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NLWP Newsletter June 2014

Welcome to the first in a series of newsletters to keep you up to date with progress on the
North London Waste Plan (NLWP).
The NLWP will set out the planning framework for waste management in the London
boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest for
the next 15 years. It will identify sites for waste management use and set out policies for
determining waste planning applications.
A previous version of the NLWP was submitted to an Inspector in 2012 who concluded that
the plan failed to meet the Duty to Co-operate which came into force during the final stages
of the plan making process. Boroughs have agreed to start work on a new waste plan in
order to be able to meet the duty to co-operate.


What we have done
During April J une 2013 we consulted on
what you would like to see in the NLWP. The
report of the launch consultation is available.
We have prepared a Consultation Protocol
setting out our approach to communication
during preparation of the NLWP.
We have been gathering an evidence base to
support the plan. This includes a data study
on north London waste arisings, existing sites,
current capacity, cross-boundary waste
movements and projections of future waste
arisings under a number of different scenarios.
We have sent letters to all authorities to which
north London exports waste. As part of the
duty to cooperate, there will be an ongoing
dialogue with these authorities to ensure that
current and future waste movements can be
understood and planned for.

We have written to operators of existing waste
management facilities in north London to invite
them to nominate their site if they have
aspirations to extend and wish the site to be
considered as part of work on the NLWP.

We are holding three focus group sessions for
key stakeholders to discuss specific topics
relating to the production of the NLWP and
test emerging approaches. Membership is
taken from a broad cross section of
stakeholders including statutory bodies, waste
industry, special interest groups and residents
We have revamped and brought up to date our
website,, and introduced new
features such as Frequently Asked Questions.
Launch Consultation April to J une 2013
Consultation on Scoping Report for Sustainability
J une to 9
J uly 2014
Consultation on draft plan J anuary to March 2015
Consultation on proposed submission plan November to December 2015
Submission March 2016
Public hearings J uly 2016
Inspectors report October 2016
Adoption February 2017
NLWP Newsletter June 2014

Sustainability Appraisal
Planning law requires local authorities to demonstrate that their plans are sustainable by
undertaking a sustainability appraisal (SA).
The purpose of the SA is to promote sustainable development through the integration of
sustainability considerations into the preparation, adoption and implementation of the NLWP.
It involves the identification and evaluation of the social, environmental and economic
impacts of the plan.
The first stage in the SA process is the production of a Scoping Report for Sustainability
Appraisal which sets the context and provides baseline information in order to provide a
starting point from which to appraise the effects of implementing the NLWP.
The Scoping Report for Sustainability Appraisal has been issued for a 5-week period of
consultation which will run from 3
J une 2014 to 9
J uly 2014. All comments received
during the consultation period will be taken into account when finalising the Scoping Report.
An updated version of the Scoping Report will then be made available at
What we are planning to do next
We are consulting on the Scoping Report
for Sustainability Appraisal.
We will publish a report on the outcomes
from the Focus Groups on the NLWP
website and use it to develop the draft
We will be further developing the evidence
base for the plan and revising the data
Following our work writing to existing
waste management operators, we will be
issuing a Call for Sites where we will
invite nominations for new waste
management facilities so that they can be
considered as part of work on the NLWP.
We will be considering the most suitable
sites for the waste facilities we need. We
will prepare the draft Plan over the
summer ready for consultation early in
Contact Us
If you would like to go on our mailing list and receive news and information on the NLWP
please contact us:


NLWP Programme manager - Archie Onslow
tel: 020 7974 5916

Mail: North London Waste Plan, LB Camden
Culture & Environment
Town Hall, Argyle Street, London, WC1H


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