Exam 2: Chapters 10, 12 and 13: Write Your Responses On The Student Answer Key

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E x a m 2 P S Y 3 0 0 | 1

Exam 2: Chapters 10, 12 and 13

Section One: Multiple Choice (5 pts. each)
Write your responses on the student answer key
1) According to Freud, a sarcastic person who enjos !iolent "o!ies "a #e "oti!ated #:
a. Se$
#. %ate
c. Aggression
d. A&&iliation
') Cogniti!e theorists #elie!e that people are "oti!ated #:
a. (oal setting
#. )ntrinsic "oti!ation
c. Sel&*deter"ination
d. All o& the a#o!e
+) According to Maslow,s hierarch o& needs which need "ust #e &ul&illed #e&ore an
a. Sel&*Actuali.ation
#. /stee"
c. 0elongingness
d. 1hsiological
2) 3he 3he"atic Apperception 3est "easures:
a. Aggressi!e "oti!es
#. 4nconscious "oti!es
c. 1hsiological "oti!es
5) 5hen did the A"erican 1schological Association declassi& ho"ose$ualit as a
a. 1675
Pamela Parks
#. 1689
c. 167+
d. )t is still considered a disorder
:) A oung "an who turns his co"petiti!e &eelings toward his si#lings into a desire to e$cel
in school "a #e de"onstrating which de&ense "echanis"-
a. 1rojection
#. ;eaction For"ation
c. Su#li"ation
d. 1assi!e aggression
7) /$plain the de&ense "echanis" o& projection:
8) According to %arlow,s Mon<e /$peri"ent, a #a# "on<e pre&erred a ="other> "on<e
co!ered in a so&t cloth o!er a ="other> "on<e "ade o& wire e!en when the wire
"on<e pro!ided the onl source o& &ood.
a. 3rue
#. False
6) 5hich attach"ent stle is illustrated # the &ollowing scenario: a "other lea!es her '
ear old child alone in an un&a"iliar roo" &or + "inutes. ?uring this ti"e, the child is
upset and cries. 5hen the "other returns, the child co"pletel ignores her.
a. ?isorgani.ed attach"ent
#. Secure attach"ent
c. A!oidant attach"ent
d. A"#i!alent attach"ent
19) According to /ri<son,s stages o& de!elop"ent which is the =crisis> o& oung adulthood-
a. 3rust !s. "istrust
#. )nti"ac !s. isolation
E x a m 2 P S Y 3 0 0 | 3
c. Autono" !s. sha"e
d. )ntegrit !s. despair
11) 5hich o& the &ollowing can produce &etal a#nor"alities-
a. 3eratogens
#. 1rosocial #eha!ior
c. Ageis"
d. Conser!ation
1') 5hich o& the &ollowing diseases is the "ost co""on cause o& senile de"entia-
a. Al.hei"er,s
#. ?ia#etes
c. Cancer
d. Schi.ophrenia
1+) 3he opti"al ti"e to attain nati!e language &luenc see"s to #e:
a. 5ithin the &irst three ears o& li&e
#. 0e&ore age &i!e
c. 5ithin the &irst ear o& li&e
d. @one o& the a#o!e
12) 5hat is 1iaget,s "oral stage o& de!elop"ent where "oral rules can #e changed i& the
are not appropriate to the occasion as long as the people in!ol!ed agree to do so-
a. 3he "oralit o& constraint
#. 3he "oralit o& cooperation
c. 1re*con!entional "oralit
d. Con!entional "oralit
Section Two: Short Answer (15 pts. each)
Pamela Parks
15) ;ead the ;esearch in ?epth: Motherl Ao!e on page 28+ o& the te$t. Answer Buestion C'
in A Step Further at the end o& the section.
1:) 5hat are the i"plications o& %arlow,s research- ) #elie!e the i"plication was the a#use
and rejection , neglect the #a# "on<es had to endure &ro" the "otherless "others.
Although the "otherless "others acted in such a wa to their #a#ies the #a#ies longed
&or their "others a&&ection and co"&ort and to " astonish"ent had nor"al social

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