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Grand Theft Auto: Five

GTA is a violent game and can consist of the uses of guns, knives and explosives. During
the game you can do different missions or you can free play. Due to some speculations
of crimes, especially in the USA there have been school shootings, reportings have
sometimes stated that it can be of the influence of GTA or violent games in general,
though I agree that the game does influence violence. It is set within the USA and
based around Los Angeles , you are able to get different cars, or if you want you can
steal them from other people.

GTA is without a doubt a violent game, but I can understand as to why it can be fun to
play, though it is also clear as to why some people decide to go shooting because of how
easy it is in the game. The game has good visuals, and good sound effects, as well as
this there is a definite improvement to the other GTA games, though, there is not
much difference. You can get GTA 5 on xbox and also PC, personally, I find the PC
version better because it is easier to control. You are able to get cheats for the game,
and you can fly in helicopters and go into the sea, you can free fall from the helicopter.
During the game you are also chased by policeman but you can also get away from them
if you wish, though you need to be careful to not go over 2 stars otherwise they start
to shoot you and then if
you are shot or shot
numerous times, the game
ends. Below are some
images of the game:

I also find that the game
can be quite addictive
though this is like most
video games; I notice that
you become a bit more
violent when playing it,
wanting to complete the
missions and so forth,
which is definitely a
downside if it makes you
more violent then to what
you actually are.

I also found that the
game has some interesting
aspects, for example your
character can go to the
cinema and end up
watching a fifteen or so
cartoon movies, which are quite strange but yet entertaining because of the weirdness.
You are able to choose which gun you would like, or which weapon and then start to
shoot people (Which I take it is where criminals who play this game get the idea of
shootings and then get confused between reality and gameplay). I also like the fact
that you are able to choose which character you would like to play and that they also
have their own houses which to me, is one of the many good aspects of GTA 5. I think
that this game is a good game, although, I can definitely see why people might find it
too violent and could definitely influence people to create crimes, or perhaps people
who have a mental disorder to become confused with gameplay and reality. Although for
me personally, I had preferred the PC , as said previously, it was just simpler to control
the characters.
You can buy GTA5 through most game shops; though if you are under 18 dont expect to
be getting it from the counter. GTA5 can be played on your computer, Xbox,
Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. You can download it onto the PC through the
itunes app store, although GTA is not compatible for any MACs so if you want the game,
the best bet is to get it for any of the other platforms.
The content of the game consists of three main characters whom are Michael De
Santa, Franklin Clinton and Trevor Phillips, these three characters are the main
protagonists with whom you can pick from and they have different background stories.
There are two locations within the game these are Los Santos and Blaine County.
There has been new activities set out throughout the game, this consists of, yoga,
triathlons, jet skiing, tennis, gold and scuba diving. There are many different vehicles
within Grand Theft Auto V, which has more vehicles than any of the games to date, it
has a variety of vehicles, and this includes aeroplanes, helicopters, cars, utility vehicles,
emergency service cars, motorcycles, and jet skis.
In the game players are able to fly planes which would be impossible for GTA IV
because of the size of the map. The size of the map is larger than GTA: San Andreas,
Grand Theft Auto IV, and Red Deed
Redemption combined. As well as all these other
vehicles which are new to GTA, the players can
also use submarines to explore the Pacific

Although it isnt just vehicles which are new to
the game, the weaponry the characters can use
is also new. There appears to be a large variety
of weapons, this can include, rifles with sound
suppressors mounted flashlights, olive drab
polymer furniture and side folding-sticks. There
is also now an option to mount attachments onto various different guns, each one
affecting the performance. There are also Melee weapons like the nightstick and also
the gold club, which were not present in GTA IV, had also returned to GTA V.

The narrative of the story is open because there are so many things that you can do,
although there are three characters, you can either play them free play so without
missions, or you can do missions. Within the game there are a lot of missions revolving
around the three characters, within the three character mission profiles, there are
two to three missions the player can complete, each resolving in one criminal or
gangster act, there are a total of 69 story missions within Grand Theft Auto V, this
includes the Prologue which is set in Ludenorff, North Yankton. You can complete 59
Hobbies and Activities, which includes, flight school, sea races, darts, parachute jumps
and many more,

Since the last GTA game, they have tried to improve the graphics to enhance the
peoples gameplay, this goes from the vehicles, to the weather to wildlife. For the
Weather, they have created smog for an example, this wasnt in the last GTA game, and
they also have the game to run at 60 FPS which depends on the hardware used. For the
wildlife, they have new cars, hammerhead sharks and new dog breeds, this is to make
the game experience more lifelike and allow the gamer to be more sucked into the

GTA also have new PC and next generation releases, this is to the announcement that
there was a wide speculation and also anticipation regarding an official announcement on
Rockstar. On the website, there had been a petition with over 728000
signatures, asking for a PC version at the time of the announcement. After it had been
revealed by E3 in 2014, the news had spread like wildfire, and soon became one of the
most talked about announcements.

As the representation goes for GTA 5, it is safe to say that there is a lot of
stereotyping within the game. GTA always seems
to have men be masculine, and be the typical
gangster looking guy, or as a hard man type of
person, it is typical that in violent films, that
they tend to go for the main characters to be
males. Although this game has a lot of good
things like the activities you are able to do, I
think that the representation is poor in the sense
of stereotyping. Whereas the female characters
within the game are skinny, and are clearly only
used for the objects of men, as another poor
representation, it is too easy for the character
to get drugs and alcohol, as well as steal cars and
shoot people. This is a poor representation because of the fact these things are illegal
in real life and it is wrong for the game to not have at least some limits on what you are
able to do.

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Underworld

Tomb Raider: Underworld is the ninth game in the Tomb Raider series, and is also the
third game in the series to be developed by Crystal Dynamics. The game resumes where
the adventure of Tomb Raider: Legend had left off and also addresses elements of the
plot left unexplained.
It was announced in January 2008 that Underworld will be released in the quarter of
2008, although in June of that year it was announced that the game would be released
in November.

As many other game publishers and platforms, there was quite a few publishers, this
included Playstation3 and even MAC OS X. With the Nintendo Wii being out it was no
surprise that this game was available on both the Ninetendo DS and Wii as well as the
usual Playstation and Xbox 360.

The main character of the game is obviously Lara Croft, the narrative of this gameplay
is linear although it has an open ending because the series link with one another. The
game is left off from the previous game Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara gets the
whereabouts of the
ruins her father was
going to explore at
the bottom of the
Mediterranean Sea.
Once Lara is in the
ruins, she finds
herself inside one of
the norse
underworlds, and
inside of the
underworld is a
statue of thor the
god of thunder and lightning. It is then is she ambushed by mercenaries. I wont go into
too much detail of the plot, because there are obviously going to be some spoilers.
There are different levels within the game, this consists of the prologue, the
Mediterranean Sea, Coastal Thailand, England, and many more.

Of course the heroine must have some enemies. Although most would think the enemies
to be people, they are in fact animals, these are the:


Black Panthers.

As the development goes for the game, there had been some costume changes, for
example her costume was redesigned and that she no longer wears her trademark blue
sleeveless top and Khaki shorts, but instead, a dark brown halter top and black shorts.
Also her hair is no longer braided, but worn in a ponytail. According to play, Lara Croft
moves well and she no longer moves like a video game character, meaning that her
movements are smoother and that
there is definitely less lagging.
As well as this there had been certain
aspects of the gameplay that had
been combined together for a new
experience. In the past there had
been climbing, shooting and there was
also puzzle solving, there is now also a
new melee combat system this is
requiring Lara in some instances to
use direct combat and different
movements to distance herself from
her attacker. She is also able to split her guns and fire at two different targets
simultaneously or she is able to hold a gun and fire with an object in her hand which she
was not able to do in the previous game. There are interactive cut scenes from previous
titles which had been replaced with adrenaline moments. This is instead of specific
button presses, time can slow down and it then gives the player a chance to get out of
the harms way while retaining complete control of Lara.
As stereotyping goes for representation, it is unusual for women to get the normal
agent saves the day kind of role. Although, there is the typical structure of Lara, being
good looking and as the stereotyping goes it is typical that the game players would
make Lara in this way.

The gameplay is rather
difficult, from me
personally playing it, I
ended up giving up on
level 4 which was her
manor. Although the
gameplay and visuals were
great for the Ninetendo
Wii, where you were able
to use the nunchuck and
the remote together, it is
clear that through the
game the levels get
significantly harder, and
unless you have the time and patience to play the game every day for perhaps the whole
day, it is going to be difficult to get through each level smoothly without some thought,
which I found hard to achieve, hence giving up on just the fourth level. In the croft
manor level, she must retrieve her stuff, unlock doors and get water running and so

In comparison between GTA 5 and Tomb Raider: Underworld, there are surprisingly a
lot of differences between the graphics and the gameplay in the sense that they both
use weapons, although it is clear that Grand Theft Auto is far more violent than Tomb
Raider, this is probably because the age rating for the games are 18 and 15, which
would then restrict the tomb raider game for violent plotlines. GTA I found had more
to do and in effect was easier to play, although you have missions, I found that having
open play was also good that I think that it allowed you more freedom in what you were
able to do within GTA.
I think that Lara Croft, although it is good that you have the missions and levels, that
they could have made it so that the levels arent so hard as you go through them. The
graphics in GTA are significantly better then Lara Croft, this is probably because Lara
Croft was made within 2008 and was good for its time, whereas the same can also be
said for the graphics of GTA since it was made late 2013.
The publishers of the gameplay are similar with only one difference, although you can
get the Tomb Raider Underworld on your MAC through itunes which is the same with
GTA 5, Grand Theft Auto 5 was not available on the Ninetendo Wii but it is available on
the PS3 and 4, whereas Tomb Raider was not.
The significant difference of the violence is rather astounding, although you do get
blood and a bit of gore in Tomb Raider, the amount of gore and blood in GTA is a lot
more. The storyline are obviously going to be different, though Lara Croft is more to
the missions and actual puzzle solving and finding different artefacts or weapons,
whereas GTA is about drugs, violence, shooting people, torturing people general criminal
crimes. As well this, Tomb Raider has more meaning, for instance, you dont just shoot
people for the sake of it, if you are shooting anyone, you are shooting because these
people or animals are trying to kill you.
If I were to play any of these games again, I would play Lara Croft, simply because I
feel as if for my mental health and stability, that Lara Croft would give me more to
deal with and I might actually get through level four unlike the last time I played it, as
well as this, I personally feel as if Grand Theft Auto is a little too violent for my tastes
and that I will be sticking to the puzzle solving and different level locations.

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