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School of Engineering

Department of Electrical, Electronic and

Computer Engineering

Electric Drives EAD410

Lecturer: Prof M. N. Gitau
Last revision: 2013-02-04

Name of School






4.1. STUDY THEME 1: Converters and Magnetic Components Design.
4.2. STUDY THEME 2: Modelling of DC Machines.
4.3. STUDY THEME 3: Chopper-Controlled DC Motor Drive.
4.4. STUDY THEME 4: Frequency-Controlled Induction Motor Drives.

Laboratory and experimental guides

Modern Electric Drives encompasses disciplines such as power electronics, electric
machines and control. The rapid growth that has been witnessed in most of these areas
is partly due to the availability of modern power semiconductor devices and the
advances made in microelectronics. For example, modern electric machine drives
employ power electronic converters to improve efficiency and dynamic response.
Factory automation on the other hand has benefited from modern electrical drives and
the availability of cheap microprocessors and DSPs. The ongoing drive to integrate
converters and electrical machines as well as the miniaturisation of handheld devices
have all been made possible due to advances in both power semiconductor devices and
microelectronics. Another important growth area is that of adjustable AC drives.
Employing power electronic converters with variable output voltage and frequency
enables AC drives to be used in adjustable speed drive applications. That is, power
electronics is used to improve the manner in which power is transferred from the source
to the electrical machine in addition to enhancing the performance characteristics of the
drive. Today, AC drives are increasingly being used in applications that in the past
made exclusive use of DC drives, due to their excellent dynamic characteristics and ease
of control of the latter. Moreover, it was not easy to continuously adjust the speed of
AC drives, or to control their torque, or shaft position. Power electronics combines
power electronic power processors and control and has revolutionised the concept of
power control for power conversion and for control of electrical motor drives.
This module aims to introduce students in their final year of study to modern electric
drives. In particular students will be introduced to converter-fed AC and DC electric
machine drives. In addition, modelling and closed-loop control of converters, design of
magnetic components as well as sizing of converters for drive applications will be


Room No. and Tel. No. and Email
Chief Lecturer
Dr. Uday Mhaskar
7-92 Engineering 3 4202989
Second Lecturer
M. N. Gitau
Lab. Instructor
Louis Wabeke
Machines 4203582
Heleen Gous
7-50 Eng. III
Location of the Laboratory: Practical work will be carried out in the heavy machines
Consulting hours:
Consultation times will be displayed on the office door. Students may consult the
module lecturer only during the consulting hours as indicated, or by appointment. This
policy also holds before tests and exams. In other words, lecturers are only available
during their normal consulting hours on the day before a test or exam. This policy aims
to encourage students to plan their work and to work continuously.
3.1 Prescribed Textbook:
R Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: Modelling, Analysis and Control, PrenticeHall, First Edition, 2001
Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and
Design, John Wiley and Sons, Third Edition, 2002
3.2 Recommended Reference books:
The reference books supplement the material found in the prescribed textbook.
Students are encouraged to read widely and should not restrict themselves to the given
reference books.
1. M. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, 2 nd Ed., PrenticeHall, 1993.
2. PC Sen, Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, 2 nd Ed., John
Wiley and Sons, 1995.
Recommended material: A copy of the prescribed textbook and most of the reference
books should be available in the library. The recommended reference textbooks need
not be purchased.

4.1 Contact time and Lecture hours

Number of lectures per week: 4
Laboratory work: At least three experiments of 3 hours each. However, they require
prior preparation that includes analysis and design.
4.2 Lectures
Lectures are presented in a style of co-operative and student centred learning. Brief
clarifications and explanations of the subject matter are given during the lectures. All
the relevant study material is adequately referenced and is available in the prescribed
4.3 Tutorial classes and assignments
Four class periods per week are provided for in the module. One of these will be used
for tutorial classes. From time to time homework assignments will be given. These must
be submitted within one week for marking. The semester mark will be made up of the
marks obtained in the class assignments, laboratory assignments and the semester tests.
4.4 Assignments
At most four assignments will have to be completed and submitted for marking in this
module. These assignments are based on the material covered during the module. Class
tests may also be written in place of take-home assignments.
4.5 Laboratory work
Laboratory groups and sessions: The module Electric Drives EAD 410 has a
laboratory practical component. Practical work will comprise of three experiments that
will be carried out in the heavy machine laboratory. The experiments are aimed to
reinforce the material covered in the theoretical part of the module and also to equip
students with practical skills to test electric motor drive systems, obtain performance
parameters needed to evaluate drive performance as well as size drive system
components. The hardware part of the experiments will be carried out in the heavy
machines laboratory as already mentioned. A separate document detailing the
experiments to be carried out will be issued during the first week of the semester.
Experimental assignments comprise of analysis, design and laboratory work. Students
will work in a group comprising of three people. The work covered in the laboratory
assignments will also be included in the semester tests and semester exam. The onus of
ensuring that everyone in a group contributes towards completion of the assignments
lies with the individual members of the group. For each laboratory assignment, a group
report has to be compiled and submitted for marking. The first experiment will entail
obtaining experimentally the performance characteristics of a phase controlled DC
motor drive and comparing these with theoretical waveforms. The second experiment
will entail obtaining experimentally the performance characteristics of a chopper
controlled DC motor drive. The third task will involve obtaining experimentally the
characteristics of an inverter fed adjustable speed induction motor drive. Detailed
information regarding these tasks will be made available as a separate document.
Laboratory notebooks are compulsory for all courses that include practical classes.
Each student must acquire an A4 size hardbound notebook, which must be used for the
keeping of complete notes from the commencement of the course. More details on the
keeping of a laboratory notebook are given in the EEC Guide. The laboratory
notebook may be evaluated at any time.

For examination admission:
1. A semester mark of 40% is required.
2. Obtain a sub-minimum of 40% for the laboratory work and also attend and
participate in all scheduled laboratory sessions, and
Calculation of the semester mark:
Laboratory assignments
Assignments or Class tests
Test 1 (Test week 1)
Test 2 (Test week 2)
Calculation of the final mark:
Semester mark
Exam mark
Final mark


Pass requirements: In order to pass this module, a learner must obtain a final mark of
at least 50%.
Semester tests: Two tests of 90 minutes each will be written during the scheduled test
weeks of the School of Engineering. Absence from semester tests must be
accompanied by supporting valid official documents (e.g. a medical certificate) to be
submitted to Ms. C. Freislich (13-20 Eng I), within seven days of the date of the
semester test. Dates, times and venues will be announced on Departmental website as
soon as the timetables become available.
Submission dates for assignments or class tests will be announced during class sessions.
In the case of practical reports, these have to be submitted not later than one week after
completing the laboratory session. The Departmental and University
procedures/regulations on granting of special examinations and tests, including illness
tests and examinations, as described in the EEC Guide, will be followed in the event of
absence from examinations, tests and practical classes, and when compulsory
assignments are not handed in on time.
Plagiarism warning
Students are encouraged to discuss work with each other. However, each student
should hand in his/her own work for assignments. Plagiarism, which also includes
copying the work of another student during tests and exams and copying from the
Internet, can lead to expulsion from the University.
Even if another student gives you permission to use his/her assignments or other

research to hand in as you own, you are not allowed to do it. It is a form of plagiarism.
You are also not allowed to let anybody copy your work with the intention of passing it
off as his/her own work.
Speak to your lecturer if you are uncertain about what is required. For more
information, see or consult the
brochure available at the Academic Information Service.
A statement regarding the originality of your work must be appended to ALL written
work submitted for evaluation in this module. The statement can be found at

1.1 General objectives
Modern electric drives encompass disciplines such as power electronics, electric
machines, and control. The rapid growth that has been witnessed in most of these areas
is partly due to the availability of modern power semiconductor devices and the
advances made in microelectronics. For example, modern electric machine drives
employ power electronic converters to improve efficiency, dynamic response and
factory automation has benefited from modern electrical drives and the availability of
cheap microprocessors and DSPs. The ongoing drive to integrate converters and
electrical machines as well as the miniaturisation of handheld devices have all been
made possible due to advances in both power semiconductor devices and
microelectronics. Another important growth area is that of adjustable AC drives.
Employing power electronic converters with variable output voltage and frequency
enables AC drives to be used in adjustable speed drive applications. That is, power
electronics is used to improve the manner in which power is transferred from the source
to the electrical machine in addition to enhancing the performance characteristics of the
drive. Today, AC drives are increasingly being used in applications that in the past
made exclusive use of DC drives, due to their excellent dynamic characteristics and ease
of control of the latter. Moreover, it was not easy to continuously adjust the speed of
AC drives, or to control their torque, or shaft position.
This module aims to introduce students in their final year of study to electric drives. In
particular students will be introduced to modelling of DC machines and power
electronic converters, sizing of converter components, magnetic design, choppercontrolled DC drives, and frequency controlled induction motor drives.
1.2 Articulation with other modules in the programme
Electrical Drives is primarily an application-oriented field. It has been defined as a
multidisciplinary technology that encompasses power semiconductor devices, converter
circuits, electrical machine drives, small signal electronics, control theory, mechatronics,
factory automation, and applications of microprocessors and DSPs in electronic power
processors and drives (i.e. signal processing and control).
1.3 Critical learning outcomes
The following ECSA exit-level outcomes are addressed in this module, i.e. at the
conclusion of this module the student will be capable of:
ECSA Exit level outcome 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge
Demonstrate competence to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and
engineering sciences from first principles to solve real world modern electric motor
drives problems. For example determine the effect of using a given power electronic
converter on drive performance, match a drive to an application, determine harmonic
injection by converters into the AC grid as well as harmonics at the input terminals of a
ECSA Exit level outcome 3: Engineering Design

o To design open- and closed-loop controllers for drives.

o Use converter models to design closed-loop controllers for the converters.
o Size heat sinks, capacitors, inductors, and power semiconductor devices to build
o Design magnetic components.
ECSA Exit level outcome 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis
To conduct tests on modern drives using appropriate power measurement equipment,
to calculate and predict drives performance using experimentally acquired data and to
critically analyse, interpret and present the results. To prepare a scientific-technical
report on the findings.

1.4 Cognitive level of assessment





Other skills**


Estimate of the % of the total
assessment, including all forms of
assessment applied in this module, devoted
to the various levels of cognitive thinking
skills and of other skills.

Assessment of other skills:

Report writing and language skills
Practical skills
Team working skills

Study theme and Study
1. Design of Magnetic
Modelling and Sizing
of Converters.
1.1 Design of Magnetic
1.2 Sizing of Converters.
1.3 Modelling

Mode of instruction
Lectures and self-study,



Lectures and self-study,


Lectures and self-study,


Lectures and self-study,



Lectures and self-study,



Experimental work in small

Total contact sessions


Introduction to Motor
2.1 Criteria for Selecting
Drive Components.
3. Modelling of DC
3.1 Electromechanical
3.2 State-Space Modelling
3.3 Block Diagrams and
Transfer Functions.
4. Chopper-Controlled
DC Motor Drive.
4.1 Steady-State Analysis
of Chopper-Controlled
DC Motor Drive.
4.2 Rating of the Devices.
4.3 Pulsating Torques.
4.4 Closed-Loop
4.5 Application.
5. Frequency Controlled
5.1 Voltage
Induction Motor.
5.2 Current-Source
6. Laboratory work

Contact sessions




Learning outcomes of the study theme

The given learning outcomes for each study theme are essential to achieve the critical
learning outcomes as set out in Section 1.4.

Study units

The title of the study unit and references to appropriate study material are given here.
The study of the referenced study material is regarded as the minimum required to
achieve the learning outcomes satisfactorily.

Self-study activities

Here information is given about exercises and problems related to the study material,
which should be attempted and also which are in accordance with the criteria of
assessment of the study theme.

Assignments for assessment

Here information is given about assignments to be submitted for marking and


Criteria of assessment

The criteria of assessment are a list of specific skills to be mastered by the student in
order to achieve the learning outcomes of the syllabus theme. During assessment (tests
and the examination), students will be evaluated in terms of these criteria.
The statements used to define the criteria of assessment are classified in terms of a
series of lower- to higher-order thinking skills (cognitive domains), in accordance with
Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Bloom BS and Krathwohl DR,
Taxonomy of educational objectives. Handbook 1. Cognitive domain, Addison-Wesley,
Level of


The characterisation of the cognitive domains is given in the table below.

Cognitive Domain



Remembering previously
learned information.
Understanding the meaning
of information.


Typical Action Verbs

Arrange, define, describe,
identify, label, list, match,
name, outline
Classify, discuss, estimate,
explain, give example(s),
identify, predict, report, review,
select, summarise, interpret, "in
your own words"



Using the information

appropriately in different

Apply, calculate, demonstrate,

illustrate, interpret, modify,
predict, prepare, produce,
solve, use, manipulate, put into



Breaking down the

information into the
component parts and seeing
the relationships.

Analyse, appraise, calculate,

compare, criticise, derive,
differentiate, choose,
distinguish, examine, subdivide,
organise, deduce



Putting the component parts

together to form new
products and ideas.

Assemble, compose, construct,

create, design, determine,
develop, devise, formulate,
propose, synthesise, plan,
discuss, support



Making judgments of an
idea, theory, opinion, etc.,
based on criteria.

Appraise, assess, compare,

conclude, defend, determine,
evaluate, judge, justify,
optimise, predict, criticise



4.1 Study Theme 1: Design of Magnetic Components, Modelling and Sizing of
4.1.1 Learning outcomes

On completing this study theme, students will:

o Understand how to design magnetic components,
o Understand how to size converters,
o Understand how to develop small-signal models for converters.
References: [Mohan and Undeland Chapters 10, 30;]
4.1.2 Study units
Design of Magnetic Components:
Magnetic materials and cores
Copper windings
Thermal Considerations
Analysis of a specific inductor design
Inductor design procedures
Analysis of a specific transformer design
Eddy currents
Transformer leakage inductance
Transformer design procedure
Sizing of Converters:
Rating of devices and passive components in chopper circuits
Rating of devices and passive components in inverter circuits
Modelling of Converters:
Control of switch-mode DC power supplies
4.1.3 Self-study activities
Exercises will be handed out during lectures
Revise on converter circuits covered under EDF 320

4.1.4 Assignments for assessment

These will be handed out during lectures or class tests will be written.


4.1.5 Criteria for assessment

At the end of this study theme, a student will be able to:

Determine the ratings of semiconductor devices for choppers and inverters,

Size DC-side filter components,
Design high frequency inductors and transformers,
Develop small-signal models for DC-DC converters and use them in
determining frequency response of DC-DC converters.

4.2 Study Theme 2: Introduction to Motor Drives

4.2.1 Learning outcomes
On completing this study theme, students will:
o Understand the criteria for selecting motor drive components,
References: [Mohan and Undeland Chapters 12; 13; Krishnan Chapter 1]
4.2.2 Study units
Introduction to Motor Drives:
Criteria for selecting drive components
4.2.3 Self-study activities
Exercises will be handed out during lectures
4.2.4 Assignments for assessment
o These will be handed out during lectures
4.2.5 Criteria for assessment
At the end of this study theme, a student will be able to:
o Select components for modern electric motor drives.

4.3 Study Theme 3: Modelling of DC Machines

4.3.1 Learning outcomes
On completing this study theme, students will:


o Be able to derive the mathematical models relating input voltage to shaft speed;
o Understand how to model both the electrical and mechanical systems of a DC
o Understand how to make use of the DC motor electrical and mechanical models
to determine motor dynamic performance and design compensation networks
for DC motor drives.
References: [Mohan and Undeland Chapter 13; Krishnan Chapter 2]
4.3.2 Study unit
Electromechanical Modelling:
State-Space Modelling:
Block Diagram and Transfer Functions:
4.3.3 Self-study activities
Exercises will be handed out during lectures
4.3.4 Assignments for assessment
o These will be handed out during lectures
4.3.5 Criteria for assessment
At the end of this study theme, a student will be able to:
o Derive models for DC machines,
o Determine the dynamic performance of DC motor drives,
o Design compensation networks to improve the dynamic performance of DC
motor drives.
4.4 Study Theme 4: Chopper-Controlled DC Motor Drive
4.4.1 Learning outcomes
On completing this study theme, students will:
o Be familiar with the performance characteristics of chopper-controlled DC
motor drives,
o Understand the effects of output current harmonics on motor rating and torque,
o Understand the advantages and disadvantages of chopper-controlled DC motor
drives against those fed from a constant voltage supply,
o Be able to compare the performance of a chopper fed DC motor drive operating
under open-loop control against that operating under closed-loop control.


References: [Mohan and Undeland Chapter 13; Krishnan Chapter 4]

4.4.2 Study units

Steady-state analysis of chopper controlled DC motor drive

Pulsating torques
Closed-loop operation

4.4.3 Self-study activities
Exercises will be handed out during lectures
4.4.4 Assignments for assessment
o These will be handed out during lectures
4.4.5 Criteria for assessment
At the end of this study theme, a student will be able to:
o Carry out steady-state analysis of chopper controlled DC drives,
o Determine the effects of current harmonics on DC motor rating and torque,
o Determine the performance characteristics of chopper controlled DC drives.
4.5 Study Theme 5: Frequency-Controlled Induction Motor Drives
4.5.1 Learning outcomes
On completing this study theme, students will:
o Be familiar with the performance characteristics of frequency controlled
induction motor drives,
o Understand the difference between the performance of an induction motor under
constant voltage constant frequency and variable voltage variable frequency
o Understand the different control techniques applicable to variable speed
induction motor drives,
o Be familiar with the performance characteristics of a current source fed
induction motor drive,
o Understand the difference between the performance of a voltage source fed and
current source fed variable speed induction motor drive.
References: [Mohan and Undeland Chapter 14; Krishnan Chapter 7]
4.5.2 Study units


Voltage-Source Inverter-Driven Induction Motor:

o Voltage waveforms, real power, reactive power,
o Speed control,
o Constant volts/Hz control,
o Constant slip-speed control,
o Torque pulsations,
o Control of harmonics,
o Flux weakening operation.
4.5.3 Self-study activities
Exercises will be handed out during lectures
4.5.4 Assignments for assessment
o These will be handed out during lectures
4.5.5 Criteria for assessment
At the end of this study theme, a student will be able to:
o Explain the effect of output voltage and current harmonics on induction motor
drive performance,
o Determine the performance characteristics of frequency controlled, voltage- and
current-source fed induction motor drives,
o Compare the performance of a current source fed induction motor drive against
that of a voltage source fed induction motor drive,
o Compare the performance of a frequency controlled induction motor drive
against that of an induction motor supplied from a constant frequency source,
o Compare the merits and demerits of the various types of speed control
techniques for variable frequency induction motor drives.
All the tutorial problems indicated are to be found in the prescribed textbook and the
first number before the dash refers to chapter. Students should attempt answering most
of the problems that have been indicated for self-evaluation purposes. They give an
indication of the level of understanding expected of the students at the end of the
course. Additionally, they also give an indication of the specific chapters of the
prescribed textbook that will be covered.
Total of 48 lectures


Practical 1
Variable speed DC motor drives are still used in a number of industrial applications
although their numbers have been dwindling in recent years. They are supplied using
variable DC voltage sources that include phase-controlled rectifiers or a combination of
an uncontrolled rectifier followed by a chopper circuit. Phase-controlled rectifier
circuits are simple, cheap and robust.
However they have non-linear load
characteristics and draw currents that are rich in low-order harmonics, in addition to
being out of phase with the supply voltage. Harmonic currents cause additional heating
in cables and can cause power factor correction capacitor to resonate. Voltage
harmonics on the other hand cause increased iron losses in transformers and other
magnetic components and can drive harmonic currents that give rise to additional losses
in loads. Phase-controlled rectifier circuits give rise to deterioration of power quality
(introduce harmonics, draw reactive power, and in the case of controlled rectifiers
cause voltage notches). It is therefore important to be aware of the advantages and
disadvantages of phase-controlled rectifiers used as front-end converters in DC-drives
and also the methods employed to mitigate their negative effects on the grid. Their
performance characteristic should be matched to those of the load and their impact on
different types of loads should be clearly understood. This experiment has as its main
objective to study the performance characteristics of variable speed DC drives fed using
phase-controlled single-phase rectifier circuits. In particular the transfer characteristics,
torque-speed characteristics, input-side voltage and current waveforms, displacement
and distortion power factor, total harmonic distortion (THD), motor armature current
and voltage waveforms, and the effect of motor load on armature current and voltage
1) A fully controlled three-phase rectifier operates from a 220 VAC, 50 Hz threephase power supply.
a) A 160 mH inductor is connected on the output side in series with a load
resistance of 50 ,
i) Determine analytically (i.e. not from simulations) the average output voltage
and load current for firing angles of 60 and 90 degrees,
ii) Determine analytically peak values and frequency of the first three output
voltage and current harmonics for firing angles of 60 and 90 degrees.
iii) Sketch the load current and voltage waveforms for a firing angle of 90
degrees. Indicate the magnitudes.
b) An LC-filter comprising of 160-mH inductor and 470-F capacitor is now


connected to the output-side of the phase-controlled rectifier. A load of 50 is

to be supplied by this rectifier.
i) Determine analytically the average output voltage for firing angles of 60 and
90 degrees,
ii) Determine analytically the magnitudes and frequency of the first three output
current and voltage harmonics for firing angles of 60 and 90,
iii) Sketch supply-side and output-side current
magnitudes for a firing angle of 90 degrees.



c) How do the average values of the output voltage and current compare for the
rectifiers with different load-side filters?
d) How do the frequencies and magnitudes of the first three input- and output
harmonics compare for the rectifiers with the different types of filters?
e) A DC motor whose parameters are given below is now connected to the output
terminals of the rectifier. Filter components and the load resistor are all
disconnected. For firing angles of 600 and 900, determine the no-load speed,
torque and input power of the motor. Also calculate rectifier and motor input
apparent power. Motor parameters are: Ra=1.5 , La= 0.05 H, Va,rated=180 V,
Ia,rated=8 A, nm,rated=1500 rpm, Bfriction=0.007Nm/rad/s.
A power oscilloscope will be used to obtain the voltage and current waveforms as well
as perform power measurements. Although power oscilloscopes are designed to take
measurements even when referenced to floating grounds, due care should be exercised
not to destroy the equipment.
The SIEMENS rectifier unit available in the heavy machine laboratory comprises of a
three-phase, phase-controlled AC-DC converter. For the thyristor rectifier modules in
the laboratory, it is not possible to obtain the extreme values of firing angle delay of 0
and 180 degrees corresponding to 0 and maximum output voltage. A full-bridge diode
rectifier supplies the field circuit power. Make sure that you are familiar with the
SIEMENS rectifier unit and also that you are able to connect it to feed both a passive
and a DC motor load.
Using the SIEMENS controlled converter in the heavy machine laboratory, determine
practically the following:
NB: Make sure that the current rating of the resistor is not exceeded. Do not
leave the circuit on longer than necessary.
A fully controlled three-phase rectifier operates from a 220 VAC, 50 Hz
three-phase power supply. For firing angles of 60 and 90 degrees and feeding a
resistive load of 50 in series with a 160 mH inductor.
i) Obtain the input and output voltage and current waveforms and their


frequency spectra,
ii) Determine the average output voltage, input apparent and active power,
iii) Determine the amplitudes of the first three input and output current
harmonics as well as the first three output voltage harmonics,
iv) Determine the displacement and distortion power factors,
v) Sketch the average output voltage as a function of firing angle.
(b) For this part of the experiment, a separately excited DC motor load is to be
used. The firing angle of the rectifier is to be adjusted so that the motor runs at
1400 and 600 rpm when on no-load. The field circuit voltage should be
maintained at rated value at all times.
(i) Record the average output voltage on no-load operation,
(ii) For each one of these no-load speeds, load the motor until it
draws currents of approximately 30%, 60% and 100% rated
current. For each current record the corresponding motor speed,
average value of the output voltage, and weight in kilograms,
active motor input power. Firing angle should be maintained at
the no-load value.
(iii)Obtain the frequency spectra of input and output current when
the motor draws 30% and 100% rated current and when running
at 600 and 1400 rpm,
(iv)Determine the input apparent and active power when the motor
draws 30% and 100% rated current and when running at 600 and
1400 rpm,
(v) Determine the displacement and distortion power factors when
the motor draws 30% and 100% rated current and when running
at 600 and 1400 rpm,
(vi)Determine the first three harmonics in the input and output
currents and output voltage waveforms when the motor draws
30% and 100% rated current and when running at 600 and 1400

Calculate electromagnetic and load torque.

(c) Measure the motor armature resistance and inductance.

(d) Run the motor in the third-quadrant at a speed of 600 rpm when on no load.
For loads corresponding to approximately 30%, 60% and 100% rated current
record the corresponding motor speeds, and average output voltage, also
calculate active and apparent motor input power,


(e) For each no-load speed, plot the speed-armature current characteristic using
readings obtained in part (b). How do the various curves compare?
(f) For each no-load speed, plot the (electromagnetic and load) torque-speed
characteristics using the readings obtained in part (b) above. How do these
torque curves compare?
(g) For the various no-load speed readings, tabulate the weight in kilograms and
load torque in Nm required for the motor to draw a given armature current and
explain how they compare.
(h) Plot the transfer characteristics i.e. rectifier output voltage as a function of the
firing angle in degrees or radians using the reading obtained in part (b) above,
(i) How do the waveforms for the DC motor load compare with those for the
passive load?
(j) How do the theoretical and practical results compare for a rectifier with an LCfilter?
(k) What is the effect of firing angle on performance (with respect to the following
performance parameters: pfdispl, pfdistortion, pf, armature current ripple, efficiency,
electromagnetic torque, speed regulation)?
Compile a full formal report (i.e. Including the following: Title, objective, introduction,
theoretical analysis, readings and measurements, discussions, conclusions, references)
to be submitted a week after the experiment. In the report, a step by step procedure
that will be followed in the laboratory as well as connection circuit diagram should be
included. Safety precautions that will have to be observed while taking measurements
should be clearly stated in the report. The measurement procedures that were
employed during the 3rd year ELX310 and EDF320 experiments should serve as a

Mohan, Undeland and Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and

Design, Chapter 6.

R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: Modelling, Analysis, and Control, Chapter 3.

MH Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications, Chapters 3, 5,

and 9.


Practical 2
Separately excited DC machines are easy to control, as they have decoupled flux- and
torque producing channels. They also require simple converters and control circuitry.
As a result, chopper fed DC drives are still employed in a number of applications.
These include electric vehicles and servo drives. The primary objective of this
experiment is to obtain torque-speed characteristics of a chopper-fed separately excited
DC motor drive. Additionally, the effects of converter duty ratio and switching
frequency on armature current and torque ripple as well as distortion reactive power
will be investigated. Measurements of system efficiency will also be carried out.
A single-quadrant step-down DC-DC converter and a separately excited DC motor are
provided. Make sure that you are familiar with the connections that are needed to
configure the experimental set-ups. The step-down DC-DC converter should be
supplied from a 200 VDC. The gate signals for the DC-DC converter will be obtained
from a signal generator.
DC motor parameters are: Ra=1.5 , La= 0.05 H, Va,rated=180 V, Ia,rated=8 A, nm,rated=1500
rpm, Bfriction=0.007Nm/rad/s.
1) As already stated, the chopper to be employed is single-quadrant and uses
an IGBT as the main switching device.

Sketch the circuit showing the converter and motor

(component level),


If VCE(sat)=2 V and VFWD=1.2 V, determine converter losses and

efficiency for switching frequencies of 1 and 10 kHz assuming
tr=tf=300 ns and also that the converter is supplied at 200 VDC
and supplies an average output current of 10 A whereas
Va,av=180 V,


Sketch the armature, input, switch and diode current and

voltage waveforms indicating magnitudes and relevant time


Determine motor losses and efficiency when on no-load and

also when driving full load and rated speed.


What would be the converter input current if the motor is to

draw rated armature current taking into account the system


An oscilloscope will be used to obtain the voltage and current waveforms. Necessary
care has to be exercised to ensure proper isolation between the oscilloscope and the
load otherwise ground faults/short-circuits that can lead to destruction of the equipment
will result.
Determine experimentally the following:
2) Resistance and inductance of the DC motor you are to use in the
experiment. The procedure adopted during the phase-controlled DC motor
drive should be used here too. These values will be used to determine
theoretical values of machine variables.
3) The magnitude of the DC supply voltage should be maintained constant at
200 VDC and the duty ratio should be adjusted to keep the average value of
the armature voltage at 180 VDC.

Record duty ratio and motor no-load speed,


Armature current and voltage waveforms at a switching

frequency of 1 kHz and 10 kHz.


Also obtain the armature and input current frequency spectra

and motor speed,


The peak-peak value of armature current ripple should also be



Is armature current continuous or discontinuous?


Using the values of inductance and resistance obtained in part

(1) above, determine the expected values of armature current
ripple and explain how they compare with the measured values.

4) Adjust the duty ratio until the motor runs on a no load speed of 1000 rpm.
The switching frequency is to be at 10 kHz.



Record the average value of terminal voltage and armature

current, RMS supply voltage as well as duty ratio when the
motor runs on no load,


Record the rated value of armature current from the nameplate

of the machine.


Load the motor until it draws approximately 30%, 60% and

100% of rated current. In each case record the speed, current
and the weight in kilograms used to load the motor.


When the motor draws rated current, record the peak-peak

armature current ripple, RMS value of armature current and

RMS value of armature voltage,
5) Processing of measurements.

Draw the speed-torque curve using the values obtained in this

part of the experiment.


Sketch the input current frequency spectrum indicating

magnitude and frequency information,


Determine the input and armature active, apparent and

distortion power as well as the corresponding power factors,


How does the measured value of peak-peak armature current

ripple compare with calculated value for the given operating


Calculate the torque ripple.

6) Repeat 4) and 5) above for a no-load speed of 500 rpm. This requires
adjustment of the converter duty ratio when the motor is on no load until the
speed is 500 rpm.
7) Processing of measurements.

How do the two speed-torque curves compare?


Does the magnitude of the terminal voltage affect the speedtorque characteristics?


Did the load in kilograms required to make the motor draw a

given value of armature current differ when the terminal
voltage was changed?


What is the effect of changing the duty ratio on the armature,

converter and rectifier input current frequency spectrum and
magnitude of armature average and ripple current and torque


How do the armature, converter and AC input apparent and

distortion power vary with duty ratio?


How does switching frequency affect AC supply-side,

converter and motor performance?


How do duty ratio and switching frequency affect the average

current for a given mechanical load?


NB: For the experimental measurements using an oscilloscope, great care should be
exercised not to cause ground faults. Please consult the technician/instructor
responsible for the Heavy Machines laboratory for correct usage of the current probe
and voltage measurement unit. It is important that a current probe with adequate
measurement bandwidth is used to avoid distortion of the waveforms.
Compile a formal report.


Practical 3
TITLE: Open-Loop Control of DC-DC Converters

The main objective of this experiment is to design a pulse-width modulator
using a PWM integrated circuit chip (3524 or similar). This will then be
integrated into a DC-DC converter. Components needed to build the DC-DC
converter should be sized and current and voltage ratings for semiconductor
devices determined. These will then be compared with given values and
comments about the suitability of given values should be given in the report.


A switch-mode power converter is a power electronic system, which converts
one voltage level into another voltage level, at the load, by switching action. In DC-DC
switching converter circuits, semiconductor switches control the dynamic transfer of
power, from the input DC source to the load by connecting the source to the load for
some predetermined time duration. Often the input to these DC-DC converters is an
unregulated DC voltage, which is obtained by rectifying the line voltage, and therefore
will fluctuate due to changes in the line voltage magnitude. These high-frequency
switching converters are power circuits in which the semiconductor devices switch at a
rate that is fast compared to the variation of the input and output waveforms. Unlike
the resonant converters, the difference between the switching frequency and the
frequency of the external waveforms is large enough to permit the use of low-pass
filters to remove the unwanted switching frequency components [3].
DC-DC converters find applications in high efficiency power supplies where
isolation transformers are normally used, and in DC motor drive applications which do
not require isolation transformers. In comparison to linear voltage regulators that were
mostly used in the past, switching power supplies have higher conversion efficiency and
a higher power-packing density. New and improved power semiconductor devices (e.g.
power MOSFETs and IGBTs, integrated magnetics, newer topologies, and VLSI pulsewidth-modulating integrated circuits, which pack more control and supervisory features
in a smaller volume) have led to the increased power packing density in converters [5].
Switching converters are essentially nonlinear dynamic systems due to the
switching action. Under conventional feedback control, the duty-ratio is linearly
modulated in a direction that reduces the error. When the power source voltage is
perturbed, for example by a large step up, the duty-ratio control does not see the
change instantaneously since the error signal must change first. Therefore a typical
transient overshoot will be observed at the output voltage. The duration of the
transient is dictated by the loop-gain bandwidth, and a large number of cycles are
required, before the steady state is regained [10].


3. Design and Laboratory Experimental Work

Students are required to choose a converter topology to work with, from one of the
basic switch-mode converter topologies namely: buck and boost topologies. Both the
buck-boost and Cuk converters are derived using a combination of the two basic
topologies [2, 5], while the full-bridge and flyback converters are derivatives of the
step-down converter.
3.1 Specifications
The following specifications are given:
o Buck converter: input voltage Vdc=10 V, output voltage Vo=5-10 V, and load
resistance RL=10-30 .
o Boost converter: input voltage Vdc=5 V, output voltage Vo=5-10 V, and load
resistance RL=10-50 .
For both converter configurations, a filter-capacitor of 940 F, 63 V and an inductance
of 150 H are to be used. Each converter is to be designed for a maximum load-current
of 1 A, and the switching frequency is 20 kHz. Assume V CE(sat)=1 V, VFWD=1 V, rL=100
Design of a DC-DC Converter
Choose a DC-DC converter topology to work with throughout this experiment.

Derive an expression relating the output voltage to the input voltage for the
chosen converter topology. In addition, predict the magnitude of the output
voltage and inductor current ripple for the given values of L, C and fsw and
at =0.4.

(ii) Design a PWM modulator (based on the UC3524 chip) to control the duty-ratio
of the converter IGBT switch and ensure a switching frequency of 20 kHz
using the provided PWM integrated chip. Great care should be exercised to
ensure that the maximum and minimum pulse-widths of the IGBT gate
signal device are within acceptable limits.
(iii)For a duty ratio of 0.4 and the given capacitance, determine inductance to keep
the peak-peak inductor ripple current at less that 20% of the rated inductor
current. How does this compare with the given value?

For a duty ratio of 0.4 and the given inductance, determine the size of
output capacitor that will ensure that output ripple voltage is not more than
2% of rated output voltage. How does this compare with the given value?

(v) Using the specified component values, design a DC-DC converter (of the
chosen topology) that meets the output voltage and load current


(vi)Determine from manufacturers data sheets the equivalent series resistance of
the capacitor. Why is this an important parameter in switch-mode

Calculate the RMS value of the input and output voltage and current when
=0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7.


Calculate the input and output apparent, distortion and active power as well
as corresponding power factors when =0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7.

Experimental Work
Demonstrate that your PWM-controller is functioning properly.
Obtain experimentally and show the following in your report.

Gate drive voltage waveform at =0.4 and 0.7,

(ii) Plot of average output voltage as a function of the duty-ratio ,


Plot converter losses and efficiency as a function of duty-ratio.

Determine both input and output active power and use these readings to
calculate efficiency.

(iv) Show waveforms of inductor current I L, and filter capacitor current I c at

a duty-ratio =0.4 and 0.7. Also obtain the harmonic spectrum of this
current waveform.

Practical waveforms of the voltage across and current through the

controlled semiconductor device during turn-on and turn-off periods,
and from these waveforms determine the voltage and current rise- and
fall-times of the semiconductor device.


Diode voltage and current waveforms.


Load current and voltage waveforms and the corresponding

harmonic spectra at =0.4 and 0.7.

Input current waveform and corresponding harmonic spectrum at
=0.4 and 0.7.
(ix) Determine the input and output active and apparent power at a duty
ratio of =0.4 and 0.7.

What is the effect of duty ratio on converter performance?


How do theoretical and experimental results compare?


When carrying out any measurements using an oscilloscope, take all the necessary
precautions to avoid causing ground faults. Information regarding correct usage of
oscilloscopes is readily available in the heavy machine laboratory. A component list, the
designed control circuit, expected results and a description of the experimental method
should be clearly shown in the preparation work for the experiment.
o DC-DC converter or discrete components.
o 3524 IC and a board on which to build the circuit,
o Digital storage oscilloscope,
o 0-15 V, 3 A DC power supply.
1. William, BW: Power Electronics: Devices, Drivers and Applications,
MacMillan Publishers, 2nd Ed. 1992.
2. Mohan, N; Undeland, TM; Robbins, WP: Power Electronics: Converters,
Applications, and Design, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
3. Kassakian, JG; Schlecht, MF; Verghese, DC: Principles of Power Electronics,
Addison-Wesley, 1991.
4. Ang, SS: Power Switching Converters, Marcel and Dekker, 1995.
5. Bose, BK: Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives: Technology and
Applications, IEEE Press, 1997.
6. Bose BK: Modern Power Electronics: Evolution, Technology and Applications,
IEEE Press, 1992
7. Sen PC: Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, John Wiley
and Sons, 1989.
8. Kuo, BC: Automatic Control Systems, 7th Ed., Prentice-Hall, 1995.
9. Keyue M. Smedley and Slobodan Cuk, One-Cycle Control of Switching
Converters, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 10, No.6, Nov. 1995, pp.
Prof. MN Gitau,
Department of Electrical, Electronic and
Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria
January 2011


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