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No-1162, Ground Floor, West End Colony, Mogappair, Chennai-600050
Phone: !1 "0562126#5, 0$$ $2"$5"6!% Email: &ala'i(&uddhar)g*ail(+o*
Strong credentials in delivering superior performances consistently under high-pressure work environments,
seeking senior level assignments as a Project Lead
,trategy, -ision . Mission /lanning 0e1uire*ent 2nalysis . 3e+hni+al ,pe+i4i+ations /ro'e+t 5eli6ery .
Manage*ent 2ppli+ation 5esignCross Fun+tional Coordination 3ea* 7eadership
Co*petent and dyna*i+ pro4essional, o44ering an insight4ul e8posure o4 a total # years " *onths in+luding 5
yea! " mon#h! a+ross high-gro9th :3 en6iron*ents, 9hi+h in6ol6es e8perien+e in IBM Main$ame
Te%hnolo&ie!, 5esign, 5e6elop*ent, :*ple*entation, ,upport, 3esting and 5o+u*entation.
E'%ellen# e'(eien%e in #he analy!i!) *e!i&n) *e+elo(men#) ,ni# #e!#in&) an* !y!#em #e!#in& on main$ame
#e%hnolo&i%al (la#$om.
/ro4i+ient in analy;ing and translating &usiness re1uire*ents to te+hni+al re1uire*ents, 0e6ie9s, <uality /ro+ess
29areness and 0oot Cause 2nalysis 9ith +ore strengths in *apping user=s needs, dra9ing +ost esti*ates, and
e6ol6ing +ost e44e+ti6e and +usto*i;ed so4t9are solutions to generate 6alue 4or the +lient( Well 6ersed in
de6eloping appli+ations using C>?>7, @C7, -,2M, 5?2 and :M,-5?(
:n-depth Ano9ledge o4 all phases o4 So$#-ae .e+elo(men# Li$e Cy%le /S.LC0 9ith +on+entration on 9e&
progra**ing *odel, so4t9are de6elop*ent li4e+y+le, B,57CC D,:NG C>?>7,@C7,-,2M,5?2,C:C,,:M,-5?,:M,
5C,EN5E->0, CE2NGEM2N, 5CC,, F:7E-2:5, F/E5:3>0,:?M 5E?DGGE0,C2#(
Ce#i$i%a#ion!: :?M E8a* 000-#00: 5?2 -"(1 Fa*ily Funda*entals BE8ternal Certi4i+ationC
Eard9are :?M >,GH!0
>perating ,yste* M-,, W:N5>W,
7anguages C>?>7, @C7
5ata&ase 5?2, M<,eries, :M, 5?, :M, 5C
>73/ C:C,
File ,yste* -,2M
3ools Ende6or,Change*an,5CC,, F:7E-2:5, F/E5:3>0, :?M 5E?DGGE0,C2#
3S Te%hnolo&y In#ena#ional P+# L#* May456 7 .e%456

Senio So$#-ae En&inee
CSC In*ia P+# L#* A(455 7
Senio So$#-ae En&inee
2++ounta&le 4or pro6iding support 4or &usiness appli+ation pro+essing in the *ain4ra*e plat4or* en6iron*ent(
0esponsi&le 4or understanding . analy;ing +lient=s re1uire*ents, pro6iding s+ala&le design . ar+hite+ture 4or
6arious *odules . appli+ation(
E8e+uted responsi&ilities pertaining to re1uire*ent analysis, preparation o4 the te+hni+al design and sign o44 4ro*
+usto*er, +oding, unit testing, ,yste* :ntegration testing, supporting Dser 2++eptan+e testing and *igration o4
Co*ponents 4ro* 5e6elop*ent to /rodu+tion regions(
E8e+uted ea+h deli6era&le a++ording to +o*pany=s ,57C and passed all re6ie9s 4or &est pra+ti+es, +ode 1uality,
se+urity audits, and per4or*an+e(
/roa+ti6ely in6ol6ed in Fun+tional 0e1uire*ent /reparation, 2nalysis, design, +oding, unit testing, syste* testing
and regression testing, i*ple*entation, post-i*ple*entation support o4 so4t9are pro'e+ts(
Et+hed a pi6otal role 9hile 9orAing in 6arious +apa+ities liAe de6eloper, ,enior de6eloper, 3ea* 7ead
Coordinated 9ith the +lients 4or &usiness pro+ess analysis and understanding te+hni+al . 4un+tional
Co&ni9an# Te%hnolo&y Sol,#ion! A(4:;
Po&amme Analy!#
5esigned the solution around the produ+t and deli6ery to the +lient a++ording to the &usiness re1uire*ents
Maintained in depth intera+tion 9ith the +lient a+ross 6arious 4un+tional areas to +o*prehend and resol6e
apprehensionsGissues rise relating to pro'e+t deli6ery and its 4un+tional pro+ess
5esigned the solution around the produ+t and deli6ery to the +lient a++ording to the &usiness re1uire*ents(
Ead &een e8posed to all phases o4 ,57C and :n6ol6ed in 9riting Fun+tional, :ntegration and ,yste* 3est +ases(
/ro6ided dire+t support to the de6elop*ent, design, and independent analysis and pro&le* resolution(
2ssured &oth 1uality and +usto*er ser6i+e 9hile leading and dri6ing ad6an+edG+o*ple8 de6elop*ent tasAs and
pro'e+ts to su++ess4ul +o*pletion( /repared do+u*entation 4or the design plan, re6ie9 spe+i4i+ations 4or
*odi4i+ations, integrating +o*ponents and testing(
7ent support onsite 4or ti*ely deli6ery o4 pro'e+t . 1uery resolutions( 7ooAed a4ter and in6ol6ed in design,
de6elop*ent, testing
/ro6ided post-i*ple*entation, appli+ation *aintenan+e and enhan+e*ent support to the +lient 9ith regard to the
Ta#a Con!,l#an%y Se+i%e! L#* .e%4:<
B,!ine!! A!!o%ia#e
5e*onstrated pro4i+ien+y in <uality pro+esses 4ollo9ed through the +o*plete so4t9are de6elop*ent li4e +y+le o4
Eandled 0e1uire*ent 2nalysis 4ro* the +usto*er and 9riting o4 the ?usiness 7ogi+ and +ode 4or the /ro'e+t
2ssigned( Carried out &usiness pro+ess analysis and intera+ted 9ith the +lient 4or re1uire*ent gathering,
understanding te+hni+al . 4un+tional spe+i4i+ations(
Well-6ersed in +reating spe+i4i+ation do+u*ents and high le6el designs 4or enhan+e*ent re1uests to the so4t9are(
0esponsi&le 4or ti*ely +o*pletion o4 pro'e+ts and ensured that the end result 9as *at+hed 9ith s+ope details and
do+u*enting throughout the pro+ess(
,tudied 9hole pro+ess, 4inding all pro&le*s, *ade reports on it( Wrote 4un+tional re1uire*ents 4or +o*puter
syste*s using *odels and diagra*s to represent the pro+esses and 4un+tions in6ol6ed(
Eandled the design, de6elop*ent, testing and de&ugging o4 the so4t9are(
/ro6ided post-i*ple*entation, appli+ation *aintenan+e and enhan+e*ent support to the +lient 9ith regard to the
produ+tG so4t9are appli+ation(
Cam=i*&e Sol,#ion! L#* A,&4:<
B,!ine!! A!!o%ia#e
Aa*hi#yaa In$ome*ia Sol,#ion!
J,n4:> May4:<
.e!i&n En&inee 7 ?LSI
B.E /Ele%#oni%! @ Comm,ni%a#ion En&ineein&0) 8::>
,ri -enAates9ara College o4 Engineering, ,riperu*&udur, Madras Dni6ersity, #0I
.a#e o$ Bi#h: 2"
5e+ 1!"0
Se' : Male
Mai#al S#a#,!: Married
Pa!!(o# No: G026"H#"
Lan&,a&e! 1no-n: English, 3a*il, and 3elugu
3S Te%hnolo&y In#ena#ional P+# L#*
Ti#le AGS STAR Mem=e!hi( Billin&
Clien# Wellpoint :nsuran+e Co*pany, D,2(
En+ionmen# C>?>7,@C7, 5?2, :M, 5?, :M, 5C, CE2NGEM2N, F:7E M2N2GE0, :?M 5E?DGGE0
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion May 201H to 5e+e*&er 201H
.e#ail! Wellpoint, :n+( is an :ndiana-do*i+iled, pu&li+ly traded +o*pany that, through its su&sidiary
+o*panies, pro6ides health+are &ene4its to *illions o4 people(
Wellpoint is the largest pu&li+ly traded health &ene4its +o*pany in the Dnited ,tates and an
independent li+ensee o4 the ?lue Cross and ?lue ,hield 2sso+iation(
,320 Me*&ership . ?illing syste* handles *e*&er enroll*ent and pre*iu* +olle+tion
4ro* *e*&ers 4or the ser6i+es rendered(
,320 Me*&ership syste* is *aintaining *e*&er data 4or the 4ollo9ing &usiness groups
su+h as ,*all Group,:ndi6idual,,enior,,tate ,ponsored(
,320 Me*&ership supports 4ollo9ing ?usiness /ro+esses Enroll*ent and :5 Card
/ro+essing) ?illing
and 0e+on+iliation(
Enroll*ent- 3he ,320 Me*&ership syste* inter4a+es 9ith Dnder9riter, ?roAer and EM/:
9est syste* 4or enroll*ent 4un+tion( 3his 4un+tion allo9s to pro+ess the ne9 Me*&ership
appli+ation and load the *e*&er in4or*ation to ,320 Me*&ership syste*(
:5 Card /ro+essing - 2n :denti4i+ation Card B:5 CardC is issued to ,u&s+ri&er andGor
9hi+h allo9s the *e*&er to identi4y hi*sel4 or his +o6ered dependents to a pro6ider 4or
health +are ser6i+es( 3he +ard is used &y the pro6ider to deter*ine &ene4it le6els( 0e1uest to
+reate :5 Cards and ,pe+ /ages are auto*ati+ally triggered &y the online transa+tions as
9ell as so*e &at+h pro+esses(
?illing - 3he &illing 4un+tion +reate in6oi+es and send to su&s+ri&er 4or pre*iu* pay*ents(
+al+ulation o4 the pre*iu* is &ased on di44erent para*eters the produ+t *e*&er +hoose,
area in 9hi+h su&s+ri&er reside, age et+( ,320 ,yste* using 4ollo9ing &illing *ethodologies(
Glo&al 0ating B,*all GroupC
Co*posite 0ating B,*all GroupC
Me*&er 7e6el 0ating B:ndi6idualG,eniorC
Contra+t 3ype 0ating B:ndi6idualG,eniorC
/oli+y ,i;e 0ating B:ndi6idualG,eniorC
,320 has t9o separate &illing su&syste*s 4or ,*all Group and :ndi6idualG,enior(
0e+on+iliation 7 3his 4un+tion allo9s to apply the pre*iu* pay*ents 4ro* *e*&ers to their
respe+ti6e in6oi+es( 3he *e*&ers has di44erent option to *aAe the pay*ents through Che+A,
Credit Card, 2uto dedu+tion et+(
2n indi6idual +an &e enrolled into di44erent produ+t groups( 3he indi6idual 9ill &e &illed 4or all
produ+ts groups enrolled in( 3he +ontra+t o4 a produ+t group identi4ies it as a Me*&er le6el or
Non *e*&er le6el +ontra+t(
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing, ,yste* 3esting(
CSC In*ia P+# L#*
Ti#le Chy!le G.C Pen#a!a( A((li%a#ion Cen#al ?ehi%le In+oi%in& /C?I0
Clien# Chrysler 77C, D,2(
En+ionmen# C>?>7,@C7, 5?2, 5CC,, F:7E M2N2GE0, :?M 5E?DGGE0,C2#
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion 2pril 2011 to No6e*&er 2012
.e#ail! Chrysler is the >ne o4 the 3op H 2*eri+an 2uto*aAers Founded in 1!25 &y Walter
Chrysler(Eead1uartered at 2u&urn Eills, Mi+higan, D,2(
:n6oi+ed group o4 appli+ation pro+ess the 6ehi+le sales 4ro* the D,2, Canada and Me8i+o
plants to the dealers BD, and internationalC to generate in6oi+es, produ+e legal do+u*ents,
Aeep tra+A o4 all re6enue in4or*ation, tra+A all &usiness-related e8penses(
/ri*ary 4un+tionality in+ludedgeneratingin6oi+es 4or 6ehi+les produ+ed 4ro* D,2, Canada
and Me8i+an plants(
Generated legal do+u*ents liAe Manu4a+turerJs +ountry o4 origin BMC>C( 3ra+Aed &usiness
related e8penses in+urred BliAe &usiness tra6elC(Maintained a repository o4 all in6oi+es, legal
do+u*ents generated
Central -ehi+le :n6oi+ing appli+ation had 6arious le6els are 5ealer, /lant and Central order
Central order entry had Dni6ersal 3ransa+tion re+ord,Dni6ersal :n4or*ation re+ord and
-ehi+le +o*ponent pri+ing syste*(
,ales +ode e8pansion o4 the -ehi+le 5ata&ase B-5?C 9as needed( -5? +urrently stores up
to 252 sales +odes per 6ehi+le( Currently ne9 4eautures are &eing added to 6ehi+les, su+h as
,irius 0adio F65 and Conne+ted -ehi+le, thus +reating the need 4or storing additional sales
+odes( /rodu+tion orders ha6e already &een pro+essed through the -5? ,yste* e8+eeding
2H# sales +odes per 6ehi+le, and the trend indi+ates that the nu*&er o4 sales +odes 9ill
+ontinue to in+rease( 3he &usiness re1uires additional sales +odes to &e +aptured and
pro+essed &y -ehi+le 5ata syste*(
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing, ,yste* 3esting(
Co&ni9an# Te%hnolo&y Sol,#ion!
Ti#le AME27 31 Co(oa#e %a*!/Ca*! an* Paymen#!0
Clien# 2*eri+an E8press, DK
En+ionmen# C>?>7,@C7, 5?2, :M, 5?,M< ,eries, C:C,, CE2NGEM2N,F:7E-2:5,F/E5:3>0
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion @uly 200! to ,epte*&er 2010
.e#ail! 2*e8 is *erged 9ith ,2, to get the re9ard points 4or a ,2, Co&randed +ard(,2, Co&rand
proposed *anage*ent 4ile 4or ne9 +ard *e*&er and 3/C Nu*&er +apture 6ia We&ser6i+es(
3he 6arious types are 3/C Card holder re1uest and ne9 +ard holder re1uest, 3/C
Con4ir*ation( on+e the +on4ir*ation re1uired 4ro* ,2, then 2uto*ated +apture in +are 9ith
4ollo9ing response 4ile has 3/C Nu*&er, start date 3he 6arious su&syste* 4or ,2, are
Corporate appli+ation pro+essing syste* BC2/,C,0e6enue shares and 5ata e8+hange(
:n Caps Ne9 4ields is *ade a6aila&le 4or the +apture and display o4 Euro&onus nu*&er( :t 9ill
&e stored in 5?2 ta&le(
Enhan+ed ?usiness 3ra6el 2++ount BE?32C is a +entrally &illed and settled +orporate +ard
produ+t that allo9s the +usto*er to reali;e signi4i+ant sa6ings o6er and a&o6e *any other
pay*ent *e+hanis*s 4or tra6el e8penditure(
3he produ+t 9as spe+i4i+ally designed 4or +usto*ers 9ho 9ish, 4or 9hate6er reason, to retain
responsi&ility 4or pay*ent and re+on+iliation +entrally rather than 9ith the indi6idual tra6eler(
:4 there is *anual inter6ention re1uired on the a++ount, the state*ent is not produ+ed until
either all o4 that 9orA has &een done, or a +ertain nu*&er o4 days sin+e &illing ha6e passed(
3his period 9as +alled the state*ent 9indo9( 3he state*ents 9ere produ+ed 4ro* the tra6el
transa+tions( 3he +harges relating to these transa+tions are posted to the 2++ounts
0e+ei6a&le syste*(
For ensuring the integrity o4 the E?32 syste*, re+on+iliation 9as +arried &et9een E?32 and
the 20 syste* -+alled E?32 0e+on+iliation(
3he E?32 syste* runs 5aily se6en days a 9eeA, the o6erall E?32 syste* +onsists o4 three
distin+t pro+esses,
E?32 *ain pro+ess
E?32 0e+on+iliation
M,3 BMultiple ,tate*ent 3ypesC(
E?32 *ain pro+ess +onsists o4 three *ain phases( 3hey are 5ata re+eption, 5ata
2d*inistration and ?illing and ,tate*enting(Card 2++eptan+e pro+essing net9orABC2/NC L
de6elop*ent to update the Fin+ap and 2/ /ro+essing in4rastru+ture(
3he o&'e+ti6e o4 C2/N EME2 0elease H is to ena&le three pro+esses, Enhan+ed ?usiness
3ra6el 2++ount BE?32C, Corporate /ur+hasing ,olution BC/,C and 3rusted Mer+hants L
General /rinta&le to operate 9ithin the />2 C2/N net9orA(
3hese are the re*aining a+ti6ities o4 :ssuer 4un+tionality in EME2 re1uiring de6elop*ent in
order to pro+ess 9ithin the C2/N net9orA
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing, ,yste* 3esting
Ti#le 1ohl4! Ban* ?en*o Pe$oman%e T,nin&
Clien# Kohl=s Corporation, D,2(
En+ionmen# C>?>7, @C7, 5?2
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion Mar+h 200! to @une 200!
.e#ail! 3he purpose o4 this pro'e+t 9as to assess the Mer+handise 7edger BM7C appli+ation and
identi4y opportunities 4or per4or*an+e i*pro6e*ents 9ithin the M7 &at+h 'o& 4lo9(
3he &usiness +riti+al &at+h appli+ation Mer+handise 7edger BM7C is e8e+uted on the
*ain4ra*e syste*( 3he M7 9eeAly &at+h s+hedule has t9o +riti+al ,72 9hi+h are the
+o*pletion o4 the 'o& M7K0$5(1 and M7K0$5(2 &y 12:00 2(M Monday(
5uring the holiday periods 9hen the sales are high it 9as o&ser6ed that the +riti+al ,72=s
9ere *et 'ust in ti*e, and 9hi+h is e8pe+ted to get es+alated in near 4uture due to the
addition o4 stores 4ro* 2lasAa to the appli+ation and also due to the ?- enhan+e*ents 9hi+h
is to &e i*ple*ented &y *iddle o4 Fe& 200!(
3he s+ope o4 this pro'e+t 9ould &e to identi4y the +riti+al long running M7 &at+h 'o&s in order
to opti*i;e the 'o&s to *eet ,72s e6en during peaA seasons(
>n+e the 'o&s that should +hange ha6e &een identi4ied, a re+o**endation 4or i*pro6e*ents
9ill &e pro6ided and the appropriate a+tions 9ill &e taAen(
3hese +hanges *ay in+lude &ut are not li*ited to +hanges to the 5?2 ,<7, +hanges to the
9ay 4lat 4iles are pro+essed, and +hanges to the &at+h 'o& s+hedule(
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing, ,yste* 3esting(
Ti#le An#hem Con!oli*a#e* Ea!# ASO @ C.
Clien# Wellpoint :nsuran+e Co*pany, D,2(
En+ionmen# C>?>7,@C7,5?2,EN5E->0,F:7E-2:5,F/E5:3>0,C2#
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion May 200" to Fe& 200!
.e#ail! 3he Enroll*ent and ?illing BE.?C ,yste* +urrently handles *anaged +are and inde*nity 4or
Conne+ti+ut, Maine and Ne9 Ea*pshire(
:t also *aintains the data 4or li4e insuran+e produ+ts 4or these regions( 3he E.? ,yste* has
2 distin+t +o*ponents( :t has the Enroll*ent syste*, 9hi+h stores all o4 the de*ographi+s
and +o6erage in4or*ation pertaining to 4ir*s and *e*&ers(
3he se+ond syste* is the ?illing syste*( 3his syste* produ+es in6oi+es, and is responsi&le
4or +ash +olle+tion and +ash allo+ation 4or these in6oi+es( Enroll*ent and ?illing ,yste*
intera+ts 9ith nu*erous inter4a+es(
3his in+ludes the internal inter4a+es liAe 0ating, ?ene4its, Clai*s and e8ternal inter4a+es liAe
NEMC:, 2nthe* 5ental -ision% 2nthe* /res+ription Manage*ent et+(
Enroll*ent syste* *anages the pro+ess o4 enrolling a Fir* or a Me*&er into 2nthe*
syste*s( 3his syste* *aintains the de*ographi+, personal and health &ene4it plan data 4or
the 4ir* and the *e*&ers(
Fir*s are +lassi4ied into t9o di44erent types, large 4ir*s and s*all 4ir*s( 7arge 4ir*s are the
4ir*s ha6ing *ore than 50 *e*&ers enrolled( While s*all 4ir*s are the 4ir*s ha6ing 50 or
less than 50 *e*&ers enrolled(
Ma'or Fun+tions o4 E.? ,yste*:
2dding a ne9 Fir* G Me*&er to the syste*
Modi4ying or trans4erring a Fir*GMe*&er data
0einstating or 0eatta+hing a Me*&er Enroll*ent
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing, ,yste* 3esting(
0esponsi&le 4or peer re6ie9ing the <uality pro+edures related to the pro'e+t
Ti#le A?M $o Finan%ial A((li%a#ion!
Clien# Wellpoint :nsuran+e Co*pany, D,2(
En+ionmen# C>?>7,@C7,5?2,C:C,,EN5E->0,F:7E-2:5,F/E5:3>0,C2#
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion 2pril 200# to 2pril 200"
.e#ail! Wellpoint, :n+( is an :ndiana-do*i+iled, pu&li+ly traded +o*pany that, through its su&sidiary
+o*panies, pro6ides health+are &ene4its to *illions o4 people(
Wellpoint is the largest pu&li+ly traded health &ene4its +o*pany in the Dnited ,tates and an
independent li+ensee o4 the ?lue Cross and ?lue ,hield 2sso+iation(
2-M Finan+ial 2ppli+ations in6ol6es *aintaining and supporting the 6arious +lai*s
pro+essing syste*s(
3hese syste*s are 4urther di6ided into *ultiple su&syste*s( 3hese syste*s are responsi&le
4or a++epting +lai*s data 4ro* the ad'udi+ation syste*s, per4or* the &asi+ edits, generate
any re'e+ts, 9rite out the +he+As 4or the patients and pro6iders, print the*, and per4or*
ele+troni+ 4und trans4er( Ea+h patient is identi4ied &y a +ontra+t nu*&er and ea+h pro6ider is
identi4ied &y a National /ro6ider :denti4i+ation BN/:C nu*&er(
Co**on >utput ,yste* BC>,C is an 2++ount /aya&le ,yste* 4or all +lai*s pro+essed in
,outheast region o4 Dnited ,tates e8+ept 4or Medi+are insured and FE/ insured +lai*
pay*ents( :t is a Wellpoint ho*egro9n syste* that 9as i*ple*ented in 1!!H(
East G7 re+ei6es 'ournal entries as inputs 4or the pri*ary a++ount data +o*ing 4ro* the east
4inan+ial +lai*s syste*( East G7 then +reates the o44set entries 4or the pri*ary a++ount
nu*&er, 4or*ats the entries 4or peopleso4t G7 translator and 4inally trans*its the* to the
translator 6ia an F3/ pro+ess( 3he translator does the translation o4 2nthe* lega+y Chart4ield
6alues to Wellpoint G7 Chart4ield 6alues(
:t then sends this translated data to /eopleso4t General ledger 9hi+h is used to a++u*ulate
and report all the @ournal Entries 4or 4inan+ial reporting(
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing, ,yste* 3esting(
0esponsi&le 4or peer re6ie9ing the <uality pro+edures related to the pro'e+t(
:n6ol6ed in the produ+tion support a+ti6ities
Ta#a Con!,l#an%y Se+i%e! L#*
Ti#le TARGET7 6./.e*i%a#e* Foo* .i!#i=,#ion 7Shi(men# No#i$i%a#ion Mani$e!#0
Clien# 3arget Corporation, D,2
En+ionmen# C>?>7,@C7,5?2,EN5E->0,F:7E-2:5,F/E5:3>0,C2#
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion 5e+e*&er 2006 to Mar+h 200#
.e#ail! -endor deli6ers the *er+handise &ased on the order pla+ed &y the *er+hants( When
6endor is ready to ship the *er+handise to 3arget Corp(
-endor sends the 2d6an+e ship*ent Noti4i+ation BE5: "56C to 3arget 9hi+h 9ill ha6e the
details o4 the Mer+handise that is &een shipped(
3his 2,N +o*es to E5: BEle+troni+ 5ata :nter+hangeC 4ro* the -endor( E5: +on6erts the
E5: "56 4ro* E5: 4or*at to 2ppli+ation 4or*at and gi6es it to ,NM 4or pro+essing( ,NM
appli+ation pro+esses the E5: "56 appli+ation data( ?asi+ally it edits the E5: "56
B,hip*ent Noti4i+ation Mani4estC as per 3arget standards and 4eeds "56 in4or*ation to
other syste*s(
3his "56 in4or*ation used 4or ,+heduling at H5 to unload the trailers( 2nd also ,NM sends
the data to the C/5, 9hi+h 9ill &e used 4or /05 allo+ations(
3he Ele+troni+ 5ata :nter+hange BE5:C 2d6an+e ,hip*ent Noti+e B2,NC, also re4erred to
as the E5: "56 do+u*ent, 9ill &e used during the ,tore 0e+ei6ing pro+ess to si*pli4y the
re+ei6ing pro+ess and enhan+e data integrity(
Ne9 pro+ess in+luded to pro+ess 5,5 2,N in the ,NM 'o& strea*(
3his pro+ess deter*ines 9hi+h edit path the 2,N should go through &y 6alidating the
lo+ation at the ship*ent le6el and the distri&ution *ode 9ithin the pur+hase order o4 the
ship*ent( 3he lo+ation is 6alidated to see i4 it is a 6alid 05C(
/re-Edit L this deter*ines the 6endor nu*&er and a++u*ulates the lading 1uantity and
9eight 4or ea+h pa+Aage +ode( 3his 9ill also, deter*ine i4 the 2,N is 4or ,tore 0e+eipt,
&ased upon i4 the 6endor nu*&er is a M?ypass &y 2,N= 6endor(
>nly those 2,N=s 4or ,tore 0e+eipt 9ill +ontinue to &e pro+essed( Guideline and
2ppli+ation Edits L the guideline edits +he+A 4or *issing or in6alid data re1uire*ents and
the appli+ation edits do data 6alidity +he+As(
Edit the "56 data, *anage the pro+essing o4 the edit errors, and pro6ide edit error
Gi6es "56 error *essages 4eed to E5:(
Manipulate the "56 data to support internal &usiness and te+hni+al re1uire*ents
Create an "56 4eed to the H5 syste*
Create an "56 4eed to the C/5 syste*, 9hi+h is later 4or9arded to the E- />M syste*
7oad the "56 data into the -EN5 "56 data&ase and ?:2 ta&les(
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing(
Cam=i*&e Sol,#ion! L#*
Ti#le ?ISION81
Clien# 7i&erty Mutual, D,2
En+ionmen# C>?>7, @C7, CE2NGEM2N, 5?2, C:C,, M,-2++ess !#G2002
Role 3ea* Me*&er
.,a#ion 2ugust 2006 to No6e*&er 2006
.e#ail! 3his syste* is &asi+ally a data +enter( :t 9as designed 4or *aintaining the 6arious poli+y
details pertaining to the people 9ho are all insured Bindi6idualC 9ith 7i&erty Mutual(
3his syste* re+ei6ing the poli+y details 4eed on a daily transa+tion 4ro* the M>/-65=
syste* and it 9ill insertGupdateGdelete the data in the +entral repository &ased on type o4
re1uest 4ro* online sour+e syste*(
3he data 9hi+h are *aintained in 62A data +enter are used &y other appli+ations(
2s a &at+h update the data needs to &e loaded into di44erent data&ase 4or testing and
4inally the tested data should &e loaded into produ+tion data&ase(
>ne o4 appli+ation 0e4eren+e 3a&le *aintenan+e ,yste* B03M,C in Ci+s, 5&2 and Ms-
Condu+ted 2nalysis o4 Client 0e1uest, :*pa+t 2nalysis(
Entrusted 9ith the tasA o4 preparation o4 te+hni+al design do+u*ents(
/er4or*ed Code Constru+tion, Dnit testing(
0esponsi&le 4or peer re6ie9ing the <uality pro+edures related to the pro'e+t(
:n6ol6ed in the produ+tion support a+ti6ities(

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