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1. Regular physical activity greatly reduces the chance of death from heart disease, which is the
#1 cause of death for women and men In the U.S.
2. Eercise lowers the ris! of getting dia"etes, hypertension, and colon cancer. #ancer is the #2
cause of death for men and women in the U.S.
$. %hysical activity delays the development of high "lood pressure. Stro!es are the #$ cause of
death for females and males in the U.S.
&. %hysical eercise improves mental health and strengthens muscles, "ones, and 'oints.
(. )omen and men of all ages "enefit from regular eercise. %eople must eercise $*(
,. Eercise reduces aniety, stress, and anger. #ardiovascular activity causes the "ody to release
endorphins which give a person a relaed, -well "eing- feeling.
.. Eercise helps a person to loo! younger than they are.
/. 0ero"ic eercise helps a person to "urn calories 1fat2 and lose weight. 1 in ( teenagers is
overweight. 1 in 2( teenagers have an eating disorder.
3 4eart disease can start in early childhood. #ardiovascular eercise can reduce cholesterol
levels and strengthen cardiac muscle. 0 person must get heart rate to or a"ove 1&5 "eats+min
15. Eercise is a prescription for loo!ing young6 E7ER#ISE***E08 RI948***:;<=8
S>;?E***E@I>I<08E S8RESS
11. In 133,, $$A of 0mericans were overweight compared with 2&A in 13/,. %ro'ected to "e
&5A in the year 255(, and &(A in 255.
12. 8he percent of 0merican adults who have "een diagnosed with dia"etes rose from 1,.,A in
133/ to ,.3A in 1333. :ia"etes !ills 1/5,555 0mericans each year. Inactivity can lead to
o"esity, which is tied to dia"etes.
1$. ;ver the past three decades, the percent of overweight children has dou"led. ;vereating is
not the only factor "ecause children are not as active as their parents $5 years ago.
1&. :octors have increasing evidence that heart disease ta!es root in childhood. >ore children
are o"ese and fewer eercise.
1(. %eople feel less anious after eercise, "ecause they get a time out from their usual cares and
1,. Regular aero"ic eercise !eeps the entire human machine in tune.
1.. 9et moving. 9et regular eercise to "alance calories from the foods you eat.
Why Exercise Questions
1. Eercise reduces aniety, stress, and anger. #ardiovascular activity causes the "ody to
releaseBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB which give a person a relaed, -well "eing- feeling.
2. 0ero"ic eercise helps a person to "urn calories 1fat2 and lose weight. BBB in BBBB teenagers is
$. Inactivity can lead to o"esity, which is tied toBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
&. ;ver the past three decades, the percent of overweight children has BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
(. :octors have increasing evidence that BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ta!es root in childhood.
,. %eople feel lessBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB after eercise, "ecause they get a time out from their
usual cares and worries.
.. Eercise lowers the ris! of getting
/. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB is the #2 cause of death for men and women in the U.S.
3. %hysical activity delays the development of BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.
15. Inactivity can lead to BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, which is tied to dia"etes.

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