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Match the words with their definitions:

1 tube sleeve
2 nut
3 valve
4 screw
5 filter
6 machine
7 bolt
8 bearing
a. a machine art inside or around which another art revolves
b. a tube art fitting around another art
c. a small metal iece with a hole for fastening a bolt
d. a grooved metal rod with a head used with a nut to hold arts together
e. a device for removing dirt or other articles from air or li!uid
f. a structure with man" elements for doing some wor#
g. a device that ermits the flow of li!uid or gas
h. a sharl" grooved metal rod that can be driven in to hold an ob$ect together
2. %orm collocations b" matching each word on the left to the aroriate word on the
1 ractical
2 sufficient
3 machine
4 rust"
5 successful
6 !ualified
7 cometenc"
8 wor#ing
a. eriod
b. bolts
c. certificate
d. #nowledge
e. reairs
f. candidate
g. training
h. engineer
1. at sea is not eas" even for the best students.
2. & cadet should have to reare him for seafaring.
3. Minor can be done on board b" engineers.
4. 'elace all the with clean ones.
5. have a combination of ractical s#ills and theoretical #nowledge.
6. (here is a vacanc" in our coman" for a .
7. are re!uired if one wants to wor# on sea)going vessels.
8. (he cannot be longer than half a "ear.
3. %ind the odd word in each line: *internal combustion engines+
machine engine temerature device
iston c"linder shaft etrol
ower force h"sics energ"
combustion ignition burning etrol
e,anding rotating turning circular
roelling burning driving moving
4. -ategori.e the following words under the two headings: drive; power; combustion;
rod end; compression; connecting rod; energy; cylinder; propulsion; piston; piston top;
/ngine arts /ngine oeration
5. -hoose the correct alternative: *four)stro#e c"cle+
1. (in" fuel drolets complete / compress / convert / heat up ver" !uic#l".
2. (he e,anding gases approach / force / take / turn the iston down the c"linder.
3. (he four)stro#e engine expels / forces / increases / powers almost all truc#s and cars
4. (he iston burns / draws / injects / passes a fresh air charge of vaori.ed fuel0air
5. /ngines atomize / convert / heat up / rotate the fuel energ" into wor#.
6. (he fuel in$ector draws / injects / opens / puts fuel into the c"linder.
6. Match the s"non"ms:
1. tin" a. change
2. comlete b. fall
3. increase c. ver" small
4. dro d. comress
5. turn around e. rotate
6. charge f. vaori.ed
7. drawn g. ushed into
8. atomi.ed h. load
1. convert i. finish
12. s!uee.e $. rise
7. 'ead the following statements and decide whether the" are true or false:
1. 3cavenging clears the c"linder of sent gases.
2. %our)stro#e diesels do not have inta#e valves.
3. & diesel is an internal combustion engine.
4. & cran#shaft never ma#es two revolutions in one c"cle.
5. & iston sometimes closes e,haust orts.
6. (he e,haust ort closes before comression.
8. %ill in the missing words in the table below:
Adjective Opposite
Noun Adverb Opposite
normal normalit"
unclear clearl"
legal legall"
illegible legibl"
ossibilit" ossibl"
robabilit" imrobabl"
fre!uent fre!uenc"
regularit" regularl"

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