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(Mordecai, Rigby and Margaret are at the table finishing up their coffee while Eileen
is on the other side with her laptop. CJ walks by with their orders)

CJ: Hey computer girl, its almost time for your shift.

EILEEN: Oh! Sorry, CJ! I was just busy trying to get my blogs sorted out.

RIGBY: How many blogs do you have, anyway?

EILEEN: Around 300 blogs. Maybe 320.

(Rigby does a spit take while CJ , Margaret and Mordecai look at Eileen in awe)

RIGBY: (Shocked) 300?!

EILEEN: Yeah, I think so. Oh, actually its about 431 blogs! Simple mistake, haha!

MORDECAI: (Worried) Eileen, isnt that a bit much? I mean, over 400 blogs?

MARGARET: Yeah, thats a bit overkill.

EILEEN: (Defensive) Look, I have a bank vault of information in here (points to her
head) I cant just let it all go to waste. Think of all the help my blogs can give to
people. You think some random guy could try to be wary of all the places
toxicodendron radicans, aka posion ivy, could be by himself? I think not! Only
knowing that its common in clusters of three leaflets only get you so far.

RIGBY: Yeah, but over 400 of these things? You dont even have any time to go out
with us and have fun anymore because of that!

EILEEN: (Coy) Was that a subtle way of you asking me to go out with you?

RIGBY: (Flustered) What, no! I mean yes! As friends! If you have time for it, that is

EILEEN: (Defensive) Look, I can double task! I mean since the brain cant truly focus
when one multitask, making tasks longer to take. But its possible to train brains to
multitask better. I can take that risk!

MORDECAI: You might be better off cleaning up your blog pile, like deleting the
blogs you dont update as much to make yourself less stressed?

EILEEN: (Defensive) Aw man, but its hard! Theyre like my little digital journal

CJ: Well, at this rate you might end up being a blog version of a cat lady if you dont
lighten the load.

EILEEN: (Sad) Sigh. Fine.

(Eileen then goes to the blog platform main menu and organizes all of her blogs in a
last updated: old to new order. As she goes over the list, deleting a couple of them,
including Fictional Languages 101 and Cool Farmer Skills!. She then hovers the
mouse around Eileen the Extravagant!: Cool Magician Tips and Tricks!)

EILEEN: Oh cool! My old magic blog! Havent seen this blog in a while!

MARGARET: Wait, you dabbled in magic tricks?

EILEEN: Its been a while, but I had a magic phase in my past. Watching all sorts of
magic shows and magician TV specials, trying to learn all those tricks to do them for
my own personal amusement.

RIGBY: Do you know that trick where you go behind someones ear and pull out a
quarter? Thats like the best trick!

EILEEN: That old trick? I can do better.

(Eileen places her hand behind Rigbys ear and pulls out a dollar, as she gives it to an
amazed Rigby)

RIGBY: (Amazed) AWESOME. Do it again Eileen! If we keep doing this, we might
have enough money to overshadow our recent paycheck!

MORDECAI: I dont think thats how the trick works, Rigby.

RIGBY: (Peeved) Well, I dont see you pulling dollars out of peoples ears!

EILEEN: Okay calm down, Rigby. Ill show you how that trick works later. Actually if
you want, I can put on a magic show for you guys to brush up my skills!

CJ: Well Im honestly interested!

MARGARET: Yeah, sounds fun!

RIGBY: Your magic show will have that dollar ear trick, right?

EILEEN: Uhh, sure?

RIGBY: (Excited) Then count me in!


(Eileen and Margaret both walk together talking)

MARGARET: So you still think youll be able to bounce back after not doing much
magic in a while?

EILEEN: Shouldnt be that hard! I might still have my old magic trick set somewhere
buried around my attic.


EILEEN: Why the yikes?

MARGARET: Well, its been a while since you used it. Sure youll be up to date?

EILEEN: Nothing can beat the classics, Margaret!

MARGARET: Except maybe the slew of spiders that are possibly using your kit as a
spiders nest.

EILEEN: (Concerned) Well where can I find a good deal for a new magic kit anyway?

VOICE: Did someone say the magic word?

(A fog of purple smoke starts to emit from the dark ally besides the girls as a cloaked
figure with a box comes forth)

EILEEN: (Concerned) Uhhhwas it magic?

CLOAKED FIGURE: No, it was Deal!

(He shakes the box to set off a stand from the bottom, as it stands and opens up. As it
opens a bunch of pigeons and confetti pop out of the box, freaking out the girls. But a
golden glow emits from the box, enticing Eileen, as the camera cuts to a shot of a
golden wand.)

CLOAKED FIGURE: I heard your plea and I have the perfect thing for your
performance. This new model includes all sorts of magic tricks. Easy to use, but hard
to master. Though for a magic enthusiast like you, it shouldnt be that hard.

EILEEN: Okay, there has to be a catch. Whats the price, my soul?

CLOAKED FIGURE: Not much of a catch, to be honest. In fact, consider this as a
testing drive. This kit is not exactly in the market yet, theres still so much to be
done. Perhaps if you test this out on your show, its capabilities can be revealed
better. Though if anything bad happens, just call me.

(After pulling a bunch of ribbons out of his sleeve, he slips out a card with his phone
number and address and hands it to Eileen.)

CLOAKED FIGURE: If youre unsatisfied, you wont have to pay a single dime and you
can return the model hassle free.

EILEEN: (Hesitant) Well, I dont knowat least I can return it if its not a good wand.
(Confident) Okay, Ill take the deal!

(As Eileen takes the box, a rush of smoke blows past the girls as the cloaked figure
disappears, only a whisk of smoke left around where he used to be.)

EILEEN: Woah, hes gone! Is there a trap door down there that he went through?

MARGARET: Dont worry about that now. Weve got a magic show to perform!


(Rigby, Mordecai and CJ sit near the stage as Margaret and Eileen prepare their
magic act. Rigby has a calculator at hand trying to add something up)

RIGBY: Okay, if Eileen did that dollar trick about 60 times, wed have enough money
for the new Strong Johns game!

MORDECAI: (Annoyed) Dude, shes not going to do one trick for most of the show.
Besides, how are you even able to add all that up? Youre not good with a calculator.

RIGBY: (Angry) I know how to use it!

(Rigby furiously types something on the calculator and shoves it in front of
Mordecais face)

RIGBY: (Annoyed) See! I can type BOOBSHOES on it. Those are some skills, dude!

MORDECAI: Whatever.

CJ: (Whispering) Guys, shut it! The shows starting.

(The light dims as the attention shifts toward the stage. Eileens silhouette appears,
as she raises her new wand. Suddenly, fireworks are emitted from the wand and its
blasts light up the room with the audience, her friends, impressed by the light

EILEEN: Greetings, and welcome to tonights spectacle. I am EILEEN THE
EXTRAVAGANT! (The wand spells out her name as she says it) And now I present to
you my partner in spells, MARGARET!

(Eileen aims the wand towards the floor. As she zaps the area next to her, Margaret
appears in a cloud of smoke. Mordecai, Rigby and CJ applaud.)

MARGARET: (Surprised) Wow Eileen, That wand is really working numbers!

EILEEN: Yeah, though we better not jinx it!

MARGARET: Oh, right! Sorry! Continue.

EILEEN: Now, to start off the show, I-


MORDECAI: (Annoyed) Dude, chill!

RIGBY: Come on Mordecai, its the best trick!

EILEEN: Well I did promise him I would do it.

(Eileen waves the wand around instinctively. It shakes and emits a magic wave
headed towards Rigby. It blows past him and catches him off guard. Rigby then
scratches his ear and a stack of dollar bills pop out of his ear and into his hands.)

RIGBY: What the, WOAH!

EILEEN: (Uncertain) Oh uh. That wasnt planned.

RIGBY: (Bragging) Yeah, magic millionaires! OOOOOOOOOOOH!

MARGARET: Eileen, is the wand all right? It seems to be acting weird.

EILEEN: I think it was overworked from the big intro. Better go with a simple trick
to cool it off.

MARGARET: Maybe levitation tricks? Those seem simple enough.

EILEEN: Oh okay! (Clears her throat) For my first proper act, I shall make my
assistant float in midair!

(Margaret lies down on the stage floor. Eileen carefully waves the wand above her.
Margaret is then slowly raised into the air, guided by Eileen. Margaret then adjusts
herself to face the crowd below and she waves her arms around to show that there
are no lines lifting her up. The crowd applauds.)

MARGARET: (Coy) I gotta say, you look cuter from up here, Mordecai!

(Mordecai blushes while Rigby and CJ laugh at his flustered state. Margaret also
laughs, but then notices Eileens worried glances at the wand in her hand.)

MARGARET: (Concerned) Eileen, are you all right?

EILEEN: (Worried) You were supposed to come down by now! Ive been looking
over the trick instructions and this wand is not letting me bring you back down!

MARGARET: (Reassuring) Eileen, its okay! Im fine up here, just worry about the rest
of the show.

(Eileen tries to shake the wand while looking at the instructions)

EILEEN: (Annoyed) And leave you hanging up there? No way! I gotta get you down
before I forget.

(The wand suddenly starts shaking violently as flames erupt from it, frightening
Eileen. It amazes the audience for a second, but they later begin to panic)

CJ: (Worried) I dont think this is part of the show guys!

RIGBY: (Panicked) (Gasps) EILEEN!

(Rigby scurries to Eileen and hastily swipes the wand away from her as the wands
eruption spell gets worse.)

RIGBY: (Panicked) Ill fix it for you! Get back!

EILEEN: (Panicked) Rigby dont! You dont know how it works!

RIGBY: (Concerned) Well Ill find out how!

(Rigby looks at the broken wand and plugs the top of it with his thumb to contain
the spell leak. But the leakage starts to overflow the longer Rigby keeps his thumb
on the top of the wand.)

RIGBY: (Relieved) See! Nothing to it. If anything, Ill use my magic money to help buy
you a new wand and continue your show!

(Cuts to Mordecai and CJ in their seats as Rigbys currency is now set a blaze by the
wands malfunctioning.)

MORDECAI: Actually Rigby, I dont think thats the case now.


(Rigby lets go of the wand, it blasts off and zooms around the room. As Eileen, Rigby,
Mordecai and CJ run off, the wand blasts towards the floating Margaret and hits her.
Margaret is shoved up towards the ceiling, flattening her like a square carpet upon
impact. She then unpeels from the ceiling and floats around in her new form, as a
frightened Eileen watches.)


MARGARET: Im okay! I thinkwait. Eileen, the card!

EILEEN: Oh right! That guys number! I gotta call him! Can you guys catch the wand
while I get this sorted out?

MOREDECAI: Well try!

(Mordecai and CJ try to running towards the wand, but its spells hit the two of them.
As it hits Mordecai, he falls backwards, rises back up as a dippy bird, and tilts back
and forth. As it hits CJ, she starts to lose her form. The spell incases her into a lava
lamp and her head is distorts into the lava. Rigby sees the wand coming towards
him. Readily, he jumps up and grabs the wand. Unfortunately, the wand spins him
around and around, faster and faster until his vision becomes blurred. At the peak of
this spin, he lets go of the wand, and then falls over dizzied in his new form-a
spinning top. Eileen on the other hand, avoids all the spells while she tries to find
the card. Just as she finds it, the card rematerializes into a flock of pigeons. The
pigeons fly towards the window and push it open. A gust of wind catches Margaret
through the open window and vacuums her out of the shop.)

EILEEN: (Frightened) MARGARET!

(The wand then targets and Eileen. She dodges it successfully, but the wand instead
hits the wall behind her and shatters, its power pushing away Eileen and a leaving
behind a billowing smoke cloud. The cloud grows larger. Suddenly, a villainous
laugh echoes throughout the room as the cloud blows apart, out of which a giant,
evil genie draped in a dark cloak emerges, Similar to the person who gave Eileen the

GENIE: Hahaha! Seems like we have another satisfied customer!

EILEEN: (Shocked) Wait a minute, are you?

GENIE: (Booming voice) Yes, it was I who sold you the wand. Though I havent
formally introduced myself. I am Deceptio!

EILEEN: (Confused) Deceptio? Like deception?

DECEPTIO: (Annoyed) Yes like deception. You think its easy to get away with
anything, having a name like that? I mean with a name like mine its pretty hard to
trick people when they know upfront that your names Deceptio! Blame my father,
Atrocio. Hes bad with names. Anyway, (Resumes booming voice) I Decepto, have
tricked you into becoming a pawn in my twisted game, and as you have seen, Ive
already gathered my prizes

(Deceptio then raises his hand, as Mordecai, CJ and Rigby in their new forms, float
up towards him. Deceptio traps them in a magic shopping bag, as they panic about
the situation.)

DECEPTIO: (Booming voice) You see, Ive been doing this thing for years! Luring
hobbyists with the finest of magic accessories, only to turn them into accessories
themselves! From there I sell them on the magicians market, and profit from this
greatly! Hahaha!

EILEEN: (Applaud) Thats demented! There are people who would actually buy
those sorts of things?

DECEPTIO: (Drops booming voice) Youd be surprised how well people-turned-
kitchen-supplies sell. Apparently talking blenders and toasters are all the rage now.
Even Im surprised about it. (Resumes booming voice) Now be gone with you!

(Deceptio blasts Eileen away, the impact of the blast deconstructing the Coffee Shop
and the world itself into a twisted magical void.)


(Deceptio opens a vortex, laughing away with Mordecai, Rigby and CJ in hand.)


(Cut to black, as seen from Eileens POV, she tries to open her eyes.)

EILEEN: (Groggy) Uhhwhat happened. Wait, where am I? (Gasp) Oh no! The wand!
Deceptio! My friends! Myoh my gosh. What happened to the world?!

MARGARET (VO): Eileen, are you up?

EILEEN: (Surprised) Margaret? Where are you? Where are we?

MARGARET: Well luckily I have the answer for both.

EILEEN: (Confused) Wha?

(Eileen looks down as she notices that shes on top of Margaret, still flattened out
from the spell. Eileen frantically tries to get off her, worried that she is hurting her
with her weight.)

EILEEN: (Worried) Oh my gosh, Im so sorry, I didnt kno-woah-wooaaaaAAAAAAA!

(Unaware of being suspended in the air, Eileen clumsily stumbles off of Margaret,
falling towards the void below. Margaret, reacting quickly to Eileens fall, catches
her with her flat, stretched-out body. Eileen hyperventilates heavily, realizing that
she almost died just then.)

MARGARET: (Reassuring) Eileen, EILEEN! Its okay! Im okay. You werent hurting
me at all. Just dont worry about me.

EILEEN: (Confused) How are you?

MARGARET: (Interrupts) Flying? Well when the spell hit me, I guess it infused me
with magic and apparently the ability to fly. Also I cant feel anything because of the
situation I am in. So I never was in any real pain! I just look stupid, thats all!

EILEEN: (Sighs) Well I still feel bad for causing all this. Deceptio used his magic to
turn my friends into random objects and made a big fool out of me.

MARGARET: The dudes name was Deceptio?

EILEEN: Yeah I know, dumb name. Cant help but feel dumber though.

MARGARET: Well dont feel too bad. Maybe theres a way we can stop him. Cant you
fight his magic with your old magic kit? Like you said, nothing can beat the classics!

EILEEN: How are we supposed to find it? I cant make heads or tails about where we

MARGARET: While learning how to fly, I was able to find out where everything is in
this state, including where your house is. You can count on me Eileen!

EILEEN: (Relieved) Really?

MARGARET: (Cheerful) Yeah! Just trust your Flying Margaret Carpet!

EILEEN: (Giddy) Haha! (Serious) Wait, no.

MARGARET: (Confused) What?

EILEEN: I dont think that name works. It sounds wrong.

MARGARET: (Defensive) Well I thought it sounded cute. (Gleefully) Ladies and
gentlemen, we hope you enjoy your ride on the Margaret Car-(Realizes what was
wrong) oooooh I see why

(Margaret and Eileen shares an uncomfortable silence)

MARGARET: Lets forget that was ever brought up.

EILEEN: Agreed.


(Margaret and Eileen fly towards the front door of Eileens house. Eileen opens the
door and run towards her attic, as Margaret flies in with her.)

EILEEN: (Rushed) You stay here, Ill be back! Shouldnt be too long!


(Margaret tries to sit down on the couch in her carpet form, but she then hears her
cellphone ringing. Reaching towards her jean pockets with her short arms, shes
able to grab the phone and answer it.)


CJ (VO): Margaret, is that you?

MARGARET: CJ? Where are you? Are you at that Deceptio guys place?

(Cut to DECEPTIOS LAIR/SHELF, as CJ, in her lava lamp form, is on a cell phone in
her extension cord hands. Deceptio is seen on a laptop in the background.)

CJ: Yeah, we are. And it doesnt seem promising. The dudes been collecting and
selling all of these items that used to be people through this magic scam thing
online. I guess. Its hard to think when your head is all over the place! Anyway, I
dont know how much time we have, seems like were next!

MARGARET (VO): Hows Mordecai and Rigby? Are they all right?

CJ: Eh, they seem to be taking it well.

(Pan to Mordecai and Rigby in their new forms. Mordecai keeps rocking back and
forth, pecking at Rigbys spinning top body.)

RIGBY: (Annoyed) Ow! Dude Sto-OW! STOP IT! OW!

MORDECAI: (Annoyed) Well you try keeping yourself stable without any arms!

RIGBY: (Annoyed) I dont even have any arms to lift myself upright! OW!

CJ: Anyway, is Eileen with you?

(Cut back to Margaret at Eileens House, with a panel with CJ at the lair)

MARGARET: Yeah, shes trying to find something to help you guys out.

CJ : (Worried) Well I hope you guys get help soon! I dont know how long we are
going to last-(Cuts off and CJs panel pans away off screen)


(CJs panel returns in frame)

CJ : (Calmed down) Yeah Im still here. Forget what I said.

MARGARET: (Confused) Why?

CJ: Dudes trying to sell us to a haggler, and doing a poor job at it too. So we got all
the time in the world.

DECEPTIO: (Angry) Oh come on, this is a once in a lifetime deal here!

BUYER GENIE: (Uninterested) I dont know, I mean with your name and all


BUYER GENIE: Its kinda hard not to, man.

(Deceptio screams in rage.)


(Eileen opens the door to her attic, realizing that her attic has been messed up
pretty badly from the magic void. Her belongings are floating all over the place and
the attic walls and floor are separated greatly. Trying to figure out where to find her
magic kit, she tries to hop across the various floating objects to explore whats left of
her attic. As she jumps on an old chest, she almost loses her balance and grabs hold
of the antique. She then spots a box labeled Eileens Magic Supplies, hops towards
it and grabs hold of it. As she opens it up, a magic cloud erupts and a giant spider
pops out of the box, scaring Eileen. She then kicks the box sending the giant spider,
along with her magic supplies, across a far distance in the void. Eileen then sits
down on the old chest, defeated.)

EILEEN: (Depressed) Way to go Eileen. Your one chance to save your friends, and
you never bothered to clean out your attic to preserve it. (Sighs) Now what am I
supposed to do?

(Eileens laptop floats by. It catches her attention and she tries to grab a hold of it,
opening it up. Luckily, it was still on her blog menu page. She clicks on her magic
blog, and reads the contents. She then regains her confidence.)

EILEEN: (Confidently) Oh, I know exactly what to do!

(Eileen spots a backpack floating idly near her, she grabs it and hops off-screen to
get the supplies she needs. Cut back to Margaret and CJ, who are calmly talking to
each other.)

CJ: Ever since I became a lava lamp, Ive been thinking about dying my hair to a
warmer color. Seems like a better fit for me.

MARGARET: Well to be honest, I think you look fine already, or in any color, really.

CJ: You think so?

MARGARET: Yeah girl! I mean with the hair you do have, you can pull off any look.

CJ: (Flustered) Aw, haha! Youre making me blush here, Margaret!

MARGARET: Im serious!

EILEEN (VO): Margaret, who are you talking to?

MARGARET: (To Eileen) Oh, its CJ. (To CJ) Anyway, Im honestly jealous! Wait a
minute, Eileens here! Let me hand over the phone!

(Margaret hands over the phone to Eileen, as the camera pans down to her.)

EILEEN: CJ, how are you holding up?

CJ: Doing fine under the circumstances. Though cant say the same for Deceptio.


CJ: What about you, Eileen?


CJ: (Worried) Woah, easy Eileen! Im not mad at you, Im mad at the situation. Youre
perfectly fine!

EILEEN: I just needed to get that out of my system. But I have a plan to save you
guys! I just need to know where the exact address of Deceptios lair is.

CJ: None of us know about that exactly, but hes been using a site called Wizard
Sale, so if hes dumb enough to put his actual name on there, he might have his
address up on the site too.

EILEEN: Got it!

(Eileen tosses her laptop to Margaret, as Margaret goes to work on searching.)

EILEEN: The sites name is Wizard Sale, think you can find Deceptio on there?

MARGARET: (Concentrated) Let me seeyeah. Found him! Hes atWarlock Cavern,
9213 Newt Street!

EILEEN: Great! Well be there soon, CJ!

CJ: Wish you the best of luck, girl! Just be sure you got things set with your plan, I
dont think Deceptio will play fair this time

(Eileen hangs up the phone and tosses it at Margaret while she places the laptop
back in her backpack. Margaret fumbles with the phone in an attempt to grasp it in
midair. Finally able to grasp it, Margaret puts it back in her pocket.)

MARGARET: (Timid) Hey! Easy with that! I dont really have the capabilities to catch
anything with these arm nubs, you know!

EILEEN: Sorry, Margaret. Were in a rush!

MARGARET: What is your plan anyway?

(Eileen hops onto Margaret with her backpack, as she double-checks the contents to
be sure she has everything set.)

EILEEN: Ill tell you more about it on the ride there. I need all the help I can get.

MARGARET: Okay! Though you think we can make a pit stop on the way there? I
havent eaten anything since becoming flat as a rug.

EILEEN: (Uncertain) Well okay. Best to not have both of us fueling on empty here.

(Margaret then jets off carrying Eileen out of her house and towards their


(Desceptio is slouching in front of his computer, tired out by the constant failed
offers hes been making. Off to the side, Rigby, Mordecai and CJ are bored out of their

DECEPTIO: (Tired) Look, for the hundredth time, if you can look PAST the name, the
offer Im giving you is a solid deal.

COCKY GENIE BUYER: What do these things do, anyway?

DECEPTIO: Wellumm. (Looks back at Rigby, Mordecai and CJ) What do you guys
do again?

MOREDECAI: Well I can act as your Yes Man, if youre gullible enough. (Mordecai
tilts back and forth to follow that up.)

RIGBY: Im the first spinning top with an upset stomach, ugh...

CJ: I can remind you that the 60s was a thing.

(CJ makes a finger point gesture with her cord as she points to the buyer)

CJ: (Hammy) Ya dig, Daddy-O?

DECEPTIO: Why did I even bother with you guys?

COCKY GENIE BUYER: Ill take your offer!

DECEPTIO: Yeah whatever (Surprised) Wait WHAT?

COCKY GENIE BUYER: Yeah Ill take those shmucks away from you. For a good price
though. What are you selling them for?

DECEPTIO: (Booming voice) I shall give you these souls-

COCKY GENIE BUYER: (Interrupts) Without the theatrics, please!

DECEPTIO: (Drops booming voice) About a good $300.

COCKY GENIE BUYER: (Disappointed) Ya kidding me right? For those dopes?

(Deceptio bangs his head on the table.)

CJ: And our villain for the evening fails again. So whose turn is it now for I Spy?

MORDECAI: Mine. I spy with my little eye(confident) something that will save our

RIGBY: Do we still even have butts?

CJ: Wait, what are you talking about, Mordecai?

(CJ twists her lava head behind her to see Eileen and Margaret waving at them.)

CJ: (Gleeful) Margaret! Eileen! You guys made it!

EILEEN: (Cheerful) CJ!

(Eileen runs up towards CJ to give her a hug, forgetting about CJs new lava lamp
form, Eileen stops hugging and jumps back after feeling pain from the lamp.)

EILEEN: (Shocked) AHAHA! Ow! Im okay

CJ: Sorry about that, shouldve warned you ahead of time.

(Margaret flies towards Mordecai, but both of them dont know what to say to each
other because of what happened.)

MARGARET: (Bashful) Hey Mordecai, how life asuman office toy?

MORDECAI: (Bashful) Well, its fine. How life as a house decoration?

MARGARET: Slimming, to say the least

(Margaret and Mordecai laugh at the absurdity of it all as Eileen runs up to Rigby.)

EILEEN: (Worried) Rigby, are you all right?

RIGBY: (Annoyed) No, Im not all right! I can only move by spinning! It SUCKS.
(Calmer) (Sighs) But Im glad you came to help us. Whats your plan anyway?

EILEEN: Well we got to take some risks with this, but if it works everything should
be back to normal. Are you guys up for it?

(Eileen looks over at Mordecai tilting back and forth.)

EILEEN: (Coy) Ill take that as a yes.

MORDECAI: (Monotone) Ha ha.

(Deceptio groggily stares at the computer monitor as he tries to understand what
the buyers settlement is with his deal.)

DECPETIO: Look, I understand that I aimed too high, but can you at least tell me the
price you want to settle with so we can both go on with our lives?

COCKY GENIE BUYER: Nope, I want you to stew in your incompetence, thinking you
can milk a couple hundred bucks for a few slacker appliances. Plus the fact that
apparently theyre stolen.


(Deceptio darts his eyes around to discover that Rigby, Mordecai and CJ have gone
missing. He then flips away the chair and table nearby in a fit of rage.)


MARGARET (VO): They were never yours anyway!

(Deceptio turns around to find Eileen and Margaret floating up towards him, both
sporting sly grins at Deceptio.)

EILEEN: (Coy) Unless you want to make a deal.

DECEPTIO: (Curious) What kind of deal, mortal?

MARGARET: Eileen and I would like to challenge you to a trick duel.

DECEPTIO: (Curious) Hmmm, what are the stakes?

EILEEN: If we win, you turn everything back to normal and let out friends go. You
win, you can add Margaret and I to the deal.

DECEPTIO: (Determined) Ahh, those are the stakes I like! And I have the perfect
form for you when you lose to my almighty powers.

(Deceptio draws a picture and shows it to Eileen. The drawing depicts a badly
drawn coffee cup with Eileens face and the words Worlds Greatest Fool on it.
Notes on the drawing includes Big, bug-eyed glasses(pointed at Eileens eyes), Big
Buck Teeth (Pointed at Eileens teeth), This is talking about the cup, not me
(Pointed at the World Greatest Fool tag) Emitting jealousy (Pointed at the steam
lines on top of the cup) and Deceptios name in poor mans cursive.)

EILEEN: (Worried) My teeth arent that big, are they?

MARGARET: (Motivational) Eileen, you are beautiful in your own way, outside and
inside! Dont let that crude drawing bring you down!

EILEEN: Aww, thanks Margaret! (To Deceptio) So do we have a deal?

DECEPTIO: If this is the deal you want, so be it!

(Eileen with Margaret distances them from Deceptio giving them enough space for
the duel. Deceptio raises his hands and emits a fireball out of thin air.)

DECEPTIO: (Cocky) Alright mortal, your turn. See if you can beat that!

EILEEN: Very well. Mind if you can put your hand on the table?


(Deceptio does so.)

EILEEN: Now move all your fingers without picking your hand up.

(Deceptio does so without any hassle)

EILEEN: Now move you middle finger in, but move the rest of the fingers normally.

(Deceptio does so, and is able to move his thumb, first finger and pinky normally.
But his ring finger is unable to move. He starts to panic as if some sort of magical
force locked his finger.)

DECEPTIO: (Panicked) What? What is this?! I cant move my finger! WHAT IS THIS?

EILEEN: (Coy) Ill never tell.

(Deceptio gets mad and punches the table, thinking he is free from Eileens curse.
He proceeds to form electrical bolts from his hands. He balls up his fists, allowing
the electricity to go through his body. Once completely engulfed, he blasts past
Eileen and Margaret, spinning them out of control and dizzying them. Deceptio
blasts through the electrical sockets, revealing that he powers his light with a clap
on system, circulates through the wires, making his way up towards the light bulb
above. The bulb then burns brightly for a moment, before Deceptio blasts through it
and appears in front of the dizzy Eileen and Margaret.)

DECEPTIO: (Proud) Haha! Try besting that, mortal!

(While Deceptio brags, Eileen regains full control of her movements as she reaches
in her backpack, grabs a bunch of cardboard tubes, and tapes them together until it
properly matches the length fit for Deceptios size. Margaret floats up and hands
Deceptio the tube.)

MARGARET: Here ya go! Put that over your right eye!

(Deceptio looks over the tube, but then proceeds to do so. The camera cuts to a POV
shot of Deceptio with the tube, with Eileen and Margaret in the middle of if smiling.)

EILEEN: Now move your left hand next to the tube!

DECEPTIO: (Uncertain) Fine. Honestly I dont know if this can even be considered in
the same tier as my tric-

(Deceptio moves his hands towards the tube, but then stops after doing it right, as
because of the hand tube illusions, his eyes are tricked into thinking theres a hole
in the middle of his hand now, with the middle of the tube having Eileen and
Margaret smiling in view. He then panics, drops the tube and hold his hand.)


(Decpetio looks at his hand in disbelief, which is perfectly fine with no sign of the
supposed hole in sight. He then slowly turns to Eileen in anger.)

DECEPTIO: (Furious) Are you messing with my mind, mortal?

EILEEN: (Coy) Maaaaaybeeeee

(Margaret laughs at Eileens response and Deceptios reaction. Deceptio then turns
red in anger.)

DECEPTIO: (Booming voice) ENOUGH!

(A clap of thunder is heard, scaring Eileen and Margaret. Deceptios hands turn
green as he gets ready to attack Eileen with the same spell he used to turn her
friends into random objects)


(Eileen looks around, then remembered the Clap On system that is set up in his
place. Eileen then reaches in her backpack for a smoke bomb she has set up, saving
it for a later trick, but is useful for her big trick.)

EILEEN: (Confidently) I do actually. NOW!

(Eileen throws the smoke bomb down, while clapping to turn Deceptios lights off.
As the bomb hits, a cloud of smoke fills the room, as well as a variety of moans and
growls of different voices. Suddenly, a glowing light, similar to the color of CJs lava
lamp form, covers one of the walls. Cut to a shot of Eileen, who as she raises her
hands up, the ghastly shadow of a monster fills the wall behind her. The form is
actually a deformed version of Mordecais dippy bird body, Rigbys spinning form
and CJs lava form. The camera cuts to the three of them making said moans and
growls, with a flashlight behind them to extend the shadows to the wall in front of
them, hidden behind various boxes so that Deceptio doesnt see them. Deceptio sees
the looming beast, as he screams and places his hands on his face in fear.)


EILEEN: (Coy) Well your incompetence, for one thing.

DECEPTIO: (Confused) Whawhat?!

(Deceptio notices he has placed his hands on his face, with the spell activated. His
face starts to distort into the shape of a coffee cup, along with the rest of his body. A
magic tornado starts to whirl around him, engulfing his body and most of the room.
Margaret then flies down to where Mordecai, Rigby and Eileen are and picks them
up, as the crew tries to fly away from the magic storm that engulfed Deceptio. The
tornado dies down revealing Deceptio as the coffee cup with the Worlds Greatest
Fool tagline engraved on his side, much more fitting on himself than Eileen.)

DECEPTIO: (Embarrassed) Well this is a sucky way to go out.

(Deceptios laptop falls down next to him after the storm dies down. The buyer
notices the new coffee cup form Deceptio has become.)

COCKY GENIE BUYER: Hmmm, you know, I feel like Im better off getting a new
coffee cup instead. Whats the cost?

(Margaret floats down near the laptop and Deceptio with Eileen, CJ, Mordecai and
Rigby on her back.)

EILEEN: Would changing my friends and city back to normal be a good price?

COCKY GENIE BUYER: Hmmm, alright. Im fine with the status quo deal.

EILEEN: (Gleeful) Sold!

(Suddenly Deceptio finds himself encased in a magic shopping bag as he is lifted up
into the air.)


(Deceptio screams in agony as a magic force bursts out of him, covering the screen
in white.)


(Eileen, Margaret, CJ, Mordecai and Rigby fall from the ceiling onto the ground. All of
them are back to their normal selves. As they regain consciousness, they are
relieved that everything, including themselves, is back to the way it used to be. They
all get up to congratulate Eileen, including Rigby who hugs her.)

RIGBY: Good work, Eileen! You were awesome!

MARGARET: Yeah! Great job out there!

CJ: Im honestly surprised that a mighty magical being such as Deceptio knew
nothing about those bar tricks and illusions you did back there.

EILEEN: Eh, I had a hunch! And Im glad I wrote all about it too on my blogs. Not to
say all of my blogs are that useful to be honest. For the rest of the night, Im cleaning
out the house. Only focusing on the important blogs, leaving time for my friends.

(Eileen then turns to Mordecai, who is still bobbing back and forth like a dippy bird,
even though hes not one anymore.)

EILEEN: (Confused) Uhh,.. thanks for agreeing with me, Mordecai?

MORDECAI: Oh, youre talking about this? (Points to the fact hes still bobbing) Oh
well since thats what Ive been doing most of the day, its kind of hard to stop.
Hopefully everything will be fine by tomorrow. Come on, Rigby, we better go.

RIGBY: Alright.

(Mordecai walks away, while bobbing up and down still. Rigby on the other hand,
walks along whilst continuously spinning around like a top. Eileen, Margaret and CJ
stare at them as they walk off, only until Rigby gets dizzy and runs himself straight
into the doorframe instead.)

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