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Elizabeth Gerner Professor Moroney

EDU 521 6/12/14

Grade: 7 Toi!: M"ltilyin# and Di$idin# %nte#ers &ontent 'rea: Math
(t"dents ha$e arti!iated in re$io"s days of this s)ill thro"#h !lass dis!"ssion and #ro" *or)+
'fter fo!"sin# on addin# and s"btra!tin# inte#ers *ith and *itho"t the "se of a n",ber line-
st"dents *ill no* de,onstrate an "nderstandin# of ho* to ,"ltily and di$ide inte#ers+ (t"dents
,"st re!ei$e .5/ a!!"ra!y thro"#ho"t this lesson to ass this s)ill+
Key concept: (t"dents *ill de,onstrate their "nderstandin# of ,"ltilyin# and di$idin# inte#ers
as *ell as identifyin# *hi!h oeration to "se *hen si,lifyin# ,ath e0ressions and real1*orld
'ly and e0tend re$io"s "nderstandin#s of ,"ltili!ation and di$ision and of fra!tions to
,"ltily and di$ide rational n",bers+
Understand that ,"ltili!ation is e0tended fro, fra!tions to rational n",bers by
re2"irin# that oerations !ontin"e to satisfy the roerties of oerations- arti!"larly
the distrib"ti$e roerty- leadin# to rod"!ts s"!h as 34153415 6 1 and the r"les for
,"ltilyin# si#ned n",bers+ %nterret rod"!ts of rational n",bers by des!ribin# real1
*orld !onte0ts+
This *ill be e$ident *hen st"dents e$al"ate e0ressions and real *orld e0a,les "sin# their
inte#er r"les for ,"ltili!ation and di$ision+
Understand that inte#ers !an be di$ided- ro$ided that the di$isor is not zero- and e$ery
2"otient of inte#ers 3*ith non1zero di$isor5 is a rational n",ber+ %f p and q are inte#ers-
then 43p/q5 6 34p5/q 6 p/34q5+ %nterret 2"otients of rational n",bers by des!ribin#
real1*orld !onte0ts+
This *ill be e$ident *hen st"dents arti!iate in a #ro" in$esti#ation by "nderstandin# the r"les
of ,"ltili!ation and alyin# these r"les to di$ision+
'ly roerties of oerations as strate#ies to ,"ltily and di$ide rational n",bers+
This *ill be e$ident *hen st"dents *at!h a short $ideo and arti!iate in a *hole !lass
ISTE St$ent Stana"%
1+ C"eat!&!ty an !nno&at!on 4 (t"dents de,onstrate !reati$e thin)in#- !onstr"!t
)no*led#e- and de$elo inno$ati$e rod"!ts and ro!esses "sin# te!hnolo#y.
This *ill be e$ident *hen st"dents *at!h a short $ideo on the r"les of ,"ltilyin# inte#ers and
aly the r"les to di$ision+
2+ Co''$n!cat!on an co((a#o"at!on 4 (t"dents "se di#ital ,edia and en$iron,ents to
!o,,"ni!ate and *or) !ollaborati$ely- in!l"din# at a distan!e- to s"ort indi$id"al
learnin# and !ontrib"te to the learnin# of others+
This *ill be e$ident *hen st"dents "se the %nte#ers 7eebly !hater re$ie*- #lo#ster re$ie* and
additional reso"r!es to re$ie* and st"dy all the inte#er r"les+
4+ C"!t!ca( th!n)!n*+ p"o#(e' %o(&!n*+ an ec!%!on 'a)!n* 4 (t"dents "se !riti!al
thin)in# s)ills to lan and !ond"!t resear!h- ,ana#e ro8e!ts- sol$e roble,s- and ,a)e
infor,ed de!isions "sin# aroriate di#ital tools and reso"r!es+
This *ill be e$ident *hen st"dents resear!h different b"d#ets and aly this infor,ation to their
ersonal b"d#et final ro8e!ts at the end of the "nit+
The instr"!tor *ill be#in the lesson by sho*in# a $ideo on the r"les of ,"ltilyin# and di$idin#
inte#ers+ 'fter *at!hin# the $ideo- st"dents *ill be as)ed to sin# the r"les they learned fro, the
$ideo as a !lass+ (t"dents *ill then #et the 9Personal :"d#et: M"ltilyin# and Di$idin# %nte#ers;
a!)et and e0lain in their o*n *ords the r"les for ,"ltilyin# inte#ers+
1 9Personal :"d#et: M"ltilyin# and Di$idin# %nte#ers; a!)et
1 M"ltilyin# and di$idin# inte#er !heat sheet
1 :on"s :"!)s
1 (M'<T :oard
1'ssisti$e listenin# de$i!e 3'=D5
1%nte#er 7eebly
1(!hool of >ne !lass a#e
1 %ndeendent *or)
1 &lass dis!"ssion
1 &ooerati$e learnin#
1 (t"dent dis!o$eries
?or the st"dent *ho has a hearin# disability and *ears a hearin# aid- the instr"!tor *ill *ear an
assisti$e listenin# de$i!e 3'=D5+ The instr"!tor *ill *ear a s,all ,i!rohone- *hi!h is
!onne!ted to a trans,itter- and the st"dent *ill *ear the re!ei$er- *hi!h is t"ned into a se!ifi!
fre2"en!y+ This *ill allo* the st"dent to hear the instr"!tor ,ore !learly and !"t o"t the
ba!)#ro"nd noise of the !lassroo,+ The instr"!tor *ill also la!e the st"dent in the front of the
roo, ne0t to the (M'<T :oard+
The instr"!tor realizes that st"dents ha$e different learnin# styles and referen!es- so after
st"dents dis!o$er the atterns and r"les for inte#ers- they *ill #et a 9!heat sheet;- in *hi!h they
!an !onstantly refer ba!) to and )ee in their noteboo)s+ (t"dents *ho are also arti!iatin# and
!o,letin# !lass*or) *ill re!ei$e bon"s b"!)s- in *hi!h they !an !ash in for a rize at the end
of the se$en day tas) session+
Key /$e%t!on: 0o1 o 1e '$(t!p(y an !&!e !nte*e"%2
1(t"dents *ill arti!iate in a 9thin)1air1share; and e0lain the r"les they !a,e " *ith for
,"ltili!ation+ 3Turn to your partner and explain the rules for multiplying integers.5
1(t"dents *ill then !o,lete a *or)sheet *ith a artner on ,"ltilyin# inte#ers and e0lain *hat
they noti!ed in attern 1 and in attern 2+ 3What did you notice in both patterns? What was the
same? What was different?5
1(t"dents *ill fill in the !hart as a table- *ith the r"les of ,"ltilyin# inte#ers that they !an refer
ba!) to+ <eetition of these r"les *ill hel st"dents to ,e,orize these r"les+ 3What are the rules
for multiplying integers with the same and different sign?)
1(t"dents *ill be #i$en another *or)sheet *ith ,"ltilyin# inte#ers- "sin# all r"les they 8"st
learned+ (t"dents *ill *or) indeendently on this+ (t"dents !an refer ba!) to their 9!heat sheet;
as a referen!e+ They ,"st also aly these r"les to real1*orld e0a,les+ 3What are the most
important factors to consider when solving word problems with integers?)
1 (t"dents *ill then *or) *ith their tables to dis!o$er ho* this !an also be alied to di$ision+
3Are the rules for multiplying and dividing integers the same or different?5
1>n!e finished- st"dents *ill start the 9real1*orld inte#ers; *or)sheet+ 7hate$er they don@t
finish ,"st be !o,leted for ho,e*or)+
(t"dents *ill de,onstrate "nderstandin# of the inte#er r"les by !o,letin# a *or)sheet on
,"ltilyin# and di$idin# inte#ers+ (t"dents *ill be as)ed to e0lain the r"les for inte#ers *ith
the sa,e and different si#ns- e$al"ate e0ressions- and aly these r"les to real1*orld e0a,les+
(t"dents *ill also be assessed thro"#h arti!iation in a 9th",bs "- th",bs do*n;
2"estionnaire thro"#ho"t the lesson+ (t"dents *ill be assessed thro"#ho"t the eriod on the
r"bri! belo*+
Math-Problem Solving: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Teacher Name: Ms. Gerner
Student Name: ________________________________________
Uses complex and
refined mathematical
Uses effecti"e
Some e"idence of
#ittle e"idence of
#or$ing %ith
Student $as an
enaed partner%
listenin to
suestions of others
and $or&in
throuhout lesson!
Student $as an
enaed partner (ut
had trou(le listenin
to others and)or
Student cooperated
$ith others% (ut
needed promptin to
sta' on*tas&!
Student did not $or&
effecti"el' $ith
Explanation is
detailed and clear!
Explanation is clear! Explanation is a little
difficult to
understand% (ut
includes critical
Explanation is difficult
to understand and is
missin se"eral
components OR $as
not included!
)eatness and
The $or& is
presented in a neat%
clear% orani+ed
fashion that is eas'
to read!
The $or& is
presented in a neat
and orani+ed
fashion that is usuall'
eas' to read!
The $or& is
presented in an
orani+ed fashion (ut
ma' (e hard to read
at times!
The $or& appears
slopp' and
unorani+ed! ,t is
hard to &no$ $hat
information oes
Explanation sho$s
understandin of the
concepts used to
sol"e the pro(lem-s.!
Explanation sho$s
understandin of the
concepts used to
sol"e the pro(lem-s.!
Explanation sho$s
some understandin
of the mathematical
concepts needed to
sol"e the pro(lem-s.!
Explanation sho$s
"er' limited
understandin of the
underl'in concepts
needed to sol"e the
pro(lem-s. OR is not
?ollo*in# the lesson- st"dents *ill be as)ed to ,e,orize the inte#er r"les for ,"ltili!ation and
di$ision- as *ell as re$ie* the r"les for addition and s"btra!tion+ Deendin# on ho* ,"!h
!lass*or) is !o,leted thro"#ho"t the eriod- st"dents ,ay be as)ed to !o,lete a a#e in the
a!)et for ho,e*or)+ The ne0t tas) day- st"dents *ill be#in their Personal :"d#et final ro8e!t-
*hi!h in$ol$es all inte#er oerations and alyin# these to real1life sit"ations+ (t"dents ,ay also
"se the %nte#ers 7eebly to refer ba!) to the r"les+
Acae'!c Inte"&ent!on: ?or the #ro" *ho fails to s"!!essf"lly a!hie$e the ob8e!ti$e- the
instr"!tor *ill ,eet *ith the st"dents to #i$e f"rther assistan!e by #"idin# the, thro"#h the
a!)et+ >n e0tra days thro"#ho"t the tas)- st"dents *ill for, st"dy #ro"s to re$ie* the inte#er
r"les+ (t"dent ,ay also "se the %nte#ers 7eebly to re$ie* the r"les and for reinfor!e,ent
thro"#h #a,es and intera!ti$e ra!ti!e tests+
Acae'!c En"!ch'ent: ?or the st"dents *ho easily a!hie$e the ob8e!ti$e- they *ill be #i$en
another *or)sheet- in *hi!h they ,"st !o,lete ,ore diffi!"lt inte#er roble,s+ These st"dents
,ay *or) *ith their tables or a artner and also !o,are ans*ers+ 'fter that is !o,leted-
st"dents *ill as) to start the !hater re$ie* on the 7eebly a#e+
&o,,on &ore (tate (tandards %nitiati$e 32A125+ Preparing Americas students for college !
career. <etrie$ed fro,: htt://***+!orestandards+or#/Math/&ontent/7/G
Gerner- E+ 32A14- B"ne 125+ <"bistar+ <etrie$ed B"ne 12- 2A14- fro,:
Maslo*s)i- C+ 3Dire!tor5+ 32A125+ "ultiplying and #ividing $ntegers %ong+
<etrie$ed fro,: htts://***+yo"t"be+!o,/*at!hD$6EMst5:!#FhE
(!hool of >ne Pro#ra, 32A145+ Ms+ Gerner@s !lass a#e+ <etrie$ed fro,:
7heeler- & G Gerner- E 32A145+ $ntegers. <etrie$ed fro,: htt://7th#radeinte#ers+*eebly+!o,/

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