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The Sawmill Limited, Mulberry House, Uffcott, Swindon, UK, SN4 9LZ

Tel: +44 (0) 870 741 8787 Fax: +44 (0) 870 741 0010

Sawmill TECH TIPS help for the Web, Security & Data Professional


Welcome to Sawmill TECH TIPS # 4
Sawmill Tech Tips is a regular newsletter designed to help you make the most of Sawmill
Reporting & Analysis Software. You are receiving this newsletter as an existing customer, a user
of Sawmill, or as a visitor to our web site. If you wish to be removed from this list please send an
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In this edition of TECH TIPS: - how to create custom fields, plus details of a potential security
vulnerability in earlier versions, now fixed in 7.2.9

Who can Update to 7.2.9 - All users of Sawmill V7.x can download and install the latest
version 7.2.9 free of charge. All customers with current a Premium Care agreement can download
7.2.9 free of charge. Customers with older versions wishing to update to V7.x, but without a
current Premium Care agreement can purchase an update.
Downloads are available from:

Creating and Populating Custom Fields

A newly-created profile in Sawmill typically contains one log field for each field in the log data and
one database field for each log field, plus various derived database fields (like file_type, which is
derived from the filename). It is often useful to have additional fields which are not in the log
data, but which can be computed from the log data. For instance, it might be useful to have a Full
Name field which is computed from the username or IP, or a Department field which is computed
from the IP. Sawmill lets you create any number of custom fields, populate them, filter them, or
generate reports from them. Once created custom fields work just like the other fields in the

Step 1: Create the Log Field

The first step is to create a log field. This essentially fools Sawmill into thinking the value is in the
log data. Most log fields are populated from the log data, but if you define your own you can
populate it yourself using a Log Filter, and then use it as a Database Field in reports.

To create the log field, edit the profile .cfg file. This is a text file which is in the
LogAnalysisInfo/profiles folder of your Sawmill installation folder. You can edit it using a text
editor, like Notepad on Windows, or vi or emacs on other systems, or TextEdit on Mac. Find the
"log = {" section, and within that the "fields = {" section, and find an existing field, like the spiders
field (we'll use a web log for this example). Here's what the spiders field might look like:

The Sawmill Limited, Mulberry House, Uffcott, Swindon, UK, SN4 9LZ
Tel: +44 (0) 870 741 8787 Fax: +44 (0) 870 741 0010

spiders = {
index = "0"
subindex = "0"
type = "flat"
label = "$lang_stats.field_labels.spiders"
} # spiders

Now copy this section, leave the original(!), and add a new one like this:

full_name = {
index = "0"
subindex = "0"
type = "flat"
label = "Full Name"
} # full_name

This defines a new log field full_name, whose label (how it appears in the web interface) is "Full

Step 2: Create the Log Filter

Next we need to give this field a value. For now, let's assume there is a field called first_name and
another field called last_name, and all we need to do is concatenate them to get the full name. In
Config->Log Data->Log Filters, create a new log filter, and choose Advanced Expression as the
type. Then enter this for the log filter:

full_name = first_name . " " . last_name;

Now, the full_name value for each entry will be the first_name value, followed by a space,
followed by the last_name value.

Step 3: Create the Database Field

In order to see reports based on this field, we need to create a database field for it. This is similar
to creating a log field. Find the "database = {" section in the profile .cfg file, then find the "field =
{" section within in, and then find an existing database field, and duplicate it. Again we'll start
with the existing spiders field:

spider = {
type = "string"
label = "$lang_stats.field_labels.spider"
log_field = "spider"
suppress_top = "0"
suppress_bottom = "2"
} # spider
The Sawmill Limited, Mulberry House, Uffcott, Swindon, UK, SN4 9LZ
Tel: +44 (0) 870 741 8787 Fax: +44 (0) 870 741 0010

And modify it to make our custom full_name field:

full_name = {
type = "string"
label = "Full Name"
log_field = "full_name"
suppress_top = "0"
suppress_bottom = "2"
} # full_name

Step 4: Create a Report

Now that we've created the log field and the database field, we can finish the work in the web
interface. The next step is to create a report, and a report menu. Do that by going to Config ->
Manage Reports -> Reports/Reports Menu, and clicking New Report. Enter Full Name as the
report name and as the menu name:

Now, click the Report Elements tab, and click New Report Element:

The Sawmill Limited, Mulberry House, Uffcott, Swindon, UK, SN4 9LZ
Tel: +44 (0) 870 741 8787 Fax: +44 (0) 870 741 0010

Enter Full Name as the report element name, and choose Standard Table as the Report Element

Click the Fields tab and select Full Name as the main field:

Now click Okay, Save and Close.

The Sawmill Limited, Mulberry House, Uffcott, Swindon, UK, SN4 9LZ
Tel: +44 (0) 870 741 8787 Fax: +44 (0) 870 741 0010

Step 5: Rebuild the Database

Now rebuild the database (click Rebuild Database in the Config page), to reprocess all log entries
to include the Full Name field. View reports, and you will see a Full Names report at the bottom of
the reports list, showing all full names for the dataset.

Advanced Topic: Cross-reference Groups

Though it's not necessary to add a cross-reference group, it will make the Full Names report much
faster. To add a cross-reference group, edit the profile .cfg file, and look for
"cross_reference_groups = {".
Find the spiders section below it (again, we will base our modification on the spiders field):

spider = {
date_time = ""
spider = ""
hits = ""
page_views = ""
spiders = ""
worms = ""
errors = ""
broken_links = ""
screen_info_hits = ""
visitors = ""
size = ""
} # spider

and copy it, don't delete the spiders one, to create a new cross-reference group for full_name:

full_name = {
date_time = ""
full_name = ""
hits = ""
page_views = ""
spiders = ""
worms = ""
errors = ""
broken_links = ""
screen_info_hits = ""
visitors = ""
size = ""
} # full_name

The list of numerical fields will depend on the format, so make sure you base it on a group in your
profile, rather than using the example above. Now rebuild the database, and the Full Names
report will be generated from the cross-reference table, rather than from the main table, which is
much faster.

The Sawmill Limited, Mulberry House, Uffcott, Swindon, UK, SN4 9LZ
Tel: +44 (0) 870 741 8787 Fax: +44 (0) 870 741 0010

Advanced Topic: Using CFG Maps to Populate the Log Field

In this example, we assumed that all information needed to compute full_name was in the
existing log fields (first_name and last_name). This is usually not the case, and the field value
usually needs to be pulled in from another source. The most common source is a CFG file. For
instance, we might create a CFG file which maps usernames or IP addresses to full names, and
looks up the full name from that file. See the December 15 issue of the Sawmill Newsletter,
"Using CFG Maps", for details on populating log fields using CFG maps.

Security Vulnerability in 7.2.8 and older

Sawmill 7.2.8 and earlier includes a potential security vulnerability which can allow users to gain
administrative access to Sawmill, if they have login permissions (e.g., SSH) on a system where the
Sawmill web browser is running, and if they have read access to the cookies of the browser.
Sawmill 7.2.9 reduces this vulnerability by using sessions and session cookies, so even if the
authentication information is acquired by a malicious user, it cannot be used beyond the end of
the current session. This vulnerability is a "moderate" severity; it is not remotely exploitable. For
best security, we recommend that all existing Sawmill users upgrade to Sawmill 7.2.9

Les Ferrington, CEO, The Sawmill Limited
Voice: +44 870 741 8787
Fax: +44 870 741 0010

EMEA Support Centre:
Voice: +44 870 747 0759

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