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Cash In With CPA Offers Now!

Remember I am sharing with you what is working for me to make money now
and what will also work for you. Not a bunch of theories.
No time for long formulas business blue!rints that take months to im!lement
or dangling a carrot of making "#$$$$$ in a day. If you are smart making
money is what makes you lot%s more money. &ou sim!ly le'erage. (o let%s )ust
start making some money shall we*
+Cost Per Action or CPA ,sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA- is an
online ad'ertising !ricing model where the ad'ertiser !ays for each s!ecified
action ,a !urchase a form submission and so on- linked to the ad'ertisement.
+An advertising network or ad network is a com!any that connects web sites
that want to host ad'ertisements with ad'ertisers who want to run
Publishers which would be you and I ..are site owners or marketers who use
PPC our own website networks or other means to !romote We deal
direct with ad'ertisers or we a!!ly to AdNetworks to find CPA offers from
Advertisers use AdNetworks to allow multi!le !ublishers to sign u! and
!romote their offers.
If you do not deal with an ad'ertiser direct like e/ay 0hen you get !aid by an
AdNetwork that !ays you bi1weekly or 2onthly. 0he Adnetworks get !aid by the
ad'ertisers. (ometimes if you get !aid "#$ !er offer the adnetwork may
actually get !aid "## or more. (ince they may also get !aid on 'olume you can
negotiate how much you get !aid e'en when based on your !erformance.
I want to start out with some totally FREE and almost free Methods to put
some cash in your pocket now
Once you )oin an AdNetwork or )oin a com!any direct and you ha'e the offer
link you can choose to use a domain redirect to !romote. I like to use uni3ue
domain names because it gi'es you so much fle4ibility if offers change and you
can cloak your offer link easily this way.
Real 54am!le of a CPA cam!aign domain redirect
Now this guy has been 3uietly racking u! a nice wad of cash with this sim!le
domain. Want to know one of the ways he is getting free traffic* Check this
out...he !ut u! a totally lame and corny 'ideo using only images as his 'ideo!
And so far he has o'er #7$$$$ 'iews checking out his CPA offer link. &ou can
see his sim!le 'ideo here.
8e is getting "9 for each !erson that sim!ly fills out a 3uick 3uote. (o now you
ha'e someone that actually wants what you are offering. No selling at all.
6oogle lo'es 'ideo! &ou get inde4ed sometimes in :; hours! Now if someone
sees a search !age full of insurance links and a 'ideo on insurance where do
they go* 0hats right...Natural (earch engine ranking for free to your offer.
Now this is )ust one sim!le route to try. No need to feel like 'ideo is com!le4. I
found this site that makes it su!er sim!le. It%s called
O< remember youtube is not the only kid on the block! &ou can sign u! with a
free 'ideo distribution ser'ice like and ha'e your 'ideo
getting 'iewed and sending you leads from all o'er the net.
I ha'e seen 8ometown3uotes in many networks but you can also a!!ly direct
My !""# $trategy for you
O< now listen u!.....I am no 6uru I am somebody that was looking at a
negati'e balance in my !ay!al not too long ago. =o you know what that looks
like* &ou o!en u! your !ay!al and you see numbers in R5=. It is not a !retty
sight. I did e4actly what I am showing you now. If you go to a site like this..
I found a good auto offer at Ne'erblueads.
&ou will see an easy to fill out short form on # !age. Now you go to craigslist
and you search in the auto sections for !eo!le looking to sell cars theres a lot.
Now I all did was re!ly to their ad and tell them I used this site ,c!a auto offer
link- to get a decent 'alue for my car and sold it 3uickly.
Now e'en if someone knows e4actly what their car is worth to the e4act !enny
they still want to cross check it out of curiosity. When they do you will make
around "? to "## bucks. Now that adds u! and it adds u! 3uick. (o much so I
was able to !urchase a software to find me hundreds sometimes thousands of
leads in seconds. If you want to check it out its at....
Now you don%t ha'e to get this awesome software I first was doing this
techni3ue one lead at a time and was making o'er a hundred a day with 'ery
little work the !eo!le selling or buying a car actually thanked me for sending
the link o'er.
(o no e4cuses get to work and if you are already cranking out thousands of
dollars hey you bought this book anyway so you want to know if you can
increase the @eros on your checks. Well get the software because it has a :
week trial !eriod you will lo'e it. If you do not ha'e the loot right now don%t
sweat it because )ust do the methods abo'e and below and you will ha'e the
money 'ery soon.
A %otally &hite 'at Cash Cranking %actic
I first got wind of this method from a well known markerter who was using it and
I reali@ed it was so sim!le and so brilliant.
&ebe(com 0he 2eet2eNow !roduct...!eo!le lo'e to meet and conference
on the web and so do business. &ou can )oin them directly )ust as a regular
affiliate. 0hey !ay you for !romoting the AR55 0RIAB and !ay &OC "#$ a
!o!...and it does not sto! there....if sale is made it con'erts to "D7 if it turns to
I saw a 'ery !rominent Internet 2arketer who made a 'ery !o!ular e1book about
the record breaking money he had made with Commission Eunction. (o what
you do is start a free coaching !ro)ect and ask all your !ros!ecti'e students to
sign1u! using ....totally brilliant.
5'en when someone )oins the trial and 3uits you still get !aid. Remember
there is always other marketers who know e'en less than you set u! a
little ste! by ste! coaching in some area or niche that you see !eo!le asking
3uestions about. Eust do a little research to make sure you know what you are
talking about. 8ey e'en if you !romote it with no coaching !rogram at "#$ !er
lead I would !romote your affiliate link to e'ery business owner I could
find....and I ha'e done it.
)ea Pay Per *ead is cool
Combining Forums and with CPA +ffers,
0here are some !eo!le who are making money )ust sending out !ri'ate
messages in forums like digital !oint and twitter members.
Aor a list of forums to )oin sim!ly ty!e in your niche to!ic,keyword- like dating
baby s!orts!oker insurance with a !lus this insuranceFforums.
=id you know you can hire !eo!le to !ost your CPA offers to forums* Imagine a
a small army !osting a mortagage lead sign u! in forum !ost for you.
&ou can recruit your army at Mechanical %urk
Now once you )oin a forum that matches your offer to!ic you sim!ly look for
!o!ular threads to )oin the discussion and !artici!ate. No selling let your
signature with your offer linked to it do the )ob. &our signature would say
something like GWant to sa'e on your insuranceH or G(ame cell !hones but
What I like to do is check the latest news headlines and use it to ca!ture
attention while blending in with the forum to!ic. (ay its a baby )ust
need to do a search for Gmom )ailed forH Gcell!hone sa'es lifeH....then once you
ha'e your real news story )ust blend it in your forum !ost to collect interest and
subse3uently get eyeballs to your signature. Now if you want to re' it u! a little
you can make a deal with the forum owner to gi'e you a Gsticky !ostH that way
your !ost is always showing at the to! of the forums.
Now what if you saw a 3uestion about mortgages on yahoo answers* 0hey do
allow you to lea'e a resource link. 8ow about if you left this one...
G6et Aree 2ortgage Ad'iceH and it sent them to a site that gi'es them hel!ful
Well some com!anies !ay ":7$ to "D7$ for )ust a single # !age form for free
information. Eust find an offer that a!!eals to you then find 3uestions on that
to!ic and make sure you come across as hel!ing not selling.
+nline and +ffline tactics
Now what if you get a domain that re!resents a !hone com!any that sells
&ou )ust make u! a domain that has to do with cell!hones like
&ou sim!ly find the traffic and let the offers do all the work for you.
&ou can announce that you gi'e away an i!hone ,only one a month- but those
words Gfree i!honeH are what gets you continuous 'isitors to your site. 0hen
create some easy to make flyers and ha'e a local kid distribute them to all the
cars !arked in malls.
5'eryone will be curious how to get a free i!hone!
With all the money you will make you will gladly gi'e away a free !hone each
-ow here is a way to take advantage of Popular $earches
&ou can look u! news e'ents celebrity gossi! or 2o'ies that are coming
8ere is a list of some mega mo'ies on the way and trust me they will generate
millions of searches. /ut you will be able to get 'ery chea! PPC clicks and
e'en free natural traffic if you set u! some 3uick blogs because no one knows
they are coming out yet!
8annah 2ontana the 2o'ie ,Po!ular singer.actress kids-
=ragonball 5'olution ,'ideo game ada!tation-
0ekken ,'ideo game ada!tation-
0erminator (al'ation ,!o!ular mo'ie series-
/runo ,guy who !layed /orat-
Eonas /rothers> 0he D= Concert 54!erience ,young teens lose their minds for-
(o you can set u! a !!c cam!aign or a 3uickie blog at and create a
short !ost then link it at social! or
Create a sim!le one !age site that ask a 3uestion like do you think this will be a
great mo'ie or not* Iote yes or no....both are links to your CPA offer that )ust
ha!!ens to be a sign u! for a free i!od or something like that. And you mention
the free gift in your ad.
'eard of Pay Per .iew/ PP. No not like =elayhoya Is Pac3uiao but a
website like 0angocom
0his is a fun downloads site that has one sti!ulation...they ha'e to acce!t ads.
Once you sign u! to ad'ertise you !lace A laser targeted ad that you !ay for but
in my o!inion much more !owerful than !!c.
0his is straight from the Jango site...
KJango is an online media com!any that gi'es !eo!le free access to a huge
library of games 'ideos emoticons and other entertainment. In return for all this
free content our users agree to 'iew targeted ad'ertising.
With Jango you can truly target consumers when they are most interested in
!roducts or ser'ices. &ou%ll achie'e a higher ROI while e4!osing !eo!le to fewer
ads than hit1or1miss !o!1u!s and banners.
In other words e'erybody wins. Peo!le are entertained for free. And ad'ertisers
get consumers who are actually interested in the ads they see.K
1se ebay !ulse to see what !eo!le are sho!!ing for and !lace a classified ad
with a link !ointing back to your c!a offer. If you find something like a free m!D
offer from a c!a offer then you !lace an ad at ebay among the millions in traffic
they get e'eryday.
1se E2ine Articles with a CPA offer at the end. 0his article can go 'iral and
send traffic to your offer. Eust kee! adding more articles!

=id you know that some businesses make millions of dollars weekly on
6o to elance and get someone to de'elo! a a!!lication for facebook.
if you ha'e a sim!le game that uses chi!s like !oker or something that runs out
and needs to be re!lenished you can ha'e a built in !ayment system! If its an
addicti'e game you can make a killing!
Now thats if they want to buy chi!s or whate'er it is. /ut what if they could
K5arnK Chi!s. 8ow* Csing K+fferPalK /y filling in the built in CPA offers you
ha'e built within the a!!! Now think of all the millons of users who
use facebook e'eryday. can hel! you get off the ground.
Now go to and get a !eek at what some facebook a!!lications
are worth in 'alue...rub your eyes and look closely where the comas
(ome !eo!le use incenti'es where they will shi! an i!od out of !ocket to
someone who fill outs offers. 0hey make so much for the offers they are glad to
send the i!od! Not only that..they allow them to Krefer a friendK!
8ere is an e4am!le.. & they use a scri!t that automates most
of the site and offers with
BetLs talk Craigslist. &e! Craiglist. (aturated you say* Not a chance.
0here is a ton of money to be made on Craigslist. &ou )ust ha'e to be creati'e
AN= get your ads to stick. 2ore on that in a minute.
Airst letLs go o'er a hot Craigslist idea from /lack8atWorld. 0his method is a
little black hat if you hadnLt figured that out already so be warned. /lack hatters
are e4tremely creati'e. I am of course !osting this here for informational
!ur!oses only. Cse at your own risk.
G(o the first thing we want to do is !ick a few big citiesMRaleigh /altimore
(eattle it really doesnLt matterM)ust start with a few.
Ne4t we are going to !ost an ad in the GEobsH section. 0ailor the ad to fit the city
in which you are ad'ertising.
/asically it should go something like thisM
NBocal (eattle com!any is looking for 7 to O !art1time 3uality assurance
assistants. We need to fill some 'acancies left by our summer college students
who are about to return to school.
8ours are fle4ible and !ay is "#$ 1 "#: !er hour. Please res!ond to this ad with
/y the way you are going to want to )ust use a new CB account for this along
with a new 6mail account. (et your ad so that the res!onses )ust go back to the
default CB address.
Close out the e1mail with some official looking title but do not use a com!any
N(te'e Eacobs Iice President 8R P RecruitingL
Now with any luck your ad will stick and the res!onses will come !ouring in. If
you hit this )ust right you could literally see hundreds of res!onses in a 'ery
short !eriod of time.
Bet the resumes flow in for a day or twoMthen res!ond with the following e1mail
,and yes send this to 5I5R&ON5 who re!lied-M
N0hank you for sending us your resume. If you are reading this e1mail then
congratulations! &ou ha'e been chosen as one of our !otential new hires.
We are eager to kee! the !rocess mo'ing along so !lease go 85R5 to
com!lete the sign1u! !rocess.L
(o what is N85R5L you might be asking* Well N85R5L is your affiliate link to
AN& work1from1home or sur'ey1com!letion o!!ortunity through your fa'orite
CPA com!any.
&ou can use some work1from1home and sur'ey offers at Ne'er/lueAds for this
techni3ue. (ur'ey 0eam (ur'ey Ad'entures and e'en the =ani Eohnson work1
from1home o!! ,geared toward women-. Cse your imagination and you can
really scale it u!.
(o what do &OC think* Is this idea sneaky* Cnderhanded* (!amming on
Craigslist is a!!arently so difficult itLs hardly e'en worth the effort. (till !eo!le
must be making money on this or they wouldnLt be doing it. Remember use
this info at your own risk.
If you want some info on hiding where your traffic comes from here is a hel!ful
!ost I found for you.../rowser 8ider
)+1 become the -e(t 3est %hing Method
Check out /
0ake a look at 4olphin 5" its !retty sweet... It%s a Aree downloadable scri!t
that lets you ha'e your own website with all the !ower of 2ys!ace Aacebook
&outube Craigslist Aweber and Amember CO2/IN5=!!
0he 3uestion you think you can fli! a website like that for some big cash*
2ys!ace sold for "7O$ million why can%t you get "#$$$$* What about traffic...
&outube 2ys!ace Craigslist and Aacebook are among the highest trafficked
websites in the world with 2IBBION( of 'isitors !er day.
Now here is where it gets really good...what if you didn%t fli! it and you ke!t it
and instead of making 7 million a year like the guy at did with ha'e CPA offers* 8mmmmm.
As for fli!!ing it for some 3uick cash....basically you will ha'e 085 (A25
features as those sites. (o do you think you can ha'e a chance at getting say
maybe )ust #$$$ 'isitors a day* Well I am !retty sure you could.
6ot another ti!... =ol! will install the scri!t for you for only "#$
and / has tutorials for you to learn how to manage your new
8osting w.New =omain Q "9.97 =ol!hin Install Q "#$ Bogo =esign on
(cri!tlance Q ":$(ite! 2arket!lace Bisting Q "#$ ,for selling the site
Ialue of new @ero traffic @ero re'enue =ol!hin site Q ":7$ 1 "7$$ (o you s!end
"7$ to fli! the site for ":7$ 1 "7$$ and then you do it o'er and o'er again.
0hat%s a !lan for the brand new rookie but a seasoned marketer can easily buy
some starter action to the site at www.Aorum/ to make it look like
there is already action going on in the site... 0hen do some social media
marketing for the site to your target audience and get the site going 'iral. Eust
Add in some affiliate ads or CPA Offers for moneti@ation.
&ou can also add on a !aid membershi! le'el ,yes it does that-.
0hen in a cou!le months you ha'e a 'aluable site !aying you thru CPA offers or
in one lum! sum if you decide to sell it.
%he AutoReply CPA 6 A%M
0his techni3ue gets abused a lot but it does not ha'e to be. It can work great
e'en as a legit !art of your CPA arsenal.
I first saw this techni3ue in a Craigslist Classified Ad and I could see some
!otential with it. 0he Ad I saw was for a Aree Pu!!y. What the !erson did was
set their free yahoo account to gi'e an auto re!ly. 0his is set to send the !erson
an automatic !re written email after they email you.
(o once some one sends an email after seeing your ad for a free !u!!y you
send them back a CPA offer.
Now this was !retty smooth. 0he autore!ly went something like this....
0hanks so much for re!lying to my ad for the free !u!!y. I get !u!!y litters 3uite
often. I take !u!!ies that o'erwhelm the dog owners and I try to find them a
lo'ing home. I am out of the country right now but in the mean time if you truly
care about getting a !u!!y in a lo'ing caring home I recommend getting this
great resource. When I gi'e !u!!ies away I only want to gi'e them to owners
who understand what it takes to raise a great !u!!y. 0hen the link takes them
to a dog training ebook order !age or some other ty!e of affliate !rogram.
Now if you )ust use your imagination you can find hundreds of ways to use the
autore!ly for your CPA offer.
A clever linking strategy or some 3lack 'at %actics/
0hinking outside the /o4
Bets say you got someone to build you some general tem!lates. &ou get these
tem!lates to be built on a generali@ed theme and sim!ly gi'e them away. If you
like to do insurance offers or education offers or loan offers you sim!ly create a
bunch of tem!lates with those themes.
Now on the footer of each of those tem!lates you ha'e a statement like
GAll Rights Reser'ed by Cool 0hemes 8ome Owners InsuranceH
Now that would look like an innocent and !rofessional footer but what if the
G8ome Owners InsuranceH was really a hidden link that !ointed back to your
CPA offer landing !age* &ou would ha'e all these websites !ointing to you
creating backlinks and making your !age more and more !o!ular with e'er
increasing traffic.
An e4am!le of this is with the guy who sold his blog site.. / for
#7 2illion =ollars!
As we analy@e the backlinks to /ankaholic !ay s!ecial attention to the
following link>
Notice when you 'isit the actual website what ha!!ens when you ho'er o'er
the words GInterest RatesH.
It a!!ears that !erha!s our blogging friend also designed blog tem!lates in his
s!are time. As an added bonus he managed to hide a backlink to his
/ankaholic website along with a!!ro!riate anchor te4t to the footer of his
tem!lates. 5'eryone who downloaded and installed these tem!lates then
automatically ga'e him a backlink to his site.
(o it a!!ears that in this case anyway a few black hat strategies !aid off in a
big way. I am not encouraging or discouraging these ty!es of link1building
strategies. I am merely o!ening u! your mind to the creati'e !ossibilities of the
internet. Is this truly black hatMor )ust Gthinking outside the bo4H*
One thing we know for sureMit was e4tremely !rofitable.
CPA using %orrent $ites
,0his is for when you are getting the hang of CPA and you )ust want to make
some money right away.-
Aind a !c game that )ust came out,within :1D days-. Preferably AP( strategy
and RP6 games. 6o to / and create a free blog called
Kgametitlecheats.blogger.comK (earch on torrent sites and find cheat !rograms.
54am!le !irate bay sumotorrent etc. Csually you will be able to find a few
!rograms or game'es and if notR )ust look for some ma! !acks or
e4!ansions.mods.,0his may take u! to a #.: hour-
6et these files and !ut them in a folder. +Password !rotect+ the folder and
u!load to ra!idshare.
6o to blogger and !ost the co'er art and a message describing the cheat
!rograms as your first !ost.
At the bottom say Kto a'oid the leeching and detection of the cheats we ha'e
!assword !rotected the file.K
Put a link to your c!a offer and tell them that the !assword is located in a certain
s!ot on the second !age of the site and that they must !ut in their @i!code to
find. Cse a !ro4y to fill out your offer once so that you know what te4t you can

use as a !assword.
54am!le If I were !romoting a CPA offer for a 'isa gift card I would say Kthe
!assword is the last name shown on the !icture of the 'isa card ,:nd !age or
whate'er !age you need to get credit for the @i! or email submit-K
0hen !ost the ra!idshare link below it. 0hey will fill out the offer to get the
!assword and download the cheats.
Cloak the ra!idshare link and the affiliate link using a ser'ice such as
Free CPA %raffic %echni7ue
I found a free resource for you to download a cle'er techni3ue that uses
(hareA( and to send you targeted traffic.
&ou can sign u! as a guest and download it free here.
0his can hel! you make some nice money and still works to this day
Airst we want to go o'er to your fa'orite keyword research tool.
0y!e in the search bo4. any of these !hrases
username !assword acti'ation code
and as you will see from the results. there is alot of !eo!le searching for
usernames and !asswords for sites. or acti'ation codes for!!s
whate'er. but the idea here is. you want to build a website or free blog to target
these !hrases.
you then want to target the s!ecific username and !assword searches. ie say
for e4am!le someone searches for Gbangbros username and !asswordH
/uild a !age with that term in our title. meta tags. and few keyword !lacements
on the one !age to. same goes for free blog. we would get the blog name.
bangbrosusernameand!assword.word! etc etc
0hen make some te4t descri!tion like....
Congratulations you ha'e found the GkeywordH !lease follow the instructions
below to get your GkeywordH
(im!ly sign u! below and goto my !rofile which is Gany!rofileidH and you will find
the GkeywordH which are u!dated weekly..
Now you can do # of : things here. either send them to a dating site and get
them to a !rofile etc.. imaginary or real doesn%t matter.. or you can edit the
abo'e te4t and ha'e your own offer there. Whether its a @i!.email submit or
whate'er. but this works and still does to this day..
Once &ou ha'e built your !ages and blogs you now want to !romote them.
stumble. digg. !ro!eller youtube etc etc and you will soon start to see traffic
clicks. and con'ersions etc etc. And don%t forget the answers sites. ie yahoo.
wiki. google etc etc. what your trying to do is look for and target them !eo!le
looking for your keywords etc.
Once you ha'e one ! con'erting. then mo'e to ne4t key!hrase and
rinse and re!eat.
It really does work.. use your imagination. be creati'e and go try itM
%he E64ate that Pays
I don%t condone all these methods but they !ay money so I let you decide to use
them or not.
5'er heard the term 5dating* or 5date* 5dating works and you can make a
killing doing 'arious methods. One method is that first you need to )oin a
webcam affiliate com!any. Bike as they !ay well and on time and
they are 'ery well known.
After you ha'e )oined. grab your affiliate link an ha'e it ready.. you then want to
)oin chatrooms. 6oogle adult chat etc and you will see some.. When )oining. use
a username that sounds se4y and female like. so for e4am!le. imahottie444 etc.
Ne4t you need to get a domain and hosting. 0ry to use a domain name that is
'ery generic. Create a subdomain and add a P8P Redirection for your affiliate
CRB. (o when guys enter the subdomain they will be redirected to your Affiliate
CRB. 2ake it so the CRB isnLt such an ob'ious indication that it is an affiliate
link. Aor e4am!le a good CRB would be> htt!>'e.cindy.
Now go to a image site like flickr etc and grab some !ics of females. not to
re'ealing but the a'erage !ic u see..ne4t u!load it to imageshack and ha'e the
link sa'ed ready to show the guys if and when they ask to see your !ic.
0hen go into these chat rooms and start chatting. say your looking for someone
to chat to. more or less right away you will start to get !ri'ate messages.In the
con'ersation tell them that you would like to chat 'ia webcam or to use the chat
interface on your dating website account. 0hen !ro'ide them your P8P Redirect
CRB. 0ell them to sign u! and after they notify you that they signed u! then
!lace the user on your ignore list and mo'e on to another guy.
&ou can earn like D7usd !er sign u! doing this.
Ringtones Cash Register
Eoin a few CPA networks where you can )oin and start !romoting Ringtone
offers. 0hese !ay anywhere from Ousd u!wards. &ou grab your affiliate links.
!aste into note!ad for later as you will need these.
6oto youtube and look for !o!ular music 'ideos. grab some 'ideos. yes we are
downloading the !o!ular ones. use the downloadhel!er firefo4 !lugin. its great!!
=ownload your 'ideos.
(et u! a domain redirect or tinyurl for your affiliate links. as we don%t wanna be
!utting long ass links in our 'ideos and descri!tions. )ust go to something like and enter your full affiliate link.
(a'e these urls..
u!load 'ideos to youtube. add some annotations with your url in saying
something like.. get this ringtone now at
Also add the url to your descri!tion. etc.
Now s!read the word with the 'ideo link. tell your friends. if you got some cash
then in'est in a few tools to s!read the ' is not the only show in
6et traffic to your 'ideos. 6et clicks to your links. 6et change in your !ocket.
Rinse n re!eat.
CPA marketing can be one of the most !rofitable ways to moneti@e your
website. Why settle for "# Adsense clicks when you could get "7 "#$ e'en ":$
or more !er lead*
-ow what if you could not get in a CPA Ad-etwork/ $o what/ &ou can )ust
!ut a twist on these ideas and still make some serious cake. ,cash-
&ou see a nice discount in Ama@on* Create your own cou!on Ad around it with
your Affiliate Bink embedded. 6et a free s3uidoo account and !romote that
!u!!y! (ee you )ust ha'e to charge u! your thinking thats all.
&ou need a full arsenal of CPA networks at your dis!osal because ha'ing )ust
one or two may not meet all of your needs. Are you running incenti'i@ed traffic*
8ow often do you need to be !aid* =o you need to find re!utable affiliate
!rograms with PayPal* Are you looking for : tier affiliate !rograms* &ou need
to find those com!anies that will suit your website to a tee. (ometimes this may
mean not )ust going with the highest !aying affiliate !rograms.
With that in mind here is a )um!start list of CPA networks. 0ake a look.
Com!are contrast !rofit!M1these are not my affiliate links either >-
When you )oin an adnetwork and you do not ha'e a site tell them that you
!rimarily use PPC and you also create mini sites around the offers once you see
them. &ou ha'e been doing this for o'er a year and you do not use email
cam!aigns. If you get denied sim!ly call them and say the e4act same thing
and you will get a!!ro'ed 9$S of the time.
5st> :$$?
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> :7$F
(ub1Affiliates> ;S for Bife
5st> :$$;
0racking> Ialtrak
Payouts> Net #$
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> :7$F
(ub1Affiliates> DS for Bife
5st> :$$:
Payouts> 2onthly
Ad'ertisers> O7$F
(ub1Affiliates> $S
5st> :$$O
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> :$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
5st> :$$?
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net D$
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> ?$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
5st> :$$$
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> 7$$F
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Airst O 2onths
5st> :$$D
Payouts> Net O$
2in. Payout> ":$
Ad'ertisers> #D$$F
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Bife
5st> #999
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> "$
Ad'ertisers> :$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> :$$$F
(ub1Affiliates> :$S for Bife
5st> :$$?
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net #7 or "#$$$ Weekly
2in. Payout> "#$$
Ad'ertisers> 7$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
5st> :$$7
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> "#7$
Ad'ertisers> D$$F
(ub1Affiliates> #$S for Bife
CPA 5m!ire
5st> :$$7
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net :$
2in. Payout> "#$$
Ad'ertisers> W$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
CPA Bead
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> "7$
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
CPA (torm
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net D$
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> 7$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
CPA Cni'erse
0racking> =irect0rack
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> #$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
5st> #99?
Payouts> 2onthly 2in.
Payout> ":$
Ad'ertisers> #$$F
(ub1Affiliates> #$S for Bife
5st> #99?
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net ;7
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> D7F
(ub1Affiliates> DS for Bife
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net D$
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> D7$F
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Bife
5st> :$$D
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> :$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
IncentAClick ,CV =igital-
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Bife
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> 77$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
5st> :$$#
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> None
Ad'ertisers> D7$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> :$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
Payouts> O$ =ays
2in. Payout> "#$$
(ub1Affiliates> OS for Bife
5st> :$$;
0racking> =irect0rack
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> #$$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
5st> :$$#
Payouts> :4 !er 2onth
2in. Payout> "#$$
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> D$$F
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Bife
Payouts> Net D$
2in. Payout> "7$
Ad'ertisers> ;$$F
(ub1Affiliates> "#$ Alat
5st> #999
Payouts> : Weeks
Ad'ertisers> #7$F
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for life
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> D$$F
(ub1Affiliates> DS for #D 2onths
5st> #99?
Payout> 2onthly
2in. Payout> "#$$
Ad'ertisers> ;$$F
Payouts> Net #7
2in. Payout> ":7
Ad'ertisers> D7$F
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Bife
ROI Rocket
Payouts> 2onthly
2in. Payment> ":7
(ub1Affiliates> 7S for Bife
0racking> Affiliate0raction
Payouts> :4 2onth
2in. Payout> "#$$
Payment O!tions> Web2oney Aethard ePass!orte Wire 0ransfer Check e6old
2in. Payout> "7$
(ub1Affiliates> :S for Bife
Original W(O
0his information is for your information only. I )ust want to !ut a s!ark under you
to take action. Please kee! in mind that CPA is not going anywhere so it is a
good idea to follow your CPA networks rules and guidelines to ha'e a career at
this. 0his information I ha'e !ro'ided is to light a s!ark under you to be creati'e
and a!!ly any and all strategies at your own risk or wealth. 6ood luck1take
Bittle bonus
O<....before I go....8ere is my 6oodie : (hoes totally White8at 6et Cr =one
&ou sim!ly start a blog on a niche domain....&
Now you create an offer !age on that blog.
Now you !lace D offers..the one you recommend the highest...7 stars! Is of
course the one that !ays you the most!
Now you sim!ly send traffic to it like cra@y using
or go to and get the free blog software.
0he key is to !oint other mini sites to a s3uidoo lens and then your
!romote those other sites too. Bike s3uidoo blogger and others. ,all based on
that common niche theme you choose.- 0hat should be making you offer money
in your slee! for many months.

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