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End Game conference 2013

a. Objectives
General Objective:
Endgame Conference with the World Health Organization (WHO) considering a
target of 30% reduction in tabacco use prealence b! "0"#$ the global narratie on
tobacco control is increasingl! e%ploring the concept of tobacco endgame$ which
enisions reducing tobacco prealence and aailabilit! to minimal leels& 'he recent
gut(a ban imposed b! )ndia (in "* states and +nion 'erritories) can be considered as
)ndia,s big step towards tobacco endgame&
'he )nternational Conference on -ublic Health -riorities in the ".st Centur!/ 'he
Endgame for 'obacco will primaril! focus on deeloping multi sectoral partnerships and
ta(ing tobacco control be!ond health sector to integrate it with the global deelopment
goals and appropriate treatment under trade agreements and treaties&
'his Conference will proide a platform not onl! for (nowledge transfer and
information sharing$ but agenda setting for future pathwa!s of the global tobacco control
moement to put an end to tobacco& 'he Conference will also present an opportunit! for
deelopment and public health professionals$ law enforcers$ adocates$ researchers$
economists$ enironmentalists$ social scientists$ polic! ma(ers$ and other identified
sta(eholders$ especiall! from 01)Cs$ to present scientific eidence and share e%perience$
innoations and ideas for moing towards endgame solutions&
Specific Objective:
'his is a website pro2ect where following specific ob2ecties are considered3
o Connecting to people for tobacco conference in worldwide leel&
o -roiding (nowledge transfer and information sharing for tobacco&

End Game conference 2013
o -resent an opportunit! for deelopment and public health professionals&
o -roide research area in arious wa!s&
o -resent scientific eidence and share e%perience
o )nnoations and ideas for moing towards endgame solutions&
o -roide a better solution for tobacco free enironment&
o 4genda setting for future pathwa!s of the global tobacco control moement to
put an end to tobacco&
o Collectie resolution to fight tobacco through global cohesion and integration
of tobacco control&
b. Problem Description
'he premise for choosing the theme 5'he Endgame for 'obacco6 was that while
tobacco control has been identified as (e! determinant in the global public health agenda$
there is a need to mobilize tobacco control measures in addressing the larger deelopment
agenda& )t is imperatie that tobacco control efforts be stepped up$ at pace with
progressie$ ground3brea(ing and radical international measures moing towards a
tobacco3free societ!& 4lthough successes in tobacco control efforts hae been regionall!
s(ewed$ there are a number of positie deelopments and initiaties in the oerall global
tobacco control moement that can be replicated as best practices& 4long with the WHO
7ramewor( Conention on 'obacco Control (7C'C) and 1-OWE8 strategies$ tobacco
control moements in arious countries hae adopted conte%tuall! releant strategies and
actiities that hae found success& 'here is a need to derie a more innoatie perspectie
on 7C'C and 1-OWE8 and to e%plore innoatie partnerships and build a global
coalition that supports tobacco control be!ond traditional confines&
c. About Organiation
0et+sCode 9!stem 0td& is premier 9oftware$ Web 9olution 9erices and :esign
Compan! deeloping leading3edge solutions$ products and designs for addressing the
needs of businesses worldwide since its inception in "00; at <aipur&

End Game conference 2013
0et+sCode 9!stem 0td& has an e%cellent and e%perience team of professionals
from arious bac(ground and academics& We are perfectl! poised to partner the client6s
business to new leels of efficienc!$ profitabilit! and growth& 0et+sCode 9!stem 0td&
offers a range of solutions$ read!3to3use pac(aged products$ consultanc!$ deelopment of
customized solutions for aried industries$ human resource and training&
0et+sCode 9!stem 0td& with its strong technolog!$ an effectie design team and
custom product deelopment e%pertise$ promises to brea( into the top league of serice
proiders to a wide clientele& )ts deelopment center in <aipur$ )ndia promises high
=ualit! and a competitie cost adantage to its customers&
We proide uni=ue end3to3end solutions to our clients in a ariet! of mar(ets that
reall! wor( for them and help them to increase their wor( efficienc! and reduce their
costs& We la! emphasis on designing customized software solutions$ which are based on
the present and future business re=uirement of our clients& We anal!ze and ealuate
business re=uirements for our clients and design s!stems to help our clients in achieing
their goals& Our capabilities span both the technolog! and design domains& We deelop
and delier products that enable our customers to manage$ secure and increase efficienc!
of their business&
We proide full3range serice to :efine$ :esign$ :eelop :eplo! and support
Web > 9oftware 4pplication pro2ects& Whether !ou hae the full product specification or
onl! the business idea$ we turn !our pro2ect concept into realit!& We anal!ze !our pro2ect
in order to define goals and plan a detailed roadmap to reach those goals&
Our proen step3b!3step methodolog! helps us maintain accurate deelopment schedules
and documentation of deelopment& 'he compan! has created a niche in a er! small
time span and has deeloped solutions that are fle%ible$ efficient and scalable& -eople at
-lanet6s wor( to proide its customers with a single platform for all business solutions
deelop and operate the infrastructure and proide the client with ma%imum leerage to
handle its da!3toda! actiities&
!trateg" of Com#an"

End Game conference 2013
We operate as an integrated management s!stem$ combining =ualit!$ commercial and
technical disciplines into coherent approach&
o +nderstanding our customers, needs and re=uirements
o 1eeting or e%ceeding our customer6s e%pectations
o +se of a practical mi% of new and proen techni=ues and technologies
o Constant deelopment of our staff and management e%pertise
o Our commitment of the continual improement of our processes
o -ropensit! to innoate$ creation and transparenc!
o 9electiit! of product and producer
o ?uest for e%cellence and perfection to offer the highest standards of serice
o E%ploration of the concealed energies and talents of our emplo!ees

End Game conference 2013
Com#an" #erformance
4ll of our team members hae seeral !ears of e%pertise deeloping customized$
full! integrated s!stems in a ariet! of industrial standards& 0etusCode -t& 0td& has a
well3managed staff to assist in meeting !our needs&
Technically Advanced
Our Web deelopment tools and products implement Ob2ect3Oriented design and
programming& 7urther$ we use the most modern deelopment tools and technologies
aailable on the mar(et toda!& We are sta!ing on pace with the fast eoling Web
deelopment capabilities&
We are custom3build to client specific re=uirements& We hae proen to be able to
react =uic(l! and to ad2ust to an! changes or additions thrown at us during the course of a
Our programmers are professionals in the truest sense of the word& When we hae
!our deadlines to meet we ensure the deadline is met& Our people put in whateer wor( is
re=uired$ wheneer needed$ to (eep our clients happ!&
!easonable cost
)ndia has low operating costs and low3cost labor$ !et )ndia is a world
technological superpower& Our location proides us with a rich pool of talent and low3
cost enironment for operating$ oerhead and salaries& 'herefore$ we can pass on
significant saings to !ou& +ltimatel!$ !ou,ll get more for !our software > web
:eelopment budget&

End Game conference 2013
7or our clients, proprietar! deelopment pro2ects$ we tap a irtuall! unlimited
suppl! of highl! s(illed programmers and professionals&
0et+scode 9!stem -t& 0td& is er! concerned about the pro2ect confidentialit!&
We ensure that full confidentialit! of clients pro2ect is maintained while in deelopment
as well as after completion of pro2ect&
Our areas of e%pertise include web solutions$ client3serer A distributed computing
architectures$ web enabling of applications$ deeloping Enterprise wide application
(EW4)$ Business -rocess re3engineering& 'hese s(ills form the foundation of our abilit!
to proide complete enterprise solutions to our clients ranging from legac! s!stem
maintenance$ migration and new application deelopment& We focus on proiding
complete 8esource -lanning and 1anagement solutions& We proide solutions on a wide
arra! of platforms such as Windows$ 0inu%$ -H-$ 49-$49-&CE'$ 7049H$ D10$
-hotoshop and 1acromedia 9tudio 1D&
The Team Profile
We hae e%cellent team of s(illed and e%perienced professionals$ Engineers$
4nal!sts and consultants who are well =ualified and e%perienced in their respectie
fields& 'he team consists of =ualified 1C4$ )ndustr! Certified Engineers$ BE$ B&'ech
and -ost Eraduates who share their e%perience and e%pertise to ma(e eer! pro2ect a
confirmed success&
O"r Approach # Stren$ths
One of the prime moers of an! business of toda! is the proisioning of a reliable$
scalable$ fle%ible communication infrastructure& 'he increasing automation and
integration of multifarious applications into the s!stem also necessitates the need of a
robust networ( underpinning so that the organization can reap the benefits fast enough
and sustain the edge oer its rials& Enterprise communication needs with interests oer

End Game conference 2013
large geographic spreads hae neer been completel! addressed b! a single connectiit!
solution$ and shall alwa!s remain that wa! in the future& 'he )ndian scene had two t!pes
of pla!ers in networ(ing$ one owning the media and another owning the s!stemAnetwor(
integration s(ills&& )nformation 'echnolog! has not alwa!s been able to address the needs
of 91E mar(ets& 'he hurdle being reasons li(e affordabilit!$ geographical reach$
downtime and limited spread of =ualit! )' deelopment centers locall!&
The Process %ana$ement Process
!e'"irement #
easibility St"dy
Project Scope #
Project &ostin$
Prototype ( &oncept
Development as per
%od"les Testin$
%od"les )nte$rations
*eta Testin$
inal Delivery +"ality Analysis
Project Doc"mentation
De(e)o#ment %et*odo)og"
4t -lanet Web 9olutions$ a standardized software deelopment methodolog!
helps us to proide er! cost3effectie and efficient business solutions& 'he following
would gie a better understanding of the same&&&
P,ASE -. !E+/)!E%E0TS GAT,E!)0G
Our anal!sts conduct <oint 4pplication :eelopment (<4:) sessions with the

End Game conference 2013
client& 'hese are brainstorming sessions that help determine the business ob2ecties and
mar(eting goals& -rotot!pe stor!boards or screen la!outs are used for role3pla!ing&
P,ASE 1 2TE&,0)&A3 A!&,)TE&T/!E
Based on the re=uirements gathered from the client$ we propose a feasible
solution that meets the all the functional re=uirements of the clients& We adise the client
on options aailable to him with respect to architectural approaches and technolog!
solutions for pro2ect implementation&
P,ASE 4 2 &O0)!%AT)O0
Based on the architecture and technolog! chosen$ the deelopment team of
programmers$ graphic designers and pro2ect managers draft a deelopment plan for the
pro2ect with cost and time estimates&
P,ASE 5 .)0&!E%E0TA3 DE6E3OP%E0T
'his is the stage where the pro2ect is actuall! off the ground& We build the
application in progressie phases or increments& )ncremental delier! permits
e%perimentation of comple% solutions during the course of deelopment& 'his approach
facilitates modifications through hands3on e%posure to the deliered increment&
P,ASE 7 .)0STA33AT)O0 and T!A)0)0G
Once the s!stem is installed on the production serers$ comprehensie training is
e%tended to the client,s )'A 1)9 personnelG not onl! to administer and maintain it$ but
also to understand the underl!ing technolog! and deelopment tools& 'he end3users are
trained to use the application effectiel!& 7ollow3up action in terms of close monitoring
of the s!stem and applications ensures immediate response to issues&
This development process allo8s "s to $"arantee:
'imel! completion of the pro2ect$ :elier! of a high3=ualit! s!stem meeting !our
business re=uirements$ :eelopment of a fle%ible$ eas! to use and modif! (in case !ou
need some enhancements in future) s!stem&

End Game conference 2013
a. P,P
-H- (recursie acron!m for H-H-/ H!perte%t -reprocessorH) is a widel! used
Open 9ource general3purpose scripting language that is especiall! suited for Web
deelopment and can be embedded into H'10&
Cotice how this is different from a script written in other languages li(e -erl or C
33 instead of writing a program with lots of commands to output H'10$ !ou write an
H'10 script with some embedded code to do something (in this case$ output some te%t)&
'he -H- code is enclosed in special start and end tags that allow !ou to 2ump into and
out of H-H- modeH&
What distinguishes -H- from something li(e client3side <aa9cript is that the
code is e%ecuted on the sererI )f !ou were to hae a script similar to the aboe on !our
serer$ the client would receie the results of running that script$ with no wa! of
determining what the underl!ing code ma! be& Jou can een configure !our web serer
to process all !our H'10 files with -H-$ and then there,s reall! no wa! that users can
tell what !ou hae up !our sleee&
'he best things in using -H- are that it is e%tremel! simple for a newcomer$ but
offers man! adanced features for a professional programmer& :on,t be afraid reading the
long list of -H-,s features& Jou can 2ump in$ in a short time$ and start writing simple
scripts in a few hours&
9hat can P,P do:
4n!thing -H- is mainl! focused on serer3side scripting$ so !ou can do an!thing
an! other CE) program can do$ such as collect form data$ generate d!namic page content$
or send and receie coo(ies& But -H- can do much more& Ecommerce
Server.side scriptin$ this is the most traditional and main target field for -H-& Jou need
three things to ma(e this wor(& 'he -H- parser (CE) or serer module)$ a web serer and
a web browser& Jou need to run the web serer$ with a connected -H- installation&

End Game conference 2013
;o" can access the P,P program output with a web browser$ iewing the -H- page
through the serer& Command line scripting& Jou can ma(e a -H- script to run it without
an! serer or browser& Jou onl! need the -H- parser to use it this wa!& 'his t!pe of
usage is ideal for scripts regularl! e%ecuted using cron (on +ni% or 0inu%) or 'as(
9cheduler (on Windows)& 'hese scripts can also be used for simple te%t processing tas(s&
Writing client3side E+) applications&
P,P is probably not the er! best language to write windowing applications$ but if !ou
(now -H- er! well$ and would li(e to use some adanced -H- features in !our client3
side applications !ou can also use -H-3E'L to write such programs& Jou also hae the
abilit! to write cross3platform applications this wa!& -H-3E'L is an e%tension to -H-$
not aailable in the main distribution&
P,P can be "sed on all ma2or operating s!stems$ including 0inu%$ man! +ni% ariants
(including H-3+D$ 9olaris and Opens)$ 1icrosoft Windows$ 1ac O9 D$ 8)9C O9$ and
probabl! others& -H- has also support for most of the web serers toda!& 'his includes
4pache$ 1icrosoft )nternet )nformation 9erer$ -ersonal Web 9erer$ Cetscape and
i-lanet serers$ Oreill! Website -ro serer$ Caudium$ Ditami$ OmniH''-d$ and man!
others& 7or the ma2orit! of the serers -H- hae a module$ for the others supporting the
CE) standard$ -H- can wor( as a CE) processor&
9o with -H-$ !ou hae the freedom of choosing an operating s!stem and a web
serer& 7urthermore$ !ou also hae the choice of using procedural programming or ob2ect
oriented programming$ or a mi%ture of them& 4lthough not eer! standard OO- feature is
realized in the current ersion of -H-$ man! code libraries and large applications
(including the -E48 librar!) are written onl! using OO- code& With -H- !ou are not
limited to output H'10& -H-,s abilities include outputting imagesG -:7 files and een
flash moies (using libswf and 1ing) generated on the fl!& Jou can also output easil!
an! te%t$ such as DH'10 and an! other D10 file& -H- can auto generate these files$ and
sae them in the file s!stem$ instead of printing it out$ forming a serer3side cache for
!our d!namic content& One of the strongest and most significant features in -H- is its

End Game conference 2013
support for a wide range of databases& Writing a database3enabled web page is incredibl!
The follo8in$ databases are c"rrently s"pported:
4dabas : )ngress Oracle (OC)* and OC);)
:Base )nterBase Orimos
Empress 7ront Base -ostgre9?0
7ile-ro (read3onl!) 19?0 9olid
H!per wae :irect 1939?0 9!base
)B1 :B" 1!9?0 Melocis
)nformi% O:BC +ni% dbm
We also hae a :BD database abstraction e%tension allowing !ou to transparentl!
use an! database supported b! that e%tension& 4dditionall! -H- supports O:BC$ the
Open :atabase Connection standard$ so !ou can connect to an! other database supporting
this world standard&
-H- also has support for tal(ing to other serices using protocols such as 0:4-$
)14-$ 9C1-$ CC'-$ -O-3$ H''-$ CO1 (on Windows) and countless others& Jou can
also open raw networ( soc(ets and interact using an! other protocol& -H- has support for
the W::D comple% data e%change between irtuall! all Web programming languages&
'al(ing about interconnection$ -H- has support for instantiation of <aa ob2ects and
using them transparentl! as -H- ob2ects& Jou can also use our CO8B4 e%tension to
access remote ob2ects&
-H- has e%tremel! useful te%t processing features$ from the -O9)D E%tended or
-erl regular e%pressions to parsing D10 documents& 7or parsing and accessing D10
documents$ we support the 94D and :O1 standards& Jou can use our D90' e%tension
to transform D10 documents& While using -H- in the ecommerce field$ !ou,ll find the
C!ber cash pa!ment$ C!ber1+'$ Meri9ign -a! flow -ro and CCM9 functions useful for
!our online pa!ment programs&

End Game conference 2013
4t last but not least$ we hae man! other interesting e%tensions$ the mnoEo9earch
search engine functions$ the )8C Eatewa! functions$ man! compression utilities (gzip$
bz")$ calendar conersion$ and translation&&& o)d code /it* ne/ (er.ion. of &,&
Cow that -H- has grown to be a popular scripting language$ there are a lot of
public repositoriesAlibraries containing code !ou can reuse& 'he -H- deelopers hae
largel! tried to presere bac(wards compatibilit!$ so a script written for an older ersion
will run (ideall!) without changes in a newer ersion of -H-& )n practice$ some changes
will usuall! be needed&
T8o of the most important recent chan$es that affect old code are:
'he depreciation of the old NH''-OPOM489 arra!s (which need to be indicated as
global when used inside a function or method)& 'he following auto global arra!s were
introduced in -H- Q @&.&0& 'he! are/ <=GET> <=POST> <=&OO?)E> <=SE!6E!> <=)3ES>
<=E06> <=!E+/EST> and <=SESS)O0. 'he older NH''-OPOM489 arra!s$ such as
NH''-O-O9'OM489$ still e%ist and hae since -H- 3& 4s of -H- #&0&0$ the long -H-
predefined ariable arra!s ma! be disabled with the registerOlongOarra!s directie&
E%ternal ariables are no longer registered in the global scope b! default& )n other
words$ as of -H- Q @&"&0 the -H- directie registerOglobals is off b! default in php&ini&
'he preferred method of accessing these alues is ia the auto global arra!s mentioned
aboe& Older scripts$ boo(s$ and tutorials ma! rel! on this directie being on& )f on$ for
e%ample$ one could use Nid from the +80 http/AAwww&e%ample&comAfoo&phpIidR@"& Whether on
or off$ NOEE'S,id,T is aailable&

End Game conference 2013
P,P OOP@s &oncept
One of the most common programming concepts in the world is OO-$ which
stands for Ob2ect3Oriented -rogramming& +sing this techni=ue$ programmers manipulate
ob2ects$ which are made of functions and ariables$ instead of manipulating the functions and
ariables themseles& 0et6s sa! that we deelop an e3commerce web3site& Jou could use
an ob2ect to manage a shopping cart$ and assign the ob2ect different properties and
methods$ based on what !ou want it to do& -roperties stand for ariables holding the
information about the ob2ect (for e%ample/ the name$ items in the cart$ total alue of the
items$ etc&)$ and methods stand for the functions that can be used with the ob2ect (for
e%ample/ add an item into the cart$ remoe an item$ empt! cart$ etc&)
)t sounds simple$ doesn6t itI Well$ it reall! is& But for an ob2ect to be defined$ we
hae to hae a template on which we will define the ob2ect& 'his is where classes come
in& 4 class is a blueprint for one or more ob2ects& 'herefore$ an ob2ect is to a class what a
ariable is to a t!pe& 4 class is a set of characteristics$ and an ob2ect is entit! that is
defined based on those characteristics& 4nother e%ample/ let6s thin( about an automobile
class& 9uch a class could hae a characteristic (propert!) called UcolorV& 4ll ob2ects
created based on this class would hae such a characteristic$ but some ob2ects would
initialize this propert! to UredV$ others to UblueV$ and so on& 'his means that the class onl!
holds a definition$ and the ob2ect holds the actual alue&
We can declare a class b! using the UclassV (e!word& 0et6s define a simple class/
class automobile_class
var $color; //the color of the car
var $max_speed; //the maximum speed
var $price; //the price of the car, in dollars
function is_cheap()

End Game conference 2013
return ($this->price < !!!); //returns "#$% if the price is smaller than
!!! dollars
)n this small e%ample we notice some of the most important aspects of a class&
4fter the declaration of the class$ we can see the ariables used within the class$ which
are called properties& 'hese are declared using the UarV statement& While the! can be
defined an!where within the class$ we should reall! define them at the er! top$ so we
can better see the class6 properties& 'he functions within the class are called methodsG
the!6re used to manipulate the class6 properties and produce results& )n that simple
method we can see that when we use a class method or propert!$ we must use the U3WV
operator& 'he (e!word UthisV tells -H- that the propert! of method belongs to the class
being defined&
4n ob2ect is a special ariable that contains a bundle of other ariables and
functionsG we alwa!s hae to use a class upon which to create an ob2ect& But$ unli(e a
class$ we won6t need to write an! code$ nor we will see how the class actuall! wor(s&
While we ma! first thin( that this isn6t so great$ in fact this is one of the main concepts of
ob2ect3oriented programming& we onl! hae to create the class once$ then we can create a
zillion ob2ects$ in a zillion other pro2ects& -erhaps the greatest benefit of ob2ect3oriented
code is its reusabilit!& Because the classes used to create ob2ects are self3enclosed$ the!
can be easil! pulled from one pro2ect and inserted into another& 4dditionall!$ it is
possible to create child classes that inherit andAor oerride the characteristics of their
parents& 'his techni=ue allows !ou to create more comple% and specialized ob2ects& Een
if !ou start with a small class$ !ou can deelop it to a comple% class b! time$ with adding
more properties and ob2ects to its children classes&
b. AAAB C Asynchrono"s AavaScript and B%3 D
42a% is onl! a name gien to a set of tools that were preiousl! e%isting&
'he main part is D10Http8e=uest$ a class usable in <aa9cript $ that was implemented
into )nternet E%plorer since the @&0 ersion&'he same concept was named D10H''-

End Game conference 2013
sometimes$ before the 42a% name becomes commonl! used&'he use of D10Http8e=uest
in "00# b! Eoogle$ in Email and Eoogle1aps has contributed to the success of this
format& But this is the name 42a% itself that made the technolog! so popular&
9hy to "se Ajax :
1ainl! to build a fast$ d!namic website$ but also to sae resources& 7or improing
sharing of resources$ it is better to use the power of all the client computers rather than 2ust a
uni=ue serer and networ(& 42a% allows performing processing on client computer (in
<aa9cript) with data ta(en from the serer& 'he processing of web page formerl! was
onl! serer3side$ using web serices or -H- scripts$ before the whole page was sent
within the networ(& But 42a% can selectiel! modif! a part of a page displa!ed b! the
browser$ and update it without the need to reload the whole document with all images$
menus$ etc& 7or e%ample$ fields of forms$ choices of user$ ma! be processed and the result
displa!ed immediatel! into the same page&
9hat is Ajax in depth:
42a% is a set of technologies$ supported b! a web browser$ including these elements/
H'10 and C99 for presenting&
<aa9cript (EC149cript) for local processing$ and :O1 (:ocument Ob2ect
1odel) to access data inside the page or to access elements of D10 file read on
the serer (with the getElementB!'agCame method for e%ample)&&&
'he D10Http8e=uest class read or send data on the serer as!nchronousl!&
'he :om -arser class ma! be used
-H- or another scripting language ma! be used on the serer&
D10 and D90' to process the data if returned in D10 form&
9O4- ma! be used to dialog with the serer&

End Game conference 2013
'he H4s!nchronousH word$ means that the response of the serer while be processed
when aailable$ without to wait and to freeze the displa! of the page&
,o8 does it 8orEs:
42a% uses a programming model with displa! and eents& 'hese eents are user
actionsG the! call functions associated to elements of the web page& )nteractiit! is
achieed with forms and buttons& :O1 allows to lin( elements of the page with actions
and also to e%tract data from D10 files proided b! the serer& 'o get data on the serer$
D10Http8e=uest proides two methods/3 open/ create a connection& 9end/ send a
re=uest to the serer&:ata furnished b! the serer will be found in the attributes of the
D10Http8e=uest ob2ect/3 responseBml for an D10 file or 3 responseText for a plain
te%t& 'a(e note that a new D10Http8e=uest ob2ect has to be created for each new file to
load& We hae to wait for the data to be aailable to process it$ and in this purpose$ the
state of aailabilit! of data is gien b! the readyState attribute of D10Http8e=uest&
9tates of readyState follow (onl! the last one is reall! useful)/
0/ not initialized&
./ connection established&
"/ re=uest receied&
3/ answer in process&
@/ finished&
Ajax and D,T%3
:H'10 has same purpose and is also$ as 42a%$ a set of standards/
3 H'10$
3 C99$
3 <aa9cript&
:H'10 allows changing the displa! of the page from user commands or from te%t t!ped
b! the user&
42a% allows also sending re=uests as!nchronousl! and loading data from the serer&

End Game conference 2013
The B%3,ttp!e'"est class
4llows interacting with the serers$ than(s to its methods and attributes&
'he code successiel! changes alue from 0 to @ that means for
Stat"s "00 is OL @0@ if the page is not found&
responseText Holds loaded data as a string of characters&
Holds an D10 loaded file$ :O1,s method allows to e%tract
-ropert! that ta(es a function as alue that is ino(ed when the
read!statechange eent is dispatched&
open(mode$ url$ boolean)
1ode/ t!pe of re=uest$ EE' or -O9' url/ the location of the file$
with a path& Boolean/ true (as!nchronous) A false (s!nchronous)&
Optionall!$ a login and a password ma! be added to arguments&
send(HstringH) Cull for a EE' command&
,o8 to b"ild an Ajax 8ebsite:
Jou need for some wrapper& 4 short list of framewor(s is proided below&
Jour <aa9cript program$ integrated into a web page$ sends re=uest to the serer to load
files for rebuilding of pages& 'he receied documents are processed with :om,s methods
or D10 parsers and the data are used to update the pages&
c. AavaScript
<aascript is an eas!3to3use programming language that can be embedded in the
header of our web pages& )t can enhance the d!namics and interactie features of our page

End Game conference 2013
b! allowing us to perform calculations$ chec( forms$ write interactie games$ add special
effects$ customize graphics selections$ create securit! passwords and more&
<aa9cript is a programming language that can be included on web pages to ma(e
them more interactie& We can use it to chec( or modif! the contents of forms$ change
images$ open new windows and write d!namic page content& We can een use it with
C99 to ma(e :H'10 (:!namic H!per 'e%t 1ar(up 0anguage)& 'his allows us to ma(e
parts of our web pages appear or disappear or moe around on the page& <aa9cripts onl!
e%ecute on the page(s) that are on our browser window at an! set time& When the user
stops iewing that page$ an! scripts that were running on it are immediatel! stopped& 'he
onl! e%ception is a coo(ie$ which can be used b! man! pages to pass information
between them$ een after the pages hae been closed&
<aa9cript$ originall! nic(named 0ieWire and then 0ie9cript when it was created b!
Cetscape$ should in fact be called EC14script as it was renamed when Cetscape passed
it to the EC14 for standardization&
<aa9cript is a client side$ interpreted$ ob2ect oriented$ high leel scripting language$
while <aa is a client side$ compiled$ ob2ect oriented high leel language&
&lient side
-rograms are passed to the computer that the browser is on$ and that computer
runs them& 'he alternatie is serer side$ where the program is run on the serer and onl!
the results are passed to the computer that the browser is on& E%amples of this would be
-H-$ -erl$ 49-$ <9- etc&
'he program is passed as source code with all the programming language isible&
)t is then conerted into machine code as it is being used& Compiled languages are
conerted into machine code first then passed around$ so !ou neer get to see the original

End Game conference 2013
programming language& <aa is actuall! dual half compiled$ meaning it is half compiled
(to ,b!te code,) before it is passed$ then full! compiled 2ust before use& )nterpreted
languages are generall! less fuss! about s!nta% and if !ou hae made mista(es in a part
the! neer use$ the mista(e usuall! will not cause !ou an! problems&
'his is a little harder to define& 9cripting languages are often used for performing
repetitie tas(s& 4lthough the! ma! be complete programming languages$ the! do not
usuall! go into the depths of comple% programs$ such as thread and memor!
management& 'he! ma! use another program to do the wor( and simpl! tell it what to do&
'he! often do not create their own user interfaces$ and instead will rel! on the other
programs to create an interface for them& 'his is =uite accurate for <aa9cript& We do not
hae to tell the browser e%actl! what to put on the screen for eer! pi%el$ we 2ust tell it
that we want it to change the document$ and it does it& 'he browser will also ta(e care of
the memor! management and thread management$ leaing <aa9cript free to get on with
the things it wants to do&
,i$h level
Written in words that are as close to english as possible& 'he contrast would be
with assembl! code$ where each command can be directl! translated into machine code&
9hatFs the difference bet8een AavaScript and Aava:
4ctuall!$ the " languages hae almost nothing in common e%cept for the name&
4lthough <aa is technicall! an interpreted programming language$ it is coded in a
similar fashion to CXX$ with separate header and class files$ compiled together prior to
e%ecution& )t is powerful enough to write ma2or applications and insert them in a web
page as a special ob2ect called an Happlet&H <aa has been generating a lot of e%citment
because of its uni=ue abilit! to run the same program on )B1$ 1ac$ and +ni% computers&
<aa is not considered an eas!3to3use language for non3programmers&

End Game conference 2013
<aascript is much simpler to use than <aa& With <aascript$ if ) want chec( a
form for errors$ ) 2ust t!pe an if3then statement at the top of m! page& Co compiling$ no
applets$ 2ust a simple se=uence&
d. %;S+3
4 database is a collection of information related to a particular sub2ect or purpose$
such as trac(ing customer orders or maintaining a music collection& )f !our database isn,t
stored on a computer$ or onl! parts of it are$ !ou ma! be trac(ing information from a
ariet! of sources that !ou hae to coordinate and organize !ourself&
+sing 1icrosoft 4ccess$ !ou can manage all !our information from a single
database file& Within the file$ diide !our data into separate storage containers called
tablesG iew$ add$ and update table data using online formsG find and retriee 2ust the data
!ou want using =ueriesG and anal!ze or print data in a specific la!out using reports&
'o find and retriee 2ust the data that meets conditions !ou specif!$ including data
from multiple tables$ create a =uer!& 4 =uer! can also update or delete multiple records at
the same time$ and perform built3in or custom calculation !our data&
'o easil! iew$ enter$ and change data directl! in a table$ create a form& When !ou
open a form$ 1icrosoft 4ccess retriees the data from one or more tables and displa!s it
on screen using the la!out !ou chose in the 7orm Wizard or using a la!out that !ou
created from scratch&
4 table is a collection of data about a specific topic$ such as products or suppliers&
+sing a separate table for each topic means !ou store that data onl! once$ which ma(es
!our database more efficient and reduces data3entr! errors& 'ables organize data into
columns (called fields) and rows (called records)&

End Game conference 2013
)n table :atasheet iew$ !ou can add$ edit$ or iew the data in a table& Jou can
also chec( the spelling and print !our table,s data$ filter or sort records$ change the
datasheet,s appearance$ or change the table,s structure b! adding or deleting columns&
)n table :esign iew$ !ou can create an entire table from scratch$ or add$ delete$ or
customize an e%isting table,s fields&
Jou use =ueries to iew$ change$ and anal!ze data in different wa!s& Jou can also
use them as the source of records for forms and reports& 'he most common t!pe of =uer!
is a select =uer!& 4 select =uer! retriees data from one or more tables using criteria !ou
specif!$ and then displa! it in the order !ou want&
Jou create a =uer! with a wizard or from scratch in =uer! :esign iew& )n design
iew$ !ou specif! the data !ou want to wor( with adding the tables or =ueries that contain
the data$ and then b! filling in the design grid&
Overvie8 of %yS+3 A*
1!9?0 4B is the compan! of the 1!9?0 founders and main deelopers&
1!9?0 4B was originall! established in 9weden b! :aid 4%mar($ 4llan 0arsson$ and
1ichael YY1ont!,, Widenius&
We are dedicated to deeloping the 1!9?0 database software and promoting it to
new users& 1!9?0 4B owns the cop!right to the 1!9?0 source code$ the 1!9?0 logo
and (registered) trademar($ and this manual& 'he 1!9?0 core alues show our
dedication to 1!9?0 and Open 9ource&
'hese core alues direct how 1!9?0 4B wor(s with the 1!9?0 serer software/
'o be the best and the most widel! used database in the world
'o be aailable and affordable b! all
'o be eas! to use
'o be continuousl! improed while remaining fast and safe

End Game conference 2013
'o be fun to use and improe
'o be free from bugs
'hese are the core alues of the compan! 1!9?0 4B and its emplo!ees/
We subscribe to the Open 9ource philosoph! and support the Open 9ource communit!
We aim to be good citizens
We prefer partners that share our alues and mindset
We answer email and proide support
We are a irtual compan!$ networ(ing with others
We wor( against software patents
'he 1!9?0 Web site (http/AAwww&m!s=l&comA) proides the latest information about
1!9?0 and 1!9?0 4B&
B! the wa!$ the YY4B,, part of the compan! name is the acron!m for the 9wedish
YYa(tiebolag$,, or YYstoc( compan!&,, )t translates to YY1!9?0$ )nc&,, )n fact$ 1!9?0$ )nc&
and 1!9?0 EmbH are e%amples of 1!9?0 4B subsidiaries& 'he! are located in the +9
and Eerman!$ respectiel!
Overvie8 of the %yS+3 Database %ana$ement System
1!9?0$ the most popular Open 9ource 9?0 database management s!stem$ is
deeloped$ distributed$ and supported b! 1!9?0 4B& 1!9?0 4B is a commercial
compan!$ founded b! the 1!9?0 deelopers& )t is a second generation Open 9ource
compan! that unites Open 9ource alues and methodolog! with a successful business
'he 1!9?0 Web site (http/AAwww&m!s=l&comA) proides the latest information about
1!9?0 software and 1!9?0 4B&
%yS+3 is a database mana$ement system.

End Game conference 2013
4 database is a structured collection of data& )t ma! be an!thing from a simple
shopping list to a picture galler! or the ast amounts of information in a corporate
networ(& 'o add$ access$ and process data stored in a computer database$ !ou need a
database management s!stem such as 1!9?0 9erer& 9ince computers are er! good at
handling large amounts of data$ database management s!stems pla! a central role in
computing$ as standalone utilities or as parts of other applications&
%yS+3 is a relational database mana$ement system.
4 relational database stores data in separate tables rather than putting all the data
in one big storeroom& 'his adds speed and fle%ibilit!& 'he 9?0 part of YY1!9?0,, stands
for YY9tructured ?uer! 0anguage&,, 9?0 is the most common standardized language used
to access databases and is defined b! the 4C9)A)9O 9?0 9tandard& 'he 9?0 standard
has been eoling since .K;F and seeral ersions e%ist& )n this manual$ YY9?03K",, refers
to the standard released in .KK"$ YY9?0/.KKK,, refers to the standard released in .KKK$ and
YY9?0/"003,, refers to the current ersion of the standard& We use the phrase YYthe 9?0
standard,, to mean the current ersion of the 9?0 9tandard at an! time&
%yS+3 soft8are is Open So"rce.
Open 9ource means that it is possible for an!one to use and modif! the software&
4n!bod! can download the 1!9?0 software from the )nternet and use it without pa!ing
an!thing& )f !ou wish$ !ou ma! stud! the source code and change it to suit !our needs&
'he 1!9?0 software uses the E-0 (EC+ Eeneral -ublic 0icense)$
http/AAwww&fsf&orgAlicensesA$ to define what !ou ma! and ma! not do with the software in
ifferent situations& )f !ou feel uncomfortable with the E-0 or need to embed 1!9?0
code into a commercial application$ !ou can bu! a commerciall! licensed ersion from
us& 9ee the 1!9?0 0icensing Oeriew for more information
The %yS+3 Database Server is very fast> reliable> and easy to "se.

End Game conference 2013
)f that is what !ou are loo(ing for$ !ou should gie it a tr!& 1!9?0 9erer also
has a practical set of features deeloped in close cooperation with our users& Jou can find
a performance comparison of 1!9?0 9erer with other database managers on our
benchmar( page&
1!9?0 9erer was originall! deeloped to handle large databases much faster than
e%isting solutions and has been successfull! used in highl! demanding production
enironments for seeral !ears& 4lthough under constant deelopment$ 1!9?0 9erer
toda! offers a rich and useful set of functions& )ts connectiit!$ speed$ and securit! ma(e
1!9?0 9erer highl! suited for accessing databases on the )nternet&
%yS+3 Server 8orEs in client(server or embedded systems.
'he 1!9?0 :atabase 9oftware is a clientAserer s!stem that consists of a multi3
threaded 9?0 serer that supports different bac(ends$ seeral different client programs
and libraries$ administratie tools$ and a wide range of application programming
interfaces (4-)s)&
We also proide 1!9?0 9erer as an embedded multi3threaded librar! that !ou can lin(
into !our application to get a smaller$ faster$ easier3to3manage product&
A lar$e amo"nt of contrib"ted %yS+3 soft8are is available.
)t is er! li(el! that !our faorite application or language supports the 1!9?0
:atabase 9erer&
Architect"re of Database System:
'he database s!stem architecture$ which is also called as 4C9)A9-48C model can be
broadl! diided in three leels/
Conceptual leel
E%ternal leel
)nternal leel
4 schema describes the iew at each of this leel& 4 schema is an outline or plan that
describes the record and relationships e%isting in the iew& 'he schema also describes the

End Game conference 2013
wa! in which entities at on leel of abstraction can be mapped to the ne%t leel&
External 6ie8/
'he e%ternal or user iew is at the highest leel of database abstraction where
onl! those portions of the database concern to a user or application program or included&
4n! number of user iews ma! e%ist for a gien global or conceptual iew&
&oncept"al 6ie8:
4t this leel of database abstraction all the database entities and the relation3ships
among them are included& 4 conceptual iew represents a iew the entire database& 'his
conceptual iew defines b! the conceptual schema& )t describes all the records and the
relation3ships included in the conceptual iew and therefore$ in the database& 'here is
onl! one conceptual schema per database& 'his schema also contains the method of
deriing the ob2ects in the conceptual iew from the ob2ects in the internal iew&
)nternal 6ie8:
'he internal iew is at the lowest leel of database abstraction closet to the
ph!sical storage method used& )t indicates low the data will be stored and describes the
data structure and access methods to be used b! the database& 'he internal schema$
which contains the definition of stored record$ the method of representing the data fields$
e%presses the internal iew and the access aids used&
Gettin$ started:
Conceptuall! Oracle is a (ernel pac(age that has a number of other products that
can be purchased separatel! and with the (ernel& Here we can see that the Oracle (ernel
has been connected to the following tools/
Oracle menu
Oracle forms
Oracle reports writer
-re compiler used for writing embedded 9?0 code

End Game conference 2013
Cormalization is a process that helps anal!sis or to database designers to design
table structure for an application& 'he focus of Cormalization is to reduce redundant table
data to the er! minimum& 'hrough the normalization process$ the collection of data in a
single table is replaced$ b! the same data being distributed oer multiple tables with a
specific relationship being setup between the tables& B! this process 8:B19 schema
designers tr! their best to reduce table data to the er! minimum&
"nctional Dependence:
4n! non3(e! alue must be functionall! dependent on primar! (e!&
Transitive Dependence:
Here a non3(e! attribute is dependent on another non3(e! attribute& Consider two
data items % and !& 4ll the alues in % and ! are functionall! dependent on primar! (e!
alue& 4lso let us sa! ! is also functionall! dependent on %& 'hen we sa! % and ! are
transitiel! dependent on the primar!&
irst 0ormal orm:
When a table is decomposed into two3dimensional tables with repeating groups of
data eliminated$ the table is said to be in its first normal form&

Second 0ormal orm:
4 table is said to be in its second normal form when each record in the table is in
the first normal and each column in the record is full! dependent on its primar! (e!&
Third 0ormal orm:
4 table in second normal form is also in third normal form if the alues in non3(e!
columns are not transitiel! dependent on the primar! (e!&
GOA- O' T,E &RO&O!ED !0!TE%

End Game conference 2013
'he Eoal of the -roposed 9!stem is a call for collectie resolution to fight
tobacco through global cohesion and integration of tobacco control into broader health
and deelopment agendas for the achieement of our common health and deelopment
0imitation of E%isting 9!stem
1ost of the e%isting conferencing site is of static t!pe &9o there is lesser chances
of future enhancement in e%isting s!stem as per the need of re=uirements&
9cope of the -roposed 9!stem
'he -roposed 9!stem has basicall! two aspects& One is the 7ront hand which
would be shown on the main site$ on which +ser can browse according to his demand&
4nd the 4dmin -anel which is handled b! administrator of the web site& 4ll the contents
which are to be shown on the main website can control b! 4dministrator&

End Game conference 2013
'he re=uirements from the new s!stem that needs to come up are/
o 4 database that can support the compan! and which can be accessed b! the
o :ata access must be on compan! lines&
8eleant data must be isible to the user and the administrator panel of the web site&
4pplications must be present to support the wor(ing of the end game of tobacco&
4pplications must be customized according to needs of end game of tobacco& 9ingle
location maintenance&

End Game conference 2013
)t was re=uired that while deeloping the new application there must be no
hindrance to the current wor(ing of end game of tabacco & 'hat is all the applications and
database must be aailable to end game of tabacco through the deelopment of the new
Acceptance &riteria:.
'he following acceptance criteria were established for the ealuation of the new s!stem/
/ser friendliness/3 'he s!stem should meet user needs and should be eas! to learn and
%od"larity/3 'he s!stem should hae relatiel! independent and single function parts &
%aintainability/3 'he s!stem should be such that future maintenance and enhancements
times and efforts are reduced&
Timeliness/3 'he s!stem should operate well under normal$ pea( and recoer!
'he s!stem deeloped should be accurate and hence reliable i&e& 'he error rate should be
minimized and the outputs should be consistent and correct&
Both the e%ecution time and response time should be negligibl! low&
'he s!stem should be efficient i&e& the resources utilization should be optimal&
'he s!stem should hae scope to foresee modifications and enhancements i&e& it should
be able to cope with the changes in future technolog!&

End Game conference 2013
'he feasibilit! stud!Aanal!sis proposes one or more conceptual solution to the
problem set for the pro2ect& 'he conceptual solution gies an idea of what the new s!stem
would loo( li(e& 'he! define what will be done on the s!stem$ and what remains
manuall!& 'he! also indicate what input will be needed b! the s!stems$ and what outputs
will be produced& 'hree things must be implemented to establish feasibilit!&
a. TE&,0)&A3 EAS)*)3)T;
'echnical feasibilit! centers around the e%isting computer s!stem (Hardware and
9oftware etc) and to what e%tend it support the proposed addition& 7or e%ample$ if the
current computer is operating at ;0 percent capacit! 3 an arbitrar! ceiling 3 then running
another application could oerload the s!stem or re=uire additional Hardware& 'his
inoles financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancements& )f the budget
is a serious constraint$ then the pro2ect is 2udged not feasible& )n this pro2ect$ all the
necessar! cautions hae been ta(en care to ma(e it technicall! feasible& +sing a (e! the
displa! of te%tAob2ect is er! fast& 4lso$ the tools$ operating s!stem and programming
language used in this localization process is compatible with the e%isting one&
9ecurit! (data should not be accessed b! others)
4ccess Control (onl! authorized persons can access the s!stem)
Customization (to satisf! the specific needs of the compan!$ such as batch
process$ e%cise dut! etc&)
b. E&O0O%)& EAS)*)3)T;
'his stud! must determine whether the pro2ect6s goal can be achieed within the
resource limits allocated& )t must also determine whether it is worthwhile to produce with
the pro2ect$ or if the benefits obtained for the new s!stem are not worth the cost$ in that
case the pro2ect will be terminated& 'he stud! group also went into the economic aspects
of its proposals& 'he groups were of the iew that there were sufficient benefits in going
in for a new ersion of the e%isting s!stem& )t was also decided that the whole rewriting

End Game conference 2013
of the e%isting s!stem would be economicall! feasible onl! if the deelopment too( place
in3house at )':$ b! the emplo!ees of )':& Of course in the matter of helping them with
the new machine$ a specialist would be called in&
c. OPE!AT)O0A3 EAS)*)3)T;
Operational feasibilit! coers two aspects/3
'echnical performance
4cceptance with the organization
Operational feasibilit! will determine how the proposed s!stem will fit in with the current
operation and what$ if an!$ 2ob resulting and retaining ma! be needed to implement the
s!stem& 'he ealuation must then determine the general attitudes and s(ills of e%isting
personnel and whether an! restructuring of 2obs will be acceptable to the current users&
'he total pro2ect costs$ priorit!$ completion time and personnel6s re=uired were estimated&
)nitial plans were drawn up as to how the pro2ect would proceed to its final
implementation$ while running the e%isting s!stem so that the compan!6s informational
needs were not affected&
!e'"est approval
With all the preliminar! inestigation carried out thoroughl!$ the decisions and
proposals were put forth to the top management& 'he management which alues the
useful changes was also of the iew that )': should (eep up the pace with latest
technological trends in )' industr!& 9o$ the! approed whole3heartedl! the (ind of ma2or
wor( being proposed$ to be underta(en b! )':& 4nother group was set up to go into the
details for ac=uiring the suitable hardware and software for the new s!stem&

End Game conference 2013
!0!TE% ANA-0!I!
9!stem anal!sis refers to the process of e%amining a situation with the intent of
improing it through better procedures and methods& 9!stem anal!sis is the process of
gathering and interpreting facts$ diagnosing problems and using the pro2ect goal to build
an improement to the e%isting s!stem& 'his is a place where a direction is set for the
remainder of the pro2ect& )t is here the deficiencies of the present s!stem studied$
necessar! alternaties aailable are inestigated and the best wa! is chosen to satisf! the
4nal!sis is the heart of the process& )t is the (e! component of the first two phases
of deelopment life c!cle& 4nal!sis is a detailed stud! of the arious operations
performed b! the s!stem and their relationships within and outside the s!stem& :uring
anal!sis$ data are collected on aailable files$ decision points and transactions handled b!
the present s!stem& :etermining s!stem re=uirement re=uires anal!sis of the facts&
:escription and documentation are deeloped as a result of fact3finding method help to
obtain a potential solution&
Analysts m"st st"dy the b"siness process to ans8er these Eey '"estions:.
What is being doneI
How is it being doneI
How fre=uentl! does it occurI
How great are the olumes of transactions or decisionsI
How well is the tas( being performedI
:oes a problem e%istI
)f a problem e%ists$ how serious is itI
)f a problem e%ists$ what is the underl!ing causeI
'o answer these =uestions$ s!stem anal!sts tal( to a ariet! of persons to gather details
about the business process and their opinions& 4s the details are gathered$ the anal!st6s
stud! the data re=uirements identif! features needed to the new s!stem$ including both

End Game conference 2013
the information of the s!stem and the operational features such as processing controls$
response 'imes$ input etc&
)n this section> the System Development 3ifecycle of H&entraliGation of
Excise SystemI is presented. System analysis is a contin"in$ activity at all the sta$es
of the system development. /ser and "ser st"dy once the existin$ system
re'"irements are identifiedJ a more detailed analysis is carried o"t. System analysis
is the process of dividin$ the system into parts and establishin$ relationship amon$
a. System lo8 chart
4 9!stem flowchart is a t!pe of diagram that represents an algorithm or process$
showing the steps as bo%es of arious (inds$ and their order b! connecting them with
arrows& 'his is a diagrammatic representation solution to a gien problem& -rocess
operations are represented in these bo%es$ and arrowsG rather$ the! are implied b! the
se=uencing of operations&
lo8chart symbols:
Start and end symbols
8epresent as circles$ oals or rounded (fillet) rectangles$ usuall! containing the
word H9tartH or HEndH&
)t shows Hflow of controlH& 4n arrow coming from one s!mbol and ending at
another s!mbol represents that control passes to the s!mbol the arrow points to&
Generic processin$ steps
8epresent as rectangles&

End Game conference 2013
8epresent as a parallelogram&
&onditional or decision
8epresented as a diamond rhombus showing where a decision is necessar!&
End$ame conference data flo8
4ccomodation Le!
8egistration process
9tart online

End Game conference 2013
b. E.! Dia$ram
4n entity is a something of interest to the user about which to collect or store
data& )t is also called aggregate because it represents a number of data elements in our
Centralization of E%cise 9!stem& 'he UitemV entit! contain data elements such as
itemOcompOcode$ itemOcode$ item3desc& :ata entities are e%plained b! the use of seeral
terms/ attribute$ alue (e!$ and instance of an entit!& 7or e%ample$ UitemV is an entit! is
described b! attributes such as itemOcompOcode$ itemOcode$ and item3desc& 9o attributes
described as entit!& Each attribute ta(es a uni=ue alue& 7or e%ample Uitem OcodeV is a
uni=ue attributes among all other attributes that define the entit! UitemV&
Three types of relationships exist amon$ entities:>> and relationship.
4 C-:-D relationship is an association between two entities&
4 C-: mD relationship describe an entit! that ma! hae two or
more than two entities related to it&
4 Cm: mD relationship describes an entit! that ma! hae
man! relationships in both the direction&
lo8chart symbols:
4n entit! is an ob2ect or concept about which !ou want to store information&
9eaE Entity.
4 wea( entit! is an entit! that must defined b! a foreign (e! relationship with
another entit! as it cannot be uni=uel! identified b! its own attributes alone&

End Game conference 2013
4n entit! ma! be defined as a thing which is recognized as being capable of an
independent e%istence and which can be uni=uel! identified&
?ey attrib"te.
4 (e! attribute is the uni=ue$ distinguishing characteristic of the entit!& 7or
e%ample$ an emplo!ee,s social securit! number might be the emplo!ee,s (e!
8elationships illustrate how two entities share information in the database structure&
)t shows Hflow of controlH&

End Game conference 2013
c. Data lo8 Dia$ram:
4 :ata 7low :iagram (:7:) is a diagram that describes the flow of data and the
processes that change or transform data throughout a s!stem& )t6s a structured anal!sis
and design tool that can be used for flowcharting in place of$ or in association with$
information oriented and process oriented s!stem flowcharts& When anal!sts prepare the
:ata 7low :iagram$ the! specif! the user needs at a leel of detail that irtuall!
determines the information flow into and out of the s!stem and the re=uired data
resources& 'his networ( is constructed b! using a set of s!mbols that do not impl! a
ph!sical implementation&
:7: is a graphical representation of a s!stem that shows data flows to$
from and within the s!stem&
'hese are used to depict specific data flows from both ph!sical > logical
iew point&
'he :7:,s are diided into different leels starting from 0
leel until we
get the final description of s!stem&
DD Symbols:

)t defines a source (originator) or destination of s!stem data&
)t indicates data flow3data in motion& )t is a pipeline through which information
&ircle or *"bble.

End Game conference 2013
)t represents a process that transforms incoming data flow(s) into outgoing data

i$: DD
Steps to &onstr"ct Data lo8 Dia$rams:
7our steps are commonl! used to construct a :7:
-rocess should be named and numbered for eas! reference& Each name
should be representatie of the process&
'he direction of flow is from top to bottom and from left to right&
When a process is e%ploded into lower leel details the! are numbered&
Header Caigator Bod!
Home )nformation Committees -rogramme 9ponsors -artners Contact +s

End Game conference 2013
'he names of data stores$ sources and destinations are written in capital
!"les for constr"ctin$ a Data lo8 Dia$ram:
4rrows should not cross each other&
9=uares$ Circles and files must bear names&
:ecomposed data flow s=uares and circles can hae same names&
Choose meaningful names for dataflow&
fi$: online Conference
'he 0eel 0 :7: shows how the s!stem is diided into ,sub3s!stems,
(processes)$ each of which deals with one or more of the data flows to or from an e%ternal
agent$ and which together proide all of the functionalit! of the s!stem as a whole&
Con38egistered 8egistered
9earch A Miew
'abacco research

End Game conference 2013
d. U.e Ca.e
4 "se case dia$ram at its simplest is a representation of a user,s interaction with
the s!stem and depicting the specifications of a use case& 4 use case diagram can portra!
the different t!pes of users of a s!stem and the arious wa!s that the! interact with the
s!stem& 'his t!pe of diagram is t!picall! used in con2unction with the te%tual use case
and will often be accompanied b! other t!pes of diagrams as well& +se case diagrams are
the blueprints for !our s!stemH&

'he! proide the simplified and graphical representation
of what the s!stem must actuall! do&
Z 4lwa!s structure and organize the use case diagram from the perspectie
of the actor&
Z +se cases should start off simple and at the highest iew possible& Onl!
then can the! be refined and detailed further&
Z +se case diagrams are based upon functionalit! and thus should focus on
the HwhatH and not the HhowH&
Project /ser:

Online &onference

End Game conference 2013
e. !e'"irement Specification:
'he s!stem is being deeloped as a web application which will be handling the business
logic also& )n deelopment for this application there was a different need of tools$ the
HAW as well as the software& )n :eelopment of -ro2ect we hae a detailed need of
resources$ good =ualit! Hardware resources and good =ualit! software resources&
"nctional !e'"irement:
1inimum 8e=uirements/
1inimum 8e=uirements/
841 [ . E&B&
H::3 ;0 E&B
-rocessor[4boe Core&(an!)
:atabase 9erer
O9 [ WinA0inu%
0on "nctional !e'"irement:
1inimum 8e=uirements/
1inimum 8e=uirements/
841 [ . E&B&
H::3 ;0 E&B
O9 [ WinA0inu%
Browser [ 4n! http based


End Game conference 2013
9!stem design also called top3leel design$ which aims to identif! the modules
that should be in the s!stem$ the specification of these modules$ and how the! interact
with each other to produce the desired the desired results& 4t the end of s!stem design$ all
the ma2or data structures$ file formats$ output formats and the ma2or modules in the
s!stem and their specifications are decided& 'he design should clearl! be erifiable$
complete and traceable& 'he two important properties that concern designers are
efficienc! and simplicit!& Efficienc! of an! s!stem is concerned with proper use of scarce
resources b! the s!stem& 'he need for efficienc! arises due to cost considerations&
9implicit! is perhaps the most important =ualit! criteria for software s!stems& We
hae to see that the maintenance of software is usuall! =uite e%pensie& 1aintainabilit!
of software is one of the goals we hae established&
'he present s!stem was thoroughl! determined and the additional re=uirements
were understood& 'he problems faced due to the present s!stem were closel! e%amined&
'he improement re=uired b! the user considered during the anal!sis and design phase&
'his interaction with the management and emplo!ee facilitate in the improement of the
proposed s!stem&
:uring the design phase the design of the user interface was determined& 'he
interface was designed to facilitate the user to get to (now the usage of the proposed in a
better wa! and perform the re=uired operations efficientl!&
'he design is clearl! erifiable$ complete and traceable& 'he two important
properties that concern designers are efficienc! and simplicit!& Efficienc! of an! s!stem
is concerned with proper use of scarce resources b! the s!stem& 'he need for efficienc!
arises due to cost considerations& Before going to deelop a s!stem it should be clearl!
defined& 'here are certain methods to be followed to design and deelop an! software

End Game conference 2013
a. DES)G0 GOA3S:
'he following goals were (ept in mind while designing the s!stem/
%aEe system more sec"re' 'his was necessar! so that s!stem could be used more
secure and s!stem could act as catal!st in achieing ob2ecties&
%aEe system "ser.friendly' 'his was necessar! so that s!stem could be used efficientl!
and s!stem could act as catal!st in achieing ob2ecties&
%aEe system compatible i'e' )t should fit in the total integrated s!stem& 7uture
maintenance and enhancement must be less&
%aEe the system compatible so that it could integrate other modules of s!stem into
)nterface Desi$n:

'he interface design tells how the s!stem communicates with the human as well
as how the modules themseles interact& 'he interface tells the s!stem what action to ta(e
for entering$ retrieing the data&
)t allows user to accomplish processing actions or actiities effectiel! and efficientl! in
a manner the! perceie as being a natural and reasonable wa! to re=uest and carr! out
actiities& 'he interface should be in such a manner to include the use of methods that
will not grow tiresome and unacceptable to fre=uent users who become familiar with the
s!stem but that which will facilitate e=uall! effectie use b! noice users& it should aoid
the user errors& Cecessar! alidation has to be done before accepting the data& 4t the
same time the interface should be simple to use&
)np"t Desi$n:
)naccurate input data are the most common of errors in data processing& Errors
entered b! data entr! operators can be controlled b! input alidation& )nput design is the
process of conerting user3oriented inputs to a computer3based format& )nput design is a
part of an oerall s!stem$ which ma(es the s!stem user friendl!& 'he )nput 9creens are

End Game conference 2013
displa!ed in a wa! that the user can understand entries er! easil!& -roper alidation and
controlling of input data will reduce the chance of errors& 4ll the ma2or Operations are
done onl! after chec(ing the results of messages& 'his ma(es the s!stem more reliable
and s!stem friendl!&
O"tp"t Desi$n:
Computer output is the most important and indirect source of information to the
+ser& Efficient$ intelligent output design will improe the s!stem relationships with the
user and the information will help them in the decision ma(ing process& 4 ma2or form of
output is a hard cop! from printer& -rintout should be designed in a wa! that meets the
re=uirements of the user&
'he 1ost creatie challenging phase of the s!stem life c!cle is s!stem design& 'he term
design describes a final s!stem and the process b! which it is deeloped&
Database Desi$n:
4n important part in s!stem design is database design& :atabase design proides a
centralized access to the data from the programs& 'he main ob2ecties of database design
are data integration and data independence& While designing the database care is gien to
insure data consistenc! and data redundanc! should also be aoided&
Cormalization is a process of remoing redundanc!& Here data are stored in simplest
possible wa! so that later changes can be made with less impact to the data structure &'he
primar! aim of normalization is to aoid the anomalies such as updating anomal! so that
no information is lost& Cormalization is done while designing tables&

End Game conference 2013
DES)G0 O6E!6)E9: DES)G0 O6E!6)E9:
'he design stage ta(es the final specification of the s!stem from anal!sis tags and
finds the best wa! of filling them$ gien the technical enironment and preious
decision on re=uired leel of automation& )t is the blueprint that informs the programmers
how the! must go about the tas( of creating the software components to meet the
The system desi$n is carried o"t in t8o phases:
4rchitectural :esign ('op 0eel :esign)
:etailed :esign (0ow 0eel :esign)
Top 3evel Desi$n Top 3evel Desi$n
'he 'op 0eel design maps the business s!stem described in the program
re=uirement specification to logical data structure& )t proides a iew of the whole
s!stem$ which lets us$ put all the component parts in conte%t& 4t this leel we see the
basic building bloc(s and how the! relate to each other&
3o8 3evel Desi$n 3o8 3evel Desi$n
'he 0ow 0eel :esign maps the logical model of the s!stem to a ph!sical
database design& 'he two simple tools used in toda!,s world are the psuedocode
description and the flow diagram& -suedocode is e%cellent for defining se=uential
processes and their e%ception handling 7low diagrams are useful when the logic of
solution is complicated or when the structure is comple%&
4 set of fundamental software design concepts has eoled oer the past three
decades& Each proides design to deelop more sophisticated design methods&

End Game conference 2013
9oftware structure embodies modularit!$ i&e&$ software is diided into separatel!
named and addressed components called modules that are integrated to satisf! problem
re=uirement& 1odularit! is a single attribute of software that allows programmer to be
intellectuall! manageable& 4 modular design reduces comple%it!$ software
maintainabilit!$ and easier implementation b! encouraging parallel deelopment of
different parts of a s!stem& 'his leads to a diide and con=uer s!stem conclusion$ which
is easier to sole sample problems$ when !ou brea( into manageable pieces&
)nformation ,idin$
'he principles of information hiding suggest that modules be characterized b!
design decisions that each hide from all others& Hiding implies that effectie modularit!
can be achieed b! defining set of independent modules that communicate with one
another& Onl! defines and enforces access to both procedural design within a module
and an! local data structure used b! the module&
&ontrol ,ierarchy
Control hierarch! is also called program structure represents$ the organization of
program modules and implies a hierarch! of control& )t does not represent procedural
aspects of software$ such as processes$ occurrence order of decisions or repetition of
operation& Marious notations are used to represent control hierarch!& 7ew tree$ Warrnier3
orr and <ac(son diagrams& :epth is structure terminolog! and width proides an
indication to number of leels of controls and oer all span of control respectiel!& 7an3
out is a measure of number of modules that are directl! controlled b! another module&
7an3in indicates how man! modules directl! control a gien module& 9uper ordinate
and subordinate e%presses control relationship among modules& 9uper ordinate is a
module that controls another module& 9ubordinate is a module controlled b! another
Control hierarch! represents two subtl! different characteristics of software

End Game conference 2013
6)S)*)3)T;: )ndicates the set of program components that ma! be inoled or used as
data b! a gien component een when it is accomplished indirectl!&
&O00E&T)*)3)T;: indicates set of components that are directl! inoled or used as
data b! a gien component&
A*ST!A&T)O0: 4bstraction is defined as the ps!chologist notation of abstraction
permits one to concentrate on a problem at some leel of generalization
without regard to irreleant low3leel details& +se of abstraction also
permits one to wor( with concepts and that a familiar with problem
enironment without haing to transform them in to an unfamiliar
The three levels of abstraction are:
4t the highest leel of abstraction solution is stated in board terms using the language of
the problem enironment&
4t the lower leel of abstraction implementation oriented terminolog! is used to state a
problem solution&
4t the lowest leel the solution is stated in a manner that can be directl! implemented&
'he different t!pes of abstraction are(
Data Abstraction: :ata abstraction is a named collection of data ob2ect&
&ontrol Abstraction: Control program implies a program control mechanism specif!ing
internal details&
Proced"ral Abstraction: -rocedural abstraction is a named se=uence of instructions
that has specific and limited function&
)t is an earl! top3down design strateg!& 'he architecture of a program is
deeloped b! successiel! refining leels of procedural design decisions& Eer!
refinement step inoles some design decisions& 8efinement is actuall! a process of
elaboration& 'he statement describes the function or information conceptuall!$ but

End Game conference 2013
proides no information about the internal wor(ings of the function or the internal
structure of information refinement causes the designer to elaborate the original
structure proiding more and more details as each successie refinement occurs&

End Game conference 2013
b. DETA)3ED DES)G0 :
:uring detailed design$ the internal logic of each of the module is specified in the
s!stem design is decided& :uring this phase for the details of data structures and
algorithmic design of each of the modules is specified& 'he logic of the module is usuall!
specified in a high3leel design description language$ which is intermediate of the target
language in which the software will eentuall! be implemented&
'o e%press the internal logic of a module we need a design language& 'he design
language should be such that it is fle%ible enough to be eas!$ !et precise enough to be
eentuall! conertible into code& -rocess :esign 0anguage (-:0) can be usedto e%press
the detailed design of the s!stem&
4 final word about the use of detailed design phase is$ this is one of the phases
that are fre=uentl! not performed formall! and completel!$ because it is not alwa!s the
case that a detailed description of the modules adds much alue$ and e%perienced
programmers feel that the! can go directl! to coding& 7urthermore$ the detailed design
document has a little archial alue during maintenance$ unli(e the re=uirements
document or the s!stem design document&
'he main reason for this is that$ it is not practical to (eep the detailed design
document consistent with the code as the code changes during the coding and testing
actiities& 4 logical description that does not describe the code accuratel! is of little useG
hence the primar! use of detailed design phase is to design the logic and it erified before

End Game conference 2013
4n important part in s!stem design is database design& :atabase design proides a
centralized access to the data from the programs& 'he main ob2ecties of database design
are data integration and data independence& While designing the database care is gien to
insure data consistenc! and data redundanc! should also be aoided&
Tables "sed in the project are:
-D Articles

End Game conference 2013
1D A"thor=infos
4D Shares

End Game conference 2013

5D Site /sers

7D Site stat"s

KD Social=media=icons=defa"lts

End Game conference 2013

LD Social=media=icons

MD Sponcers

ND S"bmissin=assian

-OD S"bmission=ratin$s

End Game conference 2013

--D S"bmission

End Game conference 2013
-1D S"per=Admin

-4D TasEs

-5D Defa"lts=template

End Game conference 2013

-7D temp=contact=form

-KD A8arded=table

End Game conference 2013

-LD Template=site=pa$es

End Game conference 2013

-MD Temp=clicE=to=call

End Game conference 2013


End Game conference 2013
-ND Templates=pa$es

3o$ical Description of Data:
'he logical data description is a data model$ comprised of both a diagram and
structured description (data dictionar!) of the data ob2ects$ their relationships and their
attributes& 4lthough onl! the data dictionar! is mandator!$ it is strongl! recommended
that the graphical model also be deeloped to proide a complete logical description of
the inentor! data& 4 logical database description is to define the basic structure of the
application at a conceptual leel& 'he logical database description focuses on high3leel
data storage areas$ (nown as entities$ the actors that interact with these entities$ the
relationships between the entities$ and =uantitatie metrics about each entit!&

End Game conference 2013
System Proced"ral Desi$n:
a& :ata is collected as on the basis of the re=uirements&
b& 4ll the fields being declared and operated with the function&
c& 'here functioning is being handled b! the -rocess&
d& 'he start and end of process is being handled b! the operable data&
)(O orms Desi$n:
Access &ontrol and Sec"rity.
9ecurit! access control (94C) is an important aspect of an! s!stem& 9ecurit!
access control is the act of ensuring that an authenticated user accesses onl! what the! are
authorized to and no more& 'he bad news is that securit! is rarel! at the top of people,s
lists$ although mention terms such as data confidentialit!$ sensitiit!$ and ownership and
the! =uic(l! become interested&
4uthentication is the act of determining the identit! of a user and of the host that
the! are using& 'he goal of authentication is to first erif! that the user$ either a person or
s!stem$ which is attempting to interact with !our s!stem is allowed to do so& 'he second
goal of authentication is to gather information regarding the wa! that the user is accessing
!our s!stem& 7or e%ample$ a stoc( bro(er should not be able to ma(e financial
transactions during off hours from an )nternet caf\$ although the! should be able to do so
from their secured wor(station at their office&
'herefore gathering basic host information$ such as its location and securit! aspects of its
connection (is it encr!pted$ is it ia a ph!sical line is the connection priate ])$ is
'here are seeral strategies that !ou can follow to identif! a client/
/ser id and pass8ord
'his is the most common$ and t!picall! the simplest$ approach to identif!ing
someone because it is full! software3based&

End Game conference 2013
Physical sec"rity device
4 ph!sical deice$ such as a ban( card$ a smart card$ or a computer chip (such as
the U9peed -assV (e! chains used b! gas stations) is used to identif! a person&
9ometimes a password or personal identification number (-)C) is also re=uired to
ensure that it is the right person&
*iometric identification
Biometrics is the science of identif!ing someone from ph!sical characteristics&
'his includes technologies such as oice erification$ a retinal scan$ palm
identification$ and thumbprints&
4uthorization is the act of determining the leel of access that an authorized user
has to behaior and data& 'his section e%plores the issues surrounding
authorization$ there is often more to it than meets the e!e$ and then e%plores
arious database and ob2ect3oriented implementation strategies and their
7undamentall!$ to set an effectie approach to authorization the first =uestion that
!ou need to address is Uwhat will we control access toIV 'o secure access to both
data and functionalit!$ such as access to =uarterl! sales figures and the abilit! to
fire another emplo!ee respectiel!& 7or e%ample$ !ou ma! be as(ed to control
access to specific columns of specific rows within a database based on comple%
business rules !ou ma! not be able to implement this in a cost effectie manner
that also conforms to performance constraints&

End Game conference 2013
+or5ing of +eb.ite
'his is the 7ront-age of web site$ which contains the some new creations which
would come randoml! from the database& 4lso mentioned that the contents posted b! the
4dmin3-anel& 4lso hae the panel in 8ight side that contained the separate list b! that
user can direct interact with conference related ?uer! and can submit their abstract for
this and other all information as mentioned& 4nd also can ta(e the idea of that conference
that is going to be organized into%ication fight regarding 'obacco&
'his site contained main menu that contained submenu also and all data6s are
coming from admin panel which is being presented in front -anel to gie the message
about that conference which is to be organized in :elhi against )nto%ication of 'obacco&


End Game conference 2013
CEW9 4C: +-:4'E/

End Game conference 2013
EECE840 )C7O814')OC/
8elated to
Confrence that is
being organized
means 9ome
important news
]&and updates&&
8elated to
Conference that is
being organized
means 9ome
important news
]&and updates&&

End Game conference 2013
4B9'84C' CO11)''EE/

End Game conference 2013
)C'E8C4')OC40 4:M)9O8J CO11)''EE/
Chairman and

End Game conference 2013
LEJ 9-E4LE89/
7rom this page !ou can
see international 4disor
who wills adice !ou in
conference to oercome&
'he! are related to this
international committee

End Game conference 2013
Le! 9pea(ers World
Health Organization$
:irector is sa!ing
something and also
(e! spea(ers are
sa!ing to oercome to
this problem

End Game conference 2013
9CHO0489H)- CO11)''EE/
7rom this page !ou
can see the partners
who are promoting
this conference to
achiee their goal to
oercome the problem
of into%ication of

End Game conference 2013
8EE)9'84')OC -4CE0/
'his page is for the
9cholarship comitee
who are giing their
efforts b! proiding
the scholarship ]&

End Game conference 2013
Online registration !ou can as
per as mentioned here b! third
part! to 2oin this conference&
Online 8egistration b! user
to attend the conference and
can submit their own data
and also login if he has
alread! registered

End Game conference 2013
0OE)C -4CE0/
Jou can submit !our 4bstract related to !our =uer!
and data according to !our iew as per as !our
thoughts b! registering or b! logging if alread!
7or E%isting +ser
to 9ubmit their

End Game conference 2013
9C)EC')7)C -8OE8411E CO11)''EE/
'his is 9cientific -rogramme
Cotification that is to be
organized related to that 4bstract
9ubmitted b! different people

End Game conference 2013
Admin64ac5 End &ane)
'hese all are 4dmin -anel pages in which 4dministrator& +ser handles his site$
according to the Organization need& 4ll the changes would gie affect on front web site&
B! all these functioning administrator can handle his site effectiel!&
)n this admin panel entered with authorized +sername and -assword&

End Game conference 2013
&ontents 3ist
B! this page administrator can iew the Contents along with its details& 4dmin
user can search particular product and can gie the data updated& +ser can also change
the contents status$ would it be aailable for conference& )t can be edited also as per the
,ome Template
B! here Cew Contents
be added in the
conference as per as

End Game conference 2013
Abstract.S"bmission Details:
B! this page administrator can manage 4bstract 9ubmission submitted b! other
B! this page 4dmin3+ser Can
handle all data regarding 4bstract3

End Game conference 2013
Abo"t ,!)DA; Detail/
B! this page admin user can iew the detail of the H8):4J& +ser has priileges
to change it6s status can also delete the contents and $ma(e updating also&

End Game conference 2013


End Game conference 2013
Gallery Pa$e/
+ser can put galler! )mages 4s per as 8e=uirements and also can update those$
images if not needed means d!namicall! that can be handled

End Game conference 2013
'his page will manage all registration module which has been registered online b!
users as per as mentioned in registration process&

End Game conference 2013
Scholarship &ommittee.Admin Pa$e:
'his page manage all scholarship related actiities which would be done b!
committee as per as re=uirements

End Game conference 2013
Prepost.Add &onfrence Detail Pa$e:
'his page will manage -re3post add conference detail as per as our re=uirement$
1eans if an! new eents is related to this conference can be added ia this 4dmin 3page

End Game conference 2013
)n software deelopment$ bugs could creep in at an! stage during the
deelopment& 'esting is the ma2or =ualit! control measure emplo!ed during software
deelopment& :uring testing$ the program to be tested is e%ecuted with a set of test cases$
and the output of the program for the test case is ealuated to determine if the program is
performing as it is e%pected to do& 'esting is of two t!pes 3 :!namic testing > 9tatic
testing& )n d!namic method the behaiour of the s!stem is obsered b! e%ecuting the
s!stem& )n static method$ the behaiour of the s!stem is not obsered b! e%ecuting the
s!stem but b! reiew$ program proiding and code reading& 'esting process consists of
some leels&
The basic levels are:.
+nit 'esting
)ntegration 'esting
Malidation 'esting
9!stem 'esting
4cceptance 'esting
a. /0)T TEST)0G
'he first leel of testing is called +nit 'esting& )t is normall! considered ad an
ad2unct to the coding step& 4fter source leel code has been deeloped > reiewed$ the
correspondence to the component leel design unit test case begins& )n this testing$
different modules are tested against the specifications produced during design for the
modules& +nit testing is essentiall! for the erification of the code produced during the
coding phase$ and hence the goal is to test internal logic of the modules& +nit testing is
simplified when a component with high cohesion is designed& When onl! one function is
addressed b! a component$ the number of test cases is reduced and errors can be more
easil! predicted and recoered&

End Game conference 2013
b. )0TEG!AT)O0 TEST)0G
)ntegration testing is a s!stematic techni=ue for constructing the program structure
while at the same time conducting tests to uncoer errors associated with the interfacing&
)n this testing case$ man! tested modules are combined into subs!stems$ which are then
tested& 'he goal is to see if the modules can be integrated properl!$ the emphasis being on
)nterfaces between modules& 'his testing actiit! can be considered as testing the design
The inte$ration process is performed in a series of 7 steps:
-. 'he main control module is used as a test drier and stubs are substituted for all
components directl! subordinate to the main control module&
1. :epending on the integration approach selected$ subordinate stubs are replaced one at
a time with actual components&
4& 'ests are conducted as each component is integrated&
5& On completion of each set of test$ another stub is replaced with the real component&
7& 8egression testing ma! be conducted to ensure that new errors hae not been
The process contin"es from step 1 "ntil the entire pro$ram str"ct"re is b"ilt.
'he top3down integration strateg! erifies ma2or control or decision points earl! in
the test process&
*ottom."p inte$ration strate$y may be implemented 8ith the follo8in$
o0ow3leel components are combined into clusters that perform a specific software
sub function&
o4 drier is written to coordinate test case input and output&
o'he cluster is tested&
o:riers are remoed and clusters are combined moing upward in the program
o4s integration moes upward$ the need for separate test driers lessens&

End Game conference 2013
4t the culmination of integration testing$ software is completel! assembled as a
pac(age$ interface errors hae been uncoered and corrected$ and a final series of
software test3alidation testing ma! begin&
9oftware alidation is achieed through a series of blac(3bo% tests that
demonstrate conformit! with re=uirements& 4 test plan outlines the classes of tests to be
conducted and a test procedure defines specific test cases that will be used to demonstrate
conformit! when re=uirements are satisfied&
After each validation test case has been cond"cted> one of the t8o possible
conditions exists:.
-. 'he function or performance characteristics conform to specification
1. 4 deiation from specification is uncoered and a deficienc! list is created&
)t is often necessar! to negotiate with the customer to establish a method for resoling
deficiencies& 1ost software product builders use a process called alpha and beta testing to
uncoer errors that$ onl! end3user seems able to find&
'he alpha test is conducted at the deeloper6s site b! a customer& 4lpha tests are
conducted in a controlled enironment&
'he beta test is conducted at once$ or more customer sites b! the end3user of the
software& +nli(e alpha testing$ the beta test is a lie application of the software in an
enironment that cannot be controlled b! the deeloper&

End Game conference 2013
)mplementation is the stage of the pro2ect where the theoretical design is turned
into a wor(ing s!stem& 4t this stage the main wor( load$ the greatest upheaal and the
ma2or impact on the e%isting s!stem shifts to the user department& )f the implementation
is not carefull! planned a controlled it can cause chaos and confusion&
)mplementation includes all those actiities that ta(e place to conert from the old
s!stem to the new one& 'he new s!stem ma! be totall! new$ replacing an e%isting
manual or automated s!stem or it ma! be a ma2or modification to an e%isting s!stem&
-roper implementation is essential to proide a reliable s!stem to meet the organization
re=uirements& 9uccessful implementation ma! not guarantee improement in the
organization using the new s!stem$ but improper installation will preent it&
'he process of putting the deeloped s!stem in actual use is called s!stem
implementation& 'his includes all those actiities that ta(e place to conert from the old
s!stem to the new s!stem& 'he s!stem can be implemented onl! after thorough testing is
done and if it is found to be wor(ing according to the specifications& 'he s!stem
personnel chec( the feasibilit! of the s!stem&
'he most crucial stage is achieing a new successful s!stem and giing
confidence on the new s!stem for the user that it will wor( efficientl! and effectiel!& )t
inoles careful planning$ inestigation of the current s!stem and its constraints on
implementation$ design of methods to achiee the changeoer& 'he more comple% the
s!stem being implemented$ the more inoled will be the s!stem anal!sis and the design
effort re=uired 2ust for implementation& 'he s!stem implementation has three main
aspects& 'he! are education and training$ s!stem testing and changeoer&
'he implementation stage inoles following tas(s&
Careful planning&
)nestigation of s!stem and constraints&

End Game conference 2013
:esign of methods to achiee the changeoer&
'raining of the staff in the changeoer phase&
'he method of implementation and the time scale to be adopted are found out initiall!&
Ce%t the s!stem is tested properl! and the same time users are trained in the new
)mplementation Proced"res
)mplementation of software refers to the final installation of the pac(age in its real
enironment$ to the satisfaction of the intended users and the operation of the s!stem& )n
man! organizations someone who will not be operating it$ will commission the software
deelopment pro2ect& 'he people who are not sure that the software is meant to ma(e
their 2ob easier in the initial stage$ the! doubt about the software but we hae to ensure
that the resistance does not build up as one has to ma(e sure that
'he actie user must be aware of the benefits of using the s!stem
'heir confidence in the software is built up
-roper guidance is imparted to the user so that he is comfortable in using the
Before going ahead and iewing the s!stem$ the user must (now that for iewing
the result$ the serer program should be running in the serer& )f the serer ob2ect is not
up running on the serer$ the actual processes will not ta(e place&

End Game conference 2013
'he protection of computer based resources that includes hardware$ software$
data$ procedures and people against unauthorized use or natural :isaster is (nown as
9!stem 9ecurit!&
9!stem 9ecurit! can be diided into four related issues/
System Sec"rity refers to the technical innoations and procedures applied to the
hardware and operation s!stems to protect against deliberate or accidental damage
from a defined threat&
Data Sec"rity is the protection of data from loss$ disclosure$ modification and
System )nte$rity refers to the power functioning of hardware and programs$
appropriate ph!sical securit! and safet! against e%ternal threats such as
eaesdropping and wiretapping&
Privacy defines the rights of the user or organizations to determine what
information the! are willing to share with or accept from others and how the
organization can be protected against unwelcome$ unfair or e%cessie
dissemination of information about it&
Confidentialit! is a special status gien to sensitie information in a database to
minimize the possible inasion of priac!& )t is an attribute of information that
characterizes its need for protection&

End Game conference 2013
a. !ecurit" in !oft/are2
9!stem securit! refers to arious alidations on data in form of chec(s and
controls to aoid the s!stem from failing& )t is alwa!s important to ensure that onl! alid
data is entered and onl! alid operations are performed on the s!stem&
'he s!stem emplo!ees two t!pes of chec(s and controls/
&lient side validation:
Marious client side alidations are used to ensure on the client side that onl! alid
data is entered& Client side alidation saes serer time and load to handle inalid data&
9ome chec(s imposed are/
MB9cript in used to ensure those re=uired fields are filled with suitable data
onl!& 1a%imum lengths of the fields of the forms are appropriatel! defined&
7orms cannot be submitted without filling up the mandator! data so that
manual mista(es of submitting empt! fields that are mandator! can be sorted
out at the client side to sae the serer time and load&
'ab3inde%es are set according to the need and ta(ing into account the ease of
user while wor(ing with the s!stem&
Server side 6alidations:
9ome chec(s cannot be applied at client side& 9erer side chec(s are necessar! to
sae the s!stem from failing and intimating the user that some inalid operation has been
performed or the performed operation is restricted& 9ome of the serer side chec(s
imposed is/
9erer side constraint has been imposed to chec( for the alidit! of primar!
(e! and foreign (e!& 4 primar! (e! alue cannot be duplicated& 4n! attempt
to duplicate the primar! alue results into a message intimating the user about
those alues through the forms using foreign (e! can be updated onl! of the
e%isting foreign (e! alues&
+ser is intimating through appropriate messages about the successful
operations or e%ceptions occurring at serer side&

End Game conference 2013
Marious 4ccess Control 1echanisms hae been built so that one user ma! not
agitate upon another& 4ccess permissions to arious t!pes of users are
controlled according to the organizational structure& Onl! permitted users can
log on to the s!stem and can hae access according to their categor!& +ser3
name$ passwords and permissions are controlled o the serer side&
+sing serer side alidation$ constraints on seeral restricted operations are
9!stem securit! refers to arious alidations on data in form of chec(s and
controls to aoid the s!stem from failing& )t is alwa!s important to ensure that
onl! alid data is entered and onl! alid operations are performed on the
&hecE and &ontrols:
4 pro2ect re=uirement ma! ar! from the standards mentioned in this document& When
going against the standards$ pro2ects should ma(e sure to document it&
0amespace and &lass names:
Z Onl! the characters a3z$ 43^ and 03K are allowed for namespace and class
Z Camespaces are usuall! written in +pperCamelCase but ariations are
allowed for well3established names and abbreiations&
Z Class names are alwa!s written in +pperCamelCase&
Z 'he un=ualified class name must be meant literall! een without the
Z 'he main purpose of namespaces is categorization and ordering
Z Class names must be nouns$ neer ad2ecties&
Z 'he name of abstract classes must start with the word H4bstractH$ class names
of aspects must end with the word H4spectH&

End Game conference 2013
%ethod 0ame:
4ll method names are written in lowerCamelCase& )n order to aoid problems
with different files!stems$ onl! the characters a3z$ 43^ and 03K are allowed for method
names [ don,t use special characters&
1a(e method names descriptie$ but (eep them concise at the same time& Constructors
must alwa!s be called OOconstruct ()$ neer use the class name as a method name&
Z m!1ethod()
Z someCice1ethodCame()
Z singJmca0oudl!()
Z OOconstruct()
6ariable names:
Mariable names are written in lowerCamelCase and should be/
Z self3e%planator!&
Z not shortened be!ond recognition$ but rather longer if it ma(es their
meaning clearer&
'he following e%ample shows two ariables with the same meaning but different naming&
Jou,ll surel! agree the longer ersions are better (don,t !ou &&&I)&
Correct naming of ariables
Z NsingletonOb2ects8egistr!
Z Narguments4rra!
Z Na0otOfH'10Code
)ncorrect naming of ariables
Z NsOb28gstr!

End Game conference 2013
Z Narg4rr
4s a special e%ception !ou ma! use ariable names li(e Ni$ N2 and N( for numeric inde%es
in for loops if it,s clear what the! mean on the first sight& But een then !ou should want
to aoid them&
&onstant names:
4ll constant names are written in +--E8C49E& 'his includes '8+E$ 7409E and
C+00& Words can be separated b! underscores 3 !ou can also use the underscore to
group constants thematicall!/
Z 9'+77O0EME0
Z -4''E8CO14'CHOE14)04::8E99
Z -4''E8CO14'CHOM40):H'10'4E9
)t is$ b! the wa!$ a good idea to use constants for defining regular e%pression patterns (as
seen aboe) instead of defining them somewhere in !our code&
'hese are the rules for naming files/
Z 4ll filenames are +pperCamelCase&
Z Class and interface files are named according to the class or interface the!
Z Each file must contain onl! one class or interface
Z Cames of files containing code for unit tests must be the same as the class
which is tested$ appended with H'est&phpH&
b. Encryption> Sec"re:
4fter collecting all 8e=uirements form user$ it is proided to the team regarding
re=uirement chec(s and alid re=uirements are contained for further pro2ect wor( and

End Game conference 2013
re=uirements that does not meet the compan! policies and wor( modules$ are discussed
with user on it and possible changes are made in that& 4fter a correct manual it is
proided to the -ro2ect leader and its team&
'he compan! has a specific Corma for all its resources$ a specific bundle of
software proided to each s!stem& Each deeloper is gien a s!stem that has ma%
resources according to the deelopment process&
:ata base to the pro2ect is er! enerable$ if it left unsecure or uncared there are
er! huge disaster call Corms&
4s it6s mentioned aboe that this pro2ect is highl! dependent on the 7) s!stem and
collects all data related to it& 'here is a batch process which collects data of 7) pro2ect
from the database serer of ban( or form the database serer of compan!& 9o the proper
wor(ing of the running pro2ect is essential&
'his is also a limitation that we hae to ma(e a pro2ect which could handle the
business logic oer the minimum re=uirements which are specified earlier& 9!stem
securit! refers to arious alidations on data in form of chec(s and controls to aoid the
s!stem from failing& )t is alwa!s important to ensure that onl! alid data is entered and
onl! alid operations are performed on the s!stem&

End Game conference 2013
'he maintenance phase of the software c!cle is the time in which a 9oftware
product performs useful wor(& 4fter a s!stem is successfull! implemented$ it should be
maintained in a proper manner&
9!stem maintenance is an important aspect in the software deelopment life
c!cle& 'he need for s!stem maintenance is for it to ma(e adaptable to the changes in the
s!stem enironment& 'here ma! be social$ technical and other enironmental changes$
which affect a s!stem$ which is being implemented& 9oftware product enhancements ma!
inole proiding new functional capabilities$ improing user displa!s and mode of
interaction$ upgrading the performance characteristics of the s!stem& 9o onl! through
proper s!stem maintenance procedures$ the s!stem can be adapted to cope up with these
9oftware maintenance is of course$ far more than Ufinding mista(esV& We ma!
define maintenance b! describing four actiities that are underta(en to after a program is
released for use&
'he first maintenance actiit! occurs because it is unreasonable to assume that
software testing will uncoer all latent errors in a large software s!stem& :uring the use
of an! large program$ errors will occur and be reported to the deeloper&
'he process that includes the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors is
called corrective maintenance.
'he second actiit! that contributes to a definition of maintenance occurs because
of the rapid change that is encountered in eer! aspect of computing& 'herefore$
adaptive maintenance3 an actiit! that modifies software to properl! interfere with a
changing enironment is both necessar! and commonplace&
'he third actiit! that ma! be applied to a definition of maintenance occurs when
a software pac(age is successful& 4s the software is used$ recommendations for new
capabilities$ modifications to e%isting functions$ and general enhancements are receied
from users& 'o satisf! re=uests in this categor!> effective maintenance is performed&
'his actiit! accounts for the ma2orit! of all effort e%pended on software maintenance

End Game conference 2013
'he fourth maintenance actiit! occurs when software is changed to improe
future maintainabilit! or reliabilit!$ or to proide a better basis for future enhancements&
Often called preventive maintenance, this actiit! is characterized b! reerse
engineering and re3engineering techni=ues&

End Game conference 2013
'he application deeloped is designed in such a wa! that an! further
enhancements can be done with ease& 'he s!stem has the capabilit! for eas! integration
with other s!stems& Cew modules can be added to the e%isting s!stem with less effort&
'he Endgame for tobacco Conference "0.3 will be enhanced further with automated
mailing serices to the customer&
)f the product of the customer is damaged or the update of the product will be
informed through mailing serices the application will be enhanced to forecast future
business targets and transactions with high accurac!& )ntegrating legac! s!stems with
worldwide applications for customer relationship in the endgame for tobacco
Confrence"0.3 will be the prime motie of the s!stem&
'he conference endeaors a wa! forward for cohesie polic! enironment
combines with eidence3based communit! action to promote public health b! reducing
current tobacco use prealence and set global and countr!3wise target to protect present
and future generations from the harms of tobacco use&

End Game conference 2013
'he Endgame for tobacco Conference "0.3 has arried and whether or not the name
remains$ the concept is here to sta!& We hae addressed recent trends in the field$ most notabl!
the conference against tobacco is to be organized a deeper understanding of the into%ication
behaior and alue& We hae also e%plored the (inds of problems that how to remoe and aoid
from this problem to oercome&
)n addition$ we hae identified the critical issues that companies must consider at the
conference organized implementation& 7inall!$ we hae e%amined the customer3centric and
corporate benefits of implementing a Conference 1eeting against tobacco$ with the
understanding that efforts will onl! succeed when conference gie their aluable things to people
to oercome from this tobacco problem&

End Game conference 2013
a. !eference *ooE:
Z 8obin Ci%on$ O68E)00J6$ U0earning -H-$ 1!9?0 > <aascriptV&
Z 9teen Holzner$ U'he Complete 8eference -H-V&
Z W& <ason Eilmore$ 4press$ UBeginning -H- and 1!9?0 #V&
Z O68E)00J6$ UHead 7irst -H- > 1!9?0V
b. Other Doc"ments and !eso"rces:
Z http/AAwww&php&net
Z http/AAwww&w3schools&com
Z http/AAwww&tizag&com
Z http/AAwww&KKpoints&info
Z http/AAwww&!outube&comA'heCewBoston
Z http/AAwww&stac(oerflow&com
Z http/AAwww&(illerphp&com

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