Truth or Dare

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1. If you were invisible what would be the first thing you

2. If you could find out something about the future what
would it be?
3. Which player is most likely to go to jail and for what?
4. Whats the first thing you notice when youre checking
someone out?
5. Has anyone received a naked picture of you?
6. If you had to kill someone in a very brutal way, who would
it be?
7. Whats the biggest age difference between you and
someone youve made out with?
8. Whats the meanest thing someone has ever told you?
9. Whats the biggest thing youve stolen?
10. Have you tried any drugs? Which ones?
11. What physical act do you have a great talent for?
12. What quality of yours do you get the most compliments
13. Whats your biggest insecurity?
14. On a scale of 1-10 how good in bed do you think you are?
15. Whats the dumbest thing youve done to impress
16. Whats your fetish?
17. Whats the best present youve gotten? Whats the worst?
18. Do you believe in god? If yes, will you be going to heaven
or hell?
19. On a scale of 1-10 how good looking do you think you are?
20. Describe the story of the last porn you watched
21. When and how did you lose your virginity?
22. Have you ever used sex as a tool to get what you
23. Have you ever cheated on someone?
24. Whats the most serious law youve broken?


1. Rub your body against all the other players
2. Pretend like you dont know the person opposite you
and try and pick them up
3. Moon the participants
4. Touch another players tongue with your own
5. Massage someone for 30 seconds
6. Let someone spank you
7. Call someone and convince them youre being
8. Smell everyones breath and say who has the worst.
9. Be a psychic and predict everyones future
10. Lick someones ear
11. Tell every person in the room what you dislike
about them
12. Drink 5 glasses of water in 5 minutes
13. Let someone write your Facebook status and you
have leave it up for 6 hours
14. Tell others your life story with a dance; no words
15. Let someone mess up your hair
16. Give each person a person of advice
17. Propose to the person you would most likely marry
in the room
18. Close your eyes and let someone feed you
19. Sing a song with your best effort for 30 seconds
20. Give everyone a kiss on the cheek
21. Call a person that the other players have chosen
and tell them you have a crush on them
22. Pick someone elses nose
23. Lick a player on the stomach
24. For the rest of the night you have to crawl on all
fours to move around
25. Let someone write a message on your butt
26. Sniff someones armpit for 20 seconds
27. Make an orgasm face
28. Give a player a hickey
29. Let someone slap you
30. Give someone a pony ride

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