Biriago v. Truth Commission

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- versus -
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
- versus -
G.R. N$. 1%2%&'
G.R. N$. 1%&0&(
MEN"O%A, and
"e)e&*er +, ,-.-
x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x
When the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional
boundaries, it does not assert any superiority over the other
departments; it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of
the legislature, but only asserts the solemn and sacred
obligation assigned to it by the Constitution to determine
conflicting claims of authority under the Constitution and to
establish for the parties in an actual controversy the rights
which that instrument secures and guarantees to them.
--- Justi)e Jose P. Laure'
#1e ro'e o2 t1e Constitution )annot *e over'oo3ed. It is t1rou(1 t1e
Constitution t1at t1e 2unda&enta' po4ers o2 (overn&ent are esta*'is1ed,
'i&ited and de2ined, and *5 41i)1 t1ese po4ers are distri*uted a&on( t1e
severa' depart&ents.
#1e Constitution is t1e *asi) and para&ount 'a4 to
41i)1 a'' ot1er 'a4s &ust )on2or& and to 41i)1 a'' persons, in)'udin( t1e
1i(1est o22i)ia's o2 t1e 'and, &ust de2er.
Constitutiona' do)trines &ust
re&ain stead2ast no &atter 41at &a5 *e t1e tides o2 ti&e. It )annot *e
si&p'5 &ade to s4a5 and a))o&&odate t1e )a'' o2 situations and &u)1 &ore
tai'or itse'2 to t1e 41i&s and )apri)es o2 (overn&ent and t1e peop'e 41o run

1 [1]
Angara v. The Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139, 158 (1936).
2 [2]
Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the e!u"li# of the Phili!!ines$ % Co&&entar', 1996 e(., !.
)))i*, #itin+ Miller, ,e#tures on the Constitution of the -nite( .tates 6/ (1893)$ 1 .#h0art1,
The Po0ers of 2o*ern&ent 1 (1963).
3 [3]
Cru1, Philippine Political law, 2332 e(. !. 12.
/ [/]
8or )onsideration *e2ore t1e Court are t4o )onso'idated )ases
o2 41i)1 essentia''5 assai' t1e va'idit5 and )onstitutiona'it5 o2 Exe)utive
Order No. ., dated Ju'5 6-, ,-.-, entit'ed Creating the Philippine ruth
Commission of !"#".$
#1e 2irst )ase is :.R. No. .;,;69, a spe)ia' )ivi' a)tion 2or pro1i*ition
instituted *5 petitioner Louis $irao(o %&iraogo' in 1is )apa)it5 as a )iti<en
and taxpa5er. $irao(o assai's Exe)utive Order No. . 2or *ein( vio'ative o2
t1e 'e(is'ative po4er o2 Con(ress under Se)tion ., Arti)'e VI o2 t1e
as it usurps t1e )onstitutiona' aut1orit5 o2 t1e 'e(is'ature to
)reate a pu*'i) o22i)e and to appropriate 2unds t1ere2or.
#1e se)ond )ase, :.R. No. .;6-6=, is a spe)ia' )ivi' a)tion 2or
certiorari and pro1i*ition 2i'ed *5 petitioners Ed)e' C. La(&an, Rodo'2o $.
A'*ano Jr., Si&eon A. "atu&anon(, and Or'ando $. 8ua, Sr. %petitioners(
legislators' as in)u&*ent &e&*ers o2 t1e ouse o2 Representatives.
#1e (enesis o2 t1e 2ore(oin( )ases )an *e tra)ed to t1e events prior to
t1e 1istori) Ma5 ,-.- e'e)tions, 41en t1en Senator $eni(no Si&eon A>uino
III de)'ared 1is staun)1 )onde&nation o2 (ra2t and )orruption 4it1 1is
s'o(an, )ung walang corrupt, walang mahirap.$ #1e 8i'ipino peop'e,
)onvin)ed o2 1is sin)erit5 and o2 1is a*i'it5 to )arr5 out t1is no*'e o*?e)tive,
5 [5]
esolution (ate( %u+ust 2/, 2313 #onsoli(atin+ 2.. 5o. 192935 0ith 2.. 5o. 193336,
rollo, !!. 87688.
6 [6]
.e#tion 1. The le+islati*e !o0er shall "e *este( in the Con+ress of the Phili!!ines 0hi#h shall
#onsist of a .enate an( a 7ouse of e!resentati*es, e)#e!t to the e)tent reser*e( to the !eo!le
"' the !ro*ision on initiati*e an( referen(u&.
7 [7]
Birao+o Petition, !. 5, rollo, !. 7.
)atapu'ted t1e (ood senator to t1e presiden)5.
#o trans2or& 1is )a&pai(n s'o(an into rea'it5, President A>uino 2ound
a need 2or a spe)ia' *od5 to investi(ate reported )ases o2 (ra2t and )orruption
a''e(ed'5 )o&&itted durin( t1e previous ad&inistration.
#1us, at t1e da4n o2 1is ad&inistration, t1e President on Ju'5 6-,
,-.-, si(ned Exe)utive Order No. . esta*'is1in( t1e Philippine ruth
Commission of !"#" %ruth Commission'. Pertinent provisions o2 said
exe)utive order read:
WHEREAS, Articl XI, Scti!" 1 !# t$ 1%&' C!"(tit)ti!" !# t$
P$ili**i"( (!l+"l, "($ri"( t$ *ri"ci*l t$-t - *).lic !##ic i( - *).lic
tr)(t -"/ +-"/-t( t$-t *).lic !##icr( -"/ +*l!,(, 0$! -r (r1-"t(
!# t$ *!*l, +)(t -t -ll ti+( . -cc!)"t-.l t! t$ l-ttr, (r1 t$+
0it$ )t+!(t r(*!"(i.ilit,, i"t2rit,, l!,-lt, -"/ ##ici"c,, -ct 0it$
*-tri!ti(+ -"/ 3)(tic, -"/ l-/ +!/(t li1(4
WHEREAS, c!rr)*ti!" i( -+!"2 t$ +!(t /(*ic-.l -ct( !#
/#i-"c !# t$i( *ri"ci*l -"/ "!t!ri!)( 1i!l-ti!" !# t$i( +-"/-t4
WHEREAS, c!rr)*ti!" i( -" 1il -"/ (c!)r2 0$ic$ (ri!)(l,
-##ct( t$ *!litic-l, c!"!+ic, -"/ (!ci-l li# !# - "-ti!"4 i" - 1r, (*ci-l
0-, it i"#lict( )"t!l/ +i(#!rt)" -"/ +i(r, !" t$ *!!r, t$ +-r2i"-li5/
-"/ )"/r*ri1il2/ (ct!r !# (!cit,4
WHEREAS, c!rr)*ti!" i" t$ P$ili**i"( $-( r-c$/ 1r,
-l-r+i"2 l1l(, -"/ )"/r+i"/ t$ *!*l6( tr)(t -"/ c!"#i/"c i" t$
G!1r"+"t -"/ it( i"(tit)ti!"(4
WHEREAS, t$r i( -" )r2"t c-ll #!r t$ /tr+i"-ti!" !# t$
tr)t$ r2-r/i"2 crt-i" r*!rt( !# l-r2 (c-l 2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" i" t$
2!1r"+"t -"/ t! *)t - cl!()r t! t$+ ., t$ #ili"2 !# t$ -**r!*ri-t
c-(( -2-i"(t t$!( i"1!l1/, i# 0-rr-"t/, -"/ t! /tr !t$r( #r!+
c!++itti"2 t$ 1il, r(t!r t$ *!*l6( #-it$ -"/ c!"#i/"c i" t$
G!1r"+"t -"/ i" t$ir *).lic (r1-"t(4
WHEREAS, t$ Pr(i/"t6( .-ttlcr, /)ri"2 $i( c-+*-i2" #!r t$
Pr(i/"c, i" t$ l-(t lcti!"( 7kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap8
9*r((( - (!l+" *l/2 t$-t i# lct/, $ 0!)l/ "/ c!rr)*ti!" -"/ t$
1il it .r/(4
WHEREAS, t$r i( - "/ #!r - (*-r-t .!/, //ic-t/ (!ll, t!
i"1(ti2-ti"2 -"/ #i"/i"2 !)t t$ tr)t$ c!"cr"i"2 t$ r*!rt/ c-(( !#
2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" /)ri"2 t$ *r1i!)( -/+i"i(tr-ti!", -"/ 0$ic$ 0ill
rc!++"/ t$ *r!(c)ti!" !# t$ !##"/r( -"/ (c)r 3)(tic #!r -ll4
WHEREAS, :!!; III, C$-*tr 10, Scti!" <1 !# E9c)ti1 Or/r
N!. 2%2, !t$r0i( ;"!0" -( t$ R1i(/ A/+i"i(tr-ti1 C!/ !# t$
P$ili**i"(, 2i1( t$ Pr(i/"t t$ c!"ti")i"2 -)t$!rit, t! r!r2-"i5 t$
O##ic !# t$ Pr(i/"t.
Pr(i/"t !# t$ R*).lic !# t$ P$ili**i"(, ., 1irt) !# t$ *!0r( 1(t/
i" + ., l-0, /! $r., !r/r>
SECTION 1. Cr-ti!" !# - C!++i((i!". ? T$r i( $r., cr-t/
t$ PHILIPPINE TRUTH COMMISSION, $ri"-#tr r#rr/ t! -( t$
7COMMISSION,8 0$ic$ ($-ll *ri+-ril, (; -"/ #i"/ t$ tr)t$ !", -"/
t!0-r/ t$i( "/, i"1(ti2-t r*!rt( !# 2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" !# ()c$ (c-l
-"/ +-2"it)/ t$-t ($!c; -"/ !##"/ t$ +!r-l -"/ t$ic-l ("(i.iliti( !#
t$ *!*l, c!++itt/ ., *).lic !##icr( -"/ +*l!,(, t$ir c!@
*ri"ci*-l(, -cc!+*lic( -"/ -cc((!ri( #r!+ t$ *ri1-t (ct!r, i# -",,
/)ri"2 t$ *r1i!)( -/+i"i(tr-ti!"4 -"/ t$r-#tr rc!++"/ t$
-**r!*ri-t -cti!" !r +-()r t! . t-;" t$r!" t! "()r t$-t t$ #)ll
+-()r !# 3)(tic ($-ll . (r1/ 0it$!)t #-r !r #-1!r.
T$ C!++i((i!" ($-ll . c!+*!(/ !# - C$-ir+-" -"/ #!)r ABC
++.r( 0$! 0ill -ct -( -" i"/*"/"t c!ll2i-l .!/,.
SECTION 2. P!0r( -"/ F)"cti!"(. ? T$ C!++i((i!", 0$ic$
($-ll $-1 -ll t$ *!0r( !# -" i"1(ti2-ti1 .!/, )"/r Scti!" <',
C$-*tr %, :!!; I !# t$ A/+i"i(tr-ti1 C!/ !# 1%&', i( *ri+-ril, t-(;/
t! c!"/)ct - t$!r!)2$ #-ct@#i"/i"2 i"1(ti2-ti!" !# r*!rt/ c-(( !# 2r-#t
-"/ c!rr)*ti!" r#rr/ t! i" Scti!" 1, i"1!l1i"2 t$ir/ l1l *).lic !##icr(
-"/ $i2$r, t$ir c!@*ri"ci*-l(, -cc!+*lic( -"/ -cc((!ri( #r!+ t$
*ri1-t (ct!r, i# -",, /)ri"2 t$ *r1i!)( -/+i"i(tr-ti!" -"/ t$r-#tr
().+it it( #i"/i"2 -"/ rc!++"/-ti!"( t! t$ Pr(i/"t, C!"2r(( -"/
t$ O+.)/(+-".
I" *-rtic)l-r, it ($-ll>
-C I/"ti#, -"/ /tr+i" t$ r*!rt/ c-(( !# ()c$ 2r-#t -"/
c!rr)*ti!" 0$ic$ it 0ill i"1(ti2-t4
.C C!llct, rci1, r1i0 -"/ 1-l)-t 1i/"c rl-t/ t! !r r2-r/i"2
t$ c-(( !# l-r2 (c-l c!rr)*ti!" 0$ic$ it $-( c$!(" t! i"1(ti2-t, -"/
t! t$i( "/ rD)ir -", -2"c,, !##ici-l !r +*l!, !# t$ E9c)ti1
:r-"c$, i"cl)/i"2 2!1r"+"t@!0"/ !r c!"tr!ll/ c!r*!r-ti!"(, t!
*r!/)c /!c)+"t(, .!!;(, rc!r/( -"/ !t$r *-*r(4
cC U*!" *r!*r rD)(t !r r*r("t-ti!", !.t-i" i"#!r+-ti!" -"/
/!c)+"t( #r!+ t$ S"-t -"/ t$ H!)( !# R*r("t-ti1( rc!r/( !#
i"1(ti2-ti!"( c!"/)ct/ ., c!++itt( t$r!# rl-ti"2 t! +-ttr( !r
().3ct( .i"2 i"1(ti2-t/ ., t$ C!++i((i!"4
/C U*!" *r!*r rD)(t -"/ r*r("t-ti!", !.t-i" i"#!r+-ti!" #r!+
t$ c!)rt(, i"cl)/i"2 t$ S-"/i2-".-,-" -"/ t$ O##ic !# t$ C!)rt
A/+i"i(tr-t!r, i"#!r+-ti!" !r /!c)+"t( i" r(*ct t! c!rr)*ti!" c-((
#il/ 0it$ t$ S-"/i2-".-,-" !r t$ r2)l-r c!)rt(, -( t$ c-( +-, .4
C I"1it !r ().*!"- 0it"((( -"/ t-; t$ir t(ti+!"i( -"/ #!r t$-t
*)r*!(, -/+i"i(tr !-t$( !r -##ir+-ti!"( -( t$ c-( +-, .4
#C Rc!++"/, i" c-(( 0$r t$r i( - "/ t! )tili5 -", *r(!" -( -
(t-t 0it"(( t! "()r t$-t t$ "/( !# 3)(tic . #)ll, (r1/, t$-t ()c$
*r(!" 0$! D)-li#i( -( - (t-t 0it"(( )"/r t$ R1i(/ R)l( !# C!)rt
!# t$ P$ili**i"( . -/+itt/ #!r t$-t *)r*!(4
2C T)r" !1r #r!+ ti+ t! ti+, #!r 9*/iti!)( *r!(c)ti!", t! t$
-**r!*ri-t *r!(c)t!ri-l -)t$!riti(, ., +-"( !# - (*ci-l !r interim
r*!rt -"/ rc!++"/-ti!", -ll 1i/"c !" c!rr)*ti!" !# *).lic !##icr(
-"/ +*l!,( -"/ t$ir *ri1-t (ct!r c!@*ri"ci*-l(, -cc!+*lic( !r
-cc((!ri(, i# -",, 0$" i" t$ c!)r( !# it( i"1(ti2-ti!" t$ C!++i((i!"
#i"/( t$-t t$r i( r-(!"-.l 2r!)"/ t! .li1 t$-t t$, -r li-.l #!r
2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" )"/r *rti""t -**lic-.l l-0(4
$C C-ll )*!" -", 2!1r"+"t i"1(ti2-ti1 !r *r!(c)t!ri-l -2"c, ()c$
-( t$ D*-rt+"t !# E)(tic !r -", !# t$ -2"ci( )"/r it, -"/ t$
Pr(i/"ti-l A"ti@Gr-#t C!++i((i!", #!r ()c$ -((i(t-"c -"/ c!!*r-ti!"
-( it +-, rD)ir i" t$ /i(c$-r2 !# it( #)"cti!"( -"/ /)ti(4
iC E"2-2 !r c!"tr-ct t$ (r1ic( !# r(!)rc *r(!"(, *r!#((i!"-l(
-"/ !t$r *r(!""l /tr+i"/ ., it -( "c((-r, t! c-rr, !)t it(
3C Pr!+)l2-t it( r)l( -"/ r2)l-ti!"( !r r)l( !# *r!c/)r it /+(
"c((-r, t! ##cti1l, -"/ ##ici"tl, c-rr, !)t t$ !.3cti1( !# t$i(
E9c)ti1 Or/r -"/ t! "()r t$ !r/rl, c!"/)ct !# it( i"1(ti2-ti!"(,
*r!c/i"2( -"/ $-ri"2(, i"cl)/i"2 t$ *r("t-ti!" !# 1i/"c4
;C E9rci( ()c$ !t$r -ct( i"ci/"t t! !r -r -**r!*ri-t -"/ "c((-r,
i" c!""cti!" 0it$ t$ !.3cti1( -"/ *)r*!(( !# t$i( Or/r.
SECTION <. St-##i"2 RD)ir+"t(. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION B. Dt-il !# E+*l!,(. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION F. E"2-2+"t !# E9*rt(. ? 9 9 9
SECTION G. C!"/)ct !# Pr!c/i"2(. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION '. Ri2$t t! C!)"(l !# Wit"(((HR(!)rc Pr(!"(. ? 9
9 9.
SECTION &. Pr!tcti!" !# Wit"(((HR(!)rc Pr(!"(. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION %. R#)(-l t! O., S).*!"-, T-; O-t$ !r Gi1
T(ti+!",. ? A", 2!1r"+"t !##ici-l !r *r(!""l 0$!, 0it$!)t l-0#)l
9c)(, #-il( t! -**-r )*!" ().*!"- i(()/ ., t$ C!++i((i!" !r 0$!,
-**-ri"2 .#!r t$ C!++i((i!" r#)(( t! t-; !-t$ !r -##ir+-ti!", 2i1
t(ti+!", !r *r!/)c /!c)+"t( #!r i"(*cti!", 0$" rD)ir/, ($-ll .
().3ct t! -/+i"i(tr-ti1 /i(ci*li"-r, -cti!". A", *ri1-t *r(!" 0$! /!(
t$ (-+ +-, . /-lt 0it$ i" -cc!r/-"c 0it$ l-0.
SECTION 10. D)t, t! E9t"/ A((i(t-"c t! t$ C!++i((i!". ?
9 9 9.
SECTION 11. :)/2t #!r t$ C!++i((i!". ? T$ O##ic !# t$
Pr(i/"t ($-ll *r!1i/ t$ "c((-r, #)"/( #!r t$ C!++i((i!" t! "()r
t$-t it c-" 9rci( it( *!0r(, 9c)t it( #)"cti!"(, -"/ *r#!r+ it( /)ti(
-"/ r(*!"(i.iliti( -( ##cti1l,, ##ici"tl,, -"/ 9*/iti!)(l, -(
SECTION 12. O##ic. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION 1<. F)r"it)rHED)i*+"t. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION 1B. Tr+ !# t$ C!++i((i!". ? T$ C!++i((i!" ($-ll
-cc!+*li($ it( +i((i!" !" !r .#!r Dc+.r <1, 2012.
SECTION 1F. P).lic-ti!" !# Fi"-l R*!rt. ? 9 9 9.
SECTION 1G. Tr-"(#r !# Rc!r/( -"/ F-ciliti( !# t$
C!++i((i!". ? 9 9 9.
SECTION 1'. S*ci-l Pr!1i(i!" C!"cr"i"2 M-"/-t. I# -"/ 0$"
i" t$ 3)/2+"t !# t$ Pr(i/"t t$r i( - "/ t! 9*-"/ t$ +-"/-t !#
t$ C!++i((i!" -( /#i"/ i" Scti!" 1 $r!# t! i"cl)/ t$ i"1(ti2-ti!"
!# c-(( -"/ i"(t-"c( !# 2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" /)ri"2 t$ *ri!r
-/+i"i(tr-ti!"(, ()c$ +-"/-t +-, . (! 9t"// -cc!r/i"2l, ., 0-, !#
- ()**l+"t-l E9c)ti1 Or/r.
SECTION 1&. S*-r-.ilit, Cl-)(. I# -", *r!1i(i!" !# t$i( Or/r i(
/cl-r/ )"c!"(tit)ti!"-l, t$ (-+ ($-ll "!t -##ct t$ 1-li/it, -"/
##cti1it, !# t$ !t$r *r!1i(i!"( $r!#.
SECTION 1%. E##cti1it,. ? T$i( E9c)ti1 Or/r ($-ll t-; ##ct
DONE i" t$ Cit, !# M-"il-, P$ili**i"(, t$i( <0
/-, !# E)l, 2010.
:, t$ Pr(i/"t>
E9c)ti1 Scrt-r,
Nature of the Truth Commission
As )an *e ('eaned 2ro& t1e a*ove->uoted provisions, t1e P1i'ippine
#rut1 Co&&ission %PC' is a &ere ad hoc *od5 2or&ed under t1e O22i)e o2
t1e President 4it1 t1e pri&ar5 tas3 to investi(ate reports o2 (ra2t and
)orruption )o&&itted *5 t1ird-'eve' pu*'i) o22i)ers and e&p'o5ees, t1eir )o-
prin)ipa's, a))o&p'i)es and a))essories durin( t1e previous ad&inistration,
and t1erea2ter to su*&it its 2indin( and re)o&&endations to t1e President,
Con(ress and t1e O&*uds&an. #1ou(1 it 1as *een des)ri*ed as an
@independent )o''e(ia' *od5,A it is essentia''5 an entit5 4it1in t1e O22i)e o2
t1e President Proper and su*?e)t to 1is )ontro'. "ou*t'ess, it )onstitutes a
pu*'i) o22i)e, as an ad 1o) *od5 is one.

#o a))o&p'is1 its tas3, t1e P#C s1a'' 1ave a'' t1e po4ers o2 an
investi(ative *od5 under Se)tion 6+, C1apter ;, $oo3 I o2 t1e Ad&inistrative
Code o2 .;B+. It is not, 1o4ever, a >uasi-?udi)ia' *od5 as it )annot
ad?udi)ate, ar*itrate, reso've, sett'e, or render a4ards in disputes *et4een
)ontendin( parties. A'' it )an do is (at1er, )o''e)t and assess eviden)e o2
(ra2t and )orruption and &a3e re)o&&endations. It &a5 1ave su*poena
po4ers *ut it 1as no po4er to )ite peop'e in )onte&pt, &u)1 'ess order t1eir
arrest. A't1ou(1 it is a 2a)t-2indin( *od5, it )annot deter&ine 2ro& su)1
8 [8]
Salvador Laurel v. Hon. Desierto, 2.. 5o. 1/5368, %!ril 12, 2332, #itin+ .!. Mechem, A
Treatise "n The Law o# Pu$lic "##ices and "##icers.
2a)ts i2 pro*a*'e )ause exists as to 4arrant t1e 2i'in( o2 an in2or&ation in our
)ourts o2 'a4. Need'ess to state, it )annot i&pose )ri&ina', )ivi' or
ad&inistrative pena'ties or san)tions.

#1e P#C is di22erent 2ro& t1e trut1 )o&&issions in ot1er )ountries
41i)1 1ave *een )reated as o22i)ia', transitor5 and non-?udi)ia' 2a)t-2indin(
*odies @to esta*'is1 t1e 2a)ts and )ontext o2 serious vio'ations o2 1u&an
ri(1ts or o2 internationa' 1u&anitarian 'a4 in a )ountr5Cs past.A
#1e5 are
usua''5 esta*'is1ed *5 states e&er(in( 2ro& periods o2 interna' unrest, )ivi'
stri2e or aut1oritarianis& to serve as &e)1anis&s 2or transitiona' ?usti)e.
#rut1 )o&&issions 1ave *een des)ri*ed as *odies t1at s1are t1e
2o''o4in( )1ara)teristi)s: D.E t1e5 exa&ine on'5 past eventsF D,E t1e5
investi(ate patterns o2 a*use )o&&itted over a period o2 ti&e, as opposed to
a parti)u'ar eventF D6E t1e5 are te&porar5 *odies t1at 2inis1 t1eir 4or3 4it1
t1e su*&ission o2 a report )ontainin( )on)'usions and re)o&&endationsF
and D7E t1e5 are o22i)ia''5 san)tioned, aut1ori<ed or e&po4ered *5 t1e
@Co&&issionCs &e&*ers are usua''5 e&po4ered to )ondu)t
resear)1, support vi)ti&s, and propose po'i)5 re)o&&endations to prevent
re)urren)e o2 )ri&es. #1rou(1 t1eir investi(ations, t1e )o&&issions &a5
ai& to dis)over and 'earn &ore a*out past a*uses, or 2or&a''5 a)3no4'ed(e
t1e&. #1e5 &a5 ai& to prepare t1e 4a5 2or prose)utions and re)o&&end
institutiona' re2or&s.A
#1us, t1eir &ain (oa's ran(e 2ro& retri*ution to re)on)i'iation. #1e
9 [9]
4nternational Center for Transitional 8usti#e, 9htt!:;;000.i#t<.or+;en;t<; *isite(
5o*e&"er 23, 2313.
reeman, The Truth Commission and Procedural airness, 2336 >(., !. 12, #itin+ Ha%ner,
&nspea'a$leTruths( acing the Challenge o# Truth Commissions.
11 [11]
4nternational Center for Transitional 8usti#e, su!ra note 9.
Nure&*ur( and #o35o 4ar )ri&e tri*una's are exa&p'es o2 a retri*utor5 or
vindi)ator5 *od5 set up to tr5 and punis1 t1ose responsi*'e 2or )ri&es
a(ainst 1u&anit5. A 2or& o2 a re)on)i'iator5 tri*una' is t1e #rut1 and
Re)on)i'iation Co&&ission o2 Sout1 A2ri)a, t1e prin)ipa' 2un)tion o2 41i)1
4as to 1ea' t1e 4ounds o2 past vio'en)e and to prevent 2uture )on2'i)t *5
providin( a )at1arti) experien)e 2or vi)ti&s.
#1e P#C is a 2ar )r5 2ro& Sout1 A2ri)aCs &ode'. #1e 'atter p'a)ed
&ore e&p1asis on re)on)i'iation t1an on ?udi)ia' retri*ution, 41i'e t1e
&ar)1in( order o2 t1e P#C is t1e identi2i)ation and punis1&ent o2
perpetrators. As one 4riter
puts it:

T$ !r/r r)l/ !)t rc!"cili-ti!". It tr-"(l-t/ t$
Dr-c!"i-" c!/ (*ll/ !)t ., AD)i"! i" $i( i"-)2)r-l (*c$> 7T!
t$!( 0$! t-l; -.!)t rc!"cili-ti!", i# t$, +-" t$-t t$, 0!)l/
li; )( t! (i+*l, #!r2t -.!)t t$ 0r!"2( t$-t t$, $-1 c!++itt/
i" t$ *-(t, 0 $-1 t$i( t! (-,> T$r c-" . "! rc!"cili-ti!"
0it$!)t 3)(tic. W$" 0 -ll!0 cri+( t! 2! )"*)"i($/, 0 2i1
c!"("t t! t$ir !cc)rri"2 !1r -"/ !1r -2-i".8
The Thrusts of the Petitions
$are'5 a &ont1 a2ter t1e issuan)e o2 Exe)utive Order No. ., t1e
petitioners as3ed t1e Court to de)'are it un)onstitutiona' and to en?oin t1e
P#C 2ro& per2or&in( its 2un)tions. A perusa' o2 t1e ar(u&ents o2 t1e
petitioners in *ot1 )ases s1o4s t1at t1e5 are essentia''5 t1e sa&e. #1e
petitioners-'e(is'ators su&&ari<ed t1e& in t1e 2o''o4in( &anner:
12 [12]
Armando Doronila, Philippine Dail% )n*uirer, %u+ust 2, 2313.
!risoners= *isite( 5o*e&"er 9, 2313.
DaE E.O. No. . vio'ates t1e separation o2 po4ers as it
arro(ates t1e po4er o2 t1e Con(ress to )reate a pu*'i) o22i)e
and appropriate 2unds 2or its operation.
D*E #1e provision o2 $oo3 III, C1apter .-, Se)tion 6. o2
t1e Ad&inistrative Code o2 .;B+ )annot 'e(iti&i<e E.O. No. .
*e)ause t1e de'e(ated aut1orit5 o2 t1e President to stru)tura''5
reor(ani<e t1e O22i)e o2 t1e President to a)1ieve e)ono&5,
si&p'i)it5 and e22i)ien)5 does not in)'ude t1e po4er to )reate
an entire'5 ne4 pu*'i) o22i)e 41i)1 4as 1it1erto inexistent 'i3e
t1e @#rut1 Co&&ission.A
D)E E.O. No. . i''e(a''5 a&ended t1e Constitution and
pertinent statutes 41en it vested t1e @#rut1 Co&&issionA 4it1
>uasi-?udi)ia' po4ers dup'i)atin(, i2 not supersedin(, t1ose o2
t1e O22i)e o2 t1e O&*uds&an )reated under t1e .;B+
Constitution and t1e "epart&ent o2 Justi)e )reated under t1e
Ad&inistrative Code o2 .;B+.
DdE E.O. No. . vio'ates t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause as it
se'e)tive'5 tar(ets 2or investi(ation and prose)ution o22i)ia's
and personne' o2 t1e previous ad&inistration as i2 )orruption is
t1eir pe)u'iar spe)ies even as it ex)'udes t1ose o2 t1e ot1er
ad&inistrations, past and present, 41o &a5 *e indi)ta*'e.
DeE #1e )reation o2 t1e @P1i'ippine #rut1 Co&&ission o2
,-.-A vio'ates t1e )onsistent and (enera' internationa' pra)ti)e
o2 2our de)ades 41erein States )onstitute trut1 )o&&issions to
ex)'usive'5 investi(ate 1u&an ri(1ts vio'ations, 41i)1
)usto&ar5 pra)ti)e 2or&s part o2 t1e (enera''5 a))epted
prin)ip'es o2 internationa' 'a4 41i)1 t1e P1i'ippines is
&andated to ad1ere to pursuant to t1e "e)'aration o2 Prin)ip'es
ens1rined in t1e Constitution.
D2E #1e )reation o2 t1e @#rut1 Co&&issionA is an exer)ise
in 2uti'it5, an adventure in partisan 1osti'it5, a 'aun)1in( pad 2or
tria'G)onvi)tion *5 pu*'i)it5 and a &ere popu'ist propa(anda to
&ista3en'5 i&press t1e peop'e t1at 4idespread povert5 4i''
a'to(et1er vanis1 i2 )orruption is e'i&inated 4it1out even
addressin( t1e ot1er &a?or )auses o2 povert5.
D(E #1e &ere 2a)t t1at previous )o&&issions 4ere not
)onstitutiona''5 )1a''en(ed is o2 no &o&ent *e)ause neit1er
'a)1es nor estoppe' )an *ar an eventua' >uestion on t1e
)onstitutiona'it5 and va'idit5 o2 an exe)utive issuan)e or even a
In t1eir Conso'idated Co&&ent,
t1e respondents, t1rou(1 t1e
O22i)e o2 t1e So'i)itor :enera' %*+,', essentia''5 >uestioned t1e 'e(a'
standin( o2 petitioners and de2ended t1e assai'ed exe)utive order 4it1 t1e
2o''o4in( ar(u&ents:
.0 E.O. No. . does not arro(ate t1e po4ers o2 Con(ress to
)reate a pu*'i) o22i)e *e)ause t1e PresidentCs exe)utive po4er
and po4er o2 )ontro' ne)essari'5 in)'ude t1e in1erent po4er to
)ondu)t investi(ations to ensure t1at 'a4s are 2ait12u''5
exe)uted and t1at, in an5 event, t1e Constitution, Revised
Ad&inistrative Code o2 .;B+ DE.O. No. ,;,E,
"e)ree DP.".E No. .7.=
Das a&ended *5 P.". No. .++,E,
R.A. No. ;;+-,
and sett'ed ?urispruden)e t1at aut1ori<e t1e
President to )reate or 2or& su)1 *odies.
,0 E.O. No. . does not usurp t1e po4er o2 Con(ress to
appropriate 2unds *e)ause t1ere is no appropriation *ut a &ere
a''o)ation o2 2unds a'read5 appropriated *5 Con(ress.
60 #1e #rut1 Co&&ission does not dup'i)ate or supersede
t1e 2un)tions o2 t1e O22i)e o2 t1e O&*uds&an %*mbudsman'
and t1e "epart&ent o2 Justi)e %-*J', *e)ause it is a 2a)t-
2indin( *od5 and not a >uasi-?udi)ia' *od5 and its 2un)tions do
13 [13]
,a+&an Petition, !!. 53652, rollo, !!. 58663.
1/ [1/]
!ollo, !!. 1116216.
15 [15]
Ather0ise @no0n as the %(&inistrati*e Co(e of 1987.
16 [16]
2rantin+ Continuin+ %uthorit' To The Presi(ent Af The Phili!!ines To eor+ani1e The
5ational 2o*ern&ent.
17 [17]
Ather0ise @no0n as the 2eneral %!!ro!riations %#t of 2313.
not dup'i)ate, supp'ant or erode t1e 'atterCs ?urisdi)tion.
70 #1e #rut1 Co&&ission does not vio'ate t1e e>ua'
prote)tion )'ause *e)ause it 4as va'id'5 )reated 2or 'auda*'e
#1e OS: t1en points to t1e )ontinued existen)e and va'idit5 o2 ot1er
exe)utive orders and presidentia' issuan)es )reatin( si&i'ar *odies to ?usti25
t1e )reation o2 t1e P#C su)1 as Presidentia' Co&p'aint and A)tion
Co&&ission %PC.C' *5 President Ra&on $. Ma(sa5sa5, Presidentia'
Co&&ittee on Ad&inistrative Per2or&an)e E22i)ien)5 %PC.P/' *5 President
Car'os P. :ar)ia and Presidentia' A(en)5 on Re2or& and :overn&ent
Operations %P.0,*' *5 President 8erdinand E. Mar)os.

8ro& t1e petitions, p'eadin(s, trans)ripts, and &e&oranda, t1e
2o''o4in( are t1e prin)ipa' issues to *e reso'ved:
.. H1et1er or not t1e petitioners 1ave t1e 'e(a'
standin( to 2i'e t1eir respe)tive petitions and >uestion Exe)utive
Order No. .F
,. H1et1er or not Exe)utive Order No. . vio'ates
t1e prin)ip'e o2 separation o2 po4ers *5 usurpin( t1e po4ers o2
Con(ress to )reate and to appropriate 2unds 2or pu*'i) o22i)es,
a(en)ies and )o&&issionsF
6. H1et1er or not Exe)utive Order No. . supp'ants t1e
po4ers o2 t1e O&*uds&an and t1e "OJF
18 [18]
A.2 Consoli(ate( Co&&ent, !. 33, rollo, !. 153, #itin+ &% v. Sandigan$a%an, 2.. 5os.
135965673, Bar#h 23, 2331, 35/ .C% 651, 6636661.
7. H1et1er or not Exe)utive Order No. . vio'ates t1e
e>ua' prote)tion )'auseF and
9. H1et1er or not petitioners are entit'ed to in?un)tive
Essential requisites for judiial re!ie"
$e2ore pro)eedin( to reso've t1e issue o2 t1e )onstitutiona'it5 o2
Exe)utive Order No. ., t1e Court needs to as)ertain 41et1er t1e re>uisites
2or a va'id exer)ise o2 its po4er o2 ?udi)ia' revie4 are present.
Li3e a'&ost a'' po4ers )on2erred *5 t1e Constitution, t1e po4er o2
?udi)ia' revie4 is su*?e)t to 'i&itations, to 4it: D.E t1ere &ust *e an a)tua'
)ase or )ontrovers5 )a''in( 2or t1e exer)ise o2 ?udi)ia' po4erF D,E t1e person
)1a''en(in( t1e a)t &ust 1ave t1e standin( to >uestion t1e va'idit5 o2 t1e
su*?e)t a)t or issuan)eF ot1er4ise stated, 1e &ust 1ave a persona' and
su*stantia' interest in t1e )ase su)1 t1at 1e 1as sustained, or 4i'' sustain,
dire)t in?ur5 as a resu't o2 its en2or)e&entF D6E t1e >uestion o2
)onstitutiona'it5 &ust *e raised at t1e ear'iest opportunit5F and D7E t1e issue
o2 )onstitutiona'it5 &ust *e t1e ver5 lis mota o2 t1e )ase.
A&on( a'' t1ese 'i&itations, on'5 t1e 'e(a' standin( o2 t1e petitioners
1as *een put at issue.
Senate o# the Philippines v. Ermita, 2.. 5o. 169777, %!ril 23, 2336, /88 .C% 1, 35$ an(
rancisco v.
House o# !epresentatives, /63 Phil. 833, 8/2 (2333).
#e$al %tandin$ of the Petitioners
#1e OS: atta)3s t1e 'e(a' persona'it5 o2 t1e petitioners-'e(is'ators to
2i'e t1eir petition 2or 2ai'ure to de&onstrate t1eir persona' sta3e in t1e
out)o&e o2 t1e )ase. It ar(ues t1at t1e petitioners 1ave not s1o4n t1at t1e5
1ave sustained or are in dan(er o2 sustainin( an5 persona' in?ur5 attri*uta*'e
to t1e )reation o2 t1e P#C. Not )'ai&in( to *e t1e su*?e)t o2 t1e
)o&&issionCs investi(ations, petitioners 4i'' not sustain in?ur5 in its
)reation or as a resu't o2 its pro)eedin(s.

#1e Court disa(rees 4it1 t1e OS: in >uestionin( t1e 'e(a' standin( o2
t1e petitioners-'e(is'ators to assai' Exe)utive Order No. .. Evident'5, t1eir
petition pri&ari'5 invo3es usurpation o2 t1e po4er o2 t1e Con(ress as a *od5
to 41i)1 t1e5 *e'on( as &e&*ers. #1is )ertain'5 ?usti2ies t1eir reso've to
ta3e t1e )ud(e's 2or Con(ress as an institution and present t1e )o&p'aints on
t1e usurpation o2 t1eir po4er and ri(1ts as &e&*ers o2 t1e 'e(is'ature *e2ore
t1e Court. As 1e'd in Philippine Constitution .ssociation v. /nri1ue2,
T! t$ 9t"t t$ *!0r( !# C!"2r(( -r i+*-ir/, (! i( t$
*!0r !# -c$ ++.r t$r!#, (i"c $i( !##ic c!"#r( - ri2$t t!
*-rtici*-t i" t$ 9rci( !# t$ *!0r( !# t$-t i"(tit)ti!".
A" -ct !# t$ E9c)ti1 0$ic$ i"3)r( t$ i"(tit)ti!" !#
C!"2r(( c-)(( - /ri1-ti1 .)t "!"t$l(( ().(t-"ti-l i"3)r,,
0$ic$ c-" . D)(ti!"/ ., - ++.r !# C!"2r((. I" ()c$ - c-(,
-", ++.r !# C!"2r(( c-" $-1 - r(!rt t! t$ c!)rt(.
Indeed, 'e(is'ators 1ave a 'e(a' standin( to see to it t1at t1e
23 [23]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 29, rollo, !. 3/8.
21 [21]
2.. 5o. 113135, %u+ust 19, 199/, 235 .C% 536, 523.
prero(ative, po4ers and privi'e(es vested *5 t1e Constitution in t1eir o22i)e
re&ain invio'ate. #1us, t1e5 are a''o4ed to >uestion t1e va'idit5 o2 an5
o22i)ia' a)tion 41i)1, to t1eir &ind, in2rin(es on t1eir prero(atives as
Hit1 re(ard to $irao(o, t1e OS: ar(ues t1at, as a taxpa5er, 1e 1as no
standin( to >uestion t1e )reation o2 t1e P#C and t1e *ud(et 2or its
It e&p1asi<es t1at t1e 2unds to *e used 2or t1e )reation and
operation o2 t1e )o&&ission are to *e ta3en 2ro& t1ose 2unds a'read5
appropriated *5 Con(ress. #1us, t1e a''o)ation and dis*urse&ent o2 2unds
2or t1e )o&&ission 4i'' not entai' )on(ressiona' a)tion *ut 4i'' si&p'5 *e an
exer)ise o2 t1e PresidentCs po4er over )ontin(ent 2unds.
As )orre)t'5 pointed out *5 t1e OS:, $irao(o 1as not s1o4n t1at 1e
sustained, or is in dan(er o2 sustainin(, an5 persona' and dire)t in?ur5
attri*uta*'e to t1e i&p'e&entation o2 Exe)utive Order No. .. No41ere in 1is
petition is an assertion o2 a )'ear ri(1t t1at &a5 ?usti25 1is )'a&or 2or t1e
Court to exer)ise ?udi)ia' po4er and to 4ie'd t1e axe over presidentia'
issuan)es in de2ense o2 t1e Constitution. #1e )ase o2 -avid v. .rroyo
exp'ained t1e deep-seated ru'es on locus standi. #1us:
Locus standi i( /#i"/ -( 7- ri2$t !# -**-r-"c i" - c!)rt !#
3)(tic !" - 2i1" D)(ti!".8 I" *ri1-t ()it(, (t-"/i"2 i( 2!1r"/
., t$ 7r-l@*-rti(@i" i"tr(t8 r)l -( c!"t-i"/ i" Scti!" 2, R)l
< !# t$ 1%%' R)l( !# Ci1il Pr!c/)r, -( -+"//. It *r!1i/( t$-t
@)*)+, !-./$" 012. 3) 4+$2)-1.)# $+ #)5)"#)# /" .6) "!0) $5 .6) +)!7
4!+., /" /".)+)2..A Acc!r/i"2l,, t$ 7r-l@*-rt,@i" i"tr(t8 i( 7t$
22 [22]
.u!ra note 19, #itin+ Pimentel +r., v. E,ecutive Secretar%, 2.. 5o. 158388, 8ul' 6, 2335,
/62 .C% 623, 6316632.
23 [23]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 33, rollo, !. 3/9.
2/ [2/]
2.. 5o. 171396, Ba' 3, 2336, /89 .C% 163, 2166218.
*-rt, 0$! (t-"/( t! . ."#it/ !r i"3)r/ ., t$ 3)/2+"t i" t$
()it !r t$ *-rt, "titl/ t! t$ -1-il( !# t$ ()it.8 S)cci"ctl, *)t, t$
*l-i"ti##6( (t-"/i"2 i( .-(/ !" $i( !0" ri2$t t! t$ rli# (!)2$t.

T$ /i##ic)lt, !# /tr+i"i"2 locus standi -ri(( i" *).lic
()it(. Hr, t$ *l-i"ti## 0$! -((rt( - 7*).lic ri2$t8 i" -((-ili"2 -"
-ll2/l, ill2-l !##ici-l -cti!", /!( (! -( - r*r("t-ti1 !# t$
2"r-l *).lic. H +-, . - *r(!" 0$! i( -##ct/ "! /i##r"tl,
#r!+ -", !t$r *r(!". H c!)l/ . ()i"2 -( - 7(tr-"2r,8 !r i" t$
c-t2!r, !# - 7citi5",8 !r It-9*-,r.8 I" it$r c-(, $ $-( t!
-/D)-tl, ($!0 t$-t $ i( "titl/ t! (; 3)/ici-l *r!tcti!". I"
!t$r 0!r/(, $ $-( t! +-; !)t - ()##ici"t i"tr(t i" t$
1i"/ic-ti!" !# t$ *).lic !r/r -"/ t$ (c)ri"2 !# rli# -( -
7citi5"8 !r 7t-9*-,r.
C-( l-0 i" +!(t 3)ri(/icti!"( "!0 -ll!0( .!t$ 7citi5"8 -"/
7t-9*-,r8 (t-"/i"2 i" *).lic -cti!"(. T$ /i(ti"cti!" 0-( #ir(t l-i/
/!0" i" Beauchamp v. Silk, 0$r it 0-( $l/ t$-t t$ *l-i"ti## i" -
t-9*-,r6( ()it i( i" - /i##r"t c-t2!r, #r!+ t$ *l-i"ti## i" -
citi5"6( ()it. I" t$ #!r+r, t$ *l-i"ti## i( -##ct/ ., t$
9*"/it)r !# *).lic #)"/(, 0$il i" t$ l-ttr, $ i( .)t t$ +r
i"(tr)+"t !# t$ *).lic c!"cr". A( $l/ ., t$ N0 J!r;
S)*r+ C!)rt i" People ex rel Case v. Collins> 7I" +-ttr !# +r
*).lic ri2$t, $!01rKt$ *!*l -r t$ r-l *-rti(KIt i( -t l-(t
t$ ri2$t, i# "!t t$ /)t,, !# 1r, citi5" t! i"tr#r -"/ ( t$-t -
*).lic !##"c . *r!*rl, *)r()/ -"/ *)"i($/, -"/ t$-t - *).lic
2ri1-"c . r+/i/.8 Wit$ r(*ct t! t-9*-,r6( ()it(, Terr v.
Jordan $l/ t$-t 7t$ ri2$t !# - citi5" -"/ - t-9*-,r t! +-i"t-i"
-" -cti!" i" c!)rt( t! r(tr-i" t$ )"l-0#)l )( !# *).lic #)"/( t! $i(
i"3)r, c-""!t . /"i/.8
H!01r, t! *r1"t 3)(t -.!)t -", *r(!" #r!+ (;i"2
3)/ici-l i"tr#r"c i" -", !##ici-l *!lic, !r -ct 0it$ 0$ic$ $
/i(-2r/ 0it$, -"/ t$)( $i"/r( t$ -cti1iti( !# 2!1r"+"t-l
-2"ci( "2-2/ i" *).lic (r1ic, t$ U"it/ St-t S)*r+ C!)rt
l-i/ /!0" t$ +!r (tri"2"t @#/+)-. /"81+,A .)2. i" Ex Parte Levitt,
l-tr r-##ir+/ i" Tileston v. llman. T$ (-+ C!)rt r)l/ t$-t
#!r - *ri1-t i"/i1i/)-l t! i"1!; t$ 3)/ici-l *!0r t! /tr+i"
t$ 1-li/it, !# -" 9c)ti1 !r l2i(l-ti1 -cti!", 6) 012. 26$9 .6!.
6) 6!2 212.!/")# ! #/+)-. /"81+, !2 ! +)217. $5 .6!. !-./$", !"# /. /2 "$.
2155/-/)". .6!. 6) 6!2 ! :)")+!7 /".)+)2. -$00$" .$ !77 0)03)+2 $5 .6)
T$i( C!)rt -/!*t/ t$ #/+)-. /"81+, .)2. i" !)r 3)ri(/icti!".
I" People v. !era, it $l/ t$-t t$ *r(!" 0$! i+*)2"( t$ 1-li/it,
!# - (t-t)t +)(t $-1 @! 4)+2$"!7 !"# 2132.!"./!7 /".)+)2. /" .6) -!2)
21-6 .6!. 6) 6!2 212.!/")#, $+ 9/77 212.!/" #/+)-. /"81+, !2 ! +)217..A
T$ !era /!ctri" 0-( )*$l/ i" - lit-", !# c-((, ()c$ -(, Custodio
v. President o" the Senate, #anila $ace %orse Trainers&
'ssociation v. (e la )uente, Pascual v. Secretar* o" Pu+lic ,orks
-"/ 'nti-Chinese League o" the Philippines v. )elix. LE+*$-((
i"cl)//. Cit-ti!"( !+itt/M
Not4it1standin(, t1e Court 'eans on t1e do)trine t1at @t1e ru'e on
standin( is a &atter o2 pro)edure, 1en)e, )an *e re'axed 2or nontraditiona'
p'ainti22s 'i3e ordinar5 )iti<ens, taxpa5ers, and 'e(is'ators 41en t1e pu*'i)
interest so re>uires, su)1 as 41en t1e &atter is o2 transendental
im&ortane, o2 overrea)1in( si(ni2i)an)e to so)iet5, or o2 para&ount pu*'i)

#1us, in Coconut *il 0efiners .ssociation, 3nc. v. orres,
Court 1e'd t1at in )ases o2 para&ount i&portan)e 41ere serious
)onstitutiona' >uestions are invo'ved, t1e standin( re>uire&ents &a5 *e
re'axed and a suit &a5 *e a''o4ed to prosper even 41ere t1ere is no dire)t
in?ur5 to t1e part5 )'ai&in( t1e ri(1t o2 ?udi)ia' revie4. In t1e 2irst
/mergency Powers Cases,
ordinar5 )iti<ens and taxpa5ers 4ere a''o4ed
to >uestion t1e )onstitutiona'it5 o2 severa' exe)utive orders a't1ou(1 t1e5
1ad on'5 an indire)t and (enera' interest s1ared in )o&&on 4it1 t1e pu*'i).
#1e OS: )'ai&s t1at t1e deter&inants o2 trans)endenta'
Social +ustice Societ% -S+S. v. Dangerous Drugs /oard and Philippine Drug En#orcement
Agenc%, 2..
5o. 157873, 5o*e&"er 3, 2338, 573 .C% /13, /21$ Tatad v. Secretar% o# the Department
o# Energ%,
3/6 Phil 321 (1997)$ De 0uia v. C"MELEC, 2.. 5o. 13/712, Ba' 6, 1992, 238 .C% /23,
26 [26]
2.. 132527, 8ul' 29, 2335, /65 .C% /7, 62.
27 [27]
8/ Phil. 368, 373 (19/9).
'aid do4n in C0/&. v. /0C and 4eralco
are non-
existent in t1is )ase. #1e Court, 1o4ever, 2inds reason in $irao(oCs
assertion t1at t1e petition )overs &atters o2 trans)endenta' i&portan)e to
?usti25 t1e exer)ise o2 ?urisdi)tion *5 t1e Court. #1ere are )onstitutiona'
issues in t1e petition 41i)1 deserve t1e attention o2 t1is Court in vie4 o2
t1eir seriousness, nove't5 and 4ei(1t as pre)edents. H1ere t1e issues are o2
trans)endenta' and para&ount i&portan)e not on'5 to t1e pu*'i) *ut a'so to
t1e $en)1 and t1e $ar, t1e5 s1ou'd *e reso'ved 2or t1e (uidan)e o2 a''.
!ndou*ted'5, t1e 8i'ipino peop'e are &ore t1an interested to 3no4 t1e status
o2 t1e PresidentCs 2irst e22ort to *rin( a*out a pro&ised )1an(e to t1e
)ountr5. #1e Court ta3es )o(ni<an)e o2 t1e petition not due to
over41e'&in( po'iti)a' undertones t1at )'ot1e t1e issue in t1e e5es o2 t1e
pu*'i), *ut *e)ause t1e Court stands 2ir& in its oat1 to per2or& its
)onstitutiona' dut5 to sett'e 'e(a' )ontroversies 4it1 overrea)1in(
si(ni2i)an)e to so)iet5.
Po"er of the President to Create the Truth Commission
In 1is &e&orandu& in :.R. No. .;,;69, $irao(o asserts t1at t1e
#rut1 Co&&ission is a pu*'i) o22i)e and not &ere'5 an ad?un)t *od5 o2 t1e
O22i)e o2 t1e President.
#1us, in order t1at t1e President &a5 )reate a
pu*'i) o22i)e 1e &ust *e e&po4ered *5 t1e Constitution, a statute or an
aut1ori<ation vested in 1i& *5 'a4. A))ordin( to petitioner, su)1 po4er
28 [28]
C(1) the #hara#ter of the fun(s or other assets in*ol*e( in the #ase$ (2) the !resen#e of a
#lear #ase of (isre+ar( of a #onstitutional or statutor' !rohi"ition "' the !u"li# res!on(ent
a+en#' or instru&entalit' of the +o*ern&ent$ an(, (3) the la#@ of an' other !art' 0ith a &ore
(ire#t an( s!e#ifi# interest in the ?uestions "ein+ raise(.D
29 [29]
2.. 5o. 17/697, 8ul' 8, 2313.
33 [33]
1ilos$a%an,)nc. v. 0uingona, +r., 2.. 5o. 113375, Ba' 5, 199/, 232 .C% 113, 139.
31 [31]
Birao+o Be&oran(u&, !. 7, rollo, !. 69.
)annot *e presu&ed
sin)e t1ere is no provision in t1e Constitution or an5
spe)i2i) 'a4 t1at aut1ori<es t1e President to )reate a trut1 )o&&ission.
e adds t1at Se)tion 6. o2 t1e Ad&inistrative Code o2 .;B+, (rantin( t1e
President t1e )ontinuin( aut1orit5 to reor(ani<e 1is o22i)e, )annot serve as
*asis 2or t1e )reation o2 a trut1 )o&&ission )onsiderin( t1e a2oresaid
provision &ere'5 uses ver*s su)1 as @reor(ani<e,A @trans2er,A @)onso'idate,A
@&er(e,A and @a*o'is1.A
Inso2ar as it vests in t1e President t1e p'enar5
po4er to reor(ani<e t1e O22i)e o2 t1e President to t1e extent o2 )reatin( a
pu*'i) o22i)e, Se)tion 6. is in)onsistent 4it1 t1e prin)ip'e o2 separation o2
po4ers ens1rined in t1e Constitution and &ust *e dee&ed repea'ed upon t1e
e22e)tivit5 t1ereo2.
Si&i'ar'5, in :.R. No. .;6-6=, petitioners-'e(is'ators ar(ue t1at t1e
)reation o2 a pu*'i) o22i)e 'ies 4it1in t1e provin)e o2 Con(ress and not 4it1
t1e exe)utive *ran)1 o2 (overn&ent. #1e5 &aintain t1at t1e de'e(ated
aut1orit5 o2 t1e President to reor(ani<e under Se)tion 6. o2 t1e Revised
Ad&inistrative Code: .E does not per&it t1e President to )reate a pu*'i)
o22i)e, &u)1 'ess a trut1 )o&&issionF ,E is 'i&ited to t1e reor(ani<ation o2
t1e ad&inistrative stru)ture o2 t1e O22i)e o2 t1e PresidentF 6E is 'i&ited to t1e
restru)turin( o2 t1e interna' or(ans o2 t1e O22i)e o2 t1e President Proper,
trans2er o2 2un)tions and trans2er o2 a(en)iesF and 7E on'5 to a)1ieve
si&p'i)it5, e)ono&5 and e22i)ien)5.
Su)1 )ontinuin( aut1orit5 o2 t1e
President to reor(ani<e 1is o22i)e is 'i&ited, and *5 issuin( Exe)utive Order
No. ., t1e President overstepped t1e 'i&its o2 t1is de'e(ated aut1orit5.
32 [32]
4(. at 6, rollo, !. 68.
33 [33]
4(. at 9, rollo, !. 71.
3/ [3/]
4(. at 13, rollo, !. 72.
35 [35]
4(. at 13611, rollo !!. 72673.
36 [36]
,a+&an Be&oran(u&, 2.. 5o 193336, !!. 13611, rollo, !!. 2736271.
#1e OS: )ounters t1at t1ere is not1in( ex)'usive'5 'e(is'ative a*out
t1e )reation *5 t1e President o2 a 2a)t-2indin( *od5 su)1 as a trut1
)o&&ission. Pointin( to nu&erous o22i)es )reated *5 past presidents, it
ar(ues t1at t1e aut1orit5 o2 t1e President to )reate pu*'i) o22i)es 4it1in t1e
O22i)e o2 t1e President Proper 1as 'on( *een re)o(ni<ed.
A))ordin( to
t1e OS:, t1e Exe)utive, ?ust 'i3e t1e ot1er t4o *ran)1es o2 (overn&ent,
possesses t1e in1erent aut1orit5 to )reate 2a)t-2indin( )o&&ittees to assist it
in t1e per2or&an)e o2 its )onstitutiona''5 &andated 2un)tions and in t1e
exer)ise o2 its ad&inistrative 2un)tions.
#1is po4er, as t1e OS: exp'ains
it, is *ut an ad?un)t o2 t1e p'enar5 po4ers 4ie'ded *5 t1e President under
Se)tion . and 1is po4er o2 )ontro' under Se)tion .+, *ot1 o2 Arti)'e VII o2
t1e Constitution.
It )ontends t1at t1e President is ne)essari'5 vested 4it1 t1e po4er to
)ondu)t 2a)t-2indin( investi(ations, pursuant to 1is dut5 to ensure t1at a''
'a4s are en2or)ed *5 pu*'i) o22i)ia's and e&p'o5ees o2 1is depart&ent and in
t1e exer)ise o2 1is aut1orit5 to assu&e dire)t'5 t1e 2un)tions o2 t1e exe)utive
depart&ent, *ureau and o22i)e, or inter2ere 4it1 t1e dis)retion o2 1is
#1e po4er o2 t1e President to investi(ate is not 'i&ited to t1e
exer)ise o2 1is po4er o2 )ontro' over 1is su*ordinates in t1e exe)utive
*ran)1, *ut extends 2urt1er in t1e exer)ise o2 1is ot1er po4ers, su)1 as 1is
po4er to dis)ip'ine su*ordinates,
1is po4er 2or ru'e &a3in(, ad?udi)ation
37 [37]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 32, rollo, !. 351.
38 [38]
4(. at 33, rollo, !. 352.
39 [39]
A.2 Consoli(ate( Co&&ent, !. 2/, rollo, !. 1//.
/3 [/3]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !!. 38639, rollo, !!. 3576358.
/1 [/1]
Citin+ Department o# Health v. Camposano, 2.. 5o. 15768/, %!ril 27, 2335, /57 .C%
/38, /53.
and 'i)ensin( purposes
and in order to *e in2or&ed on &atters 41i)1 1e
is entit'ed to 3no4.

#1e OS: a'so )ites t1e re)ent )ase o2 &anda v. /rmita,
41ere it
4as 1e'd t1at t1e President 1as t1e po4er to reor(ani<e t1e o22i)es and
a(en)ies in t1e exe)utive depart&ent in 'ine 4it1 1is )onstitutiona''5 (ranted
po4er o2 )ontro' and *5 virtue o2 a va'id de'e(ation o2 t1e 'e(is'ative po4er
to reor(ani<e exe)utive o22i)es under existin( statutes.
#1us, t1e OS: )on)'udes t1at t1e po4er o2 )ontro' ne)essari'5
in)'udes t1e po4er to )reate o22i)es. 8or t1e OS:, t1e President &a5 )reate
t1e P#C in order to, a&on( ot1ers, put a )'osure to t1e reported 'ar(e s)a'e
(ra2t and )orruption in t1e (overn&ent.
#1e >uestion, t1ere2ore, *e2ore t1e Court is t1is: "oes t1e )reation o2
t1e P#C 2a'' 4it1in t1e a&*it o2 t1e po4er to reor(ani<e as expressed in
Se)tion 6. o2 t1e Revised Ad&inistrative CodeI Se)tion 6. )onte&p'ates
@reor(ani<ationA as 'i&ited *5 t1e 2o''o4in( 2un)tiona' and stru)tura' 'ines:
D.E restru)turin( t1e interna' or(ani<ation o2 t1e O22i)e o2 t1e President
Proper *5 a*o'is1in(, )onso'idatin( or &er(in( units t1ereo2 or trans2errin(
2un)tions 2ro& one unit to anot1erF D,E trans2errin( an5 2un)tion under t1e
O22i)e o2 t1e President to an5 ot1er "epart&entGA(en)5 or vi)e versaF or D6E
trans2errin( an5 a(en)5 under t1e O22i)e o2 t1e President to an5 ot1er
"epart&entGA(en)5 or vi)e versa. C'ear'5, t1e provision re2ers to redu)tion
o2 personne', )onso'idation o2 o22i)es, or a*o'ition t1ereo2 *5 reason o2
/2 [/2]
Citin+ Evangelista v. +arencio, 5o. ,62727/, 5o*e&"er 27, 1975, 68 .C% 99, 13/.
/3 [/3]
Citin+ !odrigue2 v. Santos Dia2, 5o. ,619553, Ee"ruar' 29, 196/, 13 .C% //1, //5.
// [//]
2.. 5o. 166623, %!ril 23, 2313.
/5 [/5]
Consoli(ate( Co&&ent, !. /5, rollo, !. 165.
e)ono&5 or redundan)5 o2 2un)tions. #1ese point to situations 41ere a
*od5 or an o22i)e is a'read5 existent *ut a &odi2i)ation or a'teration t1ereo2
1as to *e e22e)ted. #1e )reation o2 an o22i)e is no41ere &entioned, &u)1
'ess envisioned in said provision. A))ordin('5, t1e ans4er to t1e >uestion is
in t1e ne(ative.
#o sa5 t1at t1e P#C is *orne out o2 a restru)turin( o2 t1e O22i)e o2 t1e
President under Se)tion 6. is a &isp'a)ed supposition, even in t1e p'ainest
&eanin( attri*uta*'e to t1e ter& @restru)tureAJ an @a'teration o2 an existin(
stru)ture.A Evident'5, t1e P#C 4as not part o2 t1e stru)ture o2 t1e O22i)e o2
t1e President prior to t1e ena)t&ent o2 Exe)utive Order No. .. As 1e'd in
&u5lod ng )awaning /33& v. 6on. /7ecutive +ecretary,

:)t !# c!)r(, t$ li(t !# l2-l .-(i( -)t$!ri5i"2 t$ Pr(i/"t
t! r!r2-"i5 -", /*-rt+"t !r -2"c, i" t$ 9c)ti1 .r-"c$
/!( "!t $-1 t! "/ $r. W +)(t "!t l!( (i2$t !# t$ 1r, (!)rc
!# t$ *!0r ? t$-t 0$ic$ c!"(tit)t( -" 9*r(( 2r-"t !# *!0r.
U"/r Scti!" <1, :!!; III !# E9c)ti1 Or/r N!. 2%2 A!t$r0i(
;"!0" -( t$ A/+i"i(tr-ti1 C!/ !# 1%&'C, Nt$ Pr(i/"t, ().3ct
t! t$ *!lic, i" t$ E9c)ti1 O##ic -"/ i" !r/r t! -c$i1
(i+*licit,, c!"!+, -"/ ##ici"c,, ($-ll $-1 t$ c!"ti")i"2
-)t$!rit, t! r!r2-"i5 t$ -/+i"i(tr-ti1 (tr)ct)r !# t$ O##ic !#
t$ Pr(i/"t.N F!r t$i( *)r*!(, $ +-, tr-"(#r t$ #)"cti!"( !#
!t$r D*-rt+"t( !r A2"ci( t! t$ O##ic !# t$ Pr(i/"t. .n
Canoni/ado v. 'guirre L<2< SCRA <12 A2000CM, 0 r)l/ t$-t
r!r2-"i5-ti!" Ni"1!l1( t$ r/)cti!" !# *r(!""l, c!"(!li/-ti!"
!# !##ic(, !r -.!liti!" t$r!# ., r-(!" !# c!"!+, !r r/)"/-"c,
!# #)"cti!"(.N I. .!;)2 47!-) 96)" .6)+) /2 !" !7.)+!./$" $5 .6) )</2./":
2.+1-.1+) $5 :$*)+"0)". $55/-)2 $+ 1"/.2 .6)+)/", /"-71#/": .6) 7/")2 $5
-$".+$7, !1.6$+/., !"# +)24$"2/3/7/., 3).9))" .6)0. T$ EII: i( -
.)r-) -tt-c$/ t! t$ D*-rt+"t !# Fi"-"c. It #-ll( )"/r t$
O##ic !# t$ Pr(i/"t. H"c, it i( ().3ct t! t$ Pr(i/"t6(
c!"ti")i"2 -)t$!rit, t! r!r2-"i5. LE+*$-(i( S)**li/M
/6 [/6]
2.. 5os. 1/28316832, 8ul' 13, 2331, 363 .C% 718, also #ite( in /anda, su!ra.
In t1e sa&e vein, t1e )reation o2 t1e P#C is not ?usti2ied *5 t1e
PresidentCs po4er o2 )ontro'. Contro' is essentia''5 t1e po4er to a'ter or
&odi25 or nu''i25 or set aside 41at a su*ordinate o22i)er 1ad done in t1e
per2or&an)e o2 1is duties and to su*stitute t1e ?ud(&ent o2 t1e 2or&er 4it1
t1at o2 t1e 'atter.
C'ear'5, t1e po4er o2 )ontro' is entire'5 di22erent 2ro&
t1e po4er to )reate pu*'i) o22i)es. #1e 2or&er is in1erent in t1e Exe)utive,
41i'e t1e 'atter 2inds *asis 2ro& eit1er a va'id de'e(ation 2ro& Con(ress, or
1is in1erent dut5 to 2ait12u''5 exe)ute t1e 'a4s.
#1e >uestion is t1is, is t1ere a va'id de'e(ation o2 po4er 2ro&
Con(ress, e&po4erin( t1e President to )reate a pu*'i) o22i)eI
A))ordin( to t1e OS:, t1e po4er to )reate a trut1 )o&&ission
pursuant to t1e a*ove provision 2inds statutor5 *asis under P.". .7.=, as
a&ended *5 P.". No. .++,.
#1e said 'a4 (ranted t1e President t1e
)ontinuin( aut1orit5 to reor(ani<e t1e nationa' (overn&ent, in)'udin( t1e
po4er to (roup, )onso'idate *ureaus and a(en)ies, to a*o'is1 o22i)es, to
trans2er 2un)tions, to )reate and )'assi25 2un)tions, servi)es and a)tivities,
trans2er appropriations, and to standardi<e sa'aries and &ateria's. #1is
de)ree, in re'ation to Se)tion ,-, #it'e I, $oo3 III o2 E.O. ,;, 1as *een
invo3ed in severa' )ases su)1 as 8arin v. /7ecutive +ecretary.
#1e Court, 1o4ever, de)'ines to re)o(ni<e P.". No. .7.= as a
?usti2i)ation 2or t1e President to )reate a pu*'i) o22i)e. Said de)ree is a'read5
sta'e, ana)1ronisti) and inopera*'e. P.". No. .7.= 4as a de'e(ation to t1en
/7 [/7]
The 3eterans ederation o# the Philippines v. !e%es, 2. . 5o. 155327, Ee"ruar' 28, 2336,
/83 .C% 526, 56/$ D"TC v. Ma$alot, /28 Phil. 15/, 16/6165 (2332)$ Mondano v. Silvosa, 97
Phil. 1/3 (1955).
/8 [/8]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 56, rollo, !. 375.
/9 [/9]
2.. 5o. 1127/5, A#to"er 16, 1997, 283 .C% 713, 733.
President Mar)os o2 t1e aut1orit5 to reor(ani<e t1e ad&inistrative stru)ture
o2 t1e nationa' (overn&ent in)'udin( t1e po4er to )reate o22i)es and trans2er
appropriations pursuant to one o2 t1e purposes o2 t1e de)ree, e&*odied in its
'ast @H1ereasA )'ause:
WHEREAS, t$ transition t!0-r/( t$ parliamentar* "orm
o" government 0ill "c((it-t #l9i.ilit, i" t$ !r2-"i5-ti!" !# t$
"-ti!"-l 2!1r"+"t.
C'ear'5, as it 4as on'5 2or t1e purpose o2 providin( &ana(ea*i'it5 and
resi'ien)5 durin( t1e interi&, P.". No. .7.=, as a&ended *5 P.". No. .++,,
*e)a&e functus oficio upon t1e )onvenin( o2 t1e 8irst Con(ress, as express'5
provided in Se)tion =, Arti)'e KVIII o2 t1e .;B+ Constitution. In 2a)t, even
t1e So'i)itor :enera' a(rees 4it1 t1is vie4. #1us:
0-( t$ l-(t 0$r-( cl-)( !#
P.D. 1B1G (-,( 7it 0-( "-ct/ t!
*r*-r t$ tr-"(iti!" #r!+
*r(i/"ti-l t! *-rli-+"t-r,.
N!0, i" - *-rli-+"t-r, #!r+ !#
2!1r"+"t, t$ l2i(l-ti1 -"/
9c)ti1 *!0r( -r #)(/,
ASSOCIATE EUSTICE CARPIO> T$-t i( 0$,, t$-t P.D. 1B1G 0-(
i(()/. N!0 0!)l/ ,!) -2r
0it$ + t$-t P.D. 1B1G ($!)l/
"!t . c!"(i/r/ ##cti1
-",+!r )*!" t$
*r!+)l2-ti!", -/!*ti!",
r-ti#ic-ti!" !# t$ 1%&'
1B1G, J!)r H!"!r.
ASSOCIATE EUSTICE CARPIO> T$ *!0r !# t$ Pr(i/"t t!
r!r2-"i5 t$ "tir N-ti!"-l
G!1r"+"t i( /+/
r*-l/, -t l-(t, )*!" t$
-/!*ti!" !# t$ 1%&'
C!"(tit)ti!", c!rrct.
H1i'e t1e po4er to )reate a trut1 )o&&ission )annot pass &uster on
t1e *asis o2 P.". No. .7.= as a&ended *5 P.". No. .++,, t1e )reation o2 t1e
P#C 2inds ?usti2i)ation under Se)tion .+, Arti)'e VII o2 t1e Constitution,
i&posin( upon t1e President t1e dut5 to ensure t1at t1e 'a4s are 2ait12u''5
exe)uted. Se)tion .+ reads:
Scti!" 1'. T$ Pr(i/"t ($-ll $-1 c!"tr!l !# -ll t$
9c)ti1 /*-rt+"t(, .)r-)(, -"/ !##ic(. He shall ensure that
the laws be faithfully executed. AE+*$-(i( ()**li/C.
As )orre)t'5 pointed out *5 t1e respondents, t1e a''o)ation o2 po4er in
t1e t1ree prin)ipa' *ran)1es o2 (overn&ent is a (rant o2 a'' po4ers in1erent
in t1e&. #1e PresidentCs po4er to )ondu)t investi(ations to aid 1i& in
ensurin( t1e 2ait12u' exe)ution o2 'a4s J in t1is )ase, 2unda&enta' 'a4s on
pu*'i) a))ounta*i'it5 and transparen)5 J is in1erent in t1e PresidentCs
po4ers as t1e C1ie2 Exe)utive. #1at t1e aut1orit5 o2 t1e President to )ondu)t
investi(ations and to )reate *odies to exe)ute t1is po4er is not exp'i)it'5
&entioned in t1e Constitution or in statutes does not &ean t1at 1e is *ere2t o2
su)1 aut1orit5.
As exp'ained in t1e 'and&ar3 )ase o2 4arcos v.
53 [53]
T.5, .e!te&"er 28, 2313, !!. 2356237.
51 [51]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 37, rollo, !.356.
9 9 9. T$ 1%&' C!"(tit)ti!", $!01r, .r!)2$t .-c; t$
*r(i/"ti-l (,(t+ !# 2!1r"+"t -"/ r(t!r/ t$ (*-r-ti!" !#
l2i(l-ti1, 9c)ti1 -"/ 3)/ici-l *!0r( ., t$ir -ct)-l /i(tri.)ti!"
-+!"2 t$r /i(ti"ct .r-"c$( !# 2!1r"+"t 0it$ *r!1i(i!" #!r
c$c;( -"/ .-l-"c(.
It 0!)l/ "!t . -cc)r-t, $!01r, t! (t-t t$-t N9c)ti1
*!0rN i( t$ *!0r t! "#!rc t$ l-0(, #!r t$ Pr(i/"t i( $-/ !#
(t-t -( 0ll -( $-/ !# 2!1r"+"t -"/ 0$-t1r *!0r( i"$r i"
()c$ *!(iti!"( *rt-i" t! t$ !##ic )"l(( t$ C!"(tit)ti!" it(l#
0it$$!l/( it. F)rt$r+!r, t$ C!"(tit)ti!" it(l# *r!1i/( t$-t t$
9c)ti!" !# t$ l-0( i( !"l, !" !# t$ *!0r( !# t$ Pr(i/"t. It
-l(! 2r-"t( t$ Pr(i/"t !t$r *!0r( t$-t /! "!t i"1!l1 t$
9c)ti!" !# -", *r!1i(i!" !# l-0, .2., $i( *!0r !1r t$ c!)"tr,Q(
#!ri2" rl-ti!"(.
O" t$( *r+i((, 0 $!l/ t$ 1i0 t$-t -lt$!)2$ t$ 1%&'
C!"(tit)ti!" i+*!(( li+it-ti!"( !" t$ 9rci( !# 24)-/5/- *!0r(
!# t$ Pr(i/"t, it +-i"t-i"( i"t-ct 0$-t i( tr-/iti!"-ll, c!"(i/r/
-( 0it$i" t$ (c!* !# N9c)ti1 *!0r.N C!r!ll-ril,, t$ *!0r( !#
t$ Pr(i/"t c-""!t . (-i/ t! . li+it/ !"l, t! t$ (*ci#ic
*!0r( ")+r-t/ i" t$ C!"(tit)ti!". I" !t$r 0!r/(, 9c)ti1
*!0r i( +!r t$-" t$ ()+ !# (*ci#ic *!0r( (! ")+r-t/.
It $-( ." -/1-"c/ t$-t 0$-t1r *!0r i"$r"t i" t$
2!1r"+"t t$-t i( "it$r l2i(l-ti1 "!r 3)/ici-l $-( t! .
9c)ti1. 9 9 9.
Indeed, t1e Exe)utive is (iven &u)1 'ee4a5 in ensurin( t1at our 'a4s
are 2ait12u''5 exe)uted. As stated a*ove, t1e po4ers o2 t1e President are not
'i&ited to t1ose spe)i2i) po4ers under t1e Constitution.
One o2 t1e
re)o(ni<ed po4ers o2 t1e President (ranted pursuant to t1is )onstitutiona''5-
&andated dut5 is t1e po4er to )reate ad hoc )o&&ittees. #1is 2'o4s 2ro&
t1e o*vious need to as)ertain 2a)ts and deter&ine i2 'a4s 1ave *een
52 [52]
2.. 88211, .e!te&"er 15, 1989, 177 .C% 688.
53 [53]
4(. at 691.
2ait12u''5 exe)uted. #1us, in De&artment of 'ealth !. Cam&osano,
aut1orit5 o2 t1e President to issue Ad&inistrative Order No. ,;B, )reatin( an
investi(ative )o&&ittee to 'oo3 into t1e ad&inistrative )1ar(es 2i'ed a(ainst
t1e e&p'o5ees o2 t1e "epart&ent o2 ea't1 2or t1e ano&a'ous pur)1ase o2
&edi)ines 4as up1e'd. In said )ase, it 4as ru'ed:
T6) C6/)5 E<)-1./*)=2 4$9)+ .$ -+)!.) .6) Ad ho I"*)2./:!./":
C$00/..)) -!""$. 3) #$13.)#. H-1i"2 ." c!"(tit)ti!"-ll, 2r-"t/
#)ll c!"tr!l !# t$ E9c)ti1 D*-rt+"t, t! 0$ic$ r(*!"/"t(
.l!"2, t$ Pr(i/"t $-( t$ !.li2-ti!" t! "()r t$-t -ll 9c)ti1
!##ici-l( -"/ +*l!,( #-it$#)ll, c!+*l, 0it$ t$ l-0. Wit$ AO
2%& -( +-"/-t, t$ l2-lit, !# t$ i"1(ti2-ti!" i( ()(t-i"/. S)c$
1-li/it, i( "!t -##ct/ ., t$ #-ct t$-t t$ i"1(ti2-ti"2 t-+ -"/
t$ PCAGC $-/ t$ (-+ c!+*!(iti!", !r t$-t t$ #!r+r )(/ t$
!##ic( -"/ #-ciliti( !# t$ l-ttr i" c!"/)cti"2 t$ i"D)ir,.
LE+*$-(i( ()**li/M
It s1ou'd *e stressed t1at t1e purpose o2 a''o4in( ad hoc investi(atin(
*odies to exist is to a''o4 an in>uir5 into &atters 41i)1 t1e President is
entit'ed to 3no4 so t1at 1e )an *e proper'5 advised and (uided in t1e
per2or&an)e o2 1is duties re'ative to t1e exe)ution and en2or)e&ent o2 t1e
'a4s o2 t1e 'and. And i2 1istor5 is to *e revisited, t1is 4as a'so t1e o*?e)tive
o2 t1e investi(ative *odies )reated in t1e past 'i3e t1e PCAC, PCAPE,
PAR:O, t1e 8e'i)iano Co&&ission, t1e Me'o Co&&ission and t1e %enarosa
Co&&ission. #1ere *ein( no )1an(es in t1e (overn&ent stru)ture, t1e Court
is not in)'ined to de)'are su)1 exe)utive po4er as non-existent ?ust *e)ause
t1e dire)tion o2 t1e po'iti)a' 4inds 1ave )1an(ed.
On t1e )1ar(e t1at Exe)utive Order No. . trans(resses t1e po4er o2
Con(ress to appropriate 2unds 2or t1e operation o2 a pu*'i) o22i)e, su22i)e it
to sa5 t1at t1ere 4i'' *e no appropriation *ut on'5 an a''ot&ent or a''o)ations
5/ [5/]
/96 Phil. 886, 8966897 (2335).
o2 existin( 2unds a'read5 appropriated. A))ordin('5, t1ere is no usurpation
on t1e part o2 t1e Exe)utive o2 t1e po4er o2 Con(ress to appropriate 2unds.
8urt1er, t1ere is no need to spe)i25 t1e a&ount to *e ear&ar3ed 2or t1e
operation o2 t1e )o&&ission *e)ause, in t1e 4ords o2 t1e So'i)itor :enera',
@41atever 2unds t1e Con(ress 1as provided 2or t1e O22i)e o2 t1e President
4i'' *e t1e ver5 sour)e o2 t1e 2unds 2or t1e )o&&ission.A
sin)e t1e a&ount t1at 4ou'd *e a''o)ated to t1e P#C s1a'' *e su*?e)t to
existin( auditin( ru'es and re(u'ations, t1ere is no i&propriet5 in t1e
Po"er of the Truth Commission to (n!esti$ate
#1e PresidentCs po4er to )ondu)t investi(ations to ensure t1at 'a4s
are 2ait12u''5 exe)uted is 4e'' re)o(ni<ed. It 2'o4s 2ro& t1e faithful(
e7ecution clause o2 t1e Constitution under Arti)'e VII, Se)tion .+ t1ereo2.
As t1e C1ie2 Exe)utive, t1e president represents t1e (overn&ent as a
41o'e and sees to it t1at a'' 'a4s are en2or)ed *5 t1e o22i)ia's and e&p'o5ees
o2 1is depart&ent. e 1as t1e aut1orit5 to dire)t'5 assu&e t1e 2un)tions o2
t1e exe)utive depart&ent.
Invo3in( t1is aut1orit5, t1e President )onstituted t1e P#C to pri&ari'5
investi(ate reports o2 (ra2t and )orruption and to re)o&&end t1e appropriate
a)tion. As previous'5 stated, no >uasi-?udi)ia' po4ers 1ave *een vested in
t1e said *od5 as it )annot ad?udi)ate ri(1ts o2 persons 41o )o&e *e2ore it. It
1as *een said t1at @Luasi-?udi)ia' po4ers invo've t1e po4er to 1ear and
55 [55]
Consoli(ate( Co&&ent, !. /8$ rollo, !. 168.
56 [56]
.e#tion 17. The Presi(ent shall ha*e #ontrol of all the e)e#uti*e (e!art&ents, "ureaus, an(
offi#es. 7e shall ensure that the la0s "e faithfull' e)e#ute(.
57 [57]
"ple v. Torres, 35/ Phil. 9/8, 967 (1998).
deter&ine >uestions o2 2a)t to 41i)1 t1e 'e(is'ative po'i)5 is to app'5 and to
de)ide in a))ordan)e 4it1 t1e standards 'aid do4n *5 'a4 itse'2 in en2or)in(
and ad&inisterin( t1e sa&e 'a4.A
In si&p'er ter&s, ?udi)ia' dis)retion is
invo'ved in t1e exer)ise o2 t1ese >uasi-?udi)ia' po4er, su)1 t1at it is
ex)'usive'5 vested in t1e ?udi)iar5 and &ust *e )'ear'5 aut1ori<ed *5 t1e
'e(is'ature in t1e )ase o2 ad&inistrative a(en)ies.
#1e distin)tion *et4een t1e po4er to investi(ate and t1e po4er to
ad?udi)ate 4as de'ineated *5 t1e Court in Cari:o v. Commission on 6uman
0.nvestigate,0 c!++!"l, )"/r(t!!/, +-"( t! 9-+i",
9*l!r, i"D)ir !r /l1 !r *r!. i"t!, r(-rc$ !", (t)/,. T$
/icti!"-r, /#i"iti!" !# Ni"1(ti2-tN i( Nt! !.(r1 !r (t)/, cl!(l,>
i"D)ir i"t! (,(t+-tic-ll,> Nt! (-rc$ !r i"D)ir i"t!> 9 9 t! ().3ct
t! -" !##ici-l *r!. 9 9> t! c!"/)ct -" !##ici-l i"D)ir,.N T$ *)r*!(
!# i"1(ti2-ti!", !# c!)r(, i( t! /i(c!1r, t! #i"/ !)t, t! l-r", !.t-i"
i"#!r+-ti!". N!0$r i"cl)// !r i"ti+-t/ i( t$ "!ti!" !#
(ttli"2, /ci/i"2 !r r(!l1i"2 - c!"tr!1r(, i"1!l1/ i" t$ #-ct(
i"D)ir/ i"t! ., -**lic-ti!" !# t$ l-0 t! t$ #-ct( ($/ ., t$
T$ l2-l +-"i"2 !# Ni"1(ti2-tN i( (("ti-ll, t$ (-+>
NAtC! #!ll!0 )* (t* ., (t* ., *-ti"t i"D)ir, !r !.(r1-ti!". T!
tr-c !r tr-c;4 t! (-rc$ i"t!4 t! 9-+i" -"/ i"D)ir i"t! 0it$ c-r
-"/ -cc)r-c,4 t! #i"/ !)t ., c-r#)l i"D)i(iti!"4 9-+i"-ti!"4 t$
t-;i"2 !# 1i/"c4 - l2-l i"D)ir,4N Nt! i"D)ir4 t! +-; -"
i"1(ti2-ti!",N Ni"1(ti2-ti!"N .i"2 i" t)r" /(cri./ -( NA-C"
-/+i"i(tr-ti1 #)"cti!", t$ 9rci( !# 0$ic$ !r/i"-ril, /!( "!t
rD)ir - $-ri"2. 2 A+ E2/ A/+ L Sc. 2F'4 9 9 -" i"D)ir,, 3)/ici-l
!r !t$r0i(, #!r t$ /i(c!1r, -"/ c!llcti!" !# #-ct( c!"cr"i"2 -
crt-i" +-ttr !r +-ttr(.N
58 [58]
Smart Communications, )nc. et al. v. 4ational Telecommunications Commission, /56 Phil.
1/5, 156 (2333).
59 [59]
2.. 5o. 96681, Fe#e&"er 2, 1991, 23/ .C% /83.
0'd1udicate,0 c!++!"l, !r *!*)l-rl, )"/r(t!!/, +-"( t!
-/3)/2, -r.itr-t, 3)/2, /ci/, /tr+i", r(!l1, r)l !", (ttl.
T$ /icti!"-r, /#i"( t$ tr+ -( Nt! (ttl #i"-ll, At$ ri2$t( -"/
/)ti( !# t$ *-rti( t! - c!)rt c-(C !" t$ +rit( !# i(()( r-i(/> 9
9 t! *-(( 3)/2+"t !"> (ttl 3)/ici-ll,> 9 9 -ct -( 3)/2.N A"/
N-/3)/2N +-"( Nt! /ci/ !r r)l )*!" -( - 3)/2 !r 0it$ 3)/ici-l
!r D)-(i@3)/ici-l *!0r(> 9 9 t! -0-r/ !r 2r-"t 3)/ici-ll, i" - c-( !#
c!"tr!1r(, 9 9.N
I" t$ l2-l ("(, N-/3)/ic-tN +-"(> NT! (ttl i" t$
9rci( !# 3)/ici-l -)t$!rit,. T! /tr+i" #i"-ll,. S,"!",+!)(
0it$ ad1udge i" it( (trict(t ("(4N -"/ N-/3)/2N +-"(> NT! *-((
!" 3)/ici-ll,, t! /ci/, (ttl !r /cr, !r t! ("t"c !r c!"/+".
9 9. I+*li( - 3)/ici-l /tr+i"-ti!" !# - #-ct, -"/ t$ "tr, !# -
3)/2+"t.N /Ita'i)s in)'uded. Citations O&itted0
8a)t-2indin( is not ad?udi)ation and it )annot *e 'i3ened to t1e ?udi)ia'
2un)tion o2 a )ourt o2 ?usti)e, or even a >uasi-?udi)ia' a(en)5 or o22i)e. #1e
2un)tion o2 re)eivin( eviden)e and as)ertainin( t1ere2ro& t1e 2a)ts o2 a
)ontrovers5 is not a ?udi)ia' 2un)tion. #o *e )onsidered as su)1, t1e a)t o2
re)eivin( eviden)e and arrivin( at 2a)tua' )on)'usions in a )ontrovers5 &ust
*e a))o&panied *5 t1e aut1orit5 o2 app'5in( t1e 'a4 to t1e 2a)tua'
)on)'usions to t1e end t1at t1e )ontrovers5 &a5 *e de)ided or reso'ved
aut1oritative'5, 2ina''5 and de2initive'5, su*?e)t to appea's or &odes o2
revie4 as &a5 *e provided *5 'a4.
Even respondents t1e&se'ves ad&it
t1at t1e )o&&ission is *ere2t o2 an5 >uasi-?udi)ia' po4er.
Contrar5 to petitionersC appre1ension, t1e P#C 4i'' not supp'ant t1e
O&*uds&an or t1e "OJ or erode t1eir respe)tive po4ers. I2 at a'', t1e
investi(ative 2un)tion o2 t1e )o&&ission 4i'' )o&p'e&ent t1ose o2 t1e t4o
o22i)es. As pointed out *5 t1e So'i)itor :enera', t1e re)o&&endation to
prose)ute is *ut a )onse>uen)e o2 t1e overa'' tas3 o2 t1e )o&&ission to
63 [63]
4(. at /92.
61 [61]
T.5, .e!te&"er 28, 2313, !!. 396//; an( A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 67, rollo, !. 339.
)ondu)t a 2a)t-2indin( investi(ation.A
#1e a)tua' prose)ution o2
suspe)ted o22enders, &u)1 'ess ad?udi)ation on t1e &erits o2 t1e )1ar(es
a(ainst t1e&,
is )ertain'5 not a 2un)tion (iven to t1e )o&&ission. #1e
p1rase, @41en in t1e )ourse o2 its investi(ation,A under Se)tion ,D(E,
1i(1'i(1ts t1is 2a)t and (ives )reden)e to a )ontrar5 interpretation 2ro& t1at
o2 t1e petitioners. #1e 2un)tion o2 deter&inin( pro*a*'e )ause 2or t1e 2i'in(
o2 t1e appropriate )o&p'aints *e2ore t1e )ourts re&ains to *e 4it1 t1e "OJ
and t1e O&*uds&an.
At an5 rate, t1e O&*uds&anCs po4er to investi(ate under R.A. No.
=++- is not ex)'usive *ut is s1ared 4it1 ot1er si&i'ar'5 aut1ori<ed
(overn&ent a(en)ies. #1us, in t1e )ase o2 *mbudsman v. ,alicia,
it 4as
T$i( *!0r !# i"1(ti2-ti!" 2r-"t/ t! t$ O+.)/(+-" .,
t$ 1%&' C!"(tit)ti!" -"/ T$ O+.)/(+-" Act /2 "$. )<-712/*) 31.
/2 26!+)# 9/.6 $.6)+ 2/0/7!+7, !1.6$+/>)# :$*)+"0)". !:)"-/)2 ()c$ -(
t$ PCGG -"/ 3)/2( !# +)"ici*-l tri-l c!)rt( -"/ +)"ici*-l circ)it
tri-l c!)rt(. T$ *!0r t! c!"/)ct *rli+i"-r, i"1(ti2-ti!" !"
c$-r2( -2-i"(t *).lic +*l!,( -"/ !##ici-l( i( li;0i(
c!"c)rr"tl, ($-r/ 0it$ t$ D*-rt+"t !# E)(tic. D(*it t$
*-((-2 !# t$ L!c-l G!1r"+"t C!/ i" 1%%1, t$ O+.)/(+-"
rt-i"( c!"c)rr"t 3)ri(/icti!" 0it$ t$ O##ic !# t$ Pr(i/"t -"/
t$ l!c-l Sanggunians t! i"1(ti2-t c!+*l-i"t( -2-i"(t l!c-l
lcti1 !##ici-l(. LE+*$-(i( ()**li/M.
A'so, Exe)utive Order No. . )annot )ontravene t1e po4er o2 t1e
O&*uds&an to investi(ate )ri&ina' )ases under Se)tion .9 D.E o2 R.A. No.
=++-, 41i)1 states:
62 [62]
A.2 Consoli(ate( Co&&ent, !. 55, rollo, !. 175.
63 [63]
4(. at 56, rollo, !. 176.
6/ [6/]
65 [65]
2.. 5o. 167711, A#to"er 13, 2338, 568 .C% 327, 339.
A1C I"1(ti2-t -"/ *r!(c)t !" it( !0" !r !" c!+*l-i"t .,
-", *r(!", -", -ct !r !+i((i!" !# -", *).lic !##icr !r +*l!,,
!##ic !r -2"c,, 0$" ()c$ -ct !r !+i((i!" -**-r( t! . ill2-l,
)"3)(t, i+*r!*r !r i"##ici"t. It $-( 4+/0!+, 81+/2#/-./$" !1r
c-(( c!2"i5-.l ., t$ S-"/i2-".-,-" -"/, i" t$ 9rci( !# it(
*ri+-r, 3)ri(/icti!", /. 0!, .!;) $*)+, !. !", 2.!:), 5+$0 !",
/"*)2./:!.$+, !:)"-, $5 :$*)+"0)"., .6) /"*)2./:!./$" $5 21-6 -!2)2.
LE+*$-(( ()**li/M
#1e a)t o2 investi(ation *5 t1e O&*uds&an as enun)iated a*ove
)onte&p'ates t1e )ondu)t o2 a pre'i&inar5 investi(ation or t1e deter&ination
o2 t1e existen)e o2 pro*a*'e )ause. #1is is )ate(ori)a''5 out o2 t1e P#CCs
sp1ere o2 2un)tions. Its po4er to investi(ate is 'i&ited to o*tainin( 2a)ts so
t1at it )an advise and (uide t1e President in t1e per2or&an)e o2 1is duties
re'ative to t1e exe)ution and en2or)e&ent o2 t1e 'a4s o2 t1e 'and. In t1is
re(ard, t1e P#C )o&&its no a)t o2 usurpation o2 t1e O&*uds&anCs
pri&ordia' duties.
#1e sa&e 1o'ds true 4it1 respe)t to t1e "OJ. Its aut1orit5 under
Se)tion 6 D,E, C1apter ., #it'e III, $oo3 IV in t1e Revised Ad&inistrative
Code is *5 no &eans ex)'usive and, t1us, )an *e s1ared 4it1 a *od5 'i3e4ise
tas3ed to investi(ate t1e )o&&ission o2 )ri&es.
8ina''5, no41ere in Exe)utive Order No. . )an it *e in2erred t1at t1e
2indin(s o2 t1e P#C are to *e a))orded )on)'usiveness. Mu)1 'i3e its
prede)essors, t1e "avide Co&&ission, t1e 8e'i)iano Co&&ission and t1e
%enarosa Co&&ission, its 2indin(s 4ou'd, at *est, *e re)o&&endator5 in
nature. And *ein( so, t1e O&*uds&an and t1e "OJ 1ave a 4ider de(ree o2
'atitude to de)ide 41et1er or not to re?e)t t1e re)o&&endation. #1ese
o22i)es, t1ere2ore, are not deprived o2 t1eir &andated duties *ut 4i'' instead
*e aided *5 t1e reports o2 t1e P#C 2or possi*'e indi)t&ents 2or vio'ations o2
(ra2t 'a4s.
)iolation of the Equal Protetion Clause
A't1ou(1 t1e purpose o2 t1e #rut1 Co&&ission 2a''s 4it1in t1e
investi(ative po4er o2 t1e President, t1e Court 2inds di22i)u't5 in up1o'din(
t1e )onstitutiona'it5 o2 Exe)utive Order No. . in vie4 o2 its apparent
trans(ression o2 t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause ens1rined in Se)tion ., Arti)'e
III D$i'' o2 Ri(1tsE o2 t1e .;B+ Constitution. Se)tion . reads:
Scti!" 1. N! *r(!" ($-ll . /*ri1/ !# li#, li.rt,, !r
*r!*rt, 0it$!)t /) *r!c(( !# l-0, "$+ 26!77 !", 4)+2$" 3) #)"/)#
.6) )?1!7 4+$.)-./$" $5 .6) 7!92.
#1e petitioners assai' Exe)utive Order No. . *e)ause it is vio'ative o2
t1is )onstitutiona' sa2e(uard. #1e5 )ontend t1at it does not app'5 e>ua''5 to
a'' &e&*ers o2 t1e sa&e )'ass su)1 t1at t1e intent o2 sin('in( out t1e
@previous ad&inistrationA as its so'e o*?e)t &a3es t1e P#C an @adventure in
partisan 1osti'it5.A
#1us, in order to *e a))orded 4it1 va'idit5, t1e
)o&&ission &ust a'so )over reports o2 (ra2t and )orruption in virtua''5 a''
ad&inistrations previous to t1at o2 2or&er President Arro5o.
#1e petitioners ar(ue t1at t1e sear)1 2or trut1 *e1ind t1e reported
)ases o2 (ra2t and )orruption &ust en)o&pass a)ts )o&&itted not on'5
durin( t1e ad&inistration o2 2or&er President Arro5o *ut a'so durin( prior
ad&inistrations 41ere t1e @sa&e &a(nitude o2 )ontroversies and
66 [66]
,a+&an Petition, !!. /3, 53652, rollo, !!. 51, 53663.
67 [67]
,a+&an Be&oran(u&, 2.. 193336, !!. 28629, rollo, !!. 3/763/8.
4ere reported to 1ave *een )o&&itted a(ainst t1e 8i'ipino
peop'e. #1e5 assai' t1e )'assi2i)ation 2or&u'ated *5 t1e respondents as it
does not 2a'' under t1e re)o(ni<ed ex)eptions *e)ause first, @t1ere is no
su*stantia' distin)tion *et4een t1e (roup o2 o22i)ia's tar(eted 2or
investi(ation *5 Exe)utive Order No. . and ot1er (roups or persons 41o
a*used t1eir pu*'i) o22i)e 2or persona' (ainF and second, t1e se'e)tive
)'assi2i)ation is not (er&ane to t1e purpose o2 Exe)utive Order No. . to end
In order to attain )onstitutiona' per&ission, t1e petitioners
advo)ate t1at t1e )o&&ission s1ou'd dea' 4it1 @(ra2t and (ra2ters prior and
su*se>uent to t1e Arro5o ad&inistration 4it1 t1e stron( ar& o2 t1e 'a4 4it1
e>ua' 2or)e.A
P$2/./$" $5 +)24$"#)".2
A))ordin( to respondents, 41i'e Exe)utive Order No. . identi2ies t1e
@previous ad&inistrationA as t1e initia' su*?e)t o2 t1e investi(ation,
2o''o4in( Se)tion .+ t1ereo2, t1e P#C 4i'' not )on2ine itse'2 to )ases o2 'ar(e
s)a'e (ra2t and )orruption so'e'5 durin( t1e said ad&inistration.
Assu&in( arguendo t1at t1e )o&&ission 4ou'd )on2ine its pro)eedin(s to
o22i)ia's o2 t1e previous ad&inistration, t1e petitioners ar(ue t1at no o22ense
is )o&&itted a(ainst t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause 2or @t1e se(re(ation o2 t1e
transa)tions o2 pu*'i) o22i)ers durin( t1e previous ad&inistration as possi*'e
su*?e)ts o2 investi(ation is a va'id )'assi2i)ation *ased on su*stantia'
distin)tions and is (er&ane to t1e evi's 41i)1 t1e Exe)utive Order see3s to
68 [68]
,a+&an Petition, !. 31, rollo, !. 39.
69 [69]
4(. at 28629, rollo, !!. 36637.
73 [73]
4(. at 29, rollo, !. 37.
71 [71]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !. 885 rollo, !. /37.
#o distin(uis1 t1e Arro5o ad&inistration 2ro& past
ad&inistrations, it re)ited t1e 2o''o4in(:
;irst. E.O. No. . 4as issued in vie4 o2 widespread
reports of large scale graft and corruption in t1e previous
ad&inistration 41i)1 1ave eroded pu*'i) )on2iden)e in pu*'i)
institutions. #1ere is, t1ere2ore, an ur(ent )a'' 2or t1e
deter&ination o2 t1e trut1 re(ardin( )ertain reports o2 'ar(e
s)a'e (ra2t and )orruption in t1e (overn&ent and to put a
)'osure to t1e& *5 t1e 2i'in( o2 t1e appropriate )ases a(ainst
t1ose invo'ved, i2 4arranted, and to deter ot1ers 2ro&
)o&&ittin( t1e evi', restore t1e peop'eCs 2ait1 and )on2iden)e in
t1e :overn&ent and in t1eir pu*'i) servants.
+econd. #1e se(re(ation o2 t1e pre)edin( ad&inistration
as t1e o*?e)t o2 2a)t-2indin( is 4arranted *5 t1e rea'it5 t1at
un'i3e 4it1 ad&inistrations 'on( (one, t1e )urrent
ad&inistration 4i'' &ost 'i3e'5 *ear t1e i&&ediate )onse>uen)e
o2 t1e po'i)ies o2 t1e previous ad&inistration.
hird. #1e )'assi2i)ation o2 t1e previous ad&inistration
as a separate )'ass 2or investi(ation 'ies in t1e rea'it5 t1at t1e
evidence o2 possi*'e )ri&ina' a)tivit5, t1e eviden)e t1at )ou'd
'ead to re)over5 o2 pu*'i) &onies i''e(a''5 dissipated, t1e po'i)5
'essons to *e 'earned to ensure t1at anti-)orruption 'a4s are
2ait12u''5 exe)uted, are more easily established in t1e re(i&e
t1at i&&ediate'5 pre)ede t1e )urrent ad&inistration.
;ourth. Man5 ad&inistrations su*?e)t t1e transa)tions o2
t1eir prede)essors to investi(ations to provide )'osure to issues
t1at are pivota' to nationa' 'i2e or even as a routine &easure o2
due di'i(en)e and (ood 1ouse3eepin( *5 a nas)ent
ad&inistration 'i3e t1e Presidentia' Co&&ission on :ood
:overn&ent DPC::E, )reated *5 t1e 'ate President Cora<on C.
A>uino under Exe)utive Order No. . to pursue t1e re)over5 o2
i''-(otten 4ea't1 o2 1er prede)essor 2or&er President 8erdinand
Mar)os and 1is )ronies, and t1e +aguisag Co&&ission )reated
*5 2or&er President Josep1 Estrada under Ad&inistrative Order
72 [72]
A.2 Consoli(ate( Co&&ent. !. 68, rollo, !. 188.
No, 96, to 2or& an ad-1o) and independent )iti<ensC )o&&ittee
to investi(ate a'' t1e 2a)ts and )ir)u&stan)es surroundin(
@P1i'ippine Centennia' pro?e)tsA o2 1is prede)essor, 2or&er
President 8ide' V. Ra&os.
/E&p1ases supp'ied0
C$"-)4. $5 .6) E?1!7 P+$.)-./$" C7!12)
One o2 t1e *asi) prin)ip'es on 41i)1 t1is (overn&ent 4as 2ounded is
t1at o2 t1e e>ua'it5 o2 ri(1t 41i)1 is e&*odied in Se)tion ., Arti)'e III o2 t1e
.;B+ Constitution. #1e e>ua' prote)tion o2 t1e 'a4s is e&*ra)ed in t1e
)on)ept o2 due pro)ess, as ever5 un2air dis)ri&ination o22ends t1e
re>uire&ents o2 ?usti)e and 2air p'a5. It 1as *een e&*odied in a separate
)'ause, 1o4ever, to provide 2or a &ore spe)i2i) (uarant5 a(ainst an5 2or& o2
undue 2avoritis& or 1osti'it5 2ro& t1e (overn&ent. Ar*itrariness in (enera'
&a5 *e )1a''en(ed on t1e *asis o2 t1e due pro)ess )'ause. $ut i2 t1e
parti)u'ar a)t assai'ed parta3es o2 an un4arranted partia'it5 or pre?udi)e, t1e
s1arper 4eapon to )ut it do4n is t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause.
@A))ordin( to a 'on( 'ine o2 de)isions, e>ua' prote)tion si&p'5
re>uires t1at a'' persons or t1in(s si&i'ar'5 situated s1ou'd *e treated a'i3e,
*ot1 as to ri(1ts )on2erred and responsi*i'ities i&posed.A
It @re>uires
pu*'i) *odies and institutions to treat si&i'ar'5 situated individua's in a
si&i'ar &anner.A
@#1e purpose o2 t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause is to se)ure
ever5 person 4it1in a stateCs ?urisdi)tion a(ainst intentiona' and ar*itrar5
73 [73]
A.2 Be&oran(u&, !!. 93693, rollo, !!. /396/12.
7/ [7/]
The Philippine +udges Association v. Hon. Pardo, 2.. 5o. 135371, 5o*e&"er 11, 1993, 227
.C% 733, 711.
75 [75]
4(. at 712, #itin+ )chong v. Hernande2, 131 Phil. 1155 (1957)$ Sison, +r. v. Ancheta, 5o. ,6
59/31, 8ul' 25, 198/, 133 .C% 65/$ Association o# Small Landowners in the Philippines v.
Secretar% o# Agrarian !e#orm, 2.. 5o. 78/2, 8ul' 1/, 1989, 175 .C% 3/3, 375.
76 [76]
0uino v. Sen'ows'i, 5/ E 3( 1353 (2(. Cir. 1995) #ite( in %&. 8ur, 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 332.
dis)ri&ination, 41et1er o))asioned *5 t1e express ter&s o2 a statue or *5 its
i&proper exe)ution t1rou(1 t1e stateCs du'5 )onstituted aut1orities.A
ot1er 4ords, t1e )on)ept o2 e>ua' ?usti)e under t1e 'a4 re>uires t1e state to
(overn i&partia''5, and it &a5 not dra4 distin)tions *et4een individua's
so'e'5 on di22eren)es t1at are irre'evant to a 'e(iti&ate (overn&enta'
#1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause is ai&ed at a'' o22i)ia' state a)tions, not
?ust t1ose o2 t1e 'e(is'ature.
Its in1i*itions )over a'' t1e depart&ents o2
t1e (overn&ent in)'udin( t1e po'iti)a' and exe)utive depart&ents, and
extend to a'' a)tions o2 a state den5in( e>ua' prote)tion o2 t1e 'a4s, t1rou(1
41atever a(en)5 or 41atever (uise is ta3en.

It, 1o4ever, does not re>uire t1e universa' app'i)ation o2 t1e 'a4s to
a'' persons or t1in(s 4it1out distin)tion. H1at it si&p'5 re>uires is e>ua'it5
a&on( e>ua's as deter&ined a))ordin( to a va'id )'assi2i)ation. Indeed, t1e
e>ua' prote)tion )'ause per&its )'assi2i)ation. Su)1 )'assi2i)ation, 1o4ever,
to *e va'id &ust pass t1e test o2 reasona*leness. #1e test 1as 2our re>uisites:
D.E #1e )'assi2i)ation rests on su*stantia' distin)tionsF D,E It is (er&ane to
t1e purpose o2 t1e 'a4F D6E It is not 'i&ited to existin( )onditions on'5F and
77 [77]
Edward 3alves, )nc. v. 6a'e Countr%, 3/3 5.C. /26 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 333.
78 [78]
Lehr v. !o$ertson, /63 -. 2/8, 133 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 333.
79 [79]
.ee Colum$us /d. o# Ed. v. Penic', //3 -. //9 #ite( %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !!. 3166317.
83 [83]
.ee Lom$ard v. State o# La., 373 -. 267 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 316.
D7E It app'ies e>ua''5 to a'' &e&*ers o2 t1e sa&e )'ass.
@Super2i)ia' di22eren)es do not &a3e 2or a va'id )'assi2i)ation.A
8or a )'assi2i)ation to &eet t1e re>uire&ents o2 )onstitutiona'it5, it
&ust in)'ude or e&*ra)e a'' persons 41o natura''5 *e'on( to t1e )'ass.
@#1e )'assi2i)ation 4i'' *e re(arded as inva'id i2 a'' t1e &e&*ers o2 t1e )'ass
are not si&i'ar'5 treated, *ot1 as to ri(1ts )on2erred and o*'i(ations i&posed.
It is not ne)essar5 t1at t1e )'assi2i)ation *e &ade 4it1 a*so'ute s5&&etr5, in
t1e sense t1at t1e &e&*ers o2 t1e )'ass s1ou'd possess t1e sa&e
)1ara)teristi)s in e>ua' de(ree. Su*stantia' si&i'arit5 4i'' su22i)eF and as
'on( as t1is is a)1ieved, a'' t1ose )overed *5 t1e )'assi2i)ation are to *e
treated e>ua''5. #1e &ere 2a)t t1at an individua' *e'on(in( to a )'ass di22ers
2ro& t1e ot1er &e&*ers, as 'on( as t1at )'ass is su*stantia''5 distin(uis1a*'e
2ro& a'' ot1ers, does not ?usti25 t1e non-app'i)ation o2 t1e 'a4 to 1i&.A
#1e )'assi2i)ation &ust not *e *ased on existin( )ir)u&stan)es on'5,
or so )onstituted as to pre)'ude addition to t1e nu&*er in)'uded in t1e )'ass.
It &ust *e o2 su)1 a nature as to e&*ra)e a'' t1ose 41o &a5 t1erea2ter *e in
si&i'ar )ir)u&stan)es and )onditions. It &ust not 'eave out or
@underin)'udeA t1ose t1at s1ou'd ot1er4ise 2a'' into a )ertain )'assi2i)ation.
As e'u)idated in <ictoriano v. /li2alde 0ope Wor5ers= >nion
reiterated in a 'on( 'ine o2 )ases,
81 [81]
/eltran v. Secretar% o# Health, 512 Phil 563, 583 (2335).
82 [82]
Cru1, Constitutional ,a0, 2333 e(., !. 128.
83 [83]
McErlain v. Ta%lor, 237 4n(. 2/3 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 367.
8/ [8/]
Cru1, Constitutional ,a0, 2333 e(., !!. 1356136.
85 [85]
5o. ,6252/6, 59 .C% 5/, 77678 (.e!te&"er 12, 197/).
86 [86]
/asa v. ederacion "$rera de la )ndustria Ta$a*uera % "tros Tra$a7adores de ilipinas
-")TA., 5o. ,627113, 5o*e&"er 19, 197/, 61 .C% 93, 1136111$ Anuncension v. 4ational
La$or &nion, 5o. ,626397, 5o*e&"er 29, 1977, 83 .C% 353, 3726373$ 3illegas v. Hiu Chiong
Tsai Pao Ho, 5o. ,6296/6, 5o*e&"er 13, 1978, 86 .C% 273, 275$ Dumlao v. Comelec, 5o. ,6
522/5, 8anuar' 22, 1983, 95 .C% 392, /3/$ Ceni2a v. Comelec, 5o. ,65233/, 8anuar' 28,
T$ 2)-r-"t, !# D)-l *r!tcti!" !# t$ l-0( i( "!t - 2)-r-"t,
!# D)-lit, i" t$ -**lic-ti!" !# t$ l-0( )*!" -ll citi5"( !# t$
(t-t. It i( "!t, t$r#!r, - rD)ir+"t, i" !r/r t! -1!i/ t$
c!"(tit)ti!"-l *r!$i.iti!" -2-i"(t i"D)-lit,, t$-t 1r, +-",
0!+-" -"/ c$il/ ($!)l/ . -##ct/ -li; ., - (t-t)t. ED)-lit, !#
!*r-ti!" !# (t-t)t( /!( "!t +-" i"/i(cri+i"-t !*r-ti!" !"
*r(!"( +rl, -( ()c$, .)t !" *r(!"( -cc!r/i"2 t! t$
circ)+(t-"c( ()rr!)"/i"2 t$+. It 2)-r-"t( D)-lit,, "!t
i/"tit, !# ri2$t(. T$ C!"(tit)ti!" /!( "!t rD)ir t$-t t$i"2(
0$ic$ -r /i##r"t i" #-ct . tr-t/ i" l-0 -( t$!)2$ t$, 0r t$
(-+. T$ D)-l *r!tcti!" cl-)( /!( "!t #!r.i/ /i(cri+i"-ti!" -(
t! t$i"2( t$-t -r /i##r"t. It /!( "!t *r!$ l2i(l-ti!" 0$ic$ i(
li+it/ it$r i" t$ !.3ct t! 0$ic$ it i( /irct/ !r ., t$ trrit!r,
0it$i" 0$ic$ it i( t! !*r-t.
T$ D)-l *r!tcti!" !# t$ l-0( cl-)( !# t$ C!"(tit)ti!"
-ll!0( cl-((i#ic-ti!". Cl-((i#ic-ti!" i" l-0, -( i" t$ !t$r
/*-rt+"t( !# ;"!0l/2 !r *r-ctic, i( t$ 2r!)*i"2 !# t$i"2( i"
(*c)l-ti!" !r *r-ctic .c-)( t$, -2r 0it$ !" -"!t$r i"
crt-i" *-rtic)l-r(. A l-0 i( "!t i"1-li/ .c-)( !# (i+*l i"D)-lit,.
T$ 1r, i/- !# cl-((i#ic-ti!" i( t$-t !# i"D)-lit,, (! t$-t it 2!(
0it$!)t (-,i"2 t$-t t$ +r #-ct !# i"D)-lit, i" "! +-""r
/tr+i"( t$ +-ttr !# c!"(tit)ti!"-lit,. All t$-t i( rD)ir/ !# -
1-li/ cl-((i#ic-ti!" i( t$-t it . r-(!"-.l, 0$ic$ +-"( t$-t t$
cl-((i#ic-ti!" ($!)l/ . .-(/ !" ().(t-"ti-l /i(ti"cti!"( 0$ic$
+-; #!r r-l /i##r"c(, t$-t it +)(t . 2r+-" t! t$ *)r*!( !#
t$ l-04 t$-t it +)(t "!t . li+it/ t! 9i(ti"2 c!"/iti!"( !"l,4 -"/
t$-t it +)(t -**l, D)-ll, t! -c$ ++.r !# t$ cl-((. T$i( C!)rt
$-( $l/ t$-t t$ (t-"/-r/ i( (-ti(#i/ i# t$ cl-((i#ic-ti!" !r
/i(ti"cti!" i( .-(/ !" - r-(!"-.l #!)"/-ti!" !r r-ti!"-l .-(i( -"/
i( "!t *-l*-.l, -r.itr-r,. LCit-ti!"( !+itt/M
App'5in( t1ese pre)epts to t1is )ase, Exe)utive Order No. . s1ou'd *e
stru)3 do4n as vio'ative o2 t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause. #1e )'ear &andate
o2 t1e envisioned trut1 )o&&ission is to investi(ate and 2ind out t1e trut1
@)on)ernin( t1e reported )ases o2 (ra2t and )orruption durin( t1e previous
1983, 95 .C% 763, 7726773$ Himagan v. People, 2.. 5o. 113811, A#to"er 7, 199/, 237
.C% 538$ The Con#erence o# Maritime Manning Agencies, )nc. v. P"EA, 2.. 5o. 11/71/,
%!ril 21, 1995, 2/3 .C% 666, 677$ +MM Promotion and Management, )nc. v. Court o# Appeals,
2.. 5o. 123395, %u+ust 5, 1996, 263 .C% 319, 331H332$ an( Tiu v. Court o# Appeals, 2..
5o. 127/13, 8anuar' 23, 1999, 331 .C% 278, 2886289. See also )chong v. Hernande2, 5o. ,6
7995, 131 Phil. 1155 (1957)$ 3era v. Cuevas, 5os. ,63369369/, Ba' 31, 1979, 93 .C% 379,
388$ an( Tolentino v. Secretar% o# inance, 2.. 5os. 115/55, 115525, 1155/3, 1155//,
11575/, 115781, 115852, 115873, an( 115931, %u+ust 25, 199/, 235 .C% 633, 68/.
on'5. #1e intent to sin('e out t1e previous
ad&inistration is p'ain, patent and &ani2est. Mention o2 it 1as *een &ade in
at 'east t1ree portions o2 t1e >uestioned exe)utive order. Spe)i2i)a''5, t1ese
WHEREAS, t$r i( - "/ #!r - (*-r-t .!/, //ic-t/ (!ll, t!
i"1(ti2-ti"2 -"/ #i"/i"2 !)t t$ tr)t$ c!"cr"i"2 t$ r*!rt/
c-(( !# 2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" /)ri"2 t$ 4+)*/$12 !#0/"/2.+!./$",
-"/ 0$ic$ 0ill rc!++"/ t$ *r!(c)ti!" !# t$ !##"/r( -"/
(c)r 3)(tic #!r -ll4
SECTION 1. Cr-ti!" !# - C!++i((i!". ? T$r i( $r., cr-t/
t$ PHILIPPINE TRUTH COMMISSION, $ri"-#tr r#rr/ t! -(
t$ 7COMMISSION,8 0$ic$ ($-ll *ri+-ril, (; -"/ #i"/ t$ tr)t$
!", -"/ t!0-r/ t$i( "/, i"1(ti2-t r*!rt( !# 2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!"
!# ()c$ (c-l -"/ +-2"it)/ t$-t ($!c; -"/ !##"/ t$ +!r-l -"/
t$ic-l ("(i.iliti( !# t$ *!*l, c!++itt/ ., *).lic !##icr( -"/
+*l!,(, t$ir c!@*ri"ci*-l(, -cc!+*lic( -"/ -cc((!ri( #r!+
t$ *ri1-t (ct!r, i# -",, /)ri"2 t$ 4+)*/$12 !#0/"/2.+!./$"4 -"/
t$r-#tr rc!++"/ t$ -**r!*ri-t -cti!" !r +-()r t! .
t-;" t$r!" t! "()r t$-t t$ #)ll +-()r !# 3)(tic ($-ll .
(r1/ 0it$!)t #-r !r #-1!r.
SECTION 2. P!0r( -"/ F)"cti!"(. ? T$ C!++i((i!", 0$ic$ ($-ll
$-1 -ll t$ *!0r( !# -" i"1(ti2-ti1 .!/, )"/r Scti!" <',
C$-*tr %, :!!; I !# t$ A/+i"i(tr-ti1 C!/ !# 1%&', i( *ri+-ril,
t-(;/ t! c!"/)ct - t$!r!)2$ #-ct@#i"/i"2 i"1(ti2-ti!" !# r*!rt/
c-(( !# 2r-#t -"/ c!rr)*ti!" r#rr/ t! i" Scti!" 1, i"1!l1i"2 t$ir/
l1l *).lic !##icr( -"/ $i2$r, t$ir c!@*ri"ci*-l(, -cc!+*lic( -"/
-cc((!ri( #r!+ t$ *ri1-t (ct!r, i# -",, /)ri"2 t$ 4+)*/$12
!#0/"/2.+!./$" -"/ t$r-#tr ().+it it( #i"/i"2 -"/
rc!++"/-ti!"( t! t$ Pr(i/"t, C!"2r(( -"/ t$ O+.)/(+-".
LE+*$-(( ()**li/M
In t1is re(ard, it &ust *e *orne in &ind t1at t1e Arro5o ad&inistration
is *ut ?ust a &e&*er o2 a )'ass, t1at is, a )'ass o2 past ad&inistrations. It is
not a )'ass o2 its o4n. Not to in)'ude past ad&inistrations si&i'ar'5 situated
)onstitutes ar*itrariness 41i)1 t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause )annot san)tion.
Su)1 dis)ri&inatin( di22erentiation )'ear'5 rever*erates to 'a*e' t1e
87 [87]
Ihereas #lause, >)e#uti*e Ar(er 5o. 1.
)o&&ission as a ve1i)'e 2or vindi)tiveness and se'e)tive retri*ution.
#1ou(1 t1e OS: enu&erates severa' di22eren)es *et4een t1e Arro5o
ad&inistration and ot1er past ad&inistrations, t1ese distin)tions are not
su*stantia' enou(1 to &erit t1e restri)tion o2 t1e investi(ation to t1e
@previous ad&inistrationA on'5. #1e reports o2 4idespread )orruption in t1e
Arro5o ad&inistration )annot *e ta3en as *asis 2or distin(uis1in( said
ad&inistration 2ro& ear'ier ad&inistrations 41i)1 4ere a'so *'e&is1ed *5
si&i'ar 4idespread reports o2 i&propriet5. #1e5 are not in1erent in, and do
not inure so'e'5 to, t1e Arro5o ad&inistration. As Justi)e Isa(ani Cru< put it,
@Super2i)ia' di22eren)es do not &a3e 2or a va'id )'assi2i)ation.A
#1e pu*'i) needs to *e en'i(1tened 415 Exe)utive Order No. .
)1ooses to 'i&it t1e s)ope o2 t1e intended investi(ation to t1e previous
ad&inistration on'5. #1e OS: ventures to opine t1at @to in)'ude ot1er past
ad&inistrations, at t1is point, &a5 unne)essari'5 over*urden t1e )o&&ission
and 'ead it to 'ose its e22e)tiveness.A
#1e reason (iven is spe)ious. It is
4it1out dou*t irre'evant to t1e 'e(iti&ate and no*'e o*?e)tive o2 t1e P#C to
sta&p out or @end )orruption and t1e evi' it *reeds.A
#1e pro*a*i'it5 t1at t1ere 4ou'd *e di22i)u't5 in uneart1in( eviden)e
or t1at t1e ear'ier reports invo'vin( t1e ear'ier ad&inistrations 4ere a'read5
in>uired into is *eside t1e point. O*vious'5, de)eased presidents and )ases
41i)1 1ave a'read5 pres)ri*ed )an no 'on(er *e t1e su*?e)ts o2 in>uir5 *5
t1e P#C. Neit1er is t1e P#C expe)ted to )ondu)t si&u'taneous
88 [88]
Cru1, Constitutional ,a0, 2333 e(., !. 128.
89 [89]
A.2, Be&oran(u&, !. 89, rollo, !. /38.
93 [93]
Ihereas #lause, >)e#uti*e Ar(er 5o. 1
investi(ations o2 previous ad&inistrations, (iven t1e *od5Cs 'i&ited ti&e and
resour)es. @#1e 'a4 does not re>uire t1e i&possi*'eA %8e7 non cogit ad
:iven t1e 2ore(oin( p15si)a' and 'e(a' i&possi*i'it5, t1e Court
'o(i)a''5 re)o(ni<es t1e un2easi*i'it5 o2 investi(atin( a'&ost a )entur5Cs
4ort1 o2 (ra2t )ases. o4ever, t1e 2a)t re&ains t1at Exe)utive Order No. .
su22ers 2ro& ar*itrar5 )'assi2i)ation. #1e P#C, to *e true to its &andate o2
sear)1in( 2or t1e trut1, &ust not ex)'ude t1e ot1er past ad&inistrations. #1e
P#C &ust, at 'east, 1ave t1e aut1orit5 to investi(ate a'' past ad&inistrations.
H1i'e +)!2$"!37) 4+/$+/./>!./$" is per&itted, it s1ou'd not *e ar*itrar5 'est
it *e stru)3 do4n 2or *ein( un)onstitutiona'. In t1e o2ten >uoted 'an(ua(e o2
Bic5 Wo v. 6op5ins,

hough the law itself be fair on its face and impartial in
appearance, yet, if applied and administered by public
authority with an evil eye and an une1ual hand, so as
practically to ma5e unjust and illegal discriminations between
persons in similar circumstances, material to their rights, the
denial of equal justie is still "ithin the &rohi*ition of the
onstitution. /E&p1asis supp'ied0
It )ou'd *e ar(ued t1at )onsiderin( t1at t1e P#C is an ad hoc *od5, its
s)ope is 'i&ited. #1e Court, 1o4ever, is o2 t1e )onsidered vie4 t1at
a't1ou(1 its 2o)us is restri)ted, t1e )onstitutiona' (uarantee o2 e>ua'
91 [91]
,ee, 7an("oo@ of ,e+al Ba)i&s, 2332 >(., !.
92 [92]
889 &S :;<, htt!:;;#asela0.l!.fin(la0.#o&;s#ri!ts;+et#ase.!lJ#ourtKusL*olK118Lin*olK35
9a##esse( on Fe#e&"er /, 2313=.
prote)tion under t1e 'a4s s1ou'd not in an5 4a5 *e )ir)u&vented. #1e
Constitution is t1e 2unda&enta' and para&ount 'a4 o2 t1e nation to 41i)1 a''
ot1er 'a4s &ust )on2or& and in a))ordan)e 4it1 41i)1 a'' private ri(1ts
deter&ined and a'' pu*'i) aut1orit5 ad&inistered.
La4s t1at do not
)on2or& to t1e Constitution s1ou'd *e stri)3en do4n 2or *ein(
H1i'e t1e t1rust o2 t1e P#C is spe)i2i), t1at is, 2or
investi(ation o2 a)ts o2 (ra2t and )orruption, Exe)utive Order No. ., to
survive, &ust *e read to(et1er 4it1 t1e provisions o2 t1e Constitution. #o
ex)'ude t1e ear'ier ad&inistrations in t1e (uise o2 @su*stantia' distin)tionsA
4ou'd on'5 )on2ir& t1e petitionersC 'a&ent t1at t1e su*?e)t exe)utive order is
on'5 an @adventure in partisan 1osti'it5.A In t1e )ase o2 >+ v. Cyprian,
4as 4ritten: @A rat1er 'i&ited nu&*er o2 su)1 )'assi2i)ations 1ave routine'5
*een 1e'd or assu&ed to *e ar*itrar5F t1ose in)'ude: ra)e, nationa' ori(in,
(ender, political activity or membership in a political party, union a)tivit5 or
&e&*ers1ip in a 'a*or union, or &ore (enera''5 t1e exer)ise o2 2irst
a&end&ent ri(1ts.A
#o reiterate, in order 2or a )'assi2i)ation to &eet t1e re>uire&ents o2
)onstitutiona'it5, it &ust in)'ude or e&*ra)e a'' persons 41o natura''5
*e'on( to t1e )'ass.
@Su)1 a )'assi2i)ation &ust not *e *ased on existin(
)ir)u&stan)es on'5, or so )onstituted as to pre)'ude additions to t1e nu&*er
in)'uded 4it1in a )'ass, *ut &ust *e o2 su)1 a nature as to e&*ra)e a'' t1ose
41o &a5 t1erea2ter *e in si&i'ar )ir)u&stan)es and )onditions.
93 [93]
Macalintal v. C"MELEC, 2.. 5o. 157313, 8ul' 13, 2333, /35 .C% 61/, !!. 6316632$
Manila Prince Hotel vs. 0S)S, 335 Phil. 82, 131 (1997).
9/ [9/]
4(. at 632.
95 [95]
756 E. .u!!. 388, 5.. F. 4n(., 1991, 8an 33, 1991, Cri& 5o. 7C 936/2$ also
9a##esse( Fe#e&"er 5, 2313=
96 [96]
McErlain v. Ta%lor, 237 4n(. 2/3 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 367.
8urt1er&ore, a'' 41o are in situations and )ir)u&stan)es 41i)1 are re'ative
to t1e dis)ri&inator5 'e(is'ation and 41i)1 are indistin(uis1a*'e 2ro& t1ose
o2 t1e &e&*ers o2 t1e )'ass &ust *e *rou(1t under t1e in2'uen)e o2 t1e 'a4
and treated *5 it in t1e sa&e 4a5 as are t1e &e&*ers o2 t1e )'ass.A
#1e Court is not una4are t1at @&ere underin)'usiveness is not 2ata' to
t1e va'idit5 o2 a 'a4 under t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause.A
@Le(is'ation is
not un)onstitutiona' &ere'5 *e)ause it is not a''-e&*ra)in( and does not
in)'ude a'' t1e evi's 4it1in its rea)1.A
It 1as *een 4ritten t1at a
re(u'ation )1a''en(ed under t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause is not devoid o2 a
rationa' predi)ate si&p'5 *e)ause it 1appens to *e in)o&p'ete.
severa' instan)es, t1e underin)'usiveness 4as not )onsidered a va'id reason
to stri3e do4n a 'a4 or re(u'ation 41ere t1e purpose )an *e attained in
2uture 'e(is'ations or re(u'ations. #1ese )ases re2er to t1e @step *5 stepA
@Hit1 re(ard to e>ua' prote)tion )'ai&s, a 'e(is'ature does not
run t1e ris3 o2 'osin( t1e entire re&edia' s)1e&e si&p'5 *e)ause it 2ai's,
t1rou(1 inadverten)e or ot1er4ise, to )over ever5 evi' t1at &i(1t
)on)eiva*'5 1ave *een atta)3ed.A

In Exe)utive Order No. ., 1o4ever, t1ere is no inadverten)e. #1at t1e
previous ad&inistration 4as pi)3ed out 4as de'i*erate and intentiona' as )an
97 [97]
Martin v. Tolle#son, 2/ Iash. 2( 211 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !!. 3676368 .
98 [98]
4i,on v. Administrator o# 0eneral Services, /33 -. /25 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !.
99 [99]
Hunter v. lowers, /3 .o 2( /35 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 373.
133 [133]
Clements v. ashing, /57 -. 957.
131 [131]
.ee %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !!. 3736371, as footnote (% state le+islature &a', #onsistentl'
0ith the >?ual Prote#tion Clause, a((ress a !ro"le& one ste! at a ti&e, or e*en sele#t one
!hase of one fiel( an( a!!l' a re&e(' there, ne+le#tin+ the others. [8effeson *. 7a#@ne', /36
-. 535].
132 [132]
McDonald v. /oard o# Election Com=rs o# Chicago, 39/ -. 832 #ite( in %& 8ur 2(,
Eootnote 5o. 9.
*e ('eaned 2ro& t1e 2a)t t1at it 4as unders)ored at 'east t1ree ti&es in t1e
assai'ed exe)utive order. It &ust *e noted t1at Exe)utive Order No. . does
not even &ention an5 parti)u'ar a)t, event or report to *e 2o)used on un'i3e
t1e investi(ative )o&&issions )reated in t1e past. @#1e e>ua' prote)tion
)'ause is vio'ated *5 purpose2u' and intentiona' dis)ri&ination.A
#o disprove petitionersC )ontention t1at t1ere is de'i*erate
dis)ri&ination, t1e OS: )'ari2ies t1at t1e )o&&ission does not on'5 )on2ine
itse'2 to )ases o2 'ar(e s)a'e (ra2t and )orruption )o&&itted durin( t1e
previous ad&inistration.
#1e OS: points to Se)tion .+ o2 Exe)utive
Order No. ., 41i)1 provides:
SEC#ION .+. +pecial Provision Concerning 4andate. I2 and 41en in t1e
?ud(&ent o2 t1e President t1ere is a need to expand t1e &andate o2 t1e
Co&&ission as de2ined in Se)tion . 1ereo2 to in)'ude t1e investi(ation o2
)ases and instan)es o2 (ra2t and )orruption durin( t1e prior
ad&inistrations, su)1 &andate &a5 *e so extended a))ordin('5 *5 4a5 o2
a supp'e&enta' Exe)utive Order.
#1e Court is not )onvin)ed. A't1ou(1 Se)tion .+ a''o4s t1e
President t1e dis)retion to expand t1e s)ope o2 investi(ations o2 t1e P#C so
as to in)'ude t1e a)ts o2 (ra2t and )orruption )o&&itted in ot1er past
ad&inistrations, it does not (uarantee t1at t1e5 4ou'd *e )overed in t1e
2uture. Su)1 expanded &andate o2 t1e )o&&ission 4i'' sti'' depend on t1e
41i& and )apri)e o2 t1e President. I2 1e 4ou'd de)ide not to in)'ude t1e&,
t1e se)tion 4ou'd t1en *e &eanin('ess. #1is 4i'' on'5 2orti25 t1e 2ears o2 t1e
petitioners t1at t1e Exe)utive Order No. . 4as @)ra2ted to tai'or-2it t1e
133 [133]
!ic'etts v. Cit% o# Hard#ord, 7/ E. 3( 1397 #ite( in %&. 8ur. 2(, Gol. 16 ("), !. 333.
13/ [13/]
A.2 Consoli(ate( Co&&ent, !. 66, rollo, !.186.
prose)ution o2 o22i)ia's and persona'ities o2 t1e Arro5o ad&inistration.A
#1e Court tried to see3 (uidan)e 2ro& t1e pronoun)e&ent in t1e )ase
o2 <irata v. +andiganbayan,
t1at t1e @PC:: C1arter D)o&posed o2
Exe)utive Orders Nos. ., , and .7E does not vio'ate t1e e>ua' prote)tion
)'ause.A #1e de)ision, 1o4ever, 4as devoid o2 an5 dis)ussion on 1o4 su)1
)on)'usor5 state&ent 4as arrived at, t1e prin)ipa' issue in said )ase *ein(
on'5 t1e su22i)ien)5 o2 a )ause o2 a)tion.
A 5/"!7 9$+#
#1e issue t1at see&s to ta3e )enter sta(e at present is - 41et1er or not
t1e Supre&e Court, in t1e exer)ise o2 its )onstitutiona''5 &andated po4er o2
Judi)ia' Revie4 4it1 respe)t to re)ent initiatives o2 t1e 'e(is'ature and t1e
exe)utive depart&ent, is exer)isin( undue inter2eren)e. Is t1e i(1est
#ri*una', 41i)1 is expe)ted to *e t1e prote)tor o2 t1e Constitution, itse'2
(ui't5 o2 vio'atin( 2unda&enta' tenets 'i3e t1e do)trine o2 separation o2
po4ersI #i&e and a(ain, t1is issue 1as *een addressed *5 t1e Court, *ut it
see&s t1at t1e present po'iti)a' situation )a''s 2or it to on)e a(ain exp'ain t1e
'e(a' *asis o2 its a)tion 'est it )ontinua''5 *e a))used o2 *ein( a 1indran)e to
t1e nationCs t1rust to pro(ress.
#1e P1i'ippine Supre&e Court, a))ordin( to Arti)'e VIII, Se)tion . o2
t1e .;B+ Constitution, is vested 4it1 Judi)ia' Po4er t1at @in)'udes t1e dut5
135 [135]
,a+&an Be&oran(u&, !. 33$ rollo, !. 118.
136 [136]
2.. 5o. 86926, A#to"er 15, 1991$ 232 .C% 683.
o2 t1e )ourts o2 ?usti)e to sett'e a)tua' )ontroversies invo'vin( ri(1ts 41i)1
are 'e(a''5 de&anda*'e and en2or)ea*'e, and to deter&ine 41et1er or not
t1ere 1as *een a (rave o2 a*use o2 dis)retion a&ountin( to 'a)3 or ex)ess o2
?urisdi)tion on t1e part o2 an5 *ran)1 or instru&enta'it5 o2 t1e (overn&ent.A
8urt1er&ore, in Se)tion 7D,E t1ereo2, it is vested 4it1 t1e po4er o2
?udi)ia' revie4 41i)1 is t1e po4er to de)'are a treat5, internationa' or
exe)utive a(ree&ent, 'a4, presidentia' de)ree, pro)'a&ation, order,
instru)tion, ordinan)e, or re(u'ation un)onstitutiona'. #1is po4er a'so
in)'udes t1e dut5 to ru'e on t1e )onstitutiona'it5 o2 t1e app'i)ation, or
operation o2 presidentia' de)rees, pro)'a&ations, orders, instru)tions,
ordinan)es, and ot1er re(u'ations. #1ese provisions, 1o4ever, 1ave *een
2erti'e (rounds o2 )on2'i)t *et4een t1e Supre&e Court, on one 1and, and t1e
t4o )o-e>ua' *odies o2 (overn&ent, on t1e ot1er. Man5 ti&es t1e Court 1as
*een a))used o2 assertin( superiorit5 over t1e ot1er depart&ents.
#o ans4er t1is a))usation, t1e 4ords o2 Justi)e Laure' 4ou'd *e a
(ood sour)e o2 en'i(1ten&ent, to 4it: @And 41en t1e ?udi)iar5 &ediates to
a''o)ate )onstitutiona' *oundaries, it does not assert an5 superiorit5 over t1e
ot1er depart&entsF it does not in rea'it5 nu''i25 or inva'idate an a)t o2 t1e
'e(is'ature, *ut on'5 asserts t1e so'e&n and sa)red o*'i(ation assi(ned to it
*5 t1e Constitution to deter&ine )on2'i)tin( )'ai&s o2 aut1orit5 under t1e
Constitution and to esta*'is1 2or t1e parties in an a)tua' )ontrovers5 t1e
ri(1ts 41i)1 t1at instru&ent se)ures and (uarantees to t1e&.A
#1us, t1e Court, in exer)isin( its po4er o2 ?udi)ia' revie4, is not
i&posin( its o4n 4i'' upon a )o-e>ua' *od5 *ut rat1er si&p'5 &a3in( sure
137 [137]
Angara v. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139, 158 (1936).
t1at an5 a)t o2 (overn&ent is done in )onsonan)e 4it1 t1e aut1orities and
ri(1ts a''o)ated to it *5 t1e Constitution. And, i2 a2ter said revie4, t1e Court
2inds no )onstitutiona' vio'ations o2 an5 sort, t1en, it 1as no &ore aut1orit5
o2 pros)ri*in( t1e a)tions under revie4. Ot1er4ise, t1e Court 4i'' not *e
deterred to pronoun)e said a)t as void and un)onstitutiona'.
It )annot *e denied t1at &ost (overn&ent a)tions are inspired 4it1
no*'e intentions, a'' (eared to4ards t1e *etter&ent o2 t1e nation and its
peop'e. $ut t1en a(ain, it is i&portant to re&e&*er t1is et1i)a' prin)ip'e:
@#1e end does not ?usti25 t1e &eans.A No &atter 1o4 no*'e and 4ort15 o2
ad&iration t1e purpose o2 an a)t, *ut i2 t1e &eans to *e e&p'o5ed in
a))o&p'is1in( it is si&p'5 irre)on)i'a*'e 4it1 )onstitutiona' para&eters,
t1en it )annot sti'' *e a''o4ed.
#1e Court )annot ?ust turn a *'ind e5e
and si&p'5 'et it pass. It 4i'' )ontinue to up1o'd t1e Constitution and its
ens1rined prin)ip'es.
he Constitution must ever remain supreme. .ll must
bow to the mandate of this law. /7pediency must not be allowed
to sap its strength nor greed for power debase its
Lest it *e &isunderstood, t1is is not t1e deat1 3ne'' 2or a trut1
)o&&ission as no*'5 envisioned *5 t1e present ad&inistration. Per1aps !
+)*/2/$" $5 .6) )<)-1./*) /221!"-) 2$ !2 .$ /"-71#) .6) )!+7/)+ 4!2.
!#0/"/2.+!./$"2 9$17# !77$9 /. .$ 4!22 .6) .)2. $5 +)!2$"!37)")22 !"# "$.
3) !" !55+$". .$ .6) C$"2./.1./$". O2 a'' t1e *ran)1es o2 t1e (overn&ent, it
is t1e ?udi)iar5 41i)1 is t1e &ost interested in 3no4in( t1e trut1 and so it
138 [138]
Cru1, Phili!!ine Politi#al ,a0, 2332 e(., !!. 12613.
139 [139]
4i'' not a''o4 itse'2 to *e a 1indran)e or o*sta)'e to its attain&ent. It &ust,
1o4ever, *e e&p1asi<ed t1at t1e sear)1 2or t1e trut1 &ust *e 4it1in
)onstitutiona' *ounds 2or @ours is sti'' a (overn&ent o2 'a4s and not o2
@HEREFORE, t1e petitions are GRANTED. Exe)utive Order
No. . is 1ere*5 de)'ared !NCONS#I#!#IONAL inso2ar as it is vio'ative o2
t1e e>ua' prote)tion )'ause o2 t1e Constitution.
As a'so pra5ed 2or, t1e respondents are 1ere*5 ordered to )ease and
desist 2ro& )arr5in( out t1e provisions o2 Exe)utive Order No. ..
Asso)iate Justi)e
S)) 2)4!+!.) $4/"/$" C-$"-1++/":D
C1ie2 Justi)e

See dissentin( opinion P'ease see dissentin(
0epublic v. +outhside 6omeowners .ssociation, :.R. No. .9=;9., Septe&*er ,,, ,--=.

Asso)iate Justi)e
Asso)iate Justi)e
I )erti25 t1at
Justi)e Ve'as)o 'e2t 1is )on)urrin( vote See )on)urrin( M dissentin(

Asso)iate Justi)e Asso)iate Justi)e
S)) 2)4!+!.) -$"-1++/": $4/"/$" S)) 2)4!+!.)
$4/"/$" C-$"-1++/":D
Asso)iate Justi)e Asso)iate Justi)e
S)) 2)4!+!.) -$"-1++/": $4/"/$" 2)) 0, 2)4!+!.)
-$"-1++/": $4/"/$"
Asso)iate Justi)e Asso)iate Justi)e

S)) 2)4!+!.) #/22)"./":

Asso)iate Justi)e Asso)iate
See separate opinion

Asso)iate Justi)e Asso)iate Justi)e
S)) #/22)"./": $4/"/$"

Asso)iate Justi)e
C E 2 T ( 3 ( C A T ( O N
Pursuant to Se)tion .6, Arti)'e VIII o2 t1e Constitution, I )erti25 t1at
t1e )on)'usions in t1e a*ove "e)ision 1ad *een rea)1ed in )onsu'tation
*e2ore t1e )ase 4as assi(ned to t1e 4riter o2 t1e opinion o2 t1e Court.
C1ie2 Justi)e

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