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Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 1

Renewable Energy in Manufacturing


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Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 2
Renewable energy refers to forms of energy that are constantly replenished by the Earth.
The energies are natural occurring and are tapped for conversion into other forms of energy.
Energy cannot be destroyed but can be converted into other forms. Research in renewable
sources of energy has been extensively carried out. This is affiliated with the looming energy
crisis being experienced globally. The global demand for energy is higher than the amount of
energy being generated. The global economic equilibrium is unbalanced leading to market
failures and poor policies for energy generation. Currently, the energy sector is dominated by
fossil fuels which 80% is controlled by investment banks (Accassara 2009, p.5). The little
control by governments results in unjustified fuel prices. The amount of oil is slowly depleting
from reserves necessitating more research on better sources of energy. A cleaner source of
energy in attempts to reduce emission of green house gases from fossil fuels also forces the need
of less toxic fuels.
Saudi Arabian dominance in the fuel industry is slowly residing due to the large domestic
consumption. According to energy researchers Lahn and Stephens, twenty five percent of oil and
natural gas mined in Saudi Arabia is used locally (Lahn & Stephens 2001, p.1). This only
accounts to 80% of the countrys energy demands. The annual demand rate for electricity in
Saudi Arabia is at 8% while the production rate is 5% (Lahn & Stephens 2001, p.1). The oil
consumption rate grows by 3% annually. The country is also facing a shortage of natural gas
according to NOREF statistics resulting in a higher reliance on fossil fuels for electricity
generation. The kingdom generates 80% of its revenue from oil exports and with the growing
domestic demand; the oil export rate is estimated to reduce by 4% annually (Aljarboua 2012.
p.1). This percentage represents 3 million barrels annually. Citigroup cited that even with the oil
capabilities of Saudi Arabia, the kingdom may become an oil importer by 2030. This research
statistics heavily address the need of renewable energy research and implementation in Saudi
Arabia and globally.
Solar Power
Solar radiation energy represents the largest amount of energy current reaching the
earths telluric ecosystem. 100,000 trillion watts of solar energy hit the ground and undergo
conversion to other forms of energy (Stanford University 2009, p.2). This resource is vast as it is
almost 6500 times the global consumption of energy used by humans (13.7 trillion watts)
(Alamoud 2010, p.7). Currently, the application of this form of energy represents less than 1% of
the potential it holds in electricity production under renewable sources. Solar energy requires
high capital cost in investment, intermittency and modest conversion technologies making it
cumbersome to initiate use in the form of energy. The greatest challenge in solar technology is in
the discovery of new solar energy mechanisms that are more efficient and less capital intensive.
In definition, solar radiation is an electromagnetic wave released by the sun that
originates from the fusion reaction converting hydrogen molecules into helium molecules. The
sun releases 3.8910
26 of
nuclear energy per second from its core. The nuclear energy is
converted to thermal energy and radiated towards the earths surface in the form of
electromagnetic radiation.

The fluidity of energy is divided into three categories: - Ultraviolet
radiation (UV) which is less than 10% of the total, visible light that is 39% of the total and
infrared radiation that constitutes 52% of the total (Timilisina & Narbel 2011, p.3). Radiation
that is able to reach the surface of the earth is affected by a number of factors. These factors
include the inclination of the earths axis and the atmosphere, which causes reflection, and
absorption of the radiation. The almanac average of solar energy reaching the surface is 170
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 3
watts per square meter on water bodies and 180 watts per square meter for the landmasses
(Timilisina & Narbel 2011, p.3). Seventy five percent of this radiation is direct light that is
propagated by air, moisture, clouds and aerosols.
The universal energy potential ranges from 2.5 to 80 trillion watts with the bottommost
estimates highlighting 18% of the final current primary energy consumption. The amount
represents more than 10% of the estimated universal consumption of 2030. The solar energy
market share is significantly low Developed countries have progressively invested in solar
mechanisms with projections with 2030 projections estimated at 13.6GW (80% from
photovoltaic and the rest from solar geothermal energy) (Alamoud 2010, p.7).
Solar Energy in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing Sector
Saudi Arabia is one of the largest lands mass in the universe with direct normal
irradiation (DNI). This refers to the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface. Saudi Arabia
has deployed photo voltaic (PV) and (CSP) concentrated solar power in the production of energy
(Alamoud 2010, p.9). This is all in an effort to conserve the present fossil fuel reserves and to
increase energy production in the country. Extreme summer temperatures are a constraint to the
production using DNI as the technology decreases production in high temperatures. Cooling
mechanisms for the technology are an extra capital cost constraining solar energy tapping. CSP
is applied in Saudi Arabia for both electricity production and thermal capabilities. Using current
statistics, Saudi Arabias is anticipated to expand from 40GW up to 120GW between 2014 and
2028 (Shelby & Agonigo 2009, p.1). With the average Arabian temperatures of 30
c, it is
estimated a 10% reduction in PV efficiency. Power reduction is dependent on the temperature
and the cell type provided by the respective supplier.
Saudi Arabia and its large area have a monthly high temperature that varies from 40
c in
Riyadh in the summer months of June, July, August and September. It is less than 30
C in Abha
at the same period (Saleh 2008, p.1). Large fins to act as cooling systems are applied to assist in
solar production. Air ducts are also attached on the PV panels on the backside to increase cooling
efficiency. This highlighted more than 10% reduction in panel temperature. The total amount of
energy loss calculated in the Riyadh region was 16.5% without any cooling systems present
(Shelby & Agonigo 2009, p.1). Use of water as a cooling method is a constraint in Saudi Arabia
due to the dry nature of the country.
The National Solar Systems (NSS) is an example of a manufacturing company that has
integrated the use of solar power in the manufacturing process. The company is located in the
Dammam Industrial city in Saudi Arabia. The solar company uses solar energy in the
manufacture of solar systems. The company has a two mega-watt plant in KAUST that is used to
power the assembling of water heaters and cathode protection (Saleh 2008, p.1). Saudi Arabia
also uses solar heating in the desalination of seawater. Solar heaters are laced to heat water into
vapor form then cool to pure water. This is the Arabian countrys initiative in finding water
Solar Energy Globally in the Manufacturing sector
China, Japan, USA, Taiwan and Germany lead the globe in them production of solar
energy. China and Taiwan are the major solar producing countries with 60% market share
(Fridley 2010, p.1). Most of the solar produced in these countries is used locally. In company
statistics, according to solar energy, the Intel Company uses most solar energy in production.
The company uses 1.4 billion kilowatt hours per year (Fridley 2010, p.1). This is an equivalence
of 180000 homesteads and 140000 vehicles. The solar energy powers 50% of the energy
required by the company Kohls department stores and whole foods rank second and third
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 4
respectively. Dell Inc ranks fourth with its main head quarters already running on 100% solar
energy. (Fridley 2010, p.1)
Scholars estimate that a 4% cover of the global deserts with solar panels is enough o
power the whole universe. The global pricing of solar power by end of year 2010 was at 18 cents
per kilowatt-hour. Compared to coal and natural gas, the price is three times higher. This fact
lags the transition from fossil fuels to solar energy. Europes Saharan desert project is the largest
solar project estimated at 550 billion dollars to tap into the deserts solar radiation to power 85%
of Europe. (Fridley 2010, p.1)
Wind power
Wind power generally refers to the energy from atmospheric air that is mobile. This is
created by solar energy absorbed differently by the surface transformed through convective
methods arising from the heat differences to air motion. There are many forms of winds and their
strength and capabilities vary with the geographical nature of an area. Wind power is dependent
on the velocity of air, density of air and volume of air. Wind power makes use of turbines to
convert the energy to electrical power. Wind power does not require any petroleum to blaze
hence does not emit any pollutant gas.
Wind Power in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing Sector
Wind power in Saudi Arabia has been identified in five locations by the meteorological
department recorded in its 2009 report. The five locations include Dhahran, Gizan, Al-wahj,
Yanbo and Jeddah. All these locations are located on the coastal lines. Yanbo and Dhahran have
the greatest electricity output at 82602 MW and 68947 MW respectively and are the only
functioning locations (Rehman 2008, p.1). The main barrier to the application of wind power in
energy production is the high cost of capital investment. Wind power in Yanbo will result in a
mean reduction of green house gases by 26087 tons annually. On the other hand, wind power in
Yanbo will result in a mean reduction of green house gases by 21533 tons annually (Rehman
2008, p.1). Green house reduction is attributed to the application of 1500, 1000 and 600 kW
wind parks. The corresponding cut in economic cost from use of wind power in Saudi Arabia is
estimated to be at $407,797 annually (Rehman 2008, p.1).
Saudi Arabia has a full load of five wind hours. The presence of the Red Sea and the
Indian Ocean far south boosts the region with high-speed monsoon winds that are tapped for
wind power. Eighteen percent of the output electrical power generated is used in the
manufacturing sector. This results in an annual decrease of $73403.46 in operational costs from
manufacturing companies. The numerical amount of wind power used by the companies is 27800
mega-watts (Rehman 2008, p.1).
Wind power Globally and in the Manufacturing Sector
When wind power is mentioned, the first country to come into mind is Denmark.
Denmark is the Saudi Arabia of wind power. In November 2013, the amount of energy generated
by Denmark surpassed the local consumption rate. Power generated was more than power
consumed. The Danish produces 18 GW of electricity by 2013 that is more than 50% of the
turbine capacity (Kalmikov & Dykes 2011, p.4). The second largest wind generating country is
Germany. USA, China and Portugal follow in closely behind. Denmark aims at 100% renewable
energy production by the year 2050. Most of the electricity produced is for export to Sweden and
Norway. Wind power is stored chemically through electrolysis to facilitate production of green
hydrogen. Motorola mobility is an example of a manufacturing company that will attain 25% of
power used in production from wind power by end year 2014. Google and Wal-Mart are other
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 5
companies that will attain 25% functionality from wind power by 2016. It is estimated that wind
energy will save the Google $1 billion annually (Kalmikov & Dykes 2011, p.4).
A bio-fuel is defined as a fuel containing energy from carbon fixation produced from
living organisms. The fuel is produced by conversion of biomass to energy. There are three
different methods of biomass conversion namely thermal, chemical and biochemical conversion.
The conversion of biomass can produce energy in any form of matter be it liquid, gas or solid.
Bio-ethanol is produced through the fermentation process of starch and carbohydrates. Ethanol is
mostly applied in automobile engines that use gasoline to reduce vehicle carbon emissions and
increase octane power. In 2010, bio-fuel production accounted for 2.7% of the global energy
consumption. The energy is mostly applied in transport through combination of bio-diesel and
Bio-Fuels in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing Sector
Currently Saudi Arabia is at a beginners stage in the bio-fuel industry. In January 2014,
(SABA project) Saudi Arabia Bio-refinery from Algae was initiated to identify hyperactive
producers of bio-fuels in the Arabian coastal shoreline. The main aim of the project is the
construction of an algae based processing plant. The plant will be producing an average amount
of 30,000 tons of algae (Tumiwa 2011, p.1). Jeddah based Middle East Environment Protection
(MEEP) and then India-based Bio-max Fuels is another joint venture that aims in the production
of bio-fuel energy from cooking oil. The plant venture aims at the production of 25,000 metric
tons of bio-fuel energy. (Tumiwa 2011, p.1)
Bio-Fuels Globally and in the Manufacturing Sector
The market leaders for bio-fuel in the globe are Brazil and the United States of America.
The USA main bio-fuel is bio-diesel and ethanol that are produced from corn. The USA is the
largest ethanol producer but Brazil leads in general bio-fuel production. The two countries
produce 70% of the global ethanol applied in the energy sector. 70% of the global production
amounted to 13.5 billion gallons (UNICTAD 2008). Bio-diesel is practically present in all
countries with oil seeds. Brazil is the first country to attain a sustainable economy based on the
use of bio-fuels. Brazils sugarcane ethanol is referred as the most efficient alternative fuel. Bio-
fuels in Brazil are used to produce power in the form of heat. Sugar cane ethanol has led to a
6.1% reduction of green house gases globally (UNICTAD 2008). This is due to the combination
of bio-diesel and ethanol in automobile engines to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
emissions. Combination of ethanol and bio diesel is the major use of bio-fuel as engine additives.
Biomass refers to plant and animal organic material. The energy gotten from the sun is
stored in these organic materials then later converted to heat energy during combustion.
Combustion though is not the only means of releasing biomass energy. Stored organic waste
produce landfill gases such as methane commonly referred to as biogas. Biomass combustion
does not emit carbon dioxide or sulfur. The down side of biomass is that a notable amount of
carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere when plants grow naturally. The environmental
impact of biomass is dependent on the type of biomass and the manner of getting energy from
the biomass. The only limitations to the use of biomass are lack of adequate land and occurrence
of land sinks.
Biomass in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing sector
The main source of biomass in Saudi Arabia is the Municipal solid waste, Sewage and
Industrial waste (Jurgenson 2013, p.4). In Saudi Arabia, biomass is the fourth important energy
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 6
source after oil, natural gas and coal. Biomass is competitive in the country with sources and
pricing being abundant and favorable respectively. Biomass in the Kingdom costs $101 per mega
watt-hour. This highlights a 57.23% reduction in pricing when compared to solar and tidal
energy (Jurgenson 2013, p.4). Physical waste to energy technologies are used to convert biomass
to pure hydrogen, liquid bio-fuels or syngas. All the stated products of biomass can be directly
applied in the production of electricity. Biomass conversion into renewable energy reduces the
amount of Arabian waste material by 39%. Saudi Arabia uses aerobic digestion of biomass to get
renewable energy. The gross energy from biomass obtained per day is 196.7 kilojoules. Out of
the 196.7 kilojoules of energy, 75% is in the form of methane gas.
The average cost of solid waste and sewage management in manufacturing companies in
Saudi Arabia amounts to 28% of the production budget (King Saud University 2013, p.27). The
operational and maintenance expense of running a biogas plant amounts to 20% of the amount
used in solid waste management. (King Saud University 2013, p.27) Aramco Gulf Operations
Company and Al Khajfi Operations are examples of Saudi Arabian companies that have
incorporated biomass in the production process. The energy is mostly used for heating purposes
and represents 15% of the revenue for the companies (King Saud University 2013, p.27). This is
affiliated to operational cost reduction, solid waste reduction and the selling of methane tanks.
Biomass use globally and in the Manufacturing Sector
Biomass globally accounts for 10% of the total global energy according to the
International Energy Agency. The percentage is inefficient old methods used in cooking and
heating mostly in developing nations. The world Energy statistics rated 3% of all the energy used
in the United States to have been from biomass. Out of the 3% of biomass, 5% was organic wood
material. Garbage waste represented 12% of the total biomass energy produced. The United
States has eighty biomass-to-energy producing facilities that generate 7000 mega watt of
electricity for 1.3 million homesteads. This is a representation of fourteen times the amount of
wind and solar energy produced in the nation.
Biomass energy in the United Kingdom is a manufacturing company that centers on
biomass wood pellets and heating systems. Biomass heating systems are 90% efficient. The use
of biomass in manufacturing will reduce GHG emissions by 45%.
Hydropower is a form of renewable energy generated by the force of moving water. The
force of gravity pulling on water is used to turn heavy turbines that in turn generate electricity.
This is the application of kinetic power to generate electrical energy. Hydroelectricity represents
20% of the global electricity at 3427 terawatts (Pratte 2007, p.4). Hydropower is mostly applied
in bulk electricity production. The cost of hydroelectric power is relatively low making
hydroelectricity a competitive source of renewable energy. The average charge of
hydroelectricity is at 3 to 5 US cents per kilowatt (Pratte 2007, p.4). The initial capital required
to construct a hydroelectric dam is intensive and the production process produces no direct
waste. Hydroelectricity generation also has a low green house gases emission than fossil fuels. A
large hydroelectric power station would produce from around hundred megawatts to 10 giga
watts (Bureau of Reclamation 2009). There are only three large power stations worldwide, which
meet this range of output. Hydroelectric generation constitutes the biggest power producing
amenities in the world.
Hydroelectricity in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing Sector
Saudi Arabia in the last four decades has seen no change in electric power from
hydroelectric sources. The highest value of hydroelectric power in 2014 was at 0% as compared
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 7
to 0% in 1971. This is affiliated with the minimal presence of water in the country and the
presence of fossil fuels that is used in generating electricity. All domestic electrical consumption
in Saudi Arabia is from fossil fuels. The key energy worth of hydroelectricity generation is
derived by calculation of the equivalent amount of fossil fuels needed to produce the same worth
of electricity in a thermal power station. The calculations are done assuming an efficiency of
38% in the conversion. Saudi Arabia uses electricity in all its manufacturing processes but none
of the electricity is hydroelectric.
Hydroelectricity Globally and in the Manufacturing Sector
The amount of global generated hydroelectric power increased by an average of 5%
between the year 2010 and 2011. Hydro generated electricity catered for 16.1% of the electricity
consumption requirement (Pratte 2007, p.4). Hydropower reached 3427 terawatt by the end of
2011. China is the largest hydroelectric generating nation. The nation generated 721 terawatts,
which was 17% of the nations domestic power requirements (Bureau of Reclamation 2009).
China also has the biggest constructed hydropower plant that has a capacity of 213 gig watts, the
Three Gorges Dam. Worldwide hydropower is produced in 150 countries. The Asian-Pacific
region generated 32% of the global hydroelectricity. Africa produces 3% of the global
hydroelectricity generated signifying the lowest region in hydropower generation. Four
countries, Bhutan, Lesotho, Albania and Paraguay produced all their power from hydroelectricity
(Pratte 2007, p.4). Hydroelectric power generation was 90% in 15 countries. Norway, Iceland
and New Zealand generate the highest hydropower per capita.
Hydroelectric power is normally constructed for intensive electricity production
according to the World Bank. This form of generating electricity is used in areas with a high
consumption rate of electricity. Out of the 16.1% of global electricity produced from
hydropower, 27% was used in the manufacturing industry. This represents 551.747 tera-watts of
hydroelectricity (Bureau of reclamation 2009).
Nuclear energy
Nuclear energy refers to power generated from decaying isotopes. The energy released
can be in the form of kinetic energy or nuclear radiation. These forms of energy are absorbed by
the immediate surroundings creating a temperature difference. This temperature difference
allows the incorporation of a device/ heat engine to be placed between the two temperature
regions and convert heat into energy. Thermoelectric radio generators generate electricity from
this heat difference. The devices use the Seebeck Effect. The effect states that, A potential
difference will be created across the juncture of two unlike metals whenever there is a
temperature difference applied across the juncture. This potential difference will act as a current
source if it is connected to a circuit. Thermoelectric generators have a 6-8% efficiency showing
more than 90% of nuclear energy is lost during the conversion process (Ervin 2009, p.4). An
additional efficient method would be absorbing the energy to steam water for steam turbines.
Steam turbines have an efficiency rate of 30-40% in range with use of steam heated to 600
Limitations in nuclear energy are that nuclear materials are not that abundant in nature. This
highlights that the use of natural decaying isotopes is not sufficient for a power plant.
Nuclear Energy in Saudi Arabia and the Manufacturing Sector
The Saudi government initiated the nuclear project in 2009 with the first nuclear
construction starting in 2016 (Saleh 2008, p.14). The Saudi government appointed Finland and
Swiss based Poyny Consultancy to map out a nuclear strategy for the Kingdom. The resulting
strategy suggests construction of 16 nuclear facilities by 2032. The 16 nuclear plants will be
responsible for producing 20% of the local energy requirements and will cost over $180 billion.
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 8
The nuclear energy target is 18 GW by 2016 (Stephenson & Tynan 2009, p.21). The Saudi
program is rated as the second most urbanized project in the Arab region. The first rated project
is the United Arab Emirates. It is important to highlight that the Saudi nuclear capabilities are not
war based but energy oriented. Currently there exists no nuclear energy used in the
manufacturing sector in Saudi Arabia.
Nuclear Energy Globally and the Manufacturing Sector
There is a global acceptance of nuclear energy. The energy is scaled at 73% positivism in
the clean and secure energy coalition (Hill 2010, p.2). Nuclear power plants produce no green
house gases or controlled air pollutants. The nuclear power plants generated 16% of the global
electricity in 2006 with 31 countries actively investing in this form of energy (Pratte 2007, p.14).
The United States has the highest number of power plants with 64 sites. The nuclear power is
used to heat 35 boiling reactors and 69 pressure reactors. It is responsible for generating 20% of
the local electricity.
Nuclear power is economically competitive at $1.82 cents per kWh (Pratte 2007, p.14). This
makes the form of energy cheaper and safer than coal and natural gas. The form of energy
requires little land as compared to hydroelectricity, biomass and windmills. Nuclear power saves
around 2.6 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually (Pratte 2007, p.14). A
nuclear power plant is also safer than other energy power plants such as ethanol plants. Currently
nuclear energy is the safest method of generating power in accordance to the green house gases
Nuclear energy is used in the metal industry to inspect metal parts for impure trace
elements and in the smelting process. The radioactive energy is able to identify leakages and
monitor the rate of metal corrosion. The radioactive energy is also used in the development of
sensitive gauges that base their readings on the breadth and density of materials. The vehicle
industry uses nuclear energy to inspect the quality of various types of metals used on vehicles.
Mineral deposits of natural gas, petroleum and coal are quantified and located by the
radioactivity of nuclear energy. Aircraft builders, tin manufacturers and road constructors use
nuclear energy to gauge the density of the surfaces and to locate flaws.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy refers to stored thermal energy in the earth. Thermal energy is the
factor used to establish the temperature of matter. Heat from the Earth is 80% decaying matter
heat and 20% radioactive heat from the initial formation of the Earth (Hashem 2012, p.1). A heat
gradient between the surface of the Earth and the core pulls a continuous drift of thermal energy
from the core to the surface. The thermal energy is in the form of heat. The temperature at the
core of the planet is around 4000
c (Hashem 2012, p.1). The high temperatures in the core lead
to melting of rocks and plasticity resulting in pipes and vent gaps that head upwards to the
surface. The heat that reaches the surface is around 400
c (Hashem 2012, p.1).
Geothermal power production does not make use of fuel. As with other renewable energy
sources, the initial capital in putting up a geothermal power plant is high. Drilling into the
Earths surface is over half the initial set up costs and every set up has a minimum of a 20%
failure rate. An average geothermal plant would generate over 4.5 MW and the average
expenditure in construction is $10 million (Kagel, Bates & Gawell 2008, p.1).
The power is referred to as renewable energy as the heat extraction tapped is less than a
tenth of the total heat dissipated from the earths core. The limitation of the form of energy is the
drilling factors and local depletion. Drilling has to be thoroughly calculated to prevent ground
tremors or imbalance of the surrounding ecosystems. Local depletion is normal even though the
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 9
supply of geothermal energy is globally renewable. This is associated with the constant shifts of
tectonic matter in below the Earths surface. Drilling into the Earths surface leads to emission of
green house gases that escape into the air. Such GHG include carbon dioxide, Methane,
Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia (Kagel, Bates & Gawell 2008, p.1). The global release of green
house gases is at average 122 kilograms per megawatt hour (Kagel, Bates & Gawell 2008, p.1).
Underground water from drilling is also environmentally hostile due to trace elements such as
Mercury and Boron.
Geothermal Energy in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing Sector
Saudi Arabia is one of the most active nations in the geothermal energy industry. The
country is bestowed with numerous geothermal locations on the South Western parts. This is
affiliated with the numerous tectonic activities around the Red Sea. The Jizan region of Saudi
Arabia is one of the prolific geothermal areas with surface temperatures hitting temperatures
between 46
c and 75
c. Al Khouba region is the promising geothermal region with estimates of
17.847 megawatts per square meters (Hashem 2012, p.1). The Saudi Kingdom has many sites
under research for geothermal capabilities. The kingdom is estimated to become a geothermal
powerhouse by 2040 but currently no actual geothermal electricity of geothermal heating is
The Saudi Kingdom has applied geothermal energy in the desalination of water in the
manufacturing process. Water desalination refers to any process used to remove or reduce the
trace amounts of salinity (salts) in saline water. The Saudi Kingdom does not use the geothermal
energy to power processes in the manufacturing sector but to clear water used in the
manufacturing sector. The saline water is heated to water vapor and then condensed to give pure
water. Water desalination using geothermal energy removes the need for thermal storage of
water and increase the manufacturing process efficiency by 17% (Hashem 2012, p.1).
Geothermal desalination is also economically competitive as compared to other renewable
Geothermal Energy Globally and in the Manufacturing Sector
According to the Geothermal Development Associates (GDA), in August 2013, 11765
Megawatts of geothermal power was being generated globally estimated to grow to 12000 mega
watts by end of that year (Ben 2013, p.11). There are 11766 megawatts of planned increase of
geothermal power that are currently in the first stages of construction. The United States has the
highest installed megawatt capabilities in the world with 3389 mega watt production (Ben 2013,
p.11). The GDA estimates the Philippines to overtake the Unites States in geothermal power
production by 2032. This is affiliated with the big number of planned geothermal stations already
under construction in the Philippines. An example of a manufacturing company that uses
geothermal energy in production is Ormat in the United States. The companys production rate
ranges from 250kW to 130 MW generated from steam water (Ben 2013, p.15). The company
uses geothermal energy to produce energy required by the factory and for sale. Twenty seven
percent of electricity produced is used by the company while 73% is sold.
Hydrogen and fuel cells
Scholars have classified hydrogen as the simplest occurring element. Hydrogen exists in
combined elements, as it does not occur in nature. Hydrogen is high in energy and hydrogen-
burning engines do not emit environmentally unfriendly gases. A chemical reaction between an
oxidizing agent like oxygen and hydrogen is used in fuel cells to generate electromotive force. A
hydrogen fuel cell gives an efficiency of between 40 to 60 percent in power generation
(Ramsden, Steward & Harrison 2010 p.31). The power efficiency is estimated to increase to 85
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 10
percent if the waste heat is retained and used. The fuel cell makes use of a cathode, anode and an
electrolyte to facilitate movement of charges between the two nodes. The movement of charges
creates direct electric current that is tapped for use. The current global fuel cell market is low at
30 gig watts (Ramsden, Steward & Harrison 2010 p.31). The limitation of hydrogen fuel cells to
solar and wind is that like petroleum products, an individual has to seek supply from a company.
Hydrogen fuel cell energy cannot be generated personally with generators.
Hydrogen and fuel cells in Saudi Arabia and its manufacturing sector
According to the Environmental expert survey of 2014, there exists ten fuel cell
companies in Saudi Arabia. Out of these ten companies, none is in the manufacturing sector. All
the ten companies focus on the production of hydrogen based fuel cells. The fuel cell industry in
Saudi Arabia is high with international companies dominating the industry. Apart from
production of fuel cells, the minor application of the technology is in the back up generation and
mobility of factory vehicles. Most factory go-carts and forklifts use hydrogen fuel cells in their
functionalities in the Kingdom. London Arab news informed that Toyota recently collaborated
with Saudis Fuel Cell Energy Inc. to research on more efficient fuel cells to be incorporated into
the Toyota car engines. (Babelli 2012, p.5). This was a bold move as the car company shifts from
the electric battery to the cheaper and efficient hydrogen fuel cell.

Hydrogen and Fuel cells globally and the Manufacturing sector
The Energy government (EEER) situated in the United States placed 63% of the
hydrogen and fuel cell produced was used in the automobile industry (Morgan 2009, p.16).
Membrane electrodes have been used cutting automotive costs by 35% since 2008 while
replicating the durability twice. The automotive cost was, as a survey of factory vehicles as there
is no commercial fuel cell vehicle. The average mileage for a fuel cell is 400 kilometers without
refueling. The average durability for a fuel cell was 120000 kilometers (King AbdulAziz
University for Science and Technology 2009, p.15). General motors in the United States
estimated that per mile of travel by a vehicle running on compressed hydrogen, the vehicle used
40% less energy and produced 45% less green house gases (Tromly 2013, p.1). The survey was
down with comparison to the average diesel engine. The major limitation of this form of
renewable energy is that it can never become competitive with other sources of renewable
energy. New improvements in the technology mean the cost of hydrogen vehicles is decreasing
but the current cost is still too high. This was according to the CEO of General motors, Daniel
Tidal and Wave Energy
Tidal power is energy from tides. The tidal hydropower is converted into electricity using
tidal stream generators that run deep into the water body. Tidal power is generated from the
gravitational pull of the moon and earth. This pull generates the tidal motions in the earths water
bodies. A tidal generator is used in tapping and converting the tidal energy into electricity. Due
to the existing gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon, tidal power is classified as a
renewable source. Wave power on the other hand is the energy that is carried about by waves.
Waves are generated by airstreams transitory on the surface of a water body. This is affiliated
with the air pressure differences that cause stress movements on the surface of water.
Tidal and Wave Energy in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia has no existing energy output generated from tidal and waves. This is
because of the absence of large water bodies surrounding the nation. The largest water body in
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 11
Saudi Arabia is the Red Sea that is incapable of generating the required amounts of electrical
Tidal and Wave Energy globally
Wave power globally is mostly generated in the continent of Europe. The continent has
the second highest occurring wave energy waves after South America. The annual energy
generated in Europe from wave power is 30 GW with a maximum potential of 320 GW (Council
of European Union 2012, p.1). The annual wave energy contribution worldwide is 200 TWh per
year that represents 8% of the global energy requirements (Padmavathi 2011, p.11). Wave
energy produces no green house gases, is predictable, efficient than wind power and renewable.
The price of wave power is still high as compared to other renewable sources with the pricing at
0.08 Euros per kilowatt-hour (Goran 2007, p.1). The limitation to this form of energy is
environmental concerns to marine wildlife and silt and mud deposits. According to the European
Thematic Network on wave energy, wave energy generation will become profitable in the next
two decades. (Arnold 2009, p.25). Scotland is referred to as the Saudi Arabia of tidal power due
to its extensive progression in tidal power generation. There is little generated electricity from
tidal power with the global output low as 240 gig watts (Council of European Union 2012, p.1).
Tidal power has a competence of 80% in converting the kinetic energy to electricity. The
limitation of the technology arises on how the technology tends to change the sedimentation of
the water.
Radiant Energy
Radiant energy refers to the energy dissipated from light. Light is defined as a wave made
up of electric and magnetic properties. The warming effect that light has when it strikes an object
is a testimony of the heat energy present in light When the electromagnetic wave in light falls on
an object, the object absorbs the wave energy and converts it into heat. Radiant energy may be
visible or invisible dependent on the light wavelength. The difference between radiant energy
and solar power is that solar power refers to infrared wave energy but radiant energy refers to all
forms of electromagnetic waves. Radiant energy applicability mostly applies in heating. Infra red
lamps are used to absorb the energy then used to heat water. Other applications of radiant energy
include sewage water treatment and examination, separation of liquid elements in a mixture and
as a medium of communication.
Radiant Energy in Saudi Arabia and its Manufacturing Sector
Saudi Arabia has one of the largest global potential in radiant energy. The high radiant
temperatures experienced in the region are enough to produce 50GW of radiant power annually
(Kosak 2008, p.1).. Radiant energy in the manufacturing industry in Saudi Arabia is used in the
production of radiant burners, cooling systems and the construction business. Radiant burners
such as the PMS burner from The John Zink Foundation are used in ethylene reforming to
produce a radiant furnace. In construction, mass absorption is used in building materials. Mass
absorption refers to when heat energy is stored in a material to be emitted later. This energy is
referred to as thermal mass. The concrete used in Saudi Arabia stores hot solar and radiant
energy during the day and then releases the energy at night when the temperatures go down.
Oppositely, at night the material retains inside temperatures maintaining the warmth of the
homestead. Thermal mass in Saudi Arabia has reduced the need for bulky cooling systems by 50
%(Kosak 2008, p.1). It has also reduced the need for suspended ceilings that cost more to
construct. Lack of electric and fossil fuel driven cooling systems also results in reduction of
green house gases in Saudi Arabia.
Radiant Energy in the Manufacturing Sector Globally
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 12
Radiant energy global implementation is in the radiant wet cooling systems. Radiant
cooling systems are smaller making use of smaller heat pumps making them economically
striking. The technology also makes use of flexible routines eliminating the use of water in form
of ice. The ice used to cool the cores of a cooling system does not apply in radiant coolers. This
also facilitates good use of water and reduction of water costs. Radiant heaters also use less
power reducing operational costs. Thermal mass construction such as the Brock University
Research Building in Ontario Canada is made up of entire radiant materials. The building has
47% utility savings as compared to other buildings of the same size (Kosak 2008, p.1).
Microwave technology that uses radiant energy is also incorporated in building materials to
increase the rate of heat retention and heat dissipation.
In the Agricultural sector in manufacturing, radiant energy is used to power plants, dry
food grains and milk pasteurization. The irradiation process using radiant energy is used to kill
existent microorganisms that may cause disease or illnesses in food. Radiant energy is also used
in the ripening of slow fruits. In an economic view, irradiated foods are safer and have a longer
shell life meaning more revenue generation for a company and operational cost reductions.
Faster ripening fruits increase production over time limits also increasing revenue generation.
Radiant energy has the ability to reduce utility costs in manufacturing by 35% and increase
revenue generation by 18% according to Green Inc (Kosak 2008, p.1).

Government Rules and Regulations on Renewable Energy
The following sub heading will highlight the global rules and regulations in the globe
with reference to the Climate and Energy program. The regulatory body is responsible for the
policies that promote use of renewable energy worldwide and the distribution of the generated
amounts of energy. Installations of energy worldwide are different depending on the government
bodies and the potential energy resources. From these different set of data, the following policies
are in implementation. Categorizing them into two; Policies that promote local development and
policies that promote global development of renewable energy.
Policies Promoting Local Development of Renewable Energy in Manufacturing
Corporate deduction in power taxes are applied to manufacturing companies that use
renewable energy in the production process (Vos & Sawin 2012, p.1). The percentage
production carried out under renewable sources is taxed differently with smaller margins. This
promotes production through cost reduction providing an incentive to the corporation to invest
more in renewable sources.
Federal grant programs and loans are handed to companies that use renewable sources in
production. The acquired loans and grants go into investing in further use of renewable energy in
production. The USA federal office offers an incentive of $1.80 per square foot on corporations
using green energy. (Vos & Sawin 2012, p.1
Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) necessitate electric utilities to allocate a percentage
of the electricity supplied to a private customer to be from a renewable source.
Public benefits are held worldwide to generate capital or funds that will go to the
investment on renewable energy projects. Funds are also generated from a small levy that is
imposed on a customers electricity rates.
Output environmental regulations are implemented to limit the amounts of carbon
emissions per unit of production in manufacturing. These regulations aim in reduction of fossil
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 13
fuel use in energy production that emits most carbon dioxide per unit of production. This policy
also aims in fuel conversion efficiency.
Policies Promoting global Development of Renewable Energy in Manufacturing
Global interconnection standards are requirements that guide manufacturers and electric
utility companies on the manner of treating and connecting renewable energy into the global
electric grid. The standardized procedure eliminates slack time in electrical connections to the
electric grid increasing production per unit time and promoting connection of renewable energy
(Kalmikov 2011, p.4).
Metering of renewable energy to both private and public consumers is done differently to
metering from fossil fuels. The electricity rates are different and electricity not used from
renewable sources can be backtracked to the local electric grid. (Vos & Sawin 2012, p.1)
Feed in tariffs necessitate corporations to pay above market rates to the electric grid for
power generated from renewable sources. This tariffs provide required capita; for renewable
energy projects.
(PACE) Property Assessed Clean Energy is a private finance solution that has the
responsibility of reimbursing the cost a private developer used in the installation of energy
equipments in a residential area. The body encourages private developers to install renewable
energy equipments in residential areas. (Vos & Sawin 2012, p.1)
Enablers of Renewable Energy in Manufacturing
The rising global prices of oil and the depleting sources of oil is the major facilitator of
renewable energy. Oil reserves are estimated to have completely dried up by the year 2055
resulting in an upshot in oil prices (Ernst & Young 2012, p.4). This factor has necessitated
research into alternative sources of energy. Global warming because of emission of green house
gases into the atmosphere is another factor that has led to research in greener alternatives as
sources of energy. Renewable energy sources release less amounts of green house gases per unit
of combustion when compared to fossil fuels.
Government subsidies, loans and grants are financial enablers in the research and
application of renewable energy in manufacturing companies and homesteads (Ernst & Young
2012, p.4). The finances provide capital to invest in renewable energy. The existence of many
forms of renewable energy encourages research in renewable energy. If a country is not
geographically favored in one form of renewable energy, it is favored with another. Some
countries even possess renewable energy capabilities in more that one type of renewable energy.
Technological advancements enable research, mining and conversion of renewable
energy into electricity. These advancements have assisted in access and conversion of renewable
energy to electricity. Revenue tariffs acquired from the percentage taxation of electricity go to
investments in renewable energy (Ernst & Young 2012, p.4). This promotes growth of the
renewable energy sector in research and connectivity to the electric grid.
Renewable sources of energy are naturally occurring and replenishing themselves. Unlike
fossil fuels, renewable sources of energy do not deplete. This means longer and consistent energy
generation from renewable sources.
Constraints of Renewable energy in manufacturing
Unlike current sources of energy like fossil fuels, renewable energy is not common to
mass numbers of people in the globe. Government policies and regulations are still negatively
biased to renewable energy with lack of subsidies and infrastructure support. Many countries do
not have an industrial base in existence that supports the use of renewable energy. The initial
capital to invest in renewable energy is high when compared to fossil fuels. The cost of
Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 14
installations, market entry and connection to the electric grid is high discouraging investment in
renewable energy.
The global and geopolitical effects of investing in renewable energy are a green concern.
Geothermal power entails hard drilling into the ground that ends in the release of harmful ground
gases. The hard drilling may also result in ground tremors and mudslides (Ernst & Young 2012,
p.4). Tidal power shifts sedimentation in ocean water that in turn affects marine life. High utility
rate structures discourage the deployment of technology used in renewable sources. The high
rates also disallow connections to the larger electrical grid.
Geo-favorable locations that have renewable energy capabilities are normally located in
remote areas that do not have transmission capabilities or that are hard to access. The process of
establishing transmission is time and cost intensive limiting deployment of renewable energy.
Renewable sources of energy make use of land intensively displacing people and rendering
productive land useless. An example is in the creation of dams in hydropower and geothermal
plants that displace a large number of people during construction and operation (Ernst & Young
2012, p.4).
Electrical energy is economically indispensable as it is the main ingredient towards
economic growth. Industries and government s require this source most to attain maximum
productivity. Renewable sources of energy are a step towards future electrical production
sustainability. Fossil fuels signify an old age of energy generation. Unredeemable and
environmentally unfriendly through the emission of green house gases. The Saudi example of the
oil depletion and the rapid population growth stresses the need for a shift to modern renewable
sources of energy. The African sub Saharan desert has the solar capabilities to power the whole
planet. This represents a global reduction of operational costs and a fully green energy
production. Unfortunately, such statistics are only written in paper rather than actualized.
Norway sets a perfect example in the capabilities of renewable energy attaining all of its
domestic electricity needs from hydro electricity. The limitations on renewable sources are
addressable and the capabilities of renewable sources are unimaginable.
Subsidies in the growing energy sources such as solar power should be implemented to
increase its competitive position in the energy market. Transformation of the transport sector into
using more efficient bio fuels. Pricing of hydrogen engines and bio-fuel engines should also be
subsidized to gain competitive position against the fossil fuel engines. Each country is
geographical different having its own set of energy advantages. Saudi Arabia has high solar
capabilities just as Scotland has high tide capabilities. Each country should carry intensive
research on the existent sources of renewable energies present and invest in the sources.
Incorporation of renewable sources into the production process should be a global priority. This
will all be in an effort of global economic growth and a greener planet.

Renewable Energy in Manufacturing 15
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