D&D 3rd Edition Conversion Manual

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Characters fromEarlier Editions.........................3
Level and Experience.......................................3
Adjusting Experience Points.......................3
Adjusting Dual- and Multiclassed
Ability Scores ...................................................3
Exceptional Strength...................................3
Level-based Improvement ..........................4
Ability Tips...................................................4
Character Race.................................................4
Standard Player Character Races................4
Nonstandard Player Character Races.........4
Character Class................................................4
Attack Bonus...............................................4
Saving Throws.............................................5
Hit Dice and Hit Points..............................5
Spells ...........................................................5
Thief Skills...................................................6
Multiclass Characters .................................6
Weapon Specialization................................6
ACand Movement Rate..................................6
Armor Worn.................................................6
Extra Fighter Feats ......................................7
Extra Human Feats .....................................7
Characters with Nonweapon
Skill Tips......................................................9
Characters with Secondary Skills................9
Converting Thief Skills................................9
Magic Items...............................................10
Character Troubleshooting.................................10
Magic ...............................................................15
Renamed Spells.............................................15
Wizard Spells with New Schools..................16
Converting Old Spells....................................17
School ........................................................17
Subschool and Descriptor ........................17
Level ...........................................................17
Casting Time.............................................18
Area of Effect .............................................18
Saving Throw.............................................18
Spell Resistance........................................19
Spell Description.......................................19
Spells You Shouldnt Convert........................19
Renamed Magic Items..................................19
Converting Old Magic Items.........................20
Caster Level ...............................................20
Market Price..............................................20
Magic Item Notes.....................................20
Converting Old Monsters..............................20
Size and Type.............................................20
Hit Dice and Hit Points............................20
Armor Class...............................................21
Attacks and Attack Bonus.........................21
Special Attacks..........................................22
Special Defenses.......................................22
Creatures Hit Only by Silver or Magical
Magic Resistance......................................22
Saving Throws...........................................22
Ability Scores.............................................22
Skills and Feats..............................................22
Description ....................................................22
Creatures that Affect Surprise.......................22
Climate/ Terrain..............................................22
Organization, ChallengeLevel, and Treasure...22
Advancement Range......................................22
New Names for Some Old Terms ..................3
Whats New about Ability Scores?..................4
Whats New about Character Races?..............7
Whats New about Proficiencies?...................7
Whats New about Dual- and
Multiclass Characters?..............................10
Whats New about THAC0 and Armor Class?....11
Whats New about Saving Throws?..............12
Whats New about Spells?............................12
Whats New about Character Classes?.........13
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T h is booklet is inten ded to help you preserve the
best of your old D & D campaign as you adopt the
n ew rules. Various sidebars, such as the on e on
th is page, are provided to remin d you of wh at h as
ch an ged. T he rest of the booklet contain s advice
on con vertin g your favorite player ch aracters an d
their equipment to the n ew rules, alon g with
some n otes for the D un geon M aster on con vert-
in g old mon sters th at h ave n ot yet appeared
un der the n ew rules.
To use ch aracters from an y earli er edi ti on of th e
D U N G E O N S & D R AG O N S or AD VAN C E D D U N G E O N S
& D R AG O N S gam e wi th th e n ew edi ti on of th e
D & D gam e, ju st follow th e step s ou tli n ed
You ll n eed a cop y of th e n ew P layer s
H an dbook an d a fresh n ew D & D ch aracter
sh eet or clean sh eet of scratch paper. You ll fi n d
a ph otocopyable ch aracter sh eet on pages 287-
288 of th e n ew Players H an dbook.
Level and Experience
For si n gle-classed ch aracters, record th e ch arac-
ters curren t level. You wi ll n eed to adjust th e
ch aracters experi en ce poi n t total to m atch th e
n ew D & D experi en ce system . C h aracters wi th
m ore th an on e class requi re speci al h an dli n g.
Adjusti n g E xperi en ce Poi n ts: All ch aracters i n
th e D & D gam e use th e sam e experi en ce table.
T h e table i s con structed di fferen tly from th e
class experi en ce tables i n earli er versi on s of th e
gam e, wh i ch m akes i t n ecessary to adjust th e
ch aracters experi en ce poi n t total.
T h e easi est way to m ake th e adjustm en t i s
si m ply to set th e total at som e poi n t between
th e m i n i m um for th e ch aracters curren t level
an d th e m i n i m um for th e n ext level we recom -
m en d h alfway to th e n ext level or th e m i n i m um
for th e curren t level) . I f you prefer a m ore accu-
rate con versi on of th e ch aracters experi en ce
total, see th e C h aracter Troublesh ooti n g secti on
on page 1 0.
Adjusti n g D ual- an d M ulti classed C h aracters:
T h e rules for h an dli n g a ch aracter wi th m ore
th an on e class i n th e n ew edi ti on of th e D & D
gam e are con si derably di fferen t th an i n previ -
ous edi ti on s of th e gam e see si debar . Follow
th ese steps to calculate a dual- or m ulti classed
ch aracters level:
1 . Fi n d th e h i gh est level th e ch aracter h as
reach ed i n an y class. For exam ple, E scolran de i s
an 8th -level fi gh ter/9th -level wi zard/9th -level
th i ef. H i s h i gh est level i s 9.
2. D i vi d e each level th e ch aracter h as
ach i eved i n an y oth er class by th ree an d roun d
down . I f th e result roun ds down to 0, record a 1
i n stead. For exam ple, E scolran de s rem ai n i n g
levels are 8 an d 9; 8 3 = 2.67, wh i ch roun ds
down to 2, an d 9 3 = 3.
3. Add th e n um bers you got i n step 2 to th e
n um ber you got i n step 1 . T h i s equals th e ch ar-
acters level i n th e n ew edi ti on of th e D & D
gam e. I n E scolran de s case, 9 +2 +3 = 1 4.
4. You can di vi de up th e levels am on g classes
an y way you see fi t. For exam ple, E scolran de
cou ld becom e a 9th -level wi zard /4th -level
rogu e/1 st-level fi gh ter, or an 8th -level
wi zard/3rd-level rogue/3rd-level fi gh ter, or an y
oth er com bi n ati on of wi zard, rogue, an d fi gh ter
levels th at adds up to 1 4.
Ability Scores
R ecord th e ch aracters exi sti n g abi li ty scores. I n
som e cases, you ll n eed to adjust your ch aracters
abi li ty scores.
E xcep ti on al Stren gth : T h e excep ti on al
Stren gth rule i s n o lon ger part of th e gam e. I f
you r ch aracter h as an excepti on al Stren gth
New Names for Some Old Terms
Thefollowing terms havenew names in thenew
edition. Thenew names often reflect changes to
the way the game works or simply better reflect
what theterms represent:
OldTerm NewTerm
priest spell divine spell
THAC0 attack bonus
thief rogue
magic resistance spell resistance
memorize (a spell) prepare (a spell)
movement rate speed
nonweapon proficiency skill
proficiency check skill check
sphere (of priest spells) domain
wizard spell arcane spell
gam e. I f a ch aracters base attack bon us i s +6 or
m ore, th e ch aracter can m ake m ulti ple attacks
each rou n d , bu t th e base attack bon u s i s
reduced for each attack. T h e class tables i n
C h apter 3 of th e PH sh ow h ow m an y attacks th e
ch aracter can m ake an d th e base attack bon us
for each . For exam ple, a 1 2th -level wi zard h as a
base attack bon us of +6/+1 , so th e ch aracter can
attack twi ce each roun d.
I f th e ch aracter h as an abi li ty m odi fi er, i t
appli es to both attacks. T h e ch aracters Stren gth
m odi fi er appli es to m elee attacks. T h e ch arac-
ter s D exteri ty m od i fi er ap p li es to ran ged
A ch aracters si ze n ow affects th e ch aracters
attack bon us. See C h apter 8 of th e P H for
detai ls.
I f your ch aracter h as m ore th an on e class, add
up th e ch aracters attack bon us from each class
accord i n g to th e i n stru cti on s i n M u lti class
C h aracters i n C h apter 3 of th e PH .
Savi n g T h rows: A ch aracters savi n g th row
n umbers are n ow expressed as bon uses. A ch arac-
ters abi li ty m odi fi ers
affect savi n g th row
bon uses. T h e
C on sti tuti on m odi -
fi er appli es to
Fortitude saves, the
D exterity modifier
applies to R eflex
saves, an d th e
Wi sd om modi-
fi er appli es to
Will saves.
I f your ch arac-
ter h as m ore th an
on e class, add up th e
ch aracter s save
bon us from each class
accordi n g to th e i n stru c-
ti on s in M ulticlass C h aracters
i n C h ap ter 3 of th e PH .
H i t D i ce an d H i t
Poi n ts: C h aracters n ow
gai n an extra h i t di e for
each level up to level
20. All ch aracters n ow
gai n th e full value of
th ei r C on sti tu ti on
m odi fi er for every h i t di e. R eroll
you r ch aracter s h i t p oi n ts an d ad ju st for
C on sti tuti on . You can use th e n ew total or th e
ch aracters old total, as you prefer.
Spells: All spellcasti n g ch aracters use th e
dai ly spell li m i ts sh own on th ei r n ew class
tables. O th er adjustm en ts to spells are n eces-
sary, as follows:
B on us Spells: All spellcasti n g ch aracters gai n
bon us spells for h i gh abi li ty scores. B ards an d
sorcerers a n ew ch aracter class gai n bon us
spells from C h ari sm a; cleri cs, drui ds, paladi n s,
an d ran gers gai n bon us spells from Wi sdom ;
an d wi zard s gai n bon u s sp ells from
I n telli gen ce.
N ew Spell L i sts: C leri cs an d speci alty pri ests
use th e sam e spell li st, an d all pri est ch aracters
are called cleri cs i n th e n ew gam e. All cleri c
ch aracters gai n extra spells for th ei r dom ai n s
see C leri c i n C h apter 3 of th e PH ) . T h e cleri c
spell li st n ow i n cludes 8th -an d 9th -level spells.
B ards n ow h ave th ei r own spell li sts an d m ay
h ave spells i n th ei r old repertoi re th at are n o
lon ger avai lable. B ards sh ou ld replace su ch
spells wi th spells from th e bard li st.
B ards, cleri cs, an d wi zards n ow gai n 0-level
spells. B ards an d wi zards sh ould add 0-level
spells to th ei r spell li sts as n oted
i n th ei r class descri pti on s.
Savi n g T h rows: Spells th at
allow savi n g th rows n ow n eed
a savi n g th row D i ffi cu lty
C lass D C ) . A spell s savi n g
th row D C i s 1 0 +th e spell
level +th e casters relevan t
abi li ty score m odi fi er see
previ ous secti on ) . R ecord th e
savi n g th row D C for each level of
spell th e ch aracter can cast.
N ew Sch ools: Som e spells
h ave ch an ged sch ools; see Wi zard
Spells wi th N ew Sch ools on page
1 6. Sp eci ali st wi zard s m ay h ave
books con tai n i n g spells n o lon ger
avai lable to th em . Sp eci ali st
wi zard s sh ou ld rep lace su ch
sp ells wi th n ew on es from
sch ools avai lable to th em .
Sp eci ali sts are n ow free to
ch oose th ei r own opposi ti on
sch ools. Wh en con verti n g a
speci ali st to th e n ew rules,
th e player can ch oose n ew
opposi ti on sch ools an d adjust th e ch aracters
score, con vert i t to a regular Stren gth score as
sh own i n th e table below.
Exceptional Score NewStrength Score
18/ 0118/ 50 19
18/ 5118/ 75 20
18/ 76 18/ 90 21
18/ 9118/ 99 22
18/ 00 23
1920 24
2122 25
2223 26
2425 27
L evel-based I m provem en t: For every fou r
levels th e ch aracter h as attai n ed, add on e poi n t
to an y on e abi li ty score. D on t worry about raci al
m axi m um s; th ey n o lon ger exi st.
Wh en you ve fi n i sh ed adjusti n g an d record-
i n g your ch aracters abi li ty scores, turn to Table
1 -1 i n th e Players H an dbook. T h i s table gi ves
th e bon us or pen alty n ow called an abi li ty
m odi fi er for an y abi li ty score.
Ability T ips: An y ability score of 1 2 or m ore
will give your ch aracter a bon us for som eth in g.
Likewise, an ability score of 9 or less brin gs a
pen alty. T h i n k twi ce abou t you r ch aracter s
I n telligen ce score, because it govern s h ow m an y
ski lls you r ch aracter can learn an d a h i gh
I n telli gen ce score i s m u ch m ore u sefu l for
wi zards th an i t u sed to be. D exteri ty an d
C on stitution rem ain im portan t for all ch aracters.
Wi sdom rem ai n s i m portan t for pri est n ow
cleric) ch aracters an d n ow h as a m uch greater
im pact on every ch aracters savin g th rows an d on
m an y skills. A h igh C h arism a score is im portan t
for bards, paladin s, an d clerics.
Character Race
R ecord th e ch aracters curren t race. T h e exact
ben efi ts an d pen alti es m ost races bri n g h ave
ch an ged at least sli gh tly.
Stan dard P layer C h aracter R aces: I f you r
ch aracter i s a m em ber of a stan dard PC race
th ese i n clude h um an s, dwarves, elves, gn om es,
h alf-elves, h alf-orcs, an d h alfli n gs , tu rn to
C h apter 2 of th e PH an d record your ch aracters
n ew raci al abi li ti es. T h e n ew abi li ti es replace
your ch aracters old on es.
Som e abi li ty score adjustm en ts for race h ave
ch an ged. T h ese on ly apply to n ew ch aracters.
N on stan dard Player C h aracter R aces: I f your
ch aracter i s n ot a m em ber of a stan dard PC race,
turn to C h apter 2 of th e D M G . T h i s ch apter
explai n s h ow to use alm ost an y type of creature
as a PC race.
Character Class
R ecord th e ch aracter s cu rren t class. M ost
classes h ave ch an ged at least sli gh tly; turn to
C h apter 3 of th e PH an d record your ch aracters
n ew class abi li ti es. T h e n ew abi li ti es replace
your ch aracters old on es. Table 3-2 i n th e PH
gi ves an overvi ew of class abi li ti es by level.
Tables 3-1 th rou gh 3-20 p rovi d e qu i ck
sum m ari es of base attack bon uses, base savi n g
th rows, an d features for each class.
Attack B on u s: A ch aracters attack bon u s
replaces T H AC 0 from earli er edi ti on s of th e
Whats Newabout Ability Scores?
The game uses the same abilities (Strength,
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and
Charisma) it has always used. Significant
changes include:
Bonuses andPenalties fromAbilityScores:
All six abilities use the same table (Table 1-1 in
the PH) to determine the bonus or penalty
associated with each score. The bonus or
penalty is called the ability modifier.
AbilityChecks: To make an ability check, you
roll 1d20 and add your characters ability modi-
fier. To succeed, an ability check result has to
equal or exceed the tasks Difficulty Class (DC).
Ability Maximums and Minimums: There
are no longer any ability score maximums or
minimums for races.
AbilityRequirements: It is no longer neces-
sary to meet any ability requirements to qualify
for a race or class.
Exceptional Strength: This no longer exists.
Existing characters can convert their excep-
tional Strength scores into regular Strength
scores above 18.
Experience Bonuses: Characters no longer
receivebonus experiencefor high abilityscores.
Level-based Ability Adjustments: For every
four levels a character achieves, one abilityscore
of the players choice improves by one point.
P layers sti ll roll d i ce to d eterm i n e wh en
th ei r ch aracters can act i n com bat. A ch arac-
ter s D exteri ty m o d i fi er ap p li es to th o se
i n i ti ati ve rolls.
Feats are speci al abi li ti es players can ch oose for
th ei r ch aracters. C h oose on e feat for your ch ar-
acter, plus on e extra feat for every th ree levels
your ch aracter h as attai n ed. See C h apter 5 of th e
PH for m ore i n form ati on on feats.
E xtra F i gh ter F eats: F i gh ter ch aracters
recei ve extra com bat-ori en ted feats i n addi ti on
to an y oth er feats th ey kn ow. See Fi gh ter i n
C h apter 3 of th e PH .
E xtra H u m an F eats: H u m an ch aracters
recei ve an extra feat of an y type i n addi ti on to
an y oth er feats th ey kn ow.
spellbooks accordi n gly.
N ew N am es: Som e sp ells h ave ch an ged
n am es. See R en am ed Spells on page 1 5.
T h i ef Ski lls: T h i ef ski lls h ave been i n corpo-
rated i n to th e ski ll system . R ogues an d oth er
ch aracters wi th th i efli ke ski lls n ow recei ve
extra ski ll poi n ts to buy th ese ski lls.
M u lti class C h aracters: T h e class abi li ti es
from a m ulti class ch aracters di fferen t classes
add togeth er to determ i n e th e ch aracters total
abi li ti es. To determ i n e a m ulti class ch aracters
abi li ti es, fi rst calculate th e ch aracters level i n
each class as exp lai n ed i n th e L evel an d
E xperi en ce, above. T h en tu rn to M u lti class
C h aracters i n C h apter 3 of th e PH an d follow
th e i n structi on s th ere.
Profi ci en ci es: Weapon profi ci en ci es are n ow
a fun cti on of a ch aracters class an d n eed n ot be
selected separately. N on weapon profi ci en ci es
are n ow called ski lls. See Ski lls, below.
Weapon Speci ali zati on : T h e weapon speci al-
i zati on opti on al rule i s n o lon ger part of th e
gam e, alth ough weapon speci ali zati on i s avai l-
able as a feat. C ertai n oth er feats can i m prove a
ch aracters apti tude wi th weapon ski lls; see
C h apter 5 of th e PH for i n form ati on on
AC and Movement Rate
Arm or an d sh i elds rem ai n a ch arac-
ter s pri m ary m ean s of protecti on
from p h ysi cal h arm . A rm or C lass
works sli gh tly di fferen tly i n th e n ew
edi ti on , h owever. M ost i m portan t, i t i s
better to h ave a h i gh AC n um ber th an a
low on e. You m i gh t n eed to adjust a few
oth er th i n gs abou t you r ch aracters
arm or class.
Arm or Worn : A ch aracters arm or
affects n ot on ly a ch aracters Arm or
C lass, but also h i s speed m ove-
m en t rate) , defen si ve D exteri ty
m odi fi er, ski ll use, an d abi li ty
to cast arcan e spells. Table 7-5
an d th e accom pan yi n g text i n
th e P H su m m ari ze th e
Arm or worn does n ot affect a ch aracters
en cum bran ce.
Shields: Shields still combine with armor to
improve a characters AC , but shields no longer
simply improve a characters AC by one point. Table
7-5 in the PH includes statistics for shields.
Si ze: A ch aracter s si ze n ow affects th e ch ar-
acter s arm or class. See C h apter 8 of th e P H for
detai ls.
Whats Newabout Character Races?
Your characters race still determines what the
character looks like and what special abilities
the character has. Significant changes include:
AbilityScoreAdjustments: The ability score
adjustments from some races have changed
(see Chapter 2 of the PH). These changes do
not affect existing characters.
Ability Score Maximums and Minimums:
There are no longer any ability score maxi-
mums or minimums for races.
AbilityRequirements: It is no longer neces-
sary to meet any ability requirements to qualify
for a race.
TheHalf-Orc: Half-orcs are now a standard
player character race. See Chapter 2 in the PH
for details.
Infravision: This racial ability no longer
exists. It has been replaced by two similar abil-
ities: darkvision and low-light vision.
Darkvision is the ability to see in the dark.
Darkvision does not involve heat sensing, and
sources of heat or artificial light do not spoil it.
Low-light vision is the ability to see well at
night or in dim light. It does not function in the
absence of light as darkvision does, but when it
works it usually allows a much greater range of
For details on darkvision and low-light
vision, see Chapter 3 of the DMG.
Racial Characteristics: The specific powers
and abilities that go with each race have
changed. See Chapter 2 of the PH for details.
Size: Some PC races are small enough to
gain some bonuses and penalties in combat.
See Chapter 2 of the PH for details.
Whats New about Proficiencies?
The old proficiencies system has been replaced
by a skill system.
Weapon Proficiencies: These are now a func-
tion of a characters class. You need not select
weapon proficiencies separately anymore. It is
possible to expand your characters selection
of weapon proficiencies through feats,
however; see Chapter 5 of the PH.
Nonweapon Proficiencies: These are now
called skills. Each skill has an ability associated
with it called the key ability. For example,
Strength helps you climb. Each time you
purchase a skill, your character gains one rank
in the skill and gets better at using the skill. See
Chapter 4 of the PH for details.
ProficiencyChecks: These are now called skill
checks. To make a skill check, you roll 1d20 and
add your characters ability modifier for the
skills key ability, plus the number of ranks (if
any) the character has in the skill. To succeed,
a skill check result has to equal or exceed the
tasks Difficulty Class.
Many skills do not require any special knowl-
edge, and even characters who have not
purchased any ranks in these skills can try to
use them.
You can compare a proficiency score from an
earlier edition by subtracting 5 from the profi-
ciencyscore. For example, aif acharacter created
under the 2nd Edition AD&D rules had a Riding
score of 15, that would be about equal to a Ride
skill bonus of +10.
Navigation Profession (navigator)
Running Run (feat, not a skill)
Set Snares Wilderness Lore*
Survival Wilderness Lore*
Tracking Track (feat, not a skill)
Weaponsmithing Craft (weaponsmith)
AD&D Nonweapon
Proficiency D&D Skill
Ancient History Knowledge (history)
Astrology Knowledge (astrology)
Engineering Profession (engineer)
Healing Heal
Herbalism Profession (herbalist)
Languages, Ancient Speak Language
Local History Knowledge (history)
Musical Instrument Perform (musical
Navigation Profession (navigator)
Reading/ Writing N/ A (see Skill Tips below)
Religion Knowledge (religion)
Spellcraft Spellcraft
*TheWildernessLoreskill includestheoldAnimal Lore,
Fire-building, Set Snares, andSurvival proficiencies
Ski ll T i ps: M an y profi ci en ci es from th e 2n d
E d i ti on AD & D gam e s G en eral grou p h ave
been com bi n ed i n to th e P rofessi on or C raft
ski lls.
M an y ski lls from th e oth er groups h ave been
com bi n ed i n to th e K n owledge ski ll.
You do n ot h ave to spen d an y ski ll poi n ts to
m ake your ch aracter li terate. T h e abi li ty to read
an d wri te i s i n cluded wi th m ost D & D classes.
Alth ough th ere i s a Speak L an guage ski ll, you
d o n ot h ave to sp en d an y sk i ll p oi n ts on
lan guages. E very ch aracter autom ati cally speaks
on e or two lan guages accordi n g to race) . I f th e
ch aracter h as a posi ti ve I n telli gen ce m odi fi er,
h e or sh e speaks addi ti on al lan guages equal to
th e m odi fi er.
I f a ski ll can be used un trai n ed see th e i n di -
vi dual ski ll descri pti on s i n th e PH ) , your ch ar-
acter can use th e ski ll wi th out spen di n g an y
ski ll poi n ts. I f your ch aracter h as a decen t score
i n th e ski ll s key abi li ty, th e ch aracter could be
pretty good at i t.
Som e profi ci en ci es, such as B li n d-Fi gh ti n g,
h ave becom e feats.
I f you can t fi n d a ski ll or feat th at m atch es a
profi ci en cy your ch aracter h as, pi ck a n ew ski ll
or ch eck C h aracter Troublesh ooti n g on page 1 0.
I n m an y cases you wi ll n ot be able to spen d
all your ch aracters ski ll poi n ts buyi n g your
ch aracters old profi ci en ci es. Feel free to spen d
your rem ai n i n g ski ll poi n ts on n ew ski lls.
M an y races get bon u ses to ski ll ch ecks, an d
h u m an s recei ve extra ski ll poi n ts. R evi ew you r
ch aracter s race descri pti on i n C h apter 2 of th e
P H before recordi n g you r ch aracter s fi n al ski ll
I f you run out of ski ll poi n ts before you ve
purch ased ski lls to m atch all your ch aracters
old profi ci en ci es, you don t n ecessari ly h ave to
gi ve up an y ski lls. You m i gh t wan t to con si der
spen di n g fewer ski ll poi n ts on som e of th e
ski lls. You don t h ave to buy every ski ll up to i ts
m axi m u m ran k, an d you can u se th e extra
poi n ts to buy m ore ski lls. I f your ch aracter i s
4th level or h i gh er, you m i gh t wan t to go back
to th e Abi li ty Score step an d i m prove your ch ar-
acters I n telli gen ce score, so you ll h ave a few
m ore ski ll poi n ts to spen d.
C h aracters wi th Secon dary Ski lls: I f you created
your ch aracter wi th th e 2n d E di ti on AD & D
rules an d you used th e secon dary ski lls rule,
your ch aracter kn ows on e or m ore versi on s of
th e C raft or Professi on ski ll.
C on verti n g T h i ef Ski lls: I f your ch aracter was a
th i ef or m em ber of an oth er class th at h ad th i ef
ski lls, you wi ll n eed to ch oose ski lls to replace
th em, as follows:
Ski lls represen t speci al kn owledge or abi li ti es
ch aracters h ave learn ed sk i lls were called
n on weapon profi ci en ci es i n th e 2n d E di ti on
AD & D gam e) . E ach ch aracter recei ves an allot-
m en t of ski ll poi n ts for purch asi n g ski lls.
C h aracters wi th N on weapon Profi ci en ci es: I f
you created your ch aracter wi th th e 2n d E di ti on
AD & D rules an d you used th e opti on al profi -
ci en ci es rule, you can use your ch aracters selec-
ti on of n on weapon profi ci en ci es as a sh oppi n g
li st for ski lls. Just purch ase ski lls si m i lar to your
ch aracters profi ci en ci es a li st follows . See
C h apter 4 of th e PH to determ i n e h ow m an y
ski ll poi n ts your ch aracter h as; C h apter 4 also
explai n s h ow to purch ase ski lls.
AD&D Nonweapon
Proficiency D&D Skill
Agriculture Profession (farmer)
Animal Handling Handle Animal
Animal Training Handle Animal
Artistic Ability Craft (any)
Blacksmithing Craft (blacksmithing)
Brewing Craft (brewing)
Carpentry Craft (carpentry)
Cobbling Craft (cobbling)
Cooking Craft (cooking)
Dancing Perform (dancing)
Direction Sense Intuit Direction
Etiquette Diplomacy
Fire-building Wilderness Lore*
Fishing Profession (fishing)
Heraldry Knowledge (heraldry)
Languages, Modern Speak Language
Leatherworking Craft (leatherworking)
Mining Profession (miner)
Pottery Craft (pottery)
Riding, Airborne Ride
Riding, Land-based Ride
Rope Use Use Rope
Seamanship Profession (sailor)
Seamstress/ Tailor Craft (sewing)
Singing Perform (singing)
Stonemasonry Craft (stonemasonry)
Swimming Swim
Weather Sense Knowledge (weather)
Weaving Craft (weaving)
AD&D Nonweapon
Proficiency D&D Skill
Ancient History Knowledge (history)
Astrology Knowledge (astrology)
Engineering Profession (engineer)
Healing Heal
Herbalism Profession (herbalist)
Languages, Ancient Speak Language
Local History Knowledge (history)
Musical Instrument Perform (musical
Navigation Profession (navigator)
Reading/ Writing See Skill Tips below
Religion Knowledge (religion)
Spellcraft Spellcraft
AD&D Nonweapon
Proficiency D&D Skill
Ancient History Knowledge (history)
Appraising Appraise
Blind-fighting Blind-Fight (feat, not a skill)
Disguise Disguise
Forgery Forgery
Gaming Profession (gambler)
Gem Cutting Craft (gem cutting)
Juggling Perform (juggling)
Jumping Jump
Local History Knowledge (history)
Musical Instrument Perform (musical
Reading Lips Read Lips
Set Snares Wilderness Lore*
Tightrope Walking Balance
Tumbling Tumble
Ventriloquism Perform (ventriloquism)
Warrior Group
AD&D Nonweapon
Proficiency D&D Skill
Animal Lore Wilderness Lore*
Armorer Craft (armorer)
Blind-fighting Blind-Fight (feat, not a skill)
Bowyer/ Fletcher Craft (bowyer)
Charioteering Handle Animal
Endurance Endurance (feat, not a skill)
Gaming Profession (gambler)
Hunting Profession (hunter)
Mountaineering Climb
I C reated M y C h aracter wi th a K i t. : T h e vari ous
ki ts from th e 2n d E di ti on AD & D gam e vary
greatly i n th ei r i m pact an d scope, but all are
essen ti ally li ttle ch aracter classes. I t can take a
li ttle fi ddli n g to fi t a ki tted ch aracter, but i t
can be don e.
Weapon Profi ci en ci es: I f th e ch aracters class
does n ot i n clude a weapon th at th e ki t requi res,
recom m en ds, or gi ves th e ch aracter for free, th e
ch aracter autom ati cally gai n s profi ci en cy i n i t
wi th out usi n g up an y feats.
N on weapon Profi ci en ci es: An y profi ci en cy
i n cluded i n a ki t descri pti on requi red, recom -
m en ded, or free) i s avai lable to th e ch aracter as
a class ski ll, even i f i t i s a cross-class ski ll for th e
ch aracters class or exclusi ve to an oth er class. I f
th e ch aracter h as i n suffi ci en t ski ll poi n ts to buy
all h i s ski lls, th e ch aracter m ust gi ve up som e
ski lls. E li m i n ate th e ski lls from th e recom -
m en ded li st before eli m i n ati n g ski lls from th e
free or requi red li sts.
Speci al B en efi ts an d H i n dran ces: T h e ch arac-
ter keeps an y speci al ben efi ts or h i n dran ces th e
ki t gran ts. E ach speci al ben efi t coun ts as on e of
th e feats avai lable to th e ch aracter. I f a ki t s
sp eci al ben efi t i s li sted i n th e P layer s
H an dbook as a ski ll, th e ch aracter m ust buy at
least 4 ran ks i n th e
ski ll an d select th e
Ski ll Focus feat for
th at ski ll.
I f a sp eci al
ben efi t i s
already li sted
in the Players
H an dbook as
a feat, u se
th e P H feat
d e scri p t i o n
rath er th an
th e d escri p -
ti o n g i ven
wi th th e ki t.
An y prerequi -
si tes th e feat m i gh t
h ave are wai ved for
th e ch aracter.
I f a sp eci al
ben efi t i s n ot
i n clu d ed i n
th e P layer s
H an dbook as
a feat, treat i t as a feat usi n g th e descri pti on
provi ded wi th th e ki t.
I f a speci al ben efi t i n cludes an abi li ty
from an oth er class, th e ch aracter sh ould
becom e m ulti class an d devote at
least on e quarter of h er levels
to th at class an d always at
least on e level) . T h e oth er
class i s always treated as a
favored class.
For exam ple, th e swash -
buckler kit from the C omplete
T h i ef s H an d b o o k allows th e
character to use a fighters T H A C 0.
I n th e D & D game, an 8th -level
swash bu ck ler ch aracter sh ou ld
becom e a fi gh ter/rogue wi th at
least two levels of fi gh ter.
B ecau se fi gh ter i s a
favored class for swash -
bu ck lers, th e ch aracter
does n ot suffer an y experi -
en ce pen alti es for h avi n g a
few fi gh ter levels.
OldThief Skill D&D Skill
Pick Pockets Pick Pocket
Open Locks Open Lock
Find/ Remove Traps Search (finding traps)
Disable Device
(removing traps)
Move Silently Move Silently
Hide in Shadows Hide
Detect Noise Listen
Climb Walls Climb
Read Languages Decipher Script
You can com p are you r ch aracter s old
percen tage score i n a th i ef ski ll to a D & D ski ll
bon us by di vi di n g th e old score by 5, roun di n g
down , an d subtracti n g 5 from th e result. For
exam ple, E scolran de was a th i ef wi th a D etect
N oi se score of 65%. T h at s about equal to a L i sten
bon us of +8 65 5 = 1 3, an d 1 3 5 = 8) .
T h i ef Ski ll T i ps: Wh en calculati n g your ch ar-
acters n ew ski ll bon uses, be sure to i n clude th e
m odi fi er for th e ski ll s key abi li ty. For exam ple,
a ch aracters Wi sdom m odi fi er n ow affects h er
L i sten ski ll.
R ogues an d bards n ow h ave exclusi ve access
to th e U se M agi c D evi ce ski ll see th e descri p-
ti on i n C h apter 4 of th e PH ) . T h i s ski ll i s si m i lar
to th e old abi li ty U se M agi cal Scrolls, bu t
appli es to alm ost an y type of m agi c i tem .
M an y of th e tradi ti on al th i ef ski lls h ave
becom e broader an d m ore useful. For exam ple,
th e Search ski ll n ow allows ch aracter to ran sack
areas for treasure, locate secret doors, an d even
fi n d footpri n ts. A careful readi n g of th e ski ll
d escri p ti on s sh ou ld reveal som e p leasan t
surpri ses.
M ost types of equipment work the same way they did
in older versions of the game. There are a few differ-
Weapons: Weapons no longer have different damage
ratings depending on the size of the target. I nstead,
they have varying abilities to inflict critical hits, as
explained in Weapons in C hapter 7 of the PH .
The game has new rules for two-handed weapons
and for fighting with two weapons. See C hapter 8 of
the PH for details.
I f the character has a weapon not listed in the PH ,
consult C haracter Troubleshooting, below.
E n cum bran ce: T h e old en cum bran ce rules h ave
been replaced by a si m ple system th at keeps
track of wh at a ch aracter can carry, depen di n g
on h i s si ze an d Stren gth score. See C arryi n g
C apaci ty i n C h apter 9 of th e PH for detai ls.
M agi c I tem s: M ost m agi c i tem s work th e sam e
way th ey always h ave. T h e M agi c secti on on
page 1 5 descri bes th e ch an ges.
Character Troubleshooting
T h i s secti on offers advi ce for deali n g wi th prob-
lem s you m i gh t en coun ter wh en con verti n g a
ch aracter.
M y C h aracter H as a Spell or M agi c I tem th at I s
N ot I n cluded i n th e N ew R ules. Substi tute a
si m i lar spell or i tem . Also see th e M agi c secti on
on page 1 5 for i n form ati on on con verti n g spells
an d m agi cal i tem s from older edi ti on s of th e
gam e.
M y C h aracter H as a Weap on th at I s N ot
I n clu d ed on th e C u rren t Weap on L i st.
Substi tute a si m i lar weapon of th e sam e type
an d si ze for exam ple, substi tute a bastard sword
for a claym ore or katan a , or create stati sti cs for
th e weapon based on a si m i lar weapon from th e
Players H an dbook. For exam ple, an y weapon
th at i n cludes a rope or ch ai n probably works a
lot li ke a h eavy or li gh t flai l.
Whats New about Dual- and
Multiclassed Characters?
Characters With Multiple Classes: The
game no longer has two different systems
for handling dual- and multiclassed charac-
ters. All characters with more than one class
are called multiclass characters.
The multiclass option is available to char-
acters of any race.
A multiclass character advances in one
class at a time, choosing which class to
improve each time the character reaches a
new level. All class abilities the character
gains are cumulative, and characters level
is the total of all the levels the character has.
For example, a fighter/ wizard/ rogue level
3/ 3/ 3 is a 9th-level character. See Multiclass
Characters in Chapter 3 of the PH for
Class Level vs. Character Level: Class
level is the level a character has achieved in
any one class. Character level is the total of
all the levels a character has achieved in all
Whats New about THAC0 and
Armor Class?
Characters in the new game no longer have
THAC0s, and Armor Class now goes up
instead of down.
AttackBonus: Instead of a THAC0, a charac-
ter has an attack bonus that applies to the char-
acters attack rolls. If the result of an attack roll
equals or exceeds the targets Armor Class, the
attack succeeds and inflicts damage. To
compare THAC0 to attack bonus, subtract
THAC0 from 20. For example, if a character
created under the 2nd Edition AD&D rules has
a THAC0 of 18, she has about the same combat
ability as a D&D character with an attack bonus
of +2.
Armor Class: Now starts at 10 (the AC
value for a Medium-size unarmored charac-
ter) and goes up. There is no longer an upper
limit to Armor Class. To compare Armor
Classes between editions, take the earlier AC
and subtract it from 20. For example, if a char-
acter created under the 2nd Edition AD&D
rules has an ACof 5, she has about the same
resistance to attack as a D&D character with
an ACof 15.
use of th e ski ll sh ould be 1 0. I f
th e ch eck m od i fi er i s 0 or
lower, th e D C
for a rou ti n e
use of th e ski ll
sh ou ld be 1 5
or requi re an
opposed ch eck) .
I n th i s case, routi n e use i s a typi cal,
everyday use of th e ski ll, n ot som e-
th i n g outrageous, fan cy, or h eroi c.
For exam p le, trotti n g alon g a
sm ooth road on a h orse i s a
routi n e use of th e R i de ski ll.
Profi ci en cy D escri pti on : U se
th i s as you wou ld a sk i ll
d escri p ti on . T h e D M wi ll
h ave to deci de wh eth er
th e sk i ll can be u sed
u n trai n ed , wh eth er
retri es are possi ble,
an d h ow lon g i t
tak es to u se th e
ski ll. T h e best way to set th ese detai ls i s
to com pare th e profi ci en cy wi th a si m i -
lar ski ll from th e PH .
For exam p le, th e B eggi n g
p ro fi ci en cy fro m th e
C o m p l e t e T h i e f s
H an dbook works som e-
th i n g li ke th e B luff an d
G ath er I n form ati on
ski lls, wi th a li ttle bi t
of th e D i sgui se ski ll
th rown i n . I n fact, i f
th e ch aracter h as B luff
an d D i sgui se, sh e proba-
bly d oesn t n eed
an oth er ski ll to beg.
I t s p ro b ab ly b est
to treat si m p l e
attem pts at pan h an -
dli n g E xcuse m e,
si r, spare a coi n for an
o rp h an ? ) as B l u ff
attem p ts.
I C an t F i n d a Ski ll T h at M atch es an O ld
Profi ci en cy. An y n on weapon profi ci en cy from
an earli er edi ti on can be used as a ski ll. Fi rst,
m ake sure th e profi ci en cy i n questi on h as n ot
becom e a feat or been i n cluded i n an oth er ski ll
see Ski lls on page 8 for detai ls . H ere s h ow to
use a profi ci en cy as a ski ll:
Profi ci en cy G roup: T h i s determ i n es wh o can
buy th e ski ll h as a class ski ll.
G en eral G roup: An y ch aracter can buy th e
profi ci en cy as a class ski ll.
Pri est G roup: C leri cs, drui ds, paladi n s, an d
ran gers can buy th e profi ci en cy as a class ski ll.
R ogue G roup: B ards an d rogues can buy th e
profi ci en cy as a class ski ll.
Warri or G rou p : B arbari an s, fi gh ters,
paladi n s, an d ran gers can buy th e profi ci en cy as
a class ski ll.
Wi zard G roup: B ards, sorcerers, an d wi zards
can buy th e profi ci en cy as a class ski ll.
Slots R equ i red : T h i s n o lon ger ap p li es.
C h aracters pay 1 ski ll poi n t per ran k for class
ski lls an d 2 ski ll poi n ts per ran k for cross-class
ski lls.
R elevan t Abi li ty: T h i s becom es th e ski ll s key
abi li ty. I f m ore th an on e relevan t abi li ty i s li sted,
th e player pi cks on e wh en fi rst purch asi n g th e
ski ll an d uses th at abi li ty as th e key abi li ty
wh en ever th e ch aracter uses th e ski ll.
I f th e relevan t abi li ty i s li sted as N A n ot
appli cable) , treat th e profi ci en cy as a feat.
C h eck M od i fi er: T h i s n o lon ger ap p li es.
Wh en th e ch aracter uses th e ski ll, th e D M sets
a D i ffi culty C lass for th e task as descri bed i n
C h apter 4 of th e PH an d C h apter 3 of th e D M G .
You can use th e ch eck m odi fi er as a gen eral
gui de to h ow h ard th e ski ll i s to use. I f th e ch eck
m odi fi er i s +1 or h i gh er, th e D C for a routi n e
Whats New about Saving
Characters still attempt saving throws to avoid the
ill effects of hostile magic and other forms of
nastiness, but the procedures are slightly differ-
SavingThrowCategories:There are now only
three categories of saving throws: Fortitude,
Reflex, and Will. See Saving Throws in Chapter
8 of the PH for details.
Saving Throw Bonuses and Difficulty:
Characters no longer have flat saving throw
numbers. Instead, a character has a bonus or
penalty that applies to the saving throw roll.
To succeed, a saving throw result has to
equal or exceed the saving throws Difficulty
You can compare a saving throw number
from an earlier edition of the D&D or AD&D
game to a saving throw bonus by taking the
saving throw number from the earlier edition
and subtracting it from 15.
Compare Fort i t ude saves t o
Paralyzation/ Poison/ Death Magic saves. For
example, a 5th-level fighter created under the
2nd Edition AD&D rules has a Paralyzation
save of 11. Thats about equal to a Fortitude
save bonus of +4.
CompareReflexor Will saves to Spell saves. For
example, a5th-level fighter created under the2nd
Edition AD&D rules has aSpell saveof 14. Thats
about equal to aReflexor Will bonus of +1.
Whats New about Spells?
Spells remain a potent weapon and useful
tool. Significant changes include:
ArcaneandDivineSpells: Spells are now
divided into two broad categories.
Wizards, bards, and a few other types of
characters wield arcane spells. Characters
need specialized knowledge or natural
talent to use arcane spells. Armor tends to
interfere with the complex gestures and
motions required to cast an arcane spell.
A divine spell depends on the casters
piety or dedication to some greater power.
Armor does not interfere with the casting of
divine spells as it does with arcane spells.
Concentration: Casting a spell remains a
mentally demanding task, but distractions
such as suffering damage in combat no
longer mean a spell is automatically lost.
See Chapters 8 and 10 of the PH for details.
Spell Preparation: Characters no longer
memorize their spells but prepare them
ahead of time. Characters need not prepare
their full daily limit at once. They can hold
back some of their spell capacity until they
know what the day will bring. See Chapter 10
of the PH for details.
Whats Newabout Character Classes?
Your characters class still determines everything
from fighting abilityand Hit Diceto spellcasting abil-
ityand saving throws. Significant changes include:
Ability Bonuses and Penalties: Ability scores
now affect characters of all classes in the same
way. For example, there is no cap on any charac-
ters bonus hit points from a high Constitution
score. All spellcasting classes get bonus spells,
though the ability score that governs bonus
spells varies from class to class.
Bards: Bards now have their own spell list,
which includes cantrips (0-level spells). The
bards ability to produce magical effects through
song has been expanded.
Clerics and Priests: All priest characters
(except druids) are called clerics in the new
game, and all clerics use the same basic spell
list. All cleric characters gain extra spells and
granted abilities for their domains (formerly
called spheres). See Cleric in Chapter 3 of the PH
for details. The cleric spell list now includes 8th-
and 9th-level spells and orisons (0-level spells).
Clerics still have power over the undead, but
rules governing the power have changed. See
Turn and Rebuke Undead in Chapter 8 in the PH
for details.
Druids: The druid spell list also includes 8th-
and 9th-level spells and orisons (0-level spells).
HitDice:All classes now gain a new Hit Die at
each level from 1 to 20.
New Classes: The barbarian, monk, and
sorcerer classes have been added to the game.
See Chapter 3 of the PH for details.
MultipleAttacks: All types of characters gain
the ability to attack multiple times each round.
See Table 31 in the PH and the accompanying
text for details.
Thieves: The thief class is now called the
rogue class. Rogues still have numerous special
abilities (from picking pockets to climbing
walls), but these have been incorporated into a
universal skill system. See Rogue in Chapter 3
and Skills in Chapter 4 of the PH for details.
The thiefs backstab ability has been replaced
by the more versatile sneak attack ability, and the
thiefs ability to read scrolls has been expanded
into the more versatile Use Magic Device ability.
Wizards: The wizard spell list now includes
cantrips (0-level spells). Specialist wizards are
free to choose their opposition schools.
m en t for reach i n g th e n ext level. For exam -
ple, For exam ple, E scolran de i s an 8th -level
fi gh ter/9th -level wi zard /9th -level th i ef
created usi n g th e 2n d E di ti on AD & D rules.
To adjust E scolran des experien ce total, you
would base your calculation s on th e wizard
class because i t took m ore experi en ce to
becom e a 1 0th -level wizard th an to becom e a
1 0th -level th ief.
Spells an d m agi c i tem s rem ai n an i m portan t
part of th e D & D gam e. M ost popular spells
an d i tem s h ave been i n cluded i n th e PH an d
D M G or can be con verted to th e n ew rules
wi th m i n i m al effort.
Renamed Spells
T h e followi n g spells h ave n ew n am es i n th e
n ew edi ti on . T h e n ew n am es often reflect
ch an ges to th e way th e spells work or si m ply
better reflect th e wh at th e spells do:
OldSpell Name NewSpell Name
AbiDalzimshorrid Horridwilting
Animal summoningI Summon natures
Animal summoningII Summon natures
Animal summoningIII Summon natures
Anti-animal shell Antilifeshell
Anti-magicshell Antimagicfield
Armor Magearmor
Astral spell Astral projection
Audibleglamer Ghost sound
Bind Animaterope
Blindness Blindness/deafness
Cantrip Prestidigitation
Causecritical wounds Inflict critical
Causedisease Contagion
Causelight wounds Inflict light wounds
Causeseriouswounds Inflict serious
Charmpersonor mammal Charmperson or
Clairaudience Clairaudience/
Clairvoyance Clairaudience/
Conjureearth elemental Planar ally
Conjureelemental Summon
monster V
Conjurefireelemental Planar ally
Continual darkness Deeper darkness
Continual light Daylight
Cureblindnessor deafness Removeblindness/
Curedisease Removedisease
Darkness, 15 radius Darkness
Descent into madness Insanity
Deafness Blindness/deafness
Death fog Acidfog
Demi-shadowmagic Greater shadow
Demi-shadowmonsters Greater shadow
Detect lie Discern lies
Detect invisibility Seeinvisibility
Domination Dominateperson
Enchantedweapon Greater magic
Endureheat/endurecold Endureelements
Ensnarement Planar binding
ESP Detect thoughts
Fogcloud Obscuringmist
Freeaction Freedomof
Giant insect Giant vermin
Holdundead Halt undead
Improvedphantasmal force Minor image
Infravision Darkvision
Invisibility, 10 radius Invisibilitysphere
Invisiblestalker Summon invisible
Item Shrinkitem
Locateanimalsor plants Detect animalsor
Lower water Control water
Magicresistance Spell resistance
Messenger Animal messenger
Monster summoningI Summon monster I
Monster summoningII Summon
monster II
Monster summoningIII Summon
monster III
Monster summoningIV Summon
monster IV
Monster summoningV Summon
monster V
Monster summoningVI Summon monster
I n an y case, B lu ff, D i sgu i se, an d G ath er
I n form ati on can all be u sed u n trai n ed , so
B eggi n g can as well. Worki n g an area for pocket
m on ey takes a day.
Prepari n g to go out beggi n g for a day requi res
1 d31 0 m i n utes of preparati on , just li ke th e
D i sgui se ski ll. To resolve th e attem pt, roll a
B eggi n g or B luff ) ch eck opposed by th e aver-
age Sen se M oti ve ski lls of th e people i n th e
place wh ere th e ch aracter begs. U se th e m odi -
fi ers from th e B eggi n g profi ci en cy descri pti on
as pen alti es to th e B eggi n g roll. Success bri n gs
en ough coi n for a day s com m on m eals an d
lodgi n g 2d8 sp) .
I Wan t a M ore Accurate XP Adjustm en t. T h e
C h aracter E xperi en ce secti on offers a qui ck
m eth od for adjusti n g a ch aracters experi en ce
total, but i t s n ot parti cularly accurate. I f you
don t m i n d doi n g a li ttle m ath , you can calculate
h ow close th e ch aracter was to reach i n g th e
n ext level an d place th e ch aracter about th e
sam e di stan ce from th e n ext level i n th e n ew
edi ti on of th e D & D gam e. H ere s h ow to do so
for a si n gle-classed ch aracter:
1 . Tak e th e ch aracter s old exp eri en ce
poi n t total an d subtract th e m i n i m um
n um ber of X P n eeded to reach th e
ch aracters level on th e old table.
F o r exam p le, S i g retta i s a
7 t h -l evel fi g h ter
c re a t e d
u n der th e
2n d E d i ti on
AD & D rules;
she has 87,500
XP. T he min i-
mum X P Si gretta
n eed ed to
reach 7th
level was
64,000 X P .
87,500 64,000
= 23,500.
2. Subtract th e m i n i m um n um ber of X P n eeded to
reach th e ch aracters level on th e old table from
th e m i n i m um n eeded to reach th e n ext level.
For exam p le, S i gretta wou ld h ave n eed ed
64,000 X P to reach 7th level, an d sh e would
h ave n eeded 1 25,000 X P to reach 8th level.
1 25,000 64,000 = 61 ,000.
3. D i vi de th e n um ber you got i n step 1 by th e
n um ber you got i n step 2. I n Si grettas case,
23,500 61 ,000 = about .385.
4. Subtract th e m i n i m um n um ber of X P n eeded to
reach th e ch aracters level on th e n ew D & D
table from th e m i n i m um n eeded to reach th e
n ext level. For exam ple, Si gretta would h ave
n eeded 21 ,000 X P to reach 7th level an d n eeds
28,000 X P to reach 8th level. 28,000 21 ,000 =
5. M ulti ply th e n um ber yo u
g o t i n step 3 b y th e
n u m ber you got i n
step 4 an d round
down to th e n ear-
est wh ole
n u m ber. I n
S i g r e t t a s
case, .385
7,000 =
6. Add th e
n um ber you got i n step 5 to th e m i n i m um
n um ber of X P n eeded to reach th e ch aracters
level on th e n ew X P table. T h i s i s th e ch arac-
ters adjusted experi en ce total. I n Si grettas
case, 2,695 +21 ,000 = 23,695.
D u al-classed ch aracters: To adju st a du al-
classed ch aracter s X P total, follow th e steps
ou tli n ed above, u si n g th e ch aracter s acti ve
class. For exam ple, R atch ett i s a du al-classed
level 7/2 cleri c/wi zard, wh o was created u n der
th e 2n d E di ti on AD & D ru les an d wh o was
earn i n g experi en ce i n th e wi zard class. Wh en
ad ju sti n g R atch ett s exp eri en ce total, th e
calcu lati on s sh ou ld be based on th e old wi zard
class table.
M ulti class C h aracters: To adjust a m ulti class
ch aracters experi en ce total, base your calcula-
ti on s on th e ch aracters h i gh est class level. I f th e
ch aracter h as two classes wi th th e sam e level,
use th e class th at h as th e h i gh est X P requi re-
Web I/ E Conjuration
Whisperingwind Alt., I/ P Transmutation
Windwall Alt. Evocation
Wish C/ S Universal
Wizardeye Alt. Divination
Wizardlock Alt. Abjuration
Wizardmark Alt. Universal
Wraithform* Alt., I/ P Transmutation
Key: Alt. =Alteration; I/P =Illusion/Phantasm;
E/C =Enchantment/Charm;
C/S =Conjuration/Summoning;
Abj. =Abjuration; Nec. =Necromancy;
I/E =Invocation/Evocation; Div. =Greater Divination
*Thespell hasalsobeenrenamed. Seethelist of renamed
Converting Old Spells
I t s usually fai rly easy to con vert an old spell to
th e n ew rules. H ere s h ow:
Sch ool: U su ally a sp ell s sch ool rem ai n s
un ch an ged. H owever, ch eck th e PH for a si m i -
lar spell an d assi gn th e spell th e sam e sch ool
for exam ple, h eali n g spells an d m ost wall spells
are n ow part of th e C on jurati on sch ool) . Som e
sch ools h ave n ew, si m pli fi ed n am es, as follows:
OldSchool Name NewSchool Name
Abjuration Abjuration
Alteration Alteration
Conjuration/ Summoning Conjuration
Enchantment/ Charm Enchantment
Divination Divination
Greater Divination Divination
Lesser Divination Universal
Invocation/ Evocation Evocation
Necromancy Necromancy
S u b sch o o l an d D escri p to r: E arli er
versi on s of th e gam e di d n ot use subsch ool
an d descri ptors. T h e easi est way to assi gn th ese
i s to fi n d a si m i lar spell i n th e PH an d assi gn th e
spell th e sam e subsch ool an d descri ptor.
L evel: A sp ell s level u su ally rem ai n s
un ch an ged.
R an ge: C om pare th e spell s old ran ge
li sti n g to th e table below. I f th e spell h as a
ran ge th at vari es by level, use th e value for th e
m i n i m um level requi red to cast th e spell. I f th e
sp ell h as d i fferen t ran ges for i n d oor an d
ou tdoor casti n g, u se th e lon ger of th e two
ran ges.
OldRange NewRange
0 Personal
Touch Touch
030 yards Close*
31100 yards Medium
101+ yards Long
Unlimited Unlimited
Monster summoningVII Summon monster VII
Obscurement Obscuringmist
Part water Control water
Permanent illusion Permanent image
Phantasmal force Silent image
Programmedillusion Programmedimage
Protection fromevil 10 Magiccircleagainst evil
Repel insects Repel vermin
Resist fire/resist cold Resist elements
Restoration Greater restoration
Sertensspell immunity Greater spell immunity
Shadowmagic Shadowevocation
Shadowmonsters Shadowconjuration
Silence15 radius Silence
Slowpoison Delaypoison
Snakecharm Animal trance
Spiritual hammer Spiritual weapon
Spectral force Major image
Strength Bullsstrength
Succor Refuge
Transport via plants Treestride
Tree Treeshape
Turn wood Repel wood
Unholyword Blasphemy
Wizardeye Arcaneeye
Wizardlock Arcanelock
Wizardmark Arcanemark
Wraithform Gaseousform
Wizard Spells with New Schools
T h e wi zard spells li sted below h ave ch an ged
sch ools; spells th at on ce belon ged to m ulti ple
sch ools n ow belon g to a si n gle sch ool.
Spell Name Old New
horridwilting* Alt., Nec. Necromancy
Astral spell* I/ E Necromancy
Blindness I/ P Transmutation
Cloudkill I/ E Conjuration
Color spray Alt. Illusion
Dancinglights Alt. Illusion
Darkness, 15 radius* Alt. Evocation
Continual light* Alt. Evocation
Demand I/ E, E/ C Enchantment
Dream I/ E, I/ P Illusion
Enchantedweapon* E/ C Transmutation
Energydrain I/ E, Nec. Necromancy
Explosiverunes Alt. Abjuration
Eyebite E/ C, I/ P Transmutation
Fabricate E/ C, Alt. Transmutation
Falsevision Div. Illusion
Fear I/ P Necromancy
Fireshield I/ E, Alt. Evocation
Firetrap Abj., I/ E Abjuration
Fogcloud Alt. Conjuration
Guardsandwards I/ P, Alt., Abjuration
E/ C
Gust of wind Alt. Evocation
Holdportal Alt. Abjuration
Incendiarycloud Alt., I/ E Conjuration
Leomundssecret chest Alt., C/ S Conjuration
Leomundssecureshelter Alt., E/ C Conjuration
Leomundstinyhut Alt. Evocation
Light Alt. Evocation
Limitedwish C/ S, I/ E Universal
Magicmouth Alt. Illusion
Major creation I/ P Conjuration
Minor creation I/ P Conjuration
Miragearcana I/ P, Alt. Illusion
disjunction Alt., E/ C Abjuration
magnificent mansion Alt., C/ S Conjuration
Nightmare I/ E, I/ P Illusion
Otilukesfreezingsphere Alt., I/ E Evocation
Otilukesresilient sphere Alt., I/ E Evocation
sphere Alt., I/ E Evocation
Permanency Alt. Universal
Phantomsteed C/ S, I/ P Conjuration
Prismaticsphere Abj., C/ S Abjuration
Prismaticspray C/ S Evocation
Prismaticwall C/ S Evocation
Project image Alt., I/ P Illusion
Rainbowpattern Alt., I/ P Illusion
Rarystelepathicbond Alt., Div Divination
Rayof enfeeblement E/ C Necromancy
Readmagic Div. Universal
Scare E/ C Necromancy
Screen Div., I/ P Illusion
Sequester I/ P, Abj. Abjuration
Shadowwalk I/ P, E/ C Illusion
Shield I/ E Abjuration
Solidfog Alt. Conjuration
Stinkingcloud I/ E Conjuration
Stoneskin Alt. Abjuration
Succor* Alt., E/ C Transmutation
Symbol C/ S Universal
Tenserstransformation Alt., I/ E Transmutation
Tongues Alt. Divination
Wall of iron I/ E Conjuration
Wall of stone I/ E Conjuration
1 Savesfor half effect areReflexsavesunlessthespell has
someeffect other thaninflictingdamage. If so, it will bea
Will save.
2 Savestonegateaspellseffect areWill or Fortitudesaves. Will
savesapplytomental effects. Fortitudesavesapplytoeffects
that causethetargetsdeathor alteration(seetheSaving
ThrowssectioninChapter 10of thePH). If thespell ispart of
theIllusionschool, changeNeg savetoasavetodisbelieve.
3 VeryfewspellsinthenewD&D gameallownosaveat all.
If thespell hasarangeof Personal or Touch, leavea
None saveunchanged. If aspell hasarangegreater than
touch, allowasavetonegate.
Spell R esi stan ce: T h i s en try sh ould be Yes
un less th e spell does n ot produce a di rect effect
on th e reci p i en t. I f you h ave an y d ou bts,
com pare th e spell to a si m i lar spell from th e PH .
T h e secti on s on Spell R esi stan ce i n C h apter 1 0
of th e PH an d C h apter 3 of th e D M G also wi ll
be h elpful.
Spell D escri pti on : T h i s wi ll rem ai n largely
un ch an ged. Spells th at i n fli ct dam age accord-
i n g to th e casters level sh ould h ave dam age
li m i ts as sh own on th e table below:
Spell MaxDamage MaxDamage
Level1 (SingleTarget)2 (MultipleTargets)3
1 5 dice
2 10 dice 5 dice
3 10 dice 10 dice
4 15 dice 10 dice
5 15 dice 15 dice
6 20 dice 15 dice
7 20 dice 20 dice
8 25 dice 20 dice
9 25 dice 25 dice
1 For clericspells, usethelimit for aspell 1level lower. The
damagelimit for a1st-level clericspell is1die.
2 A single-target spell affectsonlyonetarget or hasitstotal
damagedividedamongmorethanonetarget. For example,
amagic missile spell candeliver 5diceof damagetoone
target; it canaffect morethanonetarget, but itsdamage
dicemust bedividedamongthem.
3 A multiple-target spell iscapableof inflictingfull damage
ontwoor moretargetssimultaneously. For example, a
fireball damageseverythingwithinitsareaof effect.
Spells You Shouldnt Convert
A few spells h ave been eli m i n ated from th e
gam e altogeth er. T h ese i n clude kn ow ali gn -
m en t an d an y arcan e h eali n g or curati ve spell.
Renamed Magic Items
T h e followi n g i tem s h ave n ew n am es i n th e
n ew ed i ti on . T h e n ew n am es often reflect
ch an ges to th e way th e i tem s work or si m ply
better reflect wh at th e i tem s do:
OldItemName NewItemName
Bracersof defense Bracersof armor
Cloakof displacement Cloakof minor
Cloakof protection Cloakof resistance
Elven chain mail Elven chain
Girdleof dwarvenkind Belt of dwarvenkind
Girdleof giant strength Belt of giant strength
Medallion of ESP Medallion of thoughts
Oil of acidresistance Potion of protection
Philter of glibness Potion of glibness
Philter of love Potion of love
Philter of persuasiveness Potion of charisma
Potion of clairaudience Potion of clairaudience/
Potion of clairvoyance Potion of clairaudience/
Potion of diminution Potion of reduce
Potion of extra healing Potion of cureserious
Potion of giant strength Potion of bullsstrength
Potion of growth Potion of enlarge
Potion of healing Potion of curelight
Potion of speed Potion of haste
Ringof fireresistance Ringof fireresistance
Ringof freeaction Ringof freedomof
Ringof protection Ringof deflection
Rodof passage Staff of passage
Rodof resurrection Staff of life
Scarabversusgolems Scarab, golembane
Staff of theserpent Rodof theviper
Staff of theserpent Rodof thepython
Staff of thunder and Rodof thunder and
lightning lightning
Staff of withering Rodof withering
*Somespellshaveeffectsthat radiateoutwardfromthe
castersbody. If so, thiswill bementionedinthespells
description. Insuchcases, convert therangetofeet and
leaveit otherwiseunchanged.
C om p on en ts: T h ese rem ai n u n ch an ged .
N ote th at an y m ateri al com pon en t th at i s n ot
con sum ed duri n g casti n g i s n ow called a focus.
D urati on : C om pare th e spell s old durati on
li sti n g to th e exam ples below. I f th e spell h as a
durati on th at vari es by level, use th e value for
th e m i n i m um level requi red to cast th e spell.
4 roun ds or less: 1 roun d/caster level.
5 rou n ds or m ore, bu t sti ll m easu red i n
roun ds: 1 m i n ute/caster level.
An y durati on m easured i n turn s: 1 0
m i n utes/caster level.
An y durati on m easured i n h ours
or days: N o change.
Perm an en t: U sually n o ch an ge,
bu t som e sp ells th at were p revi -
ously li sted as perm an en t are
actu al l y i n stan tan eo u s.
C om pare th e spell to a si m i -
lar spell i n th e PH to be
I n stan tan eo u s: N o
ch an g e.
Speci al: T h ese spells last
u n ti l som eth i n g sp eci al
occurs, such as th e caster
ceasi n g to con cen trate,
som e extern al effect tri ggers
th e sp ell, or th e su bject
m akes a savi n g th row. T h e
actual durati on i s explai n ed
i n th e spell descri pti on . Set
th e durati on by com pari n g
th e spell to a si m i lar spell i n
th e PH . I f you can n ot fi n d a
si m i lar spell, use th e old dura-
ti on as explai n ed i n th e spell s descri pti on .
C asti n g T i m e: I f th e old casti n g ti m e i s
less th an 1 roun d, th e spell s n ew casti n g
ti m e i s 1 acti on . I f th e old casti n g ti m e i s 1
roun d or m ore, th e casti n g ti m e i s un ch an ged
un less th e casti n g ti m e i s li sted i n turn s. I n th at
case, th e n ew casti n g wi ll be 1 0 m i n utes th e
n um ber of turn s i n th e old casti n g ti m e.
A rea of E ffect: T h i s u su ally rem ai n s
un ch an ged. T h e n ew edi ti on of th e D & D gam e
i s m uch clearer about h ow som e spells really
work, p arti cu larly sp ells th at affect on ly a
li m i ted n um ber of targets wi th i n an area i n stead
of everyth i n g wi th i n an area. C om pare th e spell
descri pti on to th e di scussi on of areas an d effects
i n C h apter 1 0 of th e PH . C om pari n g th e spell to
som eth i n g si m i lar i n th e PH wi ll also h elp.
Savi n g T h row: C om pare th e spell s old savi n g
th row li sti n g to th e table below:
OldSaveListing NewSaveListing
1/ 2 Half 1
Neg. Negates or Disbelief 2
None (Occurs rarely) 3
secti on s below on Abi li ty Scores an d Ski lls an d
Speed: M ulti ply th e creature s old m ovem en t
rate by 2.5 feet an d roun d up to th e n earest
m ulti ple of 1 0. I f th e creature also h as a cli m b-
i n g or swi m m i n g m ovem en t rate, th e creature
gets th e C li m b or Swi m ski ll free. I f th e creature
h as a flyi n g m ovem en t rate, you m u st also
assi gn i t a m an euverabi li ty class. See M ovem en t
i n th e I n troducti on of th e M M for detai ls on
swi m m i n g, cli m bi n g, an d flyi n g.
A rm or C lass: Su btract th e creatu re s old
Arm or C lass from 20; th i s i s th e creature s AC
for n orm al com bat. I n th e curren t rules, th e
Armor C lass entry also indicates how much of the
creatures AC comes from size, natural armor, and
D exterity. C alculate the creatures natural armor by
subtracting the D exterity m odi fi er, th e si ze m odi -
fier from the Size section in the I ntroduction of the
M M ) , and 1 0 more points from the normal AC value.
Attacks an d Attack B on us: L i st each of th e
creature s weapon s an d n atural weapon s alon g
wi th th e attack bon us th e creature h as for each .
T h e creature s base attack bon us depen ds on i ts
h i t di ce an d type; see th e Advan cem en t L i m i t
secti on i n th e I n troducti on of th e M M . T h e
creature s si ze, abi li ty scores, an d feats affect th e
attack bon us for each attack as descri bed i n th e
Attacks secti on i n th e I n troducti on of th e M M .
D am age: U se th e creature s old dam age li st-
Wandof earth andstone Staff of earth andstone
Wandof enemydetection Rodof enemydetection
Wandof fire Staff of fire
Wandof flame Rodof flame
extinguishing extinguishing
Wandof frost Staff of frost
Wandof magicdetection Wandof detect magic
Wandof metal and Rodof metal and
mineral detection mineral detection
Wandof negation Rodof negation
Wandof sizealteration Staff of sizealteration
Wandof wonder Rodof wonder
Converting Old Magic Items
I t s usually easy to con vert an old m agi c i tem to
th e n ew rules. H ere s h ow:
C aster L evel: Assi gn a caster level by deter-
m i n i n g th e m ost powerful spell-li ke abi li ty th e
i tem can produce an d fi n di n g th e lowest-level
wi zard i f th e effect i s arcan e) or cleri c i f th e
effect i s di vi n e) requi red to cast th e spell. I f th e
i tem h as n o spell-li ke abi li ti es, fi n d a si m i lar
i tem i n th e D M G an d gi ve your i tem th at caster
Prerequi si tes: C h eck C h apter 5 of th e PH to
deci de wh at feat i s n ecessary to m ake th e i tem .
T h e D M wi ll h ave to exam i n e th e i tem s powers
an d deci de wh at spells th ey resem ble m ost;
th ese spells becom e prerequi si tes for th e i tem .
M arket Pri ce: Fi n d two or th ree si m i lar i tem s
i n th e D M G an d assi gn your i tem a si m i lar
pri ce.
M agi c I tem N otes: H ere are som e gui deli n es
for speci fi c m agi c i tem s.
C loak of Protecti on : I n th e curren t rules, th e
proper n am e for th i s i tem i s cloak of deflecti on
an d resi stan ce provi di n g both a deflecti on
bon us to Arm or C lass an d a resi stan ce bon us to
savi n g th rows . Som e D M s m ay deci de to m ake
players ch oose between a cloak of deflecti on
AC ) or a cloak of resi stan ce saves .
G i rdles of G i an t Stren gth : T h ese i tem s h ave
becom e belts of gi an t stren gth . A gi rdle of h i ll,
ston e, or frost gi an t stren gth becom es a m i n or
belt of gi an t stren gth +4 to th e wearer s
Stren gth score) . A gi rdle of fi re, cloud, or storm
gi an t stren gth becom es a m ajor belt of gi an t
stren gth +6 to th e wearers Stren gth score) .
R ods, Staffs, an d Wan ds: All rods are i tem s
th at h ave un i que powers, n ot si m ply powers
th at dupli cate spell effects. All staffs are m ulti -
fun cti on i tem s th at store spells. All wan ds are
si n gle-fun cti on i tem s th at store spells. I f a staff
or wan d h as a un i que power, i t i s n ow a rod. I f a
rod or wan d from an older versi on of th e gam e
produces m ulti ple spell effects, i t i s n ow a staff.
I f a staff or rod can produce on ly on e type of
spell effect, i t i s n ow a wan d. R ods, staffs, an d
wan ds h ave a m axi m um of 50 ch arges.
Items You Shouldnt Convert
A few i tem s h ave been eli m i n ated from th e
gam e altogeth er. T h ese i n clude an y i tem th at
bestows a flat abi li ty score or arm or class.
Abi li ty boosti n g i tem s sh ould i n stead provi de
an abi li ty bon us of +2 to +6. Protecti ve i tem s
sh ou ld provi de an arm or, n atu ral arm or, or
deflecti on bon us of +1 to +6.
You n eed your D M s approval to use an y i tem
n ot i n th e n ew D M G .
T h e M on ster M an ual con tai n s th e m ost popular
creatures from earli er edi ti on s of th e gam e an d
i n cludes all th e creatures featured i n th e D M G s
ran dom en coun ter tables.
Converting Old Monsters
I f on e of your favori tes i sn t i n th e M on ster
M an ual, you can con vert an old m on ster to th e
n ew rules. H ere s h ow:
Si ze an d T ype: Si ze categori es from older
versi on s of th e rules do n ot m atch th e curren t
si ze categori es. Study th e old m on ster descri p-
ti on an d deci de h ow bi g th e creature really i s
th at i s, th e creature s actual h ei gh t, len gth , or
wei gh t) an d assi gn th e creature a si ze usi n g th e
i n form ati on on creatu re si zes i n th e
I n troducti on of th e M M .
Assi gn th e creature a type accordi n g to th e
i n form ati on on creatu re typ es i n th e
I n troducti on of th e M M .
H i t D i ce an d H i t Poi n ts: T h e n um ber of h i t
di ce rem ai n s un ch an ged. Assi gn th e creature a
h i t di e type appropri ate for i ts type. You ll fi n d
i n form ati on on h i t d i e typ e i n th e
Advan cem en t L i m i t secti on i n th e I n troducti on
of th e M M .
T h e creature s C on sti tuti on m odi fi er appli es
to each H i t D i e i t h as.
I n i ti ati ve: Assi gn th e creature an i n i ti ati ve
bon us based on i ts D exteri ty m odi fi er an d
possi bly th e I m proved I n i ti ati ve feat) . See th e
i n g, m odi fi ed by i ts Stren gth score as explai n ed
i n th e D am age secti on i n th e I n troducti on of
th e M M .
Speci al Attacks: U se th e speci al attacks li sted
i n th e creature s old descri pti on . I f a speci al
attack i s descri bed i n th e M M I n troducti on , use
th ose rules. I f th e speci al attack i s n ot descri bed
i n th e M M I n troducti on , fi n d a creature wi th a
si m i lar abi li ty i n th e M M an d use th ose rules.
Speci al D efen ses: U se th e speci al defen ses
li sted i n th e creatu re s old descri pti on . I f a
speci al defen se i s descri bed i n th e I n troducti on
of th e M M , u se th ose ru les. I f th e speci al
defen se i s n ot descri bed i n th e I n troducti on of
th e M M , fi n d a creature wi th a si m i lar abi li ty i n
th e M M an d use th ose rules.
C reatu res H i t O n ly by Si lver or M agi cal
Weapon s: T h i s defen se h as becom e th e dam age
reducti on defen se. T h e type of weapon th at
n egates th e dam age reducti on i s th e sam e as th e
weapon requi red to h arm th e creature i n th e
older versi on of th e gam e. Set th e dam age
reducti on at 1 0 poi n ts, or fi n d two or th ree si m i -
lar creatures i n th e M M an d gi ve th e creature a
si m i lar dam age reducti on .
M agi c R esi stan ce: T h i s i s n ow called spell
resi stan ce. D i vi d e th e old m agi c resi stan ce
n um ber by 5 an d add th e result to 1 1 to get th e
creature s spell resi stan ce score.
Savi n g T h rows: T h e creatu re s base save
bon uses depen d on i ts h i t di ce an d type. See th e
Advan cem en t L i m i t secti on i n th e I n troducti on
of th e M M . T h e creature s abi li ty scores an d
feats affect th e bon us for each save category.
Abi li ty Scores: L ook at two or th ree si m i lar
creatures from th e M M an d assi gn th e creature
si m i lar abi li ty scores.
I n gen eral, th e larger th e creature, th e h i gh er
i ts Stren gth an d C on sti tuti on scores sh ould be.
T h e faster th e creature m oves, th e h i gh er i ts
D exteri ty score sh ould be.
You can use th e creature s old I n telli gen ce
rati n g as a gui deli n e for setti n g i ts I n telli gen ce,
Wi sdom, an d C h ari sm a scores.
Ski lls an d Feats: T h e n um ber of ski ll poi n ts
an d feats th e creature h as avai lable depen ds on
i ts H i t D i ce an d type; see th e Advan cem en t
L i m i t secti on i n th e I n troducti on of th e M M .
Assume that any skill you choose for the creature
i s a class ski ll costi n g 1 ski ll poi n t per ran k) .
D escri pti on : U se th e old descri pti on .
C reatures th at Affect Surpri se: T h ere are n o
surpri se rolls i n th e n ew rules. I f th e creature i s
di ffi cult to surpri se, i t sh ould h ave a bon us to
Spot an d L i sten ch eck s an d a fai rly good
Wi sdom score) . I f th e creatu re i s good at
ach i evi n g surpri se, i t sh ould h ave a bon us to
H i de an d M ove Si len tly ch ecks an d a fai rly
good D exterity score) .
C li m ate/T errai n : T h i s u su ally rem ai n s
unchanged, but always use th e term s li sted in the
C limate/Terrain secti o n i n th e I n troducti on of
th e M M .
O rg an i zati o n , C h al l en g e L evel,
an d T reasure: Fi n d two or th ree
similar creatures in the M M
and assign the creature a
similar organization,
challenge level, and
A l i g n m en t: U se
th e old li sti n g.
A d v a n c e m e n t
R ange: M ost creatures
can double th ei r base
H i t D i ce.
Wizardsof the Coast, I nc.
P.O . Box 707
Renton WA 98057-0707
Wizardsof the Coast, Belgium
P.B. 2031
2600 Berchem
Your ch aracter is ready for the n ew DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game.
Are you ? You k n ow wh ere to start. Fi n d th e n ew
D & D P layer s H an d book wh erever you bu y gam es.
We ve m ad e th e C h an ge. N ow i t s you r tu rn .

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