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Proactive vs.

The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead. Working to master his/her own
environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise.

How do you handle yourself in unexpected or uncomfortable situations? An effective leader will
adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing his/her best to adjust.

A Good Communicator
As a leader, one must listen...a lot! You must be willing to work to understand the needs and
desires of others. A good leader asks many questions, considers all options, and leads in the
right direction.

Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect.

Quiet Confidence
Be sure of yourself with humble intentions.

Excitement is contagious. When a leader is motivated and excited about the cause people will be
more inclined to follow.

Work to consider all options when making decisions. A strong leader will evaluate the input from
all interested parties and work for the betterment of the whole.

Utilize the resources available to you. If you don't know the answer to something find out by
asking questions. A leader must create access to information.

An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and reinforce those actions. We all
enjoy being recognized for our actions!

Well Educated
Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community policies, procedures, organizational
norms, etc. Further, your knowledge of issues and information will only increase your success in
leading others.

Open to Change
A leader will take into account all points of view and will be willing to change a policy, program,
cultural tradition that is out-dated, or no longer beneficial to the group as a whole.

Interested in Feedback
How do people feel about your leadership skill set? How can you improve? These are important
questions that a leader needs to constantly ask the chapter. View feedback as a gift to improve.

Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/group to improve and
progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and change programs and policies that
are not working.

Are you prepared for meetings, presentations, events and confident that people around you are
prepared and organized as well?

Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership being consistent. People must
have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will be heard and taken into consideration.

An exceptional leader realizes that he/she cannot accomplish everything on his own. A leader will
know the talents and interests of people around him/her, thus delegating tasks accordingly.

A leader should work to be the motivator, an initiator. He/she must be a key element in the
planning and implementing of new ideas, programs, policies, events, etc.
12 Characteristics of an Effective
Posted on by Dale Roach2
Effective leadership has certain, basic, visionary, characteristics. The aim of a strong
leader is to translate their vision into reality. So, how is this done?
An Effective Leader is a Risk-Taker
An effective leader attempts to bring about great changes. These changes are not
without risks. A strong leader is also very creative. They will try new approaches even
if it presents possible failure. Effective leaders recognize that failure is only
temporary and that this setback gives a clearer understanding of what not to do in the
future. The overall attitude of a risk-taking leader is that, You ultimately fail when
you dont give it a try!
An Effective Leader has Self-control
Strong leaders know that their ability to stay calm, even in the worst of conflicts, is a
character trait that must be nurtured and grown. The effective leaders mantra
is,When you lose your temper, you lose.
An Effective Leader is a Caring Individual
Strong leadership can never take place if those we lead think we do not care. Leaders
should show a caring attitude about the mission of their organization however; their
concern for each individual team member must take priority over everything else.
An Effective Leader is Modest
Self-evaluation is a strong characteristic of an effective leader. A good leader does
not have a problem in being evaluated or receiving criticism. No one enjoys being
corrected but an effective leader sees it for what it is: an opportunity for personal
An Effective Leader is Balanced
A good leader does not ignore any area of their personal life. They understand that to
do well they must keep up good health, physically, spiritually, emotionally and
An Effective Leader is Resolute
A strong leader must make wise decisions. They must also be willing to listen to wise
counsel. A strong leader is determined and admirably purposeful. There is a strong
character unwavering determination.
An Effective Leader is Motivational
A motivational leader enjoys their task. They are optimistic about their purpose.
Change requires taking risks, personal growth and challenges. A motivational leader
does not back down from a challenge but is willing to lead the way as an inspirational
An Effective Leader is a Clear Communicator
It is important to understand that communication is not solely conversation. A good
communicator aims to make sure that their message is understood. The skill of
communication is grown upon the skill of listening. Listening is as important as talking
and an effective leader listens more than they talk.
An Effective Leader is a Visionary
A leader must be a dreamer. A productive leader is someone who can see into the
future. The challenge for every visionary leader is not to get so far ahead of the team
in what they see that they leave them behind, lost, wandering about the future
direction. A visionary is a dreamer but they are also a strong communicator of their
Effective leadership has certain, basic, visionary, characteristics. The aim of a strong
leader is to translate their vision into reality. So, how is this done?
An Effective Leader has a Sense of Humor
Good leaders take their work seriously however, they do not mind laughing at
themselves. A healthy leader does not have a problem in finding humor in their own
mistakes or blunders. A productive leader knows that laughter is good for the soul. A
humorous person can lead a team even through the most challenging times.
An Effective Leader is Ethical
A strong leader has a strong moral base. There is no question about their character.
What you see is what you get. There is nothing more defeatist than a dishonest or
lying leader. A strong leader has strong convictions.
An Effective Leader is Dedicated to the "Cause"
Being an effective leader is not easy but it is necessary for the success of any
organization or team. Dedication is key. Being able to convey commitment to a clear
purpose and cause is essential. The strong leader will communicate the "cause" as
often as possible.
Every successful team needs an EFFECTIVE LEADER!

Below is a list of skills that are likely to be relevant to a wide variety of leadership positions and
situations. As you read these skills, underline those that you believe you are already prepared to do
well, and circle those that you think youll need to make substantial improvement.
Advising Delegating Partnering
Calculating Designing Planning
Coaching Evaluating Problem solving
Collaborating Explaining Producing
Communicating Initiating Proving
Coordinating Motivating Referring
Creating Negotiating Resolving
Networking Summarizing
Below is a list of personal qualities or characteristics that are likely to be relevant in a wide variety
of leadership positions and situations. As you read these personal qualities, underline those you
believe you already possess, and circle those that you believe you need to improve.
Authentic, Credible,
and Trustworthy
Ethical and Equitable
Empathic and Compassionate
Collaborative and Resourceful
Accountable, Available, and Reliable
Respectful and Humble
Committed and Passionate
Persistent and Resilient
Enthusiastic and Optimistic
Visionary, Inspirational, and Motivational
Knowledgeable about self, others, and context

Self-confidence encompasses the traits of high self-esteem, assertiveness, emotional stability,
and self-assurance. Individuals that are self-confident do not doubt themselves or their abilities
and decisions; they also have the ability to project this self-confidence onto others, building their
trust and commitment. Integrity is demonstrated in individuals who are truthful, trustworthy,
principled, consistent, dependable, loyal, and not deceptive. Leaders with integrity often share
these values with their followers, as this trait is mainly an ethics issue. It is often said that these
leaders keep their word and are honest and open with their cohorts. Sociability describes
individuals who are friendly, extroverted, tactful, flexible, and interpersonally competent. Such a
trait enables leaders to be accepted well by the public, use diplomatic measures to solve issues,
as well as hold the ability to adapt their social persona to the situation at hand. According to
Howell, Mother Teresa is an exceptional example that embodies integrity, assertiveness, and
social abilities in her diplomatic dealings with the leaders of the world.

Few great leaders encompass all of the traits listed above, but many have the ability to apply a
number of them to succeed as front-runners of their organization or situation.

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