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Rev: 05
Date: February 9, 2009
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Assignment to: ____________________ Date: ________________ [ ] Controlled [ ] Uncontrolled

Assignment to: ____________________ Date: ________________ [ ] Controlled [ ] Uncontrolled


1.0 Introduction and Scope


Expediting means undertaking any necessary actions to ensure that the Client receives the
material ordered in the correct quantity and in accordance with the delivery (or earlier if possible)
and other contractual terms specified by the Clients order.

The purpose of expediting is to check and report the progress found in the manufacturing location,
including review of manufacturing schedules in order to verify that all activities required to ensure
timely and correct completion of the order are being undertaken.

The Expediter shall also verify if sub orders have been placed in compliance with planned
schedule, in order to assess the impact on the final delivery due to possible delay on sub orders.

If any problems are encountered or foreseen, it is the duty of the Expediter to attempt actively to
resolve these with the manufacturer and report the actions taken, as well as the results of those

In organizing Expediting efforts, a distinction is clear between:

Progress evaluation:

The comparison between the achieved progress versus the planned schedule.


The action taken to maintain or improve the agreed delivery date.

1.1 Forms of Expediting

There are two forms of Expediting: Desk and Field Expediting.

1.1.1 Desk Expediting

Desk Expediting is essentially carried out off site by telephone and e-mail contact with
the vendor. This form of expediting can prove to be effective by the very fact that a
vendor receives regular telephone/e-mail requests for information and the progress made
on a particular order. This demonstrates to the vendor that the Client will take action to
ensure that his required delivery shall be met. From the information obtained from the
vendor, the Desk Expediter can record progress made against the agreed program and
assess whether any unacceptable delays are arising.

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Desk Expediting can also serve to actively chase drawings, documentation and other
information required from the Client which, if not delivered in a timely manner, can result
in a delay in production at the vendors works. Associated with this may be approval of
vendors drawings, design or specification changes, and any request for design
concession which may have been made by the vendor etc.

The obvious major weakness of this form of Expediting is that the Desk Expediter must
rely on the integrity of information given and the vendors representative may either
deliberately or unwittingly impart misleading information. However, an experienced Desk
Expediter can, by asking the right questions over a number of telephone calls and/or e-
mails often assess whether the information being given is accurate or misleading.

Desk Expediting may also be utilized as in intermediate follow up during scheduled visits
to ensure progress and agreed milestones continue.

Desk Expediting activity may also be performed by the assigned MI Office Coordinator if
trained as Desk Expediter.

1.1.2 Field Expediting

Field Expediting may be initiated at the start of a Project, periodically as specified by
the Client, or maybe called for as a result of an unacceptable situation developing. Field
Expediting is undertaken by visits to the manufacturing plant where, not only any
detailed face-to-face discussions with the vendor are possible, but the Expediter can
make his/her own visual assessment of the current state of progress, the capacity of the
plant and the ability of the personnel involved in production.

During the course of the Expediting visit the following general activities will have to be

Order availability and confirmation
Availability of Specifications and current revisions
Workshop Documents
Procurement of necessary Material
Sub-vendor / Sub-order Status
Availability of Materials
Production Planning / Execution
Inspection Requirements
Dispatch / Shipping Arrangements

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1.2 General Scope

1.2.1 Structure of the Intertek Expediting Activities

The Expediting Activities is managed by assigned MI Project Coordinators supported
by the local General Manager and as applicable, appointed Expediting Clerks.

A network of approved Technical Specialists is available as Expediters when required to
conduct Field Expediting, at locations covering most areas of the world.

The objective is to coordinate the activities of field based Expediters, controlling and
supporting their efforts as and when required.

The Expediters responsibility is to facilitate the delivery of materials to site in
accordance with the contractual delivery date, and to ensure that all documentation is
submitted in line with purchase order and other procurement requirements.

1.2.2 Method to determine the various Expediting Levels

The principle will be that a Client determines various levels/categories for the
material/equipment being subject for delivery, which are then used to determine the
extent of expediting required.

Such a System will normally entail 5 levels where:
Level 1:
Off-the-shelf items, no expediting required.

Level 2:
Less critical items, progress reporting only by Supplier or Inspector (if we are engaged
for inspection services).

Level 3;
Important items, could impact project completion, Desk Expediting and some field
Expediting visits to verify frequency to be agreed.

Level 4:
Critical items which could impact completion, regular shop expediting visits by dedicated
Expediters required at pre-agreed times.

Level 5:
Highly critical, long lead items, vital to project completion which requires Full Time
Resident Expediters at Suppliers.

These levels will usually be developed in conjunction with the Client and will
entail calculating the potential risk to the overall project schedule if items
were not delivered on schedule and include a weighting factor based upon the
anticipated experience/history with the selected Supplier.

1.2.3 Overview of the Expediting activities

The Expediters work in close communication with the MI Project Coordinators. Normally
one Expediter is assigned to each order, but there may be cases on multiple orders that
more than one Expediter are appointed.
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The Coordinator together with the appointed Expediter(s) are responsible for the defined
delivery through the execution of the following tasks:

Receiving and reviewing copies of new orders
Making initial contact with suppliers
Generating assignment instructions
Updating computer data in accordance with field reports
Communicating with suppliers during the period between Field Expediting visits
Escalating action as dictated by slippage and/or site requirements
Attending project/supplier meetings issuing reports on material progress
Ensuring expediting guidelines are followed
Assist in resolution of technical questions
Authorizing/organizing subcontract expediting
Controlling expediting actions and costs
Monitoring of Expediters assignment loading
Maintaining contract agreements
Compiling information on supplier performance
Interviewing/approving new Expediters
Quality auditing of expediting activities
Resolution of policy or contractual queries
Ensuring orders are "closed-out" when complete

2.0 Expediting Procedure

Client will provide Intertek with an Expediting Assignment where documents such as a copy of un-
priced Purchase Order(s) issued to vendor(s), relevant material requisitions as well as any other
relevant documents necessary to perform the required service will be attached. If applicable at
this stage, the client will also indicate of there are any additional services required from Intertek.

Upon receipt of the Assignment the Project Coordinator will forward all relevant documents to the
appointed Expediter.

A review will be done on the criticality of the expediting assignment in view of the order delivery
dates, and if no level of expediting has been advised by the client, the MI Expeditor and Co-
ordinator shall inform the client of our recommended expediting frequency.

Intertek will make first contact with the vendor within one week from date of receipt of the
Expediting Assignment.

2.1. Order Availability and Confirmation

At the first Expediting visit, the Expediter must verify that the vendor is in possession of
the Clients Purchase Order.
The Expediter must also verify that the order confirmation has been sent to the Client,
with the order confirmation the vendor confirms in writing the acceptance of the Terms
and Conditions of the order with or without exceptions (refer above).

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The following points of the Order Confirmation must be checked and reported:

Submittal Date of Order Confirmation to Client
Confirmed Delivery Date
Delivery / Transportation terms

If the vendor does not confirm the order the Expediter has to discuss and report
following points:

Why the Order Confirmation is delayed
When will Order Confirmation be sent
Which delivery date can be confirmed by the vendor

The Expediter must also compare the Clients Purchase Order with the copy issued with
the assignment; any deviations / exceptions must be discussed and reported to the
Client by both the Expediter and the Vendor. The Expediter must clearly state how and
when the deviations / exceptions will be reported to the Client.

2.2 Availability of Specification

The Client will provide the vendor with all the necessary Specifications, unless otherwise
agreed for the order, and if possible a full second copy of all documentation to the

The Expediter must check and report whether the vendor has received them all.

If any specifications are not available then the vendor must officially request these to be
provided. The Expediter shall report details of any discrepancies. This procedure may
also apply to standards and codes used by vendors in the fabrication of equipment e.g.
ASME, BS, API etc.

The Expediter should make it clear to the vendor that he must immediately inform the
Client of any exceptions to the specifications.

The Expediter must check and discuss the Engineering Status with the vendor, timely
completion of engineering activities is crucial to achieving the final delivery date.

When the Client requests that the vendor submit Drawings and Data Sheets to them the
Expediter must check exactly what is required and report to the Client what documents
will be sent on which dates. Any details against required submittal dates are to be
discussed, improved and all points reported.

The Expediter should review the following points during each visit:

Check Submittal to Client
Check return date required by Vendor
Check actual return date from Client
Check whether re-submittal required or if final approved.
Provide comment highlighting any possible cause of delay on final delivery (i.e.
engineering staff overloaded, difficulty on transmittal of documents, client not
responded within given time limits etc.)

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Any documents sent to Client for information only, should be marked and reported as

2.3 Workshop Documents

Manufacturers use Workshop Drawings, Parts List, QC dossier, Work operation cards,
etc. termed workshop documents. The Expediter has to verify that applicable workshop
documents are prepared prior to start of production and that they are in fully compliant
with documents approved by the Client and the latest revision of approved main
drawings and engineering documents.

The Expeditor shall not check the Technical Content and/or transfer of information
between client drawings and workshop documentation however must ensure vendor has
all client approved documentation available.

2.4 Procurement of necessary Material

In order to avoid impact on final delivery due to delay of issuing sub orders, the
Expediter has to verify if the sub orders have been placed in compliance with the
planned schedule and client specifications.

Details of all materials status must be included in the report. With regard to sub-ordered
materials the Expediter should especially check the following points:

Obtain details of sub-supplier Name and location
When was sub-order placed and required delivery date
Does required delivery date coincide with Production Planning
Has sub-order been confirmed and if so for what date
Verify if there is delay on supplying of materials not coming from own stock

Based on the findings from the material status/sub order review, the Expediter must
discuss any delays and initiate the necessary action to be taken by the main vendor.
Agreed actions and/or otherwise conclusions shall be reported.

The status of sub-orders shall be checked during each visit until delivery of all
equipment/materials. Steps to recover lost time due to delays will be part of this activity.

The Expediter must in each report clearly define which materials are available and
whether the material available matches the client requirements.

When material is missing for a specifically planned production step, the Expediter must
investigate and initiate with the vendor any necessary actions to obtain the material. If
no actions can be achieved, then this must be reported. In general, all details and
findings must be included in the Expediters report.

Expediter shall also verify how the vendor expedites his sub-suppliers to ensure no
delays in sub order deliveries.

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2.5 Engineering

When client requests the submission of drawings and data sheets from Vendor, the
Expediter must verify exactly what is required and report exactly which documents will
be sent and on which dates; this is to be reported in the Vendors Monthly Production
Status Reports or the client supplied template if applicable.

This information is normally contained in the SDI (Suppliers Drawings Index) and the
Expediter must expedite the submission of this Document. Once the client has accepted
the SDI then the Expediter will use this in all future contacts with the supplier to expedite
submissions / resubmissions.

The Expediter must check that the SDI contains all the required data and initial
submission dates and that resubmission dates are all in accordance with PO
requirements. Any delays against required submittal dates are to be discussed,
improved and all points/actions must be reported to the client. Including advising the
client about overdue returns from the client to the vendor.

2.6 Production Planning Process / Execution Process

Generally all vendors utilize their own production schedule format. If the supplier does
not have his own format then the Expediter should ask the Vendor to draw up a
production schedule.

The production schedule shall as a minimum contain the following details:

1. Order processing
2. Engineering / Preparation of Documentation
3. Procurement of materials
4. Receipt / Incoming material check
5. Individual Production Activities (Machining, Welding, H.T., Assembly, Painting,
6. Inspection and Testing (Internal, Intermediate and Final)
7. Preparation for Dispatch

During each visit the Expediter has to physically verify progress against the production
schedule. Visits should be scheduled to coincide with milestones activities, to ensure the
completion is in line with the production plan.

If there are any changes (improvements / delays), these must be noted on the
production schedule and a copy of the revised schedule should be attached to the
report. If the changes are delays the expediter must immediately investigate cause and
discuss possible solutions with the responsible personnel.

Possible solutions can include overtime work, sub-contracting of specific operations, etc.
Full details of these activities must be included in the report.

Expediter to also report if expediting visits have to be rescheduled subject to critical
fabrication path, and to verify if corrective actions required have been carried out.

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2.7 Dispatch / shipping arrangements

As part of the expediting assignment, the Expediter shall verify compliance between the
vendors shipping procedures and client requirements and ensure the vendor has
forwarded the dispatch details to the client. Such dispatch details normally contains the
following information:

Estimated cargo volume (required 60 days after vendors date of receipt of
clients Purchase Order)
Actual confirmed shipping readiness date at vendor
Draft of Detail Packing Lists (required 30 days prior to shipment) and pro forma
shipping Invoice if an Export Order
Receipt of Detail Packing Lists
Method of shipment and Route
Shipping Agency and Bill of Loading No.
Details of Packing: i.e. number of cases/ Weights & Dimensions/ Markings.

2.10 Final Data Books

The Desk Expediter is responsible for making sure the supplier submits the Final Data
Books in the agreed number of copies and within agreed time limits.

Throughout the expediting assignment, the Expediter shall monitor the development of
this documentation to ensure no issuance delays, as this may cause a negative impact
on site activities where the equipment/material shall be installed.

3.0 Inspection Requirements

The Expediter must ensure that the vendor is aware of the inspection requirements and the
assigned inspection authority. The Expediter must verify that the vendor notifies the client and/or
inspection agency in sufficient time to avoid any delays.

The Expediter is not to become involved in technical discussions or any points relating to
inspection activities unless his assignment includes inspection activities. If there are any problems,
the vendor must be instructed to contact the client. However, brief details of the problems should
be included in the Expediting report.

The Expediter must check results of inspection activities and confirm that all necessary steps are
completed as scheduled. In case of deviations / problems the expediter should follow up on these
until they are resolved and dispatch can be arranged.

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3.1 Expediting check sheet

Below is a sample of questions to which the Expediter should review in order to obtain
satisfactory answers during visits to the supplier's facility. This list is not intended to be
exhaustive but will provide a reminder of the information which the client will expect in
their report. Questions should be phrased as to ensure the completeness of the
suppliers reply. For example, ask: why, what, when, where, who and how to prompt
complete response.

Has the supplier received and understood the client's official purchase
Has the supplier acknowledged receipt?
Is the Purchase Order supported by all necessary backup information?
Does the supplier clearly understand the client's technical requirements?
Highlight any requirements that could affect the delivery date?
Are all delivery terms understood?
Does the supplier accept the client's required delivery date?
Is the supplier required to produce detailed designs/drawings?
Do the drawings have to be approved by the client?
Has this approval been obtained?
Has the supplier prepared any required material lists, data sheets, etc.?
Has the supplier prepared any required specifications, welding, test
procedures etc
Do these procedures have to be approved by the client?
Has this approval been obtained?
Has the supplier prepared a detailed production program?
Has the supplier placed subcontracts for materials/equipment?
Do you have the list and details of the sub-contractors
Have subcontracts been acknowledged?
Should any critical subcontracted material or equipment be subject to
Do subcontractor required delivery dates meet with the program
Does the supplier have sufficient production capacity for the order?
Has the supplier allocated sufficient manpower?
Does the supplier have any other major order commitments which may
with the requirements of the order?
Have you got the manufacturing plan and is it feasible?
Have you cross checked the subcontractors delivery dates and
manufacturing plan?
Have you recorded any potential problem areas?
Has the QA plan been submitted and approved?
Are the inspection requirements known?
Have you got the fabrication plan?
Is it maintainable? If not, have you noted any areas of improvement?
Has all documentation been received timely delivered and been kept up to
Have any delays arisen due to changes or inadequacies in design?
Have any delays arisen due to faulty workmanship?
Can any rectification work be carried out within the program time-scale?
Has the supplier made all necessary arrangements for packaging and








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Are the paint and protection requirements been understood, planned and
Has packaging been assessed and adequate?
Has the transport been arranged and the timescale for delivery been
included in the manufacturing plan?




4.0 Visit Arrangements

The first visit will generally be arranged by the responsible Office Coordinator unless otherwise
advised. All subsequent visits should be arranged in accordance with the relevant assignment
instructions. The Expediter should during each visit fix the date for the next expediting visit to be
performed. If the Expediter becomes aware of possible problems which may require a higher level
of activity than initially required by the client, then the Expediter should provide in the report details
of the revised proposal for expediting activities and request comments / approval from the Client.

5. 0 General Ethics

Execution of Expediting is a complex task requiring perseverance and tact. It is crucial that the
Expediter remembers at all times that he/she is representing the interests of the Client. If at any
time problems occur that cannot be resolved with the day to day contact personnel, the Expediter
should make contact with the management to resolve the situation.

An Expediter shall always remember they are the Clients representative.

If there are problems / delays which cannot be resolved during the visit, direct contact, if possible,
should be made with the Client from the manufacturers premises.

Whilst it is the role of the Expediter to ensure timely delivery, this should not be done in such a
manner as to affect quality. The technical requirements of the order remain the absolute top
priority unless changed by the Client.

5.1 The ROI ( Return on Investment ) of Expediting

The Expediter should be aware of all probable areas of delay that might occur during the
course of an order. Besides the lack of action from supplier or client, delays can result
from a range of factors:

Impact on specification requirements
Current production loading of suppliers
Likely impact of other orders
The levels of knowledge or experience of proper design to build or
manufacturing methods
Material group knowledge of individual suppliers and subcontractors performance

The clients primary expectation in recognizing the benefits of having their equipment
expedited includes the following:

Ensuring the supplier understands and follows agreed procedures for
documentation and drawing supply
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Advising on alternatives where difficulties are anticipated
Using a "second pair of eyes" to suggest practical solutions to problems and assist
the supplier in the development of recovery plans in the event of slippage.
Taking a broader view of a manufacturing situation to assist suppliers to perceive
possibly delays that may not be seen by somebody directly involved with the job
Ensuring client personnel take action within the agreed timescale
Exerting pressure on subcontractors if necessary

6.0 Organisational Responsibilities

6.1 Intertek Project Coordinator

The principle responsibilities of the Intertek Coordinator engaged in expediting
assignments will be:

To coordinate the work of nominated Expediters
To make the initial contact with the supplier
Ascertain sufficient information has been received from the client to allow the order
to be assigned to the selected Expediter
To control and monitor the cost of the expediting effort and provide a cost-effective
service to the client
To coordinate the activity and act as a link between Suppliers, Expediter, Clients on
all matters relating to the progress of purchase orders

Upon receipt of the expediting report, the Project Coordinator shall also review the
content, with specific attention to:

The conclusions section of page one of the report which contains an overview of
the report and would, where applicable cover problem areas
The recommended action section of page one to determine if the Project
Coordinator has been asked to take any action
It is essential that the Project Coordinator advises the Expediter of any actions they
have taken and when the problem should be resolved and by whom

6.2 Technical Specialist The Expediter

To monitor progress at suppliers' facility and to ensure that the material and
equipment ordered is delivered on time.
To take the appropriate action with the supplier in the event of slippages.
To liaise closely with the Project Coordinator to ensure the most cost-effective use
of their time.
To act as the clients primary representative at the suppliers' facility on all aspects of
order expediting.
To produce accurate records on the physical progress at suppliers' facility.
To monitor the performance of the suppliers subcontractors, and advise on any
need to assist the supplier to expedite primary subcontractors or those providing
critical items.

6.3 The responsibility of clients and appointed Client representative

The Client is fully responsible for the content and conditions of the order. The Client
recommends where to place an order and whether it requires expediting.
The order must be fully detailed and contractually sound.
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It is essential that the Client, on receipt of the expediting report, reads the
appropriate sections and responds where indicated.

The Client will in most cases appoint an Expediting Coordinator or contact who normally
will be responsible for the following:

Engineering documents are issued correctly and on time.
Supplier drawings are approved within the agreed time schedule.
Specifying to the Expediter, the items which will require field expediting.
Ensuring corrective actions for engineering functions, as identified by the Expediter,
are taken or initiated to maintain the agreed delivery time.
Ensuring slippages and/or other critical issues are brought to the attention of the
parties involved, and in consultation with the Expediter propose corrective actions if

6.4 Vendor Responsibility

The Vendor is responsible for a timely and correct delivery of the ordered

Included is the responsibility for fully detailing the requirements for all subcontracted
materials, manufactured items and services in purchasing requisitions, as well as the
approval of subcontractor drawings within the agreed timescales and confirming the
acceptability or not of any concessions that subcontractors may request.

The Vendor will also be responsible for drawings and non conformances requiring client
review being submitted in accordance with the suppliers approved plan, as well as the
implementation and execution of agreed actions during the cause of the project.

7 .0 The Expediting Report

Each and every Expediting Report must contain detail in every box and it is essential that each
section of the Report Front Page must be completed with the appropriate information.

Based on what the client will be expecting from an Expediting report, it is of key importance that
the report is not written to reflect only the actual status of the order after expediting activities have
been completed.

It is essential that the report must reflect the status on arrival, actions taken to resolve / improve
any problems / delays and status when leaving the works.

The Expediter must always remember that the Client in most cases only has the report to judge
the activities of the vendor and the expediting performance of Moody.

Reports must be submitted to the Coordinating Office within 24 hours of the visit being
performed. If for any reason this is not possible, then the responsible Coordinator must be
contacted without delay in order to inform the Client accordingly.

7.1 Completion of the report

This instruction is designed to assure that all Intertek Expediting Reports, form Intertek-
1221-01 are completed properly.

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Attached is a sample Expediting Report. The numbers in (brackets) relate to the numbers
in the report and describe the spaces to be completed. All spaces must be completed. If
there should be blank spaces left by the Expediter, the Intertek Office Coordinator must
ensure relevant information is included before the report is submitted to the Client.

Block No. Enter:
(1) Sequential number for the report for the assignment / supplier beginning with 01 for this first
(2) Date this report is generated. (DD-MMM-YY) Example : 29 J an 95
(3) Total Number of pages included in this report

Customer Data
(4) Current name (company) as shown in the customer purchase order, contract or other
assignment documents
(5) Address that the report must be forwarded to when complete
(6) Name of the individual of which the report must be forwarded
(7) Phone number of the customer contact
(8) E-mail address of the customer contact

MI Data
(9) Intertek Project / Assignment Number
(10) Customer P.O./I.O. number to Intertek
(11) Name of the Intertek Contract Coordinator (Coordinator who holds the contract for
this customer)

Supplier Data / Expediting Information
(12) Check the box identifying whether the expediting was performed at the supplier
(vendor) or sub-suppliers facility. Double click in applicable box. This will bring the
dialog screen up. In the Default Value box, click on Checked
(13) Purchase order number from the customer to the supplier
(14) Current change order number, if applicable
(15) Customer requisition number to the supplier
(16) Date or dates of the visits relative to this report. (DD-MMM-YY)
(17) Date of last visit (DD-MMM-YY)
(18) Date of next planned or scheduled visit. (DD-MMM-YY)
(19) Most of the items which we expedite are assigned to specific projects. Enter the name of the
project if referenced in purchase documents, drawings, etc.
(20) Supplier name and primary address
(21) Location where the expediting activity has taken place
(22) People met during the visit
(23) Contacts phone numbers
(24) Supplier job number
(25) Primary contact person at supplier facility
(26) Contacts e-mail
(27) Give a brief description of the items expedited on this visit. If more room is needed for specific
item references or details, enter the words see below or see page(s) XXX as applicable
(28) Purchase Order delivery date (s) i.e. the contractual delivery date(s)
(29) Previous or last promise delivery date(s)
(30) Current delivery date (s) i.e. the best delivery date (s) established during the visit
(31) Detail purpose of visit

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(32) Highlights These are significant events that can be either positive or negative or both, i.e. if
negative it could be something that is a major problem stopping progress on part or all of the
Order or if positive it could be something that has been resolved which will allow progress to
proceed and the Order delivered on time. In other words highlights will be either good news or
bad news or both
(33) Open issues are any outstanding (or open) issues either commercial or Technical,
which need resolving quickly to allow smooth progress of the Order
(34) Actions - Put the names of the people responsible for taking the actions to resolve the
open issues both at the supplier and at the clients office +dates by when the actions have
to be taken
(35) Details of current engineering status
(36) State the delivery term i.e. ex works or FOB or DDP or any other this will be in the PO

Expediting Time
(37) Tick box to show if the assignment is a day rate or hourly rate Double click in
applicable box. This will bring the dialog screen up. In the Default Value box, click on
(38) List the number of working hours / or number of days incurred for this visit

Travel Hours
(39) List the number of travel hours rounded to the next one-half hour for all hours
incurred travelling to and from the assignment

(40) Show the total chargeable automobile distance and check whether it is in miles or
kilometres. Double click in applicable box. This will bring the dialog screen up. In the
Default Value box, click on Checked

Note: Items (37) through (40) must concur with that information also provided in your time and
expense sheet.

Technical Specialist
(41) Print or type the name of the Technical Specialist that conducted the visit.
Paper copies of the report should be stamped with an MI ink stamp

(42) Date report is completed and signed. (DD-MMM-YY)

MI Project Coordinator
(43) Name of MI Project Coordinator (Coordinator responsible for this assignment)

Drawing and Documents
(44) Attach an electronic copy of the Supplier Drawings Index to the report. If they havent got
one, prepare one with them during the visit and attach it to the report

Materials / sub-orders
(45) Give details of any overdue / critical drawings and actions being taken / required to
improve submission dates. Also state which drawings are late returning from client
review and the possible impact on schedule
Attach an electronic copy of the suppliers Materials / Sub-Ordering list. If they havent
got one, prepare one with them during the visit and attach it to the report
Give details of any materials or sub orders that are causing a problem and actions
being taken / required to resolve the problem

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(46) Attach an up to date issue of the main suppliers Production Program marked up to
show progress achieved against all operations up to and including the date of the visit
Also attach the same sort of report (s) from major sub suppliers

(47) Give details of any matters which are not proceeding to schedule and the actions being taken
or are required to be taken to bring matters back on schedule both at the main supplier and
any sub supplier(s)

(48) Give details of the arrangements being made or to be made for testing of the materials
/ Equipment

(49) Give details of the arrangements being made or to be made for painting / coating /
lining of the materials / equipment

(50) Give details of the method of packing required for the materials / equipment

(51) Supply preliminary details of package weights and dimensions

Next visit
(52) Recommend the next visit to main supplier and to sub suppliers and state reasons
why they are required
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SOP-1218 Rev. 5

This document is considered approved by the Corporate Quality Representative by it being placed on the server. All hard copies of this document are uncontrolled.

Report No: (1) Date of visit (2) Page of (3)
Name: (4) MI Project No. (9)
Address: (5)
Client P.O./I.O. to
Attn: (6) Phone: (7)
Intertek Contract
Expediting Performed: With Customer Supplier With Sub-Supplier (12)
Date of Previous
P.O. No: Change No: Requisition No:
Date of Next Visit:
(13) (14) (15) Project Name: (19)
Supplier: (20) Supplier J ob No. : (24)
Location: (21) Primary Contact : (25)
Meeting with : (22) Phone: (23) e-mail : (26)
Material Description (27)
PO Delivery date (28)
sed Delivery
Delivery Date
Purpose of visit :

Highlights :

Open Issues :

Actions :

Engineering :



HOURS (37)
Technical Specialist: (41) Date: (42)

Page 17 of 18
SOP-1218 Rev. 5

This document is considered approved by the Corporate Quality Representative by it being placed on the server. All hard copies of this document are uncontrolled.
Drawings & Documents
attach an up to date copy of the Suppliers Drawings Index, marked up with best promise submission dates for any overdue
items (44)

Mat er ials / Sub Or der s
Attach an up to date issue of the suppliers materials / sub orders list showing sub supplier delivery promises plus any other
relevant information

How does
it differ
What is
Has order
For what

Fabr icat ion
attach an up to date issue of the main Suppliers Production Program and the main Sub Suppliers Production Programs all
marked up to show the latest progress situation. Plus recovery Programs if relevant

prep of docs
Receipt /
material check
Preparation for

Assembly :


Testing : (Invitations issued)


Painting :


Packing :


Page 18 of 18
SOP-1218 Rev. 5

This document is considered approved by the Corporate Quality Representative by it being placed on the server. All hard copies of this document are uncontrolled.
Shipment (Pr eliminar y Wt s & Dims


Route Date Shipping
agency details
Loading bill
Details of
packaging (nb
markings etc)
delivery date

Next visit t o main supplier and sub supplier s if necessar y

Dates Dates reviewed
with clients
Activities Issues Suggestions Clients
Client approval


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