Electromagnetic Induction Experiment

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Experiment 9: Electromagnetic Induction

Laboratory Report
Department of Mathematics and Physics
College of Science, University of Santo Tomas
Espaa, Manila, Philippines

The purpose of the experiment is to
determine how the production of current in
the presence of a magnetic field.

I. Introduction
In 1831, Michael Faraday, an
English physicist, performed a series of
experiments to determine whether currents
are produced in a magnetic field. He found
out that when a stationary magnet is placed
inside a coil of wire, it will not produce any
current. He later realized that a sudden push
or pull of pole of magnet inside the coil
produces current as evidenced by the
deflection of the needle of a galvanometer.
Faradays Law of Electromagnetic
Induction is perhaps considered to be the
most important concept in electromagnetism
as it bridges the gap between electricity and
magnetism. Absence of this law will also
lead to the absence of modern electronic
gadgets such as television, generators,
radios, telephones, and others to name a few.
Hence, the objectives of the experiment are
to determine how current is induced in a coil
of wire, to identify the factors affecting the
induced current, and to verift Lenzs Law.

II. Theory
A magnetic field is produced by
electrical currents which could be found in
wires or it could be associated with the
currents produced by an electron orbiting an
atom in accordance with the Lorentz Force
Law. In symbols,

Equation 2.0 Lorentz Force Law
Where F = Force
E = Electric field
q = electric charge
v = velocity of the charge
B = magnetic field

III. Methodology
In the experiment, two coils of wire
was used. In the first coil, there are 100
turns of wire. The magnet was then placed
inside the coil facing its north pole. The coil
was connected to galvanometer having a
scale of -10 to +10 and -5 to +5 between it.
The magnet was then quickly pulled against
the coil and the deflection of the needle of
the galvanometer was recorded. The same
was done with the south pole of the bar
magnet. The deflection of the needle of the
galvanometer was also recorded.
In the second coil, having 50 number
of turns, a bar magnet was placed in the
middle of the coil. Each pole was placed and
then quickly pulled against the coil. The
deflection of the galvanometer for each pole
was recorded.


IV. Results and Discussions
Table 4.0 Deflection of galvanometer
Number of
turns of coil
50 100
North 5 towards
the negative
10 towards
the negative
South 5 towards
the positive
10 towards
the positive
Table 4.0 shows the amount of deflection of the
galvanometer corresponding to the number of
turns in a coil of wire.
A full-scale deflection of a
galvanometer is usually small, about 10A.
To determine the accurate amount of
current, a shunt resistor must be connected
in parallel with the galvanometer.
From the table, in the 50 number of
turns of a coil of wire, same amount of
current was observed to both poles when it
was quickly pulled but in different
directions. In 100 number of turns of a coil,
both poles deflect the same amount of
current but in different directions. This
corresponds to the fact that when the
number of turns increases, magnetic field
becomes stronger which makes the current
also stronger.

V. Conclusions
From the experiment, it is highly
evident that the current is induced when
there is a sudden change of a magnetic field.
Repeating the same procedure with a
different number of turns of wire, the
galvanometer still deflects its needle. This is
similar to what Faraday had discovered
which states that an electric will produce if a
magnetic field is in relative motion.
In Table 4.0, it is clearly manifested
that a change in the number of turns of wire
will correspond to the amount of current it
will produce. This factor stems from the fact
that the magnetic field strength is directly
proportional to the current that will be

V. References
[1] Halliday, Resnick & Walker. (1997).
Fundamentals of physics. New York,
NY: Wiley.

[2] Knight, R. (2009). Physics for
scientists and engineers: Volume 4.
New York, NY: Cengage Learning.

[3] Griffiths, D. (2012). Introduction to
electrodynamics. New York, NY:


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