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James Chanos

By Mi l d 10- 7
British Home Secretary Theresa May stated, The simple
online form means there is no fee, there will be no requirement to
give biometrics or attend a visa application centre. Guidance will
be published at the Home Office website. Some visitors may still
prefer a long-term multi-entry visit visa and the facility to obtain
these visas will remain
In addition, Oman and Qatar nationals will also be able to
travel to the UK under the new facility, which will be extended to
Kuwaitis by next year. The Home Secretary also stated that
Britain is open for business and genuine visitors and tourists
coming here to enjoy world-class attractions, study or do business
are always welcome. From this more UAE visitors are expected to
visit the UK.

UAE nationals can travel to the UK without a visa from
January 1 next if they have an electronic visa waiver document.
This online application for the document must be made at least 48
hours before their flights and it must be presented to immigration
officers upon request on arrival and is valid for six months in a
single entry.

Visa-free for Emirates travellers
to the UK starting January 1
A chat wi th the
Crown pri nce
Three new Near-Earth asteroids has
recently been discovered, one has
gone off sight up until now.
Three new approachi ng
Asteroi d

20/12/13 Issue #1
The 5-day weather forecast
0% chance of rain
Wind at 24km/h WNW
Wed (Today) 11/12/13
Thursday 12/12/13
Fr i day 13/12/13
Saturday 14/12/13
Sunday 15/12/13
0% chance of rain
Wind at 16km/h SW
0% chance of rain
Wind at 18km/h E
0% chance of rain
Wind at 21km/h SSW
Mostly Sunny
0% chance of rain
Wind at 27km/h WSW
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 5:30pm
Moonrise: 1:24pm
Moonset: 1:20am
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 5:30pm
Moonrise: 1:24pm
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 5:30pm
Moonrise: 1:24pm
Moonset: 1:20am
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 5:30pm
Moonrise: 1:24pm
Moonset: 1:20am
Sunrise: 6:54am
Sunset: 5:30pm
Moonrise: 1:24pm
Moonset: 1:20am

20/12/13 Issue #1
Hi s Hi ghness Shei kh Mohammed bi n Rashi d Al Maktoum, Vi ce Presi dent and
Pri me mi ni st er of t he UAE and Rul er of Dubai ; General Shei kh Mohammed bi n Zayed Al
Nahyan, Crown Pri nce of Abu Dhabi and Deput y Supreme Commander of t he UAE Armed
Foreces, hel d a meet i ng wi t h Irani an Presi dent duri ng t hei r vi si ts t o I ran.

The meeting was held in Tehrain and mainly discussed about bilateral relations and ways to
straighten them. Sheikh Abdullah suggested that this is important to both countries and he wished for
a success in the new Iranian government.
The results of the meeting came out very successful. The Iranian president supports what the
Sheikhs had said and promised to help making this better. He also congratulated the UAE on winning
the World Expo 2020 bid.
The Sheikh later visited the new embassy building in Tehran with the presence of Iranian Foreign
Minister. They were welcome by UAE Ambassador to Iran Saif Mohammed Obaid Al Zaabi and the
embassy staff.

His Highness Iran visit
The Presi dent , Hi s Hi ghness Shai kh Khal i fa bi n Zayed Al Nahyan, wi t h I ran' s
forei gn mi ni st er, Mohammad Javad Zari f

20/12/13 Issue #1
Today we have recei ved a great
honour t o have a chance to i nt ervi ew
our bel oved Crown Pri nce, Hi s Hi ghness
Hamdan bi n Mohammed bi n Rachi d Al
Maktoum. He i s popul arl y known as
Fazza, t he name under whi ch he
publ i shes hi s poem. Shei kh Hamdan i s
t he second el dest son of Shi ekh
Mohammed bi n Rashi d Al Makt oum t he
current rul er of Dubai and the pri me
mi ni st er and Vi ce Presi dent of t he
Uni t ed Arab Emi rates and Shei kha Hi nd
bi nt Makt oum bi n Juma Al Makt oum.

He has told us that poems and sports
have played a major role in his life. This is
because his father Sheikh Mohammed has
encouraged all his children to make sports a big
part of their lives. Sheikh Rashid himself had
been famous at horse riding and skydiving, he
A chat with his highness the Crown Prince
also has a passion for camels, cars, and
traveling. Similar to his father, he is also well
known for his poetry, which are mainly romantic,
patriotic and usually relates to his family.

We have discussed several topics
with his highness, asking question about his
role as the crown princes of Dubai. Here are
some parts from the interview:

Q: What are you currently doing?
In my role as Crown Prince of Dubai and
Chairman of the Executive Council, I am
dedicated to supporting my father in every way. I
am working alongside him to ensure a
sustainable future for Dubai, enhancing our
global position as a financial, business and
tourism hub.

His Highness Hamdam bin Mohammed bin Rachid Al Maktoum

20/12/13 Issue #1
Q: Who is your inspiration/motivation?
My father is a constant source of inspiration, and I have
learned a huge amount from him. He has many qualities, not
least of which are wisdom and the ability to listen and weigh a
range of opinions before taking a decision. Respectful and
approachable, he is a humble man who cares both for his people
and for the wider world, and appreciates the importance of his
role and his responsibility to Dubai and the nation as a whole.
I would say it is from him that I get my sense of duty to
Dubai, the UAE and the broader region and to our people. It is
also from my father that I have acquired my pride in my fellow
Emirati citizens.
Perhaps most important, he has a vision for Dubai and the
determination, strength of will and character to pursue it.
Whatever difficulties we have encountered, nothing has swayed
him from the continued pursuit of this dream, not even a global
crisis. This is the mark of a great man, and his achievements are
there for all to see.
Thanks to His Highness, I have come to understand
leadership, and why it is important that we continue to strive to
achieve his vision. I believe I have inherited his determination to
achieve these goals. While there will surely be new challenges
ahead, I will draw on the strength of character he has given me to
overcome them.
My father wakes up every morning and asks: Whats next?
Whats new? What can we do differently and better? His
Highness has always embraced challenges, and that has inspired
me and all our people.

Q: Having yourself as the crown prince and your father as the
ruler of Dubai, what does the future hold for the UAE and Dubai?
The UAE will continue to evolve and develop, as will
Dubai he said. Also mentioned about what Dubai have achieved
during the last four decades. We will always seek to be a land
of opportunity, offering peace, stability and security. There is a
strategy in place- a vision that will continue the legacy of our
forefathers, and sustain our growth and development.
As a nation and a city, we look forward to the next 40 years with
the same determination, focus, courage and belief that have led
us to where we are today. he concluded.

A chat with his highness the Crown Prince (continue)
The Mall of the Emirates is the only
place you can enjoy a cold Christmas
in the middle of the dessert. It is
amazing though that we can create
such a thing in the middle of the
place where it never snows. Now it
has become reality, people of all
ages, race, nationality and gender
can all enjoy skiing here at the Mall
of Emirates.
A great pl ace to enj oy
ski i ng
The only place where you can
observe every inch of Dubai in just a
few second, a romantic place where
it feels just like heaven. The place
where you feel just like home and
feel proud of the ancestors who saw
Dubai like what we see it today.
The tal l est structure
on the pl anet

20/12/13 Issue #1
This 500-year-old frozen Incan mummy
known as The Maiden; was suffering from a
bacterial infection when she dies. This could
lead to new insights into diseases of the past.
In addition, the discovery could help defend
against new illnesses or the re-emergence of
diseases of the past.
The mummy was suffering from an
illness similar to tuberculosis when she was
sacrificed on the Argentinian volcano
Llullaillaco, 22,100 feet above sea level. She
was frozen in time for five decades until her
discovery in 1999.
Scientists used a new technique of
swabbing the lips and comparing the swab
with those of the current patients. This is the
first time a disease has been diagnosed in
such an ancient body.
Pathogen detection in ancient tissues
isn't new, but until now it's been impossible to
say whether the infectious agent was latent or
active, says Corthals.
Our technique opens a new door to
solving some of history's biggest mysteries,
such as the reasons why the flu of 1918 was
so devastating. It will also enhance our
understanding of our future's greatest threats,
such as the emergence of new infectious
agents or re-emergence of known infectious
diseases. The analysis was possible
because of the incredible preservation of the
mummy, which is so well-preserved there
were still lice in her hair.
The team swabbed the lips of two
Nadean Inca mummies, buried at 22,000-feet
elevation, both have originally been
discovered in 1999, and compared the
proteins they found to large databases of the
human genome.
They found that the protein profile from
the mummy of a 15-year old girl, called The
Maiden, was similar to that of chronic
respiratory infection patients, and the analysis
of the DNA showed the presence of probably
pathogenic bacteria in the genus
Mycobacterium, responsible for upper
respiratory tract infections and tuberculosis.
In addition, X-rays of the lungs of the Maiden
showed signs of lung infection at the time of

I t begi ns wi th the questi on: So, how
l ong have you been i n Dubai ?
But for those whove been here a year or two, the question marks
the start of a stand-offthe result of which determines who will be
permitted to reminisce and who must zip it and listen, because
nothing irks a Dubai resident more than being told how things work
by someone whos lived here less time.
I hate it when people who are new to Dubai give me advice about
how to live in the city keep your anecdotes for your friends back
home. Weve heard it all before.(see pg 9 for more)
Hands on experience: Living
in Dubai

Dubai, the most prestigious place to live. Yet
one of the most competitive and the most
expensive in the region..
Incan mummy frozen after human sacrifice
still has infection in lungs after 500 years

20/12/13 Issue #1
The doctors have been shaking their heads and saying
they sure don't look 500 years old but as if they'd died a few
weeks ago, said U.S. archaeologist and expedition member
Johan Reinhard at the time of the mummies discovery.
It is thought that the children were chosen by the Incas for
their beauty and sacrificed in a ceremony called a capacocha.
The Incas didn't do this very often, according to
The sacrifices were children because they were
considered to be the most pure.They were not sacrificed to
feed or pleased the gods but, rather, to enter the realm of the
gods and live in paradise with them. It was considered a great
honour, a transition to a better life from which they would still
be expected to remain in contact with the community through
shamans (holy men).

The Incas believed that by moving up to the snow-topped
heights of the mountains they could get closer to the heavens
and communicate better with the gods.

Detecting diseases in ancient remains is often filled with
difficulty, especially because of contamination. Techniques
based on microbe DNA can easily be confused by
environmental contamination, and they can only confirm that
the pathogen was present, not that the person was infected,
but the researchers behind the study, led by Angelique
Corthals of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City
University of New York, found a way around this problem.

They used proteomics, focusing on protein rather than DNA
remains, to profile immune system response from degraded
samples taken from 500 year-old mummies.

Proteomics, DNA, and x-rays from another mummy found
together with the Maiden did not show signs of respiratory
'Our study is the first of its kind since rather than
looking for the pathogen, which is notoriously difficult to do in
historical samples, we are looking at the immune system
protein profile of the patient, which more accurately tells us
that there was indeed an infection at the time of death.
Our study opens the door to solving many historical
and current biomedical and forensic mysteries, from
understanding why the plague of 1918 was so lethal, to
finding out which pathogen is responsible for death in cases of
multiple infections Corthals concluded.
Incan mummy frozen after human sacrifice still has infection in lungs
after 500 years (continue)
The trio - whose selection was a
great honour - were brought to the
summit of Mount Llullaillco in the
Andes which lies near the Chilean
border where they were put to
death in a ritual called capacocha

The tri o
The view from the summit of
Llullaillaco volcano where the
children were found. The children
were plucked from these slopes in
1999 by a team who battled for
three days through driving blizzards
and 70mph winds to reach the

Ll ul l ai l l aco vol cano

20/12/13 Issue #1
NASA reported that two new large near-Earth Asteroids have just been discovered in just a
week before as well as a third moderately large asteroid which surprisingly has gone undetected
until now. All of these can be classified as potentially hazardous because it can pass close
enough to the Earth, by which since 1983 has any Near-Earth asteroid been found as large as the
approximately 20-km size of the two new large ones. However, it is important to note that none of
these three new large near-Earth asteroids can come close enough to the Earth to represent a
near-term threat to our planet.
The first of the new large near-Earth asteroid discoveries is named 2013 UQ4, and it is
perhaps the most unusual. This approximately 19-kilometer (12-mile) wide object was spotted by
the Catalina Sky Survey on Oct. 23 when the asteroid was 435 million kilometers (270 million
miles) away from Earth. Not only is this object unusually large, it follows a very inclined, retrograde
orbit around the Sun, which means that it travels around the Sun in the opposite (unusual)
direction of all the planets and the vast majority of asteroids. The only objects usually found in
retrograde orbits are comets, which suggests that 2013 UQ4 may be the remains of an old comet
that no longer possesses the near-surface ices required for it to become active while near the Sun,
it no longer shows comet-like activity.
The second very large near-Earth object, named 2013 US10, was discovered on October
31 by the Catalina Sky Survey. While the reflectivity of this object has not yet been determined,
and although its diameter is still uncertain, it is also likely to be about 20 kilometers (12 miles) in
size. Only three near-Earth asteroids (1036 Ganymed, 433 Eros and 3552 Don Quixote) are of
comparable size or larger.
The delay in discovering 2013 UQ4 is more easily understood because it has a very long
orbital period that has kept it out of the Earth's neighborhood for centuries. But the delayed
discovery of 2013 US10 is a bit harder to explain, since current population models suggest that
almost all near-Earth asteroids of this size and orbit should have already been found. It may be
that this object's orbit does not allow it to get closer than 80 million kilometers (50 million miles) of
the Earth's orbit, so the asteroid seldom gets close enough to the Earth to become easily
detectable. However, NASA-supported telescopic surveys are now covering more sky and looking
"deeper" than they ever have before, and in fact, 2013 US10 was first detected where it spends
much of its time, well beyond the orbit of Jupiter.
The third of the recent discoveries is the approximately two-kilometer near-Earth asteroid
2013 UP8, found on October 25 by the Pan-STARRS group in Hawaii. This asteroid can come
quite close to the Earth's orbit, within 5.5 million kilometers (3.4 million miles), which makes it a
"potentially hazardous asteroid" (PHA). 2013 UP8 is in the top 5th percentile of the largest PHAs,
most of which were found much earlier during NASA's asteroid survey program. Like the other new
discoveries, this asteroid has gone undetected for a long time because it has not approached the
Earth closely for decades. But the increasingly capable NASA-supported asteroid surveys finally
found this object while it was still at a large distance from the Earth, well beyond the orbit of Mars.
Source: NASA.

Three Large Near-Earth Objects surprisingly

20/12/13 Issue #1
..Everything changes so fast in the UAE that its often the
newcomers who are the most up-to-date with new roads,
current procedures and updated laws, while the old-
timers are stuck in the sinking sand of what used to be.
Some of the worst conversations, though, are not between
old-timers and newbies, but between two or more old-timers. One-
upmanship phrases as they jostle for position include: I used to
love camping on Chicago Beach; Well, I remember when the Trade
Centre was the tallest building in Dubai and Oh yes, but do you
remember when the road to Abu Dhabi was nothing more than a
sand track?..
Hands on experience: Living
in Dubai (con.)
If youre ever lucky enough to overhear one
of these stand-offs at a party, pour yourself a
long, cold drink, sit back and enjoy!
Teens Advice: 9 steps to successfully fake
being sick

Steps 1: Be sure t hat t hi s i s what you real l y want t o do. If you're not 100% sure that
you can follow all the other tips, don't do it. You have to be sure you can succeed or you'll be in trouble.

Steps 2: Choose the i l l ness you want to fake. A lot of parents are trained expertly in
detecting children and teens who fake sick. Make sure that the sickness is not measurable by your
Have you ever felt like you have too much homework and couldnt get it done on time? For
example, you have tons of essay plus a book report and a project due tomorrow but you havent
even started it yet. You just need one more day to get it finished and feel like you need to
convince your parents that you are sick to get one day off from school. If this is you then this is
what you have to do!

20/12/13 Issue #1

Steps 3: Begi n at about 6:30 PM the day before. Show only light symptoms here, then
continue your feigned illness in the morning with stronger symptoms.

Steps 4: Make them t hi nk you' re wi l l i ng t o go t o school . Use phrases like 'I want to try
and go but I really don't feel well enough'. Make them feel sorry for you and make them think that giving

Steps 5: Be consi stent. The majority of people often feel worst in the morning and the
evening when they're sick, and brighten up a little around the middle of the day or early afternoon.
Follow this pattern if you don't know when you feel best or worst when you're sick. If you know when you
usually feel best, then follow that.

20/12/13 Issue #1

Steps 6: Get your work done! As stated previously, this method should only be used when
you really NEED a day at home to finish a major project or essay. If you don't get your work done, then
you've still got work to do and extra things to learn from the lessons you missed on your day off.

Steps 7: Never, ever tel l . You may be able to tell your best friend if you think they're
trustworthy enough not to tell anyone. Never tell your parents, not even in twenty years' time.

Steps 8: Do not t ry t o get two consecut i ve days off. The examples of fake sickness
listed previously will probably get you one day off. If you get greedy and try for two, your parents may get
suspicious and threaten to take you to the doctor. Your parents will find out that nothing is wrong with
you and trouble will await you!

Steps 9: Try and change the col or i n your f ace. Put some make up on or rub something
that will make you pale. It will look like you have a cold.

20/12/13 Issue #1
Fun and Games
3. the junction between arm and forearm
5. a flexible connective tissue found in many areas in the
8. the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet, typically used in a
naming sequence
9. pertaining to two (both) sides
11. to raise up
13. the chest
1. brain
2. a blood vessel carrying blood towards the heart
4. a mouth
5. very thin blood vessel
6. the belly, the part of the trunk between thorax and the
7. produces pancreatic juice
9. a branch of the trachea
10. a basin, hence any small hollow
12. a blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart
Anatomy Crossword

20/12/13 Issue #1


3. the junction between arm and forearm
5. a flexible connective tissue found in many areas in the
8. the 3rd letter of the Greek alphabet, typically used in a
naming sequence
9. pertaining to two (both) sides
11. to raise up
13. the chest
1. brain
2. a blood vessel carrying blood towards the heart
4. a mouth
5. very thin blood vessel
6. the belly, the part of the trunk between thorax and the
7. produces pancreatic juice
9. a branch of the trachea
10. a basin, hence any small hollow
12. a blood vessel carrying blood away from the heart
Anatomy Crossword
v e l b o w
e r r
c a r t i l a g e a
p a n b b l
g a m m a p d r
n i o u
c l m m
r l e
b i l a t e r a l n
r l a r
o v s y
n e
c o
h e l e v a t e
u u r
s s t
t h o r a x

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