Acidity Mapping in Cebu City Results

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Abarquez, M; Alforque, J; Hera, G.M.

1.0 Introduction:
Acid rain is a kind of atmospheric pollution brought by the build-up of sulfates and
nitrates. The sources of these compounds are primarily the industries and vehicular activities.
Therefore a growing city like Cebu, which hosts 70% of the industries in Central Visayas as
suggested by Villafae (2001) & considerable amount of transportation means entails not only
progression but endangering of the city to acid rain, Furthermore, as reported by LTO (2012) and
CIA (2012) the number of registered vehicles in Cebu from year 2011-2012 increases by 9.46%.
Due to this increase, the acidity accumulation in the citys ambient atmosphere as stipulated by
DENR-EMB (2012) is amplified as well as the probability of the occurrence of acid rain.
Subsequently, with the probable occurrence of acid rain, the city is likely to be affected
by its effects such as death of plants, animals and health problems to humans as per suggested by
Nucum (2007) and Phamorsuwana (2012). In relation to these swelling liabilities of acid rain and
its dangers, early detection of this pollution through acidity mapping is of utmost important. The
acidity mapping aims to plot and identify the places in Cebu city that are prospects and
susceptible to the said pollution and provides details regarding the air quality of the city as to
develop preventive programs and measures.


1.1 Theoretical Background:
Normally, rain is acidic brought by the minimal presence of sulfur and nitrogen
compounds from natural occurrences. However, with the addition of these gases from human
activities, it turns into acid rain. There are three factors that affect the increase of the said gases
in the atmosphere; local and non-local emissions from industries and vehicles, wind dynamism,
and the trees as filters.
The most contributing factor is the direct emission of sulfates and nitrates to the
atmosphere from the industries and vehicles of the city (Chang, 2008; Silberberg, 2010; Nucum,
2007). These are emitted in different compounds and turn to acids by the oxidation process. The
sulfur compounds are oxidized by the hydroxyl radicals, oxygen and ultimately with hydrogen
peroxide as shown in figure 1.1. On the other hand, the nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere
are oxidized by the ozone, hydroxyl radicals and oxygen as seen in figure 1.2. Therefore,
emission and oxidation of these gases increases the accumulation of acid in the atmosphere
which precipitated as acid rain as seen in figure 1.3.

The non-local emissions are brought by the second factor, wind dynamism.
Through the turbulent flow of the wind, the pollutants that are emitted in other places are carried
to the citys ambient atmosphere. (Yoon, 2012; Sharma,, 2012). Considering the wind
S + OH
+ H
HS + O
+ SO
SO + O
+ O
+ H
NO + O
+ O
+ OH


+ O
+ O
+ NO
+ H
Figure 1.1 Oxidation to Sulfuric acid
Figure 1.2 Oxidation to Nitric acid

patterns of Cebu which encircles the other two cities in the island which has considerable amount
of industries and vehicles as well, the accumulation of the pollutants in Cebu increases as the
wind carries them from the other cities.
The wind dynamism could have also removed some pollutants from the city but the trees
have prohibited such transport. The third factor of the increase in acidity is by the tree-filter. The
tree-filter by Melendez (2003) posited that the trees act as filter of the suspended aerosols in the
wind leaving the pollutants in the place. The most susceptible trees that would act as filter as
suggested by Xiang, (2008) are those with tall height and large leaves. These kinds of trees
leach out 22.93% of sulfate and 83.89% of nitrate from the wind. So when the winds strikes
again instead of transporting the pollutants to other places, the pollutants will go directly to
atmosphere and mixes with the clouds contributing to the accumulation of acids in the

Sulfate and
in the
Emissions from
industries and vehicles


Acidity of
Rain in
Cebu city
Wind Dynamism
Tree-Filter Theory
Figure 1.3 Conceptual Framework

These three factors increase the prospects of Cebu city to the occurrence and effects of
acid rain. As such, early determination of places susceptible to the said pollution through acid
mapping is an important factor in order to prevent and lessen the possibility of occurrence. The
acidity mapping will also describe the pollutants and its contributing factors through GIS
GIS of Geographic Information System, software that can map almost all the details of a
place including streets, structures, ecology, forest, etc. It utilizes two basic data types; spatial
which contains the coordinates and identifying information for various maps features and
attributes data which contains sets of census information and the likes. As such it is suitable to
aid the mapping of the level of acidity in Cebu

1.2 Statement of the Problem:
This study was focused on the determination of the level of acidity in Cebu city as to
produce data to the status of the cities ambient atmosphere. This was aimed to map the level of
acidity in the urban barangays within Cebu city with the objective of answering the following
1. Which barangays have the highest level of acidity in terms of:
a. Concentration of acid present?
b. pH value?
2. The average acidity level of Cebu city at the:
a. Quadrant level
b. City level

1.2 Significance of the Study:
Early detection of the places that are likely to be affected by the probable occurrence of
acid rain will benefit the following:
Cebu city Government. This will drive the city to intensify the waste management
programs especially in the industries and the belching of the vehicles.
DENR Cebu. This study will help provide additional information about the
acidic condition of the citys ambient atmosphere in order for the
sector to create and implement programs and preventive actions
towards the occurrence of acid rain.
CITOM. This study will help direct the sector on which places should be
given focus on the traffic management and control.
People. Through this study the people will be aware to the current
condition and quality of air and of the pollution acid rain. This will
serve as a wake-up call for them to act in protecting the city and as
well as themselves from the adverse effects of acid rain.

1.4 Scope and Limitations:
Sampling. The sampling was limited to five samples in each quadrant and
does not depend on the period of time the sampling was done. This is
due to the limited research period which was only five months. The
resources and the support that the researches received were also
limited. The samples were also limited only to rain as it is the only
precipitation that can possibly be taken by the instrument present.

Procedures. Experimental procedures were also limited to simple chemical
analysis such as pH-testing, confirmatory tests, and acid-base
titration. This is in the reason that this is a self-financed study and the
researchers have limited financial capabilities.

0.2 Review of Related Literature
Acid rain is primarily an effect of the accumulation of sulfates and nitrates in the
atmosphere (Hein,, 2005; Silberberg, 2010). This accumulation of acids decreases further
the pH of rainwater which is 5.6 (Oxtoby, 2008; Freeman,, 2010). As a result of increase
acidity, essential minerals in the soil and water are leached out causing plants and animals to die
(Chang, 2008; Nucum, 2007; Tacio, 2007; Hanton, 2005). The death of the primary food sources
as well as the direct exposure to acid rain affects the health of human. (NOAA, 2003;
Phamorsuwana, 2012). Because of these dangers that acid rain posits, scientists around the globe
conducted researches for familiarity and to look for possible solutions through acidity mapping.
Singh and Agrawal (2006) and Melendez (2003) mapped the acidity of India and New
Jersey respectively through the soil and water samples that were affected by acid rain. Acid rain
has already occurred when this study was conducted and samples were taken from forests and
lakes that were already affected. The method of their study provides good data for mapping
places with high level of acidity in the ambient atmosphere. However, it will not clearly
articulate that the acidity of the soil and water is caused by acid rain because there are many
factors that could contribute also. Furthermore, the method is not applicable to places that are yet
to be affected or has no definitive proofs of the effects of acid rain.

Others have made use of the technological advancement of their respective countries to
map the level of acidity such as the studies done by Sharma, (2012) and Wu, (2012).
Through the use of instruments that scans the ambient atmosphere and computer programs and
simulations, they monitored the amount of particulates including nitrate and sulfate compounds
suspended. This method could provide easy gathering of data. Unfortunately, it could not provide
the level of the acidity of the ambient atmosphere by only monitoring because it cannot scan the
nitrates and sulfates that have already oxidize into acids in the atmosphere. In addition, the
method done in this study would require certain instruments and programs which may not be
present in other places.
On the other hand, Yoon (2012) in his quest for possible solution of acid rain in South
Korea used a practical method to map the countries acidity through comparing the results of the
previous data of the pH of rain in its major cities. Through the mean of each citys rain pH each
year, he described the level of acidity in the major cities. Consequently, through the average of
the major cities pH, he concluded the level of acidity of South Korea. The method may be
practical but the average of the previous years pH level cannot predict the current acidity of the
place ambient atmosphere. Furthermore, the method that was done is not applicable to places that
have no records of the rains pH level of the previous years.
Similarly, Ham, (2010) made use of the pH level of the rainwater to map the acidity
level of a watershed in Japan but unlike that of Yoon, the study gathered data to fresh rain water
samples. However, the analysis of the sample was incomplete because it didnt include the
presence of sulfates which is also a major cause of the acidity of rain instead it focused more on
the presence and percentage of nitrates. But regardless of that, the research method was far most
practical, reliable, and adaptable to be utilized in other places for an acidity mapping.

Though different methods are employed by different researches for acidity mapping, they
share a common implication in their results, that areas with high level of acidity are those areas
that has considerable numbers of industries and vehicles. This implies that an area such as Cebu
city with a growing number of industries (Villafae, 2001; Cebu Holdings Inc., 2012) and
vehicles (CIA, 2012; LTO, 2012) entails an increasing probability of acid rain occurrence.
However, with such probability of the susceptibility of the city to be affected as per
suggested in the increasing numbers of particulates (DENR-EMB, 2012), no studies or actions
regarding the matter had been conducted and taken. This makes conducting an acidity mapping
of utmost importance and necessity for the city for an early detection of the acid rain occurrence
and to identify places that are most probably be affected in order to provide preventive measures.
In this mapping where the city has no previous data and required instruments for monitoring, the
method of Ham, (2012) is adapted as for the collection of rain sample but the analysis would
include the presence of sulfur.

3.0 Methodology:
3.1 Research Design:
The research made use of the exploratory design because there is no definitive data
regarding the rain acidity of Cebu City. As such, this research was focused on gaining insights
and familiarity of the rain acidity of Cebu city for future investigation.


3.2 Research Locale
The research sampling took place in the urban barangays of Cebu City. This was in the
reason that Cebu city is the largest and a progressing city in the province of Cebu where the
researchers are living. The barangays were divided into four quadrants depending on their
proximity with each other and the relative area. See Appendix A to Appendix D.

3.3 Instrumentation:
This research requires different tools and measurements such as pH meter, confirmatory
chemicals, such as Ferrous sulfate, Barium chloride, Hydrochloric acid and Sulfuric acid, and
apparatus, such as burette and Erlenmeyer flasks, those used in titration. The pH meter is used as
a tool in measuring the acidity of the water. To determine the presence of nitrates and sulfates,
the utilization of qualitative confirmatory test and quantitative measurements through acid-base
titration are necessary.

3.4 Procedure
A. Nitrate and Sulfate Confirmatory Test.
The study adapts the method of nitrate and sulfate confirmation test from Qualitative
Analysis by E.S Gilreath (1964). Refer to Appendix E.


B. Concentration of Acid
The study adapts the acid base titration method of calculating the percentage of acid in a
solution from Chemistry 9
edition by R. Chang (2008). Refer to Appendix F.

3.5 Statistical Analysis
The study made use Descriptive Statistics in order to describe and summarize the
implications of the data in a meaningful way through the measures of central tendency and
measures of spread. It also made use of ANOVA or Analysis of Variance as to determine the
significant difference of the results of the four quadrants.

4.0 Results and Discussions
4.1 Results

Over-all Average
pH Presence of Rank
Nitrate Sulfate

Quadrant 1

Sample 1 6.9 0.66667 0.33333

sample2 6.9 1 0

Sample 3 6.7333 1 0.66667

Sample 4 6.8 0.66667 0.33333

Sample 5 6.7333 0.66667 1

Table 1.1 pH-testing and Confirmatory test Results

Average 6.8133 0.8 0.46667
SD 0.076 0.18257 0.38006

Quadrant 2

Sample 1 6.8333 0.66667 0.33333

Sample 2 6.8667 0.66667 0.66667

Sample 3 6.8333 0.66667 1

Sample 4 6.8667 0 0.33333

Sample 5 6.7333 0.33333 0.33333

Average 6.8267 0.46667 0.53333
SD 0.0548 0.29814 0.29814

Quadrant 3

Sample 1 6.5333 0.66667 0.33333

Sample 2 6.7333 0.66667 1

Sample 3 6.7333 1 0.66667

Sample 4 6.8333 0.66667 0.66667

Sample 5 6.7 0.66667 1

Average 6.7067 0.73333 0.73333
SD 0.109 0.14907 0.27889

Quadrant 4

Sample 1 6.8333 1 0.33333

Sample 2 6.7 1 0.66667

Sample 3 6.8 0.66667 0.66667

Sample 4 6.7333 0.66667 0.33333

Sample 5 6.8333 0.66667 0.66667

Average 6.78 0.8 0.53333
SD 0.0606 0.18257 0.18257

This table shows the means of each sample in each quadrant pH-level and the presence of
nitrates and sulfates from the large pool of data, see Appendix G. The samples means in each
quadrant are averaged to get the mean pH-level and amount nitrates and sulfates present.
Furthermore, the standard deviations were taken to see the variability of the data. These were
done in order to get a ranking among the quadrants based from the pH-level and amount of
nitrates and sulfates present.

Over-all Average
Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4
Sample 1 4.60E-04 M 6.03E-04 M 1.53E-03 M 8.29E-04 M
Sample 2 4.80E-04 M 5.83E-04 M 8.70E-04 M 8.29E-04 M
Sample 3 8.70E-04 M 5.83E-04 M 9.51E-04 M 6.85E-04 M
Sample 4 6.03E-04 M 4.80E-04 M 5.62E-04 M 7.88E-04 M
Sample 5 8.49E-04 M 8.90E-04 M 1.10E-03 M 7.06E-04 M
Average 6.52E-04 M 6.28E-04 M 1.00E-03 M 7.67E-04 M
SD 0.00019675 M 0.00015422 M 0.000352 M 0.00006794 M
Rank 3

This table shows the average of the molarities of the acid present in rain samples in each
sample in each quadrant from a large pool of data, see Appendix H. The over-all averages were
taken together with the variance for the determination of which of the quadrants has the highest
concentration of acids in the rain sample. However, support is needed through identifying
significant differences in each quadrant (see Table 1.3) in order for the quadrants can be ranked.

Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F-ratio
distribution P-value Decision


1.300875E-06 3 4.33625E-07 2.9684 2.8387 0.04324 Reject Ho1
Samples 6.30988E-07 4 1.57747E-07 1.0798 2.606 0.3793
Fail to
reject Ho2
Both 1.77047E-06 12 1.4754E-07 1.01 2.0035 0.458
Fail to
reject Ho3

Error 5.84316E-06 40 1.46079E-07

Total 9.5455E-06 59

Table 1.2 Acid-Base Titration Results
Table 1.3Two-Way ANOVA of Acid-Base Titration Results

This table shows the results of the two-way ANOVA among the quadrants done in an
alpha of 0.05 with 95% confidence which is focused on these hypotheses:
Ho1: Quadrants have no significant differences on the concentration of acid in rain.
Ho2: Samples have no significant differences on the concentration of acid in rain.
Ho3: Quadrants and Samples interactions have no significant effect on the concentration
of acid in rain.

4.2 Discussion
Acid rain is a phenomenon that is believed to be affecting the whole- wide world. This
kind of pollution comes with globalization as it is fed by the gaseous wastes from industries,
factories and transportation that define globalization. As such most of the globalized cities in the
world are thought to be affected by acid rain. Fortunately though, that doesnt hold through in a
progressing city like Cebu that is because the results suggested that as of the second week of
October of the year 2013, the city is free of acid rain.
The pH level of the rain water in Cebu city is only between 6.7067 to 6.8267. This
connotes that the rain in Cebu city still belongs to the acid category of a normal rain. Since it still
holds through above the normal rain threshold, there is no acid rain that is happening in Cebu
city. It is further supported based from the titration results, 6.28E-04 to 1.00E-03, which
shows a very small concentration of acid determined in the rain samples taken per quadrants.
Moreover these results posit that the rain in Cebu city is completely harmless. The concentration
of acid obtained is more or less comparable to a liter of distilled water with seven drops of

vinegar. This level and amount of acidity obtained in the samples from different quadrants is
very minimal that it can pose no threat to humans health, to the agriculture products, to the
animal species and to infrastructures that acid rain is said to affect negatively.
These positive results of the quality of rain of the city imply that the air quality of the city
is not as worst as that of the other countries. This is because the quality of air also determines the
quality of rain since the acidity of the rain comes from the pollution in the air. This is also
because the city is still in progress and the number of industries and vehicles are not as abundant
as compared to progressive countries that are affected by acid rain.
The results show that the threat of acid rain to Cebu city seemed farfetched, however, the
city and citizens living in it should not stay complacent about it. It is because if things will stay
as it is, sooner or later acid rain will hit the city, especially that traces of nitrates and sulfates are
found in the rain samples. This entails that the industries and vehicles in the city are contributing
to the accumulation of acids in the atmosphere as they are the primary sources of the said
compounds. Moreover, since the city is in progress implying an increase in numbers of industries
and vehicles. Such increase brings about the increase of emissions of the said compounds to the
ambient atmosphere. Thus, control of the emissions should be done in order to control as well as
the probability of acid rain in the city especially in areas that has high concentration of acids.
The rejection of the first null hypothesis in two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
means that there is a significant difference in the concentrations of the acids among the quadrants
connoting that one of the quadrants rank 1
in the said criteria. In addition, the failure of
rejecting the second null hypothesis in the two-way ANOVA posits that wherever the samples
were taken within the quadrant are more or less have the same acidity. This suggests that the

acidity of the quadrant will not dramatically change with the random sampling done in the
quadrant. Furthermore the failure of rejecting the third hypothesis supports the idea that the
ranking of the quadrants in relation to the concentration of the acids is not affected by the
random sampling done in each quadrant. Meaning, even if the sampling are done in fixed areas
corresponding to each quadrant, the concentration of acids are more or less the same and will not
significantly change the ranking of the quadrants according to the concentration of acids based
on their means.
As such in accordance to the three hypotheses, among the four quadrants based on the
averages of the concentrations of acids, pH level as well as the presence of the nitrates and
sulfates anions in each quadrants, identify quadrant 3 to have the most acidic atmosphere. Since,
quadrant 3 has the lowest pH value and the highest concentration of acid it is then safe to imply
that the area has the highest accumulation of acid in the city. As such, the barangays belonging to
this quadrant must be given the first priorities in control and management and preventive
measures. That is because among the 4 quadrants, it is the most likely to be affected first by acid
rain. The second priority in the control and management of emissions as well as preventive
measures is the quadrant 4. The means of the concentrations of acids, pH and presence of nitrates
and sulfates anions places the quadrant to the 2
rank. However, the last two remaining
quadrants, quadrant 1 and quadrant 2, though have much less concentration pH and presence of
the said anions should also be given actions. Although there are less accumulation of acids,
without control and management as well as preventive measures it is bound to increase and will
need more actions than what is needed earlier.


4.3 GIS maps

Figure 1.4 pH map of the urban barangays in Cebu city

Figure 1.5 Acid concentration map of the urban barangays in Cebu city

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
The city of Cebu is safe from the threats of acid rain. The average pH-level of the rain,
6.7067 to 6.82, still belongs to the category of a normal rain pH-level. The concentration of the
acid, 6.28E-04 M to 1.00E-03 M, and the presence of nitrates and sulfates are very minimal
implying that the rain is slightly acidic. As such, the rain is completely harmless and non-toxic,
that is of the current. However, being complacent is not an option, control and management of
the emissions of nitrate and sulfate compounds and preventive measures should be taken as to
not to increase the likelihood of acid rain to occur especially in those areas with high probability.
In accordance with the pH-level, quadrant 3 ranks first with a pH-level of 6.7067. It is
followed by quadrant 4 with a pH-level of 6.78 and in the third place is quadrant 1 with a pH-
level of 6.8133. Lastly, in rank 4 is quadrant 2 with 6.8267. In terms of the concentration of the
acid, quadrant 3 ranks first with a molarity of 1.00E-03 M. It is followed by quadrant 4 with
7.67E-04 M and third on the rank is quadrant 1 with 6.52E-04 M. Lastly, in the 4
rank is
quadrant 2 with 6.28E-04 M.
Since quadrant 3 has the highest accumulation of acid among the 4 quadrants, utmost
priority regarding the control and management of emission as well as preventive measures
should be given into the quadrant. However, the other quadrants should also be given attention
because they also contribute to Cebu citys average acidity.


5.2 Recommendation:
Sampling. This study have made use of only 5 samples in each quadrant in
each trials as seen in appendices G and H. To increase the reliability of the
study, it is recommended that the study be reciprocated with 10-15
samples in each trial. Furthermore, time element of when the sample was
not taken in this study as a factor that could affect the acidity of rain. It is
recommended then, that the sampling be also done during the time of the
day when the acids yet to be dissipated.
Period. This study was done limited only to the rain samples between the
months September until the 2
week of October. In order to get more
reliable results, it is recommended to complete an annual testing of the
rain sample of the rain in Cebu.
Procedures. It is recommended that the rain samples be tested in a reliable
laboratory in order to get more accurate results.
Correlation. This study didnt look into correlating the number of industries and
vehicles present in each quadrant. Thus, it is recommended that
relationships between the number of industries and vehicles to the acidity
of the rain samples.


Appendix A
Quadrant 1 area and list of barangays.

Basak Pardo Kinasang-an
Basak San Nicolas Mambaling
Bulacao Poblacion Pardo
Cogon Pardo Punta Princesa
Inayawan Quiot


Appendix B
Quadrant 2 area and list of barangays

Capitol Site


Appendix C
Quadrant 3 and list of barangays

Carreta Kalubihan Luz Sambag II Tejero Pahina San Nicolas
Cogon-Ramos Kamagayan Mabolo San Antonio Tinago Pasil
Day-as Kamputhaw Pahina Central San Roque T. Padilla San Nicolas Proper
Ermita Kasambagan Parian Santa Cruz Zapatera Sawang Calero
Hipodromo Lorega-San Miguel Sambag I Santo Nio Duljo Suba


Appendix D
Quadrant 4 and list of barangays



Appendix E
Confirmatory test Procedures
I. Confirmatory Test for Sulfate:
1. Put 10 drops of the rain sample to test tube.
2. Add 5 drops of 0.2 M Barium Chloride (

3. Add 3 Drops of concentrated Hydrochloric acid (

4.White precipitate indicates the presence of sulfate.

II. Confirmatory Test for Nitrate:
1. Put 2 to 3 crystals of ferrous Sulfate (

2. Add 2 to 3 drops of sample.
3. Add 2 drops of concentrated Sulfuric Acid

4. A brown ring on the crystals indicates the presence of Nitrate.


Appendix F
Acid-Base Titration Procedures
I. Standardization of Base Titrant:
A. Preparation of Base to be standardized:
1. Prepare a 50wt% solution of reagent grade Sodium Hydroxide (.
2. Calculate the volume of 50wt% to be added.
3. In a 1 liter volumetric flask, add distilled water until half-full.
4. Add the calculated volume of 50wt%
5. Add distilled water using a wash bottle until the marked line.
6. Let the solution rest in the room temperature overnight.
B. Preparation of Potassium phthalate:
1. Calculate the mass of KHP to be added to have a 25mL solution with 0.1M. For
4 trails.
2. Dry it in the oven at 110 for 1 hour.
3. After drying set aside in the dessicator.
C. Standardization Procedure:
1. Place the to a base burette until the zero mark.
2. Titrate the 25mL 0.1 M KHP with the tritrated.

3. Replenish the titrated volume of in the burette and proceed to the second
4. Do the same for trial 3 and 4.
5. Calculate the average Molarity of the .

II. Determine the Amount of acid present:
1. Prepare 50mL of sampler for 3 trials in the erlenmeyer flask.
2. Add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator.
3. Titrated it with the standardize and record the volume titrated.
4. Do the same for the other trials.
5. Calculate the Molarity of the sample.


Appendix G
pH-testing and Confirmatory tests data
pH Presence of pH Presence of pH Presence of
Nitrate Sulfate Nitrate Sulfate Nitrate Sulfate
Quadrant 1 Quadrant 1 Quadrant 1
Sample 1 6.9 1 0 Sample 1 6.9 1 0 Sample 1 6.9 0 1
Sample 2 6.9 1 0 Sample 2 6.9 1 0 sample2 6.9 1 0
Sample 3 6.9 1 1 Sample 3 6.5 1 1 Sample 3 6.8 1 0
Sample 4 6.8 0 1 Sample 4 6.8 1 0 Sample 4 6.8 1 0
Sample 5 6.8 1 1 Sample 5 6.8 1 1 Sample 5 6.6 0 1
Average 6.86 0.8 0.6 Average 6.78 1 0.4 Average 6.8 0.6 0.4
Quadrant 2 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 2
Sample 1 6.8 1 0 Sample 1 6.9 0 1 Sample 1 6.8 1 0
Sample 2 6.9 1 1 Sample 2 6.8 1 0 Sample 2 6.9 0 1
Sample 3 6.9 1 1 Sample 3 6.9 1 1 Sample 3 6.7 0 1
Sample 4 6.8 0 1 Sample 4 6.9 0 0 Sample 4 6.9 0 0
Sample 5 6.7 0 0 Sample 5 6.8 0 1 Sample 5 6.7 1 0
Average 6.82 0.6 0.6 Average 6.86 0.4 0.6 Average 6.8 0.4 0.4
Quadrant 3 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 3
Sample 1 6.6 1 0 Sample 1 6.5 0 1 Sample 1 6.5 1 0
Sample 2 6.5 1 1 Sample 2 6.9 1 1 Sample 2 6.8 0 1
Sample 3 6.9 1 0 Sample 3 6.8 1 1 Sample 3 6.5 1 1
Sample 4 6.9 1 1 Sample 4 6.8 1 0 Sample 4 6.8 0 1
Sample 5 6.5 1 1 Sample 5 6.9 1 1 Sample 5 6.7 0 1
Average 6.68 1 0.6 Average 6.78 0.8 0.8 Average 6.66 0.4 0.8
Quadrant 4 Quadrant 4 Quadrant 4
Sample 1 6.9 1 1 Sample 1 6.7 1 0 Sample 1 6.9 1 0
Sample 2 6.5 1 1 Sample 2 6.9 1 0 Sample 2 6.7 1 1
Sample 3 6.9 1 1 Sample 3 6.7 0 1 Sample 3 6.8 1 0
Sample 4 6.5 1 0 Sample 4 6.8 1 1 Sample 4 6.9 0 0
Sample 5 6.9 1 0 Sample 5 6.9 0 1 Sample 5 6.7 1 1
Average 6.74 1 0.6 Average 6.8 0.6 0.6 Average 6.8 0.8 0.4


Appendix H
Acid-Base Titration data
Molarity Q 2
Molarity Q 3
Molarity Q 4





Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 6.440E-04 Average 8.286E-04 Average 4.599E-04
Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 1 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
T 2 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03 T 2 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 3 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
Average 5.213E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 1.320E-03 Average 1.197E-03
Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04
Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4
T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
Average 8.286E-04 Average 5.213E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 1.197E-03
Sample 5 Sample 5 Sample 5 Sample 5
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 2 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 3 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 3 0.15 0.1765 6.440E-04 T 3 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
Average 5.826E-04 Average 7.671E-04 Average 1.689E-03 Average 8.286E-04
Q 1 Over-all Average 5.705E-04 Q 2 Over-all Average 5.704E-04 Q 3 Over-all Average 9.514E-04 Q 4 Over-all Average 8.286E-04


Molarity Q 2
Molarity Q 3
Molarity Q 4





Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 1 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 2 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 3 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03
Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 1.935E-03 Average 1.566E-03
Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 8.286E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04
Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3
T 1 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 2 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03
T 3 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
Average 1.689E-03 Average 4.599E-04 Average 7.057E-04 Average 9.514E-04
Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 5.828E-04 Average 7.057E-04
Sample 5 Sample 5 Sample 5 Sample 5
T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 2 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 7.671E-04 Average 8.286E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 5.828E-04
Q 1 Over-all Average 7.671E-04 Q 2 Over-all Average 6.074E-04 Q 3 Over-all Average 8.286E-04 Q 4 Over-all Average 8.531E-04


Molarity Q 2
Molarity Q 3
Molarity Q 4





Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1 Sample 1
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 7.057E-04 Average 1.812E-03 Average 4.599E-04
Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 8.286E-04 Average 8.286E-04
Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3 Sample 3
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 1 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03 T 1 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.4 0.429 1.566E-03 T 2 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04
T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 3 0.5 0.53 1.935E-03 T 3 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04
Average 4.599E-04 Average 8.286E-04 Average 1.689E-03 Average 6.442E-04
Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4 Sample 4
T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 1 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04 T 2 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 3 0.15 0.1765 6.442E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04 T 3 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
Average 5.213E-04 Average 4.599E-04 Average 6.442E-04 Average 4.599E-04
Sample 5 Sample 5 Sample 5 Sample 5
T 1 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 1 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 1 0.25 0.2775 1.013E-03 T 1 0.1 0.126 4.599E-04
T 2 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 2 0.25 0.2775 1.013E-03 T 2 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 2 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
T 3 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 3 0.25 0.2775 1.013E-03 T 3 0.3 0.328 1.197E-03 T 3 0.2 0.227 8.286E-04
Average 1.197E-03 Average 1.074E-03 Average 1.136E-03 Average 7.057E-04
Q 1 Over-all Average 6.196E-04 Q 2 Over-all Average 7.057E-04 Q 3 Over-all Average 1.222E-03 Q 4 Over-all Average 6.196E-04

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