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Smith Consulting

Kudler Fine Foods

Kudlers Frequent Shopper
Program Implementation & Testing
Project Sponsor Smith Consulting
Submission Contact Name Cody Mercer
Submission Contact Title IT Project Lead
Submission Contact Phone 210-246-2!
Submission Contact Fax 210-246-2!
Submission E-Mail
Date Submitted to
_________________________________________ ____________
Smith Consulting irector Signature ate
_________________________________________ ____________
Smith Consulting Technical !ead Signature ate
_________________________________________ ____________
Su"mission Contact Signature ate
"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
Ta"le o# Contents
$. I%T&'(CTI'%.....................................................................................................................................................)
*. +(,!IT- ,SS(&,%C. ........................................................................................................................................)
2)1 *+,LIT- ,SS+.,/C" S-ST"M C0"C1LIST))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2
2)2 *+,LIT- ,SS+.,/C" 3"SC.IPTI4/)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))2
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2)1 T"STI/5 P.4C"3+."S C0"C1LIST))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))4
2)2 S4'T6,." P0,S" T"STI/5 3"SC.IPTI4/))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7
2)2 /"T64.18S-ST"MS P0,S" T"STI/5 3"SC.IPTI4/)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7
2)4 I/T".',C" P0,S" T"STI/5 3"SC.IPTI4/))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))7
0. I1P!.1.%T,TI'%..............................................................................................................................................2
4)1 '."*+"/T S04PP". P.45.,M IMPL"M"/T,TI4/ C0"C1LIST))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))6
4)2 '."*+"/T S04PP". P.45.,M IMPL"M"/T,TI4/ 3"SC.IPTI4/)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
3. &.F.&.%C.S........................................................................................................................................................4
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1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
Page 2 o$ !
"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
$. Introduction
1udler 'ine 'oods recently has de#ised a ne= %rogram re$erred to as the >'re(uent Sho%%er Program> that %er$orms
the ca%a?ilities o$ trac@ing customer %urchases and a=arding loyalty %oints ?ased on the amount o$ the gi#en
%urchase) Moreo#erA the %urchases ?y the customers =ill ?e trac@ed and through the accumulated loyalty %oints may
?e redeemed $or high-end gi$t items to include airline $irst-class u%gradesA s%ecialty $ood itemsA ?asic 1udler 'ine
'oods itemsA and other ser#ices or %roducts that =ill ?e %ro#ided ?y 1udler 'ine 'oods %artnershi%s) The %rinci%al
dri#e ?ehind the 're(uent Sho%%er Program aside $rom the loyalty %oint system is to maintain customer satis$actionA
%ro#ide incenti#e $or increased customer %urchasesA esta?lish greater customer relationshi%sA and also to increase
1udler 'ine 'oods re#enue B>Sales & Mar@eting>A 2010C)
*. +uality ,ssurance
There are t=o increments to the *uality control as%ect com%ulsory to the 're(uent Sho%%er Program) , (uality
control %ortion =ill a$$ect the so$t=are de#elo%ment and im%lementation and the other =ill consist o$ the
net=or@8hard=are installation $acet) 0ence$orthA there =ill ?e multi%le %hases associated =ith each increment o$ the
*uality control %ortion)
*.$ +uality ,ssurance System Chec5list
+uality Control System Chec5list ,pplica"le
Quality Control
Electronic Commerce
Control Requirements
1ey management
Privacy Requirements
Identity and ,ccess Management
*.* +uality ,ssurance escription
4nce the o$$icial user-inter$aces are de#elo%ed $or ?oth the 1udler Customer and the 1udler "m%loyee a series o$
(uality control chec@%oints =ill #eri$y and assess u% to the acce%tance o$ not only the user-inter$ace ?ut also the
net=or@ in$rastructure The (uality assurance areas that =ill ?e recogniEed regarding the so$t=areA net=or@8systemsA
and inter$ace installation =ill document all $ormida?le in$ormation concerning (uality control chec@s indis%ensa?le
$or a%%ro#al and acce%tance) Such %ractices =ill include:
Co%yright 2012 9 Smith Consulting Print 3ate: 681;82014
1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
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"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
1) ,ssess 9 .is@ analysis are conducted and e#aluated
2) Plan 9 "ach %hase o$ the im%lementation =ill incur a %lan o$ action
2) Duild 9 The net=or@ in$rastructure =ill ?e ?uilt
4) Test 9 The net=or@ in$rastructure =ill ?e tested
7) Im%lement 9 all datesA timesA milestonesA cost =ill ?e re#ie=ed and analyEed
6) ,cce%tance 9 The net=or@ in$rastructure =ill acce%ted ?y 1udler 'ine 'oods
,ll o$ these detailed dynamics concerning (uality assurance are %ut in %lace to maFimiEe the com%lete success o$
the 're(uent Sho%%er Program) Strict guidelines are $ollo=ed =ith each o$ these s%eci$ic milestones during the
(uality assurance %rogression to sa$eguard standards are met and #eri$ied in accordance =ith %rescri?ed strategies
set $orth in the contractual agreements demarcated ?y Smith Consulting and 1udler 'ine 'oods)
). Testing Procedures
,$ter the so$t=are has ?een de#elo%ed and de%loyed along =ith the $inaliEation o$ net=or@8hard=are
im%lementation the $inaliEed testing re(uirements shall ?e carried out in the $ollo=ing areas:
1) So$t=are
2) /et=or@8Systems
2) Inter$ace
).$ Testing Procedures Chec5list
Testing Procedures Chec5list ,pplica"le
Arenas Tested
Software Phase Testing escription
Phase Testing escription
"rror 0andling
#nterface Phase Testing escription 'our Progressi#e Stages
Co%yright 2012 9 Smith Consulting Print 3ate: 681;82014
1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
Page 4 o$ !
"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
).* So#t6are Phase Testing escription
3uring the actual creation and de#elo%ment o$ 1udlers 're(uent Sho%%er Program certain $actors associated =ith
so$t=are engineering and so$t=are li$ecycles shall ?e ac@no=ledged and re#ie=ed) ,ccording to Draude &
Dernstein B2011CA the authors state these eF%licit $undamentals in mention to so$t=are testing eFecution:
1) Su$$iciency - Satis$ies all o$ the design s%eci$ications $or this element
2) .o?ustness - .eco#ers $rom all anomalous e#ents as =ell as can ?e eF%ected
2) 'leFi?ility - ,s easily ada%ta?le to reasona?le changes as can ?e eF%ected
4) .eusa?ility - +sa?le in all reasona?ly related a%%lications =ithout modi$ication
7) "$$iciency - Satis$ies s%eed or data storage re(uirement =ith reasona?le margin
6) .elia?ility - ,chie#es re(uired mean time ?et=een $ailure
) Scala?ility - Is an outstanding ?asis $or a #ersion =ith much larger sco%e
!) Security - /o @no=n manner o$ ?reaching security is identi$ied
,ll these $actors %lay a %art in the success$ulness o$ a so$t=are %rogram) I$ a so$t=are %rogram or a%%lication does
not meet these re(uirementsG in essence the %rogram lac@s essential ?asics needed $or %rime $unctionality) ,long
=ith the a?o#e mentioned rudiments %ragmatic to the testing stages o$ the so$t=are %rogram the security %hase shall
?e a major $ocal %oint to the o#erall so$t=are testing) The security $eatures o$ the so$t=are a%%lication cannot ?e
underestimated and Smith Consulting =ill a%%ly em%hasis to testing the security structures inherent to the $inal
gra%hical user inter$ace and the security structures esta?lished on the other o%erating systems united =ith the
're(uent Sho%%er Program net=or@ in$rastructure)
).) %et6or57Systems Phase Testing escription
The net=or@8systems %hase testing =ill include testing all ne=ly installed hard=are com%onents such as ser#ersA
client com%utersA routersA s=itchesA and ca?ling meet s%eci$ied manu$acturers standards and u%hold all (uality
control %oints) Moreo#erA the %rimary dri#e ?ehind the net=or@8systems testing %hase =ill =arrant all com%onents
allied =ith the net=or@ system %ro%erly o%erate as a =hole unit) ,$ter the so$t=are has ?een de#elo%edA de%loyedA
and tested along =ith the $inaliEation and installation o$ the net=or@8hard=are in$rastructure the $inaliEed testing
re(uirements shall ?e carried out on ?oth the net=or@ and systems com%onents) "ach indi#idual testing $actor listed
?elo= =ill ?e carried out on the net=or@8system to certi$y o%timum $unctionality:
1) System
2) Integration
2) Per$ormance
4) Load
7) Stress
6) "rror 0andling
) Security
!) Plat$orm
"ach one o$ the %articular elements listed a?o#e =ill su%%ort documentation %ro#ided $or each o$ the eight $actors
in#ol#ed =ith the net=or@8systems testing and integration) The im%ortance o$ the net=or@8systems testing %hase =ill
%romise o%era?ility among all com%onents o$ the o#erall system to include the so$t=are installations and the
gra%hical user inter$ace de%loyment)
).0 Inter#ace Phase Testing escription
The s%eci$ied 1udler 'ine 'oods 're(uent Sho%%er gra%hical user inter$ace %rogram that =ill ?e de#elo%ed =ill
$ollo= a S%iral Methodology so$t=are de#elo%ment li$ecycle) The %rimary %rogram =ill ?e =ritten in the Ha#a
Co%yright 2012 9 Smith Consulting Print 3ate: 681;82014
1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
Page 7 o$ !
"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
language and =ill also re(uire the de#elo%ment o$ ,cti#eI controls along =ith other Ha#a a%%lets o?ligatory to the )
6e? ser#ices %ro#ided ?y 1udler 'ine 'oods) .egarding the s%eci$ic testing %hase o$ the gra%hical user inter$aceA
the authors Draude & Dernstein B2011C $rom the $ollo=ing:
$irst - 6rite tests that cause the a%%lication to %roduce data $or trans$er ?ut ha#e the trans$er itsel$ inhi?ited)
Second - .emo#e the data trans$er inhi?itors and o?ser#e i$ the recei#ing so$t=are %lat$orm com%onent deals =ith
the incoming data $rom the a%%lication correctly)
Third - 6rite tests that cause the a%%lication to re(uest data $rom other so$t=are %lat$orm com%onentsA ?ut manually
su?stitute the re(uested data in lieu o$ a Jli#eK data $eed $rom the in#ol#ed so$t=are %lat$orm)
$ourth - Connect the a%%lication to the so$t=are %lat$orm com%onents and rerun the data re(uests =ith Jli#eK data
$eeds) This =ill allo= the tester to #alidate that the so$t=are %lat$orm is %roducing data %er its data s%eci$ications)
This $orm o$ gra%hical user inter$ace testing shall ?e conducted ?y the Smith Consulting IT Project Management
Team to inaugurate a ?aseline in orientation to %er$ormance standards and (uality control chec@%oints) Moreo#erA all
modules a$$iliated =ith the inter$ace testing shall ?e thoroughly documented $or $uture re#ie=)
0. Implementation
The im%lementation %rocess =ill ?egin immediately $ollo=ing the logical design %hase o$ the 're(uent Sho%%er
Program) ,$ter each testing %hase is $ully com%leted to include the so$t=areA net=or@8systemsA and inter$ace test
ad#ancementsA each module =ill ?e inde%endently integrated in succession into the =hole o$ the system as deemed
necessary) ,$ter com%letion o$ the $inal installation stage 1udler =ill grant $inal user a%%ro#al $or acce%tance
0.$ Frequent Shopper Program Implementation Chec5list
Implementation Chec5list ,pplica"le
#mplementation %e& eployment
Security $undamentals
3ata "ncry%tion
Coo@ie "ncry%tion
#mplementation #ntegration
6e? Ser#ices
Secure 'TP
Secure 0TTPS
#mplementation Elements
IT Project Team
'acility 0ousing In$rastructure
Co%yright 2012 9 Smith Consulting Print 3ate: 681;82014
1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
Page 6 o$ !
"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
0.* Frequent Shopper Program Implementation escription
The a%%lication de%loyment =ill ?e initiated through 0TTPS and 'TP %rotocols to the other 1udler locations once
$inaliEed testing e#olutions ha#e ?een conducted and acce%ted ?y 1udler 'ine 'oods) In re$erence to the conce%t o$
$inal construction and im%lementationA the authors Draude & Dernstein B2011C claim that these eight acti#ities are
%er$ormed to con$irm o%timal $unctionality %rocesses:
1) Construct and test %roduction-ready so$t=are)
2) Construct and test a %roduction-ready data?ase or =arehouse data re%ository)
2) Install any re(uired ne= hard=are and connecti#ity)
4) Ma@e a#aila?le the %hysical $acility)
7) Test the hard=are con$iguration)
6) Com%lete the documentation)
) 5ain user acce%tance to Jgo li#e)<<
!) Train %artici%ants and users)
,ll o$ the $ollo=ing listed %rocedures are esta?lished to %ledge that the im%lementation de#elo%ment in mention to
the 're(uent Sho%%er Program e#olution =ill %roduce streamline %ractices =hile also certi$ying customer
satis$action among all %artners a$$iliated =ith 1udler to include em%loyeesA sta@eholdersA shareholdersA IT %roject
management teamA and 1udler leadershi%) 0ence$orthA these %rogressions shall ?e strictly adhered to and
$urthermore documented $or $uture re$erence %ur%oses)
Co%yright 2012 9 Smith Consulting Print 3ate: 681;82014
1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
Page o$ !
"#aluation o$ Im%lementation & Testing $or 're(uent Sho%%er Program
3. &.F.&.%C.S
DraudeA ") H) & DernsteinA M) ") B2011C) So$t=are engineering: Modern a%%roaches B2nd ed)C) Hohn 6iley & SonsA
"#erettA 5) 3) & McLeodA .) B200C) So$t=are testing: Testing across the entire so$t=are de#elo%ment li$e cycle)
0o?o@enA /H: 6iley)
Sales & Mar@eting) B2010C) .etrie#ed $rom
SchneiderA 5) P) B2004C) "lectronic Commerce: The Second 6a#e B7th ed)C) DostonA M,: Course Technology
Co%yright 2012 9 Smith Consulting Print 3ate: 681;82014
1udler<s 're(uent Sho%%er Program Testing Processes
Page ! o$ !

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