Mobile & DTH Recharge API Documentation

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Mobile & DTH Recharge API Documentation

API stands for Application Programming Integration which is widely used to

integrate and enable interaction with other software, much in the same way as a
user interface facilitates interaction between humans and computers. Our API
codes can be easily integrated to any web or software application.
Benefits of Mobile & DTH Recharge API
You can start your own Mobile & D! "echarge Online #tore
You can de$elop Mobile, D! & Data %ard "echarge #oftware and "esell
You can accept Postpaid &ills Also
How API Works
The API works on GT an! P"#T MTH"D$ an! the url to be use! is
'ote ( "eplace yourdomain with your connecting site )"*. +or more details please
refer the De$elopers API section in your control panel.
*ist of A+ailable API,s
o API for Mobile,D! & Data %ard "echarge
o API for Paying Post Paid &ills
o API for %hec,ing Account &alance.
o API for +inding Mobile Operator & %ircle.
o API for %hec,ing "echarge #tatus
o API for "eport "echarge Dispute
The +ariables to be use! are&
uid )ni-ue id for api
pin API authentication PI'
number Mobile number.D! #ubscriber %ode
circle Operator %ircle /see the list below0
operator 'ame of Operator /see the list below0
amount Amount to be recharged Min "s 12
special #pecial "echarge Operator %ode
-ID & PI.
Our API wor,s with )ni-ue )ID & PI', which is not associated with your account
username or password, e$en if you change your password of the control panel
API will wor,, if you need to generate new PI', please login to your control panel
and 3enerate 'ew PI'.
'ote ( +or using Mobile, D! & Data %ard "echarge API4s API access should be
enabled in your account, for enabling API access please contact your
API for Recharge Re/uest
In response to your API call our system will pro$ide following parameters as
comma separated $alues for your future reference
R#P".# 0"R ."MA* R1HARG'T"P2-P
:ID,#tatus,Amt Debited, &alance
R#P".# 0"R PI.2BA#D R1HARG'T"P2-P
:ID,#tatus,Amt Debited,PI', &alance
T3ID & )ni-ue ransaction Id for your "echarge
#tatus & #)%%8##.+AI*)"8
Amt Debite! & Amount Debited from your account.
Balance & A$ailable balance in your account after the transaction
PI. & +or PI' based "echarge you will get the PI', you can pass it to your
customer, they can further recharge by calling the customer care.
'ote ( Airtel & #)' D! is a$ailable on PI' &ased "echarge Also
API for #%ecial Recharge Re/uest
;e ha$e two methods for #ubmitting #pecial "echarge "e-uest
4) Passing A!!itional Parameter
5) Passing #e%arate "%erator 1o!e
#pecial "echarges are a$ailable only for the following Operators
&#'* < ata Docomo < )ninor < =ideocon < M'* Mumbai
"%tion 4 & Passing A!!itional Parameter
You can pass an additional $ariable >special6special7code? to your e:isting API4s
Docomo #pecial ( operator611&special621
)ninor #pecial ( operator61@&special621
=ideocon #pecial ( operator61A&special621 /)nder echnical Integration0
&#'* #pecial ( operator6B&special621
+or &#'* B types of #pecial "echarges are a$ailable
216"echarge.=alidity /"%=0
2B 6 #pecial opup =ouchers /#=0
#am%le API Re/uest 6#%ecial Recharges7
"%tion 5) Passing #e%arate "%erator 1o!e
his option allows you to pass separate operator code and don4t re-uired
additional parameters, Operator %ode as mentioned below
ata Docomo #pecial ( 1121
)ninor #pecial ( 1@21
=ideocon #pecial ( 1A21 /)nder echnical Integration0
&#'* "echarge.=alidity /"%=0 ( B21
&#'* B3 ( B2C
&#'* #pecial opup =ouchers /#=0 ( B2B
#am%le API 1all & Res%onse
#AMP* #-11## R#P".# 0"R ."MA* R1HARG'T"P2-P
#AMP* #-11## R#P".# 0"R PI.2BA#D R1HARG'T"P2-P
#AMP* 0AI*-R R#P".# 0"R ."MA* R1HARG'T"P2-P
@CBD,+AI*)"8,2,C222,"eason for failure

0etching (our 1urrent Recharge Balance

0in!ing Mobile "%erator & 1ircle 1o!e
Res%onse as below
C,11 /Operator %ode, %ircle %ode0
'ote ( his option will not wor, if mobile number is ported, so while implementing
this feature please confirm the operator name and circle details with customer
before passing the information to our API
his option is not applicable for D! Operators
Re%ort Recharge Dis%ute
Res%onse as below If Re%ort Raise!
It simply return the ransaction ID
If Re/uest .ot #ubmitte!
If you are getting >2? as response then possible reasons are below
1. In$alid ransaction ID
C. ransaction ID not belongs to your account
B. ransaction is +ailed or "e$ersed
1hecking Recharge #tatus
Below are the #tatus res%onses
If transaction is #uccess
If transaction is 0ailure
If transaction is Re+erse!
"8=8"#8D,&alance ( 1GBD.DGCG < &alance After "e$erse ( 1GGD.DGCG < "e$erse
ime (119219C21C 12(2F PM
'ote ( As we are running recharge automated script in e$ery C hours we humbly
re-uest you to trigger this API only after C hours from the time of transaction in
order to get the final and correct status.
If you are calling this API Hust after the transaction then you might get empty
response from our API.
ips ( &y using the abo$e API you can also implement the automatic refund
system into your +or more details as, your programmer.
1ircle ID 1ircle
1 Andhra Pradesh
C Assam
B &ihar & Ihar,hand
D %hennai
F Delhi
@ 3uHarat
A !aryana
G !imachal Pradesh
E Iammu & Jashmir
12 Jarnata,a
11 Jerala
1C Jol,ata
1B Maharashtra & 3oa /e:cept Mumbai0
1D Madhya Pradesh & %hhattisgarh
1F Mumbai
1@ 'orth 8ast
1A Orissa
1G PunHab
1E "aHasthan
C2 amil 'adu
C1 )ttar Pradesh 9 8ast
CC )ttar Pradesh 9 ;est
CB ;est &engal
"%erator ID "%erator .ame
1 Airtel
B1 Airtel Postpaid
C =odafone
BB =odafone Postpaid
B &#'* op)p
B21 &#'* "echarge.=alidity /"%=0
B2C &#'* B3
B2B &#'* #pecial /#=0
D "eliance %DMA
BD "eliance %DMA Postpaid
F "eliance 3#M
BF "eliance 3#M Postpaid
@ Aircel
A M'* Delhi /)nder Integration0
CF M'* Mumbai 9 op)p
CF21 M'* Mumbai 9 "echarge
G Idea
BC Idea 9 Postpaid
E ata Indicom
12 *oop Mobile
11 ata Docomo
1121 ata Docomo #pecial
1C =irgin %DMA
1B M#
1D =irgin 3#M
1F # el
1@ )ninor
1@21 )ninor #pecial
1A =ideocon
1A21 =ideocon #pecial
DTH "%erators
1G Dish = D!
1E ata #,y D!
C2 &ig = D!
C1 =ideocon D!
CC #un D!
CB Airtel D!
Data 1ar! "%erators
D "eliance 'et%onnect 1K
D "eliance 'et%onnect B3
D "eliance 'et%onnectL
E ata Photon ;hiM
E ata PhotonL
1B M# M&laMe
1B M# M&rowse
*ast -%!ate! on & 892"ctober25845

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