hates( criticisms( annoyances etc.( &eep them in the outer
circumference. Turn your face away( turn it within toward
$hrist. This is the &ingdom of hea*en B the manifest presence of
$hrist. This is the goal and tas& most needed now for our time.
Jach soul anchored in $hrist5s presence strengthens the
creation which groans in pain awaiting the manifestation of the
sons of .od.
U 8ou are not altogether aware of the spiritual strength that
has %een gi*en to you. ead o*er these things and ma&e them
manifest. -ecause of childish un%elief you do not act upon what
you ha*e learned and heard. The promptings of the Spirit
within will *oice all your answers to temptations. It is a good
practice( whether wal&ing( riding( or waiting to use these
moments to %e in fellowship with the Spirit of $hrist. 0eep
alert( stop daydreaming which leads you into *alleys.
U :ay $hrist hold your mind in the stillness of /is presence(
'uic&en your thoughts( spea& with your tongue and listen with
your ear. 0eep in the Word. -e *igilant in your insistence upon
li*ing in the dwelling place of the most /igh and o%eying /is
still small *oice. 0eep awa&e in the *ictory of the Spirit( pour
out than&s %efore there is a sign of *ictory( cleanse your heart
of all rage( preCudice( resentment and all hot emotions. 0eep in
the secret place where your whole %eing is cleansed and made
fit to li*e in the &ingdom of hea*en( with $hrist your 0ing( for
all eternity.
=I will ne*er lea*e you or forsa&e you.=
Note: To mention this when the S+irit "a##s us asi!e to as+ire
towar!s /im we shou#! ta(e #itt#e hee! what others !o or say
a&ainst us. If we +erse-ere in #o-in& )o! /e sha## answer for us
se"ret#y in the hearts of those who thin( a&ainst us 6 /e sha## so
answer them in s+irit that they sha## ha-e shame for their wor!s
or thou&hts a&ainst us. If we are faithfu# to see( an! #o-e /im /e
wi## meet a## our ne"essities an! /e wi## &i-e us +atien"e an!
"ontentment with a sim+#ifie! #ifesty#e whi"h /is S+irit instru"ts
us to #i-e that Christ may %e forme! in us an! +erfe"t /is wor(
in us.
.od Is !ur efuge +nd Strength
)o! is our refu&e an! stren&th a -ery +resent he#+ in trou%#e.
Therefore wi## not we fear thou&h the earth %e remo-e! an!
thou&h the mountains %e "arrie! into the mi!st of the sea2
Thou&h the waters thereof roar an! %e trou%#e! thou&h the
mountains sha(e with the swe##in& thereof. Se#ah. There is a
ri-er the streams whereof sha## ma(e &#a! the "ity of )o! the
ho#y +#a"e of the ta%erna"#es of the most /i&h. )o! is in the
mi!st of her2 she sha## not %e mo-e!: )o! sha## he#+ her an! that
ri&ht ear#y. The heathen ra&e! the (in&!oms were mo-e!: he
uttere! his -oi"e the earth me#te!. The LO'D of hosts is with us2
the )o! of $a"o% is our refu&e. Se#ah. Come %eho#! the wor(s of
the LO'D what !eso#ations he hath ma!e in the earth. /e
ma(eth wars to "ease unto the en! of the earth2 he %rea(eth the
%ow an! "utteth the s+ear in sun!er2 he %urneth the "hariot in
the fire. ?e sti## an! (now that I am )o!: I wi## %e e*a#te! amon&
the heathen I wi## %e e*a#te! in the earth. The LO'D of hosts is
with us2 the )o! of $a"o% is our refu&e. Se#ah. Psa#m B7
Jnd Note: HThe thou&hts in this arti"#e ha-e %een e*"er+te!
3some of whi"h ha-e %een +ara+hrase!8 from a series of +ersona#
#ettersI"ounse#s 3written anonymous#y8 that a++eare! in a
re#i&ious wee(#y !urin& the time +erio! %etween 5E4J an! 5EBK
3or there a%out8. The insi&hts in a -ery re+etitious way
em+hasiGe what it e*+erimenta##y means to @a%i!e in ChristA @to
a%i!e un!er the sha!ow of the A#mi&htyA to !we## in @the se"ret
+#a"eA et". In!ee! when we wa#( in the S+irit a%i!e in Christ
an! ma(e )o! our refu&e an! Stren&th in a rea# e*+erimenta#
way we are #i-in& in a s+iritua# +ure ho#y +ristine
"ons"iousness that is not se#fish or se#f6"entere!. It is a
"ons"iousness that is not inf#uen"e! %y +assions hot emotions
moo!s an*iety %ore!om a&itation resentment et". It is a
"ons"iousness that is se#f#ess an! has no sense of !ru!&ery an!
#aGiness in ser-i"e for others. In fa"t this "ons"iousness is none
other than the min! that was in Christ it is /is S+irit an! when
we wa#( in the S+irit we fee# what the S+irit fee#s. ;e #o-e )o! in
a !ee+er way an! we ha-e "om+assion on frien! an! foe a#i(e. As
a resu#t of what Christ a""om+#ishe! 3whi"h manifeste! )o!Ls
stron& #o-e towar! us8 it is +ossi%#e for a## +eo+#e to re"ei-e a new
heart an! a new s+irit an! to %e re"on"i#e! to )o!. ?ut we must
ta(e the initiati-e to return to )o!. Thou&h we were ma!e for
/im M to #o-e &#orify worshi+ an! +raise /im 6 /e wonLt for"e
us to "ome %a"( to /im. ;hen we !o "hoose to surren!er to /im
an! &i-e our #ife an! wi## into /is han!s an! ta(e the time to see(
/im with a## our heart sou# min! an! stren&th /e ta(es the
#i%erty of a #o-in& Father to &ui!e an! "arry us throu&h what we
nee! to &o throu&h in or!er to #i-e "ontinua##y in /is +resen"e.
$ust as #o-in& +arents wash off their #itt#e "hi#! who has fa##en in
a +it of mire an! s"um so #i(ewise !oes our hea-en#y Father
"#eanse an! +urify a## who "ome to /im in faith humi#ity
re+entan"e an! #o-e. As we yie#! to /is !is"i+#ine an! "hastenin&
ro! we are +urifie! an! fi##e! more an! more with the ho#y S+irit.
Our "ons"iousness of /is +resen"e &rows an! we a#ways ha-e a
rea!y +#a"e of 'efu&e to a%i!e in to %e !e#i-ere! from +assions
an! hot emotions that sti## mo-e in our min! an! mem%ers. ;hen
we #i-e in /is +resen"e "onstant#y %eho#!in& /im +raisin& /im
an! worshi++in& /im with a #o-in& than(fu# heart we #ose a##
sense of se#f. ;e are "#eanse! ma!e hum%#e mee( ho#y +ure
#o-in& et". without "ons"ious thou&ht or effort. ;e #i-e in a
+ristine sim+#i"ity as a "hi#! with no more "onfusion or an*iety.
;hen a%i!in& in this @se"ret +#a"eA a## our nee!s are met an!
our %o!y is ener&iGe! %y the ho#y S+irit that we may he#+ others
an! &#orify )o!. ;e no #on&er see( )o! for our own ha++iness
%ut rather to %rin& &#ory to /im an! to enhan"e /is &#ory. O#!
thin&s an! thin(in& are +asse! away a## thin&s are %e"ome new
+urifie! %a#an"e! an! restore!.
+ :J"IT+TI!N !N .!"1S 9JSJN$J
(,oel S. .oldsmith)
The reason life hasn5t %een successful is that we ha*e li*ed it
through personal sense instead of a daily surrender to $hrist5s
presence within. No one5s life would e*er %e a failure. No one5s
life would e*er end in wea&ness and fear and de%ility if they
surrendered their life e*ery morning to $hrist5s presence
within and let /im ta&e o*er the day. I li*e( yet not I. $hrist5s
presence within me li*es my life and( for a long( long while it is
necessary that we retire within oursel*es se*eral times a day to
ma&e this surrender( until one day( a complete and perfect
surrender actually ta&es place after which you disco*er that
you5re N!T li*ing your own life anymore nor thin&ing your
own thoughts %ut it5s always $hrist who is li*ing your life( he is
thin&ing through you. /e is li*ing through you. +nd then( if
there are any desires or hopes or am%itions( it is $hrist
e)pressing his will( his desire( his power( his presence.= -e not
afraid( it is I. The %attle is not yours( you need not fight. Stand
ye still and see the sal*ation of the 7ord.
I am see&ing nothing in the outer realm. I release all desire for
persons( for things( for conditions. I drop all of my hopes and
my am%itions into Thy lap( 4ather. Ta&e all that I ha*e( for all
that I ha*e is Thine. I release myself from all fears &nown( for
Thou art in me and I am in Thee. That where I am( Thou art.
Therefore( I fear not. I fear not what mortal man can do to me.
I fear not what human thoughts can do to me. I fear nothing(
for I am in Thee and Thou art in me. Where Thou art( I am
and where Thou art no fear can a%ide. Is there anything with
power destructi*e to Thy child6 Is there any power greater
than Thy power of protection( of care( of support6 4or I am in
the 4ather and the 4ather is in me. Therefore( easily( gladly(
will I surrender fear.
If I desire .od with all my heart and with all my soul and with
all my mind( do I ha*e room left to desire anything else and is
there anything for me to desire after I ha*e gi*en my whole
desire to .od6 I desire only .od B to &now Thee aright B to li*e
consciously in Thy presence. This is my desire and all other
desires I surrender unto Thee. No longer do I ha*e any desire
%ut to &now Thee aright.
+nd so now( here I am inside of myself( alone with .od(
ta%ernacling with .od( li*ing in the &ingdom of .od within me
and loo&ing to this deep withinness B this deep pool of
contentment within myself( for whate*er it is that .od is going
to impart to me.
emem%er( there is no contentment to the mind that is stirred
for desire for something that is outside. There is no
contentment and there is no peace for the mind that is in fear of
something outside. The only peace there is( the only
contentment is in the realiLation( 2I and my 4ather are one( and
here within me is the entire &ingdom of .od. /ere within me(
.od has placed /is son B /is %elo*ed son. This %elo*ed son is
the reality of my %eing. This child of .od is within me.
Now( I am within and the rest of the world is without and I
ha*e no desire now to go %eyond my eyelids. I1m within me. :y
thoughts do not go outside for there is nothing greater than that
which I ha*e within me. +nd now that I am at peace within I
can turn to the 4ather within and say( 2Spea&( 7ord. Thy
ser*ant heareth. I wait for the impartation that is to come from
Thee. To me.3 "eep down within me is the &ingdom of .od.
"eep down within me is /is presence and in /is presence is
fullness of life. /is presence within me is fulfillment. +ll that I
shall e*er need in my daily life is pro*ided for from within me(
through /is presence.
Thy presence within me is the fulfillment of my entire life. Thy
presence within me is life eternal. Thy presence within me is
%read( the staff of life. Thy presence within me is wine( is water(
is meat. In Thy presence is fulfillment( for where the spirit of
the 7ord is( there is li%erty( and here( now( within me( is the
spirit of the 7ord. The spirit of the 7ord .od is upon me. The
spirit of the 7ord .od is within me. The spirit of the 7ord .od
has ordained me to show forth .od1s glory. The spirit of the
7ord .od within me is my li%erty( my freedom from fear( my
freedom from care( my freedom from danger. Thy presence
within me is my freedom from care.
!ut in the world there is care and trial and tri%ulation. -ut in
Thy presence within me is peace( freedom( Coy( safety( security(
a%undance. Thy presence is my a%undance. Thy presence
within me is the acti*ity of grace. Thy presence within me is the
fulfillment of my career on earth. Whate*er it is I am to do on
earth( is now successful %ecause Thy presence within me goes
%efore me to ma&e the croo&ed places straight B to prepare a
place for me( to prepare mansions for me. Thy presence with
me is the su%stance( the law and the acti*ity of life harmonious.
Thy presence within me is di*ine wisdom. Thy presence within
me is di*ine lo*e.
Where Thou art( only lo*e can %e e)pressed. Where Thou art(
only wisdom can %e e)pressed. Where Thou art( only peace can
%e &nown and Thou art within me. I and my 4ather are here(
together in communion with each other( ta%ernacling with each
other( for the 4ather and I are one( %ut the 4ather is greater
than I and the 4ather has made my soul /is dwelling place. The
4ather has made my consciousness /is dwelling place. The
4ather dwells within me and I dwell in /im( for we are one.
Thy presence is the acti*ity of di*ine grace and Thy grace is my
sufficiency in all things. Where is Thy grace6 Thy grace is not
out in a room. Thy grace does not function out in the air. Thy
grace is not somewhere %etween hea*en and earth. Thy grace is
within me. Thy grace is within my consciousness B really in the
consciousness of all man&ind( awaiting the recognition that I
am now gi*ing.
This is life eternal( to &now that Thy grace is functioning within
me. Thy grace satisfies me B in all directions. Thy grace is a law
of lo*e and of light unto me. Thy grace is my %read and meat
and wine and water and Thy grace is functioning here and now(
within me. I and the 4ather are here( together( we are one. I am
in /im and /e in me. +nd( my recognition of the 4ather within
me B my recognition that the 4ather( /e doeth the wor&s. This
lea*es me free B free of desire( free of hope( free of am%ition(
%ut ali*e and alert in the realiLation I can do all thing through
$hrist. I can do all things through the presence of .od within
me. I can do all things.
I li*e( yet not I( The 4ather within me is li*ing my life. The
4ather within me is fulfilling my life. The 4ather within me
gi*eth me wor& to do and then /e performeth that which is
gi*en me to do. The 4ather within me leadeth me into green
pastures( %eside still waters. The 4ather within me gi*eth me
wor& to do and I wor& as the 4ather gi*eth me to do( and yet(
/e performeth that which /e gi*eth me to do. 4or the 4ather
within me doeth the wor&s. I alone of myself can do nothing.
!nly %y the grace of the 4ather within me is my life fulfilled.
!nly %y the grace of the 4ather within me am I led to where I
can %est ser*e .od and man.
!h( yes( I must ser*e man. I must %e a ser*ant unto man. I
must dedicate my life to my neigh%or %ecause if I say I lo*e
.od whom I ha*e not seen %ut do not lo*e my fellow man
whom I ha*e seen( then I am a liar. So( in lo*ing .od
supremely( I lo*e my fellow man and lo*e to help and to ser*e
and to enlighten. -ut only %y the grace of .od am I led to those
whom I can ser*e. !nly %y the grace of .od can I succeed in
ser*ing them after I ha*e met them.
+nd how do I e)perience the grace of .od6 -y turning within B
silently( secretly( sacredly( and realiLing( here within me now(
with the whole world shut out( no longer e)ternal to myself(
here am I( 4ather( and we are one. In this silence( I pledge my
life to .od( ha*ing surrendered desires( hopes( fears( am%itions.
I ha*e surrendered myself to .od( and now( .od( fill me.
Jnlighten me. Teach me. Instruct me. .uide me. 7ead me.
"irect me. 4eed me. 4eed me. Sustain me from within. Thou
hast re*ealed of old( 2I am the %read and the meat and the wine
and the water.3 +nd so I &now that Thy infinite source of
supply is fore*er feeding and clothing and housing me. I &now
all this comes from within so I need not loo& without.
Thy wisdom is my wisdom. Thy lo*e is my lo*e. :y whole life is
li*ed that Thy glory may %e made manifest unto man. +h( yes(
if I were to spea& of myself I would %ear witness to a lie. I( of
mine own self can do nothing. I ha*e no powers. -ut e*erything
that is performed through me is a showing forth of Thy glory(
of Thy wisdom( of Thy life( of Thy strength( of Thy peace( of
Thy power.
J*ery %it of good that is made manifest through my earthly life
is a testimony to Thy glory B to Thy presence B to Thy power.
Without Thy presence and without Thy power I would %e as a
%ranch of a tree that is cut off and withereth. +c&nowledging
Thy presence within me( ac&nowledging Thy power( I am one
with the source of all life( of all wisdom( all strength.
+c&nowledging Thy presence and Thy power within me( I am
one with immortality( eternality( infinity. +nd all of this shows
forth Thy glory.
If I am healthy( this is an e*idence of Thy presence within me.
If I ha*e a%undance( this is an e*idence of Thy presence within
me. If I ha*e Coy( peace( harmony B this %ears witness to Thy
presence within me. If I ser*e( if I help( if I %enefit anyone( this
is the testimony that Thou art with me. Thou art with me. Thou
art in me as I am in Thee and we are one and all that is
performed through me is Thine own glory %eing made manifest
to the world. Thy presence B I feel it. I feel it. It is here B within
me. It goes %efore me. It wal&s %eside me( %ehind me. +nd
always( it loo&s o*er my shoulder showing me which way to go.
Therefore( %y Thy grace I wal& uprightly. -y Thy grace I wal&
confidently. -y Thy grace I ser*e hum%ly and sincerely.
Thy grace is my sufficiency in all things. +nd this( which is so
sacred( this( which is the most sacred e)perience an indi*idual
can e*er &now( to %e loc&ed up within himself( with the whole
outside world shut out( to %e here ta%ernacling with .od(
feeling .od1s presence( feeling the assurance that comes with
the feeling of .od1s presence( this most sacred e)perience( must
also %e a secret e)perience( for the :aster teaches( 2When you
pray( close the door( go within your secret sanctuary and close
the door(3 which we are doing now.
,ust thin&( each one of us is as if there were no one else in this
room. Jach one of us is alone B loc&ed up inside himself with
.od. !nly .od. In communion with .od. +nd this is a secret B
a secret which we ha*e from the world( %ut a secret which we
share with those who pro*e their readiness for the e)perience.
We do not gi*e our pearls to the unprepared thought. We do
not teach the deepest and most sacred part of our wor& e)cept
to those who ha*e gi*en indication that their desire is for a life
of the Spirit B those who ha*e shown to us that they( too( desire
to li*e a life ta%ernacling with .od( li*ing %y the grace of .od.
Not %y might( not %y power( %ut %y the spirit of .od within.
+nd so you come to the great mystery and that is this B when
you ha*e this spirit of .od consciously ali*e in you( you ha*e
the su%stance and the law and acti*ity of all form. +nd you will
find that this recognition( this realiLation( of the presence and
the power of .od within you( will appear outwardly as e*ery
form of acti*ity( e*ery form of supply( e*ery form of health(
e*ery form of infinite good that you could possi%ly dream of
and far %eyond your a%ility e*en to dream. !ne need not desire
health. ,ust desire to &now the 4ather within you.
$lose the eyes and rest in the assurance of :y presence. 4or I
will ne*er lea*e thee( nor forsa&e thee. I will %e with thee until
the end of the world. Withersoe*er thou goest( I will go(
whether it is up to hea*en or down to hell( or through the *alley
of the shadow of death( fear not. 4ear not. It is I. I( here in the
midst of you.
!nly B if only it is necessary to li*e B oh( a few moments in the
morning( a few moments at noon( a few moments at night B
inwardly( li&e this( with the world shut out( until the *ery
feeling of .od5s presence is there and then ta&e no thought for
anything in the e)ternal world( for +77 things will %e added
unto you.
N!TJ: -e careful. Ne*er spea& of this to anyone B not to your
closest relati*es. Not to your closest friends( #NTI7 such time
as your own life %ears witness to the fruitage of this and then
they come and see& it B and then don5t gi*e it to them until they
ha*e 9!OJN their readiness for it B their eagerness for it B
their desire for it. -ecause( you will find that your pearls can %e
trampled upon and you could lose them.
It is a strange thing to say that there are those who ha*e found
this and lost it in their o*er eagerness to gi*e it( to share it. +nd
the reason is( that to spea& this( ordinarily( is li&e hitting a %all
up against the wall. The wall doesn5t recei*e it( it Cust sends it
%ac& to hit you. +nd so it is( as I *oice this to you( you accept it(
you recei*e it in your consciousness. It goes out from me( it
finds lodgment within you and then it comes %ac& up to me in a
wa*e of lo*e. -ut the moment that I try to tell this to someone
who is N!T recepti*e and responsi*e( it is as if it hit up against
the wall and came %ac& and hit me instead of coming %ac&
gently( sweetly( lo*ingly.
8ou5ll find that when you find someone who is see&ing .od( has
shown %y their life some measure of dedication to see&ing /im(
that when you share this with them( it dou%les itself in you. +t
the *ery moment that you try to cram it down someone5s
throat( the *ery moment you try to gi*e it to someone who
doesn5t want it( then you find you deplete yourself.
:any do not realiLe that when the :aster was teaching the
multitudes he was often depleted. +nd the reason was( that he
was gi*ing out this fullness of the spirit and it was merely
%ouncing %ac& B lying at his feet. Oery often( when we ha*e a
lecture( afterward( there is a feeling of depletion. +s if you had
gi*en out all of your good and left yourself %lan&. -ut this
ne*er happens in a classroom. Ne*er. !n the contrary( I ha*e
ne*er &nown a session of a class that didn5t lea*e me more
elated( more uplifted( more filled with the spirit( than the
%eginning of the class. The reason is( those who come to the
class come with open consciousness B recepti*e. They ha*e
indicated in their li*es or they wouldn5t %e in the room if they
weren5t dedicating themsel*es to a higher awareness( to a
higher consciousness and so they are recepti*e and responsi*e
and they recei*e and they gi*e %ac&.
9resence $onscious
Ta&en from: 2/is 9resence In The :idst !f 8ou3 %y $harles
Jlliott New%old( ,r. (See chapter FF)
I am the 7ord your .od in the midst of you. "o not forget that
I am in your midst. I am with you when you rise up and lie
down( when you go out and come in. I am always with you.
:a&e a conscious effort to remind yourself that I am with you(
in you( and among you. Increase your awareness of :e in your
presence. 4ailure to thin& of :e as always %eing with you gi*es
you permission to wal& in a way that is not pleasing to :e. 8ou
do things( say things( thin& things you would ne*er do( say( or
thin& if I were with you in flesh and %lood. 8et( it is no different
with :e. I am Cust as with you in spirit as I would %e in the
flesh. When you ha*e a 9resenceBconsciousness( you will
e)perience the anointing that goes with :y presence. Where
:y anointing is( there is :y power. :ore of :y power is
released through your awareness of :e.
+s you train yourself to %e 9resenceBconscious( you will learn to
hear :y still( small *oice more clearly. 8ou will gain
confidence in our relationship. 8ou will come to &now :e
%etter( to &now :y will and :y ways. 8ou will desire to &now
:e %etter day %y day and desire to wal& in faithfulness and
There%y you will %ecome more of who I am and %egin to do as I
say do( say what I say to say( and %e who I ha*e made you to
%e. 8ou will e)perience :y power wor&ing in your midst. I will
go %efore you and dri*e out the enemy. I will %e your rear
+s you %ecome more 9resenceBconscious( you will %e less li&ely
to sin and ta&e :e to places I do not wish to go. 8ou will %e less
li&ely to grie*e :y precious /oly Spirit.
8ou will find a struggle( a war waging inside of you as you
%ecome more 9resenceBconscious. 8our mind will want to ta&e
you places your spirit does not want to go. In your attempts to
resist going there in your mind( you will find Cust how
compelling your fleshly mind is. +s you %ecome more 9resenceB
conscious( you will ha*e more of :y life and power( :y grace(
to resist this enemy of your mind.
The old man of flesh( li&ewise in agreement with your fleshly
mind( will impulsi*ely dri*e you to indulgences that are
harmful to you and to others. It &nows nothing other than to
*iolate .od( yourself( and others. It is egoBin*ested. It does only
what it wants for self. /ere again( as you %ecome more
9resenceBconscious( you will ha*e :y life and :y power to win
the war against your flesh.
Thin& of :e as actually %eing there at all times and in all
places( for indeed I am. While this may %e unsettling to you
when you are in the throes of temptation( it is of comfort to you
to &now that e*en I suffered temptation in the flesh (/e%. ?:FH).
8et I o*ercame. I am the 9resence in your midst to o*ercome
your temptation for you. There is no condemnation in
emind yourself constantly until it %ecomes automatic for you
that I am with you always e*en to the completion of the age
(:att. ?H:FKB?M). /a*e I not promised you that I will ne*er
lea*e you nor forsa&e you ("eut. @F:G)6 =When you pass
through the waters( I will %e with youD and through the ri*ers(
they shall not o*erflow you. When you wal& through the fire(
you shall not %e %urnedD neither shall the flame &indle upon
you= (Isa. A@:?).
Therefore( su%mit yourself to :e and resist the de*il. esist the
de*il of your fleshly mind. esist the de*il of your old man of
flesh and sin. esist the de*il altogether( and he will flee from
you. "raw near to :e and I will draw near to you (,as. A:>BH).
When you feel wea&( impulsi*e( out of control in anything
pertaining to ungodliness( reach out to :e. Touch :e. -e
willing to %e wea& in that matter so that I might %e your
Ta&en from: 2/is 9resence In The :idst !f 8ou3 %y $harles
Jlliott New%old( ,r. (See chapter F?)
What does it mean to deny self6
8ou li*e in an old( fallenBman %ody of flesh that is selfBcentered(
selfBdri*en( and selfBin*ested. Self is the center of your uni*erse.
Self &nows only one thing: to get more for self so there will %e
more of self. Self has little or no regard for the needs of other
sel*es and has little or no desire to meet the needs of other
sel*es. It has no capacity within itself to deny itself of anything.
It aggressi*ely see&s to satisfy its e*ery lust and impulse. It is
depra*ed. It is on a fast trac& to selfBdestruction.
This fallen condition occurred at the %eginning of time when I
set +dam and his wife( J*e( in the garden of fellowship with
:e. I told them to eat of all of the trees in the garden( %ut I told
them not to eat of the tree of &nowledge of good and e*il. They
could ha*e eaten of :e( the Tree of 7ife( recei*ed :y life( and
%een satisfied for all eternity.
ather( %eing %eguiled %y the de*il( they chose to eat of the
for%idden fruit. They %elie*ed Satan5s lie that they would
%ecome as I am( &nowing good and e*il. They came to &now
good and e*il( %ut recei*ed the penalty of death rather than :y
life. They %ecame flesh man.
They were no longer sons of .od %ut %ecame sons of Satan.
8ou are the sons and daughters of the one you o%ey. They chose
to come under Satan5s lordship in that day. They %ecame
something other than what they had %een made to %e.
They went out from the garden of fellowship with :e and had
children after their own &ind. Those children had children
after their own &ind. 4rom generation to generation so it was(
and is( that all men and women are %orn into this world under
the domain of Satan with the genetic code common to +dam
after his fall.
Now( this old man of flesh is full of en*y( lust( greed( hatred(
idolatry( anger( drun&enness( fear( and murder. It is capa%le of
all things *ile and a%usi*e. It has no power to %e otherwise. It
cannot change its nature. If the man of flesh is not transformed
%y :y Spirit into :y nature( it is su%Cect to Cudgment and
death. It cannot deny itself of anything.
Therefore( you must %e %orn again. 8ou must come to %elie*e
that I am .od( that I am ,esus( the $hrist( the Son of the li*ing
.od. When I see you putting your faith and trust in :e with a
willingness to o%ey :e( I consider you righteous. I( then( send
forth :y Spirit to come into your spirit to 'uic&en you to new
life in :e. 8ou %ecome a new creature in :e (? $or. 5:F>). 8ou
are now sons of .od( the children of .od. I ha*e %ecome your
7ord and :aster instead of Satan %eing so. I am your 4ather(
8our hea*enly 4ather.
8ou now ha*e :y mind and :y Spirit within you. I %ecome
the power within you to o*ercome the compulsions and
impulses of your flesh. Ne*ertheless( your flesh still cries out to
ha*e its way( %ut you put it to death %y denying it. 8ou deny
your flesh %y your acts of o%edience to :e. 4or e*ery act in the
flesh( there is an action to counteract it in the spirit( %ut how
are you to &now what the counteraction is unless you see& :e6
/ow are you to see& :e( if you do not ha*e a sense of :y
presence in your life6
Therefore( you need more powerD that is( more of :e. 8ou need
a greater intensity of :y presence in your midst. I offer the
fullness of :y /oly Spirit to come upon you that you might
ha*e the power of :y lordship in your life. I %aptiLe you in :y
precious /oly Spirit. I immerse you( soa& you( saturate you in
:y Spirit. Who among you would not want :e to gi*e you this
greater measure of :e6
I am the power in your life that ena%les you to deny yourself of
self. 8ou cannot do this in your own strength.
To deny self is to gi*e up what you want for yourself that I
might ha*e what I want for you. Ne*ertheless( this old man of
flesh is insidious( decepti*e( and easily decei*ed. It often thin&s
that ser*ing self is ser*ing :e( %ut that can ne*er %e.
To o%ey is %etter than sacrifice (F Sam. F5:??). !%edience is the
sacrifice. !%edience is the cross. So when you deny self( you are
ta&ing up a cross( the cross of selfBdenial. This is the only way
anyone can follow :e. Whene*er you disco*er :y will in a
matter( you will disco*er that something usually has to die in
you. It has to %e sacrificed.

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