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Referat engleza Testul 2

I. Translate the following text into Romanian:

Principalele activitati industriale din Marea ritanie sunt industria otelului! industria
metalelor! industria constructiilor navale! transportul maritime! sectorul "ancar! asigurari!
industria textila! industria chimica! industria electronica! industria constructiilor de avioane!
industria constructiilor de masini! industria distileriei.
#$% din suprafata este ara"ila! fiind cultivata in principal cu cereale! sfecla de zahar!
fructe si legume. &resterea de "ovine si oi aduc un venit mare. ogatiile naturale ale Marii
ritanii sunt in principal: car"unele! staniu! petrol! gaze naturale! piatra de var! fier! sare! argila!
calcar si plum".
'oar (!)% din forta de munca lucreaza in agricultura! #$% lucreaza in domeniul
industrial si cel al tehnologiei si aproximativ )*% lucreaza in domeniul serviciilor.
Moneda folosita in Marea ritanie este lira care este echivalentul a ($$ de pennies.
Principalii parteneride afaceri ai Marii ritanii sunt +ermania! ,tatele -nite! .ranta si
Tarile de /os.
II. &omplete the sentence "elow with the correct ver"al forms:
(. 'on0t go into his room1 2e is sleeping.
2. 3ife was difficult in the (*4$0s.
#. It was a long time since 5ou wrote me.
4. 2e usuall5 speaks so 6uic7l5! that I understand nothing.
). I have been trying to open this "ox for the last 4$ minutes.
8. I am sure the5 will arrive soon! perhaps tomorrow.
9. 2e comes in, to take his gun and shoots ever5"od5.
:. ,he is going to the li"rar5 ever5 two da5s.
*. 2e is watching T; at the moment.
($. I have been waiting for 5ou since 2 o0cloc7. <here have 5ou been=
III. &omment on three cultural s5m"ols of +reat ritain! e.g. monarch5! ig en!
foot"all! road traffic! etc.>at least ($ lines?
+reat ritain! also 7nown as ritain! is an island in the @tlantic Acean! off the northB
western coast of continental Curope. It is the ninth largest island in the world and the largest
island in Curope.
Big Ben is the nic7name for the great "ell of the cloc7 at the north end of the Palace of
<estminster in 3ondon! and often extended to refer to the cloc7 and the cloc7 tower. The tower
is now officiall5 called the Cliza"eth Tower! after "eing renamed in 2$(2 >from D&loc7 TowerD?
to cele"rate the 'iamond /u"ilee of Cliza"eth II. The tower holds the largest fourBfaced chiming
cloc7 in the world and is the thirdBtallest freeBstanding cloc7 tower. The tower was completed in
(:): and had its ()$th anniversar5 on #( Ma5 2$$*! during which cele"rator5 events too7 place.
The tower has "ecome one of the most prominent s5m"ols of "oth 3ondon and Cngland and is
often in the esta"lishing shot of films set in the cit5.
Tower Bridge >"uilt (::8(:*4? is a com"ined "ascule and suspension "ridge in 3ondon
which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of 3ondon! from which it ta7es its
name! and has "ecome an iconic s5m"ol of 3ondon. The "ridge consists of two towers tied
together at the upper level "5 means of two horizontal wal7wa5s! designed to withstand the
horizontal forces exerted "5 the suspended sections of the "ridge on the landward sides of the
towers. The vertical component of the forces in the suspended sections and the vertical reactions
of the two wal7wa5s are carried "5 the two ro"ust towers. The "ascule pivots and operating
machiner5 are housed in the "ase of each tower.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in <iltshire! Cngland! a"out 2 miles >#.2 7m?
west of @mes"ur5 and : miles >(# 7m? north of ,alis"ur5. Ane of the most famous sites in the
world! ,tonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthwor7s. It is in the
middle of the most dense complex of Eeolithic and ronze @ge monuments in Cngland!
including several hundred "urial mounds.
Corfe Castle is a fortification standing a"ove the village of the same name on the Isle of
Pur"ec7 in the Cnglish count5 of 'orset. uilt "5 <illiam the &on6ueror! the castle dates "ac7
to the ((th centur5 and commands a gap in the Pur"ec7 2ills on the route "etween <areham and
,wanage. The first phase was one of the earliest castles in Cngland to "e "uilt using stone when
the maForit5 were "uilt with earth and tim"er. &orfe &astle underwent maFor structural changes
in the (2th and (#th centuries.

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