Intermediate - Finding A Supermarket: Visit The - C 2008 Praxis Language LTD

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Intermediate - Finding a Supermarket (C0082)


w o g ang b an d` ao zh` el. b` u zhd` ao q` u n ali m ai d ongxi. n

y ou sh enme h ao ji ` any`?
Ive just moved here. I dont know where to go shopping.
Do you have any good suggestions?

zh` el f ` uj`n ch ule b aihu` og ongs yw` ai h ai y ou ch aosh`. w o

ju ede ch aosh` sh` m ai d ongxi zu` f angbi ` an de d`fang. w o
y` ao m ai d ongxi de shh` ou, w o ji ` u q` u ch aosh`.
In this area, there is a supermarket in addition to the depart-
ment store. I think the supermarket is the most convenient
place to buy things. When I want to buy things, I go there.
n` a t ` ai h ao le. r ugu o w o y` ao m ai d ongxi, w o y e q` u n` ali.
Thats great. If I want to buy something, Ill go there, too.

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du`. n` a ge ch aosh` y` ou d` a y` ou g anj`ng. lmi ` an d ongxi h en
du o. z` ai n` al m ai d ongxi b` u jn sh engshji an, h ai sh engqi an,
ynw` ei t amen de ji ` ag e h el. t amen h ai jngch ang d azh e.
Yes. That market is big and clean. There are lots of things
inside. Shopping there can not only save you time, but also
money as their prices are reasonable. They also often have
h ao. n` a w o k end`ng q` u ch aosh` m ai d ongxi. xi ` exi ` e nde
ji ` any`.
OK. Ill certainly go to the supermarket to buy things.
Thanks for your suggestions.
Key Vocabulary
g ang recently
b and` ao to move
ji ` any` suggestions

ch ule ... yw` ai aside from

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sh eng to save
y` ou ... y` ou both
h el reasonable

b` ujn ... erqi e not onlybut also

k end`ng sure
d azh e discount
ch aosh` supermarket
b aihu` og ongs department store
Supplementary Vocabulary
sh ux to knowsth. or sb. well
c angu an to visit
d` am` aich ang shopping center
bi ` anl`di ` an convenient store
ji aot ong trafc
y ouhu` preferential
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c` uxi ao sales promotion
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version). c 2008 Praxis Language Ltd.

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