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Instructions and Information

Write your name in the box at the top of the page.

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
The total mark for this paper is 100.
The marks for each question are shown in brackets.
Calculators may be used.
f your calculator does not have a button! take the value of
to be ".1#$ unless the question instructs otherwise.
%uestions labelled with an asterisk &*' are ones where the
quality of your written communication will be assessed.
(ead each question carefully before you start to answer it.
)eep an eye on the time.
Try to answer every question.
*heck your answers if you have time at the end.
Written by +haun Armstrong
,nly to be copied for use in the purchaser-s school or college
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
5ame *lass
Paper 2B (Calculator)
oundation !ier
!ime " # hour $% minutes
or &de'cel (C)&
*ou must have"
(uler! protractor! compasses! pen! pencil! eraser! calculator.
Total 3arks
GCSE Mathematics
Formulae: Foundation Tier
You must not write on this formulae page.
Area of trapezium =
(a + b)h
Volume of prism = area of cross section length
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age $ 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
Answer ALL questions.
Write our answers in the spaces pro!i"e".
You must write "own all stages in our wor#ing.
$ A survey asked eole to rate the local avements as !"cellent# $ood# %oor or Terri&le'
This ie chart sho(s the results for a grou of 1) adults (ho had a ram or ushchair'
*o( many of this grou said the avements (ere %oor or Terri&le+
%&otal for 'uestion $ is ( mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age " 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
* %arveen has -. to send'
/he &uys a &ottle of lemonade for -1'
(a) 0hat ercentage of her money did she send on the lemonade+
,,,,,,,,,,, 1
%arveen then &uys t(o sausage rolls costing 2. each'
(&) *o( much money has she got left+
- ,,,,,,,,,,,
%&otal for 'uestion * is + mar#s)
( A &ag contains 13 red &eads# 2 &lue &eads and 4 yello( &eads'
A &ead is icked at random from the &ag'
5atch each event &elo( to one of the (ords descri&ing ro&a&ility'
The first one is done for you'
%&otal for 'uestion ( is ( mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age # 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
The &ead
chosen is red
The &ead chosen
is not &lue
The &ead chosen
is green
The &ead chosen
is yello(
6iagram ,-&
accurately dra(n
(a) (i) 0rite do(n the value of p'
(ii) $ive a reason for your ans(er'
(&) (i) 0ork out the value of q'
(ii) $ive a reason for your ans(er'
6iagram ,-&
accurately dra(n
(c) 0ork out the value of r'
%&otal for 'uestion + is . mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 9 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
/ (a) 5ark (ith a cross (0) one s8uare that could &e removed to make a shae (ith one
line of symmetry'
(&) 5ark (ith a cross (0) t(o s8uares that could &e removed to make a shae (ith
one line of symmetry'
(c) 5ark (ith a cross (0) t(o s8uares that could &e removed to make a shae (ith
rotational symmetry of order 2'
%&otal for 'uestion / is ( mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 8 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
. (a) 0rite do(n a s8uare num&er &et(een 93 and 43'
(&) 0rite do(n a multile of 11 that is greater than .3'
(c) 0rite do(n an even rime num&er'
(d) 0rite do(n all the factors of 12'
%&otal for 'uestion . is / mar#s)
1 (a) :se your calculator to (ork out
0rite do(n all the figures on your calculator dislay'
(&) :se your calculator to (ork out 9')
(c) :se your calculator to (ork out
$ive your ans(er correct to 1 decimal lace'
%&otal for 'uestion 1 is + mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age : 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
The diagram sho(s art of the net of a yramid dra(n on a centimetre s8uare grid'
(a) =omlete the net of the yramid'
(&) >ne verte" is circled'
=ircle the other vertices that meet this verte" (hen the yramid is made'
%&otal for 'uestion 2 is ( mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age ; 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
?um&er of
=lu& A =lu& = =lu& 6 =lu& @
3 Four athletics clu&s# A# @# = and 6 each selected mem&ers to go to the national trials'
The num&ers for each clu& are sho(n &y this comosite &ar chart'
5en 0omen Auniors
(a) 0hich clu& sent the smallest num&er of Buniors+
(&) 0hich t(o clu&s sent the same num&er of (omen+
,,,,,, and ,,,,,,
(c) *o( many more men did =lu& @ send than =lu& =+
4(d) 0hich clu& sent the highest roortion of Buniors'
Cou must sho( your (orking'
%&otal for 'uestion 3 is . mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age < 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
$5 A rare disease is sreading in cattle'
Dn one (eek the num&er of cattle infected increases from 233 to )13'
(a) 0hat is the ercentage increase in the num&er of infected cattle+
,,,,,,,,,,, 1
93 scientists are to &e sent to the t(o counties affected &y the out&reak'
The scientists are to &e slit &et(een ?orshire and *arfolk in the ratio 9 : 2
(&) *o( many scientists are to &e sent to ?orshire+
%&otal for 'uestion $5 is + mar#s)
$$ /olve
(a) .p = 2.
(&) x E 2 = 1
(c) 4w + 9 = .1
%&otal for 'uestion $$ is + mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 10 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
Four grahs are sho(n'
=hoose the correct grah in each art of this 8uestion'
(a) 5aterial is sold for -1'.3 er metre'
0hich grah could sho( the cost (-y) of x metres of the material+
$rah ,,,,,,,,,,
(&) 6avidFs hone has -. credit left'
0hich grah could sho( the credit (-y) left x minutes after he calls a friend+
$rah ,,,,,,,,,,
(c) A car has 23 litres of etrol'
0hich grah sho(s the volume of etrol (y litres) after -x of etrol is added'
$rah ,,,,,,,,,,
%&otal for 'uestion $* is ( mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 11 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
6raph A
6raph 0
6raph =
6raph *
$( Tali&ah has a en that can (rite in four colours'
/he has to choose one of the colours to (rite a title in her &ook'
The ro&a&ility that she (ill choose Ged is 3'4
(a) 0rite 3'4 as a fraction'
The ro&a&ility that she (ill choose $reen is 3'9
(&) 0rite 3'9 as a ercentage'
,,,,,,,,,,, 1
The ro&a&ility that Tali&ah (ill choose @lue is the same as the ro&a&ility that she (ill
choose @lack'
(c) 0ork out the ro&a&ility that she (ill choose @lue'
%&otal for 'uestion $( is / mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1$ 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
$+ A&asah lives in @illingham'
/he has an aointment at 1 'm' (ith a solicitor in ?e(castle'
A&asah (ill travel to ?e(castle &y train'
/he e"ects the (alk &et(een the station and the solicitorFs to take 93 minutes'
/he e"ects the aointment to last for u to an hour'
*ere is art of the train timeta&le from /tockort to ?e(castle'
/tockton 3;:43 13:.3 11:43 12:93 19:13
@illingham 3;:4) 13:.) 11:4) 12:9) 19:1)
*artleool 13:33 11:13 12:33 12:.3 19:93
/eaham 13:1) 11:2) 12:1) 19:3) 19:4)
/underland 13:91 11:41 12:91 19:21 14:31
?e(castle 13:4. 11:.. 12:4. 19:9. 14:1.
*ere is art of the train timeta&le from ?e(castle to /tockort'
?e(castle 14:33 14:.3 12:33 12:.3 1<:43
/underland 14:21 1.:11 12:21 1<:11 1):31
/eaham 14:2; 1.:1; 12:2; 1<:1; 1):3;
*artleool 14:44 1.:94 12:44 1<:94 1):24
@illingham 14:.2 1.:42 12:.2 1<:42 1):92
/tockton 1.:34 1.:.4 1<:34 1<:.4 1):44
A&asah lans the tri to take as little time as ossi&le in total'
(a) @y (hat time should A&asah &e at @illingham station+
(&) *o( long (ill she send in ?e(castle in total+
,,,, hours ,,,, minutes
%&otal for 'uestion $+ is + mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1" 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
$/ 4 (a) !"lain ho( you kno( that the sum of the interior angles of any 8uadrilateral
is 9237'
(&) Hamram says
IA entagon can have three right angles if the right angles are on
adBacent corners'J
(i) 6ra( a entagon like the one Hamram descri&es'
(ii) /ho( that the three right angles do not have to &e adBacent &y dra(ing
another entagon'
%&otal for 'uestion $/ is + mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1# 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
4$. 5atthe( has a -.3 voucher to send at an online store'
Find out if he can afford to &uy &oth of these items'
6K6 &o" set *eadhones
?ormally -44'4; ?ormally -21'.3
2.1 >FF 131 >FF
/ho( ho( you decide'
%&otal for 'uestion $. is + mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 19 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
$1 (a) /imlify p p p p
(&) 0ork out the value of 9m n (hen m = 4 and n = <'
(c) 5ulitly out 9(y 2)
(d) /imlify 9a + 4b E 2a E 9b
x 9
Find an e"ression for the erimeter of this rectangle'
/imlify your ans(er'
%&otal for 'uestion $1 is 2 mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 18 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
$2 @rian is investigating the cost of rescritions'
*e asks 13 adults their age and ho( many rescritions they got in the last year'
The scatter grah sho(s his results'
(a) @rian decides to ignore one of the oints on the scatter grah'
=ircle this oint and suggest a reason for his decision'
(&) 6ra( a line of &est fit on the scatter grah'
$a&&y is 93 years old'
(c) !stimate the increase in the num&er of rescritions $a&&y gets er year over the
ne"t 13 years'
%&otal for 'uestion $2 is / mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1: 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
Age at last &irthday (years)
3 13 93 23 43 .3
?um&er of
$3 5alik (ants to &uy these four &ooks:
Gershwin for Sax Jazz Classics
Saxophone Swing Sax Blues
The ta&le &elo( gives information a&out the rice of the &ooks# secial offers and the
cost of ost L acking at three online &ooksellers'
, All Music 6oo#s ,ote 7erfect
Gershwin for Sax -12'33 -11'.3 -12';;
Jazz Classics -)';; -;'33 -;';;
Saxophone Swing -14'.3 -12';; -1.'.3
Sax Blues -13';; -13'33 -12';;
Special -ffers ?one @uy 4 &ooks and
get the cheaest
one half rice
@uy 9 or more
&ooks and get
131 off
7ost 8 7ac#ing FG!! -1';; er &ook -. for orders
u to -93
Free for orders of
-93 or more
5alik (ants to &uy all four &ooks from one of these sellers'
0hich one is the cheaest+
/ho( your (orking and give the lo(est total rice'
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1; 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
- ,,,,,,,,,,,
%&otal for 'uestion $3 is / mar#s)
*5 The e8uation x
E 2x = 93
has a solution &et(een x = 9 and x = 4'
:se trial and imrovement to find this solution correct to 1 decimal lace'
/ho( all your (orking'
x = ,,,,,,,,,,,
%&otal for 'uestion *5 is ( mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age 1< 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
93 cm
93 cm
93 cm
*$ A comany is designing an oenMtoed lastic storage &o"'
%ete suggests this design'
6iagram ,-&
accurately dra(n
/hona suggests making the &ase 43 cm &y 43 cm and the height 23 cm'
/he says that it (ould then hold more &ut need less lastic to make'
Find out if /hona is correct'
/ho( all your (orking'
%&otal for 'uestion *$ is / mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age $0 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited
(a) /hae A is reflected in a straight line to give shae @'
(i) 6ra( the line on the grid'
(ii) 0rite do(n the e8uation of the line'
(&) /hae A is enlarged to give shae ='
(i) 0rite do(n the scale factor of the enlargement'
(ii) 0rite do(n the coordinates of the centre of the enlargement'
(,,,# ,,,)
%&otal for 'uestion ** is + mar#s)
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age $1 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited Turn over
1 2 9 4
E9 E4
*( A suermarket claims that the mean time its customers 8ueue for is under . minutes'
Niam (atches the 8ueues one morning and records the information in this ta&le'
Time in Oueue
(t minutes)
?um&er of
3 P t Q 2 )
2 P t Q 4 19
4 P t Q 2 21
2 P t Q ) 1;
) P t Q 13 ;
(a) 0ork out an estimate for the mean time that customers (ere in the 8ueue'
,,,,,,,,, minutes
Niam sho(s his findings to the store manager'
R(&) /uggest one reason the manager could give for saying that NiamFs results do not
sho( that the suermarketFs claim is false'
%&otal for 'uestion *( is / mar#s)
&-&AL 9-: 7A7E: ;S $55 MA:<S
$01$ ./0 1aper $ 1age $$ 2 *hurchill 3aths 4imited

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