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O contes dependent de cocain, un ajutor de coafez care a c tigat la loterie, doi arheologi, un

scriitor distrat i al i c iva pasageri i strnesc interesul lui Poirot, aflat n zborul de la Paris spre
Croydon. Cnd n avion este descoperit cadavrul unei cmtrese ucise cu o sgeat otrvit, pentru
toat lumea este evident c uciga ul se afl la bord, dar ancheta nu duce nicieri. oare posibil ca,
de data aceasta, criminalul s scape nepedepsit! "pari ia nea teptat a fiicei de mult abandonate a
cmtresei i dezvluirile privind o afacere bazat pe antaj par s l pun n ncurctur pe Poirot.
#intea lui se dovede te ns, din nou, singura capabil s pun ordine n indiciile care par s i
incrimineze, pe rnd, pe to i pasagerii... chiar i pe el nsu i.
Poirot finds closer ties between some of the passengers on the plane than they would
admit, but who could have wanted the woman dead?
From seat No. 9, Hercule Poirot is almost ideally placed to observe his fellow
air travelers on this short flight from Paris to London. Over to his right sits
a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite. head, in seat
No. !", is the #ountess of Horbury, horribly addicted to cocaine and not doing
too good a $ob of concealing it. cross the gangway in seat No. %, a writer of
detective fiction is being troubled by an aggressive wasp. &es, Poirot is almost
ideally placed to ta'e it all in(e)cept that the passenger in the seat directly
behind him has slumped over in the course of the flight . . . dead. *urdered. +y
someone in Poirot,s immediate pro)imity. nd Poirot himself must number among
the suspects.
It was a most extraordinary case. A woman murdered with the venom-dipped dart of a South African
blow-gun on a routine flight over the English Channel. More bizarre still: that the killing could go
completely unnoticed by the plane's other passengers. And most ironic of all: that Hercule Poirot, the
brilliant detective, should be sitting not fifteen feet from the victim!
From seat No. 9, Hercule Poirot is almost ideally placed to
observe his fellow air travelers on this short flight from Paris
to London. Over to his right sits a pretty young woman,
clearly infatuated with the man opposite. head, in seat No.
!", is the #ountess of Horbury, horribly addicted to cocaine
and not doing too good a $ob of concealing it. cross the
gangway in seat No. %, a writer of detective fiction is being
troubled by an aggressive wasp. &es, Poirot is almost ideally
placed to ta'e it all in ( e)cept that the passenger in the seat
directly behind him has slumped over in the course of the
flight... dead. *urdered. +y someone in Poirot,s immediate
pro)imity. nd Poirot himself must number among the suspects.

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