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Submitted To: Miss Nadia


It is the worldwide collection of networks that uses the Internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to connects millions of business,
goernment agencies, educational institutions and indiiduals that
are linked b! broad arra! of electronic, wireless and optical
networking technologies"
The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such
as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the orld ide eb !" and the
infrastructure to support email#
The Internet is an extraordinary entertainment and learning tool that may be utili$ed in a
number of modes to increase the ability of a user to collect information# The Internet is an
extraordinary entertainment and learning tool that may be utili$ed in a number of modes
to increase the ability of a user to collect information

Advantages of Internet:
Information :
Submitted %y: &omal Idrees
'oll No#:((
Submitted To: Miss Nadia
The biggest benefit offered by the Internet is information# It
functions as a valuable resource of information# )ou can find any type of
information on any sub*ect +ith the help of the search engines like )ahoo and
-mail is no+ an essential communication tools in business# It is
also excellent for keeping in touch +ith family and friends# The advantages to
email is that it is free ! no charge per use" +hen compared to telephone, fax and
postal services#

Communication :
The primary goal of the Internet is communication# It
has done extremely +ell in this field, ho+ever the development process is still
going on to make it more dependable and .uick# %y sending an e-mail, +e can
contact a person +ho is physically present thousand miles a+ay +ithin the
fraction of a second/s time#
#ntertainment :
Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment#
0 +ide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat
room, ne+s and others can be accessed through the Internet#
#$commerce :
--commerce is the idea that is implemented for any form of
commercial strategy or business transactions that entails transmission of data
from one corner of the +orld to another# --commerce has become a fantastic
option through +hich you can shop anything#
%ormation of communities :
Internet helps in formation of
communities or forums# 1ere a number of people can participate in different
types of debates and discussions, and express their vie+s and gather valuable
&erices : 0 variety of services are offered via Internet, for example *ob
searching, online banking, buying movie tickets, hotel reservations and
consultation services etc# hen you avail these services offline, they become
more expensive#
Disadvantages of internet:
Theft of Personal Information:
Submitted %y: &omal Idrees
'oll No#:((
Submitted To: Miss Nadia
If you use the Internet for online
banking, social net+orking or other services, you may risk a theft to your
personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc#
2nscrupulous people can access this information through unsecured
connections or by planting soft+are and then use your personal details for
their benefit# Needless to say, this may land you in serious trouble#
&pamming :
It refers to sending un+anted e-mails in bulk, +hich provide no
purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system# Such illegal activities can
be very frustrating for you as it makes your Internet slo+er and less reliable#
'irus Threat:
Internet users are often plagued by virus attacks on their
systems# 3irus programs are inconspicuous and may get activated if you click
a seemingly harmless link# 4omputers connected to Internet are very prone to
targeted virus attacks and may end up crashing#
5ornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of Internet#
Internet allo+s you to access and do+nload millions of pornographic photos,
videos and other 6-rated stuff# Such unrestricted access to porn can be
detrimental for children and teenagers# It can even play a havoc in marital and
social lives of adults#
&ocial (isconnect :
Thanks to Internet, people no+ only meet on social
net+orks# More and more people are getting engulfed in virtual +orld and
drifting apart from their friends and family# -ven children prefer to play
online games rather than going out and mingling +ith other kids# This may
hamper a healthy social development in children#
Thus, Internet has the potential to make your life simple and convenient, as
+ell as +reak havoc in your life# Its influence is mostly dictated by the
choices you make +hile you are online# ith clever use, you can manage to
harness its unlimited potential#
Submitted %y: &omal Idrees
'oll No#:((

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