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Steve and Joy Singer ^1^ John and Wanda Skorczewski

P.O.Box466 ^^-2Box37
Pinckneyville, IL. 62274 IL Pmckneyville,IL. 62274
Teaching Others To Teach
We wishGod's greatest blessings for all of you our faithful supporters and encouragers.
Maythegreat Godof love andpeace give youa prosperous andhappy 1996.
It has been an eventful and busy 1995 for ie Sharing Christ's I^ve in Haiti Christian
Missions. Wehave hadmany successful endeavors for Christ and also some disappointments but
all inall it has been a good year. We, I feel, have through the help of theLord made strides
forward insome areas, inothers it seems that we have come toa virtual stand still, and possibly
inothers we might have lost some ground. However ineverything we thank God and tiytodo
our very best for Him.
Onthe 7th of December I left home to go toHaiti to bring Jack Myrtil to the United States
for an educational visit. He hadnever inhis hfeleft the tiny island in theCaribbean, andhadno
ideawhat the outside worldwas like. Whenwe addressed certain subjects about the school or
sanitation or similar topics he could not visualize what we were talkmg about so itwas decided
that atrip to the States would be helpful. There were several congregations and individuals who
helped us pay for his ticket and other expenses and we made up the rest. He was not here long
until hetold us that he now realized what wehadbeen trying to tell him. He gottosee snow for
the first time and was completely fascinated byit and wanted to know where it came firom. He
tried to catch snow flakes in the palm ofhis hand so that he might get a closer look at them,
needless to say he was unsuccessful because they melted so soon. He was equally impressed at
the pace we keep here in America and told us that it seemed as though eveiybody was busy all
the time and that everybody seemed to be working at some sort ofjob, not hke in Haiti where
most people have nothing to do except trying to find or acquire some food for the day.
On the way here we stopped at the Church at Cornelia Ga., along time supporter ofJack
and the Sharing Christ's Love in Haiti Christian Missions. They and he now can put faces to
names that they had heard. It was agreat experience for Jack and I'm sure for them also. When
we got him to Pinckneyville, the congregation and people here just loved him to pieces. As far as
I'm concerned ifyou know Jack you will love him. On the second day ofhis stay here I asked
him what his opinion ofwhat he saw here in America was, and he told me, I think that when we
get toheaven it will besomething like this only better.
While inHaiti this time wewere able to get the baptistry built inthe Church at Gonaives.
The roof is still not on the building but since the money was donated and designated for the
baptistry we went ahead and had it built. We are hopeful and trust God to supply the funds to
complete the roof in the next couple ofmonths. When that happens we vrill have aplace to
worship and also more space for the school. At present the Church is meeting under the roof of
the old Church building which has no walls except the wooden posts which hold up the roof. The
roof isa rusted out metal roof which only serves as shade against the sun, it is useless when it
rains as it isrusted full ofholes.The five rooms that we have for the school serve as school for
266 students so itis packed beyond it's capacity and many more children had to be turned away.
The Church building atPasse Rein isneaiing completion. The stairs and landing atthe
entrance are in place, the rough floor is nowfimshed and ahttle over halfofit has the fimshed
floor in place. Doors are still needed and an over all plastering (with cement) is needed to finish
the building. The building is usable however, and is being used for worship and school. (See
December newsletter) Sadey still has problems with paying the teachers as we are unable to
finance the school at this time.
The Churchat Haute Feuillecontinuesto meet outside under a tree because they have no
property or building to meet at. Theyhave approached us abouthelping themto acquire
something but at present we are unableto do so. Theyclaimto have a piece oflandthat can be
purchased for $800.00 but we, andtheydonot have the money to do so. Alsobrother Dominique
is preaching at the village ofLa Hatte Grandmontewhich has a congregation of75 to 100
attending, whichmeets in a little mud hut and they too have asked for help to acquire a nice piece
ofproperty which they showed me and they say can be purchased for $500.00, but again we
cannot help them either. It is so sad, frustrating, and disheartening to see the Church so
enthusiasticallytrying to grow and so much in need and not be able to do anything about it. I
have often wondered how we as Christians can use the Lord's money tor padded pews, air
conditioning, and the many other projects we deem so necessary and turn our backs on
necessities such as these. I wonder sometimes howwe will account for this to the Lord. I believe
we here in America often confuse our "wants" with necessities or needs.
At present we are financingthe Bible College education oftwo fine yoimgmen. We have
been approached by two other worthy youngmen to go to Bible College. We do not finance
everyonewho wants to go to college but rather we check to see why they want to go, and their
plans for the fiiture, and if their desire is to be able to work for the Lord. Ifthey check out on all
counts we then contact George Bostonat the Bible College and assure himthat we will sponsor
themthrough college. We then pay $50.00 per month, per student, to help pay for their costs of
attending the Bible College. This does not pay all their expenses but it does make it possible for
the college to meet their needs while they attend. We have two ofthe first graduates ofthe
college serving as ministers at two ofthe congregations that we work with. Nerriel is the minister
at Bois Neuf, and Sadey is the minister at Passe Rein. Both men are doing outstanding work and
both are good Bible scholars. George and Lois Bostonand the college have done a great job in
educatingthese youngmen and shouldbe commendedfor their work.
We wish that the Christianshere in America would take one missionarytrip to Haiti with
us and see the love and zeal for Christ that their brothers and sisters in Christ have there and the
conditions underwhichtheymust practicetheir Christianity. I amconvinced once fiiUy aware of
the situation the Christians here wouldbecome likethe Israelites whenMoses askedfor goldand
silver to build the taberoacle. They gave to that enduntil Moseshad to tell themto stopbecause
there was morethanenou^. I cannotbelieve that Christians do not havethat samelovefor the
The manyaccounts and descriptions ofthe situation there, no matter how descriptive
cannot prepare you for the actual conditions there. There are so many people there who are
searching for the truth and have no way without our help to findit. As I e}q)lained to one
individual, youcan't tell themto goreadtheirBiblebecause theydo not haveon andif theydid,
90% ofthem cannot read.
Again we wish all ofyou God's great loveandblessings andthankyoufor your support
and encouragement.
Steve and Joy Singer John and Wanda Skorczewski
B.S. A note fromJack. He asked me to print this in the newsletter.
This best gift I want to givefor theyounggirls and boys. The
professional school That makespart ofihe greatestproblemof
Haiti Ouryounggirls and boys got notprofession to live. IVsbestto
showsomeone how tofish than to give him a fish every day."
Jack Myrtil
Steve and Joy Singer Wanda Skorczewski
P.O. Box 466 R-2Box37
Pinckneyville, IL, 62274 ifef /fs Pinckneyville.IL. 62274
Teaching Others To Teach
As I write this newsletter it is very cold her e in southern Illinois. The temperature is
around 15 which is cold for us in this part ofthe country. I was justthinking that it was a good
tiring that Jack never had to deal with weather this severe during his trip here. Jack called me the
other day after he had arrived back in Haiti to let me know that all was well and tliat he
completed his trip safely. Pie was really excited about many ofthe things that he saw and learned
wliile he was here inthe States. While he was here he had the opportunity to visit a pig farm and
agoat daily. He never imagmed that so much could be accomphshed by one individual. Our hope
is that this impressed him enough that he will try to go back and incorporate some ofthese
methods into his own work. While we do not want tototally Americanize Jack, wedo want him
to see and know what potential he has. Ifwe can teach the Haitians to take care ofthemselves,
then they have the possibility ofbecoming self supporting. We hope that some day the nation of
Haiti will be doing the same kind ofmission work in otlier countries that we are presently doing
there. Jack has that same desire as well. He wants to see his country be able to operate
independently and he knows that it is only tlirough turmng to God tliat they will be able to
achieve their goal. Jack fully believes that the main reason for their difficulty is the fact that there
is so much Satan worship and voo-doo in Haiti. Most people at first glance tend to chuckle when
they hear that statement, but I challenge you to think strongly along those hnes. IfAmerica
continues on this vast moral decline, we might find ourselves in tlie same situation.
One ofthe things that Jack wants to do for tlie people in Haiti is to teach them how to
work. Ifyou remember last months newsletter you will remember the note that Jack had me print
at the conclusion. Toward that end we have begun toround up some sewing machines. We are
working with alocal business man to get some older more dependable machines. I don't know
much about sewing machines but he says tliat what we need are class 15 machines. We have four
and are looking to get 1or 2more. We will then ship these machines to Haiti where we will
conduct asewing school. There are many tailors in Haiti and itis agood job for some ofthe
people. We realize that not everyone can be atailor, and we will not try to teach everyone this
trade. We will tiy to take the individuals that have an aptitude in this area and teach them to be
the best tailor that they can be. We have some tailors in the Church that can act as instructors,
and we will also be taking an individual in this summer that has a degree in home economics. We
will try to supplement what they already know with what our instructor can teach them. Itis our
hope that the cross cultural training will yield abetter tailor than could be achieved by either of
them separately.
To implement the school we will need to purchase another generator. Last year we
purchased two generators. The first one was aColeman that only cost $500.00 but it only lasted
9 months. The second one was a Honda it is still currently in use and doinga finejob. The cost
for the Honda was $1900.00. Both generators are the same size and cariy the same usage rating
but the Honda holds up much better under the difficult conditions in Haiti. I'he only problem vrith
the Honda is that it will only put out 5000 watts and it is small enough to steal easily. With that in
mind I would hke tolook for larger industrial type generators. What I would like toput at the
school and at the project would be 20 kw diesel powered generators. Ifwe can find anything like
this we will put them on trailers, drive them to Miami and then ship them to Haiti. Once they aie
in place at the desired location we will remove them from the trailers and set them on the ground.
We feel that this would be a big theft deten'ent asthey would weigh in the neighborhood of3000
lbs. These generators would then be able to supply all ofour electrical needs for anything inthe
foreseeable future. Thecost of operation would come down as theywould be diesel as opposed
to gasoline. We also feel that generators ofthis type would beable tostand up tolong run times
and harsh environment. If you know of anyone thathas something like this please let us know.
The cost for these generators newis approximately $5000.00 each. We would hke tofind used
ones that could be overhauled and sent in at a reduced cost.
There are a couple of other items that need tobesent inthis summer aswell. We need to
replace a gasoline water pump. We use these pumps tofill the fish ponds at the project and to
pump water into the cisterns at the water projects. We have learned by experience that the best
pump touse for this purpose is a Honda. They are very dependable and long lasting, but the
initid cost ishigher. We are hoping tobeable toreplace this pump for around $500.00. We also
need to replace anelectric water pump. Last year the old one burned updue to low voltage. We
have corrected theproblem and installed our back uppump. Now wemust replace theback up
pump. We like toalways have a spare sothat when there are Americans using the project inHaiti
they will never have to do without safe water. This pump is the least expensive and should be
able to be purchasedfor around $250.00.
Another project that we want to expand this year is the goat project. Last year we
purchased 5 goats. Three of them have had babies and one of die adult females hasbeen killed.
We don't knowjust what killed her but Jack found her dead one day when he went to bring them
infor the night. I would hketo seethe goat project get tothepoint that we arerunning 100 goats
year round. If this could be achieved, it would help to paytheteacher bill as well as feed many
Haitians. The reasonthat we went to goats is that they exist naturally in Haiti. We do not have to
provide special feed. Wewill need to have grazing rights for that many goats, either through
leasing the ground or purchase. That wiU be decided according to availabihty and cost
effectiveness. If this programworks we would like to implement it at each of thelocations where
we are supporting a congregation.
We want to keep youposted on the things that we are doingand especially howwe are
spending themoney thatis given to themission. Werealize that everything that we are able to do
depends upon yourfaithful support. We thank youfor this andencourage youto come andvisit
the mission in Haiti.
Right nowas far as I knowthere will be two tripsintoHaiti this year. Oneat the endof
June and another later on in the fall. If you have ever consideredgoing, nowis an excellenttime.
Since the occupation has begun, electric androads have improved greatly. These arethe things
that makeit mucheasier for Americans visiting the country. If you do decide to go, you will have
a life changing experience. Just as much as Jack was impressed Avith America, you would be
equally impressed with the situation inHaiti. Please pray about this andsincerely consider going.
I behevethat if we couldjust get peopleto see first handwhat is beingdone in the country of
Haiti, there would be an abundance of support for the work there.
Until next time, I pray that God will bless you and keep you. Pray for the work there and
pray for your involvement in this mission.
Steve and Joy Singer John and Wanda Skorczewski
Steve and Joy Singer Wanda Skorczewski
P.O. Box 456 R.2Box37
Pmckneyvilie, IL. 62274 yfS^ PincknewJIeTL. 62274
Teaching Others To Teach
MARCH 1996
I hope that as the spring ofthe year approaches it finds you well and ready to do the work
ofthe Lord. It is along those lines that I have been thinking for several months. The mission has
placed an adina national Christian pubhcation seeking men towork witli the mission. As you
well know the most difficult part of the mission work is raising enougli support todo the
overwhelming work that is present in Haiti. We can spend in two weeks what it takes six months
to raise. I am hoping tobeable tochange that this year. We have so many worthy projects that
could and should be accomplished and wewill get them done. What I am asking you toconsider,
isto fill one ofthe positions here in tlie States. We need men tliat will spend time going into local
congregations in their area representing the mission and helping to raise support. Men ofall ages
and abihties could fill tliis slot. If you have been looking for a way to serve the Lord, andare not
quite sure what it is, you should consider this opportunity. Retired preachers, aspiring preachers,
men that just want to be more active for the Lord, all quahiy for this position. We would like to
see each representative make at least one trip to the mission site in Haiti, lliis would allow them
to speak first hand about what we are doing. This would also allow tliem to inspire others to
come and work with us in Haiti. Once you have seen the need first hand, you will reahze the
importance ofthe mission. I believe that this method ofrepresentation isnecessary tor the
mission tobe able to continue to grow. We can continue almost indefinitely as we are, but that is
not what theLord desires. Hewants to seegrowtli, and we will do ourbest to bepleasing inHis
sight. Ahusband - wife team is another possibility for this position, just recently I was visited by
FredGreenand his wife fi'om Missouii. They travel to Haiti and stayat the mission housewhOe
they are there. They were on a short trip going and representing their mission work to different
congregations here in America. I ask you to please consider helping the mission in tliis way. If
you absolutely feel that you can not do this, reconsider. Moses tliought that he was not the right
man to represent God to tlie Egyptians, but he was wrong. At the very least put this need on your
daily prayer list, ask God to supply us with men that wiU work for the Lord in this area.
I would also like to be able to come and visit with some of your congregations. If you have
never had tlie mission come and make a presentation, please consider tliis as well. 1will making
appointments for the summer shortly, so please call and let us know ifyou would like to have a
presentation at your local congregation.
So far I have two trips into Haiti scheduled for 1996. The first one will be made at the end
ofJune. I have two people scheduled to go witli me on this trip, it wili be a 9 day trip in all.
During that trip, we will be holding a revival in the evenings and having classes for the women of
the Church during the morning hours. Also during the morning hours we wiU beworking at trying
toteach organizational skills to themen. The two individuals tfiat are going are botli quite
capable intheir fields. There is room for more to go along. I would really like to take someone
that has photography skills along. This would be a good opportuniiy^ for anyone that might be
considering the work mentioned above. You could see first hand exactly what is being done in
Haiti. The second trip is scheduled for later inthe fall. There will beroom on that trip as well. 1
have one man fromPmckneyvilie going with me on that trip.
I need to bring you up to date on the congregation in Bois Neuf. Wliile we have been
involved withthis work for some time, we didnot get heavily involved withthis congregation till
justtwo years ago. Nerriel graduated from the Bible college hi Haiti, and we felt that he had
exceptional abihty. We had helped him to meet his finiuicial obligations while incollege, and just
continued to workwithhim as thepreacher inBoisNeuf. Nerriel married last year andrented a
house in town so that he could be most efifective as the local preacher. We pay the rent for
Nerriel, and we meet that obligation one time a year. Ashis second year rolled around, hewas
informed that he wouldno longer be ableto rent the house that he was living inbecause the
owners wanted to live in it. About a month ago he called to say that he had found another place
torent, butthat they wanted 3 years rent inadvance. Wemet that obligation. OnSaturday Nerriel
called to tell me that the man that owned the house has children in the U.S. and that they did not
agree tothe terms ofthe rental. Neniel wanted toknow if he could use the money to begin
building a house ofhis own. I told him that this might bethe best idea. It will cost more up front
but will be a long term solution. After that problem was dealt vrith hetold me that wehad another
problem. One ofthe local residents has taken himtocourt tocontest the ownership ofthe land
that the Church building sets on. He asked me if we had any legal paperwork onthe transaction.
As you know we did not accept responsibihty for the congregation there until just 2years ago.
The original purchase was done long before John orI were involved in this work. After searching
our records, we have found correspondence passed on tous bythe original purchaser. This
correspondence does state that we bought the land, but there isno deed orpaperwork with a seal
on it. Some ofyou that read this newsletter might have been involved with this original
transaction, if you know^ anything that might help us, please write me at my address at thetop of
this newsletter. Take note that the address has changed fromBox 466 to Box 456.1 will be
malnng a Special trip into Haiti justfor this matter, if necessary, sotliat we can try and clear it up.
Keep this onyour prayer list as well. Satan would love totake this away from us. Pray that God
gives us the victory.
VacationBible School will be here beforeyouknowit. If you have not alreadydecided on
amission project for this year, why not consider this mission. We can send you some slides to
show during the week orwe can send printed material. This would be a good way toget the
children involved with helping other children. As you know the schools are a large portion ofthe
mission's workinHaiti. Thatmeans that a great percentage of the people tliatwe help, are in tact
children. We have pictures of many of these children, and we could send along some pictures so
that they could actually see the children that they are helping. That is another reason that I would
like totake along a photographer. He could make a pictorial documentary ofthe work and people
Once again I will take this opportunity to thank ourfaithful supporters. I tryto write a note
onevery receipt that goes out, butthat does not adequately express ourappreciation foryour
support. I know that there are many times that it would be very easy toskip the mission in your
frnances. But because of your faithfulness thework goes on. Pray that we are able to domore
this year than last. And please consider the opportunities that we have put before you. This could
be your chance to step to the next level of service to God.
Thank youandGodblessyou till next month.
Steve and JoySinger John and Wanda Skorczewski
Steve andJoy Singer John andWanda Skorczewski
P.O. Box 456 ^ R.2 Box 37
Pinckneyville, IL. 62274 /w^w^ Pinckne3f'vilIe,IL. 62274
Teaching Others To Teach
APRIL 1996
Greetings in the Lord. Ihope that all is well with you and yours. Preparations are being
made for the first of the two summer trips going into Haiti. This first trip will take place the last
week of June.
I spoke to aman this morning about agenerator. He is from Kentucky and he has two
generators available. The first is a12,500 watt generator, which is abit small for what we
needed. The other is a 35,000 watt generator. While this is abit larger than what we were
looking for, we will consider it. The smaller ofthe two is a1957 model that runs off of a6
cylinder Continental gas engine. It has 700 actual hours on it. The larger of the two is also agas
engine but it is only 2years old with 148 actual hours. The price is what will determine tiie
outcome ofboth machines. We had intended to purchase diesel powered umts. These will run
much longer with less maintenance than gas. One factor to bear in mind is that we can purchase
these units new from Harbor Freight for $4900.00. In our consideration of any unit this price will
be our measuring stick to determine what we should do. Please continue to keep this need in
mmH If you hear or know of any units like what we are looking for, please let us know. Iwill be
making atrip to Kentucky next week, and hopefully I will be able to see these umts and evalute
them in person. I will keep youpostedon our progress.
We have also received the donation of a sewing machine. It is exactly what wewere
looking for. This machine will be taken to alocal man for cleaning and service then it will be
shipped into Haiti with the others that we have already purchased. Hopefully the sewing school
will be operational by fall. As of this date we have aheady shipped 4sewing machines to Miami.
Wybum Osbum is preparing acrate that will take these and any other items that we have sent to
him into Gonaieves. His help in this area is tremendous. It makes it alot easier when you have
someone that will do what he is doing. We hope to have all ofthe sewing machines as well as
some other things there to meet us when wego inJune.
So far we have only had one response to our need for men to represent the mission in die
States. I hope to be able to meet with the man in the near future and ifall goes well he and his
wife might make, the trip into Haiti in June. Just so you know we have aneed for many
individuals to do this very thing. Raising support in the States is the most difficult part ofthe
mission work. Ifwe can get people in all parts ofthe country that are willing to speak in local
congregations and make presentations ofthe work, it will hghten the load. We would like to get
the third school on line and fimctional inthe near future. We would also like toexpand our
agricultural projects. Our desire is to make the agricultural projects large enough to sustain the
school work ineach area. Ifthat were tohappen it would take less American dollars to maintain
the work, and allow more to be spent on expanding into areas ofthe country where nothing is
being done. There is no way that I can tell you the vast amount of territory in Haiti that is being
totally neglected. That is why we want to get our representatives to go and see the need first
hand. This week a teacher inthe local congregation here brought me a Weekly Reader diat was
distributed to thechildren inher class. The cover story was onHaiti. In the story there is a little
girl that is the center ofthe article. She tells how she has to walk 11/2 hours one way to get to
school each day. Her breakfast is aboiled banana, and some coffee. While the article does not
tell the age ofthe girl the picture leads me to beheve that she is about 9-10 years old. That is not
much nutrition for a girl that age. The rest ofher diet would be mainly boiled rice. I truly believe
that ifwe can get people to see the need in Haiti, they will respond. Ifyou have ever considered
making amission trip, why not consider going to Haiti with us. The cost is much lower than most
mission trips. Usually you can make the whole trip for around $500.00. That may sound like a
lot but ifyou check it out, you will see that it is not. That would include all ofyour meals and
accomodations The only thing that would be over and above would be the cost ofany souvmeers
toyou might want to buy. Iknow tothere are congregations out there tocould be
sponsoring individuals to go and see the need there in Haiti. Most ofthe time folks always think
that someone else wiU do it. I am asking you to consider going. Iwill guarantee you that it will
be atrip that you will never forget. The trip in June will be a9day trip, including two weekends.
That will allow you to only miss one full week ofwork. The trip is set up this way intentionally
so that we can accomodate the working individual. Pray and ask ifyou might be the one that God
wants to woik in this area. The cost for going to Haiti is substantially lower than most mission
fields. We called about ticket prices the other day and right now it stands at $538.00 for around
trip Ifthe price goes down so will our tickets. Ifyou will pay your ticket cost the rest will be
taken care of. Ifyou five closer to Miami the cost could be considerably lower. You need to book
your trip early so that you can be sure to get the same schedule as we have. Ifyou are
considering this opportunity call me at 618-357-2558, and Iwill help you to make the
reservations. The last time I called Ihad reserved the last two discounted reservations out of St.
Louis. As for my own ticket Iwill be flying out ofCincinnatti. You wouldn't think that flights to
Haiti would be full already but they are.
Because ofmy schedule this month, there is no Beacons ofLight going witii the
newsletter. I wiU be on the road for almost two fiill weeks ofthis month. I am writing this
newsletter just before leaving for Kentucky. After Kentucky Iwill be doing aweek long revival
in Lakemount Ohio. I would really like the opportunity to come and share the work with your
local congregation. Ifthis could be arranged please give me acall. There are many congregations
on the mailing list which Ihave never visited. Iwould like to get achance to get around and visit
all ofyou.
This mission has many great opportunities ahead. We need for you to contmue to see the
future ofHaiti as optimistic. This summer is going to be atrial period for the mission. Iam going
to try to grow it to the point that Ican work full time for the mission. In order to do that, Iwill
have to work at asecular job that will allowme the time to do the things necessary. Iwill fOl the
gaps with revivals and seminars. Iwill also be more available to present the work ofthe mission
as needed. I am asking that you pray that the right opportumties will avail themselves and that
this will become areahty. Ifit does not happen then we will know that this is not the Lord's will
at this time. Please keep the mission and myself in your prayers as we try to see just what the
Lord wants us to do.
We are thankfiil and appreciative ofall your support. May the Lord lead and guide you.
Steve and Joy Singer John and Wanda Skorczewski
Steve andJoySinger Wanda Skorczewski
P.O. Box 456 R.2Box37
Pinckneyville, IL. 6227A iMr^ Pmckneyviile,IL. 62274
Teaching Others To Teach
MAY 1996
I hope that this newsletter finds you weU andaccomplishing much for the Lord's kingdom.
The final preparations for the June trip into Haiti were completed last night. Tony Philpott will be
accompanying me to Haiti. Tony is a member of thePinckneyville Christian Church, where he is
faithfiil in serving the Lord. This will be the first time that Tony has madea mission tripto a third
world country. He is an experienced traveler, as he makes many trips to California andEngland,
but this will be a newexperience for him. Tony is a great organizer andhas many talents that will
be useful in the work there. There is also the possibihty of gettinghimto preach his first revival
whQe he is there. It should prove to be very exciting. We had hoped to have another person going
in with us but due to difficulties at the workplace, she was unable to make the trip.
We will be leaving onThursday the 20th of June at 6:00 am. fi-om the Indianapohs airport.
After inquiring about aU ofthe major airports inthe area, we found that we could save $140.00 a
piece by flying out of Indianapohs. That will mean a lot ofextra driving, but the savings makes it
worth the effort.
I received a call fi-om George Poston this morning. He was calling to let me know about
Neniel and the truck. Nerriel has a brother that has sickle cell anemia. Neniel takes carenf his
brother andhas to accept responsibility for much of thefinancial burden that is associated with
the care for the disease. According to George, Nerriers brother is gettingmuchworse. George
was caUing to see if there was any way that we could advance Nerriel some money sothat he
could care for his brother. I authorized a $500.00 advance. Nerriel has proven to be a very
faithful steward of aU that has been entrusted to him. He has also proved to be very kind hearted.
He has takenin an orphaned child to live with his family and he has also demonstrated a very
benevolent spirit to many in thecommunity. With that inmind, I felt that an advance was in
order. Remember that Nerriel is alsoin the processof building a houseto live in. We had rented
hima house twice and each time, the landlord changed their mind. Satan is working hard to
prevent the work there from continuing.
I also tookthe opportunity to askGeorge about the building there at BoisNerf. As of this
date we have heard no more fromthe court. I sent George all of the documents that we had
concerning this property, but he felt that these documents would do us veryhttle goodin court.
Nerriel has spoken withthewoman that originally sold us the property and sheis willing to make
us out a new paper. I asked George to inquire about a lawyer that we could trust, and on my trip
this time I will tiy to have a legal document drawnup so that nothing like this will happenin the
future. At the same time we will have all of the other properties looked at as well. It is difficult to
know what is legal and acceptable, because of the constantly changing government. What is
acceptedunder one formof government is not necessarily approvedof or recognizedby the next
one. Hopefully we will be ableto come up with something that will satisfy the current presiding
court system.
Georgealso asked if Godsoncould attend summer school to work towardhis high school
diploma. 1told him that 1was happy to hear of his eagerness and wouldthinkthat it was a good
idea, but that we would not be able to pay the extra tuition. He didn't say, but 1have a feehng that
will be the end of that idea.
George alsocalledto inform me of some needs for the truck. He saidthat it is running
well, but there are some minor things that need attended to on this trip. He beheves that it is in
need of an alternator. All that he really knows is that the battery keeps going dead. He has even
switched batteries with his truck and it will only last acouple ofdays. I will take an alternator in
with me when Igo. There is also aminor problemwith the passenger side door latch. IfIcan find
one I will take one offltose along as well. Other than that all seems to be weD with the equipment
that we have in Haiti.
At present we have four sewing machines already in Miami with Wybum Osbum. Two
more are now done and we will be shipping themto Wybum as well. The total cost for the six
machines was just under $200.00. It is costing around $40.00 apiece to ship themto Miami, and
then there will be additional shipping to Haiti. Wybumwill get them on aship that will take them
directly to Gonaeves. We had thought that maybe the machines would be there in time for us to
begin to work with them on this trip, but that goal will not be realized. The woman that is unable
to go with us was going to get them started, and we have not secured asecond generator yet.
Hopefully fliese things will be in place by my fall trip.
We received a donation ofacomputer for the work ofthe mission. Since the office will be
moving soon, we had aneed to have our own computer. For the past four years we have been
using the Church's computer here at First Christian, we thank themfor that. Now, however we
will have our own. The computer is a486 and it was not working when we got it. After some
repair and upgrading it is now fully fimctional. We also have need ofan mkjet, or laser printer. If
anyone has aline on any ofthis equipment, please give me acall.
Our building project while we are in Haiti this time will be the Church building at
Gonaeves. Because ofthe brevity ofthis trip as well as money on hand, we will be trying to get
the beams in place for the roof. Ifwe can do this as well as any other preparatory work for the
roof then maybe we will be able to complete the roofin the &11 when Iretum. Iwould like to see
this part ofthe project completed by the end ofthe year. We really need to fimsh this project
because ofthe continually deteriorating condition ofthe present building. It does not rain much in
Haiti but the roof is desperately needed to provide shade. The old building no longer has any
walls. The walls were already crumbling, so they were completely tore down and used indie
foundation portion ofthe newbuilding. Without the support ofthe walls, there are only poles to
continue to hold up the present roof. This roof is tin and is rusting away rather badly. The
question is will it rust away or fell down first. Itell you this so that you will understand the need
for the roofto be completed on the current building. Also we cannot expand the school until fiie
oldChurch building is torn downandtakenaway.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our many faithful supporters. I would also
encourage you to consider becoming asiq)porter ofthis mission. As you can see there is agreat
need ftir your support in Haiti. Even ifyou have been considering aone time gift, that will help in
abig way on this trip. Nerriel's need is great, and Saudi is also in need. Please pray and consider
this opportunity.
Thank you inadvance for your prayers and support.
Steve and Joy Singer John and AVanda Skorczewski
Steve andJoySinger ^oid Wanda Skorczewsld
P.O.Box353 -imml ' R.2Bgx^37
Madison, IN. 47250 ' J PinckneyviUe, IL. 62274
Teaching Others To Teach
JUNE 1996
Greetings inthe name ofJesus Christ, I hope that this letter finds you well and anxious to
do many things for the Lord's Church.
These past few months have been very busy for myself and the mission. In case you have
not noticed the ofSce for the mission has moved. Ournewaddress is as follows;
Sharing Christ's Love in Haiti
P.O. Box 353
Madison, IN. 47250
We have been preparing for the move for ^veral months, we were just not sure exactly
where we would be moving to. That was the reason for the change in the P.O. Box in
Pincknej'ville. Any mail sent to P.O. Box 456 in PinckneyviUe wiU be forwarded promptly. Ifyou
are stiU using Box466please discontinue ands\vitch to thenewaddress inMadison. That mail
wiU StiU get to us, but it wiU take longer to reach us. .You may stUl correspond with John in
PinckneyviUe, but please use his address at the top ofthe newsletter. All support and
correspondence concerning use of the facilities in Haiti should be sent to the new Madison
I would like totake this opportunity tothank the PinckneyviUe congregationfor the use of
many oftheir facilities whUe we were there. Most of the ofiSce equipment that we used inthe
work ofthe mission belonged to the congregation there. It was greatly appreciated. Since the
move we have began to acquire that same office equipment for the mission's use. Some has been
donated and some we have had to purchase. We now have our ovra computer and printers. We
donot have any way of mass producing the newsletter, sofor now we wiU have touse a
commercial printer. We print and mail almost 800 newsletters each month, that is too much
volume for our printers and it is also too much for most copy machines. Until we are able to
secure another Riso-Graph we wiU use thecommercial printer. As soon as we were settled in
Madison, I went to apply for a bulk mailing permit and the Postmaster infonned me that the cost
for bulk mailing would be going up considerably. We have applied for the new permit, but at
present we are waiting for documentation fi-om the I.R.S. HopefliUy this vwU not take too long.
I was supposed to leave for Haiti on the 20th ofJune, those plans have changed. Tony
Philpott, the man that isgoing with me has run into some difficulties with his passport. Tony lives
and works in Pinckneyville, but he is aBritish citizen. When he apphed for his passport, the folks
at the courthouse seemed to think that there would beno problem. Tony got a call on the 17th of
June stating that he was not going to receive apassport. He made some quick calls to Chicago
and spoke with the British embassy office there and they said that they could help but that it
would take at least two weeks. He then phoned me in Madison. We decided that the best thing to
do was to postpone the trip for three weeks. We are now scheduled to leave on July 11th and
return on July the 20th. Be in prayer that Tony gets his passport without any more difficulty and
vrith time to spare. Tony was disappointed about the postponement and is really looking forward
to his trip. I know that Tony will be blessed for his efforts and that this will strengthen his
comimtment to the Lord. Pray for Tony as well.
We arealso making arrangements for some other folks topossibly usethe mission house
during the month of July. Now that my own trip ^angementshave changed, I will have tocall
andseeif there will be any conflicts forthetimes scheduled. We really encourage people touse
the facilities there in Haiti. We know that it does not belong to us but to God. Ifyou are
scheduling a trip into the Gk)naeves area and areinneed of a place to stay give us a call and we
will try to help you.
We areh^>py to announce that wehave added a new couple totheworking teamof the
mission. Ray andJoy Guggenmos from Nebraska. They made a tripintoHaiti with Johnlast year
andhelped to conduct a Vacation Bible School. Upon theirreturn theyfelt the need to get more
involved with the work ofthe mission. As a result ofthat, they have begun to book dates with
area congregations to tell themof the work ofthe mission. Ifyouwouldlike to havethemcome
and speak to your congregation or group, please givethe officea call at 812-265-6013 or you can
call me at home at 812-866-4662.1 am sure that you will enjoy their presentation and they will
enjoy coming and bringing it to you.
We need more folks like Ray and Joy that are willing to go out and represent the mission.
There is room for a lot more folks to be involved. The most difficult part ofdie mission work is
the raising of support. I think that the reason that more people are not involvedis that they do not
realize the need. Why not consider taking; a trip toHaiti and seeing for yourself first hand what
the need is. I believe that ifyou will take this first step, the rest will come naturally. We as
Christians can not sit idly by and watch others do without the basic necessities of life. We must
act and we will act ifwe are aware ofthe need. If you would make the trip, then you too could
represent the missionin your part of the country. Several people have talked to me about doing
this but very fewever followthrou^. I don't knowwhy they don't followthrong, it is probably
Satan planting fear and complacency mtheir heart. If you have been considering the trip but
never really committing to it, please reconsider. We need more willingworkers in the field. I can
not push you to make the decision, it is a decision that you must nlake on your own. But ifyou
ever followthrou^ on the decision, I can promiseyou that the Lord will bless you in ways that
you never thou^t about.
The next newsletter will be as soon as I return from this trip to Haiti. That will make it late
in the month of July. I hope to have great things to report when I get back. I also hope to have
many letters stating that there are people willing to work to further the mission.
Until the next time, remain faithfiil so that youwill receive the crown oflife. (Rev. 2:10)
Steve and Joy Singer John and Wanda Skorczewski
Steve and Joy Singer
P.O. Box 353
Madison, IN. 47250
Teaching Others To Teach
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. I hope tliat all is well with all of youfolks.
I know that it has been a long time since you have received a newsletter, but hopefully things are
begimiing to come togetlier. According to the I.R.S. the mission never filed the proper fonns to
be eligible for non-profit recognition. In their owncodetheyspecify that these forms are not
necessary, but the Post OfSce requires a letterfrom tlie I.R.S stating the exemption before they
will grant a non-profit mailing pennit. Afrler quite a bit of phone calling and reference checking I
realized that the easiest thing todo would beto hire an attorney tohelp us with compliance. I did
this three weeks ago and still do not have any answer. The filing of the form with the I.R.S. costs
$465.00 plus whatever attorney fees that will goalong with that. The way tliat we have done it in
the past was to use the local congregation's mailing pennit. This being a new congregation, they
do not have a permit. At any rate progress is being made even if it is painfrilly slow. I felt that I
could not wait any longer to send out a newsletter so this one is being mailed at the higher for
profit rates that tlie Post Office has. Pray that we will have the problem cleared up by next
month. Ournewsletters will be in black and white as we arenow using a copy machine instead of
a Riso-graph. We arejust thankful to have the use of the copy machine.
On my last trip into Haiti inJuly, we accomplished many things. Tony who was supposed
to go with me, still didnot get to goas hehadmore trouble securing his passport. He is still
working on that, and hopefully hewill get to go in the near future. My goal on this trip was toget
the beams up for the roof of the
Church building. I really thought
that I wouldhave enough money
to do that and considerable more,
but inflation is soaring in Haiti.
We did get the beams up and we
did enlarge the goat project, but
that was all tliat we could
accomplish on this trip. I put
two pictures in tlie newsletter
this time. The first one is to show
what the building looked like
before we began work on the
beams. The one on the next page
gives you some idea of what I
am talking about when I mention
tlie beams. I wanted to take a picture ofthe beams after they had been finished, but I ran out of
fihn. I had one otlier roll along on tlie trip, but Wangleen, Jack's youngest daughter could not
resist the temptation and opened the camera up when it was loaded. I didn't know how much of
the film this would hurt, so I just started a new roll. The two cliildren in the first picture are
children that attend both tlie school and tlie Church. They are always excited about getting their
picture taken. The prices ofbuilding materials are beyond belief. We bought 12 1x12x14 for
framing the beams and the cost ofthe wood alone was $1190,00. The nice thing about this
lumber is tliat it will be saved and used to make benches to sit on in the new Church building.
Sand and gravel are well over $200.00 a loadto mix with the cement. Cement is $16.50 for an 80
pound bag. Combine that witli the gasoline prices ofover $7.00 a gallon and you can see that it is
an expensive endeavor to try
Haiti. There are still U.N.
troops there, but not enoughto do the job. After the gangs performtheir acts of violence they
disappear into the night and there is no way that a soldier infull gear caneven begin to keep up
withthem. The rumors are tliat Arestide is forming his own military to combat the government
troops. The rumor also states tliat he is collaboratmg witli tlie Cubangovernment. There is no
wayto substantiate or deny any of tliis information, I just hope that most of it isn't true. As you
well know Cuba is not onfnendly tenns with America andthat could seriously liinder a lot of our
efforts in Haiti. Pray that tliese things are not so.
The next trip intoHaiti will be this fall. Our teachers must be paid and that bill is due in
October. The cost for operating both schools tliis year should fall between eight and nine
thousand dollars American depending on the current exchange rate when we goin. That will be a
large sum of money to come upwith. With that inmind we will probably suspend the work on
tlie roof till next spring. I would like to get it on sooner than that, but we will have to wait and
see just how much money we accumulate between now and then.
I did some minor repair on tlie truckduring tliis trip. It needed an alternator andvoltage
regulator. It hadalso been wrecked, but no one seemed to be able to tell me exactly howtliat had
happened. I am sure tliat when I speak to George next time he will be able to fill me in on the
details. As soon as the minor repairs were accomplished the truck was in A-1 condition. It is
truly a blessing to have in Haiti.
As I amwriting tliis newsletter a group from Winston Salem Bible College is in Haiti using
the facilities inGonaeves. They are alsousing the truck for transportation. I like to see the
mission's assets used as much as possible as long as it is for the work of the Kingdom. There are
several other trips bemg plamied bymissionaries tliis fall, andtheywill use the facilities as well.
I tliank youall for your generous support. Witliout your helpnone of tliis would be
possible. Along with your support, I covet your prayers as well. Please keep tlie mission on your
personal prayer list.
Until tlie next time, may God bless you.
Steve and Joy Singer

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