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1. Part of Speech :
I the aa!"#$% &oca'(!ar" a) aa!"#$% %ra**ar +ect$o, -or)+ +(ch
a+ noun , adjective, ver and adver are used. These words are called part of speech,
and each one has a different use. If you understand how a word is used in a sentence,
you will be able to understand when it is used incorrectly. Studying the part of speech
and their functions will help you analyze a sentence.
These are eight parts of speech and their abbreviations:
Part of speech
( abbreviations )
Definition Example
Noun ( n ) A person, animal, place or
Man, dog, hotel, car
Pronoun ( pron ) A word that replaces a noun ,we,!ou,the!,he,
Ad#ective (ad#) A word that describes a noun An honest man
$erb ( v ) A word that is a state of being
or an action
%e became tired"
made a ca&e"
Adverb ( adv ) A word that describes a verb 'he drives carefully
Preposition (prep) A word that shows a
relationship between two
(he boo& on m! des&
)on#unction (con#) A word that connects two
phrases or clauses
)ome here and bring a pen
nter#ection (inter#) A word that represents some
sort of exclamation
Wow! (hat*s an ama+ing
ther important grammar terms and abbreviation:
!rticle " art # : a , an , the.
!u$iliary " au$ # : be, modals
%oordinate " coord # &
Subordinate " sub #&
'erund " ger #
Infinitive " inf #
Sub(ect " sub( #
b(ect " ob( #
.. Part of +etece
The part of a +etece can also be classified" A sentence is usuall! made up of an
independent clause , a sub#ect and verb that can stand on its own and ma&e sense"
An independent clause is also referred to as a main clause"
E/a*p!e :
0e a!! ha&e coffee $ the *or$%
Ma$ c!a(+e
Aother *a$ c!a(+e ca 'e a))e) a) 1o$e) to the f$r+t -$th a
coor)$ate co1(ct$o :
S('1ect ,
-" .... / No( : per+o, p!ace, th$% , )e&$)e) $to : 6 17 co(ta'!e, 6 .7
(co(ta'!e 7.
0ive example for ,
-" person , """""""
1" place , """""""
2" thing , """"""""
0ive example for ,
countable ( dpt di hitung ) 3 uncountable ( ta& dpt di hitung ) noun , bisa (singular 4
tunggal 3 Plural 4 #ama& 5 ban!a& ) ,
)ountable Noun 6ncountable noun Note ,
1" ..... / Pronoun , devide into : &inds of pronoun ,
0ive example for ,
(-) Personal Pronoun"
(1) Possesive pronoun"
(2) Demonstrative pronoun"
Pre)$cate , ;in&ing verb or <ull $erb, $erb tenses"
-" 0ive example for lin&ing verb"
1" 0ive example for full verb"
2" 0ive example for verb tenses ( e"g" simple present vs present continuous etc" )"
O'1ect : ( Noun 5 Pronoun 5 Ad#ective 5 adverb 5etc" )
0ive example for ,
Ad#ective ,
Adverb ,
Mo)$f$er , pre and post modifier"
( e"g" , article" demonstrative pronoun" con#unction, preposition, exclamation)"
)ontent words carr! the &e! information = usuall! stressed" ( pene&anan pengucapan
<unction words give us important information"
n English, the content words are stressed"
>e spend more time sa!ing the content words than the function words"
Example ,
I9* %o$% o a )ate to$%ht -$th *" e- %$r!fr$e).
)ontent words , going 5 date 5 tonight 5 new 5 grilfriend"
<unction words , *m 5 on 5 a 5 with 5 m!"
)ontent words , Nouns 5 Main $erb 5 Ad#ectives 5 Adverbs"
<unction words, Determiners 5 auxiliar! verbs 5 preposition5 con#unction5
Pract$ce :
%e can*t watch the ($ until it is repaired"
'ome tall people were tal&ing noisil! in the garden"
t is sometimes easier to go to wor& on foot than to ta&e the bus"
'ome people li&e chocolate, but prefer cheese"
A" Put the words from these sentenses into their correct places in the table"
Cotet -or)+
Main $erbs
3(ct$o -or)+
Auxiliar! $erbs
'a! these two sentences ? notice how long it ta&es to sa! each sentence"
a" Mi&e*s new bi&e is reall! cool but @uite expensive"
b" 0o and get the cup that*s on the table and put it over there b! the sin&"
'entence b has man! more words but it ta&es about the same time to as
sentence a, >h! A
(o pronouonce sentences naturall! in English it is important to understand
which t!pes of words are normall! stressed and which are unstressed"
'ometimes we do stress function words if the! are important to the meaning" Practice
the different wa!s of sa!ing the &e! words in these sentence"
>as thin& it was the right to do
disagree E thin& it was the right thing to do
Do Do !ou want to go on <rida! A
thin& the! do want to go on <rida!"
Cou if !ou want to , we can leave now"
Dh E thought it was !ou E
08AMMA8 <D)6' ( 6N( - ) , (D 7E (am, is , are )
A. To 'e 5 No( : L$:$% Ver'.
7entu& to be sebagai &ata &er#a penghubung (lin&ing $erb) dan tida& mempun!ai
arti &husus" 'ering &ata tersebut tida& dapat di ter#emah&an" 'ebagai lin&ing verb
to be bisa diter#emah&an F adalah F, tetapi tida& la+im dalam bahasa ndonesia"
(G) 'he is an obstetrician , a (adalah ) do&ter &andungan"
'he is a midwife , a bidan"
(he! are midwives , Mere&a bidan"
(.) 'he is not an obstetrician , a bu&an do&ter &andungan"
'he is not a midwife , a bu&an bidan"
(he! are not a midwives , Mere&a bu&an bidan"
(A) s she an obstetrician A , Apa&ah ia do&ter &andungan A
s she a midwife A , Apa&ah ia bidan A
Are the! a midwives A , Apa&ah mere&a bidan A
B. To 'e 5 a)1ect$&e : L$:$% Ver'.
7entu& to be G ad#ective adalah lin&ing verb"
%er complexion is pale , mu&an!a pucat"
Assessing the earl! pregnanc! is ver! important"
Mela&u&an peng&a#ian awal &ehamilan sangat penting"
C. To 'e 5 prepo+$t$oa! phra+e.6o, $, at7
7entu& to be !ang dii&uti oleh &ata.&ata atau &elompo& &ata benda lain !ang di
mulai dengan &ata depan berfungsi sebagai &ata &er#a penuh ( full verb )"
7entu& to be ini biasan!a diter#emah&an FadaH"
(he mother is in the maternit! unit" , ibun!a ada di ruang maternitas"
(he babb! is in the incubator , ba!in!a ada di in&ubator"
D" There $+ ; there are.... ( bentu& ini di ter#emah&an F ada F )"
E" To 'e a'!e to .... ( bentu& ini diter#emah&an F mampu 5 dapat F"
08AMMA8 <D)6' ( 6N( 1 ) , PA''$E $D)E
A" 7entu& dasar , (o be G Past Participle
(o be , am 5 is 5 are 5 be 5 been 5 being 5 was 5 were"
Past Participle , biasa!a disebut secara tida& la+im sebagai &ata &er#a bentu& &e 2,
ada 1 bentu&"
(-) 8egular verb, &elompo& &ata &er#a dengan tambahan a&hiran ? ed pada &ata
7ase Past Past Participle
>or& wor&ed wor&ed
(1) rregular verb, &elompo& &ata &er#a !ang mengalami perubahan bentu& dari
&ata dasarn!a" 7entu&n!a bisa sama atau berbeda dengan bentu& Past <orm"
7ase Past Past Participle
'tand stood stood
'ee saw seen
Exercise ,
<ill in the culomns with the correct form"
No" 7ase Past Past Participle Meaning
-" 'erve served served mela!ani
1" 7reathe
2" blew
I" heard
J" <eel
K" ;a!
: reported
L" 8ead
M" grown
-N" had
--" examined
7" 7entu& to be G """"""" ed"
Dalam contoh contoh beri&ut ini, bentu& to be G """""" ed men!erupai &onstru&si
&alimat pasif, tetapi bu&an &alimat pasif, bentu& ? ed disini harus dipandang
sebagai &ata sifat &eadaan( ad#ective)"
-" the patient is tired"
1" the !oung girl is bored with her to!"
2" (he pediatric unit is located near the post ? natal clinic"
(o be G """""""""""""""""" ed Meaning
(o be interested
(o be prepared
(o be tired
(o be frightened
(o be up set
(o be determined
(o be disappointed
(o be bro&en . hearted
08AMMA8 <D)6' ( 6N( 2 ) ,
'MP;E P8E'EN( (EN'E (A<<8MA($E 3 NE0A($E)
Dipa&ai untu& men!ata&an ,
-" &ebiasaan !ang di la&u&an sehari.hari"
(he morning shif in this hospital start at :"NN a"m"
1" &ebenaran 5 fa&ta umum"
(he amniotic fluid distends the amniotic sac"
2" situasi 5 &ebenaran 5 fa&ta !ang ada saat berbicara"
'he feels contractions of her uterus"
'tud! the changes of verbs following the sub#ect"
sub#ect Affirmative negative
'uffer form influen+a Don*t suffer from influen+a
>e 'uffer form influen+a Don*t suffer from influen+a
Cou 'uffer form influen+a Don*t suffer from influen+a
(he! 'uffer form influen+a Don*t suffer from influen+a
%e 'uffers from influen+a Doesn*t suffer from influen+a
'he 'uffers from influen+a Doesn*t suffer from influen+a
t ( the bird) 'uffers from avian influen+a Doesn*t suffer from avian influen+a
(he pig 'uffers from swan influen+a Does*nt suffer from avian influen+a
%ow ma&e the @uestions sentence from the table A
08AMMA8 <D)6' (6N( I) ,
P8E'EN( PE8<E)(
A" PA((E8N , ' G %A$E G %A' G $E87 ( PA'( PA8()P;E )"
)atatan ,
-" 7entu& have 5 has dalam pola diatas berfungsi sebagai &ata bantu"
1" untu& menun#u&&an suatu tinda&an !ang sudah pernah ter#adi, atau belum
pernah ter#adi saat dibicara&an se&arang ini" Mengenai wa&tu ter#adin!a tida&
di tentu&an"
untu& menun#u&&an situasi !ang sudah di mulai pada wa&tu tertentu di wa&tu
lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai saat ini , ciri ? ciri ,
since G mulai wa&tu tertentu , since -M1L"
<or G laman!a wa&tu , for three !ears"
Pattern , have G been G $erb ing
Balimat tan!a !ang dipa&ai diawali dengan , %ow long""""""A
2" %ow long have !ou been in !our gestation A for J month
ciri ? ciri ,
since G mulai wa&tu tertentu , since -M1L"
<or G laman!a wa&tu , for three !ears"
Pattern , have G been G $erb ing
Balimat tan!a !ang dipa&ai diawali dengan , %ow long""""""A
%ow long have !ou been in !our gestation A for J month
I" 7entu& have 5 has G got , berarti FmengalamiH"
J" 7entu& have 5 has G ob#ect , berfungsi sebagai &ata &er#a penuh berarti
mempun!ai" E"g" have two children"
K" 7entu& have 5 has dii&uti to infinitive berarti, FharusH , e"g" have to go"
have to refer !ou to an obstetrician"
7" O6E'(DN
PA((E8N , %ave !ou G verb atau %as she 5 he G verb
(ermasu& #enis Ces ? No @uestions #adi #awabann!a !es atau no"
)"Bata.&ata !ang sering muncul dalam penggunaan Present Perfect"
Ever , pernah
Never , tida& pernah
9ust , baru sa#a"
8ecentl! , a&hir.a&hir ini"
Cet , belum
Alread! , sudah
08AMMA8 <D)6' ( 6N( J ) , AD9E)($E AND AD$E87
Ad#ective form ( men#elas&an &ata benda ) , e"g" 'exual, real, fast
Adverb form (men#elas&an &ata &er#a) , e"g" sexuall!, reall!, fast
A)1ect$&e a)&er'
Ouic& G l! Ouic&l!
Adverb of <re@uenc!"
Most fre@uent Nearl! alwa!s, almost alwa!s
6suall!, normall!, generall!, regularl!
Dften, fre@uentl!
Dccasionall!, now and then
8arel!, seldom
%ardl! ever, scarcel! ever"
;east fre@uent
Adverb of duration"
Alwa!s, recentl!, latel! (baru sa#a), temporaril! (dalam wa&tu sing&at,sementara)"
AD9E)($E AND AD$E87 in rregular forms"
AD9E)($E AD$E87
fast fast
hard hard
earl! earl!
late late
good well
-" '6<<P, .al , .ic, .ical"
A&hiran ?al, .ic, .ical berfungsi membentu& &ata sifat (ad#ective) dari &ata benda"
Maternit! Maternal
<etus fetal
'pine spinal
$agina vaginal
<undus fundal
Abdomen abdominal
Placenta placental
%ormone hormonal
Antenatur antenatal
0eriatr! geriatric
Ps!chiatr! ps!chiatric
Dentistr! dental
Medicine medical
'urger! surgical
1" '6<<P ?or , . er , . ist 5 . ian 5 . ant , a&hiran ini biasan!a mengubah suatu &ata
sehingga mempun!ai arti ,
-" men!ata&an Fpela&u F 5 orang !ang menger#a&an"
1" benda !ang di pa&ai sebagai alat untu& mela&u&an pe&er#aan !ang di sebut pada
&ata dasar ( . er 5 . or )
$erb 5 Noun Agent Example, noun phrase !ou can find
in hospital"
$isit (v)
Direct (v)
%ealth visitor , pengawas &esehatan"
%ospital visitor , pengun#ung rumah sa&it"
Director of nursing service , &epala perawat"
Dffice (n)
0eneral practitioner, do&ter pra&te& umum
Nurse practitioner , perawat pra&te&"
%ouse officer , posisi do&ter !ang telah
men!elesai&an pra ? registrasi"
'cience (n)
Ph!sics (n)
Dentistr! (n)
ntern (n)
Ahli fisi&a
Do&ter gigi
Do&ter ahli pen!a&it dalam
Dbstetrics (n)
Ph!sics (n)
Do&ter spesialis &andungan
Do&ter umum"
Assist (v)
)onsult (v)
Nursing assistant , asisten &eperawatan
%ospital consultant, posisi do&ter paling
tinggi dalam rumah sa&it di 6B" 'eorang
do&ter !ang mendapat titel FconsultantH
harus lulus training spesialisasi"
I" Membentu& &eterangan arah" 'uffix , .ward, .wards"
Noun5preposition Adverb Example 5 meaning
'outh (n) 'outhward Bearah selatan
Down (prep) Downward Bearah bawah
Dut (prep) Dutward Bearah luar
n (prep) nward Bearah dalam
-" (he ad#ective FhighH becoming F higher shows a co*par$+o" t is in a
co*parat$&e )e%ree.
1" 'tud! the following sentence ( as found in the reading passage)"
2" (he ad#ective Fstro% 'eco*$% +tro%e+tH shows a comparison" t is in a
+(per!at$&e )e%ree"
I" 'tud! the following sentence ( as found in the reading passage)
The contraction is felt strongest in the fundus.
5. The degree of comparison
Po+$t$&e )e%ree, is shown with F a+ .................... a+
The process of delivery ta)es as long as the previous one.
The co*parat$&e )e%ree usuall! shown with *ore, a)1ect$&e 5 er and
the irregular form of comparative, and the word >tha?, a)
*o more than one hour we should reach the hospital.
+our abdomen will be bigger and bigger during your pregnancy"
S(per!at$&e )e%ree is shown with the 5 +(per!at$&e for* 6e+t7.
Co*parat$&e a) S(per!at$&e A)1ect$&e+
3or* :
Co*parat$&e S(per!at$&e
Short a)1ect$&e )heap
A)1ect$&e+ that
E) $ "
A)1ect$&e+ -$th
T-o +"!a'!e+ of
More careful
More boring
More expensive
More interesting
Most careful
Most boring
Most expensive
Most interesting
<urther 5 farther
<urthest 5 farthest
Short a)1ect$&e+ -$th oe &o-e! a) oe co+oat )o('!e the
co+oat :
2ot ; hotter ; hotte+t, fat ; fatter ; fatte+t.
U+e :
1. Tha is often used after a co*parat$&e a)1ect$&e"
I,m younger than -arbara.
-arbara,s more intelligent than Sarrah.
M(ch ca co*e 'efore the co*parat$&e to %$&e e*pha+$+.
She,s much nicer than her sister.
Is To)yo much more modern than .ondon /
.. The is used before +(per!at$&e a)1ect$&e+.
0e,s the funniest boy in the class.
Which is the tallest building in the world /
@. a+ ......... a+ shows that something"
I+9t the +a*e or eA(a!.
She isn,t as tall as her mother
1y car wasn,t to e$pensive as yours
)omparison of ad#ectives and Adverbs , )omparative and 'uperlative Degrees
-" (he comparative degree is used to compare two people or things" Add ? er to
form the comparative of ad#ectives and adverbs of one s!llable"
Ad#ectives Adverbs
(all taller fast faster
)heap cheaper hard harder
'afe safer low lower
9ohn is tall" 7ill is taller"
A train goes fast" An airplane goes faster"
1" 'pelling )hanges" Dobule the consonenant for ad#ectives of one s!llable
ending in a single vowel letter plus a single consonant"
7ig bigger fat fatter
%ot hotter thin thinner
M! house is big" Cou house is bigger"
(oda! is hot" Cesterda! was hotter"
<or ad#ectives of two s!llables ending ?!, change the ! to i and add ?er"
*m bus!" Cou*re busier"
(his suitcase is heav!" (hat suitcase is heavier"
2" Note the word than which occurs before the word that is being compared"
Ad#ectives Adverbs
7ic!cles are cheaper than motorc!cles" (om drives faster than
;inda is thinner than 9ulie" %is father"
A suitcase is heavier than a briefcase Airplanes fl! higher than
'usan studied harder for
the test than Mi&e"
I" (he superlative degree is used to compare three or more people or things"
Add ? est to ma&e the superlative of ad#ective and adverbs of one s!llable"
(all ? taller ? tallest faster ? faster ? fastest
'ad ? sadder ?saddest hard ? harder ? hardest
Nois! ? noisier ? noisiest high ? higher ? highest
J" Note the ad#ectives and adverbs with irregular forms"
0ood ? better ? best well ? better ? best
7ad ? worse ? worst badl! ? worse ?worst
<ar ? farther ? farthest
K" Ad#ectives and adverbs in the superlative are normall! preceded b! the
definite article the" (he! are often followed b! a prepositional phrase which
indicates the group that is being compared"
9ohn is the tallest bo! in our class"
<ran& and 9uli*s house is the biggest of all"
7obbb! and #effr! are the noisiest children in the room"
(he Pi++eria has the best pi++a in town"
M! coo&ing is bad, (ed*s coo&ing is worse, but Mi&e*s coo&ing is the worst of
Mar! runs the fastest of an!one in herclass"
Cou wor&ed the hardest on this pro#ect"
;uc! has the best posture" 'he is standing the straightest"
Alex sings the best of all"
>e wal&ed the farthest of an!one"
:" Ad#ectives of two or more s!llables not ending in ?! and adverbs ending in ?
l! form their comparative with more and their superlative with most or the
)areful ? more careful ? most careful
)arefull! ? more carefull! ? most carefull!
)omfortable ? more comfortable ? most comfortable
)ommfortabl! ? more comfortabl! ? most comfortabl!
'erious ? more serious ? most serious
'eriousl! ? more seriousl! ? most seriousl!"
A motorc!cle is more expensive tha a bic!cle, but an automobile is the most
expernsive of all"
Nora is more patient than 7ruce, but ;ori is the most patient of all"
am more cheerful than m! brother, but m! sister is the most cheerful of all"
Dan drives more carefll! than Mar&, but steve drives the most carefull! of all"
8ita spea&s more clearl! than Nanc!, but >end! spea&s the most clearl! of
an!one in the class"
9im writes more ligibl! than Beith, but Debbie werites the mos legibl! of
an!one in the class"
-" >;; ? )AN ? MAC termasu& dalam &elompo& Modal Auxiliar!"
1" Modal Auxiliar! mempun!ai beberapa &e&hususan,
1"-" tida& mempun!ai bentu& a&hiran ?s"
1"1" tida& mempun!ai bentu& a&hiran ? ing"
1"2" tida& mempun!ai bentu& a&hiran ? ed (participle)"
1"I" beberapa modal auxiliar! (can ? ma! ? shall ? will ) mempun!ai bentu&
lampau, tetapi tida& ada bentu& lampau untu& Fma!H"
2" Bata &er#a !ang mengi&uti Modal Auxiliar! selalu 5 harus berbentu& infinitive
>ithout to atau (bare infinitive )"
3or* : S 5 Mo)a! A(/$!$ar" 5 BI
I" <unction ,
Modal Description 5 example function Meaning
>ill In this case, doctors will
change the medication"
Dalam &asus ini, do&ter
A&an mengganti pemberian
(wa&tu !ang a&an
Will you turn on2off the T3
*urse /
'uster, tolong N!ala 5
mati&an sa#a($ n!a
>ould >ould !ou ta&e a
Polite re@uest Mau&ah,
tolong" ;ebih
)an +ou can consume very
limited calorie.
Permission boleh
Anda boleh meng&onsumsi
Balori dalam #umlah !ang
sangat terbatas"
This )ind of disease can
still be cured.
t is still possible for the
doctor to cure the disease
Pen!a&it #enis ini masih
bisa disembuh&an
Possibilit! 7isa
%an you help me lift up my
leg /
8e@uest 7isa&ah"
)ould %ould you tell me a
history of labor /
Polite re@uest Dapat&ah,
Ma! 7isa diguna&an dalam
pengertian seperti can
dalam nuansa !ang lebih
halus lagi"
7isa, boleh"
+ou may consume very
limited calorie
Permission boleh
This )ind of fracture may
still be cured
Possibilit! of the
fact"(lbh &uat dari
7isa, mung&in
-" Dalam bacaan &ita berhadapan dengan &alimat.&alimat" Dalam &alimat itu terdapat
unsur.unsur pembentu& &alimat !ang disebut Fpart of speechH !ang terdiri dari,
1" ND6N (&ata benda) didalam &alimat biasan!a tida& berdiri sendiri" Bata benda itu
ditulis&an men#adi bagian dari satu &elompo& &ata !ang disebut noun cluster"
2" Noun cluster itu selalu terdiri dari ,
Determiner , &ata !ang memberi batasan terhadap &ata benda !ang
disebut&an, antara lain (a) article , the, a , an" (b) demonstrative,
this,that,these,those" (c) possesive determiner, m!,!our,his,her,its,our,their)"
%eadword , sebagai &ata inti"
Modifier , berfungsi menerang&an &ata inti
Betiga bagian itu membentu& satu pengertian dalan noun cluster"
)ontoh , (he emergenc! room , (room , headword) (emergenc!,modifier )
(the , determiner (article) )"
J" Didalam &alimata, &eterangan mengenai &ata benda bisa &ita temu&an
mendahului &ata benda atau sesudah &ata benda !ang men#adi po&o
(headword) atau merupa&an &ombinasi &eduan!a, sehingga &ita bisa
menemu&an beberapa variasi"
J"-" Determiner ? headword ? postmodifier"
(he patient in the )6"
(he 4 determiner
Patients 4 headword
n the )6 4 post modifier"
J"1" Determiner ? premodifier ? headword"
(he old patient"
(he 4 determiner
Dld 4 pre modifier
Patient 4 headword
J"2" Determiner ? pre modifier ? headword ? post modifier
(he old patien in the )6
(he 4 determiner
Dld 4 pre modifier
Patient 4 headword
n the )6 4 Post modifier
K" Pre modifier , &eterangan pada &ata benda !ang dileta&&an mendahului &ata
benda" Ad#ective dan Noun dapat berfungsi sebagai pre modifier"
An adolescent female 4 seorang wanita dewasa" (adolescent 4 ad#ective
modifier )"
An operation room 4 ruang operasi" ( operasi 4 noun modifier)"
:" Post modifier , &ata atau &elompo& &ata !ang di tambah&an pada &ata po&o&
untu& memberi batasan &eterangan pada &ata po&o& tersebut !ang dapat
men#adi post modifier"
Prepositional group , (he nurses in this hospital"
Present participle , A woman sta!ing in bed"
Past participle , A woman scheduled to have an operation
Re!at$&e C!a(+e : That ; 0h$ch f(ct$oe) a+ a o'1ect.
-" 8elative clause derives from a basic structure consisting more than one
1" A clause is a part of a sentence" A 8elative clause tell us which person or
thing the spea&er means"
2" >e can use relative clauses with, -ho when tal&ing about people ( see more
in unit -- ), or that ; -h$ch when tal&ing about things"
I" n 7ahasa ndonesia the relative clause can be translated as , !ang me """ 5
di """" etc"
J" 'ome &er'+ are fo!!o-e) '" >thatH" It $+ ot a re!at$&e c!a(+e. t can not be
translated in 7ahasa ndonesia a+ "a% """ (see note K below )"
K" (he sentences (2) (I) are called +('1(ct$&e. (he verbs li&e,
)e*a), reA($re, $+$+t, +(%%e+t, 'e o'!$%ator", 'e *a)ator" are ver!
common (speciall! in AmE)" <ollowed b! Fthat? ?clause, or sometime it is
called as a +('Fc!a(+e" 'ee also the sentence (J) """ resulted that her -e$%ht $+
o her +acr(*.. (but the sentence (J) starting -h$ch )$rect+ """ is called
8elative clause )"
Dthers example ,
I hope " that ) you will get better soon "subjuntive ).
Some women claim that they felt unpleasantly drowsy after getting
intramuscular pethidine in(ection.
:" (he sentence (-) on ho- "" is called No*$a! C!a(+e that f(ct$o+ a+ a
co*p!$*et of a prepo+t$o" Another example is shown below,
The decision will depend on whether the condition worsens or not.
L" >e can use where in a relative clause to tal& about p!ace+.
The hospital where my wife was hospitalized is very clean.
M" Cou can use -ho+e in a relative clause instead of h$+ ; her ; the$r"
Infants whose mothers received pethidine during labor may be slow to
establish spontaneous respiration.
Infants may be slow to establish spontaneous respiration.
Their mother received pethidine during labor"
1D. The f(ct$o of re!at$&e c!a(+e $ the *a$ +etece ca 'e a +('1ect or a
o'1ect or o'1ect of prepo+$t$o.
The woman who speaks to my wife is a midwife. "sub(ect#
I )now the woman who speaks to my wife "ob(ect#.
I tal)ed with the woman who helped my wife. "ob(ect of preposition#.
-" Cou use verb ? ing comes after a preposition ( in 5 a 5 with 5 about 5 of 5 while,
than, etc" )"
1" )ertain verbs are followed b! verb ? ing or to infinitive"
8ecommend, Advise, Encourage, Allow, Permit"
)ompare the two possible structures after these verbs,
The management doesn,t allow smo)ing in this hospital.
The management doesn,t allow anyone to smo)e in this hospital.
I wouldn,t recommend staying here longer than 45 days.
I wouldn,t recommend you to stay here longer than 45 days.
2" >e use a verb ending in N0 functioned as an ad#ective ( N0 ? clause),to sa!
what someone ( or something ) is doing or was doing at a particular time"
'o it is advisable to underta&e a bath using #ust warm water as this is sufficient
to clean the bab!"
(he man tal&ing to m! wife is an Dbstetrician"
I" ng clause have an active meaning" (dalam bahasa ndonesia di ter#emah&an
!ang """" 5 !ang sedang """""""" )
J" >e use verb ? ing when a verb is functioned as 'ub#ect"
6riving car is still permitted for women in the early pregnancy.
-athing a baby using cold water will ma)es the baby lose heat.
K" >e use to infinitive after certain verbs such as,
Agree arrange
8efuse hope
Promise appear
(hreaten seem
Dffer pretend
Attempt afford
Manage forget
<ail lear (how)
Decide dare
Plan tend
Example, 'he decided to deliver her bab! normall!"
BOT2 .....AND ; EIT2ER .... OR, NEIT2ER ..... NOR .......
>e can use both"""" and ""5 either """ or """5 neither """ nor ""5 negative sentence)
Neither """" positive sentence 5statement)"
>hen we are tal&ing about two things in one sentence Cou can use these words with a
The s)in should be cleaned at this time with either warm water or a baby wipe.
(he combination of these two structures is called correlative
coordination5coordinating con#unction is made more emphatic"
0er doctor allow as her neither to drin) alcohol nor to smo)e.
>e can use both.and, either.or, neither.nor with a verb"(see above , or see the
example below) an ad#ective, or a noun"
!fter delivering a baby, the mother feels both tired and hungry.
Stic)y eyes are commonly due to bloc)ed tear ducts and are usually neither infected
nor inflamed.
*either man in the village had much money, so they decided to collaborate to build a
Another use of neither is shown below,
It is not necessary to bath the baby everyday, neither is it necessary to wash the
baby,s hair with each bath.
Meaning of con#unction ,
P and C , Plus, coordinating
Either P or C , one or the other of two alternatives is true ( or) both
alternatif are true"
Neither P nor C , con#oins two negative facts, both of which are true
Mengguna&an &on#ungsi berpasangan , 7oth"""" andR not onl! """but alsoR
Either """" orR neither """"" nor" ( paired con#unctions are also called correlative
(a) 7oth m! mother and m! sister are here"
(b) Not onl! m! mother but also m! sister is here"
(c) Not onl! m! sister but also m! parents are here"
(wo sub#ects connected b! 'oth..a) ta&e a
plural verb"
>hen two sub#ects are connected b! not
(d) Neither m! mother nor m! sister is here"
(e) Neither m! sister nor m! parents are here"
onl!"""but also" Either""or, or neither""nor, the
sub#ects that is closer to the verb detemines
whether the verb is singular or plural"
(f) (he research pro#ect will ta&e both time and mone!,
(g) Cesterda! it no onl! rained but (also) snowed"
(h) *ll ta&e either chemistr! or ph!sics next @uarter"
(i) (hat boo& is neither interesting nor accurate"
Notice the parallel structure in the examples"
(he same grammatical form should follow
each word of the pair"
n (f) both G noun G and G noun"
n (g) not onl! G verb G but also G verb"
n (h) either G noun G or G noun"
n (i) neither G ad#ective G nor G ad#ective"
)ontent words carr! the meaning"= usuall! stressed"
<unction words give us important information"
Example ,
I9* %o$% o a )ate to$%ht -$th *" e- %$r!fr$e).
)ontent words , going 5 date 5 tonight 5 new 5 grilfriend"
<unction words , *m 5 on 5 a 5 with 5 m!"
)ontent words , Nouns 5 Main $erb 5 Ad#ectives 5 Adverbs"
<unction words, Determiners 5 auxiliar! verbs 5 preposition5 con#unction5
Pract$ce :
%e can*t watch the ($ until it is repaired"
'ome tall people were tal&ing noisil! in the garden"
t is sometimes easier to go to wor& on foot than to ta&e the bus"
'ome people li&e chocolate, but prefer cheese"
A" Put the words from these sentenses into their correct places in the table"
Cotet -or)+
Main $erbs
3(ct$o -or)+
Auxiliar! $erbs

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