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A 21- Points Agenda/Suggestion for Musharaf sb (if he really wants to do something for the

benefit of the society at large irrespective any cast, creed or sect or religion in Pakistan).
Following Strategy should be adopted.

(1) A clear purpose of his mission and a vision
(2) Identifying the battle field where he wants to play.
(3) Identifying clearly as how he wants to win
(4) Identifying clearly how he wants implement his strategy

On the outset I would recommend following MISSIONS for Musharaf sb (the 21 points

(1) Giving a piece of land to every person in Pakistan (who does not own any land). So that
at the end of the day every one owns some land in Pakistan.

(2) Substantially reduce the price of food, clothing and health related items. The basics
should be subsidized by government however the others may let be at the market value.

(3) Breakdown/Dismantle, all provinces Governor Houses, Prime Minister House, President
House and sell it in the open market to potential investors. The proceeds from the sale of
such properties should be used to reduce the energy crisis and remaining be spent on
education. The proceeds may be used to complete the un-built land for the people who don't
have land. Technically every Pakistani should own some piece of land. Those living in joint
families or have some property in one or another way should be excluded. The idea is to
give one property to every one family that needs it.

(4) Reduce the rate of the natural resources or premium charged by the enterprises so that
the inflation is substantially reduced. These natural resources are given to us freely by
Almighty and any premium obtained by certain enterprises be cut. This should include
mainly three areas (a) Food (b) Clothing (c) Education related materials.

(5) The financial system be totally revamped and the interest rates should be reduced to
Zero. The reason is that the public places this investment in the banks and gets around
5%~6% as interest. The bank gives this money to the wealthy 10% Group of Pakistan at an
interest rated of K+3.5% +/-. These business concerns charges around 25~30% from the
general public. At the end of the day we feed the inflation with our own hands i.e. we get 6%
but we pay 24% back. At the end of the day the banks and the big/rich enterprises enjoy on
the money which the public give themselves with their own hands. This would truly bring in
line with the Muslim ideology.

(6) Make Gawadar the next Dubai for the whole Asia. Make Peshawar as an international
route. Make Quetta as an international route. Trade with neighboring countries be
encouraged and safety be provided.

(7) Undertake special industrial zones in Baluchistan and Sindh so that the people in these
provinces can have better life standards

(8) Finish the border lines of Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Baluchistan. That is there should be no
province and just one Pakistan. However in the government books identification may be
there for the budget purposes but generally there should be one Pakistan only.

(9) Ban all such entries in the CSS and PCS examination who first get training as Doctors and
Engineers on the Government subsidized money and then enter into CSS and PCS
examinations. They block the share of the deserving candidates and then join Bureaucracy
as an added advantage.

(10) Make special cell for Research, Development and Innovation. This team should focus on
new technologies and making the government system efficient and progressive. Only
through this innovation, R&D we can achieve to new heights.

(11) Substantially cut the foreign investment in Pakistan (other than the Pakistanis). The
main reason is that this FDI results in taking more money from Pakistan away rather than
leaving investment. This FDI in the shape of loan or otherwise enters into Pakistan and then
only 10% is spent here. Rest again goes back abroad.

(12) Amend the GDP indicator which clearly shows that how much rich organizations,
people and industrialist grew as compared to last year and how much middle income
people grew and how much poor grew. The GDP indicator hides the true wealth hoarding by
the rich people.

(13) Make a policy that all the Masjid Maulvis and any Islamic leader has to go through a
registration process and tests. The Islamic leader should have known the basics of Islamic
teaching (under a recognized course through HEC). The Government should make sure that
all the Mosques teach appropriately as per the pure religious guidance.

(14) Education system should be totally revamped. Institutions who are minting money
from the students and do not provide adequate education should be totally finished or
revamped. These institutions do not provide enough credibility and education to students
to face the uplifts in the society and meet the demands.

(15) Give all the Management of the sick industrial units of Pakistan to such entrepreneurs
who are able to revamp these organizations. It should be made compulsory for the these
organizations to provide adequate employment to maximum Pakistanis.

(16) Abandon any religion fights or arguments among various religions. Every Pakisatni
should have the right to practice their religion in a manner as they deem appropriate.

(17) Some excessive land from the feudal lords should be taken away and given to those
agriculturist families who do not own any land for agriculture. Investigation can be
conducted for the ownership of such land in order to get to the roots.

(18) All the "states within this states" i.e. the intelligence agencies should be abandoned and
only one should be active. All the employees of the agencies be merged into one agency that
should work for the benefit of Pakistan and its people. With one agenda "Unity, Faith and
Discipline". This includes the police department and other internal organization. They all be
merged in one security force.

(19) Spending should be done on healthy activities for the young generation such as
opening of a Disney land, Car racing, Motor bike racing (based on international standards),
the sports should be revamped, new game should be introduced. Specialist trainers should
be brought in Pakistan for the benefit of the society. Additionally better recreational
activities should be opened.

(20) Safety of the people should be at the priority whether for the people of Karachi to the
people of Peshawar. From Quetta, Gawadar to Punjab. Every where and every one should
have the safety provided by the government. Special wing be created to provide safety to
every one. All such elements that distract safety of the human life should be eradicated
totally. This can be achieved through an equitable and justice system with full accountability
and one security institution with one agenda taking care of the people.

(21) Stronger relations should be build on just and equitable basis with neighboring
countries. Pakistan should be made ideal for the world and people to come. All such
Pakistanis who are staying abroad and give bad word for Pakistan should be totally
disconnected from Pakistan.

For achieving the above purpose volunteers in small groups should be made at various
points in Pakistan. The whole Project should be implemented in a strategic manner without
any self interest and biased. The only principle of equity should be Islamic that protects
every man and woman, child or grown up, religious or non-religious, rich or poor, etc.
Above all the sanctity of Pak forces should be maintained. All those people at the lower
ranks should be given good share of pay for their families. Their families should be taken
good care with free education, medical, food and residence. They are the one who protect us
and our borders. All such are the non-commissioned officers who watch the front line and
die for Pakistan. It is our moral responsibility to support our fellows, above all of us.


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