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Gretchlie Clemente Fernndez

INGL 3116- UN1

May 8, 2014
Prof. Graham

Successful Investment Forum for Startups
The Founder Institute is the worlds largest entrepreneur training and startup launch program,
helping aspiring founders across the globe build enduring technology companies.
The chapter of Puerto Rico Founder's Institute held the first Investment Forum for startups in
which companies of the technology sector that has raised capital in the island, exposed their
points of view. Angel investors also do the same.
In the last two years, the accelerator has been preparing high potential entrepreneurs to obtain
capital and are now seeing how investors have become interested in making investments locally,
and even create new funds for startups, such as the Arc Angel Fund Puerto Rico .
The investment environment for startups Puerto Rico is changing. Proof of this is that Ausubo
Ventures, a group of local investors angels, made its first investment in a startup Boricua,
Safety Software Tracker, less than three months ago.
All investors agreed that they were seeing more entrepreneurs interested in raising capital, while
also noticed that many of the entrepreneurs who they saw were not adequately yet prepared to
talk to investors.
Founders Institute has a global network of mentors with international reknown who come to
Puerto Rico to teach him to program participants. Local mentors also participate and the
complete experience prepares entrepreneurs to launch their startups and raise capital. "
This year, Puerto Rico Founders Institute is expanding its programmatic scope, with events such
as the Investment Forum for Startups, among many others to prepare more Puerto Rican
entrepreneurs to have business success.
Today, local investors have to be prepared for investing outside of Puerto Rico. Also they have
to work so that potentials investors compete between themselves. Entrepreneurs today have to be
more prepared than before to have success raising the capital forum of their companies
Angel Investor: Usually, a former entrepreneur or professional who provides starting or
growth capital in promising ventures, and helps also with advice and contacts. Unlike venture
capitalists, angel investors usually operate alone (or in very small groups) and play only an
indirect role as advisors in the operations of the investee firm. They are deemed to be 'angels' in
comparison with grasping investors who are termed 'vulture capitalists.' Also called business
Investment: An asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or
appreciate in the future. In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are
not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. In finance, an investment is a
monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or
appreciate and be sold at a higher price.
Capital: a) Wealth in the form of money or assets, taken as a sign of the financial strength of an
individual, organization, or nation, and assumed to be available for development or investment.
b) Accounting: Money invested in a business to generate income. c) Economics: Factors of
production that are used to create goods or services and are not themselves in the process.

Successful investment forum for startups. (2014, May 7). El Nuevo Dia. Retrieved from

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