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The advent of technology has had an incredible effect on my life. The technology that has
had the greatest effect on this world is computers. In the early 90’s when the phenomenon
of computers was beginning to spread its tentacles over the Indian subcontinent, I had
had the opportunity of having computer education right from grade 1, thanks to my
school and my parents who made it possible. At that tender and impressionable age I was
introduced to a programming language, LOGO to be precise. Thus, unknowingly I
accepted computers as a part of my life. I fell in love with that subject because of its
practical nature and luckily had computer science as a part of my curriculum throughout
high school. Engineering was a natural career choice after this. After two years of
persistent toil with the basic sciences, maths, physics and chemistry at the secondary
education level, I managed to enter one of the states most reputed private engineering

Five things which have always kept me going were undying optimism coupled with wild
imagination, enthusiasm to learn new things plus the deep seated desire to innovate and
perfect whatever I do. I have always aspired to be like Steve Jobs about whom I used to
quote in most of the articles I wrote to the national newspaper. One day I came across this
line written by J.K.Rowling, that truly changed the way I viewed life:

“It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities…!”

During the course of my first year, hardly anyone knew about the art of presenting a
paper when I teamed up with one my friends and suggested “SUPERCOMPUTERS and
SEARCH ENGINES” as the topic for our paper presentation. It’s the highest form of
computers and my love for them made me select that topic. Our paper got selected in the
Chaitanya Barathi Institute of Technology, the number one private institution in the state.
Eventually we went on to bag the first prize. It gave me an incredible high. Most
important of all, it reinstated my faith in the “CHOICE” I made. That followed another
paper on security using “HONEY POTS” at GITAM University, and the result, first yet
again. True, I found the love of my life, computers, with which I would be working for a
major portion of my life.

Inspired by one of my seniors, I along with a handful of close associates started a

technical magazine for the department of Computer Science Engineering called “The
PICSEL” (Steve Jobs’ PIXAR had quite an influence upon me) with the caption
“Silhouetting Technical Minds”. It was an instant hit. We were appreciated for our work
and our magazine was recognized as the official magazine of the department. When you
really aim for something in life and you have the deepest desire for it, in all probability
the task would be accomplished. Yes, the “CHOICE” which I made was right. It was not
the ability alone after all.

I was soon into my third year when we had to do a mini project. We chose upon
“Invocation of a Process via SMS”. The idea was simple. The aim of the project was to
start a process in a computer by just sending an SMS via a dedicated mobile. It was the
best project done by my seniors and we built upon it using JDBC, extended it to
applications such as playing a music track and controlling the media features like volume
and displaying results of students from a database. In spite of getting a job in Infosys, one
of the leading software establishments, I realized that I had much more to do in the field
of Computer Science than just earn enviable sums of money in a world-class firm. So, I
decided to raise that final step of education a little higher.

I therefore chose MS as my next logical step. The MS program is highly subject oriented
and challenging. The academic environment at a top ranked research institute and public
university like yours is intense and exciting and it is that which brings out the best in me.
With interests in Networking and Databases, my dream is to become a part of such a top
class institution which has made significant advances in computer systems research,
database system and networks. I have also observed the primary importance given to
Computer Systems Research and am thoroughly convinced that a Masters Degree from
your university would certainly help me in realizing my aspirations.

With all my credentials, academic and non-academic achievements, I wish to pursue my

Masters at your university as it offers a very competitive and pulsating academic
program. I hope I will be given an opportunity to be a part of the Masters program in
your esteemed university. I am also confident that I can make a positive contribution to
the intellectual atmosphere at your university through the sheer passion and diligence that
I have towards my chosen field of study.

I have yet again made a “CHOICE” and it’s our “CHOICES” that show what we truly
are. I am sure that my efforts to make it big in the field of Computer Science would
finally pay off because dreams do come true.

I genuinely look forward to being a part of your graduate program. Thank you.

- Sitaram Sagar Addepalli

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