Bussiness Comm

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' will briefly discuss the
different ears of
technoloies. Old ) *ew
and +uture technoloies.
' will then discuss the
ethics when usin these
,ust a few years ao we were usin
telephones and fa-es to communicate
within a business. +or those of you that
don.t know what a fa- machine is) a fa-
machine is a bo- that would scan) and
then send a document to someone over
the phone line. /he document would
then print out0 in a speed only a snail
would love. 1 fa- machine was
revolutionary at its time thouh2
'maine bein able to send and receive
documents from anywhere in the world)
without havin to travel there2 1nother
ancient technoloy is the 3aer. 1 paer
was a little bo- that was kept on the belt
line of your pants. 3eople would
call/3ae you whenever they needed
you. /his had a screen so you could
send messaes2 !oth of these
technoloies revolutioni4ed businesses
but there were still more technoloies to
&ave you ever used a cellphone5 &ave
you ever used a computer5 6ell then
you have used some sort of new
business communication devices2
6hen the computer was invented) it
was revolutionary for business
communication. 7ou could now send
and receive messaes instantaneously2
7ou could also scan and save
documents on your computer when
sendin or receivin documents2 8ood
bye fa- machines) hello future2 *ow
imaine a world where cellphones
didn.t e-ist) and to messae someone)
you needed to send letters or call them
on a 91*:9'*;52 ,ust like the
computer) the cellphone was an
ama4in advancement in the field of
business communication. 7ou could
now send and receive messaes
anywhere in the world2 7ou could be in
the middle of the ocean on a boat and
still et a messae. 1lso) you no
loner need to be in an office waitin
for your landline to rin. *ow you can
answer the phone anywhere you want2
6here does business
communication o5 6hat will be
invented5 6hat kind of new ethics
will have to be conceived5 *o one
knows e-actly what will happen
but there are many speculations.
One speculation for e-ample is
the &oloram 'mae. /his would
allow anyone to <=irtually> be in
a meetin from anywhere in the
/o ?uote the famous @ncle
!en) with reat power come
reat responsibility. 6ith the
advances in technoloy) it now
is becomin harder to preserve
eti?uette within a business.
&ow do you send confidential
information5 's it appropriate
to send confidential
information over te-t5 ;mail5
Anail mail5 6hat.s an
appropriate way to contact
your boss5 Ahould you call
them or te-t them5 6e need to
create new rules of eti?uette if
we are oin to create new

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