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Louisiana Voices Folklife in Education Project

Unit III Discovering the Obvious, Lesson 1 The Child

Unit VII Material Culture, Lesson 6 Crafts and Domestic Arts

Oral Presentation Rubric

Name ________________________________________________ Date _____________________

Title/Topic ________________________________________________________________________

Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice Possible Actual
• Significantly in-
• Raises audience un-
creases audience un- • Raises audience understand- • Fails to increase au-
derstanding and aware-
derstanding and ing and knowledge of some dience understanding
ness of most points;
Awareness knowledge of topic; points; of knowledge of topic;
• Clear point of view,
of Audience • Effectively convinces • Point of view may be clear, • Fails to effectively
but development or
an audience to recog- but lacks development or sup- convince the audi-
support is inconclusive
nize the validity of a port. ence.
and incomplete.
point of view.
• Subject and purpose
• Has some success • Attempts to define purpose are not clearly de-
defining purpose and and subject; fined;
• Clear purpose and
subject; • Weak examples, facts, • Very weak or no
• Some examples, and/or statistics, which do not support of subject
• Pertinent examples,
facts, and/or statistics adequately support the sub- through use of exam-
Strength of facts, and/or statistics
that support the subject; ject; ples, facts, and/or sta-
Material, • Conclusions/ideas
• Includes some data or • Includes very thin data or tistics;
Organization are supported by evi-
evidence which sup- evidence in support of ideas or • Totally insufficient
ports conclusions or conclusions; support for ideas or
• Major ideas summa- ideas; • Major ideas may need to be conclusions;
rized and audience left
• May need to refine summarized or audience is left • Major ideas left un-
with full understanding
summary or final idea. with vague idea to remember. clear, audience left
of presenter’s position.
with no new ideas.
Louisiana Voices Folklife in Education Project

• Relaxed, self-
confident and appro-
• Nervous tension ob-
priately dressed for
• Quick recovery from • Some tension or indifference vious and/or inappro-
purpose or audience;
minor mistakes; apparent and possible inap- priately dressed for
• Builds trust and holds
• Appropriately dressed; propriate dress for purpose or purpose or audience;
attention by direct eye
• Fairly consistent use audience; • No effort to make
contact with all parts of
Delivery of direct eye contact • Occasional but unsustained eye contact with audi-
with audience; eye contact with audience; ence;
• Fluctuation in volume
• Satisfactory variation • Uneven volume with little or • Low volume and/or
and inflection help to
of volume and inflection. no inflection. monotonous tone
maintain audience in-
cause audience to
terest and emphasize
key points.

Rubric adapted from Rubrics for Firsthand Biography at

Oral Presentation Rubric 2

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