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21 reasons to quit glamour industry

wow, you were a model before. Why did you leave? You look so good. I love your height, how tall
are you? You could mint money in serials, if I had these looks I would have never left this glamour
This is one of the common reactions I get from people who are not related to the glamour industry.
Yes, I agree physical appearance do make an impact and is essential to make it big in this industry
but looks are just one of the essential ingredients to make it in this industry. And by the way
making it big comes later, first comes making a living as the first priority. Mumbai is an expensive
city and on top it one needs to portray a high end lifestyle which puts extra pressure on already
weak (non-earning) pockets.
A well-established critic and a writer who has been a part of the glamour world for more than 25
years quoted a line, Either you are an actor or you are not!
This was an eye opener for me at least. Why waste my time and the time of others, when I know I
cant give what they want.
And for those who are actors (assuming already equipped with good looks and skills like dialogue
delivery, body language, voice modulation, dance, martial arts, dubbing, expressions, networking,
branding, promoting etc) have to go through the tedious process of auditions and meetings with
various casting directors till the time they are at the right place at the right time to bag the right
In the cut throat industry where the demand is less and supply is more the exploitation is obvious.
Here are few pointers which made me ask the question to myself, Girish, is it worth the risk? Risk
is of your time, your efforts and your parents (hard earned) money which goes in this unpredictable
career-making gamble.
1. High Insecurity
2. No assurance of regular flow of income
3. No assurance of being paid even after the job is done
4. Agents 30% commission. (Client pays the agent Rs25000/- towards model/actor services.
Agent pays Rs10000/- to the model stating that this is the budget for the job. From this the
model/actor has to pay 30% to the agent as his commission. Model/actor gets Rs7000/- only
after a regular follow up for a month for the payment whereas the agent takes advance
payment from the client.)
5. High living expense plus maintaining the luxury-image.
6. No bank-loans for Model/actor
7. More value to foreign models/actor
8. Lousy payment till you become a brand
9. Disorganized and unpunctual pattern of working on and off sets
10. High cost for networking and marketing
11. Limited opportunities and demands
12. Typecast issues and Growing age
13. Difficult to go back to small town life after living in Mumbai
14. E.G.O clashes with self-proclaimed professionals who dont even know their own job
15. Domination, unethical and disrespectful work environment
16. Compromising issues (Sex with same gender or opposite to get the job)
17. No strict actions against culprits as there is no place to complain
18. No strong models/actor association as there is no unity in the models/actor themselves.
(models/actor give in themselves because of helplessness)
19. No hierarchy or structure or success blueprint to follow
20. Unavailability of right guidance and right information on internet. How can one educate about
this vast industry before stepping into it?
21. Specialized skills and expertise of this stream will obviously not fetch a job in the other
streams. Hence making the switch in the career is a task.
Everyone is given a brain, fully equipped to think. I took a call which is safe as sense of security
which is gained by the regular flow of income was my priority. The decision to be in or out is an
individual choice.
I speak for myself and I respect your decision.
Its your life and I am not telling you to be/do or act from my perception and limited personal
viewpoint. Take your call. Ask your heart, Is it worth it?


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