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Kudler Fine Foods Service Request

Cody Mercer
S!"#$% u&ine&& Sy&'e(& De)e*o+(en'
February 21, 2011
Barbra Gordon
Kudler Fine Foods is interested in developing a system to track customer purcases
troug a Frequent Sopper !rogram to a"ard loyalty points #or redemption$ %e ob&ective o#
tis pro&ect request is to track purcases o# individual customer's$ %e customer purcases "ill
be tracked and accumulated as loyalty points #or redemption by te customer #or gi#t items,
specialty #oods and oter products or services as made available troug partnersips "it oter
e(ternal companies )!onei(, 2011*$ %is document "ill outline te business requirements #or
te development o# te #requent sopper program system$
Statement of Scope and Goals
%e service request proposed in tis document to be introduced to te customer via te +nternet
as "ell as in te store$ For te online customer given an option on te "ebsite to sign up to be a loyal
customer and gain re"ard points to"ard #uture purcases$ %e in#ormation needed "ill be #or te
customer to #ill out is or er name, address, and pone number$ %e in#ormation can be used to
track o" muc te customer spends as "ell as to send a statement to te customer eiter via
+nternet or to is or er mailing address, depending on "at te customer cooses$ %e re"ards point
are based on o" muc te customer spends and on "at tey buy, all te customer as to do is
present te re"ard account number "en making purcases online present te re"ard card to te
casier at te store$ First, te +nternet e(tends a traditional company's market #rom national to
international$ Second, te +nternet e(pedites business processes and business communication and its
e##ectiveness )Scneider, 200,, p$ 2-.*$
%e goal tat Kudler Fine Foods is to gain revenue as "ell as customer satis#action, tere#ore,
rater tan providing discounts to te customers #or is or er purcase #requency like lo"er end
markets, Kudler as partnered "it a loyalty points program to provide customers "it points "ic
can be redeemed #or ig end gi#t items, airline #irst/class upgrades, or oter specialty #oods )0pollo
Group +nc$ 2001*$ 2ne o# te ne" items tat Kudler Fine Foods as implemented is te marketing
survey tat allo"s te sales and marketing team to understand "at te customer is e(pecting #rom
Kudler Fine Foods$ %e survey asks te customer is or er opinion on products and service, tis
also allo"s te sales and marketing team avenues tey need to take to market te products$ 3uring
te #irst quarter te pro&ected revenue li#t at Kudler Fine Foods proposes $2.4, by te end o# te
#ourt quarter te pro&ected li#t is 2$2.4 "it a total pro&ected li#t o# ,$5.4 )0pollo Group +nc$,
Supporting Measures for Success
%e assigned !ro&ect 6anager "ill be responsible #or measuring te degree o# success #or
te pro&ect tat "ill be planned and implemented #or Kudler Foods to incorporate a re"ards point
system #or customers$ %e main goal o# te re"ard point system "ill be #or Kudler Foods to gain
revenue and customer satis#action$ %e success#ul completion o# tis pro&ect depends o" te
pro&ect plan is prepared$ Belo" are steps tat "ill be included in te pro&ect plan to ensure a
success completion o# te pro&ect$
7stablising a relationsip "it te customer. 0 toroug understanding o# your
customer builds stronger partnersips and iger levels o# trust$
%is action is critical to te pro&ect as "itout trust o# te customer it "ill be di##icult #or te
customer to submit teir personnel in#ormation$
3ividing te pro&ect into manageable tasks$
+ncorporating a re"ards point system "ill be a callenging task as steps and teams "ill need to
be outlined and assigned to be sure tat te pro&ect is implemented in an organi8ed "ay$ 9reating
a Gantt chart "ill be required to measure te success o# te pro&ect$ 0 Gantt cart is a grapical
representation o# a pro&ect tat so"s eac task as a ori8ontal bar "ose lengt is proportional
to its time #or completion$ 3i##erent colors, sades, or sapes can be used to igligt eac kind
o# task$

%is cart "ill be instrumental in managing te separate tasks outlined to complete te pro&ect
#or Kudler Foods$ 2ne key aspect o# tis cart is tat te !ro&ect 6anager can sare tis report
"it management to revie" te current progress o# te pro&ect$
Project Feasibility
Kudler Fine Foods ave a goal to elp to increase customer loyalty as "ell as learning
purcase patterns$ %o begin tis process, tey need to #irst keep tabs on teir o"n inventory
patterns and elp stock e##iciency trougout all locations$ By installing a 6anu#acturing
Resource !lanning System )6R!* Kudler "ill be able to track all inventory, sales, and customers
patterns$ %is 6R! system "ill be located in te central "areouse$ %is "areouse "ill be te
main eadquarters #or all Kudler sales, inventory, and customer purcasing$
3iagram 1: 6R! system
;it te < locations in =a >olla, 3el 6ar and 7ncinitas and te possibility o# more in te
#uture Kudler "ill need a 3atabase 6anagement System as "ell as te "areouse #or storage o#
all goods and services$ ;it te idea o# a "areouse all local and imported goods are tagged
"it an RF+3 )Radio Frequency +denti#ication* tag "en it enters te "areouse$ 2nce te
pallet is tagged, it goes into te database to kno" "at tey ave in stock at te time$ ;it te
idea o# an RF+3 it "ill be easy kno" "at tey ave and elp to eliminate over stocked items,
especially i# some o# tose goods do not ave a long sel# li#e$ 2nce items leave te "areouse
#loor tey are scanned and tat in#ormation is sent to te database$ +# te item is needed and
needs to be re/ordered #rom a vendor ten te database "ill noti#y te vendor and tat item "ill
be sipped$
3iagram 2: RF+3
3eveloping an 6R! "ill connect all tree current Kudler Fine Foods locations to te main
"areouse$ +tems stocked on te selves in eac store "ill ave a barcode$ 2nce te bar code is
scanned tis "ill go directly to te main database and keep record tat te item as been sold$
;it tis barcode metod tis "ill also elp unnecessary ordering #or items$ 7ac store "ill be
connected "it te same sales kno"ledge o# eac store ten it "ill be able to kno" "at tey
ave in stock and "at tey are lo" on$ ;it tis any store may not be selling one certain item
as muc as anoter$ So to avoid re/ordering #or one store one "ill be able to take items #rom
anoter store and sell te item tere$ %is "ill also elp on perisable items to make sure tey
are not "asted$ ;it all locations being close togeter tis "ill be an easy process to
accomplis$ %is "ill elp "it e##iciency but also costs on sipping and vendor order #ees$
3iagram <: Scanned and Stocked
2ne o# Kudler's main ob&ectives is to monitor te purcasing patterns o# eac customer$
;it te loyalty points program tis "ill elp, but it is not te only "ay to keep track o# eac
customer purcases$ 2nce a customer scan is or er card it "ill be registered to te main
database and "it eac purcase it "ill be so"n on te record "at te customer is purcasing$
;it tis it "ill permit data mining and kno"ledge o# "at is selling and "at is not$ +# a
customer is only purcasing "ine ten it "ill be so"n tat e or se is not tere #or #ood but
strictly "ine$ ;it tis in#ormation discounts or even suggestions could be made to te
customer about "at else "ould go "ell "it "ine tat e or se is purcasing$ ;en a customer
applies #or te Kudler Fine Foods card e or se "ill enter teir e/mail address and
Kudler Fine Foods ave access to te "ebsite and sales going on #or te "eek$ ;it tis card it
is bot good #or te customer as "ell as Kudler$ Keeping track o# a customer "ill elp "it sales
as "ell as inventory$ %o elp "it te gro"t o# Kudler it is important to kno" te customer's
purcases and "at is or er requests are$ %is can be monitored "it te scan o# a card and
once tat card is scanned all purcases go to te database$ %at in#ormation is broken do"n and
ten trans#erred to te "ebsite #or customers to even see teir o"n purcase patterns$
3iagram ,: 9ustomers and ;ebsite
For Kulder Fine Foods to continue teir gro"t in te #uture it is important tey implement a
ne" 6R! system and "areouse to elp "it lo" costs and inventory$ ;it te elp o# te
customer program tis "ill elp keep customers and gain customers$ ;it RF+3 tagging,
barcodes, data mining, "ebsite, and customer access tis "ill elp Kulder Finer Foods gro"t$
?e" so#t"are integration and uman inter#ace "ill elp Kudler Fine Foods reac teir
customers by learning teir purcase patterns$ %is so#t"are "ill elp in organi8ation, storing,
and researc o# all customer data$ %is ne" so#t"are "ill be
compatible "it te current so#t"are at eac Kudler location$ %e development o# ne" so#t"are
"ill let Kudler build ne" applications tat meet te needs o# all customers$ ;eb/based user
inter#aces );@+* "ill be used to accept all customer in#ormation and provide Kudler "it all
output by generating ;eb!ages tat can be vie"ed by Kudler personnel$ %o maintain all
in#ormation a ne" database "ill be developed$ %is database "ill be placed in "areouse "ere
all goods and services are processed$
3iagram .: So#t"are
Aaving a database is important #or te gro"t o# Kudler Fine Foods$ 0ll goods and services
"ill start and end in te Kudler "areouse$ 2nce sipments enter te "areouse all pallets are
tagged "it an RF+3 tag$ 2nce tagged all in#ormation about te pallet "ill be entered into te
main database$ %is process "ill let Kudler kno" "at is available at any time$ 2nce a pallet
leaves te "areouse te RF+3 tag "ill be scanned and tat in#ormation "ill enter te database
and update te real/time in#ormation$ 7ac product tat enters and leaves te "areouse #loor
"ill be recorded to te "eb/based inter#ace$
Kudler "eb/based inter#ace "ill let Kudler personnel control te products coming into eac
store as "ell as kno"ledge o# customerBs needs$ 0ll Kudler personnel "ill be able to input all
in#ormation about eiter a product or a customer$ %ese "eb/based applications "ill also be
accessible to te customer$ %o ave customer input is important #or Kudler to learn about
customer concerns or suggestions$ Bot Kudler personnel and customers "ill be given a C!?
pass"ord #or security purposes$ 7ac pass"ord "ill ave certain domain a user "ill be able to
;it tis ne" so#t"are Kudler "ill #ind a better return on its investments "it cost,
per#ormance, quality and scedule$ %is design "ill provide e##ective and e##icient #or Kudler
personnel and its customers$ %is so#t"are "ill be easy to maintain and reliable$
Kudler developing a main data base and 6R! system tis "ill allo" #or te company to keep
track o# all items, sales, inventory and customer purcases$ ;it te model belo" Kudler "ill be
e##ective and be able to maintain customers during te years to come$
Diagra( ,: Kud*er

System $e'uirements
First, te +nternet e(tends a traditional company's market #rom national to international$
Second, te +nternet e(pedites business processes and business communication and its
e##ectiveness )Scneider, 200,, p$ 2-.*$ Since personal in#ormation "ill be required to apply #or
te re"ard program security is te most important aspect "en setting up te customer loyalty
re"ard program$ %ere are many types o# security, tere is pysical security consisting o#
guards, alarms, and #ences$ %e second is logical, "ic consists o# #ire"alls and encryption$
+mplementing te re"ard program #or +nternet customers$ %e logical security must be
implemented tus needing te pysical security to maintain and ensure overall protection o#
in#ormation and devices$ 0ccording to Scneider tere are si( requirements #or most electronic
commerce systems:
1$ 0vailability D !rovide delivery assurance #or eac message segment so tat messages or
message segments cannot be lost undetectably$
2$ +ntegrity D 7nclose in#ormation in a digital envelope so tat te computer can
automatically detect messages tat ave been altered in transit$
<$ Secrecy D !revent unautori8ed persons #rom reading messages and business plans,
obtaining credit card numbers, or deriving oter con#idential in#ormation$
,$ ?on/repudiation D !rovide undeniable, end/to/end proo# o# eac message's origin and
.$ Key management D !rovide secure distribution and management o# keys needed to
provide secure communications$
E$ 0utentication D Securely identi#y clients and servers "it digital signatures and
%e @nited States =a"s "ill be put into place on te application #orm tat as to be accepted
by te customer prior participating in te re"ard program$ %is policy "ill state in#ormation tat
is submitted to tis site "ill be collected, processed, stored, disclosed and disposed o# in
accordance "it applicable @nited States la"s$ 0lso being stated tat Kudler Fine Foods "ill not
sare personal in#ormation$ %e ability o# tecnology today as allo"ed companies to sare data
as ne" data occurs, by implementing 6icroso#t ;indo"s 08ure cloud computing is easier,
#aster, accurate, and more secure$ %e cost #or tis so#t"are is ine(pensive and "ill reac all
locations on a real/time basis$ 0lso, it "ill allo" data updates to #inances, payroll and customer
reports$ 6icroso#t 08ure is customi8able so Kudler Fine Foods can customi8e to te needs o# te
company$ ;it using ;indo"s 08ure comes "it e(tra encryption and security #or te customer
and te company by using user names and pass"ords so only tose "o ave te account can
access te accounts );indo"s 08ure*$ =astly, using te >oint 0pplication 3evelopment )>03*
process cloud computing "ill ensure ne" tecnology and in#ormation to be incorporated to make
a stronger more viable company$ 0lso, obtaining ne" ideas #rom oters eiter by stockolders or
surveys obtained via te customer "ants and needs$
Design Trade &ffs
%e design tradeo##s tat in#luence Kudler Fine Foods to te transition to customer
satis#action sopper re"ard program are abundant$ %e #requent sopper re"ard program
in#luence more revenue, customer support, and customer interaction$ %e design trade o## does
not ave to cost great amounts o# money to implement$ By implementing te ;indo"s SF=
08ure cloud so#t"are te cost #or te business version, te Base (nit Pricing) G5,$1. per Base
@nit per mont #or te initial subscription term o# si( monts, "ic can be rene"ed once at te
same Base @nit price$ %is base unit price includes 10GB relational database usageH te overage
prices can range #rom G11$11 up to 10GB overage to G,11$1. up to .0GB overage$
Because te cost o# ;indo"s SF= 08ure is based on per unit one system "ill andle te
so#t"are "it back/ups per#ormed daily to te cloud as "ell as onto an e(ternal ard drive$ 0lso,
by using a pre/programmed suite suc as tis te #ees #or using an outside vendor to oversee te
sopper program "on't be necessary$ %o better serve te customer "it te #requent sopper
program tis so#t"are "ill improve live updates to te customer account$ %e trade o## is
spending money on te so#t"are "ill ensure accurate computing as "ell as updates "it security$
6icroso#t SF= 08ure "ill also be used #or Kudler Fine Foods uman resources to e##ectively
maintain and retract any documents e##iciently$ By employing a sopper re"ard program "it
te use o# ;indo"s 08ure o##ers security, back/up daily purcases, ands on training, product
support, and custom documentation$ @sing ne" tecnology to its advantage "ill alleviate te use
o# paper storage o# documentation, "aiting #or updates, loss o# in#ormation, and potential errors$
%e #requent sopper re"ard program is to implement customer interaction as "ell as te gro"t
o# Kudler Fine Foods, ne" tecnology "ill en#orce tis$
Detailed Design Process and Design Specifications
%e so#t"are design recommendations are based on a "eb design$ 0 "eb design is
decided as te so#t"are application o# coice as a "ebsite can be developed in a simple #ormat to
allo" #or te customer data to be collected, stored and evaluated$ 0s listed above in te design
trade o## section a "eb application can be cost e##ective to implement and maintain$ Kudler
o"ever "ill look to outsource te maintenance and support o# te "eb application as
outsourcing to a vendor "ill be cost e##ective$ %e design process and speci#ications #or te
ard"are needed #or te "eb application "ill depend on te amount o# computing po"er and
space needed to support te tra##ic on te "eb application$ %e storage speci#ications "ill be
evaluated on a quarterly basis along "it testing te optimi8ation o# te net"ork speed o# te
"eb application$ %e ard"are "ill be implemented in stages as more storage and computing is
required te ard"are decisions "ill allo" #or te ard"are to be scalable$ +n regards to te
design o# te net"ork Kudler must select a net"ork vendor "it state o# te art security
protocols and te vendor must produce a list o# customers tat tey support tat requires strict
security protocols$ %e net"ork vendor must also demonstrate te ability to keep net"ork tra##ic
#ollo"ing in te event o# a eavy net"ork demand during te oliday season "en customers are
sopping more$ Kudler "ill need to see data utili8ation reports "it tra##ic #lo"s$ %is process
outlined "ill allo" #or Kudler Foods to make appropriate decisions in regards to te so#t"are,
ard"are and net"ork designs$
+n summary tis document provides a statement o# scope and goals tat speci#y te
#unctions tat "ill be included in a pro&ect to implement a "eb system #or a #requent sopper
program system$ %is document also speci#ies tangible measures #or determining a relative
degree o# success o# tis completed pro&ect$ 0 list o# speci#ic individual requirement needed in
measurable and ob&ective terms is also documented in tis business systems requirements
document$ Speci#ications on o" eac proposed system #unction "ill be allocated in terms o# te
required ard"are, so#t"are, and Auman/9omputer +nter#ace$ 3etails in regards to trade/o##s
among costs, scedules, and per#ormance #or a #ast, ine(pensive solution$ %e speci#ications and
requirements listed in tis document addresses all o# te requirements needed to implement a
system to track customer's purcases troug a Frequent Sopper !rogram to a"ard loyalty
points #or redemption$
Scneider, G$ !$ )200,*$ 7lectronic 9ommerce: %e Second ;ave ).t ed$*$ Boston, 60: 9ourse
0pollo Group$ )2001*$ Kudler Fine Foods Sales and marketing/marketing in#ormation$ Retrieved
#rom BS0I<5. Business Systems 3evelopment course "ebsite
9apter <$ 7ssentials o# Systems 0nalysis and 3esign ,e 90<
Scneider, G$ !$ )200,*$ 7lectronic 9ommerce: %e Second ;ave ).t ed$*$ Boston, 60: 9ourse
6icroso#t$ Windows Azure$ Retrieved #rom
eBook 9ollection )2010*$ +ntroduction to +n#ormation Systems, 9apter 2$ +n#ormation Systems:
9oncepts and 6anagement$ @niversity o# !oeni(
6anu#acturing Resource !lanning$ )2010* 6R! ++ Retrieved #rom
!arks, =i8$ )2000, >uly*$ 3rug Store ?e"s$ =oyalty !rograms: Building a pro#itable customer
Sugan, Steven$ )200.* 6arketing Science$ Brand =oyalty !rograms: 0re %ey SamsK Col$ 2,,
?o 2, pp$ 1-./11<
Laorsky, 3arrell$ )200<* 0bout$com$ 9an customer loyalty be bougtK
@niversity o# !oeni($ Kudler Fine Foods Cisual 2rgani8ation$

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