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EducationUSA Ukraine


There are separate lines of passport control for Ukrainian citizens, foreigners who do not need visas to
Ukraine and foreigners with visas.
Foreigners entering Ukraine will be issued immigration cards before passport control either on the
flight over or at the port of entr!". At passport control foreigners will be registered and the stub of
this card will be returned. This card is proof of registration. This card should also be kept with one#s
documents, and !ou will need to show this when leaving Ukraine. $lease do not lose this card%
After passport control one enters the baggage claim area. There are onl! & conve!er belts and
finding the correct one should not be a problem. 'f luggage is lost, there is a (ost (uggage )laim
*ffice in this hall. 't is best to give the )laim *ffice the address of the place where !ou will be in
appro+imatel! ,- hours after arrival. $lease note that the airline !ou fl! into Ukraine on .'((
actuall! deliver the luggage to the address !ou claim. This is much easier than waiting in /!iv for
da!s and visiting 0or!spil Airport 1 times a da!2
3ou ma! go through the 4reen )orridor if !ou have nothing to declare. 'n this case, )ustoms
5eclarations are not necessar!.
An!one who has more than EU6 78,888 and9or more than EU6 &88,88 in goods check with, or b! phone :;-8,," &-7<=;<=>, :;-8,," &-7<=><1,", must go through the 6ed )orridor
and submit )ustoms 5eclarations. 'n the baggage claim area one will find Ukrainian )ustoms
5eclarations in various languages. Some airlines distribute these on the plane." The )ustoms
5eclarations should be completed in & copies. *ne should list an! electronic e?uipment such as video
cameras, computers, )5 pla!ers photo<cameras and audio cassette pla!ers do not need to be claimed"
and precious metals and stones ie@ Aewelr!". All US cash should also be claimed.
An!one going through the 6ed )orridor will need to put his9her luggage through an BC<ra!B machine
and then stand in line to a customs officer. 0e prepared for a lot of chaos and frustration. 4oing
through the 6ed )orridor can take an hour or longer, and much of this time is spent in line. The
customs officer will review the 5eclarations one submits, ask ?uestions about mone! and the contents
of the luggage, and ma! ask one to open his9her luggage. The officer also has the right to weigh a
tariff on an! articles he9she feels should be ta+ed. The officer will then sign and seal the 5eclarations
and return one cop! to the person entering. 3ou will need to show this cop! when leaving Ukraine.

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