Extended Downtime Checklist

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Nexteer Automotive Extended Downtime/Start Up Checklist

Extended Management Downtime/Start Up Responsibilities

GOAL - Protect Nexteer Automotive and Its Customers
Applies to any extended, non-normal, work stoppage, or any significant change in
Yes No N/A Comments
1 Does Management have a documented Extended Downtime/Startup Plan with timing for
each major department/area that will protect the customer, tooling, machinery and
2 Is there a champion identified to check the facility daily during the shutdown?
3 Has a high risk list been generated by management identifying areas of major concern?
4 Have any additional validation actions required on startup been communicated to the
quality department, manufacturing personnel and other appropriate areas?
5 Does a published and distributed contact list exist in case of emergency during the
shutdown period?
6 Does Management have a documented floor walk to review details of the plan?
7 Is there a plan for Proactive Containment upon return from an extended downtime?
8 Are plans in place for increased in-process quality checks the week that shutdown
occurs and during the week of startup on any new parts, with special attention and
proactive containment for parts with changes, PRRs, or major disruptions in the past 12
9 Is there formal notification of Tier 2 suppliers, of the shutdown schedules and
10 Is there verification that tiered suppliers, especially sub-tier processors, have
similar/adequate shutdown/startup plans in place to support your schedule?
11 Is there a documented approval plan, including a plan for PPAP approval and PTR, if
there are significant changes to tools, machinery, processes, or new additions for
12 Is there a published list of do's and don'ts for protection of tools and equipment during
the down period, such as lubrication or preservatives?
Materials Management
13 If material changes are finalized during the shutdown period, are controls in place to
ensure the correct management of material revision level disposition, identification and
Receining Plants
Supplier Name/Mfg. Duns Location:
Part Numbers:
Extended Downtime Dates:
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Revised: October 7, 2009
Nexteer Automotive Extended Downtime/Start Up Checklist
Extended Management Downtime/Start Up Responsibilities
GOAL - Protect Nexteer Automotive and Its Customers
Applies to any extended, non-normal, work stoppage, or any significant change in
Yes No N/A Comments
Receining Plants
Supplier Name/Mfg. Duns Location:
Part Numbers:
Extended Downtime Dates:
14 Is the status of all material clearly identified as good, suspect, in-process, rework, scrap,
or ready for shipment?
Are all raw materials, purchased parts and spare parts at the required inventory levels,
and all material stored correctly to prevent damage/deterioration during the shutdown
period, including material stored at warehouses or in transportation vehicles?
Planning for Operation Start Up
16 Are specific people designated to perform pre-start up activities and final checks in each
area at the stop of operations?
Is there a plan with defined requirements and validation steps for checking the planned
maintenance, if scheduled for tooling, machinery, or processes during the shutdown?
18 Is there a plan to tryout other high risk machinery, tooling, or processes?
19 Is there a written plan to recalibrate and verify proper operation of all automated checks?
(ie - Electrical verification station, part presence probes).
20 Torque Specific - is there a written plan to recalibrate all torque monitoring systems after
the extended shutdown period?
21 Welding Specific - is there a written plan to verify weld integrity after the extended
shutdown period?
22 Is there an early startup of the normalized heating and cooling plan?
If you plan any tooling and/or equipment rebuilds, replacements, relocations, or
new startups for this period, proceed with this section
Has this information been submitted and approved through the Supplier Portal Supplier
Suggestion/Change Request application to Global Supply Management and Supplier
Page 2
Revised: October 7, 2009
Nexteer Automotive Extended Downtime/Start Up Checklist
Extended Management Downtime/Start Up Responsibilities
GOAL - Protect Nexteer Automotive and Its Customers
Applies to any extended, non-normal, work stoppage, or any significant change in
Yes No N/A Comments
Receining Plants
Supplier Name/Mfg. Duns Location:
Part Numbers:
Extended Downtime Dates:
24 Have the sufficient banks been built with appropriate safety stock and appropriate level
of audit depending on the risk, and approved by Global Supply Management, Supplier
Quality and the affected plants?
25 Is there an acceleration plan that contemplates minor problems?
26 Is there a contingency plan developed in event of a failure of the plan, with appropriate
levels of immediate communication to the customer?
27 Is there a well defined part approval plan established, including contacting the
responsible PPAP SQE to define if PPAP is required with the level and timing of
28 Is there an extended proactive containment plan communicated, understood, and
organized for flawless execution?
29 Have alarms been established at proactive containment to trigger an additional level of
containment for customer protection?
30 Tier 2/3 Impact - Are there any plans related to tool moves or supplier changes at the tier
2/3 supplier level?
Proactive Containment Checklist for Start Up After Downtime:
31 Is there a 100% check for all known customer defects from PRR's, Disruptions, High
Non Conforming Parts, etc?
32 Is there a 100% check for all KPCs, KCCs, and QCIs?
33 Does the plan specify at least a doubled frequency of all in process checks, SPC
checks, error proofing validations, and dock audits?
34 Does the plan incorporate risk areas such high RPN's, First Time Quality, PRR's, pre-
production problems, lessons learned, warranty, )?
35 Is data collected, analyzed, and used to drive improvements? (Look for inspection
reports, scheduled reviews, action plans, additional in process check data, etc.)
36 Is there a documented plan for how containment will be verified for effectiveness upon
37 Is there a layered audit process (including plant leadership) to monitor the proactive
containment plan?
Page 3
Revised: October 7, 2009
Nexteer Automotive Extended Downtime/Start Up Checklist
Extended Management Downtime/Start Up Responsibilities
GOAL - Protect Nexteer Automotive and Its Customers
Applies to any extended, non-normal, work stoppage, or any significant change in
Yes No N/A Comments
Receining Plants
Supplier Name/Mfg. Duns Location:
Part Numbers:
Extended Downtime Dates:
38 Are action plans developed and monitored to correct problems identified during proactive
39 Are operators adequately trained regarding the proactive containment plan?
40 Is there a reaction plan based upon "single defect" occurrences detected during
proactive containment (andon type system)?
41 Is a method established and in use to clearly identify shipments of proactive containment
42 Is there an understanding of the process for exiting proactive containment? (including
notification of customer plants)
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Revised: October 7, 2009

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