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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative

Einstein–Finsler Spaces


Sergiu I. Vacaru

Science Department UAIC

Seminarul Informal de Noutǎţi Geometrice

November 24, 2009
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

A survay on nonholonomic Ricci flows and mutual
evolution of (semi) Remann geometries into generalized
ones with noncommutative variables, nonholonomic Dirac
operators, Lagrange–Finsler connections and/or
nonsymmetric metrics.

We consider the anholonomic deformation method in

noncommutative gravity, geometric mechanics and Ricci
evolution equations.

We generalize Perelman’s functionals to nonholonomic

spectral functionals and elaborate an unified approach to
noncommutative Ricci flow theory.

There are considered developments in modern geometry

and physics.


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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces


I. Equations for Nonholonomic Ricci Flows

II. Exact Solutions in Gravity and Ricci Flows

III. Ricci–Lagrange/ Finsler Evolution

IV. Nonholonomic Dirac Operators, Spectral Functionals

and Noncommutative Ricci Flows

V. Conclusions and Perspectives

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Relevant publications

R. Hamilton and Grisha Perelman works:

1. R. S. Hamilton, J. Diff. Geom. 17 (1982) 255
2. G. Perelman, The Entropy Formula for the Ricci Flow and its Geometric Applications,
arXiv: math.DG/0211159
3. H. -D. Cao and X. -P. Zhu, Asian J. Math., 10 (2006) 165
4. B. Kleiner and J. Lott, Notes on Perelman’s Papers, arXiv: math.DG/0605667
5. J. W. Morgan and G. Tian, Ricci Flow and the Poincaré Conjecture,
arXiv: math.DG/0607607
Constrained Ricci flow evolution? Non–integrable/ constrained evolution? Ricci–
Finsler, Ricci–Lagrange flows?
1. S. Vacaru, Ricci Flows and Solitonic pp-Waves, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 21 (2006)
4899-4912; hep-th/0602063
2. S. Vacaru and M. Visinescu, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows and Running Cosmological Con-
stant: I. 4D Taub-NUT Metrics, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 22 (2007) 1135-1159; gr-qc/0609085
3. S. Vacaru and M. Visinescu, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows and Running Cosmological
Constant: 3D Taub-NUT Metrics, Romanian Reports in Physics 60 (2008) 251-270; gr-
4. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows: I. Riemann Metrics and Lagrange-Finsler Geometry,
5. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows: II. Evolution Equations and Dynamics, J. Math.
Phys. 49 (2008) 043504 (27 pages), math.DG/0702598
6. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows: III. Curve Flows and Solitonic Hierarchies, arXiv:
0704.2062 [math.DG]
7. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows: Exact Solutions and Gravity, Electronic Journal of
Theoretical Physics (EJTP) 6, N20, (2009) 27-58; arXiv: 0705.0728 [math-ph]
8. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows and Parametric Deformations of the Solitonic pp-
Waves and Schwarzschild Solutions, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP) 6,
N21 (2009) 63-93; arXiv: 0705.0729 [math-ph]
9. S. Vacaru, Nonholonomic Ricci Flows, Exact Solutions in Gravity, and Symmetric and
Nonsymmetric Metrics, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48 (2009) 579-606; arXiv: 0806.3812 [gr-qc]
10. S. Vacaru, The Entropy of Lagrange-Finsler Spaces and Ricci Flows, Rep. Math. Phys.
63 (2009) 95-110, math.DG/0701621
11. S. Vacaru, Spectral Functionals, Nonholonomic Dirac Operators, and Noncommutative
Ricci Flows, J. Math. Phys. 50 (2009) 073503; arXiv: 0806.3814 [math-ph]

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

I. Equations for Nonholonomic Ricci Flows

1. Families fundamental Lagrange/ Finsler L(x, y, χ)/

F (x, y, χ), on T M, or V, for real parameter χ,
g = gi(xk , χ)dxi ⊗ dxi
+ω 2(xj , t, y, χ)ha(xk , t, χ)ea⊗ea,
e3 = dy 3 + wi(xk , t, χ)dxi,
e4 = dy 4 + ni(xk , t, χ)dxi,
2. For the previous seminar, gαβ are solutions of Einstein
eqs for a d–connection, Rαβ = λgαβ , for instance,

Rb βδ − 1 gβδ sR = Υβδ ,
LC–cond. Lbc = ea(N c), C bi = 0, Ωa = 0
aj j jb ji
3. This seminar, gαβ (χ) are solutions of ∂χαβ = −2Rαβ
4. Canonical d–connection evolution (postulates)
∂ ³ ´
gi = −2 R bii − λgi − hc ∂ (N c)2,
∂χ ∂χ i
∂ ³ ´
ha = −2 R baa − λha ,
Rbαβ = 0, for α 6= β

bαβ 6= R
In general, R bβα resulting in nonsymmetric metrics.
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

N–connection evolution of Einstein–Finsler manifolds

Can be included exact solutions for Einstein (non)
holonomic manifolds into nonholonomic Ricci flow eqs?
Examples with nontrivial Nic(χ):
∂ ∂
a) ∂χ gi = ∂χ ha = 0, Υ2 = Υ4 = 0

constraints: [hc (Nic)2] = 0, (1)
gij and hab are d–metrics not depending on χ
families of Ni3 = wi(xk , t, χ), Ni4 = ni(xk , t, χ) with (1)
g = gi(xk )dxi ⊗ dxi + ω 2(xj , t, y, χ)ha(xk , t)ea⊗ea,
e3 = dy 3 + wi(xk , t, χ)dxi, wi(xk , t, χ) → wi(xk , t), (4)
e4 = dy 4 + ni(xk , t, χ)dxi,
Use Theorem 2 (previous seminar), h∗3,4 6= 0, Υ2,4 → λ,
ψ̈ + ψ 00 = 2λ (2)
h∗4 = 2h3h4λ/φ∗ (3)
βwi + αi = 0 (4)
i (λ) + γ n ∗
i (λ) = 0 (5)
αi = h∗4 ∂iφ, β = h∗4 φ∗, φ = ln | p |,
µ ¶∗
γ= ln
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Solutions for N–connection Ricci flows

g1 = g2 = eψ(x ), wi = −∂iφ/φ∗,
h4 = 0h4(xk ) ± exp[2 φ(xk , t)],
·q λ ¸2
h3 = ± |h∗4 (xi, t)| exp[−2 φ(xk , t)]
Z p
nk (χ) = nk (x , χ) + nk (x , χ) [h3/( |h4|)3]dt
1 i 2 i

ek ω(χ) = ∂k ω(χ) + wk ω ∗(χ) + nk (χ)∂ω(χ)/∂y = 0

LC–conditions: wi∗ = ei ln |h4|, ek wi = eiwk ,
n∗i (χ) = 0, ∂ink (χ) = ∂k ni(χ)

b) We can consider nontrivial Υ2, Υ4 imposing constr. (1)

b11 = R
R b22 = −Υ4(xk , χ), Rb33 = R
b44 = −Υ2(xk , t, χ)
∂ ∂
gi = 2(Υ4 + λ)gi, ha = 2(Υ2 + λ)ha
∂χ ∂χ
ek ω(χ) = ∂k ω(χ) + wk (χ)ω ∗(χ) + nk (χ)∂ω(χ)/∂y = 0
Conclusion: Exact solutions for Einstein–Lagrange/
–Finsler spaces, both with trivial and nontrivial matter
sources, can be generalized to nonholonomic Ricci flows.

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

II. Exact Solutions in Gravity & Ricci Flows

Two standard cosmologies

1) FRW for κ = 0,
2 2
F g = a (t) (dx⊗dx + dz⊗dz) − dt⊗dt + a (t)dy⊗dy,

x1 = x, x2 = z, y 3 = t, y 4 = y, F g1 = F g2 = a2, F h3 =
−1, F h4 = a2. Perfect fluid, T αβ = diag[−p, −p, ρ, −p],
ρ, p are energy density, presure. Einstein (Friedman) eqs
µ ∗ ¶2
2 a 1 κ
H ≡ = ρ− 2
a 3 a
∗ 2 a∗∗ 1
H +H = = − (ρ + 3p),
a 6
strong energy conditions, ρ + 3p ≥ 0, expanding universe.
2) Rotating cosmology, the Gödel solution:
2 e2x
G g = G a [dx⊗dx + dz⊗dz
−(dt − e dz)⊗(dt − exdz) + dy⊗dy],

2 e2x 2 2 2
G g1 = G a , G g2 = 2 G a , G h3 = − G a , G h4 = G a ,
3 x 4
G Ni = G wi = −e , G Ni = 0. Dust matter: energy
density Gε, negative Gλ → angular velocity Gω of the
cosmic rotation, Gω 2 = 1/2 Ga2 = 4πG Gε = − Gλ,
with G as Newton’s gravitational constant.
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Modelling Ricci flows of Cosmologies

Off–diagonal cosmological solutions

Modeling by different (anisotropic) sources and
nonholonomic distributions.
1) FRW–N, nontrivial N–connection, homogeneous v–part
Equation (1) in previous seminar
◦ 2
g1,2 = 1, η1 = 1, η2 = e2λx Gg2; g1 = 1, g2 = η2(x),

h3(t) = −a−2(t), ◦h4 = 1, h3,4(t) = η3,4(t) ◦h3,4(t)
1 ∗ 2 0 2
h3 = ± |φ (t)| , h4 = h4 ± exp[2 φ(t)],
λ λ
∂i φ
wi(t) = − ∗ → 0, homogeneous, λ 6= 0
φ Z p
nk (t, χ) = nk (χ) + nk (χ) [h3(t)/( |h4(t)|)3]dt
1 2

ek ω(χ) = ∂k ω(χ) + wk ω ∗(χ) + nk (χ)∂ω(χ)/∂y = 0

LC–conditions: wi∗ = ei ln |h4|, ek wi = eiwk ,
n∗i (χ) = 0, ∂ink (χ) = ∂k ni(χ)
Diagonal limit → conformal transform of FRW–metric,

g = a−2(t) F g,
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2) Non–diagonal Gödel solution

For simplicity, ω = 1. Solution is similar to FRW–N but
wi(t, χ) = − ∗ → 0, χ → χ0, λ 6= 0
wi(x, t, χ) = −ηi3(t, χ)ex, χ → χ1, λ 6= 0
h (t)
nk (x, t, χ) = 1nk (x, χ) + 2nk (x, χ) p 3 dt
( |h4(t)|) 3

N–flows of cosmologies:
1 1 2λx2
g = dx ⊗ dx + e × Gg2 dx2 ⊗ dx2
1 ∗ 2 3 3 2
± |φ (t)| e ⊗e + { h4 ± exp[2 φ(t)]}e4⊗e4
λ λ
e3 = dt − ηi3(t, χ)exdxi
e4 = dy 4 + ni(x, t, χ)dxi

g → |χ→χ0 F g a−2(t), g → |χ→χ1 Gg

Such solutions solve both Einstein eqs and Ricci flow eqs.
Inflating FRW cosmology may Ricci evolve into a rotating
Gödel universe with generic off–diagonal metric.
In a more sophisticate case, we get Ricci flows of FRW
into Lagrange–Finsler cosmological models.

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

III. Ricci–Lagrange/–Finsler Evolution

(Semi)sprays and N–connections:

dy a
+ 2Ga(x, y) = 0,

curve xi(ς), 0 ≤ ς ≤ ς0, when y i = dxi/dς.
Regular Lagrangian: L(x, y) = L(xi, y a), Lgij = 12 ∂y∂i∂y

µ 2 ¶
∂G ∂ L k ∂L
Nia = i
, 4G j
= L ij
g i k
y − i ,
∂y ∂y ∂x ∂x

£ i j i j
g = gij (x, y) e ⊗ e + e ⊗ e
eα = [ei = dxi, ea = dy a + Nia(x, y)dxi].

Hamilton’s evolution eqs:

∂gαβ (χ)
= −2 pRαβ (χ)
for a set of (semi) Riemannian metrics gαβ (χ), real
parameter χ, Ricci tensors pRαβ (χ) for the Levi–Civita

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Perelman’s functionals
Perelman’s functionals
Z ³for flows of Riemannian metrics
p F(L, f ) = p R + |∇f | e−f dV,
Z h i
p W(L, f, τ ) = τ ( pR + |∇f |) + f − 2n µ dV,
volume form of Lg, dV, integration over compact V,
function f for gradient flows with different
R measures,
scalar curvature for ∇, pR. For τ > 0, V µdV = 1,
µ = (4πτ )−n e−f .
Claim: For Lagrange spaces, Perelman’s functionals for
b fb), W(L,
b F(L,
D, c fb, τ ) are
Z µ ¯ ¯2 ¶
¯ b b¯ b
Fb = R + S + ¯D f ¯ e−f dV,
Z · ³ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯´2 ¸
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
c =
W τb R + S + ¯hDfb¯ + ¯v Dfb¯ + fb − 2n µb dV,
R and S are h- and¯ v–components
¯2 ¯ ¯2 of ¯curvature
¯2 scalar of
b = ( hD, v D), ¯¯D
D b fb¯¯ = ¯¯hDfb¯¯ + ¯¯v Dfb¯¯ , fb satisfies
R −n −fb
V µ
b dV = 1 for µ
b = (4πτ ) e and τ > 0.

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Proofs for N–adapted evolution eqs

Theorem: If a Lagrange (Finsler) metric Lg(χ) and
functions fb(χ) and τb(χ) evolve for ∂χ
= −1 and constant
R b
τ )−ne−f dV as solutions of
∂g ij ∂g ab
bij ,
= −2R bab,
= −2R
∂χ ∂χ
∂ fb ¯ ¯2 n
b b ¯ b b¯
= −∆f + ¯Df ¯ − R − S + ,
∂χ τb
than Z
∂ c L bij + DiDj fb − 1 gij |2
W( g(χ),fb(χ), τb(χ)) = 2 τb[|R
∂χ 2b
bab + DaDbfb −1 b
+|R gab|2](4πbτ )−ne−f dV.
Corollary: The evolution, for all τ ∈ [0, τ0), of
N–adapted frames eα(τ ) = eαα(τ, u)∂α is defined by
· i b a
ei (τ, u) Ni (τ, u) eb (τ, u)
eαα(τ, u) = ,
0 eaa(τ, u)
with Lgij (τ ) = ei i(τ, u) ej (τ, u)ηij subjected to eqs
∂ α γ
eα = Lg αβ pRβγ eα , for the Levi-Civita connection;
∂ α bβγ eαγ , for the canonical d–connection.
eα = Lg αβ R
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Statistical analogy for Lagrange–Finsler Ricci flows

Grisha Perelman: functional pWRis analogous to minus
entropy. Partition function Z = exp(−βE)dω(E) for
the canonical ensemble at temperature β −1 is defined by
the measure taken to be the density of states ω(E).
Thermodynamical values: average energy,
< E >= −∂ log Z/∂β, entropy S = β < E > + log Z
and fluctuation σ =< (E− < E >)2 >= ∂ 2 log Z/∂β 2.
A set of regular mechanical systems with L(b τ , x, y)
described by Lg(bτ ), Nia(b
τ ), ∇(b b τ ).
τ ) and D(b
Theorem: Any family of Lagrange (Finsler) geometries
satisfying the evolution eqs for D b is characterized by
Z ¯ ¯2 ¯ ¯2 n
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
<E b > = −b τ 2 (R + S + ¯hDfb¯ + ¯v Dfb¯ − )b µ dV,
¯ ¯2 ¯ ¯2
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Sb = − [b τ (R + S + ¯hDfb¯ + ¯v Dfb¯ ) + fb − 2n]b µ dV,
R2bτ 4
bij + DiDj fb− 1 gij |2 + |R
[|R bab + DaDbfb− 1 gab|2]b
µ dV.
τ 2b

Corollary: A Lagrange (Finsler) model defined D b is

thermodynamically more (less, equivalent) convenient than
a similar one defined by ∇ if Sb < pS (Sb > pS, Sb = pS).
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

IV. Nonholonomic Dirac Operators, Spectral

Functionals & Noncommutative Ricci Flows

The spectral action paradigm:

All details of standard models of particle interactions and
gravity can be ”extracted” from noncommutative
geometry, spectral triple (A, H, D), postulating the action
T r f (D2/Λ2)+ < Ψ|D|Ψ >,
T r is the trace in operator algebra, Ψ is a spinor, all
defined for a Hilbert space H, Λ is a cutoff scale and f
is a positive function. ”Spectral” action depends only on
the spectrum of the Dirac operator D on a certain
noncommutative space defined by a noncommutative
associative algebra A = C ∞(V ) ⊗ P A.
The spectral geometry of A is given by the product rule
H = L2(V, S) ⊗ P H, where L2(V, S) is the Hilbert space
of L2 spinors and P H is the Hilbert space of quarks and
leptons fixing the choice of the Dirac operator P D and
the action P A for fundamental particles.
The Dirac operator is parametrized
D = V D ⊗ 1 + γ5 ⊗ P D, where V D is the Dirac
operator of the Levi–Civita spin connection on V.
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

N–anholonomic Clifford/spin structures

N–connection splitting: T V = hV ⊕ vV.
Nonholonomic (semi) Riemannian V, V = E, or = TM.
A Clifford d–algebra is a ∧V n+m algebra, product
uv + vu = 2g(u, v) I, distinguished h–, v–products
h h
u v + hv hu = 2 hg(u, v) hI ,
u v v + v v v u = 2 v h( v u, v v) v I ,
u = ( hu, v u), v = ( hv, v v) ∈ V n+m,
I, hI and v I are unity matrices of corresponding
dimensions (n + m) × (n + m), or n × n and m × m.
A metric hg on hV is defined by sections of the tangent
space T hV provided with a bilinear symmetric form on
continuous sections Γ(T hV). We construct Clifford
h–algebras hCl(TxhV), in any point x ∈ T hV,
γiγj + γj γi = 2 gij hI .
Definition: A Clifford d–space on a nonholonomic
manifold V enabled with g(x, y) and N is defined as a
Clifford bundle Cl(V) = hCl(hV) ⊕ v Cl(vV), Clifford
h–space hCl(hV) = hCl(T ∗hV), Clifford v–space
v .
Cl(vV) = v Cl(T ∗vV).

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

h–spinors, v–spinors and d–spinors

Def.: Space of complex h–spins defined by subgroup
Spinc(n) ≡ Spinc( hV n) ≡ hSpinc(V n) ⊂ Cl( hV n),
determined by the products of pairs of vectors w ∈ hV C
when w = λu where λ is a complex number of module 1
and u is of unity length in hV n.
Def.: A h–spinor bundle hS on a h–space hV is a
complex vector bundle with both defined action of the
h–spin group hSpin(V n) on the typical fiber and
h .
Spin(V) ≡ Spin(hV) = Spin(Tx∗hV). The set of
sections Γ( hS) defines an irreducible Clifford h–module.
Def.: A d–spinor bundle S = ( hS, v S) on a
N–anholonomic V, dimV = n + m, is a complex vector
bundle Spin V = Spin(V n) ⊕ Spin(V m), splitting
adapted to N–connection, Spin(V) = Spin(T ∗V). The
set of sections Γ(S) = Γ ( hS) ⊕ Γ( v S) is an irreducible
Clifford d–module.
Theorem Any d–metric and N–connection structure
defines naturally the fundamental geometric objects and
structures (Clifford h–module, v–module and Clifford
d–modules,or the h–spin, v–spin structures and d–spinors)
for the corresponding nonholonomic spin manifold and/or
N–anholonomic spinor (d–spinor) manifold.

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Nonholonomic Dirac operator

d–gamma matrix relations γ α̂γ β̂ + γ β̂ γ α̂ = 2δ α̂β̂ I,
with action of duα ∈ Cl(V) on a d–spinor ψ̆ ∈ S,
. .
c(duα̂) = γ α̂ and c = (duα) ψ̆ = γ α ψ̆ ≡ eαα̂ γ α̂ ψ̆
allows γ α(u)γ β (u) + γ β (u)γ α(u) = 2g αβ (u) I.
The canonical spin d–connection is defined:
b . 1 bα
S ∇ = δ − Γ βµγαγ β δuµ.
Actions of Clifford d–algebra and Clifford h–algebra are
transformed into maps Γ∞(S) ⊗ Γ(Cl(V)) → Γ∞(S) and
Γ∞( hS) ⊗ Γ(Cl( hV ) → Γ∞( hS) by considering maps
. .
bc(ψ̆ ⊗ a) = c(a)ψ̆ and hb c( hψ ⊗ ha) = hc( ha) hψ.

Definition: The Dirac d–operator (Dirac h–operator) on

a spin N–anholonomic manifold (V, S, J) (on a h–spin
manifold (hV, hS, hJ), or on a v–spin manifold
(vV, v S, v J)) is defined
D = −i (b c ◦ S∇)
¡h h h v v v
= D = −i ( b c ◦ S∇), D = −i ( b c ◦ S∇)
Dirac d–operators are called canonical and denoted
b = ( hD,
D b vDb ) if they are defined for the canonical
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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Spectral triples and distance in d–spinor spaces

∞ . R
Scalarp product p
on Γ (S), < ψ̆, φ̆ >= V (ψ̆|φ̆)|νg |,
νg = det|g| det|h| dx1...dxn dy n+1...dy n+m is the
volume d–form on V.
N .
H = L2(V, S) = [ hH = L2(hV, hS), v H =
L2(vV, v S)] is the Hilbert d–space obtained by
completing Γ∞(S) with the norm defined by the scalar
b for a
A canonical spectral d–triple ( N A, N H, D)
d–algebra N A is defined by a Hilbert d–space N H, a
representation of N A in the algebra N B( N H) of
d–operators bounded on N H, and by a self–adjoint
d–operator N H, of compact resolution,1 such that
[ N H, a] ∈ N B( N H) for any a ∈ N A.
Theorem: Let ( N A, N H, D, b J, [cr]Γ) defines a
noncommutative geometry being irreducible for
N .
A = C ∞(V), where V is a compact, connected and
oriented manifold without boundaries, of spectral
dimension dim V = n + m. In this case, there are
satisfied the conditions:

1 An operator D is of compact resolution if for any λ ∈ sp(D) the operator (D − λI)−1 is compact, see details in [?].

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

b = ( hg, v g), with the

1. There is a unique d–metric g(D)
”nonlinear” geodesic distance on V defined
n o
d(u1, u2) = sup f (u1, u2)/ k [D, b f ] k≤ 1 ,
f ∈C(V)

for any smooth function f ∈ C(V).

2. A N–anholonomic manifold V is a spin N–anholonomic
space, for which the operators D b 0 satisfying the
condition g(Db 0) = g(D)
b define an union of affine
spaces identified by the d–spinor structures on V.
b . R b −n−m+2
3. The functional S(D) = |D| defines a
quadratic d–form with (n + m)–splitting for every
affine space which is minimal for D b=← −
D as the
canonical Dirac d–operator corresponding to the d–spin
structure with the minimum proportional to the
Einstein–Hilbert action constructed for the canonical
d–connection with the d–scalar curvature sR,
Z p √
←− n+m−2 s
S( D ) = − R h g v h dx1...dxn
24 V
n+1 n+m
δy ...δy .

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Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

Spectral flows and Perelmans functionals

Family of generalized d–operators
D2(χ) = −[ gαβ (χ) [eα(χ)eβ (χ) + eβ (χ)eα(χ)]
+Aν (χ)eν (χ) + B(χ)],
real flow parameter χ ∈ [0, χ0) and, for any fixed values
of this parameter, the matrices Aν (χ) and B(χ) are
determined by a N–anholonomic Dirac operator D induced
by a metric compatible d–connection D; for the canonical
d–connection, we have to put ”hats” on symbols and
write D b ν and B.
b 2, A b We introduce two functionals F and
W depending on χ,
h 1φ 2
1 2
F = Tr f (χ)( D (χ)/Λ )
X 1
' f(k)(χ) 1a(k)( φD2(χ)/Λ2)

W = 2W+ 3W,
£e eφ 2 2
for W = T r f (χ)( D (χ)/Λ )
X e
= f(k)(χ) ea(k)( φD2(χ)/Λ2),
cutting parameter Λ2 for both cases e = 2, 3. Functions
f, with label b taking values 1, 2, 3.

c Sergiu I. Vacaru 2009
° 21/ 22
Ricci Flows and (Non) Commutative Einstein–Finsler Spaces

V. Conclusions and Perspectives

Main Directions (active research with ?)

1. ? Exact solutions in gravity and nonholonomic Ricci flows
2. ? Supersymmetric Ricci flows
3. ? Noncommutative Ricci flows and Clifford–Lagrange
4. ? Almost Kähler Ricci flows and Lagrange–Finsler
5. ? Seiberg–Witten transforms, and Lagrange–Finsler
6. ? Almost Kähler Dirac Operators and Ricci flows of
Einstein and Lagrange–Finsler spaces
7. ? Deformation quantization and nonholonomic Ricci flows
8. Nonholonomic Ricci and/or curve flows and solitonic

c Sergiu I. Vacaru 2009
° 22/ 22

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