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Submitted to:
Bikash Barua
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Submitted By:
1. Tanjina Mustafa
ID- 11!111"#
$. %akib Al &asan
ID- 11!11!##
%ub'ission Date( $) *ove'ber $!1
The Human Resource Information Systems:
The De+art'ent of &u'an ,esour-es Infor'ation %yste's .&,I%/ strives in
develo+ing and leading infor'ation syste' +lans that 'eet &u'an ,esour-es0
auto'ation) data) and infor'ation 'anage'ent re1uire'ents. In +artnershi+ 2ith
the University -o''unity) the +ri'ary fo-us of &,I% is on establishing innovative
solutions to integrated syste's) for the ad'inistration and de+loy'ent of strategi-
&u'an ,esour-es infor'ation) +rogra's) and servi-es.
The Main 3o'+onents of &u'an ,esour-e Infor'ation %yste's are follo2ing(
Ti'e 5 Attendan-e
4erfor'an-e A++raisal
Benefits Ad'inistration
&u'an ,esour-e Manage'ent Infor'ation %yste'
Learning Manage'ent
4erfor'an-e ,e-ord
6'+loyee %elf-%ervi-e
Absen-e Manage'ent
The payroll module auto'ates the +ay +ro-ess by gathering data on e'+loyee
ti'e and attendan-e) -al-ulating various dedu-tions and ta7es) and generating
+eriodi- +ay -he1ues and e'+loyee ta7 re+orts. Data is generally fed fro' the
hu'an resour-es and ti'e kee+ing 'odules to -al-ulate auto'ati- de+osit and
'anual -he1ue 2riting -a+abilities. This 'odule -an en-o'+ass all e'+loyee-
related transa-tions as 2ell as integrate 2ith e7isting finan-ial 'anage'ent
The tme a!d atte!da!"e module gathers standardi8ed ti'e and 2ork related
efforts. The 'ost advan-ed 'odules +rovide broad fle7ibility in data -olle-tion
'ethods) labor distribution -a+abilities and data analysis features. 3ost analysis
and effi-ien-y 'etri-s are the +ri'ary fun-tions.
The #e!e$t% adm!%trato! module +rovides a syste' for organi8ations to
ad'inister and tra-k e'+loyee +arti-i+ation in benefits +rogra's. These ty+i-ally
en-o'+ass insuran-e) -o'+ensation) +rofit sharing and retire'ent.
The HR ma!a&eme!t module is a -o'+onent -overing 'any other &, as+e-ts
fro' a++li-ation to retire'ent. The syste' re-ords basi- de'ogra+hi- and address
data) sele-tion) training and develo+'ent) -a+abilities and skills 'anage'ent)
-o'+ensation +lanning re-ords and other related a-tivities. Leading edge syste's
+rovide the ability to 9read9 a++li-ations and enter relevant data to a++li-able
database fields) notify e'+loyers and +rovide +osition 'anage'ent and +osition
-ontrol. &u'an resour-e 'anage'ent fun-tion involves the re-ruit'ent)
+la-e'ent) evaluation) -o'+ensation and develo+'ent of the e'+loyees of an
organi8ation. Initially) businesses used -o'+uter based infor'ation syste's to(
+rodu-e +ay -he-ks and +ayroll re+orts:
'aintain +ersonnel re-ords:
4ursue talent 'anage'ent.
;nline re"rut!& has be-o'e one of the +ri'ary 'ethods e'+loyed by &,
de+art'ents to garner +otential -andidates for available +ositions 2ithin an
organi8ation. Talent 'anage'ent syste's ty+i-ally en-o'+ass(
analy8ing +ersonnel usage 2ithin an organi8ation:
identifying +otential a++li-ants:
re-ruiting through -o'+any-fa-ing listings:
re-ruiting through online re-ruiting sites or +ubli-ations that 'arket to both
re-ruiters and a++li-ants.
The signifi-ant -ost in-urred in 'aintaining an organi8ed re-ruit'ent effort) -ross-
+osting 2ithin and a-ross general or industry-s+e-ifi- job boards and 'aintaining a
-o'+etitive e7+osure of availabilities has given rise to the develo+'ent of a
dedi-ated a++li-ant tra-king syste') or <AT%<) 'odule.
The tra!!& module +rovides a syste' for organi8ations to ad'inister and tra-k
e'+loyee training and develo+'ent efforts. The syste') nor'ally -alled a
9learning 'anage'ent syste'9 .LM%/ if a stand alone +rodu-t) allo2s &, to tra-k
edu-ation) 1ualifi-ations and skills of the e'+loyees) as 2ell as outlining 2hat
training -ourses) books) 3Ds) 2eb based learning or 'aterials are available to
develo+ 2hi-h skills. 3ourses -an then be offered in date s+e-ifi- sessions) 2ith
delegates and training resour-es being 'a++ed and 'anaged 2ithin the sa'e
syste'. %o+histi-ated LM% allo2 'anagers to a++rove training) budgets and
-alendars alongside +erfor'an-e 'anage'ent and a++raisal 'etri-s.
The employee %el$'%er("e module allo2s e'+loyees to 1uery &, related data and
+erfor' so'e &, transa-tions over the syste'. 6'+loyees 'ay 1uery their
attendan-e re-ord fro' the syste' 2ithout asking the infor'ation fro' &,
+ersonnel. The 'odule also lets su+ervisors a++rove ;.T. re1uests fro' their
subordinates through the syste' 2ithout overloading the task on &, de+art'ent.
Many organi8ations have gone beyond the traditional fun-tions and develo+ed
hu'an resour-e 'anage'ent infor'ation syste's) 2hi-h su++ort re-ruit'ent)
sele-tion: hiring) job +la-e'ent) +erfor'an-e a++raisals) e'+loyee benefit
analysis) health) safety and se-urity) 2hile others integrate an outsour-ed a++li-ant
tra-king syste' that en-o'+asses a subset of the above.
Assigning res+onsibilities 3o''uni-ation bet2een the 6'+loyees.
The A!alyt"% 'odule enables organi8ations to e7tend the value of an &,M%
i'+le'entation by e7tra-ting &, related data for use 2ith other business
intelligen-e +latfor's. =or e7a'+le) organi8ations -o'bine &, 'etri-s 2ith other
business data to identify trends and ano'alies in head-ount in order to better
+redi-t the i'+a-t of e'+loyee turnover on future out+ut.
The Functions of Human Resource Department:
Main fun-tions of &,M in-lude +ro-ure'ent) develo+'ent) -o'+ensation)
integration and 'aintenan-e. These fun-tions -an be des-ribed as(
Training 5 Develo+'ent
Sta$$!& is the 'ost i'+ortant fun-tion of &u'an ,esour-e Manage'ent. It
in-ludes the a-t ivies of re-ruit'ent and sele-tion of the organi8ation. ,e-ruiting is
the fun-tion that attra-ts 1ualified a++li-ants to fill job va-an-ies. In this fun-tion)
the 'ost 1ualified a++li-ants are sele-ted for hiring for the organi8ation. ;n
sele-tion) hu'an resour-e fun-tionaries are involved in develo+ing and
ad'inistering 'ethods that enable 'anagers to de-ide 2hi-h a++li-ants to sele-t
and 2hi-h to reje-t for the jobs.
To +erfor' the job Tra!!& a!d De(elopme!t fun-tion +rovide the skills and
kno2ledge to the e'+loyee to +erfor' their jobs effe-tively. Training and
develo+'ent +rogra''er +rovide useful that assuring the e'+loyees are -a+able
of +erfor'ing their jobs at a--e+table levels. %o'e organi8ation sent the e'+loyee
to training -enter: so'e give the' training at the organi8ation: so'e organi8ations
arrange develo+'ent +rogra''er 2hi-h +re+are e'+loyees for higher level
res+onsibilities. There are often +roviding training +rogra''ers by e7+erien-ed
e'+loyees 2hose jobs are undergoing -hange.
By the fun-tion if )a!te!a!"e* &, +rogra''ed -overing o--u+ational safety)
health +ro'otion and +hysi-al fitness) -anteen fa-ilities) re-reation a-tivities)
trans+ortation +rogra''ed) e'+loyee suggestion s-he'es) -areer -ounseling and
gro2th for -reating a +ositive 2ork environ'ent. It also very i'+ortant and it refer
as a -reative &, +ra-ti-es.
The =un-tion of )ot(ato! -o'es 'ostly in the 'onetary fro'. By the
'otivation fun-tion &,M 'a7i'i8es the e'+loyee retention statisti-s and instills
a sense of bonding a'ong the organi8ation the e'+loyees. To retain good staff and
en-ourage the' finan-ial re2ard is i'+ortant as 2ell as +hysiologi-al re2ards also
i'+ortant. 4hysiologi-al re2ards offered by the organi8ation as a -ontinuous
e7er-ise. &, de+art'ent evaluate the e'+loyees +erfor'an-e and +rovide an
a++ro+riate re2arding syste's.
In the 'otivation fun-tion there are(-
o 61uities
o Bonuses
o ,es+e-t
o =le7ibility in 2orking hours
o A2ards
o 3o'+li'entary va-ations
o In-re'ents
The Impacts of HRIS on HRM Functions:
+, Sta$$!&- %taffing =un-tions are the 'ain a-tivities 3on-ern 2ith seeking 5
hiring 1ualified e'+loyees.
Re"rutme!t- >orks as the 'ain -o'+onents of &,M infor'ation syste'
that develo+s
A +ool of 1ualified a++li-ant0s +otential for a job.
A!aly%%- Analysis the s+e-ifi- or variety of skill that re1uires for the
+otential job.
Sele"to!- %ele-tion +ro-ess is very i'+ortant to hire a++ro+riate e'+loyee
for +otential job is a -ru-ial Task. >rong sele-tion 'ay result in a lo2
+rodu-tivity of the ;rgani8ation. %taffing =un-tion is very sensitive 2ith
sele-tion +ro-ess. 4ro+er %ele-tion ensures higher +rodu-tion.
., Tra!!& / De(elopme!t- Training 5 Develo+'ent is a ;ngoing +ro-ess
to develo+ 2orkers abilities 5 skills. The 3o'+onents of &,I% su-h as
Training +rogra''ed) 6'+loyee %elf servi-e) learning 'anage'ent)
%-heduling greatly affe-ts the Training # Develo+'ent %tru-ture of an
Tra!!& 0ro&ram- A--ording to the re-ruit'ent skills of a job the
training +rogra' should be arranged. =or 67a'+le) after re-ruit'ent
in a bank the e'+loyee has to -o'+lete a +eriod of training related to
the kind of job she?he has to +erfor'.
Employee Sel$'Ser("e- If the job re1uires day-to-day u+dates of
skills then there should have so'e self servi-e syste' to an
;rgani8ation so that the e'+loyees -an u+date their %kills regularly.
Lear!!& )a!a&eme!t- 6'+loyee has to adjust the'selves 2ith the
;rgani8ation behavior. 6'+loyees need to learn the -ulture of the
&o2 the Infor'ation syste' is -o''uni-ated 5 ho2 their +osition
fits the ;rgani8ation stru-ture 5 strategy.
S"1edul!&- Training 5 develo+'ent =un-tions 'ust be affe-ted by
%-heduling. That is the ti'e +eriod of training 5 the +erfor'an-e evaluation
of develo+'ent 'ust 'at-h a++ro+riately.

2, )ot(ato!- To 'otivate e'+loyees e7ert at high energy levels greatly

affe-ted by the follo2ing -o'+onents of &,M.
6'+loyee Training( &el+s e'+loyee training should be design in a su-h a
2ay so that an e'+loyee -an a-1uire better skills to +erfor' his job.
0ay Roll- +ay roll should be fair enough to 'otivate the
e'+loyee to do job 'ore effe-tively. That is the e'+loyee
should have fair -o'+ensation of their labor.
0er$orma!"e Appra%al- this -o'+onent deter'ines the ty+es
of 'otivation syste'. That is ho2 2ill be the training and
develo+'ent syste' of the organi8ation. &o2 the +erfor'an-e
of the e'+loyee 2ill be evaluated and re2arded.
0ay Be!e$t- so'eti'es the +ay benefit 2orks as a very
i'+ortant -o'+onent to design the 'otivation syste'. Benefits
su-h as health insuran-e) housing fa-ilities) -onveyan-e
allo2an-es et- 'otivate e'+loyee e7tent high +erfor'an-e.
Be!e$t Adm!%trato!- An effe-tive benefit ad'inistrative is
very i'+ortant to 'otivate e'+loyee. An organi8ation0s
effe-tive benefit ad'inistration ensures the +rodu-tive
e'+loyee. 4erfor'an-e and benefits should be +ositive. &igh
+erfor'an-e should re2ard 2ith high benefits.
3, )a!te!a!"e- Maintenan-e fun-tion 'ainly -on-erned 2ith 'aintaining
e'+loyee0s -o''it'ent and loyalty to the organi8ation. The follo2ing
-o'+onents of &,MI% greatly affe-t the 'aintenan-e fun-tion.
)a!te!a!"e o$ 4or5!& 6o!dto!- Maintaining is safe and better
2orking environ'ent ensures the high +erfor'an-e of the e'+loyees.
6ommu!"ato! 0ro&ram- The +erfe-t e'+loyee0s 2elfare &,MI% 'ust
o+erate a++ro+riate -o''uni-ation +rogra' so that e'+loyee -an kno2
2hat o--urring frustrations is. A 2ell infor'ed e'+loyee -an +rovide high
0er$orma!"e Re"ord( A good and effe-tive +erfor'an-e re-ord syste'
hel+s to evaluate and analyses the +erfor'an-e and develo+'ent of the
A#%e!"e )a!a&eme!t- Absen-e 'anage'ent is a very i'+ortant
-o'+onent. A good absen-e 'anage'ent is very i'+ortant to retain 2ell
'otivated and skilled e'+loyees. Manage'ent should regularly evaluate the
a rate of absent e'+loyee and the reason of behind that regulator and skilled
e'+loyee results in higher +rodu-tion.

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