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Monster of the Week Hunter Reference

Hunter Agenda
Act like you're the hero in this
story (because you are).
Make your own destiny.
Find the damn monsters and stop
Play your hunter like they're a real
The Basic Moves
Act Under Pressure (roll 2d6+Cool)
On a 10 you do what you set out to.
On a !"# the $eeper %i&es you a worse
outcome' a hard choice' or a price to pay.
On a miss' thin%s %o to hell.
Help Out (roll 2d6 +Cool)
On a 10 you %i&e them 1 on their roll.
On a !"# your help %rants them 1 on their
roll' but you also e(pose yoursel) to trouble
or dan%er.
On a )ailure' you e(pose yoursel) to trouble
or dan%er without helpin%.
Investigate A Mystery (roll 2d6+Sharp)
On a 10 hold *' and on a !"# hold 1.
+old can be spent to ask the $eeper one o)
the )ollowin% ,uestions-
What happened here?
What sort of creature is it?
What can it do?
What can hurt it?
Where did it go?
What was it going to do?
What is being concealed here?
On a miss' you re&eal some in)ormation to
the monster or whoe&er you are talkin% to.
.he $eeper may ask /how do you 0nd that
out12 in response to a ,uestion. 3) there's
no %ood answer' choose another ,uestion.
Kick Some Ass (roll 2d6+Tough)
On any success (i.e.' ! on more) you in4ict
harm on (and su5er harm )rom) whate&er
you're 0%htin%.
On a 10' choose one e(tra e5ect-
6ain the ad&anta%e- take 1
)orward' or %i&e 1 )orward to
another hunter.
3n4ict terrible harm (1 harm)
7u5er less harm ("1 harm)
Force them where you want them.
On a miss' you %ot your ass kicked instead.
Manipulate Someone (roll 2d6+Charm)
.his is used to %et people to do what you
want. 8ou'll need to %i&e them a reason to
do what you ask' such as a claim to
authority or promise o) a reward.
For a normal person-
3) you %et 10' then they'll do it )or
the reason you %a&e them.
On a !"#' they'll do it' but only i)
you do somethin% )or them ri%ht
now to show you mean it.
On a miss' your approach is
completely wron%- you o5end or
an%er the tar%et.
For another hunter-
On a 10 then they mark
e(perience and they %et 1
)orward i) they do what you ask.
On a !"#' they mark e(perience i)
they do what you ask.
On a miss' it's up to the hunter
how they )eel. 9ut they mark
e(perience i) they do not do what
you asked.
.his mo&e doesn't work on monsters
unless you ha&e another mo&e allowin% it.
Protect Someone (roll 2d6+Tough)
On any success (i.e.' ! on more) you protect
them okay' but you'll su5er some or all o)
the harm they were %oin% to %et.
3) you %ot a 10 choose an e(tra-
8ou su5er little harm ("1 harm).
All impendin% dan%er is now
)ocused on you.
8ou in4ict harm on the enemy.
8ou hold the enemy back.
On a miss' then you make thin%s worse.
Read A Bad Situation (roll 2d6+Sharp)
On a 10 hold :' and on a !"#' hold 1.
One hold can be spent to ask the $eeper
one o) the )ollowin% ,uestions-
What's my best way in?
What's my best way out?
Are there any dangers we haven't
What's the biggest threat?
What's most vulnerable to me?
What's the best way to protect the
3) you act on the answers' you %et 1
on%oin% while the in)ormation is rele&ant.
On a miss' you mi%ht mis"read the situation
or re&eal tactical details to your enemies.
Monster of the Week Hunter Reference
Use Magic (roll 2d6+Weird)
3) you %et a 10' the ma%ic works without
issues- choose your e5ect.
On a !"#' it works imper)ectly- choose an
e5ect and a %litch. .he $eeper will decide
what e5ect the %litch has.
On a miss' you lose control o) the ma%ic.
.his ne&er ends well.
Ma%ic ;5ects-
3n4ict 1"harm i%nore"armour
ma%ic ob&ious.
;nchant a weapon. 3t %ets 1 harm
and ma%ic.
<o one thin% that's beyond human
9ar a place or portal to a speci0c
person or a type o) creature.
.rap a speci0c person or monster.
;&ict a spirit or curse )rom the
person' ob=ect or place it inhabits.
7ummon a monster into the
>ommunicate with a somethin%
you do not share a lan%ua%e with.
Obser&e another place or time.
+eal 1"harm )rom an in=ury' or
cure a disease' or neutrali?e a
.he e5ect is weakened.
.he e5ect is o) short duration.
8ou take 1"harm i%nore"armour.
3t draws immediate' unwelcome
3t has a problematic side e5ect.
9y de)ault the ma%ic has one o) the e5ects
listed below' lasts )or around thirty
minutes' and does not e(pose you to
dan%er' unwanted attention' or side"
e5ects. 3) there's a %litch that mi%ht
.he $eeper may say castin% the spell needs
one or more o) the )ollowin%-
.he spell re,uires weird materials.
.he spell will take 10 seconds' :0
seconds' or 1 minute to cast.
.he spell needs ritual chantin%
and %estures.
.he spell re,uires you to draw
arcane symbols.
8ou need one or two people to
8ou need to re)er to a tome o)
3) you want ma%ic that %oes beyond these
e5ects' it counts as bi% ma%ic.
Big Magic
7ay what ma%ical e5ect you want to make
.he $eeper will determine what you need
to do )or this ma%ic spell. .he $eeper picks
some o) these-
8ou need to spend a lot o) time
(days or weeks) researchin% the
ma%ic ritual.
8ou need to e(periment with the
spell @ there will be lots o) )ailures
be)ore you %et it ri%ht.
8ou need some rare and weird
in%redients and supplies.
.he spell will take a lon% time
(hours or days) to cast.
8ou need a lot o) people (*' :' !'
1:' or more) to help.
.he spell needs to be cast at a
particular place andAor time.
Once the $eeper has speci0ed the
re,uirements' you =ust need to make them
happen and the ma%ic will %o ahead.
.here's no speci0c roll )or makin% bi%
ma%ic work' but you mi%ht need to succeed
on some other mo&es' like use ma%ic or act
under pressure' as part o) the process.
Markin% o5 a Buck allows you to-
<ecrease a wound you =ust
su5ered to 0 harm.
A)ter you roll the dice'
retroacti&ely chan%e the result to
a 1*.
Chen you take harm' the $eeper will tell
you what happened and how many points
o) harm it was. Mark o5 that number o)
bo(es on your harm track. .here mi%ht be
an additional e5ect- the $eeper will tell
you i) there is.
3n=ury se&erity depends on how much
harm you ha&e su5ered-
0"harm wounds ha&e only minor'
short term e5ects.
1": harm wounds are moderately
D"! harm wounds are serious and
unstable. .hey will %et worse
unless treated. Mark the
/Enstable2 bo(.
F"harm or more will kill a normal
human' includin% a hunter.
Gote that armour reduces the
harm su5ered by the number o)
points it is rated )or.

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