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Barriers to Adopting Robotics Solutions

Gregory Broten and David Mackay

Defence Research and Development Canada – Suffield

Abstract— Building upon it’s wealth of experience in the envisioned requirements for architectures and supporting soft-
development of tele-operated vehicles, Defense R&D Canada ware tools. The steps taken to meet the requirements are given
(DRDC) has recently embarked on a program to develop co- in Section III. DRDC’s experiences with robotics solutions are
operating autonomous robotic vehicles. This new focus required
a multi-disciplinary approach in which a number of researchers, detailed in Section IV. In Section V the barriers and difficulties
with a broad range of knowledge and experience in robotics, experienced, as well as the successes, are highlighted. Finally,
collaborated to construct an autonomous vehicle. The assembled conclusions are given in Section VI.
team recognized early on that the software, required to imple-
ment autonomous capabilities, would dominate the development II. S OFTWARE D EVELOPMENT E NVIRONMENT AND
process. This paper discusses DRDC’s experiences in adopting A RCHITECTURAL R EQUIREMENTS
readily available robotics solutions, including the benefits accrued
and the barriers encountered. DRDC researchers recognized that the development of
autonomous systems, with its emphasis on implementing au-
I. I NTRODUCTION tonomous capabilities, was dominated by the software devel-
In 2003, DRDC embarked on a program, the Autonomous opment process. This viewpoint is held by others, including
Land Systems (ALS) project, whose goal was the demonstra- S. Thrun the team leader of the Stanley vehicle that won
tion of cooperating autonomous vehicles operating within a the DARPA Grand Challenge who states “Treat Autonomous
military context. To meet this goal, DRDC assembled a multi- Navigation as a software problem” [2]. Hence, DRDC created
disciplinary research team that included experienced roboti- an extensive list of desirable software properties [3], which
cists, controls and control software experts, and a significant are summarized below:
number of inexperienced newcomers. 1) Programming language(s), compiler, and operating sys-
Early work reviewed the state-of-the-art in the field of tem feature longevity.
mobile robotics, followed by an assessment of DRDC’s tele- 2) Compatibility with other major robotics research insti-
operated vehicle program. This assessment revealed that while tutions.
tele-operated vehicles were still of interest, the software sys- 3) Based upon a strong middleware toolkit.
tem / architecture employed in these vehicles was unsuit- 4) Flexible, modular, scalable and extensible implementa-
able for more complex, autonomous robotic implementations. tion that is built upon components.
Thus, working with a clean slate, researchers were free to 5) Based upon a framework approach that allows an archi-
chart the course that best suited the program’s requirements. tecture to emerge from the system requirements.
Given DRDC’s “research and development” imperatives, its
interests in autonomous robotics extend beyond pure research III. ACHIEVING THE R EQUIREMENTS
into development and product delivery. With this long term A. Software Development Environment
view, the team understood that the software underpinning the Based upon group experience, research, and subjective
robotics program must evolve with the program, hence it must comparisons [4], it was concluded that open source software
be modular, flexible and extensible. and tools, executing under the Linux operating system, using
To achieve these goals, DRDC adopted a Component Based the C/C++ programming languages and the GCC tool chain,
Software Engineering (CBSE) approach using frameworks and would best suit DRDC’s software development requirements.
middleware. Frameworks define commonly used design pat-
terns that yield generic component implementations [1], while B. Networking Middleware
middleware provides the mechanisms that allow components Following a preliminary examination, DRDC subjectively
to share information and data. Additonally, DRDC required ranked a number of networking middleware toolkits, including
a software development environment, and an architecture that ACE [5], TAO [6], RTC [7], NDDS [8], NML [9] and IPT/IPC
was applicable to unmanned ground vehicles. Finally, rejecting [10], [11]. This investigation highlights two trends in the
the “not invented here” mindset, DRDC actively sought open robotics community; the development and use of specialized,
source implementations of both frameworks and middleware robotics-specific middleware (IPC/IPT/RTC) and the adoption
toolkits as a means of jump starting their research program. of generic middleware (ACE/TAO/NDDS) to robotics applica-
This paper reviews DRDC’s quest for a software develop- tions. Generic middleware, especially CORBA, allows for the
ment environment, framework, middleware and architecture most flexible, modular and extensible implementation, but at
and is divided into six sections. Section II describes DRDC’s the cost of resource consumption and complexity.
Solution Self Contained Difficulty
C. Robotics Architectures
Miro/ACE/TAO No 3
Numerous robotics architectures and/or framework based Carmen/IPC Yes 1
architectures were reviewed [1], including Player/Stage [12], Player Yes 1
CLARAty [13], Marie [14], Carmen [15], Miro [16] and
Orca [17]. Table I provides more details on a selected list of
architectures. The rating given to each category ranges from
a 1 (low), to a 3 (high), and are subjective values from the
authors’ view points.

Open Tools Frame Middle Modular Usage

works ware arise in situations like this involving multiple packages with
Player 3 3 3 1 2 2 uncoordinated release/update schedules.
Carmen 3 3 2 2 2 1
MARIE 3 3 2 2 3 1 B. Introductory Usage
Miro 3 3 3 3 3 1
Orca 3 3 3 3 3 1
Each solution was exercised from a high level perspective.
CLARAty 1 ? ? ? ? 2 These investigations were conducted in the 2004 time frame
when Player was available as version 1.x, Miro was only
TABLE I available as a beta version, and Carmen was a 2002 release.
A SUBJECTIVE COMPARISON OF SELECTED ATTRIBUTES OF THE Each solution was evaluated with respect to the following
• available documentation,
• useful tutorials and code examples,
From the list of candidates only three architectures, Player,
• support for multiple robot platforms,
Carmen and Miro, were freely available and of sufficient
• availability of sensor drivers,
maturity to merit further investigation.
• capabilities such as localization and mapping, and
IV. E XPERIENCES WITH ROBOTICS S OLUTIONS • simulation capabilities.

DRDC researchers examined, in detail, three open source Each solution is subjectively ranked with respect to these
solutions, where a solution is the combination of an architec- features in Table III.
ture and the middleware toolkit(s) upon which it was built. Solution Miro/ACE/TAO Player Carmen/IPC
These solutions included: Documentation 2 3 1
• the Miro (Middleware for Moblie Robot Applications) Code Examples 1 2 1
framework, based upon the ACE and TAO middleware, Platforms 2 3 1
Drivers 2 3 1
• the Player toolkit and Stage simulation package,
Applications 2 3 1
• Carmen (The C.M.U. Robot Navigation Toolkit), based Simulation 1 3 2
upon IPC middleware.
The evaluation of these solutions was, by necessity, a
subjective procress that involved numerous researchers and
the views given are the overall group’s collective impressions.
The follow sections evaluate each solution with respect to: the
installation process, including configuration and compilation;
the ease of use; and the overall capabilities. With reference to Table III, clearly Player contains the
most user-friendly features. Miro was second in terms of
A. Installation friendliness and Carmen trailed in last place. The following
Each solution is provided as source code. The source code is sections provide specific feedback on each of the three candi-
extracted (if required), configured, and compiled. All solutions date solutions.
used similar installation procedures with TAO and ACE being 1) Player: Player was subjectively judged as the easiest
the exception, as it used mwc instead of the Gnu autotools. solution to use. Player’s documentation, example code and
Table II subjectively rates each solution with respect to ease close ties with the Stage simulator make its potential easily
of installation. apparent to even the most casual user. Though, this conclusion
Player and Carmen/IPC are self-contained solutions that may simply be a reflection of the simple client/server model
do not require other source code modules. Miro is not self- employed.
contained, depending upon the ACE/TAO toolkits, both of 2) Carmen/IPC: Carmen suffered from a lack of doc-
which must be compiled from source. In addition, Miro umentation where the only available documentation was a
requires cvs access to the Miro repository in order to acquire small README file in the source code directory. Additionally,
the most recent version. Thus, the user is further burdened the source files were thin on embedded documentation; they
with handling the version incompatibilities that inevitably included neither useful file headers describing a file’s purpose
nor, for the most part, descriptive function headers. Simply put, no simple facility for distributing intermediate results between
the user was forced to read the source code in order to under- independent processes.
stand Carmen’s implementation and capabilities. Conversely, 2) Carmen: Unfortunately, the lack of documentation made
the IPC middleware, upon which Carmen is built, included a it difficult to assess Carmen’s capabilities since any in-
detail usage manual. depth exploration required a significant expenditure of time
3) Miro/ACE/TAO: Both ACE and TAO are mature middle- and effort. This being noted, DRDC researchers were able
ware toolkits and have an abundance of documentation avail- to achieve a reasonable understanding of Carmen’s imple-
able. The TAO version of CORBA is a very large and complex mentation philosophy and its usage. Unlike Player/Stage,
software suite, which makes it difficult to comprehend its Carmen does not follow the client/server analogy, rather it
capabilities by simply reading a book or manual. Fortunately, implements a publish-subscribe paradigm where individual
the Miro framework hides many of the CORBA and ACE services exchange data using IPC. This allows modules to
details; thus, reducing the requirement to understand CORBA’s run as individual processes, calling upon IPC as a means of
complexity. The Miro website doesn’t provide a large amount synchronization and data exchange. Under this paradigm, the
of information, but the Miro manual gives the user an adequate structure of these data exchanges is crucial to understanding
overview of Miro’s implementation and capabilities. Although the systems operation, but, unfortunately, IPC contains no
the manual covers a large number of topics, it does not include formal mechanisms for defining these messages.
tutorials or examples with which the user can explore Miro’s 3) Miro: Miro was the most the powerful, complex
capabilities. and flexible of all the architectures reviewed. Miro, us-
ing ACE/TAO middleware, supports multiple messaging
C. Capabilities
paradigms, allowing data to flow in a client/server manner, as
Each solution was also evaluated for its capabilities, as given the publication of and the subscription to events, or both. The
in the following list: development of components is encouraged by Miro via the
• the use of middleware, CORBA Interface Description Language, which defines the
• the capabilities of the middleware, data and methods associated with message objects. Finally,
• availability of multiple message passing paradigms, Miro’s framework implementation allows the user to evolve
• the use of a framework based approach, an architecture to meet his particular needs. Not surprisingly,
• the encouragement of a component based implementa- constructing these impressive capabilities requires complex
tion, and software. Although Miro shields the user from a significant
• the suitability to multi-process implementations. portion of this complexity, by hiding many implementation
TableIV ranks each of the candidate solutions with respect details, the overall implementation is still complex and can be
to these capabilities. difficult to understand.
Solution Miro Player Carmen D. Discussion
Middleware Yes No Yes
Middleware Capabilities 3 1 2
Of the three solutions investigated in detail, DRDC only
Messaging Paradigms 3 1 1 considered adopting Player and Miro.
Components 3 2 1 Player was the clear leader in terms of ease of installation
Frameworks 3 2 2 and use. With a relatively modest effort, users were able to
Multi-Process 3 1 2
install and run Player examples under the Stage simulation
TABLE IV environment. Additonally, DRDC researchers controlled the
R ELATIVE CAPABILITIES OF THE CANDIDATE SOLUTIONS RANKED ON A Segway RMP robot using the available Segway driver and
SCALE FROM 1 ( POOR ) TO 3 ( GOOD ). the SICK laser device driver. Trials demonstrated the Segway
avoiding obstacles while navigating to a target waypoint using
the provided VFH obstacle avoidance software, a GPS, and
As can be seen in Table IV, Miro is the most capable waypoint following.
solution. Specific comments on each individual solution are Although Player has many positive attributes, its limited ca-
given in the following sections. pabilities prompted DRDC researchers to examine other pos-
1) Player: Quoting the Player FAQ, “Player is a device sibilities. Despite the significant effort involved, researchers
server that provides a powerful, flexible interface to a variety installed and investigated the Miro framework. These inves-
of sensors and actuators”. Thus, at its core, Player uses a tigations revealed that Miro’s capabilities were significantly
client/server model to provide a defined, uniform and con- more extensive than Player’s and it was concluded that Miro
sistent interface to devices. This uniformity encourages the would better meet DRDC’s requirements.
development of components, since device drivers following DRDC adapted and extended Miro to support the Kyoker
the Player standard are portable and reusable. Although Player Industries Raptor, hydrostatic all wheel drive utility vehicle,
has many admirable features, its lack of middleware and its as shown in Figure 1. The Raptor vehicle is capable of fully
client/server focus limit its flexibility. Additionally, it is not autonomous operations and hosts a complete suite autonomy
not well suited for multi-process implementation since there is applications. Overall, the Raptor vehicle development totalled
Robotics Controls Linux Windows Software Skills
1 5 3 1 5 1 1
2 5 5 1 5 5 4
5 1 5 5 5 5 5
4 1 5 0 5 0 0
5 5 5 5 5 5 4
6 5 1 0 5 5 2
7 5 5 0 5 1 0
8 5 1 5 5 5 4
9 0 0 5 5 5 5
10 0 0 0 5 0 4
11 0 1 0 5 0 1
12 0 1 0 5 0 0

Fig. 1. The Raptor Vehicle Unmanned Ground Vehicle. I NITIAL AND SUBSEQUENT SKILL SETS OF DRDC TEAM MEMBERS,

over 60,800 source lines of code that corresponds to an

estimated 13 person-years of development effort.
operational robot. Although there are various underlying issues
V. BARRIERS TO A DOPTION that could have influenced this split, it is believed that software
Given DRDC’s recent experiences with reviewing numer- complexity was the most significant contributing factor.
ous robotics solutions, its observations should provide useful
feedback to researchers in the Programming Environments B. Software Complexity and Learning Curves
in Robotics and Automation community. In a retrospective A major issue confronted by the DRDC team was the sheer
review of its program, DRDC concluded that four barriers complexity of the available solutions. Robotics researchers
hamper the adoption of available solutions. These barriers are have recognized the advantages of software reusability and
as follows: have achieved progress towards with goal. A consequence of
• the skill level of the personnel involved, this push for reusable, portable, modular and extensible soft-
• the software complexity and required learning curves, ware is robotic systems with sophisticated implementations.
• the level of documentation, and Fortunately, frameworks, design patterns, and components
• restrictive implementations. can shield the researcher from many of the implementation
Each of these barriers are discussed, in further detail, in the details. This reduces the complexity but robotics solutions
following sections. have used such techniques with varying degrees of success.
To illustrate the effects of complexity, two code snippets, one
A. Personnel Skills taken from Player and the other for Miro, are shown below.
Hand in hand with the recognition that robotics requires a The Player code snippet requires only three lines of code to
multi-disciplinary approach, is a belief that roboticists have instantiate a robot as a PlayerClient, grab a Position2dProxy
varied backgrounds that include significant software skills. and get the LaserProxy. With this setup completed, the client
In an ideal world, all researchers would have the requisite can acquire laser range data and pass positional commands to
software skills, but real robotics teams include disparate mem- the robot.
bers with a variety of backgrounds. The DRDC research team int main(int argc, char **argv)
included members who had in-depth software experience, but {
some members did not have a formal software background; parse_args(argc,argv);
thus, were unfamiliar or uncomfortable with complicated soft- using namespace PlayerCc;
PlayerClient robot(gHostname, gPort);
ware development and integration environments. TableV lists Position2dProxy pp(&robot, gIndex);
the skill sets of the DRDC team members; the column at the LaserProxy lp(&robot, gIndex);
far right indicates whether or not the team member eventually pp.SetMotorEnable (true);
mastered the software skills required to independently develop for(;;)
software under Miro/ACE/TAO. robot.Read();
This table highlights the correlation between existing soft-
ware skills and the successful mastery of the Miro framework The next code snippet uses Miro and CORBA to implement
and the ACE/TAO middleware toolkits. Plainly stated, the team a similar capability, except that instead of acquiring laser range
members who did not already possess software experience, data the software acquires a generic ExampleEvent from an
regardless of their other skills, did not easily acquire the event channel. From the code snippets shown below, it is
software skills required. This split in capabilities posed a abundantly obvious that the Miro implementation is signifi-
dilemma, since members without the required software skills cantly more complex and requires a greater understanding of
found it difficult to integrate and test their algorithms on an the underlying software.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) D. Restrictive Implementations
{ // Create a server orb to find the events
Miro::Server server(argc, argv); While promoting reuse, modularity, portability, and exten-
EventChannel_var ec( sibility, solutions should not impose a rigid, fixed architec-
server.resolveName<EventChannel> ture. Instead they must provide the flexibility that allows an
("ExampleEventChannel")); appropriate architecture to emerge. Even in DRDC’s field
NotifyConsumer pushConsumer(,
server.namingContextName, delay);
of unmanned vehicles there is a wide spectrum of domains,; // Enter CORBA event loop. ranging from land, to air and marine environments. Each
} domain has unique requirements and a “one size fits all”
architecture may not be appropriate.
EventChannel_ptr _ec,
E. Discussion
const string& domainName) :
StructuredPushConsumer(_ec), Obviously DRDC is not the first group to encounter these
{ barriers to adoption, but their continuing existence implies that
EventTypeSeq added, removed;
added.length(1); the Programming Environments in Robotics and Automation
added[0].domain_name = domainName.c_str(); community must do more to address these issues.
added[0].type_name = "ExampleEvent"; The community should acknowledge that many robotics
setSubscriptions(added); researchers are not software wizards and, hence, require less
} complex software that is accompanied by useful, and pertinent
void NotifyConsumer::push_structured_event(
const StructuredEvent& notification documentation. Up to 12 DRDC researchers contributed to
ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL_WITH_DEFAULTS) the development of the Raptor vehicle, but only 6 researchers
throw(SystemException, Disconnected) became proficient at using Miro. Of these 6 Miro users,
{ only 2 researchers conducted the original assessment of Miro,
const ExampleIDL *pEvent; and they assisted others in acquiring Miro, ACE and TAO
if (notification.remainder_of_body >>= pEvent)
cout << "Received event" << endl; skills. Conversely, 5 researchers acquired Player skills in a
} independent manner. It is clear that Player has made the most
progress towards the ease of use goal and, not coincidentally,
Although the Miro software is more complex, it also a more has become quite popular in robotics community.
sophisticated and flexible implementation. The single threaded
Although less complex software is desirable, researchers
Player code executes tasks in a serial manner and blocks all
still need solutions that provide extensive capabilities. It would
execution until new data is available. In contrast, the event
have been easier for DRDC to adopt Player, but in the final
driven Miro implementation can be multi-threaded, receiving
analysis, Miro’s capabilities more than offset Player’s ease of
multiple asynchronous event types and processing them in a
use. To encourage researchers to adopt powerful frameworks,
parallel manner.
such as Miro, more effort must be directed towards shielding
C. Documentation users from the implementation details and making the software
Documentation plays a crucial role, enabling researchers to more user-friendly. This would give less skilled roboticists
easily adopt existing code and build upon the expertise of other access to the Miro framework, thus enhancing its adoption by
researchers to create ever more capable robots. the robotics community. At the same time, Miro would retain
During its review of architectures and middleware toolkits, its extensive capabilities and allow a power user to adapt or
DRDC noted that the available documentation was, at best, change it as required.
adequate and at worst, nonexistent. Given the complexity that Progress towards lowering these barriers has been observed
this software encompasses, expecting the user to learn from the over the past 2 to 3 years. When DRDC first reviewed Carmen,
source code is not reasonable, especially when considering the the dearth of documentation was a significant problem. Today,
undisciplined documentation practices of many programmers. Carmen has SourceForge website that includes significantly
Mature tools such as ACE/TAO and CORBA provided the best more documentation than was previously available.
level of documentation, including published textbooks. IPC, Whether or not robotics solutions have gained much traction
which has been available for almost a decade, also provides is an open question. In an attempt to shed light on this
a good user’s manual. The documentation available for Player question, the software used by competitors in DARPA’s Grand
was above average, which when coupled with its simple usage, Challenge 2 was examined. The Journal of Field Robotics
helped it become a favorite of many DRDC researchers. Miro’s (Aug. and Sept. 2006) profiled the 14 finalists in this offroad
documentation while adequate for the expert programmer with UGV race and detailed each contestant’s vehicle, software,
Linux experience, did not provide those with less experience algorithms and performance. Each paper was reviewed for
enough background material and information. Finally, the references to robotics solutions, namely architectures and
early versions of Carmen provided very little documentation, middleware toolkits. Of these 14 race contestants, only a
which greatly magnified the difficulty associated with under- single contestant, CIMAR using JAUS [18], was based upon
standing and using it. an existing architectural solution. Conversely, five contestants
built upon some type of middleware toolkit, including High- [2] S. Thrun, M. Montemerlo, H. Dahlkamp, D. Stavens, A. Aron, J. Diebel,
lander/Sandstorm under IPT [10]; Stanley using IPC [11]; Al- P. Fong, J. Gale, M. Halpenny, G. Hoffmann, K. Lau, C. Oakley,
M. Palatucci, V. Pratt, P. Stang, S. Strohband, C. Dupont, L.-E. Jen-
ice built on Skynet [19]; and Propsect Eleven using Microsoft drossek, C. Koelen, C. Markey, C. Rummel, J. van Niekerk, E. Jensen,
.NET. P. Alessandrini, G. Bradski, B. Davies, S. Ettinger, A. Kaehler, A. Ne-
Unfortunately, there was little commonality in the middle- fian, and P. Mahoney, “Stanley: The robot tha won the darpa grand
challenge,” Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 661–692,
ware toolkits , as each vehicle used a unique implementation September 2006, accepted for publication.
(Note: IPT and IPC different, but related). Although it appears [3] G. Broten, S. Monckton, J. Giesbrecht, and J. Collier, Software Engineer-
that solutions are gaining a foothold in the robotics field, there ing for Experimental Robotics. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics,
2006, no. DRDC Suffield SL 2005-227, ch. UxV Software Systems, An
is still a long way to go. Applied Research Perspective.
[4] G. Broten, S. Verret, and B. Digney, “Unmanned ground vehicle software
VI. C ONCLUSIONS development environment,” Defence R&D Canada – Suffield, DRDC
Suffield TM 2004-060, June 2004.
DRDC’s experience in adopting an open source framework [5] S. Huston, J. Johnson, and U. Syyid, The ACE Programmer’s Guide.
and middleware toolkit shows that researchers can build upon Addison-Wesley, 2004.
the work of others. DRDC believes that the adoption of [6] TAO Developer’s Guide, Oci tao version 1.3a ed. 12140 Woodcrest
Executive Drive, Suite 250, St. Louis, MO, 63141: Object Computing
Miro/ACE/TAO significantly reduced the time required to Inc., 2003, vol. 1 and 2.
construct an operational autonomous vehicle. [7] J. . Pedersen, “Robust communications for high bandwidth real-time
Although DRDC’s experiences with adopting Miro was systems,” Carnegie Mellon University, Tech. Rep. CMU-RI-TR-98-13,
positive, a survey of DARPA Grand Challenge competitor [8] G. Pardo-Castellote, S. Schneider, and M. Hamilton, “Ndds: The real-
reveals that the robotics community at large (or at least the time publish-subscribe middleware,” Real-Time Innovations, Inc., 1999.
unmanned vehicles field) still prefers to scratch develop their [9] W. S. J. Michaloski, F. Proctor, “The neutral message language: A model
and method for message passing in heterogeneous environments,” in
own systems since only six of the fourteen entries built upon Proceedings of the World Automation Conference, Maui, Hawaii, June
existing tools and solutions. Given this low adoption rate, 2000.
researchers in the Programming Environments in Robotics and [10] J. Gowdy, “Ipt: An object oriented toolkit for interprocess communi-
cation,” Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
Automation need to address this issue. Tech. Rep. CMU-RI-TR-96-07, March 1996.
DRDC reviewed its experience in adopting robotics solu- [11] D. J. Reid Simmons, IPC - A Reference Manual, Carnegie Mellon
tions and identified four factors that complicated the process. University - School of Computer Science / Robotics Institute, February
2001, iPC Version 3.4.
These factors were: the skill sets of DRDC personnel, software [12] B. Gerkey, R. T. Vaughan, and A. Howard, “The player/stage project:
complexity, poor or lacking documentation, and restrictive Tools for multi-robot and distributed sensor systems,” Proceedings of
implementations. The first three barriers are interrelated, as the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, pp. 317–323,
they affect the effort required to adopt a solution. A solution [13] The CLARAty Architecture for Robotic Autonomy. Big Sky, MT:
that demands significant existing expertise and requires a IEEE, March 2001. [Online]. Available:
significant effort, will probably be passed over. To facilitate the tasks/claraty/overview/publications/index.html
[14] C. Cote, D. Letourneau, F. M. J.-M. Valin, Y. Brosseau, C. Raievsky,
acceptance of existing solutions, researchers must low the en- M. Lemay, and V. Tran, “Code reusability tools for programming mobile
try barriers and make the solutions accessible to all roboticists. robots,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Solutions must also be provide informative documentation and Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2004.
[15] M. M. N. Roy and S. Thrun, “Perspectives on standardization
tutorials that exemplify its usage. Most roboticists have neither in mobile robot programming: The carnegie mellon navigation
the time nor the motivation to read the source code. It is the (CARMEN) toolkit,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference
solution developer’s best interest to lower barriers to entry and, on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2003. [Online]. Available:
thus potentially increase his solution’s user/test/contributor [16] H. Utz, S. Sablatnog, S. Enderle, and G. Kraetzschmar, “Miro - mid-
base. By creating a user community the solution will grow dleware for mobile robot applications,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics
and mature, and this will have a snowball effect, thus creating and Automation, June 2002.
[17] A. Brooks, T. Kaupp, A. Makarenko, A. Oreback, and S. Williams,
an even large user community. “Towards component-based robotics,” in IEEE/RSJ International Con-
Player is a good example of solution that is making progress ference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, August 2005.
on this front. Its entry barriers are low and it has a growing [18] “The joint architecture for unmanned systems, ref-
erence architecture specification ra v3.2 parts 1-3,”
community of users and contributors. Unfortunately Player’s, August 2004.
restrictive implementation currently limits its applicability to [19] Y. Amir, C. Danilov, M. Miskin-Amir, J. Schultz, and J. Stanton, “The
complex, real-time implementation. The robotics’ community spread toolkit: Architecture and performance,” John Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD., CNDS 2004-1, 2004.
needs solutions that are user-friendly like Player, which also
incorporate the capabilities provided by Miro. Until this hap-
pens, researchers will still be tempted to create unique one of
a kind solutions to their individual problems.
[1] G. Broten, S. Monckton, J. Giesbrecht, and J. Collier, “Software sysetms
for robotics, an applied research perspective,” International Journal of
Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. Volune 3, 1, no. 2005-204, pp. 11–17,
March 2006.

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