#1 Housing in The US

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EducationUSA Ukraine


Students studying in the US can chose to live on campus, in dormitories or housing owned by the university, or off campus, in apartments
or in group homes owned by people not associated with the university. It is best to contact the International Student Office before you
leave to find out about your options. Some factors to keep in mind when choosing which alternative is better for you are

COST. !ow much will you be paying per month to live there" #eep in mind that university housing may seem more e$pensive, but
utilities %heat, hot, water, gas, local phone service, electricity& are included in that price. If you rent an apartment" Often utilities are
included. Sometimes the landlord will pay some utilities, and you will pay the rest. It is important to understand which utilities you will be
re'uired to pay. (ry to find out from the landlord or former tenants how much utility costs per month. In general, you should not pay
more than )*+,*- of your income or monthly stipend on rent, including utilities.
DISTANCE. If you live on campus, you will be able to walk to class or take a university bus that is free for students. If you live off
campus, you need to consider the distance from the university and transportation costs. .uses and metro can cost anywhere from /0+/1.2*
for a I+way trip. In some cities these transportation costs may offset the benefits of cheaper housing farther from the university.
ROOMMATES. 3ou will also need to consider whether you want to live with one ore more roommates. Sometimes living with other
people can be difficult, but a single dorm room or renting an apartment alone will be considerably more e$pensive. If it turns out that you
are absolutely incompatible with your roommate%s&, take steps to move to a different place, to live with different people or alone.
STUDY NEEDS. 4o you like studying at home, or are you content to spend late nights in the university library" If the university housing
is inhabited for the most part by undergraduates, the living conditions may be rather noisy. (ry to find out the atmosphere of the place
before you agree to live there.
If you decide to rent, ask the following 'uestions of the landlord when you are viewing apartments or group homes
5hich utilities are included in the rent, and which are not"
On average, how much are the utilities per month"
5hen is rent payment due each month" Are there any fees if payment is late"
Are laundry facilities available"
Is air conditioning available, and how much does it cost on average"
Is the apartment furnished, and if so, is there a deposit"
Is shopping available nearby"
Are pets allowed"
If you will be away for the summer, will the landlord allow you to sublet % to let someone live there and assume responsibility for
the lease temporarily&"
Is the neighborhood safe" %(his 'uestion can also be asked in the local police department. (hey can tell you the number and types of
crimes in that neighborhood for the past year. (hey can also unofficially compare the neighborhood to others in the district.&
5hat is the first payment if you agree to live there" Some landlords re'uire the first and last month6s rent at the beginning, in
addition to a security deposit which is usually e'ual to on month6s rent. If the apartment is in good condition when your lease ends,
you will receive the security deposit back, with interest. If there is any damage or difficult cleaning that needs to be done, the money
needed to remedy the problem will be taken out of your security deposit. .efore you sign the lease, go through the apartment with
the landlord, taking written note of anything that is broken, stained, or in any other way damaged. 3ou do not want to be held
accountable for a problem that e$isted before you moved in. 5hile you are living there, the landlord is responsible for fi$ing
anything that breaks or isn6t working properly, unless it is damage caused by direct fault of yours or by your neglect.
Once you have decided on a place to rent, you will sign a lease. (his is a legal document and is to be taken seriously. 4o not sign it until
you have read and understood everything completely. 5hen you arrange to sign the lease, bring with your identification documents
%passport, driver6s license, university I4 card, social security card&, bank account and credit card information, and address and phone
numbers of your department at the university and of the foreign student office.
Source SAIS, 7ohn !opkins University, Orientation 8anual A 9uide to :iving and :earning in 5ashington, 4;, 0<<2+<=
+ typical dorm
+ single rooms
+ special interest
+ meet lots of people
+ convenience
+ arranged in advance
+ lack of privacy
+ age of students
+ rules to follow
H$ #p%
+ #now the campus
policy about moving out of
If you do decide to look for off+campus housing, you6ll need to understand the shorthand used in many US newspapers.
?ead the ads below and see if you can decipher what they say.
0& ?ooms for ?ent .:OO8I>9(O> 5. Straight 8@A >S. Briv ba, gar, kit pflvs./,2* inci ut.

1& ?oommates 5anted 8I>>E(O>#A@E4I>A >S IC@A to shr beaut 1 .?@1.A lu$ apt, Indry in unit, pool, park, more.

)& Apartment for ?ent .?3A>( AD >, )<EE Upper dpi$, I.? F den, new kit, hw flrs, fresh paint, I car gar, no pets. /20*Futils.

!ow close is the house to campus"
!ow close is it to the grocery storeG other shopping areas"
Is the area safe" ;an I walk home at night"
Are laundry facilities included" If not, where is the closest :aundromat"
5hat is the access to the room" 5ill I disturb anyone if I come in late"
5here is the nearest public transportation"
Is public transportation safe"
Is there a bus service to campus" !ow much does it cost"
!ow often do buses run during the week" 5eekends" Evenings" Summer"
!ow much is the monthly rent"
5here and when must it be paid"
If I pay late, is there a late fee"
!ow many people share the house@apartment" 5ho are they"
4oes the rent change with more@fewer people"
!ow long is the lease" Is it possible to arrange a shorter one"
!ow much notice do I have to give to renew or terminate the lease"
;ould my rent increase during the lease period"
4o I need references from former landlords"
4o I have to perform chores to live hereG if so, what"
HHH heat HHH electricity HHHwater HHH hot water
HHH parking HHH phone installation HHH garbage pick up HHH repairs
!ow much is the security deposit"
5hen must this be paid"
;an I pay with a personal check"
5hen is it returned" 8ay it be used as my last month6s rent"
4o I receive interest on the deposit"
5hat must I do to have the deposit returned in full"
Are sublets allowed"
8ay I find someone who is willing to make a new lease and end my responsibility"
4oes it cost e$tra to sublet"
!ow many people share laundry facilities"
5hat are the kitchen arrangements, room in cupboards, refrigerator access"
If there is Icommon spaceI who is responsible for upkeep"

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