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IC NO : 970219-10-6617

CLASS : 5 SN 1






Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Further Exploration




First and foremost, I would like to thank my Additional Mathematics teacher, En.Nasruddin as he gave
me important guidance and commitment during this project work. He has been a very supportive figure
throughout the whole project.

Not to be forgotten, I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents, Mr.Thamilarasu and
Pn.Uma, for supplying the equipment and money needed for the resources to complete this project and for
their continuous moral support.

Finally, I also would like to acknowledge to all my friends for helping me directly and indirectly to help
complete this project work.

Thank you.


Calculus is the broad area of mathematics dealing with such topics as instantaneous rates of change, areas
under curves, and sequences and series. Underlying all of these topics is the concept of a limit, which
consists of analyzing the behavior of a function at points ever closer to a particular point, but without ever
actually reaching that point. As a typical application of the methods of calculus, consider a moving car. It
is possible to create a function describing the displacement of the car (where it is located in relation to a
reference point) at any point in time as well as a function describing the velocity (speed and direction of
movement) of the car at any point in time. If the car were traveling at a constant velocity, then algebra
would be sufficient to determine the position of the car at any time; if the velocity is unknown but still
constant, the position of the car could be used (along with the time) to find the velocity.
However, the velocity of a car cannot jump from zero to 35 miles per hour at the beginning of a trip, stay
constant throughout, and then jump back to zero at the end. As the accelerator is pressed down, the
velocity rises gradually, and usually not at a constant rate (i.e., the driver may push on the gas pedal
harder at the beginning, in order to speed up). Describing such motion and finding velocities and
distances at particular times cannot be done using methods taught in pre-calculus, whereas it is not only
possible but straightforward with calculus.
Calculus has two basic applications: differential calculus and integral calculus. The simplest introduction
to differential calculus involves an explicit series of numbers. Given the series (42, 43, 3, 18, 34), the
differential of this series would be (1, -40, 15, 16). The new series is derived from the difference of
successive numbers which gives rise to its name "differential". Rarely, if ever, are differentials used on an
explicit series of numbers as done here. Instead, they are derived from a continuous function in a manner
which is described later.Integral calculus, like differential calculus, can also be introduced via series of


Born July 1st, 1646 in Leipzig, Germany,
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz soon became known as a
great philosopher, mathematician and physicist of
his time. At the young age of six, his father died.
Despite the tragedy, he continued the advancement
of his education. With only twelve years of age, he
managed to teach himself to read Latin, and by age
thirteen, he took upon the challenge of improving
Aristotles theory of categories. By age fourteen, he
entered the Leipzig University where he focused his
studies on law. Due to controversy, he did not
receive his doctorate in law from Leipzig, but
instead from the University of Altdorf. Following
this achievement, he moved to Nuremberg and became involved in the German political spectrum. As a
result of the patronage of his dear friend Baron Johann Christian von Boineburg, Leibniz served as the
legal adviser to the Elector of Mainz. When he was not fulfilling his duties as an adviser, Leibniz took
interest in Latin poetry and frequently studied Vergil and Platos works.

In 1672, Leibniz developed a strategic plan to distract Louis XIV away from Northern Europe with an
appealing scheme for the conquest of Egypt. Subsequently, he was invited by Boineburg to travel to Paris
and proposed it to the French government. There in Paris, nothing came of his plan, but he did receive the
opportunity to study geometry with Huygens. He described this experience as one that opened a new
world to him. Although he had already written various tracts on mathematics, this moment sparked a
deeper concentration in the mathematics world.

In 1675 Leibniz invented infinitesimal calculus, which is differential calculus and integral calculus
combined. He first published his system in 1684, while Newton invented his system for calculus in 1666
and published it in 1687. Although Leibniz developed his system independently of Newton, there was an
extensive dispute about whether Leibniz truly discovered calculus independently of Newton or whether
he had derived his ideas from Newton and simply invented a different notation. Today Leibniz along with
Newton is acknowledged for discovering infinitesimal calculus, and the product rule in differential
calculus is referred to as Leibnizs Rule. The notation Leibniz used for calculus is still used today. Those
symbols are dx for differentiation and for integration. Leibniz was also the first person to use a
period for multiplication and ~ in geometry for similarity.

Although a large portion of his life was spent in controversy and dishonor due to the continuous argument
over the true creator of calculus, Leibniz still contributed significantly to the world of philosophy,
physics, and more importantly, to mathematics. He died in Hanover, Germany in 1716 with seventy years
of age.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Born on 1st July
1646 in Leipzig,
His father died
when he was 6
Read Latin by
the age of 12
Entered Leipzig
University by the
age of 14
Served as the
legal adviser to
the Elector of
Aristotle's theory
by categories by
the age of 13
Became involved
in the German
Took interest in
Latin poetry and
studied Vergil
and Plato's works


Gottfried Wilhelm
Leibniz (History of
calculus in 1675
First published his
system in 1684
Newton invented
his system of
calculus in 1666
Newton published
his system in 1687
Invented a
different notation
for calculus
"dx" for
for integration
Also invented ~
in geometry for



A car travels along a road and its velocity-time function is illustrated in Diagram 1. The straight
line PQ is parallel to the straight line RS.

a) From the graph, find
i) The acceleration of the car in the first hour
When t = 0,
v = 60(0) + 20
v = 20
When t = 1,
v = 60(1) + 20
v = 80
Acceleration of the car in the first hour,
= 80km/h 20km/h
1 hour
= 60km/

ii) The average speed of the car in the first two hours
Average speed =total distance
total time
= 110km
2 hours
= 55km/h
b) What is the significance of the position of the graph
i) Above the t-axis?
The position of the graph above the t-axis shows that the car travels to its destination.

ii) Below the t-axis?
The position of the graph below the t-axis shows that the car travels in the opposite
direction, travelling back where it came from.

c) Using two different methods, find the total distance travelled by the car
Method 1: Area under graph

Area of A = x (20 +80) x 1
= 50km
Area of B = Rectangle B Right angle Q
= (80 x 1) ( x 80 x 0.5)
= 80 20
= 60km
Area of C = x (1.5 + 0.5) x 80
= x 2 hours x 80
= 80km

Hence, the total distance travelled by the car is:
= 50 + 60 + 80
= 190km
Method 2: Integration

Since PQ is parallel to RS, the gradient of RS is -160 too. Instead of using y=mx+c,
v=mt + c is used.
Substitute R (2.5, 0) into v = mt + c
0 = -160 (2.5) + c
c = 400

Hence, the equation of RS is v = -160t + 400

The gradient of TU is 160
v = mt + c
v =160t + c
Substitute U (4,0) into v = 160t + c
0 = 160 (4) + c
c = -640
Hence, the equation of TU IS v = 160t 640

Area of A =

= ( )

= [

= [

= [(

) ()] - [(

) ()]
= 50km
Area of B =

= []

= 80(1.5) 80(1)
= 40km

Area of C =

= ( )

= [

= [

= [ ] - [ ]
= 20km

Area of D =

= ( )

= [

= - 20
= ||
= 20km

Area of E =

= ()

= - 40
= ||
= 40km

Area of F =

= ( )

= [

= [

= [(

) ()] - [(

) ()]
= -1280 (-1260)
= - 20
= ||

So, the total distance travelled by the car is
= 50 + 40 + 20 + 20 + 40 + 20
= 190km
d) Based on the above graph, write an interesting story of the journey.

I bought a new Mercedes and proudly drove it off the showroom floor to take home. I attempted
to change radio stations and saw that theres only one station. I immediately turned and
accelerated back to the dealer.

Once at the dealer, I found the salesman and he told me that the car radio was voice-activated,
and that I would only need to state aloud the type of music that I wanted and the car would find it.

I got into the car and started the engine and then said the word "country," and the radio changed
to a station playing a George Strait song. I was satisfied and started home. After a while I decided
to try out the radio and said "rock 'n' roll;" the radio station changed and a song by the Rolling
Stones came from the speakers. Quite pleased, I continued driving.

A few blocks from my house, another driver ran a light causing me to slam on my brakes to avoid
a collision. I angrily exclaimed, "Ludicrous!"

The radio cut over to George Bush's press conference. I was hopeless over my sensitive voice-
activated radio and drove back home slowly.


Diagram 2 shows a parabolic satellite disc which is symmetrical at the y-axis. Given that the diameter of
the disc is 8m and the depth is 1m.

a) Find the equation of the curve y = f(x)

The parabolic satellite disc is symmetrical at the y-axis, the curve y, f(x) can be written as
y = ax + c. The curve y = f(x) cuts the y-axis at the point (0,4).
Substitute (0,4) into y =

+ c
y =

+ 4

Substitute point (4,5) into y =

+ 4
5 = a(

) + 4
a =

Thus, y = f(x) is now written as y =

+ 4
So, f(x) =

+ 4
b) To find the approximate area under a curve, we can divide the region into several vertical strips,
then we add up the areas of all the strips.
Using a scientific calculator or any suitable computer software, estimate the area bounded by the
curve y = f(x) at (a), the x-axis, x = 0 and x = 4.

y = f(x)
y =

+ 4
f(x) =

+ 4

First strip:
when x = 0, f(0) =

+ 4
f(0) = 4

Second strip:
when x = 0.5, f(0.5) =

+ 4
f(0.5) = 4.0156

Third strip:
when x = 1, f(1) =

+ 4
f(1) = 4.0625

Fourth strip:
when x = 1.5, f(1.5) =

+ 4
f(1.5) = 4.1406

Fifth strip:
when x = 2, f(2) =

+ 4
f(2) = 4.25

Sixth strip:
when x = 2.5, f(2.5) =

+ 4
f(2.5) = 4.3906

Seventh strip:
when x = 3, f(3) =

+ 4
f(3) = 4.5625

Eight strip:
when x = 3.5, f(3.5) =

+ 4
f(3.5) = 4.7656


Area of the first strip = 4m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the second strip = 4.0156m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the third strip = 4.0625m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the fourth strip = 4.1406m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the fifth strip = 4.25m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the sixth strip = 4.3906m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the seventh strip = 4.5625m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the eight strip = 4.7656m x 0.5m
= 2.3828

Total area = 2 + 2.0078 + 2.0313 + 2.0703 + 2.125 + 2.1953 + 2.2813 + 2.3828


Area of the first strip = 4.0156m x 0.5m
= 2.0078

Area of the second strip = 4.0625m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the third strip = 4.1406m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the fourth strip = 4.25m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the fifth strip = 4.3906m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the sixth strip = 4.5625m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the seventh strip = 4.7656m x 0.5m
= 2

Area of the eight strip = 5m x 0.5m
= 2.5

Total area =2.0078 + 2.0313 + 2.0703 + 2.125 + 2.1953 + 2.2813 + 2.3828 + 5


Area of the first and second strips = 4.0156m x 1m
= 4.0156

Area of the third and fourth strip s = 4.1406m x 1m
= 4.1046

Area of the fifth and sixth strips = 4.3906m x 1m
= 4.3906

Area of the seventh and eight strips = 4.7656m x 1m
= 4.7656

Total area = 4.0156 + 4.1046 + 4.3906 + 4.7656

c) i) Calculate the area under the curve using integration
Area =

= (

= [


= [

()] (0)
= 17

ii) Compare the area in c (i) with the values obtained in (b). Hence, discuss which diagram
gives the best approximate area.
The diagram 3 (iii) gives the best approximate area, which is 17.3124

iii) Explain how you can improve the value in c(ii)
The value in c(ii) can be improved by having more strips from x = 0 to x = 4, and
obeying the Trapezium Rule.

d) Calculate the volume of the satellite disc.
y =

= 16 (y 4)

= 16y 64
Volume =


= [

= [

= [(

) ()] - [(

) ()]
= 8


A gold ring in diagram 4(a) has the same volume as the solid of revolution obtained when the shaded
region in diagram 4(b) is rotated 360 about the x-axis.

a) The volume of gold needed

y = 1.2

y = 1

= (

= 1.44 +

= 1

Volume of gold needed
= (

dx -

= [

- []

= [

- []

= 0.5152 0.4
= 0.36191

b) The cost of gold needed for the ring.
(Gold density is 19.3

. The price of gold can be obtained from the goldsmith)

Gold density is 19.3

. Let r be the weight of the gold ring.


= 19.3g

= r g
So, r = 6.9849 g
Price of 1g of gold = RM 58.35

Finally, the price of 1g of gold x 6.9849g
= RM 58.35 x 6.9849g
= RM 407. 57


Derivatives we find-
The power rule is our tool.
We never ever whine
Cause math is really cool.
Related rates galore
And differentials too,
Looking for the tangent,
Solving the graph,
Finding the acceleration of a vehicle,
How could you say that add maths a bore?
When its taught by you-know-who?
Calculus, Calculus
You make our lives complete
Without learning calculus
Wed end up on the street.
To study for the test,
Wild parties are the key,
Then get a good nights rest,
And success youll surely see.
But if you do not pass,
Corrections are your friend.
So hit the books and go to class-
The fun will never end!
Thank you, Add Maths for introducing Calculus!

Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells


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