Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall Stefano Mirti's Facebook Wall: Timeline Archive: A Personal Collection of Curiosities

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Stefano Mirtis

facebook wall
timeline archive:
a personal collection
of curiosities
Stefano Mirtis
facebook wall
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Ospedale Fatebenefratelli Milano
I was ill I am ok.
Lots of things to post, to catch up with the lost
days (weeks).
Image above: A ward of the hospital at Scutari
where Florence Nightingale worked and helped to
restructure the modern hospital.
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
This is how Bazaart is explained:
Create. Discover. Love.
Bazaart is the most beautiful way to mix your
photos into mind-blowing images.
Here the link:
Thanks to Giulia San Gregorio for the link!
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Storm King Art Center
Fence of Mirrors
The subtle reflection of space and its ever
changing qualities is expressed in the work of
Alyson Shotz.
The American artist conceives large-scale
sculptural pieces which stand as mediums in which
one experiences their surrounding environment
with a renewed perspective. Mirror fence is
indicative of Shotzs creative approach whereby
she has constructed a picket fence entirely from
The iteration illustrated in this feature was a
commissioned installation for Storm King Art
Center in New York, and exhibits the physical
existence of the barrier being almost completely
obliterated by its glassy surface that casts back
images of the landscape in which it stands.
Keep reading (with more images) at: http://www.
Alyson Shotz website: http://alysonshotz.
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
London, United Kingdom
8th of March: Luisa Casati
Luisa, Marquise Casati Stampa di Soncino (1881 /
1957) was an eccentric Italian heiress, muse, and
patroness of the arts in early 20th-century Europe.
As the concept of dandy was expanded to include
women, the marchesa Casati fitted the utmost
female example by saying: "I want to be a living
work of art".
Keep reading at: http://en.wikipedia.
More (fantastic) images of her at: http:
Image above: Luisa Casati's portrait, by Cecil
Beaton, 1954.
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
New York, NY, United States
New York-based design firm Studio Link-Arc in
collaboration with Tsinghua University have
conceived the China pavilion for the Milan Expo
2015 as a field of different spaces.
Hovering over the field of hope on the ground
floor, a floating cloud structure offers a distinctive
undulating roof and shelters the cultural and
exhibition programs beneath.
Keep reading (with more images) at: http://www.
Chinese Pavilion for
Expo 2015
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Grand Palais Paris
For its 2014 Fall/Winter fashion show at Paris
Fashion Week, Chanel turned the Grand Palais into
the world's glitziest supermarket complete with
500 Chanel-branded products in packaging
designed specially for the show
Karl Lagerfeld's Chanel
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
A Bowl-Shaped Art by MVRDV
Dutch studio MVRDV has revealed its competition-
winning design to create a bowl-shaped art depot
for the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in
Rotterdam with a mirrored exterior and a rooftop
sculpture garden.
Keep reading at: http://www.dezeen.
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
The Boiler | Pierogi
Sure, it sounds like a self-effacing metaphor gone
off the tracks. No, there's no punchline, and yes,
it's pretty cool. Ward Shelley and Alex Schweder
are currently living and working 24 hours a day in
their "architect performed building" shaped like a
25-foot hamster wheel. The two artists, who have
been collaborating on large-scale installations
since 2007, will inhabit "Orbit" until March 9 and o
view through April 5 at The Boiler in Brooklyn.
Keep reading (with more images) at: http://www.
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Here, some very interesting materials (thanks to
Tate Modern):
Bauhaus 101: what you need
to know (according to Paul
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
United States
#AmtrakResidency Program
You like to write?
You like to travel by train?
This is for you
#AmtrakResidency was designed to allow creative
professionals who are passionate about train travel
and writing to work on their craft in an inspiring
environment. Round-trip train travel will be
provided on an Amtrak long-distance route. Each
resident will be given a private sleeper car,
equipped with a desk, a bed and a window to
watch the American countryside roll by for
inspiration. Routes will be determined based on
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Grand Palais Paris
-LAgricoltura Sinergica un metodo di
coltivazione elaborato a partire dagli anni 80 dall
agricoltrice spagnola Emilia Hazelip (1938/2003)
adattando al clima mediterraneo i principi dell
agricoltura naturale estrapolati dallagronomo
giapponese Masanobu Fukuoka (1913/2008). Emilia
Hazelip ha definito lAgricoltura Sinergica come
la forma di coltivazione pi naturale tra quelle
conosciute, perch lavora con le dinamiche di
fertilit naturali del suolo. In sostanza ci significa
che il suolo migliora e poi mantiene la sua fertilit
se un certo numero di piante vengono piantate
densamente in esso e se si usa la pacciamatura per
imitare lo strato di foglie e compost che si
forma spontaneamente in natura. Non c alcun
bisogno dammendanti di nessun tipo, neanche di
compost, fertilizzanti organici, polvere di roccia,
preparati bio-dinamici etc. poich i l suolo, se
trattato correttamente, si comporter come il
suolo naturale selvaggio o incolto.
Fotografia bacheca My Edible Yard Urban
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Lochgilphead, United Kingdom
Ms Martha Payne is 9 years old, and one day she
had a very cool idea: what about to blog on what
she eats at school?
Wikipedia explains:
Launched on 30 April 2012 as a school writing
project with assistance from Martha's father David,
the blog is written under the pseudonym "VEG"
(Veritas Ex Gustu truth from tasting), with the
subtitle "One primary school pupil's daily dose of
school dinners".
Much like a restaurant review, it features daily
entries on the 2 school meal that Martha/ "VEG"
has chosen that day, her thoughts on the food and
its quality, a count of the number of hairs,
A very nice course on contemporary gardening in
Torino. Curated by Nicol Taglia, here the link to
get to know more (in Italian): https://www.
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
London King's Cross Station
This is a very nice project.
This hand-drawn section was made by student
Stuart Franks to complete the first year of his MA
at the Royal College of Art. A proposal for a
stacked city above Londons Kings Cross station, it
anticipates rapid population growth in the capital.
Stuart Frank's Multiplicity
(or, a City into a Building)
a health rating, a picture, and marks out of 10
based on a "Food-o-Meter".
Here the website: http://neverseconds.blogspot.
Here is Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.
Thanks to Giulia Fiorista for the link!
Stefanos facebook timeline 08-10/52 2014
Still on Blue Flowers...
-blue flowers #blaueblumen; Malasaa-
People from the Design 101 are still producing
fantastic flowers for the final exhibition in Berlin.
Here above, the blue flowers by Rebeca Porras
Here some other fascinating cross-sections

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